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Growing international integration through trade and investment is the emerging scenario of the 21st century. International Investment flows, particularly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), have become a rising manifestation of this growing global linkage between nations. Outward Foreign Direct Investments (OFDI) from India in the service sector is emerging as a significant aspect of Indias international economic integration. Firms from India are incorporating outward foreign direct investment as part of their corporate strategy to compete globally and to acquire key assets. Outward investments is being adopted as part of their global strategy to emerge as leaders in their respective domain.As the significance of outward investment rises, it is important to understand the motivation and strengths behind such flows. With rising significance of services sector, more studies to explain the nature and factors behind outward FDI assumes importance. Therefore a focus on growth of OFDI from service sector like knowledge??intensive information-technology (IT) sector has become very relevant. IT firms from India have created a global presence and brand image. It is therefore important to consider various factors which give competitive advantage to the firms. The present study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an overview and introduces the research issue. The second chapter comprises of a review of literature in the area. Research Methodology is outlined in the third chapter. The fourth chapter consists of an analysis of the trends in Indian outward foreign direct investment. The fifth chapter provides the analysis and interpretation of factors influencing foreign investments by firms. The sixth chapter gives the summary and conclusions of the study. Results of the study indicate that Indias outward foreign direct investment is showing a rising trend and that there are significant changes in the pattern of these outflows. The outflows by service sector firms have increased and there is also rising investment to developed countries. The changing trend is a reflection of the global aspirations of Indian firms and their willingness to compete in the world market. The study shows that India firms, though small in comparison to multinationals from developed world, do have competitive advantage. They have leveraged these advantages and acquired strategic assets to enhance their competitive position. The firms are gaining from experience and building tacit knowledge. These skills are applied to creating a network to supplement and augment their competitive advantage. In this endeavor, macro factors are also playing a significant role. Technological and information revolution has given firms an opportunity to strengthen their competitive advantage. In this endeavor, firms in developing country like India have benefited from a vast pool of educated, skilled and technically qualified human resource. They have been facilitated by a liberalized government policy and the domestic economic climate, which has given them opportunities for entrepreneurship. Rising outward FDI is a manifestation of these changes. As Indian firms seek to strengthen their competitive positions and augment their assets, the outflow of investment to nations that have intellectual assets will increase. At the same time the traditional motive of undertaking investments to seek larger markets is still important. Though India is still a fledgling in the spectrum of outward investments, Indian firms are fast rising up to the challenge of competitive global atmosphere with aggressive strategies. Indian economy is emerging as one of the largest economies in the world. With the second largest population in the world, India has to utilize every opportunity to build sustainable growth with greater international economic linkages with rest of the world. -
Situating censorship: A study of the politics of state and self in literary translations in Iran /
A nation’s culture flourishes by interacting with other cultures” (Razmjou). Cultural variety not only enriches our knowledge, but also acts as a guide towards the growth of a nation. It gives an insight about the basic human right practices of different cultures. The standard of culture of any particular nation can be gauged through various tools, but importance is given to literature, as it acts as a barometer to measure the cultural growth of the nation. To interpret any culture it is important to understand the beginnings of that particular culture and make an in-depth study of the progress of its civilization. The cultural evolution of any place is continuous and is a combination of many factors like geographic location, weather conditions prevalent, suitable food crops grown, its political policies, religious influences, its history and its present circumstances. The above factors directly or indirectly become responsible to blend and give shape to a culture. -
Gender Differences In Health Habits And Psychological Well- Being Among Early Adults
The concept of health is both complex and important. Health and its importance is one of the universally recognized concepts. The aim of the study was to explore the gender differences among early adults with regard to their health habits and their psychological well-being. Total sample consisted of 100 participants of whom 50 were men and 50 were women. The sampling technique used was random sampling. The age range was 18 -25 years. Health promoting lifestyle profile (HPLP), developed by Walker, Sechrist & Pender (1982). It includes both health-protecting (preventive) behaviors that decrease risk for illness and health-promoting behaviors that sustain or increase well-being, self-actualization and personal fulfillment. Health Behavior checklist was developed by the researcher to understand the patterns of health behavior on the dimensions of nutrition, physical activity, medical care, alcohol consumption, smoking and dieting and PGI General well Being Measure (PGI GWBM) Psychological well-being- PGI GWBM (English Version) by S.K Verma and A.Verma was used to assess the psychological wellbeing of early adults. This is a twenty item simplified test to measure positive mental health. Results showed that there are no gender differences in health habits among early adults. There were gender differences in psychological well-being among early adults. Correlation between health habits and psychological well-being was not observed. The results from the analysis of the checklist indicate some differences between men and women; more men were involved in external physical activity than women and women seemed to be not worried about their health and not visiting hospitals for checkups than men. Key words: gender differences, health habits, psychological well-being. -
Exploring the Dream Pattern among the Nightshift Workers
