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A Multilayered Feed-Forward Neural Network Architecture for Rainfall Forecasting
The amount of rain received in a particular demographic region in a given time interval is called the rainfall. Rainfall is a natural and complex process and has significance in different domains including agriculture, transport, disaster management, and natural calamities resilience [1]. Abnormal rainfall affects every facet of humans and all other living beings of the world and also has a great impact in wellbeing and financial disruptions of a country. Accurate rainfall predictions at regular time intervals are always important to issue warnings about likelihood of any disaster about to happen. This also provides people a time for strategic planning in their work and precautions at time of adversity [2]. It is worth noting that rainfall forecasting does not only have an impact in day-to-day life, but more importantly for tropical countries like India where the chief occupation being agriculture and also for various other industries. It largely helps in disaster management and recovery process as well. The rainfall being a variable over time, geography and atmospheric conditions makes the forecasting considerably difficult [3]. Rainfall forecasting keeps a person informed about the likelihood of rainfall the forthcoming day, week, or month which enable long-time planning and on the other way; hourly prediction helps for shortterm planning such as enforcing traffic measures. Literature has seen various studies in this domain using predictive machine learning (ML) algorithms such as neural networks (NNs), Genetic algorithms, and Fuzzy-based systems [4]. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Review of Medical Drones in Healthcare Applications
Drone technology has an immense potential to provide various efficient solutions in the healthcare sector. It has been used in different applications ranging from transportation to rescue. The recent benefits of drone technology to assist emergency situations have achieved academic attention, which results in extensive practical implementation and simulation. However, it still needs to come into a reality beyond a certain extent. The involvement of drones in the healthcare industry has grown to be smart and intelligent for providing better medical care, fast transport and delivery of medicines, and search and rescue operations. The most important reason behind the evolution of drones is the replacement of human service, which is required during the global health crisis. Recent technology such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and the 5G network joined hands with drone technology, resulting in a great benefit to the healthcare industry. Drones are needed to battle the coronoavirus by delivering medicines and test samples. It is also involved in remote pandemic management in the form of helping the authorities to monitor social gatherings, by broadcasting the awareness messages and nearby hospitals details, for spraying virus protection liquid on the street, and many more. Therefore, this chapter proposes the intricacies of the Internet of medical drones in the healthcare sector, in hopes of empowering and eliciting more aggressive investigation. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Saravanan Krishnan and M. Murugappan; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Redefining traditional education using augmented reality and virtual reality
[No abstract available] -
Smart cities: Redefining urban life through IoT
A smart city is designed using acceptable internet of things (IoT) technologies that solve urban life problems and provide quality of life to the residents. IoT refers to a network of physical devices that are capable of gathering and sharing data and expediting numerous functions without human assistance. IoT supports smart home builders and managers by providing an efficient ecosystem in terms of less operating cost and improvising residence services. In recent days, the initiative of smart homes/buildings/ cities is increasing gradually around the globe. The inclined population in an urban area also expects well-managed automated services in their everyday life. 2023, IGI Global. -
Sustainable IoT for smart environmental control
The network of physical items/things/objects, that are implanted with sensors, software, and other networking technologies to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems through the internet, is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). Environmental control in the context of IoT systems refers to the use of connected devices and sensors to manage and regulate various aspects of the environment, such as temperature, lighting, air quality, water quality, and more. The goal is to create an intelligent environment that is more efficient, comfortable, and sustainable. 2023, IGI Global. -
Agricultural Internet of Things (AIoT) Architecture, Applications, and Challenges
