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In most of the developing countries education among women has been accorded a low priority. The norms of gender behaviour and the perceived domestic and reproductive role of women which was remarkable stable over a period of time have adversely affected the womens education. In addition, forces like negative social attitude, prejudices, restrictions and beliefs also contributed to keep women out of education field. The only goal placed before a woman was to train themselves to be good housewives. It was only after Independence that female education gained importance and led to changing traditional attitudes within family and the society. However, the fact that one amongst the major and fundamental problem for women in India is the high percentage (75%) of illiteracy. A considerable literacy gap still exists between men and women even after 65 years from Independence. As a result, women have been exploited and deprived of their rights and prevented from the process of empowerment. In Indian society, gender bias is compounded by discrimination and prevents women from receiving the education, access to training, health services and so on. Hence, it is imperative to study the educational status of women with respect to the factors contributing and to assess the level of empowerment on some selected domains as a result of education that they pursued. The present study is one amongst such modest attempts to understand the interrelationship between education and empowerment among women, particularly in rural areas. A total of 170 women from Dimbala of Kolar District in Karnataka were selected. All they were approached with the help of a Structured Interview Schedule. Generalization arrived through the study has been discussed in this Dissertation along with some important findings to find the possible means to empower women through education. -
The study aims to understand the influence of hypnotic relaxation on stress among BSc. Nursing Students. It tries to find out whether hypnotic suggestions can be useful in dealing with stressful events in their hospital and study level experiences. Convenience sampling technique was employed. The GHQ -12 was administered as a screening tool to the 1st and 2nd year nursing students from NIMHANS. 60 BSc. nursing students were selected after GHQ screening. These 60 participants responded as having high perceived stress and divided into two groups. The experimental group had 30 participants and control group had 30 participants. Post assessment indicated that the experimental group who were provided with regular hypnotic relaxation had significantly reduced their perceived stress. Key Words: Hypnotic Relaxation, Stress, BSc. Nursing Students. -
Analytical Studies on Metal Complexes in Solution
Analytical chemistry is the study of separation, identification and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials. Mainly analytical chemistry deals with quantitative and qualitative analysis. It has applications in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, geology and other sciences and also in industries. Many analytical methods occupy a unique position because of its simplicity, less expensive instrumentation, high sensitivity and selectivity. A great development in spectrophotometry is based on development and measurement of colour. Molecules which do not give colour by themselves develop appreciable colour on reaction with chromogenic reagents and provide a method of analytical determination of molecules. So efforts are being directed towards finding suitable reagents, which have characteristic absorption with metal ions in spectrophotometric analysis. Molybdenum and vanadium are important elements both for industry and for biological systems The simultaneous determination of these metal ions in various samples are of great importance. Therefore efforts are being directed towards finding suitable reagents, which have characteristic colour reactions with microgram amounts of metal ions of interest for spectrophotometric analysis. Salicylaldehydep-chlorophenyl thiosemicarbazone(SAPCPTSC) as a chromogenic reagent for the extractive spectrophotometric determination of Vanadium(V) and Molybdenum(VI) is presented in this study. The reagent SAPCPSC gave instantaneous and stable yellow colour with Vanadium(V) and Molybdenum(VI) in the acidic pH range. The colour reactions in detail has been explored and the possibility of spectrophotometric determination of the micro amounts of vanadium(V) and molybdenum(VI) is established with necessary conditions. The stoichiometry of the complex is established by Jobs method of continuous variation and confirmed by mole ratio method. The stability constant, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variations are reported. Derivative spectrophotometry enables the exact determination ?maxof this type of metal ions. Molar absorptivity, Sandells sensitivity and quantitation limit values show that the proposed method is highly sensitive. The coloured species were stable over several hours making the method practicable. Many cations and anions do not interfere with the determination even if they are present in excess. Surfactants have the ability to solubilise a water insoluble complex or ligands and so micellar medium has also been employed so as to avoid the use of toxic organic solvents. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of molybdenum and vanadium in steel samples.KEY WORDS: Salicylaldehydep-chloroanilinethiosemicarbazone, vanadium, molybdenum, derivative spectrophotometry, micellar medium, simultaneous determination. KEY WORDS: Salicylaldehydep-chloroanilinethiosemicarbazone, vanadium, molybdenum, derivative spectrophotometry, micellar medium, simultaneous determination. -
The aim of present study is to assess the Quality of Life (QOL) of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environmental dimensions with orientation to Indian context. The objectives of the study was to describe the Socio demographic and clinical profile of respondents, to measure the Quality of life of persons Spinal Cord Injury and to evaluate the relationship between socio demographic data, clinical data and Quality of Life dimensions among persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Universe of the study was individuals with spinal cord injury from different states of India. Sample Unit was Patients with spinal cord injury admitted as inpatient under the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St Johns National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. A total of 40 subjects were participated in the study. It has been considered the Descriptive research design for the study. Purposive sampling design was selected. Tools administered were Socio Demographic Data Sheet, Clinical Data Sheet and WHOQOL - BREF Scale (26 Item Questionnaire). Results confirmed that mean score on Quality of life of the respondents with regard to their Physical health, Psychological health and social relationship domain was at moderate level, whereas mean score on Quality of life of respondents in relation to their environmental domain was found at lower level. Majorly findings of present study also demonstrated that there was no significant difference in quality of life between different Age groups, Marital status, different Education levels, duration of Rehabilitation, Type of treatment (Surgical/ Non surgical) and between people with Paraplegia, Tetraplegia and Non Traumatic Paraplegia (p >0.05), while there was significant difference in quality of life between Male & Female, Duration since injury, Post injury Occupation status & Post injury monthly income status (p < 0.05). The study finding suggest that comprehensive rehabilitation program team professionals need to incorporate some more appropriate interventions & remedial procedures which can enhance the quality of life of persons with spinal cord injury in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental dimensions. In addition government has to modify policy and develop new projects/ programs in the interest of enhancing quality of life in relation to environmental dimensions of persons with spinal cord injury. -
The effects of internal heat generation and magnetic field on the onset of Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in electrically conducting Micropolar fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh??B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for rigid-free velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic on the spin- vanishing boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. The microrotation is assumed to vanish at the boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The problem suggests an elegant method of external control of internal convection. -
Beta decay is one of the most widely studied research problems in nuclear physics. There has been a growing interest in understanding the dynamics of beta decay transitions for many decades. Many research groups have invested a lot of time, money and effort in experiments as well as developing the theory for the same. Lot of work was done using Fermis theory and huge amount of data is available in that domain of nuclear physics. But recently, standard model has gained a lot of attention in the eyes of theoretical nuclear physicists and particle physicists to understand nuclear transitions with more importance to gluons mixing and quark mixing by incorporating CKM matrix and PMNS matrix elements. Subsequently, the standard model theory is applied to beta decay to gain a better insight with the application of standard weak interaction Hamiltonian to compute decay rates. The half life and stability of these nuclei depends on decay rates. Also, it gives us an idea about the kind of transitions which happen and which dont. Recent interest in comparison of two modes of beta decay namely, continuum and bound state for same mother and daughter set, paved way for a lot of interesting calculations by various research groups. It is exciting to understand as to how their differences are compared. The aim of this work is to predict continuum and bound state beta decay rates using approach incorporating standard weak theory for some new transitions, which has not been done so far and also compare few decay rates with existing experimental values done by various groups all over the globe. -
The aim of the present study was to examine the subjective experience of highly hypnotizable individuals during hypnosis. The study conducted also examined the structure and pattern of subjective experience among highly hypnotizable individuals. Further investigations were carried out regarding the dimensions of experience which are common and unique to highly hypnotizable individuals. The sample consisted of 10 post graduate college students. Among the 50 participants who volunteered for phase I of the study, 10 highly hypnotizable individuals were selected for phase II. The tools used in phase I of the study were General Health Questionnaire - 12 (GHQ-12), and Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility- Form A (HGSHS: A). The Phenomenology Consciousness Inventory- Hypnotic Assessment Procedure (PCI-HAP) was used to examine the subjective experience of highly hypnotizable individuals in phase II of the study. Assessment was carried out in group sessions for phase I and individual sessions for phase II were conducted in the college premises. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage, to analyze the personal data of respondents and dimensions of subjective experience. Profile analysis was done using PCI-HAP interpretative manual. Collective analysis of profiles was executed through scaled phenomenological intensity profiles. Thematic analysis was carried out for the subjective responses given by the respondents that described their experience of the vacation (hypnotic dream imagery), trying to open their eyes (ideomotor challenge), two minute quiet period (PCI imagery), feelings after hypnosis, negative effects during or after hypnosis, how hypnotized they feel they became (depth experience). The results show that highly hypnotizable individuals experience distinct patterns of phenomenological experience during hypnosis. They differed in their trance typology profile, suggesting the existence of various subtypes among this population. Half of them were visualizers experiencing high intensity of vivid imagery, self awareness and intact memory. Highly experienced dimension by the group was absorption, highlighting as an important correlate of hypnotizability. The least experienced dimension was volitional control, suggesting less loss of phenomenological control during the PCI-HAP. Implications of the study are discussed. Keywords: Hypnotizability, Hypnotic susceptibility, Subjective experience, Hypnotic response, Phenomenology Consciousness Inventory (PCI). -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated densely packed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Darcy-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter and the Frank-Kamenetskii number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
A Study On Employee Retention Practices and Its Effectiveness In IT Sector
This project is done on human resource management topic in the area of A study on employee retention practices and its effectiveness in IT sector. The most challenging job for any present manager is to retain their employees. Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problem in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. Employee recruitment and retention are one of the major issues facing the IT Sector. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no end of opportunities for talented person. There is ample number of choice around employees. In olden days salary was all that matters, but today its just one among the components. Some of the other elements are like work environment, relationship, freedom to work etc. Due to high level of attrition it is important to know whether the employees are satisfied with their job and organization, if not the reason for leaving. This project will specify the effectiveness of various retention practices used retain the employees. The study also include various trends of practice followed by the organizations and its effect on the problem of attrition. Retention is a top business priority for more than one third of the organizations. More than one third of HR professionals in IT Sector views retention as one of their pressing issues. It is not very often that the management would be aware of the true reason as to why an employee would be leaving their organization. To be successful in knowing the reason, an effective exit interview procedure is very essential. This would help the organization to an extent to get a clear picture of what is going wrong. -
Coverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore
The research is on Coverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore. Northeast refers to the eastern most region of India consisting of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. The motivation to conduct this research has come from a viewable communication gap about the Northeast public in the mainstream or the national media. The hypothesis for this paper is media is not successful in giving the right picture of Northeast India to the rest of the country thereby making people from Northeast unsatisfied with the amount of media coverage or the kind of media coverage they receive. This study uses a quantitative method and data was collected with the help of the research tool, questionnaire. This study was conducted in Bangalore in the year 2009 - 2010. Through this research it has been found that Northeast Indians think that they are not given adequate space and time by the Indian mainstream media and they are covered mainly during insurgencies thereby giving a wrong image of their region. Northeast Indians are also using alternative media options like social networking sites and blogs to reach out to the masses in the absence of mainstream media interest. It has also been found that Northeast Indians feel that fellow Indians do not know much about them and their region and they are treated as foreigners in their own country. -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid with thermal radiation is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The fluid between the boundaries absorbs and emits thermal radiation. The boundaries are treated as black bodies. The absorption coefficient of the fluid is assumed to be the same at all wavelengths and to be independent of the physical state. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the conduction-radiation parameter and the absorptivity parameter. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures and tables. -
Advertising is a pervasive influence on children. Young people watch more than 40, 000 advertisements per year. Advertisements are basically to sell a product. Advertisements are everywhere, televisions, internet, newspapers and magazines etc??This study is about the impact of few selected advertisements on children. The target age groups are from 3 to 17 which would be divided into three groups. Five ages per group. Group 1: age 3 to 7, Group 2: age 8 to 12 and Group 3: age 13 to 17. Each of these age groups are affected in different ways. Some are effected mentally, and some physically. But these effects would not take effect immediately; it would take effect as the child grows. This is because no matter how the advertisements are made, most of the children never understand the effects on the advertisements and since they like the creativity in the advertisements they actually consume the product. No matter what the product is, let it be from a chocolate to an electronic product like an Air Conditioner. It is said that children from the ages of 3 to 7 are found to be more interested in toys and 8 to 12 are interested in food that no matter how the food is and how it tastes they would force their parents to buy them the product. And the children in the ages between 13 to 17 prefer shopping for themselves, this could be because they start to have a mindset that they have become ??teenagers??, they prefer buying clothes, cosmetics, electronic gadgets (mobile phones, iPods, and watches). -
The research is an analysis on how the magazine ??National Geographic has portrayed India over the years and whether or how it has changed. National Geographic being an all American historical magazine might have its own ways of portraying particular nations. India being known for festivals, colors, superstition and snake charmers has always been portrayed countless number of times as only the above mentioned stereotypical explanation. May it be in movies, cartoons, books, etc., National Geographic being a credible magazine has never failed to bring forth to the world all historical aspects of any country. Bollywood, Spicy food, Religion etc. has been a hot topic for both Nat Geo magazine and television. The researcher wishes to find out if the magazine has portrayed India differently over the years. -
In the recent years, the use of emoticons in text-based and computer-mediated communications has gained a lot of popularity. Though emoticons (a combination of punctuation marks and letters) first began as a representation of facial expression, they have over the years been transformed to now include graphical representations of a variety of items (both static and animated). The usage of emoticons and their interpretation differ from one person to another, depending on factors such as gender, age and culture. Facebook is a platform where people across the globe communicate, share opinions and connect with each other. The researcher, thus, seeks to understand whether emoticons have the ability to infuse the text-based computer-mediated- communications on Facebook with the richness and authenticity of face-to-face interactions, and to arrive at an understanding of how these different groups use and interpret emoticons. A sample size of 139 was selected using the snowball sampling technique. The methods of primary data collection included surveys in the form of questionnaires that were distributed online. A quantitative analysis of the collected data was conducted using SPSS. The study revealed that age, gender and location do have a bearing on the patterns of usage and interpretation of emoticons. It also showed that emoticons cannot provide the text-based computer-mediated- communications on Facebook with the richness and authenticity of face-to-face interactions. -
The counseling profession is gaining ground in India and every year a large number of trainee counselors graduate with a masters degree that deems them fit to practice. Professional and Personal development of counselors is of paramount importance to ensure a competent and ethical service to clients. However, there is little research being done in the field of training and development of counselors. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify the personal development components in post graduate counseling courses in Bangalore. The researcher chose a program evaluation design. The curricula of three masters level counseling courses in Bangalore were evaluated for its personal development components. Three faculty members and twenty six trainee counselors participated in the study. Focus group and interviews were used to collect the data. The transcripts were analyzed using directed content analysis. The results showed that various aspects of the course had contributed to personal development of the trainees. They included personal and group therapy, Small group processes, micro-skills training, supervised practicum, journal writing, taught courses like family therapy, theories of counseling, life span development, transpersonal psychology and emotional development, specific workshops and the academic environment of the trainee which included their faculty and peers. Barriers to personal development were also identified and recommendations were made for the future. -
Employee contribution becomes a critical business issue because in trying to produce superior output, companies have no choice but to try and engage not only the body but the mind and soul of every employee. Most organizations today realize that a satisfied employee is not necessarily the best employee in terms of loyalty and productivity. The best employee is really an engaged employee ?? one who is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, who feels passionate about its goals and is committed towards its values. This employee goes the extra mile beyond the basic job requirements. Currently, organizations expect their employees to be proactive and show initiative, collaborate smoothly with others, take responsibility for their own professional development, and to be committed to high quality performance standards. Thus employees who feel energetic and dedicated and who are absorbed by their work, employees who can create a culture in the organization that would be for the well-being of the organization and people involved in the organization are most critical for the organization. These voluntary behaviors which contribute to the business unit performance are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Engaging employees of an organization is critical to the organizations success. Employee Engagement is often the most significant differentiator between competing IT organizations. This is true particularly for service based IT companies as revenues are directly proportional to number of engaged workforce in the organization. Majority of researches on employee engagement from survey houses and consultancies have established the relationship between employee engagement, financial business performance and profitability. Interestingly, there are very few academic literatures on engagement. Several literatures on OCB have highlighted the relationship between OCB and productivity, in-role performance, and business unit performance. However there has been no research established to find out if there is any relationship between employee engagement and OCB. In this research, the researcher is interested to focus on employee engagement and OCB in Indian and multinational companies operating in the IT sector in India. The research is focused to analyze if the dimensions of OCB like helping behavior, taking initiative, self development indicate the engagement levels of an employee. Based on the review of literatures and identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to pursue with the current research. The sample consisted of 235 IT professionals from both Indian and MNC companies. The judgmental and convenient sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study:- 1.Employee Engagement questionnaire by Dilys Robinson (2004), the reliability for the scale was.880. 2.Organizational Citizenship Behavior questionnaire by Podsakoff (2000), the reliability for the scale was .703 The major findings of the study were - i. There was a positive significant relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. ii.The drivers of engagement viz. pay and benefits, feeling valued and involved, training and development, job satisfaction, management, colleagues, equal opportunities, communication, current career intention are found to have significant positive correlation with Employee Engagement. iii.There was a significant negative relation between Employee Engagement and stress and work pressure. iv.The variable with highest influence on engagement was current career intension, followed by job satisfaction, pay & benefits, management, equal opportunities, and organization citizenship behavior. v.The variables colleagues, communication, training and development, feeling valued and involved were not found to have any significant impact on Employee Engagement. vi. There were significant differences in job satisfaction behavior between men and women professionals. Job satisfaction was significantly higher for women than for men. vii.There were significant differences in organizational citizenship behavior between men and women professional. The Organizational citizenship Behavior was higher for men than women. viii.There were significant differences in current career intension between different age groups. Current career intension was generally increasing with age, with the exception of the 41-45 yr. age group. There was no significant difference in other dimensions between age groups. ix.There was no significant difference in any of the dimensions based on work experience. x.There were significant differences in satisfaction with pay and benefits based on qualification. Satisfaction with pay and benefits was highest for professionals with PhDs, and lowest for post-graduates. xi.Stress and work pressure was highest for graduates, and lowest for PhDs there was no significant difference in other dimensions based on qualification. xii.There were significant differences in Employee Engagement and the type of companies. Employee Engagement was higher for professionals working in Multi National Companies than for those in Indian companies. xiii.Satisfaction with management was higher for professionals working in Multi National Companies than those working in Indian companies. xiv.Satisfaction with management was significantly higher for professionals working in Multi National Companies than those working in Indian companies. xv.Stress and work pressure was significantly higher for professionals working in Indian companies than those working in Indian companies. xvi.At a micro level analysis, it was found that type of IT company the employees belonged did not significantly differ among pay and benefits, feeling valued and involved, job satisfaction, colleagues, equal opportunities, training and development and current career intention. xvii.It was found that the driver qualification did not have any significant difference among feeling valued and involved, colleagues, equal opportunities, job satisfaction training and development and management. xviii.Gender did not significantly differ among the variables feeling valued and involved, colleagues, equal opportunities,training and development and current career intention, and management. xix.It was found that age did not significantly differ among any of the dimensions like feeling valued and involved, colleagues, equal opportunities, job satisfaction training and development and management. Length of service in the organization did not significantly differ among employees in any of the dimension. xx.It was found that there was no significant difference between Organizational citizenship Behavior, age of the employees, work experience of the employees, and qualification of the employees. xxi.It was found that there was no significant difference between Organizational citizenship Behavior, age of the employees, work experience of the employees, and qualification of the employees. xxii.It was found that male employees were satisfied with pay and benefits. xxiii.Female employees were feeling more valued and involved than male employees. xxiv.The female employees were more satisfied with the training and development activities. xxv.It was found that female employees had more levels of Employee Engagement than male employees. xxvi.It was found that female employees were more satisfied with management and colleagues. xxvii.Male employees seem to undergo more of stress and work related pressure than male employees. xxviii.It was found that male employees were more satisfied with communication and equal opportunities. xxix.Female employees had more intentions to stay with their companies than male employees. xxx.The level of Organizational citizenship Behavior was higher for men than women. xxxi.Employees working in MNCs were satisfied with pay and benefits, feeling valued and involved training and development. xxxii.Employee engagement level of MNC employees was higher than Indian employees. xxxiii.The stress and work pressure was higher for Indian employees than MNC employees. -
A Study of Learning Organization in Relation to Organizational Culture and Motivators in Medical Transcription Industry
In a world driven by knowledge, skilled human resources constitute a key success factor for the growth and development of any country. The concept of the learning organization has gained increasing currency in the management literature. Medical Transcription Industry being a major sector which not only demands knowledgeable workers but also applicability of knowledge, this concept has not received much attention in Medical Transcription Industry. Since Medical Transcription Industry is one of the entities designed to create, utilize, retain and disseminate knowledge, the concept of learning organization has to be explored in the context. This research firstly examines which dimension of learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization. Secondly, this study examines the relationship between learning organization and organizational culture as well as between learning organization and motivators. Finally, study examines the influence of each dimension of organizational culture as well as motivators on learning organization This study was conducted in the Medical Transcription Industry with 200 respondents using convenient sampling. A reliable and valid instrument was used to collect data. Results of Pearson Correlation and linear regression showed that shared vision dimension of the learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization followed by information flow. Study also shows that there is significant relationship between learning organization as well as organizational culture and also between learning organization and motivators. Research also shows that there is more influence of entrepreneurial culture on learning organization than any other cultures. It also signifies that intrinsic motivators have more influence on learning organization as compared with extrinsic motivators. KEY WORDS: Learning Organization, Organizational culture, Autocratic culture, Bureaucratic culture, Technocratic culture, Entrepreneurial culture, Intrinsic Motivators, Extrinsic Motivators, Medical Transcription Industry. -
Image Encryption and Compression using Embedding Technique
Encryption is used to securely transmit data in open networks. Each type of data has its own features; therefore different techniques should be used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access. Most of the available encryption algorithms are mainly used for textual data and may not be suitable for multimedia data such as images. For secure transmission, various compression and encryption techniques are proposed to satisfy a fast and secure transmission. However these two techniques must be studied separately. In this paper we propose a method combining encryption and compression based on Embedding and Extracting and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). For encryption, target images are covered with an insignificant image to hide them and it is transmitted to destination. The receiver reconstructs the original images by extracting the insignificant image. For compression process, using DCT the size of transmission can be reduced. Through several computer simulations, the performance of the proposed method is confirmed.