2184 items found
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Thomas , Nisha Mary., S, Maruthamanikandan.<em><strong>Effect of Gravity Modulation on the Onset of Ferroconvection in a Densely Packed Porous Layer /</strong></em>ArticleDepartment of Mathematics
Subject:Department of Mathematics
Description:IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp.30-40, ISSN No: 2278-4861.The stability of a horizontal porous layer of a ferromagnetic fluid heated from below is studied whenthe fluid layer is subject to a time-periodic body force.Modified Darcy law is used to describe the fluid motion.The effect of gravity modulation is treated by a perturbation expansion in powers of the amplitude ofmodulation. The stability of the system,characterized by a correction Rayleigh number,is determined as afunction of the frequency of modulation, magnetic parameters, and Vadasz number. [show more]
Athreya, Jayadev S., Fidkowski, Lukasz M.<em><strong>Number theory, balls in boxes, and the asymptotic uniqueness of maximal discrete order statistics /</strong></em>ArticleMathematics
Konyagin , Sergei V., Lev, Vsevolod F.<em><strong>On the distribution of exponential sums /</strong></em>ArticleMathematics
Dharmendra, Chatur.<em><strong>Regulation of consumer protection in Indian telecommunications sector: two steps forward? /</strong></em>ArticleTelecommunications
Description:This article will elucidate the consultative process before the regulations were issued and the discussion that follows consists of an overview of the 2012 Regulations and the effectiveness of these regulations, and will conclude by examining whether these regulations are TRAI’s “two steps forward” for consumer protection. [show more]
Brown, Tom C.<strong><em>Monochromatic forests of finite subjects of N /</em></strong>ArticleMathematics
Vijayasankar A V6-Bromo-2-[(E)-thiophen-2-ylmethyl-idenel]-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazol-1-oneArticleDepartment of Engineering
Subject:Department of Engineering
Description:Dec 1; 67(Pt 12): o3271
Suresh A S IyerA study of factors impacting drivers of backend operations, for optimizing supply-chain of grocery and staples in organised retail supermarkets under the convenience stores format in the city of Bangalore.ArticleDepartment of Management
Subject:Department of Management
Description:Vol: 3, No: 8, December, ISSN: 2251-1571
Usha Dinakaran
A study on Challenges of Indian Hospitality Industry and Remedies For Sustainability in the Ever Changing Market Scenario.ArticleDepartment of Hotel Management
Subject:Department of Hotel Management
Description:VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE NO. 11 (NOVEMBER) ISSN: 231-1009
Ram MohanA Study on Laptop Brand Preferences in B-SchoolsArticleDepartment of Management
Subject:Department of Management
Description:Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160
Balachandran KAn efficient optimization based lung cancer pre-diagnosis system with aid of feed forward back propagation neural network ( FFBNN)ArticleDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering
Subject:Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Description:Vol. 56. No.2, October. ISSN: 1817-3195
Jain MathewBalance of payment crisis in India: What the figure sayArticleDepartment of Management
Subject:Department of Management
Description:Volume 2, Issue 5, September-October 2013
S, Nagalaksmi.Blending the old with the new through technology- sanskrit and e-learning /ArticleLanguage
Description:Internation Journal Of English Language, Vol.5(10), pp.57-64.
Barkath Unissa ABlue ocean marketing- A promising strategy /ArticleManagement
Description:Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013) ISSN: 2278-5612
Vijayasankar A VCatalytic Activity & Reusability of Mesoporous Iron Aluminophosphate Catalyst in Pharmacologically Important Organic TransformationsArticleDepartment of Chemistry
Subject:Department of Chemistry
Description:Issue 4(1) 675-681
Anirban Roy and Arun KumarConfiguration of Streamlines of a Rotating Fluid Flows with Variable ViscosityArticleDepartment of Science and Humanities
Subject:Department of Science and Humanities
Description:Volume 2, issue 8, ISSN 23938374
Beulah MDevelopment of Genetic Algorithm Based Neural Network Model for Predicting Strength of High Performance ConcreteArticleDepartment of Civil Engineering
Subject:Department of Civil Engineering
Description:Volume 3, Issue -2, ISSN: 2248-9622
Beulah MDevelopment of Genetic Algorithm based Neural Network Model for Predicting Workability and Strength of High Performance ConcreteArticleDepartment of Civil Engineering
Subject:Department of Civil Engineering
Description:International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), Vol.2, Issue 6, ISSN : 2319-9598.
Beulah MDevelopment of Genetic Algorithm based Neural Network Model For Predicting Workability and strength of High Performance Concrete.ArticleDepartment of Civil Engineering
Subject:Department of Civil Engineering
Description:Volume-2 Issue-6, May, ISSN 23199598
Sangeetha RDoes the Ownership Make A difference In Performance? : An assessment On Public and Private Insurers In India. ArticleDepartment of Management Studies
Subject:Department of Management Studies
Description:Volume 3, Issue 10, P# 97-102 ISSN 2231-1009
Mothi K M Effect of Calcination Temperature on Surface Morphology and Photocatalytic Activity in TiO2 Thin Flims Prepared by Spin Coating TechniqueArticleDepartment of Science & Humanities
Subject:Department of Science & Humanities
Description:Issue (3), 179