The internet of things (IoT) is a system that involves adding sensors, software, and network connectivity to physical devices, enabling them to collect and exchange data. This technology has the potential to bring significant advancements to various sectors, including agriculture. In farming, the agricultural internet of things (AIoT) utilizes IoT to improve efficiency, sustainability, and productivity. Through the real-time collection and analysis of data, AIoT can optimize growing conditions, prevent diseases and pests, and ultimately increase crop yields. By monitoring factors such as soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels, AIoT technology can effectively track crop health and detect potential issues in advance. In this way, AIoT technology is helping farmers to make more informed decisions and take more effective actions to improve crop yields, reduce waste, and lower costs. AIoT in agriculture finds practical applications in smart irrigation systems, precision agriculture, livestock monitoring systems, and climate control systems. Smart irrigation systems utilize weather data and soil moisture sensors to efficiently manage water consumption. Precision agriculture employs sensors and data analysis techniques to optimize planting, fertilization, and pest control practices. Livestock monitoring systems aid in monitoring and managing the well-being of farm animals. Climate control systems utilize AIoT to regulate and optimize environmental conditions for crops and livestock. Livestock monitoring systems use sensors to track the health and well-being of animals. Climate control systems for greenhouses and barns use AIoT devices to monitor temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors to optimize growing conditions. Sensors can be used to monitor various environmental factors in a farm, by connecting the sensors to a cloud-based platform for storing and analyzing data. The wireless sensor networks can be used to calculate the dew point on leaves and adjust the greenhouse environment to prevent and control plant diseases. Drones equipped with sensors, cameras, and other imaging technology can also be used to monitor crop conditions, as this allows farmers to take proactive measures to address these issues, preventing crop loss and reducing the need for pesticides and other chemicals. IoT/sensor nodes are vital components in precision agriculture as they gather real-time data. Integrating data analytics and machine learning into the agricultural system improves its practicality and efficiency. Real-time data availability enhances precision in agriculture, and combining data analytics with this information leads to notable progress in the field. However, AIoT technology is gradually advancing in agriculture, but there is a need for a more rigorous research approach in this area. Additionally, the current literature lacks coherence and solid research on the interconnectedness of technology and agriculture. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and Vrushank Shah; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Internet of Things (IoT) as a Game Changer to the Education Sector
This study examines the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in the field of education, concentrating on its uses, advantages, and difficulties. The current educational system frequently fails to provide individualized learning opportunities since it is characterized by traditional classroom settings and teacher-centered learning. But the emergence of IoT and its companion technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication, offers fresh chances to transform education. The IoT architecture in the education sector is covered in the opening section of the paper, with an emphasis on the function of IoT devices in building a networked environment. These tools, such as smart HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, make it easier to gather and analyze enormous volumes of data. Institutions of higher learning can get important insights and create individualized learning strategies, thanks to the integration of big data and artificial intelligence. The report also examines a variety of IoT uses in education. It emphasizes the importance of IoT in remote learning, which has become more popular recently. It also demonstrates how the internet of things has influenced the development of smart campuses with interactive whiteboards and other IoT gadgets. The importance of personalized learning in contemporary education is also discussed, with IoT acting as a catalyst for experiences that are specifically suited for students. The study also looks at how IoT might benefit students with disabilities and improve staff and student health monitoring. The use of augmented reality and virtual reality tools in teaching is also investigated. The study explores Edutech-based IoT solutions, concentrating on their function in the processes of teaching, learning, and evaluation. It examines management and government initiatives on both a national and international scale, including those from Ireland's Future Schools, Jharkhand's DigiSAT, and Assam's online job advisory portal. The Kajeet Smart Bus, C-Pen, and Ipevo VZ-X Wireless Document Camera are just a few examples of IoT deployments in education that are highlighted in the study. These instances highlight the concrete contribution of IoT to improving educational practices. IoT tools are also examined in relation to several educational contexts, such as primary, secondary, and higher secondary education. The study also examines the distinct needs of special schools and universities and emphasizes the importance of IoT in STEAM teaching at the university level. The chapter discusses the advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, and difficulties that players in the education sector would have when implementing IoT. It highlights how crucial it is to take advantage of the capabilities of big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication to enhance teaching and learning results. The article also highlights problems with the research and suggests potential fixes, noting areas that could use more investigation. This chapter's conclusion highlights the IoT's disruptive potential in the field of education. Education can be revolutionized by integrating IoT devices, utilizing big data and artificial intelligence, and utilizing network communication. It makes it possible to create individualized, engaging, and data-driven learning experiences that get students ready for the digital era. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and Vrushank Shah; individual chapters, the contributors. -
