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Narration of Self in the Autobiographies of Augustine of Hippo and Teresa of Avila
This dissertation is a study of narration of self in the autobiographies of Augustine of Hippo and Teresa of Avila. Confessions, the autobiography of Augustine of Hippo, is considered the first organized spiritual autobiography in the Western Europe and The Life of Teresa of Jesus measured as the first spiritual autobiography among women. In the main argument I propose that the self narrated in Confessions is a confessional self and the self narrated in The Life of Teresa of Jesus is an inquisitional self. According to Christian tradition confession is the disclosure of sins to a priest and acknowledging and praising the Holiness of God for his mercy towards a sinful man. In Confessions, Augustine makes a confession to God, to himself, and to the human kind. Augustine narrates a confessional self because all throughout the text we observe a total surrendering of his sins and flaws to God without any justification or argument similar to a confession. The self narrated by Teresa in The Life of Teresa of Jesus, I argue, is an inquisitional self. It is because Teresa has written the autobiography by the command of her confessors. Teresas vision and spiritual ecstasies made a contradiction in the church and predicted that it was from devil. In order to prove the reality and truth it was necessary to submit her life history to the judicial court, which was established as an inquisitional court. Therefore her confessors asked her to write her life story only with the explanation of spiritual favours she received. She was forced to write a life story with many restrictions. Consequently the self narrated in The Life of Teresa of Jesus became an inquisitional self where she hides many incidents of the real life. -
Rapid growth in IT sector poses unprecedented challenges to HR practices in organizations, which are primarily driven by constant pressure to recruit suitable candidates, meet the expectations of the new entrants and to reduce attrition. Some of the typical HR challenges faced by the rapid growth sectors are the expanding job demands that impact the structure and culture of the organization, the large recruitment of the new entrants and systematized induction training demands. In this dissertation, the focus is on understanding the socialization tactics of the new entrants in IT sector in terms of their role orientation, adjustment, organizational culture, self-efficacy and the overall satisfaction. Organizational Socialization of new employees has always been a critical process for most of the organizations. Over the years multiple aspects of socialization have been studied and the research on socialization has viewed it from multiple perspectives. Initially it was viewed as the process through which organizations acculturate the new entrants. However much of the recent research view it as a learning process in which the entrants role is much more important and organizations can only manage that process. The importance of socialization in organization needs to be overemphasized, as it is one of the essential components of building and maintaining organizational culture. The aspect of understanding organization culture is not a very new phenomenon but in most of the Indian organizations this study has not got momentum. Self-efficacy refers to ones personal belief regarding how capable one is in controlling events and situations in ones life, such as performing or completing specific tasks and behaviours. Socialization research has been conducted in several contexts. However, the context of IT sector has mostly been neglected. In the context of India there hasnt been much study. The lack of research this context coupled with contextual features of IT sector, which indicate greater new entrants self-efficacy with respect to their socialization tactics, has been the prime motive for this study. From such an interactionist perspective, it is necessary to investigate how both individual and organizational factors combine to influence (1) newcomers' subsequent adjustments to organizations (2) their role behaviours and (3) moderating effects of self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to address these issues. The dependent variable is newcomers adjustment which is measured in terms of role outcomes such as role orientation, role conflict, role ambiguity and personal outcomes such as commitment to organization, intention to quit and job satisfaction. Independent variable is socialization tactics (collective vs. individual; formal vs. informal; investiture vs. divestiture; sequential vs. random; serial vs. disjunctive and fixed vs. variable). The moderating variables are demographic components such as gender, age, qualification, marital status, zone from where respondent has completed highest education, work-experience duration, number of past job experiences newcomers have and their future career choices. This study viewed socialization from an interactionist perspective and has investigated the link between socialization tactics and new entrants satisfaction. This study generated responses from newcomers having not more than 18 months of work- experience in a particular organization. The research includes responses from IT sector in Bangalore. A detailed standardized Questionnaire was adapted to be used as an instrumentation tool. The questionnaire was completed by 306 respondents using convenient sampling technique. The statistical techniques adopted are Cronbachs alpha reliability