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With the emergence of new technologies in film making, the increasing access for individuals to social networking spheres owing to web 2.0 technologies and the growth of filming through handheld devices, Collaborative Filmmaking is fast making its mark on the global scene. A number of social networking forums have been established that allow for collaborative filmmaking on the social media sphere, creating opportunities for amateur filmmakers, actors and the like, to contribute and showcase their work while collaborating with other filmmakers on a global scale. This paper aims to explore the concept of collaborative film making and understand what exactly it has to offer for filmmakers and film enthusiasts. The research study looks at collaborative filmmaking as a form of participatory culture and analyses the features that make it a participatory medium. The potential for the emergence of a new genre of cinema through the process of collaborative filmmaking as well as its potential for driving social engagement is also explored. -
Chemically driven Rayleigh-Benard convection in a sparsely distributed porous medium saturated with a couple-stress fluid
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated sparsely distributed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy-Brinkman law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the Frank-Kamenetskii number, the porous parameter and the Brinkman number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni electro-convection in a dielectic micropolar fluid /
The linear analysis of Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in dielectric micropolar fluid is studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh ?? B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free - free, rigid ?? free and rigid ?? rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic on the spin-vanishing boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. The microrotation is assumed to vanish at the boundaries. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. -
The current status of celebrity endorsements in advertising /
In advertisements celebrity endorsements are considered a time tested successful tool. It increases recall value and positively reinforces the product in the minds of the consumer. The attributes attached to the celebrity automatically gets transferred to the product and the consumer starts to view in the product in a positive light. Casting a celebrity in advertisements does not guarantee high sales. Completely banking on a celebrity to boost sales is not a viable plan of action. -
Identity formation and construction of communities among the users of social networking sites
Study of social networking sites and formation of community within the social networking sites is a new topic. Emergence of social networking sites and its impact on the social life is therefore a recent phenomenon. The social networking sites are a common platform for users to come together on the basis of common interest, ideas and opinions. Its existence and relevance is justified by number of factors operating together, such as large user base, radical changes in the process of socialization and impact of social media on our everyday life etc. What makes social networking sites so interesting is the fact that it is user centric. The very foundation of social networking sites was laid to facilitate socialization among the users. India has one of the largest social network user bases especially for social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut. This is even truer for urban centers such as Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. The use of social networking sites is so common among the youth that it almost seems as though if one is not part of social networking site one does not have any social life. Everything we have in real life gets replicated in the online communities, the good and the bad. Therefore, this study is an attempt to understand how the users are able to come together and form community in the cyberspace. The researcher also attempts to study the impact of the same in the real life and vice versa. Since the advent of social networking sites it has radically changed the way we socialize. This study also looks at how social networking sites and social network analysis emerged. Identity formation is yet another aspect of the study; online identities are very fluid as one has to type themselves into existence. Therefore, the identities people take online are varied and often may be completely different from the reality. This aspect of fluid identity has both positive and negative aspects as we will see later in the thesis. Social media technologies are woven into the very fabric of our social life. As mentioned above are the various aspects of the social networking sites that we are looking into. The dissertation is divided into five chapters, the first chapter introduces one to the topic, along with aims, objectives, need and background of the study, the second chapter consists of the reviewed literature, the third chapter deals with the methodological part of the dissertation as various tools and techniques used in the study are explained, while the fourth chapter is the analysis and interpretation of the primary data collected, it is presented using various bar diagrams and tables, and the fifth chapter brings out the important findings in the study and also in the conclusion chapter. The fifth chapter summarizes all the findings of the earlier chapters. Finally, the dissertation consists of the bibliography list and the questionnaire which was distributed to collect the data. -
Attitude and perception of tourists in Karnataka towards Climate Change
Climate change has a strong relationship with the tourism industry. According to the United Nation's World Tourism Organization???s Davos Declaration (2007) tourism industry contributes on an average about 5% of the global Carbon di Oxide emission in terms of radioactive forcing. Studies pertaining to the state of Karnataka, India indicate that most parts of the state could experience 1.5oC to 2oC warming relative to the level during the pre-industrial period of the 1880s by as early as 2030s under the likely high emission scenario (Kelkar et al, 2004; Dwarakish et al, 2009'; Kumar et al, 2015). Travel decisions to a large extent are influenced by the destination???s images of Sun, Sand, Sea, availability of snow and perceptions of other such climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation and humidity (De Freitas, 2001). Therefore, studying tourist???s perceptions of these environmental changes are crucial for the survival of the tourism industry especially in these climate-sensitive regions (Gossling & Hall, 2006a). Besides, understanding the attitudes and perceptions of different segments of the tourists towards their role in climate change adaptation and mitigation is a fundamental step in designing educational and communication campaigns which could be successfully implemented in this industry (Becken, 2010; Gossling & Hall, 2006; Saarinen et al, 2006; Scott et al, 2008; Martin & Lopez, 2014). Therefore, this study aims to boost our understanding of the relationship between tourism and climate change issues among tourists in Karnataka, India. The study consists of five chapters, namely Introduction, Review of Literature, Report on present investigation, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion. The first chapter Introduces the relationship between tourism and climate change issues and brings out the significance of the role of travel decisions the environment. The second chapter analyses earlier studies conducted on the area of climate change, environment and tourism to gain a better understanding of the existing knowledge and to identify research gaps. The third chapter focuses on the research design of this study. It covers sampling plans, questionnaire design, constructs measurement, plan of analysis and Pilot study. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of data which were collected for the study followed by the discussion of results. The fifth chapter summarizes the entire study and explains the findings and limitations of the study, Suggestions and conclusion. -
Secure authentication framework for cloud
The growing popularity of cloud based services is prompting organizations to consider shifting applications and data onto cloud. However, organizations dealing with highly sensitive information are apprehensive of moving its applications & data to public cloud owing to concern about security of its information. It is hence incumbent on service providers that only legitimate Users will access its services and resources in cloud. Verifying authenticity of remote users is a necessary pre-requisite in a cloud environment before allowing access to secure resources/services/ applications. The simplest & most commonly used user authentication mechanism is password based authentication. However, Users tend to choose easy to remember password, and many a times use same password for multiple accounts, which makes it often the weakest link in security. Furthermore, service providers authenticating Users on the basis of password, stores password verification information in their databases and such authentication schemes with verification table are known to be vulnerable to various attacks. From the perspective of authentication requirements, service providers in a cloud environment can be broadly categorized into two. Those service providers dealing with highly sensitive information and working in a regulated environment can be grouped into category one ?? as in those offering services for sectors like health care, finance. These providers require a strong and secure authentication mechanism to authenticate its users, without any additional functionality. Similarly, there is a second category of service providers dealing with secure information but operate in a collaborative environment ?? as providers providing their applications bundled through a web portal. To provide the Users with a seamless authentication experience, while accessing multiple services during a session, the second category of service providers prefer to have Single Signon functionality. Two-factor authentication technology overcomes the limitations of password authentication and decreases the probability that the claimant is presenting false evidence of its identity to verifier. If different service providers set up their own two-factor authentication services, Users have to do registration and login process repeatedly. Also, Users accessing multiple cloud services may be required to hold multiple authentication tokens associated with various service providers. Authentication factors such as crypto-tokens and smart cards with cryptographic capabilities have been vastly used as a second authentication factor. However, Users are required to always carry these authentication tokens which make it cumbersome from practical usability perspective. Also its usage involves cost thus restricting its adoption to corporate environments. The authentication process can be made more user-convenient if the authentication factor chosen is such that it is commonly used by all types of Users. Leveraging the use of mobile phone as an authentication factor can help address issue of user convenience at no extra cost while improving the security of authentication schemes. Though, there has been an increasing focus on strengthening the authentication methods of cloud service users, there is no significant work that discusses an authentication scheme that can be adopted by the two categories of cloud Service Providers. Taking cognizance of aforesaid issues related to secured authentication in cloud environment, this research focused on designing secure Two-Factor authentication schemes that can be adopted by the two categories of service providers. This research carried out in different levels, proposes authentication architecture and protocols for the two categories of service providers. At the first level, research proposes Direct Authentication architecture for cloud Service Providers who prefer to authenticate its users by using a strong authentication mechanism and does not require Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality. For those Providers who prefer to provide its user with a SSO functionality the research proposes Brokered Authentication architecture. The next level of research focuses on proposing User Authentication Protocols for both Direct Authentication Service Providers (DASPs) and Brokered Authentication Service Providers (BASPs). The research proposes use of strong, Two-Factor Authentication Protocols without Verifier Table. The suggested protocols, provides Users with flexibility of using a Password and either a Crypto-token or a Mobile-token to authenticate with Service Providers. The proposed approach eliminates the requirement of the User to remember multiple identities to access multiple services and provides the benefit of a higher level of security on account of second authentication factor and non-maintenance of verifier table at server. Access to different services offered by multiple service providers using a single authentication token requires interoperability between providers. Also, the Service Providers will have to address the task of issuing the second authentication factor to Users. As a result, the research intends to propose the utilization of proposed two-factor authentication scheme within a specific environment which includes a trusted entity called an Identity Provider (IdP), with whom Users and Service Providers will be registered. The IdP is responsible for issuing and managing the second authentication factor. In brokered authentication, the IdP playing the role of an authentication broker also provides Single Sign-on functionality. The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is used by BASPs and the IdP to exchange authentication information about Users. A major objective of this research is to propose an authentication model that can be adopted by both categories of service providers. Hence, this research proposes an authentication framework for cloud which supports an integrated authentication architecture that provides the service providers with the flexibility to choose between direct and brokered authentication. The integrated two-factor authentication protocol, which does not require the server to maintain a verifier table, supported by the frame work allows users to do a single registration and access services of both direct & brokered authentication service providers using the same crypto-token/mobile-token. To verify claims about security strengths of the proposed authentication protocols, security analysis is done using theoretical intuition. The proposed protocols are found to offer desirable security features such as resistance to replay attack, stolen verifier attack, guessing attack, user impersonation attack etc. To verify the efficiency of the proposed protocols, the communication and computation costs are compared with similar schemes and it is seen that the costs are comparable. To validate the resistance of protocols to authentication attacks, they are analyzed using automated verification tool called ????Scyther??? and the protocol strength is verified by ???no attacks??? results. -
A study on the voting patterns and the impact of Kormangala smart votescampaign in ward 151, Kormangala , Bangalore /
The study on the voting patterns and the impact of Koramangala Smart Votes campaign, in Koramangala Ward 151, Bangalore. This aims at studying the voting pattern of the residents of Koramangala from two wards 151 and 147. Koramangala Smart Votes, a campaign which was conducted by the Smart Vote members to help the residents vote and vote for a right candidate by distributing profiles and organizing debates connecting the residents and the contesting candidates. The impact of this campaign has been assessed with the help of Lok Sabha and BBMP elections 2010 and the voter turn out in wards 151 and 147. To measure the impact, the researcher has done a quantitative and comparative study among the residents of wards 151 and 147 with a sample size of 60 respondents from each ward. It could be observed that Education helps to create better democratic environment and the Koramangala Smart Votes campaign was fairly successful in getting the residents to vote for the BBMP elections 2010.