IoVST: Internet of vehicles and smart traffic - Architecture, applications, and challenges
The internet of things (IoT) is the network of sensors, devices, processors, and software, enabling connection, communication, and data transfer between devices. IoT is able to collect and analyze large amounts of data which can then be used to automate daily tasks in various fields. IoT holds the potential to revolutionise and create many opportunities in multiple industries like smart cities, smart transport, etc. Autonomous vehicles are smart vehicles that are able to navigate and move around on their own on a well-planned road. 2023, IGI Global. -
Enhancing social cognition in individuals with ADHD: An eastern approach
With the increasing prevalence of ADHD in the global front, it is essential to explore different effective methods for providing support and intervention. The difficulties with social cognition are reflected in their limitations in emotional self-regulation, emotion recognition, and empathy. Though several interventions exist for ADHD, many at times, the effectiveness of eastern approaches are overlooked due to the limited awareness about its nature. Research suggests that systematic and regular practice of yoga helps to improve attention, control emotion, and reduce restlessness among them. Several asanas are found to be especially helpful for managing ADHD symptoms including cobra (bhujangasana) pose, cat-cow pose (bitilasana marjaryasana), downward-facing dog (adho mukha shvanasana), tree pose (vrikshasana), mountain pose (tadasana), among many others. The chapter gives a comprehensive summary on the application of yoga techniques on the improvement of social cognition in individuals with ADHD. 2024, IGI Global. -
Ecotourism a Sustainable Development Approach: A Case Study of Bandipur Forest
Bandipur Tiger Reserve is geographically speaking, it is an ecological confluence since the Western and Eastern Ghats intersect here, making this region unique and exceptional in terms of its flora and fauna. The community land areas of all the border settlements as well as the nearby notified and unnotified forests have been included in the buffer of this tiger reserve. The scrub jungle along the park's eastern boundaries is made up of stunted trees, scattered bushes, and open grassland patches. The Eco-tourism activity is run in the two Ranges of Bandipur (54 km2) and GS Betta (28 km2), covering a total area of 82.00 km2, or around 9.40% of the Reserve's total size. From the above analysis, it could be concluded that the government should provide that there are administrative facilities, halting facilities, etc. just next to National Highway 67, which cuts through the eco-tourism region. Additionally, the village community people agree that the regions where some Private Tourist Resorts have situated border the Kundu Range's Eco-tourism area. The Reserve benefits from having almost year-round operations. The usual methods of stopping poaching, such as arresting and prosecuting offenders, have obviously failed; conservation education aiming at altering local attitudes will greatly reduce the ongoing threats to the integrity of biological systems in the Bandipur forest. Operationalizing sustainable ecotourism within protected areas ultimately relies on management and operations that maximize the industry's potential positive advantages while minimizing its negative ones. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Decent Work Deficit: A Challenge on the Women Empowerment in Indian Agricultural Sector
Women play a crucial role in Indian agriculture, but they also confront several obstacles that reduce their productivity and prevent them from fully engaging in the sectors development. The majority of women in India are employed in agriculture, which is one of the sectors that contributes most to the GDP and is essential to the economic development of the nation. Although women continue to have a significant and recognized role in agriculture, their function is frequently overlooked. Women make up about 75% of the full-time labor force on Indian farms. The nation wont develop unless its women farmers are empowered. Only through decent work labour the agriculture sector will be developed which will help in the empowermentof women agricultural Labourers in India. So the government should take all steps to implement the decent work concept of ILO in the Indian agricultural sector. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Algorithmic Strategies for Solving Complex Problems in Financial Cryptography