test, Descriptives (means and standard deviations), Percentile Quartile, Bivariate Correlations and ANOVA. Seven hypotheses were tested and analyzed. Innovative role orientation has a significant correlation with sequential random, serial disjunctive and fixed variable. A high score on orientation indicates an innovative role orientation in which a new entrant attempts to alter procedures for performing a role, the purpose of role itself, or both. There is significant influence of sequential random tactic followed by formal informal on the role orientation of the employees. In previous studies it was observed that invidualised tactics was positively correlated to innovative role orientation. But in current study the researcher found that institutionalized tactics were positively correlated to innovative role orientation. There is no significant influence of organizational culture on the satisfaction of the newcomers. The detailed findings, conclusions, and suggestions for further research have been discussed. Key Words: Organizational culture, Newcomers socialization tactics and Self-Efficacy -
For the past few words, newspaper campaigns have become the buzz word in the field of print media, which major media houses starting various campaigns targeting social issues. The campaigns of The Times of India, especially Lead India, Teach India and Aman Ki Asha, are some of the most prominent among them. These campaigns dealt with pertinent issues in today??s society like illiteracy, corruption, accountability among citizens and Indo-Pak relations. However, in the light of recent controversies involving the media and excessive importance being given by them to advertising, the role of newspapers as watchdogs of the society is being questioned. The researcher, thus, seeks to understand whether these campaigns are genuine initiatives for social changes or a tool by the newspaper to increase readership. This study will analyze the impact of the campaigns on the readers of The Times of India. Through quantitative research using questionnaire, this study will also gauge the opinion of the readers on whether newspapers of today are capable of being agents of social change. The methods of research will include quantitative analysis by questionnaire method to understand how people perceive the newspaper campaigns of The Times of India and in general, the potential of newspapers to bring about social change. A sample size of 100 Times of India readers was selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The study revealed the intentions of the campaigns of The Times of India as well as potential of newspapers in bringing about social change as perceived by the readers of The Times of India. -
Newspaper in Education has been proved to help in a students academic achievements and not just a means of updating the current events, but a tool for a student versatile and resourceful. Newspapers are a teaching tool, not a subject. They are highly motivating materials that can be used to teach math, science, grammar, character education, reading comprehension, writing strategies, problem solving and so much more. - Vicki Whiting, former third grade teacher and founder of Kid Scoop. This research would explore two major factors: -
On Degree Sequence of Total Graphs and the Order of the Graphs
In this dissertation we discuss about the degree sequence of total graphs of some general graphs. A total graph of G, denoted by T(G) has vertex set as the union of vertices and edges in G and vertices are adjacent in T(G) if they are adjacent or incident in G. We try to obtain the degree sequence of total graphs of particular graphs like complete graph, path, cycle, wheel and star, from the number of vertices of the given graph (without directly drawing the total graph). We also explain the decomposition of T(G) into G and K_(d_i )s where dis are degrees of each of the vertices in G, moreover discuss about the degree sequence of T(G)??T(Ge). -
On Specific Properties Common to a Graph and its Complement
In this dissertation we study some specific properties common to a graph and its complement. Here we compare the independence number of a graph with the chromatic number of its complement and find some relation between these properties for cycle, path, wheel, Berge graph, star and for some other graphs. We also find the relation between the independence number of a graph and its complement with its order. -
Optical and Infrared Photometric Study of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Young Open Cluster NGC 7419 Young Open Cluster NGC 7419
The embryonic stage of development of stars has been a field of astrophysics which still pose many unresolved queries. The problem is largely due to the solitary nature of embryonic stars. Even the largest optical telescopes were not able to reveal many details about such stars as they are formed deep inside molecular cloud thorough which optical wavelength cannot pass through. Forbidding distances to such stars is an added problem. However, recently, this field is slowly turning into observational science. Even though optical radiations fail to reach the destination, longer wavelength infrared (IR) radiations can penetrate through such dusty region. These infrared radiations have been known for decades. But it is only during very recent times that infrared telescopes that have very high sensitivity and resolution came in to scenario. So now the astronomers are able to observe these stellar embryos. Studies about this stage of star formation can help us to solve many questions like how the birth of a star takes place, how these stars accrete matter into it from surroundings, when will this accretion stops, why do some stars have planetary systems around them etc. Current study is an attempt to look for the presence of these embryonic stars in an open cluster using infrared data and to get more details on nature of those stellar embryos. We investigate the properties of young stars and their circumstellar disks in young open cluster NGC 7419. The pre-determined V magnitude and B magnitude of these stars are combined with infrared data from 2MASS J,H, K and 4 band WISE data. The color-color diagrams are made using these 9 bands to identify young stellar objects. The individual SED fitting is done for these identified stars and parameters like their age, mass, temperature, disk radius and disk mass are estimated. These are used to comment on the evolutionary stage of the pre-main sequence stars and their circumstellar disk. Dissertation has been divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the work done. Literatures referred are explained in Chapter 2. Data used in the current study and methodology adopted is described in chapter 3. Current work done on the young stellar objects in cluster NGC 7419 and results obtained from the study are explained in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. -
Optimized Handoff Strategy for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network based Communication
The dissertation titled ???Optimized Handoff Strategy for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network based Communication??? is the compilation of all efforts taken and tasks completed in order to implement an optimal handoff method in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network communication.Wireless communication technologies have been improving exponentially. Ad-hoc networks can form a network of wireless nodes anywhere and they are not bound by the limitations of a static infrastructure. This enhances the ability of mobile nodes to communicate with each other even in situations where a defined architecture is absent. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) has its applications in dynamic environments that involve nodes with high mobility. The nodes frequently move between the coverage areas of different access points. This increases the chance of link breakage and new link formation in communication network. Handoff is a process that helps in transferring the session details between one access point to another whenever the node is about to move away from a currently serving access point. Many handoff methods have been proposed but a majority of them utilize just a particular attribute of a network to employ the channel selection process. This process of network selection would be skewed as other attributes of a network play important roles in improving its overall efficiency. Multiple Attributes Decision Making (MADM) methods make use of different attributes in order to perform the network selection process. Use of MADM methods help in selecting optimal access points that can provide services to the nodes for a longer duration. In the proposed system, MADM methods have been utilized to modify existing protocols in order to optimize their approach for handoff operations. Various scenarios involving vehicular nodes and different access points have been considered in order to improve the efficiency of the proposed system across applications. The proposed handoff mechanism follows a proactive approach where the target access points are selected before the mobile node reaches the edge of its coverage area. This leads to a seamless transition of the communication channels. Based on the client/access point information stored in the data log, optimal access points which are situated along the direction of the node???s movement can be selected. NS2 and SUMO have been implemented to simulate mobile environments that accommodate handoff operations. -
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well managed organisation sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity .An effective organisation will always promote a sense of commitment and satisfaction among its employees. The significance and importance of the concept of organizational commitment in terms of leading to beneficial organizational and desirable outcomes such as increased productivity, reducing absenteeism and turnover, has been documented by many studies such as those of Steers (1977); Porter et al. (1974); Reiches (1985) and Tett and Meyer (1993). One way to address issue of employee turnover is to understand the job satisfaction and commitment level of employees. Organizations often try to foster commitment in their employees to achieve stability and reduce costly turnover. It is commonly believed that committed employees will also work harder and be more likely to go the extra mile to achieve organizational objectives. Research has consistently demonstrated that commitment does indeed contribute to a reduction in turnover. Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. A lot of studies are conducted separately on commitment, satisfaction and motivation but very few studies are there on IT sector linking these three .So it is crucial to conduct a study on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in information technology industry and also to identify the important motivating factors to retain the highly talented workforce. The review of related literature on Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction and Motivation has helped the researcher to identify the gap and has provided an insight to the direction of current study. The population for the study was all technical employees in the Information technology Industry in Bangalore city. For the present study data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire from 300 employees working in software industry. The study is concentrated on Bangalore IT industry. The researcher used non probabilistic sampling (purposive sampling) method as sampling design. Samples were selected from 10 top IT multinational companies. Samples were drawn from three levels of management including entry level, middle level and top level employees. The pertinent information for the study is collected from both primary and secondary sources. The independent variable in this study is job satisfaction. The overall Job satisfaction was measured using the 15-item questionnaire developed by Prof.Harold Andrew Patrick in 2009, designed to measure 15 aspects of job. The aspects of overall job satisfaction are job security,interest,opportunity for advancement,appreciation,company policy and management practises, intrinsic aspects of a job,salary,supervision,social aspects of job, working conditions,communication,hours,ease, benefits ,and fair treatment. Responses were collected with the help of 7 point likert scale. The dependant variable, organizational commitment was measured using the revised Organizational Commitment Scales (Meyer, Allen and Smith 1993) that is, the Affective Commitment Scale (ACS), the Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS) and the Normative Commitment Scale (NCS) with 24 questions on 7-point Likert scales. The Kovach ten job- related factors developed by kovach , Kenneth (1999) were used to determine what motivates the employees in software industry. The respondents were asked to indicate the degree of importance of the factors and relative ranking according to motivational importance. The statistical technique used to analyse the data were descriptive statistics, The Pearsons correlation, ANOVA, Regression and Friedman test. Data was analysed with the help of SPSS. The major findings of the study were: 1. The level of organizational commitment was moderate, with relatively higher variability in affective commitment. Mean value was highest for Continuance commitment indicating employees are staying back with the organization because of the cost of leaving the organisation or its too much trouble to go somewhere else. 2. IT employees were showing only a moderate level of job satisfaction. Amongst the items comprising the scale for job satisfaction, the items with highest satisfaction levels were related to the social aspects of the job, working conditions (excluding working hours), interest (from intrinsic aspects of the job), job security, communication, and ease of the job (as an intrinsic aspect of the job). On the other hand, employees had lowest satisfaction levels for working hours, supervision, appreciation from management, and salary. It shows that IT employees are dissatisfied with the working hours, supervision, appreciation from management and the salary they are getting. 3. To increase the Job satisfaction and commitment it is very important to identify the motivational factors. . The most important motivational factors for IT employees were good wages, promotion/growth, job security, interesting work, and appreciation of work. 4. There was significant positive correlation of job satisfaction with affective commitment and normative commitment, and negative correlation with continuance commitment. This indicates that higher the level of job satisfaction greater the level of affective commitment and normative commitment. If employees are staying back with the organization because of the cost of leaving the organisation or its too much trouble to go somewhere else then there will be less satisfaction. 5. Amongst the items comprising the scale for job satisfaction, the items with highest correlation with affective commitment were related to the salary, benefits, fair treatment, opportunity for advancement, and supervision. The items with moderate correlation were appreciation (from management),interest (from intrinsic aspects of job),job security and intrinsic aspects of job(excluding ease).The job satisfaction items with lowest correlation were working conditions(excluding hours),social aspects of job, and communication. So it clearly indicates the importance of salary, benefit, fair treatment, opportunity for advancement and a good supervision in increasing the positive emotional attachment to the organisation. 6. Regression analysis revealed that job satisfaction had a significant impact on Organizational commitment. Job satisfaction was found to have a significant positive impact on affective commitment, explaining 67.0% of the variation in affective commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, affective commitment would tend to increase with it. Job satisfaction was not found to have a significant impact on continuance commitment, explaining only 1.2% of the variation in continuance commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, continuance commitment would be expected to slightly decrease with it. Job satisfaction was found to have a significant positive impact on normative commitment, explaining 35.1% of the variation in normative commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, normative commitment would tend to increase with it, but less so than affective commitment. It is the interest of all organization to secure commitment and reduce employee turnover. So this topic has attracted the interest of many researchers. This study confirms the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. So managers need to make effort to develop human resource policies that are in alignment to the needs and motivation of the employees. The findings of this study have pointed out some salient issues in the IT field. It is imperative for IT company management to meet the demands of their personnel to strengthen their motivation, satisfaction, and commitment to minimize turnover. -
Organizational justice is very important because it has been linked to critical organizational processes such as commitment, job satisfaction, citizenship and performance (Colquitt et al.,2001, 2002; Greenberg, 1993; Tatum et al., 2002).Literature suggested that there is an intimate link between leadership style, decision-making, and organizational justice (Bradberry and Tatum,2002; Tatum et al., 2002). Organizational justice is concerned with the ways in which employees determine if they have been treated fairly in their jobs and the ways in which those determinations influence other work-related variables [Moorman, 1991, p. 845]. The research is done to analyze organizational justice and its influence on work engagement and intentions to stay in IT firms. The major objectives of the study: To find out the fairness perception of distributive and procedural justice (organizational justice)of employees in IT organizations, to find out the level of work Engagement of employees in IT Organizations, to find out the turnover intentions of IT employees, to find out if organizational justice influences work engagement and turnover intentions, to find out differences across demographics and organizational justice ,work engagement and turnover intentions. Hypothesis was tested and results discussed. 338 employees of an IT Firm were involved in the present study. The judgmental sampling technique was adopted. Employees with a minimum of two years of experience in the organization was administered the questionnaire. The sample was drawn from the IT industries. The tools adopted for present study were: Perceptions of distributive justice were measured with the Distributive Justice Index, developed by Price and Mueller (1986). This five-item scale measures the degree to which rewards received by employees are perceived to be related to performance inputs. Perceptions of procedural justice were measured using 15 items developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), because the scale consists of two factors: systematic and informational justice. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(Version 1.1 2004,Schaufeli,W.and Bakker, A.)was used to measure work engagement and for turnover intentions the questionnaire was adopted from Dilys Robinson. The major findings of the study were 1. The level of Organizational justice was found to be moderate among the IT professionals. 2. IT Employees perceive procedural justice moderately. They feel that Decisions made by their organizations are to some extent based on certain norms or protocols or system driven which are followed. 3. IT employees perceived Informational procedural justice fairly low. Respondents felt that their concerns were not addressed nor perceived as a serious matter by the organizations. 4.Systematic procedural justice is fairly high in IT companies. There is high consistency in procedures and decisions when they are applied. 5. IT Employees perceive distributive justice fairly moderate. Employees feel that rewards, recognitions, and career opportunities are moderately proportional to their inputs. 6. The level of work engagement was found to be fairly high among the employees in IT organizations. 7. From the dimensions of work engagement, the level of Absorption is fairly high across the IT employees. 8. The level of dedication was found to be moderate among the levels of IT employees. 9. IT employees perceived vigor fairly low which says that the energy level towards the work was pretty down comparing to other dimensions. 10. The most of the respondents were from the age group between 26-30 and among all 338 Reponses, male respondents were higher. CONCLUSION The results of present study indicated that fairness perceptions play a vital role in IT Organizations in terms of increasing Work engagement and lowering their intention to leave their organization. The success of a company depends on the quality, productivity and dedication of an employee and the dedication can be improved by organizations fair treatment. When rewards and recognition are perceived to be systematic, the work engagement increases. Whereas systematic justice influences intention to stay which implies that organizations should drive their policies to be flexible to a certain extent. Fair treatment and justice at the workplace in turn will increase work engagement and lower turnover intentions. -
Growing international integration through trade and investment is the emerging scenario of the 21st century. International Investment flows, particularly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), have become a rising manifestation of this growing global linkage between nations. Outward Foreign Direct Investments (OFDI) from India in the service sector is emerging as a significant aspect of Indias international economic integration. Firms from India are incorporating outward foreign direct investment as part of their corporate strategy to compete globally and to acquire key assets. Outward investments is being adopted as part of their global strategy to emerge as leaders in their respective domain.As the significance of outward investment rises, it is important to understand the motivation and strengths behind such flows. With rising significance of services sector, more studies to explain the nature and factors behind outward FDI assumes importance. Therefore a focus on growth of OFDI from service sector like knowledge??intensive information-technology (IT) sector has become very relevant. IT firms from India have created a global presence and brand image. It is therefore important to consider various factors which give competitive advantage to the firms. The present study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an overview and introduces the research issue. The second chapter comprises of a review of literature in the area. Research Methodology is outlined in the third chapter. The fourth chapter consists of an analysis of the trends in Indian outward foreign direct investment. The fifth chapter provides the analysis and interpretation of factors influencing foreign investments by firms. The sixth chapter gives the summary and conclusions of the study. Results of the study indicate that Indias outward foreign direct investment is showing a rising trend and that there are significant changes in the pattern of these outflows. The outflows by service sector firms have increased and there is also rising investment to developed countries. The changing trend is a reflection of the global aspirations of Indian firms and their willingness to compete in the world market. The study shows that India firms, though small in comparison to multinationals from developed world, do have competitive advantage. They have leveraged these advantages and acquired strategic assets to enhance their competitive position. The firms are gaining from experience and building tacit knowledge. These skills are applied to creating a network to supplement and augment their competitive advantage. In this endeavor, macro factors are also playing a significant role. Technological and information revolution has given firms an opportunity to strengthen their competitive advantage. In this endeavor, firms in developing country like India have benefited from a vast pool of educated, skilled and technically qualified human resource. They have been facilitated by a liberalized government policy and the domestic economic climate, which has given them opportunities for entrepreneurship. Rising outward FDI is a manifestation of these changes. As Indian firms seek to strengthen their competitive positions and augment their assets, the outflow of investment to nations that have intellectual assets will increase. At the same time the traditional motive of undertaking investments to seek larger markets is still important. Though India is still a fledgling in the spectrum of outward investments, Indian firms are fast rising up to the challenge of competitive global atmosphere with aggressive strategies. Indian economy is emerging as one of the largest economies in the world. With the second largest population in the world, India has to utilize every opportunity to build sustainable growth with greater international economic linkages with rest of the world. -
Parent Adolescent Communication in relation to Personality Type and Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents
he purpose of the current study is to investigate parent adolescent communication in relation to personality type and suicidal ideation among adolescents. In step with World health organisation (2012), suicide is currently amongst the third leading reason of death among adolescents. The objective of the research is (a) To analyze if there is any relationship between parent-adolescent communication, big five personality trait, and suicidal ideation; (b) To analyze how the mother-adolescent communication moderates the big five personality trait and suicidal ideation in adolescents; (c) To analyze how the father-adolescent communication moderates the big five personality trait and suicidal ideation in adolescents; (d) To analyze if there is any significant gender difference on suicidal ideation. The study was quantitative in nature; with correlational research design. The target population were adolescents from various academic institutes in Kerala. The sample consists of 300 adolescents. Convenience sampling method was used to select participants. The tools used were Parent Adolescent Communication Scale (Olson, 1985), Big Five Personality Inventory (Cattell, 1960) and Beck???s Suicidal Ideation Scale (Beck, 1979). Data analysis used were Spearman???s rank order correlation, moderation analysis and Mann Whitney U test. The results were as follows: there was significant relationship between parent adolescent communication, personality type and suicidal ideation. Problems in mother adolescent communication shows a moderating role on extraversion. Openness of mother adolescent communication has a moderating role on openness to experience. Family or communication between mother and father plays a totally essential position in shaping the personality and mental health among adolescents -
Parental Attention of Full-time Dual Earning Couples and Its Impact on Children
As dual-earner families became the normative household type over the 21st century, the question of how families cope with and negotiate new work and family role responsibilities became the topic of much research and scholarly debate. Both parents working are inevitable in the current scenario. The purpose of this study is to understand the magnitude and quality of the parental attention of full-time dual earning couples and its relation to different chosen variables such as Recreation, Health, Socialization and Self-esteem, Moral development and Academic performance of their children. Data was collected from 50 respondents of full-time dual earning couples from various professionals in urban Bangalore region by administering a self-designed structured questionnaire. It has been found that most of the parents spent their valuable time with their children as they understood that would enhance physical, behavioural, personal and academic development of the children. The null findings in the present study indicate that the life style of full-time dual earning couples does not affect the normal development of their children, rather children are accustomed to parent work timings and are able to adapt to the changes in their parents work and responsibility. -
Parentification, Emotional Security and Attachment in Adolescents of Parents with Alcoholism
Parentification is a process of children taking on the roles and responsibilities to cater to the well-being of the family (Jurkovic, 1997). The child internalizes this role to the extent that the functions that are carried out become sole identity of the individual. When responsibilities are taken away from the child, leaving the child with a vacuum, when the parent resumes the position or caretaking. To prevent this, children tends to lock themselves in a power struggle battle with the parent. The child invariably struggles to make sense of the situation, having had to grow up too soon only to discover that he/she is caught in the midst of situation where the only role familiar is that of parentification. The present study looks at the occurrence of parentification in children of parents with alcoholism. It observes the emotional security in the family between the parent-child dyad and the attachment patterns in the family system. Following the qualitative research method, data was collected using in-depth interview. Seven participants and three professional helpers were interviewed. The raw data was analysed using Thematic Analysis. The shift in authority and power from the parent to the child and the struggle to retain this power due to lack of trust is seen. It also discovers the emotional security that the child holds for the family in ways of protecting and safeguarding the family members from being harmed emotionally and physically. It revels the remoteness of the children towards the family system, looking for guidance outside the family system and seeking support from friends and relative. The implications of this study is for family therapists, rehabilitation counsellors, school guidance counsellors and parents. Understanding this phenomena can also help rehabilitation counsellors explain to the child and help make positive meaning of the events occurring in her family with the alcoholic parent. Awareness of the effects of parentification on the childs emotional, cognitive and social development. Keywords: Parentification, role-reversal, emotional parentification, instrumental parentification, protection and attachment. -
Pedagogic Use of Commercial Feature Film in Christ University Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences
This thesis discusses the use of commercial feature film as a pedagogical tool in the classrooms within the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences of Christ University. It investigates the purpose of using films as pedagogy in higher education and the reasons behind its popularity among both teachers and students. Triangulation method was used for gathering data combining qualitative and quantitative methods such as pretesting posttesting, survey and in depth interviews. Information was gathered by using interview schedule and online questionnaires from teachers and students of the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences to analyze the plausible impact of feature films as pedagogy in subjects taught. The findings suggest that films are popular pedagogical tool and are effective if used along with discussions post screening. -
Movies have been an integral part of the society along with other aspects of social life. The societys reflection can be seen in movies and the impact of movies on the society is very much visible, hence it is a two way process. People watch movies either for passing time or it is their hobby. There is a niche audience who watch movies because they consider movies as an educational tool; it increases their knowledge about different aspects of society and life. The researcher is focusing on the movies, having animals as protagonists because such films are rarely made in Indian film industry. Due to the rarity of such films, Indian audience have to shift their focus or depend on Hollywood. Here, the researcher tries to find out audiences perception on movies having animals as protagonist and the reason for having only few movies in Indian film industry in the present scenario. -
As the society has shifted from the industrial to the information era, recreation activities in organisations represents ever more important area of social responsibility and organisational growth. Organisations of all hue and texture- governmental,private or commercial enterprises- will need well planned and aligned recreational facilities to ramp up their productivity.Todays challenging social context increasingly calls on the leadership expertise of these organisations to address the important issue of human resources ??burnout. Their charge is to contribute to quality of life of the people at their organisations in the dynamic context of new modes of communication, new information, changing demographics, changing attitudes towards work and play, individualism and globalisation. A recreation facility is provided in premises or precincts of an organisation,for fun,diversion,enjoyment relaxation,amusement and physical, psychological, spiritual or social well being of members of the organisation. Activities engaged in the facility are planned by management with the view to enhance productivity by looking at the well being and development of employees. It is inclusive of hiring recreation organisations services. The steel baron Andrew Carnegie endowed hundreds of public libraries across the country in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, explaining, "How a man spends his time at work may be taken for granted but how he spends his hours of recreation is really the key to his progress in all the virtues." Among the important literatures, study by Sabarirajan, Meharajan & Arun. (2010) titled Positive correlation between welfare activities and employee attitude in textile mills, remains prominent beacon of welfare studies on Indian organisations. In this exploratory research the authors have established the positive influence of various welfare activities practiced in Indian organisations on employee attitudes including employee productivity.The study has concluded that,generally, welfare measures are recreational,medical, educational, housing, sanitation and so on. Every organization provides the statutory welfare measures but some organizations provides some more welfare facilities to the employees so that they may retain the employees and by improving their quality of work life. By the result of improved quality of work life among the employees their involvement in job gets increased and results in increased productivity of the organization. The organizations maintaining smooth relationship between workers and management, which leads to attainment of organisation goals. Recreational facilities has received a great deal of interest by human resources management, professionals and organisational behaviour researchers in Western countries over the years; however, its practice is fairly nascent in Indian organisations. The organisations in India are facing many diverse and complex challenges of the growing economy and ever increasing demands of the workplace. Recreational facilities at the place of work play bigger and a vital role in ensuring an organisational sustained productivity by systematically building team, leadership and communicative skills. Enhanced and informal contact amongst all employees across hierarchy enriches and secures retention of cultural, social and intellectual assets, its skill and inventiveness. This study analysed organisational employees perceptions of Recreational facilities, Recreation activities and Employee contribution as one of the consequences of recreational facilities. 202 employees from 10 organizations (5 manufacturing and 5 IT services) were surveyed. The judgemental sampling technique was adopted to draw the sample. A questionnaire was designed and pilot tested. The reliability of the questionnaire was above . 850 (Cronchbachs Alpha reliability). The major findings of the study were: 1.Statistical analysis and interpretation of data reveal that organisations have provided varying level of recreational facilities to their employees since the level of perception of importance of recreational facilities varied considerably.Overall, the perception of the facilities was moderate. 2. Employees perception of level of recreation activities provided was higher than recreational facilities although the perception varied considerably again. Employee perception of recreation facilities was high. 3.The level of perception of importance of employee contribution as a result of recreational facilities varied considerably in the range. The mean value was considerably high at mean value of 5.89, with standard deviation 1.00. 4.There was significant correlation between the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities and the level of employee contribution. Thus, the level of employee contribution has been found to be related to each of the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities. 5.Multiple linear regression of level of employee contribution on the independent variables of perception of importance of recreational facilities and perception of importance of recreational activities was found to be statistically significant. Both of the independent variables were found to have a significant impact on the level of employee contribution, and together explained 60.2% of the overall variation in level of employee contribution. 6.There were significant differences in the perception of importance of recreational facilities, recreation activities and the level of employee contribution across variable demographics. The study empirically indicates that employee contribution made to the organisation productivity is strongly linked to recreational facilities provided by the organisation to their employees.In addition,at the same time it also reveals that the employees perceive only moderate recreational facilities from their organisations.This means that the system of recreational facilities and recreation activities in the organisations is yet not formalised and is ad-hoc and haphazard. Organisations should dedicate efforts to increase perception of recreation among the employees by including the aspects and goals of recreation in the organisational strategy.