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Importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Banking Industry: A Study from an Indian Perspective
The papers primary focus is intelligence creation by AI and fast implementation by RPA. It starts with the applicability of the Turing test propounded by Alan Turing, the father of Artificial Intelligence (AI). At the backdrop lies various events, namely the recent motivation addition of various bank account holders. These factors fuelled the demand for AI and RPA implementation in the banking industry. It pitched how AI and RPA work in real-time scenarios such as financial fraud and money laundering. It discusses how AI builds the knowledge graph and recommends products and services for each customer. This knowledge is implemented and delivered using RPA. The AI application gained prominence in every banking business segment, such as equity, personal, investment and loan. The application of RPA is present in all business segments, although the percentage is increasing yearly. The AI and RPA can help banks to convert the challenges to opportunities. There have been various challenges, and the application of AI and RPA combinations is the key to solving the inefficiencies. Advanced analytical techniques on open-source data have been used in this paper. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
IoT Infrastructure to Energize Electromobility
Mobile technology is becoming more sophisticated as it advances. A comparison of different mobility scenarios was conducted. This chapter examined how electric vehicles interact with local energy systems in Stuttgart. Utilizing a travel demand model, a charging profle based on mobility patterns was generated for electric vehicles. During a quarter, charging demand and standard household load profles were used to analyze peak hour load fow for 349 households. Considering that peak loads and charging capacity are usually separated in time, greater charging capacity might lead to lower utilization of transformers. Furthermore, a study was conducted to determine if the existing infrastructure was adequate for future demand, focusing on substation transformer reserves. Electromobility is a rapidly growing and evolving application domain of the Internet of Things, with a huge market potential in various areas. It incorporates many stakeholders from manufacturers to the players of the energy market with all sorts of physical and virtual resources. It is essential to allow these devices and systems to collaborate to create advanced e-mobility services. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
RPA Revolution in the Healthcare Industry During COVID-19
Over the last year, the evolution in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been staggering. The automation it brings to applications has yielded efficiency, reduced operating costs, and decreased the time of research, development, and production. Industries have already integrated RPA into their workflow and are profoundly transforming into an intelligent automated industry with minimum human intervention, calling this the fourth industrial revolution. In this race of transformation, the healthcare industry is quite ahead of many other industries. It stood the test of time when COVID-19 was spreading rapidly and was also resilient against all odds. The system did experience an unprecedented crisis that depicted its weakness, fragility, and unpreparedness. The healthcare system was forced to adapt to a new paradigm. And though there was the loss of life and economy, we learned to evolve as a community to tackle this crisis. This chapter sheds light on the role of RPA and covers how these technologies can assist healthcare workers in their day-to-today activities, reviewing what the fourth industrial revolution would look like in the healthcare sector. The intelligent, automated system would provide a seamless experience of gathering information by various means, processing, and assisting healthcare workers to deliver quality treatment. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
IoT and Sustainability Energy Systems: Risk and Opportunity
As IoT (Internet of Things) and smart technologies have developed rapidly, many technological advancements have been made possible. The IoTs main objective is to assist in simplifying processes in a number of different felds, to improve the effciency of technologies and protocols, and ultimately to improve quality of life. Although IoT technologies can beneft the population in numerous ways, their development must be evaluated from an environmental viewpoint to ensure that global resources are used effciently and to prevent negative effects. As previously described, considerable research effort is needed to explore the advantages and disadvantages of IoT technologies. Engineering professionals, industrial experts, and academic researchers successfully interacted at the conference. Several key tracks made up the conference, including smart city, energy and environment, e-health, and engineering modeling. Specifcally, the editorial covered a number of topics including (i) IoT in sustainable energy and environmental management, (ii) smart cities enabled by IoT, (iii) ambient assisted living, and (iv) IoT technologies for transportation and low-carbon products. An important outcome of our introductory analysis has been a greater understanding of both the scientifc developments in IoT applications and the potential ecological consequences associated with increasing IoT applications. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Modernization of Rural Electric Infrastructure