Cryptography is used in applications where subversion of the communication system could lead to financial loss, which is known as financial cryptography. In contrast to classical encryption, which has mostly been utilized for military and diplomatic purposes throughout recorded history, financial cryptography focuses on privacy and security. The techniques and algorithms required for the security of financial transfers as well as the development of new money types are included in financial cryptography. Financial cryptography includes proof of work and several auction mechanisms. Spam is being restricted by using hashcash. The applications of financial cryptography have been observed to be highly diverse. Financial cryptography is incredibly difficult and calls for knowledge from many different, incompatible, or at the very least, hostile disciplines. The higher risk factor that efforts to build financial cryptography systems will reduce or eliminate crucial strategies that they are trapped among financial application and cryptography, or between accountants and programmers. Digital finance is playing a big role in how financial services are organized globally. Digitalization, data analysis, and increased processing power enable a wide range of new financial services and transactions. The importance of economic development has attracted a lot of attention to this economic development enabled by digital financial technology (Fintech). Cryptography has begun to expand swiftly in the Fintech sector, and both investors and financial bankers are becoming more favorable toward digital assets. The observed market factors are directly related to how people behave when they engage in financial activity. The result analysis in this behavioral strategies of financial cryptography from a specific market analysis is still limited, despite the abundance of research and theories on the underlying motives of peoples behavior in financial frameworks. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Metal Organic Frameworks to Remove Arsenic Adsorption from Wastewater
Water is an integral part of life on earth. Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and population explosion have all contributed to the pollution of ground and surface water with, among other things, heavy metals. This has led to an acute shortage of clean drinking water. Arsenic is one of the most toxic heavy metals found in water, posing a serious threat to the environment, human beings, and aquatic life. Over the years, a considerable amount of research has been directed toward the elimination of arsenic from water via sustainable methodologies. Metal organic frameworks are a class of materials possessing exceptional features like chemical stability, high porosity, multiple functional groups, and large surface areas. These properties can be effectively channelized to make metal organic frameworks excellent adsorbents for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water and make it drinkable. We have reviewed herein, the problems of heavy metal contamination, specifically the different forms of arsenic that pollute water. The importance of metal organic frameworks and the progress made in the synthesis of materials having a metal oxide framework have been discussed. Significant properties like adsorption and mechanistic aspects of adsorption through metal organic frameworks have been described. Furthermore, the characterization of the electronic and geometric aspects of metal organic frameworks using density functional theory has been reviewed. Insight into proper scaling up and development of metal organic frameworks for practical applications have also been suggested. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Service quality matters of private hospitals in prevention of orthopedic issues during the covid-19 outbreak in india
This chapter explores patient satisfaction with healthcare service quality particularly medical and nonmedical service quality as a significant component in the appraisal of service quality attention of the COVID-19 outbreak. In this way, this investigation discovers how the patients evaluated service nature of facilities at private medical clinics in India. This examination in private emergency clinics with 300 patients arbitrarily chose from five private medical clinics. Information was gathered utilizing a survey,the legitimacy and dependability of which was affirmed in past examination. The outcomes demonstrated that among eight hypotheses of service quality, the patients were progressively happy with doctor meeting, services expenses, and confirmation process. There was a noteworthy connection between the positive impression of service quality and socio-economic factors in this research process. Most of the patients had positive involvement in visiting facilities and non-medical service quality arrangement. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Navigating the intersection of global climate change and mental health
The ecological equilibrium of the globe is under grave danger from the unprecedented global climate change problem, which has far-reaching consequences for both human society and the natural world. The complex relationship between climate change and mental health is discussed in this abstract, along with its direct and indirect effects, the ways in which different groups are vulnerable, strategies for coping, policy implications, and potential directions for further study. Direct trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders are direct outcomes of immediate effects, such as severe weather occurrences and the evacuation of entire communities. At the same time, widespread eco-anxiety is overwhelming people's minds and leading to persistent uneasiness. This abstract dives into the mental toll, looking at how indigenous people, youth, and children experience cultural displacement and forced migration, as well as the grieving over biodiversity loss. A wide range of responses, from mindfulness practices on an individual level to community-based resilience programs, are emerging in response to the climate crisis. The abstract highlights the importance of education in fostering understanding and resilience, particularly among younger generations. It stresses the importance of international cooperation and calls for the inclusion of mental health concerns in climate change strategies 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Exploring best practices in mobile app design patterns and tools: A user-centered approach
