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Exploration of Personal Identity Among Individuals with Multiple Inter-state Migration Experiences
Migration is an increasingly common phenomenon for various reasons like economic betterment and educational purposes. Migration is also considered a life-event causing psychological distress. Individuals who migrate multiple times, are faced with a challenge of adapting to a new environment multiple times, thus having to give up and incorporate certain elements from the environment into the self, in turn altering their personal identity. This research is focused on exploring the personal identity of individuals who have undergone multiple interstate migrations within India. Life histories of 12 individuals were taken and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings indicate that there are changes in various components of personal identity like certain changes within the family, development of a multicultural perspective, certain cognitive elements like divergent thinking and development of certain personal traits like acceptance. These individuals are highly adaptable to different kinds of environments. They do not have strong attachments with peers. Keywords: personal identity, multiple interstate migrations -
Exploring Caregiving Experiences and Needs of Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Parents play a major role while caring for a child with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Each child with CP and their caregivers needs constant professional support in terms of medical care, psycho-education, guidance and support in order to achieve maximum functioning. Mothers of children with cerebral palsy are vulnerable because the caregiving may affect their personal and marital life, work, finances, relationships, and other responsibilities. Therefore, it is important to understand their experiences this study explores caregiving experiences and needs of mothers of a child with cerebral palsy. This qualitative exploratory study used semi-structured open-ended interviews for data collection from 25 mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy who attended regular clinical assessments at Unit of Hope OP clinic. The data were analyzed in Atlas. ti 8 trial version using thematic analysis. Six major themes emerged from the thematic analysis which includes: pathways of care, challenges in taking care of the child, impact (subjective and objective) on mothers and their family, coping mechanism and psycho-social needs. Mothers expressed that they experience unpreparedness; unsupportive interaction; insecurity/uncomfortable on caregiving by others; challenges in decision making, finding the right care, meeting individual family member???s needs; they had inappropriate expectations of improvement, difficulties in treatment adherence and lack of knowledge, lack of respite, lack of support from family members/relatives, changes in the family system, changes in personal life. Mothers had caregiver burden and emotional challenges. The mothers adopted both maladaptive and adaptive coping strategies. In this study, mothers expressed various needs like the need for professional support, the need for respite care, and the need for family support. In conclusion, having a child with cerebral palsy negatively affect the mothers. During the caregiving process, they have some unmet needs which need to be addressed. The findings of the study emphasize that it is important to understand the caregiving experiences and needs of mothers of children with cerebral palsy to plan interventions to support these mothers in caring for their child. -
Exploring the attitudes of employees & strategies adopted towards managing diversity in the information technology context /
Diversity Management is a process intended to create and maintain a positive work environment where the similarities and differences of individuals are valued. Successfully managing diversity can lead to more committed, better satisfied, better performing employees. Literature review on diversity management has mostly emphasised on organization culture, its impact on diversity openness Patrick (2010), human resource management practices in German and Indian companies Paelmke (2007), institutional environments and organizational contexts to diversity-related pressures, expectations, requirements, and incentives Siegel (2006), managing employee diversity: perceived practices and organizational outcomes {Fink, Pastore & Riemer (2003)}, perception of staff and student in relation to equal opportunities / managing diversity in the university Kandola (2001), diversity dimensions in India and its unique features of diversity factors in indian context {Patrickson and OBrien (2001)} strategies for managing human resource diversity, {Dass & Parker (1993)}, -
Varied news themes are always in demand. What better platform than Bangalore Times which does not have a specific pattern of news themes yet caters to all the requirements of todays generation. The main newspaper is the most popular one, but today many supplements are catching up with the popularity of their main newspapers. One of the classic examples of such a supplement is the Bangalore Times. On close observation, one will notice that many people actually pick up this supplement and browse through it even before the main paper. It is very interesting to find out why this is so. Audiences have varied requirements and The Times of India caters to exactly this. It makes a good topic of study to find out whether Bangalore Times can actually be considered a parallel publication or not. Not enough research has been done in this area and many people are still not aware of this sector of the print industry yet. This study aims at a better understanding of the nuances of Print journalism and how exactly is its popularity determined. This study will also help understand audience choices, readership and how different people respond to print journalism. -
Exploring the Dream Pattern among the Nightshift Workers
Globalisation led to the increase in technology and development of multinational companies in the developing countries. This development has caused the increased need for working round the clock and the only option for such a need is different shifts in the companies. Nightshift workers are increasing day by day, but many times, people forget the health and sleep effects caused by the nightshift. One such impact is the altered circadian rhythm, which is very important for proper functioning of the body and a good sleep. Freud put forward that dreams occurring during sleep serve as the guardian of sleep. Dreams are the reflections of the waking life. This altered circadian rhythm can have an impact on waking and sleep life of the nightshift workers. This qualitative study is to find the dream pattern among the nightshift workers and to find the frequency in dreaming among this group. This study is conducted with nine nightshift and nine dayshift workers, dream journal was used to collect the dreams from the participants. Also, semistructured interview was done among the nightshift workers for in-depth understanding on their sleep habits and dream pattern. The dream patterns among both the groups are similar but there are dreams that make the nightshift group different from the dayshift. The frequency of dreaming is seen more among the nightshift workers. The study shows that sexual dreams are seen majorly among the nightshift group. This finding can be further used to conduct researches on the impact of nightshift on the sexual health and overall well being of nightshift workers and the reflection of the same in their dreams. -
Exploring the Professional Problems Faced by Beginning Counsellors
Counselling Education at a Post-graduate level is of recent origin in India. Every year a number of students who complete their Post-graduate studies (M.Sc.) in Counselling get employed in various settings. As trainees their issues related to practice of counseling get addressed in training sessions, in supervision and through other means like personal therapy. Nothing is conclusively known about their status as beginning counselors. The aim and objectives of the study were exploring the professional problems faced by beginning counselors and the ways in which they are coping with them and their suggestions to cope as individuals and the ways in which the training institutes could help them to cope. The study was done by conducting two focus group discussions (FGD) of six beginning counselors and personal in-depth interviews of three beginning counselors who were working in different settings like Clinical-rehab, School and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). While three school counsellors, two counsellors working in clinical-rehab settings and one EAP counsellor formed the participants of FGD, one counsellor from each of these settings who was not part of FGD was interviewed personally. While for the FGDs, the researcher used the self-constructed guide, for the interviews, the findings of FGD data which formed the Interview Schedule. Both the FGDs and the interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and analyzed with conventional content analysis. Data from both the FGDs and interviews were included to form the Results. The findings show the various professional problems faced by the beginning counselors and the coping strategies used by them and their suggestions for coping with their professional problems at an individual level and at an institutional level. Implications for professional development, training of counsellors and scope for future research are presented. Key Words: Beginning Counsellors, Professional Problems, Coping, Professional Development. -
Employer Brand refers to what people currently associate with an organization, employer branding can been described as the sum of a companys efforts to communicate to existing and prospective staff what makes it a desirable place to work, and the active management of a companys image as seen through the eyes of its associates and potential hires. This study is an attempt to continue afresh with new perspective to the field of human resource and behavioural sciences with special reference to employer branding: factors effecting employment choice and willingness to stay in information technology industry. The review on the related literature in the area of Employer branding and their willingness to stay or quit studied in this research has provided the researcher an insight into many factors. It also provides directions in designing the present study. Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 276 IT employees from 11 employers of Bangalore city listed by NASSCOM. The sample consisted of both male and female IT employees. Judgemental sampling technique was adopted to select the number of respondents across the three types of management levels. The Major findings of the study were: 1. The five major media adopted to choose to work with the present employer were personal contacts followed by friends at the organization, job portals, company website and campus recruitment. Whereas medias like head-hunters, advertisements, internship, articles in media or product information had less interference in media adoption process. 2. It was found that challenging tasks, good reference for future career, international career opportunity, financial benefits, and work life balance were the top five factors that motivated employees to stay in the organization. Whereas wages / salary,products / services, retirement insurance, vehicle loan / discount facility, support staff for domestic help where least in motivating employees to stay. 3. It was found that compensation and benefits was the highest factor triggering an employees decision to quit followed by rewards and recognition, training programs, corporate culture and too challenging tasks. Other factors like recruitment and induction processes, reputation of the organization, leave and vacation policy, vehicle loan / discount facility and corporate social responsibility did not influence employees decision to quit. 4. It was found that compensation was the highest factor on why employees leave the organization.This was followed by reference for rewards,training programs,corporate culture, and challenging tasks. 5. Employees perception of trust too played a vital role in his decision process to stay or quit. It was found that dimensions like willingness to listen; trust, reliability, accountability, fairness, commitment and integrity played a vital role in influencing the trust process in an employee towards the organisation. Implications : HR managers need to have a good theory or model of how employer branding works in their own organisations. What works in one organisation or one industry sector may be quite different from what works in another. This indicates that there is some hard evidence and useful insights to be learned from emerging research in employer branding and its close relative, talent management. HR managers would be advised to look at this evidence-based work before leaping. Conclusion: The findings and outcome of this research will be beneficial to the IT organisations in India, which is a flourishing industry and contributes significantly to the GDP of the country and the talent pool of the world. The study will bring in sharp focus on the major challenges encountered in these areas and the solutions that will aid IT organisations to deal more significantly in increasing their organisational efficiency. Key words: employer branding, willingness to stay, perception of trust -
Families Experience with Family Therapy: A Qualitative Inquiry
Various studies have found out that the experiences of the families with family therapy in several countries have generally been positive and the number of the people who benefit from family therapy is also high. Studies reveal that though there is a heightened need for family therapy in India, there is a kind of reluctance among the people towards it. When there is good number of literature in India that reveals the general attitude of Indian population towards family therapy, there is a lack of studies that explore the lived experience of the family members who have undergone family therapy. This study was designed to examine therapy from the point of view of the families. The participants of this study were eight families from Kerala and Karnataka who had completed entire family therapy under the trained professionals in the duration of last five months. The data was collected through in-depth interviews. The study reveals the common factors that led the families to family therapy, their experience with the whole therapeutic process, the barriers that prevented them and the perceived benefits of family therapy. Ten global themes and twenty seven organizing themes have been identified on the whole in relation with the research query. The findings are described along with the practical implication, suggestions and future research agendas. Keywords: Therapeutic process, Rapport building, Working phase, Termination, Interventions, Mental well-being -
Reddy is the name of a socio-economically and politically dominant community found in Southern India. Today one of the largest single community grouping in south India in general and Andhra Pradesh in particular is Reddy community. They are generally considered traditional village headmen. They had a remarkable history since the period of shatavahanas of 2nd century BCE and the various people from this community have helped people in large way throughout the period and they are socially committed and economically enterprise. Historically the people of the Reddy community had appears some were very wealthy Landowners and Businessmen. Famous Kings, Awardees, Academics, Scientists & Civil Servants, Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs, famous Politicians, Entertainers & Film Professionals, Freedom Fighters, Activists & Philanthropists, Poets and Writers and many more. Though the community regarded their ancestors belongs Andhra Pradesh Telugu as their mother tongue, they assimilated with the regional culture of Karnataka and became proficient in Kannada language too. The community played major role in political arena and became one among the makers of modern Karnataka. Since 1900 their Political identity was expressed through political associations, Freedom movement, and backward class movement and pressurizing for establishment responsible government in Mysore region. Socially the community has been identified as an important caste in south India. The marriage ceremony is sanctified through the authorization of Brahmana, Dasayya. The community has the complex setup within itself because they are in large number. They have peculiar social practices of the appreciation of Brahmanical ideas and process of sankritization is rooted in the original beliefs of Reddy community, The Practice of bride price, widow remarriage, the Brahmin priest not invite to their marriage occasion by some sub castes and many more. The community extended its liberal attitude towards improving the status of women has resulted in arising of many women as industrialists, artists, scientists, physicians, realtors, sports persons and scholars. Economically they are committed to land and agriculture. Culturally the community has predominant followers of the Hinduism with Veerashaiva, Vaishnava and Shaktha sects as the most important faiths. Their annual pilgrimage is to the temple of Shrishaila Mallikarjuna. Yogi VemanaReddy and HemaReddy Mallama were as the legends. The Brahmanical idenitity is not observed and accepted by all denomination of Reddys. The ??Guru Paramapare also exists among the Reddy communities. Each sub caste has to pay their homage to their respective Gurus, who preside over the Matha. The festivals celebrated by the community like Bandi Devara Habba and Makkala Dyavaru are the most specific ones. It has to be accepted as liberation from some hierarchical control and assertion of a community attempting to carve a certain niche status which resulted in a form of monastic tradition or Gurupeeta tradition since the last two decade in Karnataka. Being the promoters of education and literature they established schools, colleges, training centers, hostels and study centers. They are socially advanced, economically developed, politically organized and culturally established. Thus they become influential factor in formation of social-political-economic identity in southern Karnataka.