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A Study on the Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics of Waste Pickers and Their Contributions to the Economy and Ecology
Solid waste is problem created by mankind due to thoughtless consumerism and actions. But for surprise, a group of people of the same mankind is working day and night without support, acceptance or even without the consideration that they are also human being, to reduce the same problem. They are called waste pickers. The study intends to describe the aspects/qualities possessed by waste pickers to carry out waste picking and recycling for their existence. A sample of hundred waste pickers (n=100) were involved in completing the interview schedule to identify their entrepreneurship qualities and their contributions to economy and ecology, for the study a schedule which contain demographic and occupational details along with entrepreneurship audit and entrepreneurial traits Center (Vasant Desai) was used.. The ANOVA test helped to know whether there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurial trait among different variables. T-test analysis was used to compare entrepreneurial trait score and entrepreneurship characteristics score with independent sample variations. All statistical computations were carried out using SPSS. Results revealed that majority of the waste pickers are with innate qualities of entrepreneurs and they are largely contributing to economy and ecology. It also reveals facts related to demographic details like gender, education types of residents and duration in this occupation etc. They reveal that they get lot of public abuse and not at all getting any support. -
Effect of coriolis force and gravity modulation on the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in weak electrically conducting boussinesq-stokes suspension /
The effect of coriolis force and gravity modulation of small amplitude on a weak electrically conducting Boussinesq- Stokes suspension is investigated by using a linear stability analysis. A regular perturbation method is used to arrive at an expression for the correction Rayleigh number. The Venezian approach is adopted in arriving at the critical Rayleigh and wave number for small amplitudes of gravity modulation. The effect of role of Couple stress parameter, Taylor number and Hartmann number on the onset of convection is studied. The system is most stable with respect to gravity modulation. -
The effect of coriolis force and non uniform basic temperature gradient on the onset of Rayleigh B??nard convection in Second order fluid with general boundary conditions are studied using the Galerkin technique. The effects of one linear and five nonlinear basic temperature gradients are studied on the onset of convection. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The study of the problem with general boundary conditions for velocity and temperature indicates that the results of the previous studies for different boundary conditions are obtained as limiting cases for the present studies. -
In the advertising world, everything from billboards, to taxi signs to supermarket displays are going digital. Interactive floor advertising in malls is all the rage, especially in Western and Far East countries. Retailers across the world have been investing on gesture controlled interactive visual display systems to stand out from the crowd and turn their retail locations into a destination for customers. They use it as a means for sophisticated marketing solutions, such as, product advertising, retail merchandising, point-of-sale promotions, campaigning etc, resulting in transformation of retail customer experience. Such interactive elements not only help drive traffic to the desired location and keep visitors there for longer, but also help drive core business philosophies and return on investments. Well, all these are quite appealing to anyone in the retail business to bounce and invest with a hope to harvest, but, it has not gained as much coerce as one would expect with Indian retailers. So, it would be prudent to find their perception towards adopting this innovative marketing strategy. It is intended that the findings of this research, about the perceptions of adopting gesture controlled interactive advertising and digital displays, will be useful to retailers, consumer packaged goods organizations, distributors, mall owners, advertising agencies etc. It would help them to assess their current marketing strategies and to gain knowledge of pros and cons of incorporating this innovative form of advertising. These findings could also be used for any corrections to the investments already made in this area. The rest of the content in this report details out the research conducted in this regard followed by a conclusion. The first chapter introduces to the research topic, justifies & highlights the problem poser and the goal of the work presented in the dissertation. It also highlights the significant contributions from the investigation. The second chapter presents a critical appraisal of the previous work published in the literature pertaining to the topic of the investigation. The chapter three discusses the problem statement, overall methodology used in order to achieve the objectives of this research, present the sample characteristics, development of measurement instrument, pilot study, research variables, data collection procedure and finally the scope and limitations of the study. The fourth chapter is the penultimate chapter of the dissertation and includes a thorough evaluation of the investigation carried out. It focuses on the detailed analysis of the data obtained from the field from different retailers. Finally, the fifth chapter provides a brief report of the work carried out forms the first part of the Chapter. Conclusions derived from the logical analysis is presented and clearly enumerated. Suggestions from current findings and scope for future work are also stated in the last part of the Chapter. Key words: Retail, Interactive Advertising, Gesture Control, Digital Display. -
An Empirical Analysis of Price Discovery in Spot and Futures Market of Gold in India
The broadest classification of the Indian financial market can be made in terms of commodity market, stock and security markets and foreign exchange market. Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. These raw commodities are traded on regulated commodity exchanges, in which they are bought and sold in standardized contracts. Gold is a commodity which has been undergoing very serious price fluctuations in recent years. It has had its own impact on commodity trading too. Price discovery process of gold has always been a matter of wide discussion among researchers and policy makers. In this context this study aims at analyzing the price discovery process of Gold in Indian commodity market. It also looks into the volatility impact of futures price on spot price as well as the volatility impact of spot price on futures price. The study is completely based on the secondary data collected from the official website of NCDEX. The data extend for a period ranging from 23rd April 2009 to 29th December 2011. The daily data of spot and futures prices of gold during the period is taken into account. Various econometric tools are employed to test the hypotheses set. The VAR model result confirms the unidirectional relationship runs from the spot market to the futures market of gold in India. It reveals co integration and dynamic relationship between spot and futures markets of gold. The result of GARCH model implies that both futures as well as spot markets do have significant impact in the price volatility of gold in India. The result of VECM tells that spot market is dominant in the price discovery process which is a clear indication of the fact that spot market of gold is information efficient in India. The result is of great significance for the investors who wish to improve portfolio performance. With regard to policy making, a better understanding of the interconnectedness of these markets would be useful for the policy makers who coordinate the stability of financial markets. For marketers, it provides a reliable forecast of spot prices in the future to allow them to effectively manage their risks in the production or marketing process. The unprecedented uptrend in the price of gold and high volatility in recent years provides room for some important social implications. -
The effects resulting from the substitution of the classical Fourier law by the non-classical Maxwell-Cattaneo law in Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in an electrically conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh??B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The classical approach predicts an infinite speed for the propagation of heat. The present non-classical theory involves a wave type heat transport (SECOND SOUND) and does not suffer from the physically unacceptable drawback of infinite heat propagation speed. It is found that the results are noteworthy at short times and the critical eigenvalues are less than the classical ones. -
Reddy is the name of a socio-economically and politically dominant community found in Southern India. Today one of the largest single community grouping in south India in general and Andhra Pradesh in particular is Reddy community. They are generally considered traditional village headmen. They had a remarkable history since the period of shatavahanas of 2nd century BCE and the various people from this community have helped people in large way throughout the period and they are socially committed and economically enterprise. Historically the people of the Reddy community had appears some were very wealthy Landowners and Businessmen. Famous Kings, Awardees, Academics, Scientists & Civil Servants, Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs, famous Politicians, Entertainers & Film Professionals, Freedom Fighters, Activists & Philanthropists, Poets and Writers and many more. Though the community regarded their ancestors belongs Andhra Pradesh Telugu as their mother tongue, they assimilated with the regional culture of Karnataka and became proficient in Kannada language too. The community played major role in political arena and became one among the makers of modern Karnataka. Since 1900 their Political identity was expressed through political associations, Freedom movement, and backward class movement and pressurizing for establishment responsible government in Mysore region. Socially the community has been identified as an important caste in south India. The marriage ceremony is sanctified through the authorization of Brahmana, Dasayya. The community has the complex setup within itself because they are in large number. They have peculiar social practices of the appreciation of Brahmanical ideas and process of sankritization is rooted in the original beliefs of Reddy community, The Practice of bride price, widow remarriage, the Brahmin priest not invite to their marriage occasion by some sub castes and many more. The community extended its liberal attitude towards improving the status of women has resulted in arising of many women as industrialists, artists, scientists, physicians, realtors, sports persons and scholars. Economically they are committed to land and agriculture. Culturally the community has predominant followers of the Hinduism with Veerashaiva, Vaishnava and Shaktha sects as the most important faiths. Their annual pilgrimage is to the temple of Shrishaila Mallikarjuna. Yogi VemanaReddy and HemaReddy Mallama were as the legends. The Brahmanical idenitity is not observed and accepted by all denomination of Reddys. The ??Guru Paramapare also exists among the Reddy communities. Each sub caste has to pay their homage to their respective Gurus, who preside over the Matha. The festivals celebrated by the community like Bandi Devara Habba and Makkala Dyavaru are the most specific ones. It has to be accepted as liberation from some hierarchical control and assertion of a community attempting to carve a certain niche status which resulted in a form of monastic tradition or Gurupeeta tradition since the last two decade in Karnataka. Being the promoters of education and literature they established schools, colleges, training centers, hostels and study centers. They are socially advanced, economically developed, politically organized and culturally established. Thus they become influential factor in formation of social-political-economic identity in southern Karnataka.