Design patterns are reusable solutions to common design problems that provide a consistent user experience across different apps. This article explores the best practices in mobile app design patterns and tools with a focus on the user-centered approach to design. Design patterns such as navigation bars, tab bars, list views, and card views are discussed, along with design tools such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision. The problem is to ensure that mobile app design is centered around the needs and preferences of the user, rather than the designer or the technology, and that the right design patterns and tools are used to create interfaces that are familiar and easy to use. The chapter emphasizes the importance of conducting user research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience and using design patterns and tools to create interfaces that are familiar and easy to use. Mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives, and designing a successful mobile app is a challenging task that requires a thorough understanding of user needs and preferences. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Revolutionizing lifelong learning AI, virtual, and augmented reality in education
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the revolutionary effects that artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) have had on the educational environment, specifically with regard to the revolutionization of lifelong learning. It investigates the ways in which the incorporation of cuttingedge technology is changing conventional instructional approaches, therefore providing students with individualized and immersive educational experiences. The conversation focuses on the inclusive and dynamic character of education that is made possible by artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, while also addressing problems such as the limitations of technology and ethical implications. It is emphasized that in order to fully realize the potential of modern technologies in the field of education, it is necessary for educators, legislators, and technologists to work together. This abstract offers a succinct overview of the ways in which artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are profoundly changing paradigms of lifelong learning. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Designing an efficient and scalable relational database schema: Principles of design for data modeling
Relational databases are a critical component of modern software applications, providing a reliable and scalable method for storing and managing data. A well-designed database schema can enhance the performance and flexibility of applications, making them more efficient and easier to maintain. Data modeling is an essential process in designing a database schema, and it involves identifying and organizing data entities, attributes, and relationships. In this chapter, the authors discuss the principles of designing an efficient and scalable relational database schema, with a focus on data modeling techniques. They explore the critical aspects of normalization, data types, relationships, indexes, and denormalization, as well as techniques for optimizing database queries and managing scalability challenges. The principles discussed in this chapter can be applied to various database management systems and can be useful for designing a schema that meets the demands of modern data-intensive applications. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in chatbot design: NLP's impact on chatbot architecture
The creation and development of chatbots, which are the prevalent manifestations of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies in today's digital world, are built on Natural Language Processing (NLP), which serves as a cornerstone in the process. This chapter investigates the significant part that natural language processing (NLP) plays in determining the development and effectiveness of chatbots, beginning with their beginnings as personal virtual assistants and continuing through their seamless incorporation into messaging platforms and smart home gadgets. The study delves into the technological complexities and emphasizes the problems and improvements in natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and understanding (NLU) systems. These systems are essential in enabling chatbots to grasp context, decode user intent, and provide replies that are contextually appropriate in real time. In spite of the substantial progress that has been made, chatbots continue to struggle with constraints. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Stormy minds and the long-term mental health impact of climate-linked natural disasters
This chapter delves into the enduring psychological ramifications stemming from climate-linked natural disasters, encapsulated in the term "Stormy Minds." As our planet grapples with an escalating frequency of such events, understanding the protracted effects on mental health becomes imperative. This abstract provides an insightful overview of the research, focusing on the intricate interplay between climate-induced disasters and the long-term well-being of individuals. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, the study explores the psychological dimensions of enduring stress, anxiety, and trauma caused by these disasters. By assessing and documenting the persistent mental health impact, the research aims to contribute valuable insights for policymakers, mental health professionals, and communities striving to build resilience in the face of an increasingly turbulent climate. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved.