Glory C - 2090224 | A study on coloring parameters and topological indices of graphs / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Thomas, Ellumkalayil Merlin - 1881508 | A study on defective colouring of graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Description:If different technology represent distinct colours that are to be located on some geographical region which can be represented as vertices of a graph, then the proper colouring is obtained when no two technology of same type share a common edge between the vertices they are placed on. The minimum technology required for such a colouring of a graph is the chromatic number of the graph. However, if the available technology are less than that of the minimum required, then the question arises on how to place the technology on the vertices of a graph in such a way that there is a minimum adjacency between the technology of same type. The solution for this problem can be attained by defining certain rules for the properness of colouring in which a few thresholds are tolerated. We know that, in a proper colouring every colour class is an independent set. If the available colours to colour a graph is less than that of the chromatic number of graphs, then a threshold that can be tolerated is permitting few colour classes to be non-independent set. An edge uv is said to be a monochromatic edge or bad edge if the colours assigned to both u and v are the same. [show more]
James Joseph - 2071505 | A study on dominating functions in signed graphs / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Mathias, Anisha Jean - 1881503 | A study on domination in signed graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Priyanka Pandey - 1740090 | A study on graph colouring with distance constraints / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Joseph, Mayamma - 0944304 | A study on induced path decompositions of graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Description:A graph is a discrete structure consisting of a set of objectscalled vertices and another set of objects called edges depicting the relationship between pairs of vertices. Therefore, graphs serve as effective models to study networks of all types such as computer networks, telecommunication networks and social networks. The concept of a graph possesses the unique combination of features like simplicity, visibility, beauty, clarity, elegance and effectiveness
in studying problems dealing with network structures. It might be a simple structure like that of an organizational structure in a college, a complex structure like the world wide web (www) or just an abstract structure consisting of objects that are inter-connected according to some rule. [show more]
Divya Antoney - 1881507 | A study on labeling problems in signed graphs / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Sabitha Jose - 1942078 | A study on near proper coloring of graphs /
| PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
R, Sangeetha. - 1140102 | A study on operational efficiency of scheduled commercial banks in India / | PhD | Commerce |
Nithya, L Philo - 1740088 | A study on partial domination in graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Description:The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parameter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V,E) and for a p ∈ (0,1], a subset S of V(G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| ≥ p|V(G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by γp(G). In scenarios wherein domination concepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added advantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some properties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the context of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal γp-fixers and universal γp-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal γ 1 2 - fixers and universal γ 1 2 - doublers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial
domination, which we call as ‘partial domination chain’. [show more]
John Joy - 1942070 | A study on restrained geodetic domination in graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Namgha, Tenzin - 1041801 | A study on socio-economics impact of remittances on forward migrants household of the Tibetan refugees in India / | PhD | Economics |
Type:PhD Subject:Economics |
Description:Migration and Development is an agenda of every country’s economic policy in recent time. Migration has been linked to the flow of remittances influencing socio-economic development particularly of developing countries. Studies on remittances have also reflected its positive side having potential effect at all levels including micro (households), macro (country) and meso (community) levels. The existing literature on remittance manifested the prominent role of remittance in enhancing livelihood of receiving households. Empirical study conducted on developing economies concluded that households receiving remittances are better off than those of non-receiving households. [show more]
Rohith Raja M - 1840083 | A study on some eccentricity related problems in graphs / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Ghatak, Anirban - PHMM0940001 | A study on the capital structure and sources of finance of SMEs in India | PhD | Management |
Type:PhD Subject:Management |
Description:Growth of the corporate sector is important in the process of economic development. Apart from big industries, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs from now on) also contribute to the expansion of the directly productive sector in the economy, generating tax revenue for the government, helping poverty reduction through fiscal transfers and creation of income from employment as well as ownership of firms. It is imperative for SMEs in developing countries to be able to finance their activities and grow over time if they are to play an increasing role in providing employment and income in terms of wages to households, profits, as well as dividends to investors. [show more]
S, Usha - 1240106 | A study on the impact of foreign investment in infrastructure sector in India / | PhD | Commerce |
Type:PhD Subject:Commerce |
Description:The growth of an economy is determined by the amount of investment made or the capital created in the economy. Capital creation happens when the economy has excess of income over expenditure, in other words, savings. Foreign Investment is a good source of fund for developing economies whose savings is low. [show more]
Mathemera, Philip. - 1140013 | A study on the prospects of zimbabwe fertilizer industry for a sustainable market match / | PhD | Management |
Type:PhD Subject:Management |
Libin Chacko Samuel - 1881510 | A study on upper domatic number and its variants in graphs | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Begum, Thatheera - 1244902 | A study on work engagement of secondary school teachers in relation to their psychological well-being, leadership behaviour of principals and organizational health / | PhD | Education |
Type:PhD Subject:Education |
Description:Organizational success is determined by work engagement and psychological well-being of the workforce. Efficient leadership and a healthy teaching environment determine the professional conduct of school teachers. Work engagement not only reflects teachers’ performance but also implies the performance of pupils and the school. Work engagement depends on the congeniality of the working conditions. The present study explores work engagement of 516 secondary school teachers working in Bengaluru, India. [show more]
Sarkar, Rupa - 1630071 | A study towards constructing a reproductive health account as sub-account of health at sub-district level of India | PhD | Economics |
Type:PhD Subject:Economics |
Description:Reproductive health is a state where everyone of the reproductive age cohort can make informed choices based on their reproductive health needs and reach a state of bliss and well-being. Informed choices are a possibility only if there is awareness regarding options of healthcare available. Awareness further indicates capacity to measure the worth of the options available in hand. One major aspect of measuring this worth is dominated by the financial aspect of awareness. [show more]
Heena Firdose - 2071508 | A theoretical study of rayleigh benard convection problem with realistic and artificial boundary conditions /
| PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |