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Determinants of Charitable Giving of Employees in the Organized Sector: A Case Study in Bengaluru Urban District.
The study aims at identifying the determinants of charitable giving among working professionals who are into white collar jobs in the organized sector in Bengaluru urban district. The study also tries to understand the effect of Income and Non-Income factors that could affect decisions made by individuals towards charitable donations. The study captures charity donations in terms of money, time and gifts, based on its objectives; the focus is on monetary donations. Thus, based on the various available models based on demographic variables and attitudinal factors, the study has developed a comprehensive function that that includes both demographic and attitude related factors that could predict the charity behavior of an individual and in this case it is the working professional. The population includes all the white collar jobs and the sample size was 132 respondents. This includes both charity givers and non-givers. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling and data was collected through questionnaire method and the questionnaire begins with an introductory question seeking if the respondent have made any donations in the last 12 months and based on their answer they are directed towards the three sections such as section A, B and C for those who said yes to the question and B and c for those who said no to the question. Section A is about the charity activities of the respondents, B is about the demographic details and C measures altruism, prestige, care and other attitude related factors using a 5 point Liker scale. Factor analysis was made used for the purpose of model testing. However, prior to the model testing, bi-variate and multi-variate exploratory analysis was done using cross tabulation in SPSS and python to understand the association between variables used in the study. To further clarify and conclude the relationship and strength of association between variables, Pearson???s Chi square was conducted. Based on these results most of the demographic variables seem to have positive relationship with charitable giving and few had partially negative relation with the incidence of giving. For example Gender, where being male have less chance of making charitable donations. Religion has no impact on the likelihood of making donations. viii Certain other variables such as age, education level and income have a positive relationship with charity giving. In other words as age, income, level of education are higher, the chances of making monetary donations increases. From the results of exploratory bi -variate analysis, certain variables were removed and were not part of factor analysis towards testing the model. The results of factor analysis shows that charitable giving (monetary) is the function of three factors namely benevolence, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving and thus it proves the model developed by the study. Thus the major determinants or predictors of charitable giving (monetary) are benevolent behaviour, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving. -
A Study on Work Engagement among the School Teachers
Work engagement is a measurable degree of an persons positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work. Now a days it is observed that the commitment and dedication of the teachers in their profession as decreasing. It is also seen that teacher turnover is also becoming high. Even though the teachers in the schools were paid good, the turn over seems to be increasing. The study here tries to investigate the relationship with the work engagement and the socio demographic characteristics of teachers where the demographic variables could explain the relationship between the dimensions of work engagement. Descriptive research design is being used in the study . This design is helpful to identify the socio demographic characteristics and its relationship between the Work engagement among School teachers . The sample consisted of 100 school teachers who having more than one years of experience and the sample was selected by using the convenient sampling method. The study was done using the UWES Scale developed by Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Bakker in 2003 and nineteen other questionnaires were developed to know the other factors contributing to work engagement. The resourceful work environment can foster teachers work engagement. Consequently, the study shows that the older experienced married teachers shows the high level of work engagement where the educational qualification has no much role in it. This means that the young generation is not much interested in the profession with a a passion rather than they themselves consider it as a job. The work engagement can be increased among them through making interventions like improving and enhancing effective job and personal resources. -
Spectroscopic Study Of Selected Be Stars In Our Galaxy
The optical spectroscopic monitoring observation of two Be stars namely 4 Hercules and 88 Hercules was observed with 1.02m telescope at the VBO, Tamil Nadu, India over a period of six months. The spectra were reduced using standard routines in IRAF. The equivalent width of the lines were identified have been measured. The line profile variability exhibited by H? H?and HeI lines are studied to understand the emission mechanism in the Classical Be-stars. The properties of the process can be well constrained, leaving only few options, most importantly, but not exclusively, non-radial pulsation and small scale magnetic fields. In different stars different processes may be acting. This is not only true for the disk structure, but as well for its variability, both cyclic and secular. Be stars, at lower metallicities, seem more common and more rapidly rotating. The Be phenomenon, linked with one or more mass ejection processes, acts on top of a rotation rate of about 75% of critical or above. In this work, first the definition of Be-stars is contrasted to similar classes, and common observables obtaind for Be-stars are introduced and the respective formation mechanism explained. The current state of knowledge concerning the central stars as non-radially pulsating objects and non-magnetic stars, as far as it concerns large scale. The weak magnetic fields remain possible, but are of yet unproven. In this dissertation Chapter 1 discusses the features of Be- stars and reviewed the progress made in understanding Be-stars in the recent past. Chapter 2 discusses the literature review. Chapter 3 describes the methodology carried out to study the objective. Chapter 4 explains the result and analysis part of the research. Chapter 5 is about the conclusions. -
A Study on Critical Success Factors for Successful ERP Implementation at Indian SMEs
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning ) comprises of a commercial software package that promises the seamless integration of all the information flowing through the company??financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information (Davenport, 1998). Much has been written on implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in organizations of various sizes. The literature is replete with many cases studies of both successful and unsuccessful ERP implementations. Research on the implementation of ERP in certain European countries shows that, the job of implementing an ERP is a riskier business for Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) than for Large Enterprises (LEs), still SMEs have been receiving lesser focus from the software vendors and consultants than LEs (Shanks et al.,2000). There have been very few empirical studies that attempt to delineate the critical success and failure factors that drive the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Much of the time, ERP software vendors and consultants are the targets for blame when anticipated results do not materialize. Are the ERP vendors and consultants that sold the software the real culprits for the lack of business performance improvement? (Rao, 2000).The failure rates of ERP implementations have been publicized widely but, this has not distracted companies from investing large sums of money on ERP implementation. Many companies in developing countries have implemented ERP to capture its benefits still there is a lack of examining Critical Factors (CFs) that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs(Ranganathan and Kannabiran, 2004). In this dissertation, a framework has been adopted to cover both the national (Indian) and the organization size (SMEs) aspects to identify and rank the CFs that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Four models (ERP model, ERP Implementation Success Model, ERP Implementation Failure Model and ERP Gap (Strategic ERP) Model) were developed to explore and rank the thirty Critical Success Factors (CSFs) along with the twenty Critical Failure Factors (CFFs) that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Key Critical Success Factors (KCSFs) and Key Critical Failure Factors (KCFFs) were identified by ranking of these CSFs and CFFs according to their importance to decide their priorities during the ERP implementation at Indian SMEs. Quantitative survey based method was used to explore what are the possible critical success and failure factors that contribute in the success and failure of ERP implementation at India SMEs .Three close ended questionnaire were used to collect the data from the 500 Indian ERP consultants those who are having experience of ERP implementation in India for almost all types of Indian industries including Indian SMEs. Sample was drawn from ten national and international well known IT (ERP) sector companies which are involve in world wide ERP implementation including Indian SMEs. The Indian ERP consultants have been selected for the data collection using non probabilistic sampling method. The data collected were analyzed using statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, reliability tests, validity tests, exploratory factor analysis and non parametric tests. In order to explore thirty CSFs and twenty CFFs along with the KCSFs and KCFFs, three close ended questionnaires were customized with the help of literature reviews and experts opinions. Later on it has been standardized for this research with the help of Cronbachs Alpha readability and validity test (Guilfords formula) supported by exploratory factor analysis. Based on the Indian ERP consultants perceptions, literature review, and secondary data review it was found that an ERP implementation at Indian SMEs is not exactly same from the ERP implementations found in the existing literature for the worldwide Large Enterprises (LEs). When discussing the CSFs and CFFs for an ERP implementation at Indian SMEs, it was found that although the factors are more or less same but the importance of factors in term of their priorities (importance) are defiantly different from the ERP implementation of the LEs. -
Perceived organizational support, employee engagement and organizational commitment among millennials
Millennials (born between 1981-2000) are drastically different from any other generational cohorts, with their high education level, technological skills, social networking, self-confidence and always teeming with energy, which makes them excellent team players, unlike the previous generations who preferred to work on their own for long hours. Millennials, having grown to constitute a considerable proportion of the workforce and will continue to grow to represent more over the next 20 years, desire for immediate result and speedy advancement, which has led to perceiving them to be impatient and inconsistent. Hence, retaining them has become one of the top managerial priorities. Millennials are prone to frequent switching of jobs which is why they are attributed with the character of job-hopping. Of all the generations in the work force, Millennials are found to be less consistent in their workplace relationships which calls for the purposeful need for cultivating positive relationships with them at workplace. Organizational commitment is evidently one such gesture of an employee, towards positive and long-term relationship with the organization, as a committed employee stays with the organization and this can be brought about if the employees realize that they are being supported well by the organization. Hence, the perceived organizational support plays a pivotal role in work place relations. Another construct in the employeeorganization relationship is, which has a decisive role to play, is Employee engagement. Thus, this study intents to examine how perceived organizational support is related to organizational commitment where employee engagement mediates the relation between the two variables. An empirical study has been done, whereby carrying out a survey among 402 millennial employees across various companies in the information technology sector, as this sector experiences the rush of millennials more, compared to other traditional industries. And it was found that there is a vi significant relation that existed among perceived organization support and organizational commitment and employee engagement and organizational commitment as well. Employee engagement also turned out to be partially mediating the relationship between POS and OC. This study, done to find the relation between the three important constructs in organizational behavior and human resource management, and also to find out the difference in the variation of these three constructs based on the demographical factors, is the first of its kind to be done, among Millennials -
Preparation and Application of Nanoparticles and Core-Shell Nanoparticles of Transition Metals
There is an increasing need for the development of environmentally viable, economically effective, highly active and renewable catalytic systems for the various applications in the industrial field. The demand for the decolorisaion of synthetic dyes using bioremediation methods has been in a decreased mode due to its lower decomposition rates. Hence in recent years the decomposition of these organic colorants considered to be a worldwide need. The term nanocatalysis has gained huge importance in recent years due to its selectivity, higher activity, and productivity compared to their bulk materials. The nanosize, shape, and large surface to volume ratio provide unique properties to the nanomaterials. The principles of green chemistry are mainly relies on the development of catalytic systems that work similar to nature. Nanocatalyst combines both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and provides rapid and selective chemical transformations with high yield and easier separation of catalyst at the end of reaction. In this work we have synthesized various metal doped magnetite nanoparticles (Ferrite nanoparticles-NdMxFe3-xO4 where M (Mn, Co, Cu, Ni)) by precipitation and hydrothermal method. The one objective of this work was to check the photocatalytic application of prepared ferrite nanoparticles for the heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of MB and Rh B dyes. Each dye was degraded separately under visible light and dark with the assistance of neutral pH and H2O2, in order to shows the improved activity of catalysts under visible light. The degradation experiments using the photo-Fenton systems (Fe2+/H2O2/Visible light) suggested that, the highest degradation rate was 97% for MB and 81% for Rh B within 4h and the used catalyst was NdFe3-xCuxO4, a good photo-Fenton catalyst. . We have also tried the synthesis of core- shell nanoparticles using NdFe3O4 nanoparticles with the help of polyethylene glycol as dispersing agent. The synthesized samples were characterized by various techniques like, XRD, XPS, SEM and TEM. -
Classification and Retrieval of Research Classification and Retrieval of Research Papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach
"Classification and Retrieval of Research papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach" demonstrates an effective and efficient technique for classification of Research documents pertaining to Computer Science. The explosion in the number of documents and research publications in electronic form and the need to perform a semantic search for their retrieval has been the incentive for this research. The popularity and the widespread use of electronic documents and publications, has necessitated the development of an efficient document archival and retrieval mechanism. Categorizing journal papers by assigning them relevant and meaningful classes, predicting the latent concept or the topic of research, based on the relevant terms and assigning the appropriate Classification labels is the objective of this thesis. This thesis takes a semantic approach and applies the text mining techniques in a hierarchical manner in order to classify the documents. The use of a lexicon containing domain specific terms (DSL) adds a semantic dimension to classification and document retrieval. The Concept Prediction based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique demonstrates a semantic model for assigning concepts or topics to papers. This Thesis proposes a conceptual framework for organizing and classifying the research papers pertaining to Computer Science. The efficacy of the proposed concepts is demonstrated with the help of Classification experiments. Classification experiments reveal that the DSL technique of training works efficiently when categorization is based on keywords. The CPTR technique, on the other hand, shows very high accuracy; when the classification is based on the contents of the document. Both these techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Narrowing down the scope of search at each level of hierarchy enables time efficient retrieval and access of the goal documents. The hierarchical interface for Document Retrieval enables retrieval of the target documents by gradually restricting the scope of search at each level of hierarchy This work comprises of two main components. 1. The Framework for Hierarchical Classification. 2. The Hierarchical Interface for Document Retrieval. Two distinct techniques for classification are proposed in this thesis. These include 1. The use of Domain Specific Lexicon (DSL) which is comparable to a Domain Specific Ontology. 2. The Concept Prediction Based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique These techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Keywords: Text Mining, Classification, Document Retrieval, Hierarchical, Domain specific lexicon (DSL), Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) , Concept Prediction based on Term frequency (CPTR) -
Cognitive Style and Academic Achievement among School Students
The aim of the present study was to explore cognitive style and academic achievement among school students using a quantitative approach. The study involved a total of 423 students from grade VIth and VIIth. Students from both private and government schools participated in the study. The study used group embedded figures test by Witkin et al. (1971) and classroom achievement test by Singh & Gupta (2007) to determine the participants field independent and dependent cognitive styles and academic achievement. T test was used to compare the academic achievement of field independent ?? field dependent cognitive style students. Whereas, two-way Anova test was done to analysis the interaction effect of grades, gender, and type of school along with cognitive style on academic achievement of students. The findings of the present research showed that there was a significant difference between field independent and dependent students' on academic achievement. It also revealed that students with field independent cognitive style performed significantly better than field dependent students. However grades had a significant main effect on academic achievement of students. There was no interaction effect found between grades and cognitive style on academic achievement of students. In addition, it was also found that there was no interaction effect of type of school and cognitive style on academic achievement of students. The findings of the study benefits teachers by indicating significant classroom implications which will help them to develop effective learning materials and strategies which are suitable for their student in order to utilize their cognitive style strength effectively. It helps students in making effective decisions regarding ones enrolment in higher education courses and career choices. Key Words: Field Independent-Dependent Cognitive Style, Academic Achievement, Grades, Gender and Type of School. -
Effect of temperature modulation on Rayleigh-Benard convection in a rotating layer of a ferromagnetic fluid
The stability of a rotating horizontal layer of ferromagnetic fluid heated from below is examined when, in addition to a steady temperature difference between the walls of the layer, a time-dependent sinusoidal perturbation is applied to the wall temperatures. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The effects of the oscillating temperature field are treated by a perturbation expansion in powers of the amplitude of the applied field. The onset criterion is derived when the condition for the principle of exchange of stabilities is valid. The shift in the critical Rayleigh number is calculated as a function of the frequency of modulation, magnetic parameters, Taylor number and Prandtl number. The effect of various parameters is found to be significant for moderate values of the frequency of modulation. It is shown that, when the thermal excitation is symmetric, supercritical motion is more pronounced for low Prandtl number ferro fluids. Further, for the case in which only the bottom wall temperature is modulated, the effect of rotation is to stabilize the system at low frequencies and the opposite is true for moderately large frequencies. The problem throws light on external means of controlling convection in ferromagnetic fluid applications.