In the recent digital era, the energy sector in India is truly challenging. But some way or another digital technology has the potential to change the scenario of energy supply in industry. One of the important developments in this decade is the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technology will help us to control smart software and optimize our decision-making and operations. We cannot ignore the need of energy to become sustainable after the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart grid technology in IoT is used to detect even minute changes in electricity supply and demand. These two technologies (AI and IOT) jointly provide us a magical tool to improve operational performance in the energy industry. In rural areas, there is a lack of electricity infrastructure supply and demand technologies. A large portion electricity supply is shifting from manufacturing industry to rural areas. They are using grid technology to transform electricity and the load is highly variable. From the demand side, lack of infrastructure and industrial equipment affect consumer devices. An increasing need for electricity in all aspects presents a significant challenge to utilization and cost efficiency. An important issue for the delivery of electricity to rural areas is the infrastructure and administrative policies and regulations. Power plants need to be constructed in rural areas to supply the electricity. This is the modernization of a rural electricity infrastructure. In modernization techniques, smart grid technology can be used to meet low carbon emission and cost-efficiency. It will be interconnected with the traditional grid architecture of electricity energy. Based on recent research, the smart grid should be robust and agile and it might dynamically optimize the grid operations, energy-efficient resources, and so on. Without affecting the nature of village environments, an alternate technology, such as the consumption of solar energy, can also be mutually considered in order to utilize renewable energy. In this chapter we focus on the comparison of traditional and modern technology used for the supply and demand of electricity in rural areas, issues on the implementation of modern technologies, research and development in modernization of electric power systems, and so on. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
A Reversible Hybrid Architecture forMultilayer Memory Cell inQuantum-Dot Cellular Automata withMinimized Area andLess Delay
CMOS innovation shows limited features when diminishing the size and region of a circuit. The burden of such a technology incorporates higher force utilization and also shows some temperature issues. Quantum-Dot Cell Automata is another innovation which is useful to defeat any of its weaknesses. The reversible rationale is innovation used to diminish the force misfortune in QCA. QCAs are utilized to plan recollections requiring a high working rate. In the following research, construction of reversible memory is proposed in QCA. It is designed by using a 3-layer innovation that altogether has an effect on the decreased size of the circuit. The reversible memory proposed here has 61% increase in cell number, with a 74% enhancement in the territory inhabitance, and 59% decrease in delay contrasted with any previous optimal designs. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Empowering Renewable Energy Using Internet of Things
The massive communication of information over network gadgets associated with the internet trades data starting from one to another with no sort of human cooperation. As innovation is advancing, interconnected organizations give data to each other to impart. The energy utilization is happening at an extremely quick rate, debilitating the assets in delivering it at a similar rate, and the entirety of this requires a transformation to save energy. Information is the focal point of the Internet of Things (IoT), and it has all the information to which there was no entrance before; this information can be utilized in the revolution of the energy management framework. By utilizing advanced IoT innovations, the embracement of renewable can be upgraded signifcantly further. The reconciliation of IoT in renewable energy is empowering its development by and large. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Correlation of Surface Properties and Catalytic Activity of Metal Aluminophosphates
Alumina and its modified forms have gained significant interest in recent years as potential material for a wide variety of industrial applications. Aluminophosphates were reported as one of the promising catalytic materials in organic transformations. The catalytic activity of a material is always associated with the nature of active centers available on the surface of a catalyst. The incorporation of metal ions into aluminophosphates is of particular interest for the design of the novel catalysts. The post and pretreatment methods followed for the synthesis of the material determines the structural and textural properties of the material. The transition metal loading over aluminophosphates play a significant role in the generation of surface-active sites. This chapter deals with simple ecofriendly synthesis, physico-chemical characterization and catalytic activity of metal aluminophosphates. The chapter mainly explains the correlation of surface properties and catalytic activity of metal aluminophosphates in industrially important organic transformations. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Anitha Varghese and Gurumurthy Hegde; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Energy Intelligence: The Smart Grid Perspective
Smart grids enable a two-way data-driven flow of electricity, allowing systematic communication along the distribution line. Smart grids utilize various power sources, automate the process of energy distribution and fault identification, facilitate better power usage, etc. Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in the management of power grids, making it even smarter. With the help of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, smart grids can optimize the energy consumption, provide continuous feedback on usage, and monitor live usage statistics, thereby making the energy intelligent. Smart grids require specific hardware to continuously monitor and adapt to the requirements of the system. By enabling energy intelligence, we empower building-level and city-level optimizations that make use of green energy, thereby contributing more toward sustainable development. Thus, the multifaceted energy management system uses sustainable and renewable energy sources, combined with smart devices to provide a two-way communication system to optimize the end-to-end distribution of energy, beneficial to both suppliers and consumers. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
The Role of Artifcial Intelligence in Renewable Energy
Technology is evolving at an unbelievable pace, to the extent where many of us cant keep up effectively. With increasing Artifcial Intelligence (AI) complexity, our environment will be transformed in amazing ways over the years and decades that follow. The renewable energy (RE) sector is no different. AI can observe patterns and beneft from large amounts of knowledge. Consequently, AI is able to make improvements to enhance energy production, conversion, and even delivery. These systems allow precise forecasting of, for example, weather and loads, mitigating, among countless other uses, the possibility of electrical surges. AI systems would signifcantly improve the productivity of renewable systems by automation over the next 10 years. For solar and wind energy, this will become particularly prevalent. Independent power producers would have the latitude required to deliver ever-more sustainable business models and services by integrating increased generation coupled with low-cost savings provided by automation. We are all aware of the requirements of RE, including solar power. However, how can AI help to increase the availability of RE? The demand for global energy is growing day by day, but fossil fuels cannot fulfll our future needs for energy. Because of increased energy consumption, fossil fuel carbon emissions have reached very high levels over time. RE, however, is emerging as a good replacement for fossil fuels. It is safer and also very clean in comparison to traditional sources. The RE industry has made tremendous strides during the preceding decade with developments in technology. AI and machine learning technologies can analyze data to predict the future. So, the use of AI can solve the problems and challenges of RE. In this chapter we discuss RE, its sources and challenges, and how AI can address these challenges. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Economic Analysis, Environmental Impact, Future Prospects and Mechanistic Understandings of Nanosensors and Nanocatalysis
It is crucial to understand the economic importance of sensors and catalysis. Economy always plays a major role in the field of nanotechnology. The ever-growing industrial revolution raises many concerns to understand the phenomena and to develop inexpensive devices for sensing applications. However, manufacturing such devices have caused a severe impact on environment. Thus, it is a requirement to understand the mechanistic aspects and also future prospects of nanosensors and catalysis to achieve sustainable technologies for the future. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Anitha Varghese and Gurumurthy Hegde; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Self-Induced Versus Structured Corporate Social Responsibility: The Indian Context
Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ranks among the top priorities of the corporates in contemporary times. It is treated as a core business practice across the corporate globe. In the year 2013, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India enacted mandatory CSR rules under the Companies Act, 2013 and imposed statutory obligations on the companies operating in India to implement CSR activities. With this, India became one of the first countries in the world to legislate minimum regulatory spends on CSR practices. This chapter aims to evaluate the response of this legislation since the introduction of mandatory CSR rules in India. It looks into the important trends in corporate social responsibility spending of companies in India and also maps the CSR expenditure with various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This chapter forms a case for deliberation for policymakers, practitioners, scholars and business organization to understand the implications of mandatory CSR as well as how Indian companies have responded to this CSR rule. The findings also provide important insights for the other countries promulgating statutory approaches to implement CSR in their own countries. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Dynamic Channel Allocation in Wireless Personal Area Networks for Industrial IoT Applications
Industrial wireless networks gain a substantial growth in size in the global market. In the congested scenarios of the industrial IoT application instances of wireless personal area networks, it should have a medium access strategy that is efficient and works autonomously to provide a reliable channel by reducing packet collisions. Medium access protocols must consider properties of the links between devices before a node is allowed to access the shared medium. Characteristic metrics of the channel like link quality indicator, received signal strength indicator, and path loss distance have to be considered in the contention resolution process between the nodes. A fuzzy-based channel allocation algorithm is proposed with dynamic adaptation of contention window in channel access strategy of the MAC layer standard. As per the simulation results, the algorithm proposed showed better results in terms of network throughput and packet delivery rate. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Smart medical sensor
Medical sensors facilitate health-care applications to save a patient's life by continuously monitoring the patient's health. The combined feature of medical sensors and the fastest growing techniques that are Internet of things improves the accuracy of treatment. Internet of things techniques serve the smart and very effective medical service. Early diagnosis of the symptoms helps the health-care provider to get success in the treatment to save a patient's life. Many medical sensors are available in the health-care application that can monitor continuously patient health. Medical sensors can be wearable and nonwearable. There are some common parameters such as body temperature and a heart rate that are used to monitor human activity. These parameters are measured by using wearable and body-embedded sensors. The data collected from these parameters are analyzed by the medical devices for early detection of disease. The advanced internet of things techniques help to connect the sensors, patients, hospitals, and other medical devices. In this chapter, we highlight the use of different types of sensors with advanced technology (internet of things). 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Individual and Community Interests: A Critical Analysis with the Help of Gandhian Philosophy
The chapter tends to contribute more towards the debate on individual and community interests. It broadly explains both the concepts by analysing their interdependence and importance and gives readers a competitive critical analysis of the stance taken by different western philosophers and Gandhi on it. The chapter comes out in five major heads and commences by explaining the intricacies of the debate between the two in its first segment. The second part of the chapter puts forward the western framework of ideas and brings into picture various philosophers of the west and their ideologies on the subject. The third section sketches out an analysis of individual and community interests from Gandhian lens and throws light on various ideas promulgated by him such as satyagrah, Swaraj (self-governance), Sarvodaya (rise of all), Ekadash Vrat (eleven principles). The fourth head talks about the role of these ideas in addressing the conflict between the two interests that exist in society. It concludes by drawing out how Gandhian ideology acts as a guiding light to bridge the gap between the two contrasting ideas of individual and community interests. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
A Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Study Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning
A cryptocurrency is a network-based computerized exchange that makes imitation and double-spending pretty much impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are built on distributed networks based on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers. Thanks to blockchain technology, transactions are secure, transparent, traceable, and immutable. As a result of these traits, cryptocurrency has increased in popularity, especially in the financial industry. This research looks at a few of the most popular and successful deep learning algorithms for predicting bitcoin prices. LSTM and Random Forest outperform our generalized regression neural architecture benchmarking system in terms of prediction. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the only cryptocurrencies supported. The approach can be used to calculate the value of a number of different cryptocurrencies. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
AI and IoT in Improving Resilience of Smart Energy Infrastructure
In todays world, we cant live without energy. Its essential for the growth and development of the economy. Changes in climate, sustainable growth, health, food security for the world, and environmental protection all require it if we are to make any headway. Governments around the world are looking for innovative ways to generate, control, supply, and save energy because of the rising cost and rising demand for it. Photovoltaic systems, hydropower, wind energy, tidal power, and geothermal energy are examples of traditional renewable energy sources that have advanced significantly in recent years. They, however, are unable to deal with environmental variations. It is critical to developing smart and cost-effective generators in order to meet the advanced worlds energy demands. In this chapter, we introduced the concept of smart energy, smart grid, and smart energy systems in a brief manner. Smart energy portfolio and smart energy management are introduced in the frst section. We also discuss how AI and IoT can be used to improve the different energy sources like wind power, solar power, geothermal power, etc. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Blockchain Technology in Financial Sector and Its Legal Implications
The blockchain technology has reached the tipping point. Blockchain is a zero-level technology on different applications such as crypto, smart contract, tokens, and DAO function. The applications of blockchain technology have generated new paradigms posing significant challenges to the world. Although blockchain technology is evolving and is in its nascent stage, the financial world has started relying upon it and is heavily investing in blockchain applications. In such a scenario, there is every possibility of its being misused and used for illicit purposes like money laundering, hacking, privacy breach, Ponzi investment scheme, terrorist financing, etc. Keeping this in view, this paper aims to explore how blockchain technology is used in the financial sector and analyse the legal implications thereof. For this, the chapter will explain what blockchain technology is, how it is being applied in the financial sector, need for regulation, and lastly, draw conclusions and suggest a few corrective measures. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Forest Fire Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
Forests are considered synonyms for abundance on our planet. They uphold the lifecycle of a diversity of creatures, including mankind. Destruction of such forests due to environmental hazards like forest fires is disastrous and leads to loss of economy, wildlife, property, and people. It endangers everything in its vicinity. Sadly, the presence of flora and fauna only increase the fire spread capability and speed. Early detection of these forest fires can help control the spread and protect the nearby areas from the damage caused. This research paper aims at predicting the occurrence of forest fires using machine learning and deep learning techniques. The idea is to apply multiple algorithms to the data and perform comparative analysis to find the best-performing model. The best performance is obtained by the decision tree model for this work. It gave an accuracy of 79.6% and a recall score of 0.90. This model was then implemented on front-end WebUI using the flask and pickle modules in Python. The front-end Website returns the probability that a forest fire occurs for a set of inputs given by the user. This implementation is done using the PyCharm IDE. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Women on the Board of Indian It Companies: Are They Audible and Visible?
Gender disparity on the board of Indian IT companies is a continuing saga despite the Indian Companies Act, 2013 mandating at least one-woman director in the executive position of public listed companies. Women in India are leaders of varied sectors of businesses and on top leadership positions except in IT companies. This study has found that 14 out of 25 leading IT companies in India has, got not more than two women on the board of directors. It has also been found that the reasons for said nomination are due to the statutory compulsion to have women on board. Information technology companies are responsible for innovation, business growth, transformation and diversification. Strategic leadership is the key for IT companies to achieve the above-stated objectives. Inclusiveness in the economic reforms is possible when women are given adequate representation in entrepreneurship and leadership positions in all sectors of industries. This study aims at examining the causes of the inadequate representation of women in Indian IT companies. Paper has examined the following issues to analyse the above-stated proposition: (a) How far the Indian IT industry has contributed to the empowerment of Indian women? (b) Whether the employment terms and recruitment policies of IT companies are sufficient to ensure the security of tenure and promotion to women employees and do it incentives women employees contribution towards innovation in their respective companies? (c) What are the factors contributing to women taking up leadership positions in Non-IT Industries? (d) Whether family commitments are the reasons for women in the IT sector to decline leadership positions or whether male domination is a cause for women to be backward in IT companies leadership positions? (e) Should mandatory reservation of adequate percentage of seats for women in administration be uniformly applied also for employment of women in the IT sector and how far the practice followed in developed jurisdictions need to be incorporated under the Indian law? Enrolment of women in IT and business education is on par with their counterparts. Since women occupying leadership positions is negligible, the paper examines the challenges and proposes solutions to ensure gender equitable reforms in the leadership roles of Indian IT companies. Data related to board composition and shareholding patterns of Indian IT companies are looked into and analysed to identify whether women possess capital or management control in the Indian IT companies. To critique the role of women in other sectors of employment with that of the IT companies, data collected from the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and Indian government-sponsored schemes are considered. The data are also collected from various sources such as Sustainability Reports of Wipro, Infosys, HCL, Dell, Accenture, Tata, Human Development Index (HDI), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). The data compiled reflect the factors that affect womens career progression in the Indian IT sector. This study has found that there is an absolute imbalance in terms of gender diversity on the boards of Indian IT companies. Reasons for the same are as follows: 1. Women who have excelled in technological education are not willing to take up leadership positions in IT companies due to the challenges and risks involved in this specific sector, 2. Family commitments and health issues are not conducive for women to dedicate the required time in managing corporate boards of IT companies, 3. Joint families and a patriarchal Indian system limits woman to undertake employment, 4. Women with liberal outlook and merit are not preferred as a choice by male leaders of IT companies due to the fact that they never want to be led by women, 5. The upskilling programmes organized by IT companies to their women employees are not sufficiently focused to promote women to leadership positions and 6. Excess share qualification for directorship prescribed by listed public companies is an impediment for women to be considered for executive positions. Paper suggests strategies and policies for the promotion of women employees to executive positions and ensuring the disclosure of diversity of corporate boards as a prerequisite to listing its shares. Secondly, it proposes to amend Companies Act, 2013 to prescribe a higher number of mandatory appointments of women on board to make it mandatory for women to be part of committees of the board mandated under the Companies Act. Thirdly, it proposes that the B-Schools admission policies should increase the intake of women candidates for management programmes so that they would possess the adequate competency to govern corporate boards of Indian IT companies. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.