Globalisation led to the increase in technology and development of multinational companies in the developing countries. This development has caused the increased need for working round the clock and the only option for such a need is different shifts in the companies. Nightshift workers are increasing day by day, but many times, people forget the health and sleep effects caused by the nightshift. One such impact is the altered circadian rhythm, which is very important for proper functioning of the body and a good sleep. Freud put forward that dreams occurring during sleep serve as the guardian of sleep. Dreams are the reflections of the waking life. This altered circadian rhythm can have an impact on waking and sleep life of the nightshift workers. This qualitative study is to find the dream pattern among the nightshift workers and to find the frequency in dreaming among this group. This study is conducted with nine nightshift and nine dayshift workers, dream journal was used to collect the dreams from the participants. Also, semistructured interview was done among the nightshift workers for in-depth understanding on their sleep habits and dream pattern. The dream patterns among both the groups are similar but there are dreams that make the nightshift group different from the dayshift. The frequency of dreaming is seen more among the nightshift workers. The study shows that sexual dreams are seen majorly among the nightshift group. This finding can be further used to conduct researches on the impact of nightshift on the sexual health and overall well being of nightshift workers and the reflection of the same in their dreams. -
During the past few decades, organizational researchers have increasingly focused their attention on the subjective work issues and their impact on various work related outcomes. One of the most prominently studied factor perception of organizational politics has received much recent conceptual and empirical attention. Political work environment are responsible for a variety of harmful work consequences like higher stress, lower job satisfaction and commitment, diminished worker productivity and higher rate of turnover (Ferris 1989, 2002; Kacmar and Baron, 1999) Some researchers focused on the distributive justice aspect as predictors of important outcomes here they pursued studies from the opposite perspective while they examined Perception of politics (Ferris and Kacmar, 1992; Kacmar , Ferris, 1991). Thus research has demonstrated the independent influences of politics, distributive justice, on turnover intention, job satisfaction etc (Cropanzano 1992; Mcfarlin and Sweeney, 1992). Very few studies attempted in finding out how these elements of fairness influence each other in predicting outcomes. In the current study, the mediating effect of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intentions has been examined. This study extends the previous research efforts and fills a gap in the reviewed literature by simultaneously investigating the mediation effect of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intention of employees in Information technology organizations. 343 employees from the top 10 IT organization as listed by NAASCOM were involved in the present study. The purposive sampling technique was adopted. Employees with minimum 2 years of experience in the organization was chosen as respondents. The major objectives of the study are, to measure employees perception of politics and employees perception of distributive justice; to study the turnover intention of IT employees; to find if perception of politics mediates the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intentions; to find out the significant effect of distributive justice on the dimensions of perception of politics and finally to find out the difference in perception of politics and distributive justice across demographics. Hypothesis was framed in accordance to the objectives stated. The tools of measurement adopted were (i) Perception of organisational politics were measured with the fifteen item Perception of politics scale (POPS), developed by Kacmar and Carlson (1997).( ii) Five item Perceptions of distributive justice were measured with the Distributive Justice Index, developed by Price and Mueller (1986). (iii) Turnover intention was measured using a categorical item developed by Dilys Robinson, Sarah Perryman, and Sue Hayday, (2004). The Crobachs alpha for perception of politics dimensions and distributive justice were above 0.90. The level of perception of politics and distributive justice was found to be moderate. In terms of the logistic regression analysis performed, it was found that there was partial mediation of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intention. The result indicated that, even though the employees perceived their work environment to be political, they will have the intention to stay back, as long as the fairness in distribution of rewards exists. Perception of politics which always carried a negative label showed partial mediation in the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intentions, where it explained only 13.9% of the intention to leave factor. This means, even when the environment is political, employees will stay back in the organization when they experience fairness in distribution of rewards. Keywords: Information technology, Organizational behaviour, Human resource management, Perception of politics, Mediation, Distributive justice, Turnover intention. -
Mother Daughter Relationship: Daughters' Experience
This study explores daughters' experience of their relationship with their mothers, and how this relationship has been perceived and interpreted by them during different periods in their lives, starting from childhood till the time of their motherhood. Further it recognizes the changes in the mother daughter relationship and factors contributing to these changes over a period of time. The study also explores stressful times in the mother daughter relationship, and the impact that the mother has on the daughter. 11 married women with at least one child were interviewed using life history method and data was analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Findings indicated changes in daughters' communication with her mother over the life cycle and change in roles for the daughter as evident through role reversal and mutual mothering. Factors contributing to growth and change in the relationship were identified as the daughter experiencing wife and mother roles herself. Daughters' pregnancy, and birth of grand children have been identified as factors which evoked a lot of support from mothers. Further, adolescence was reported as a stressful period in the mother daughter relationship. In addition, the mother's values, and behaviour was found to have a direct or indirect impact on the role attitudes and behaviours of some daughters in the study. The power of the mother's influence lied in her implicit and explicit messages given to the daughter more than her actual role choice. Some mothers and daughters had gender based expectations for each other. -
Right to Education Sans Development: An Analysis of the Educational Status of Children Living in Slums
India, as a developing country, has been facing many challenges. Of them, providing free and compulsory education to all its children is one such challenge. Despite many efforts by the law makers and executives, education to all the children remains a distant dream. Poverty and accessibility are cited as two important reasons for the short fall. Comparing to their counterparts, the situation of children living in slums is more vulnerable to exploitation. Taking into account this scenario, the present study attempts to understand the various problems faced by the children living in slums in pursuing their education. The researcher is hopeful of getting some valuable insights into the issue to support suitable remedial measures to improve the educational status of children living in slums. Bangalore alone holds around 570 slums and above 5 lakhs of people living in them. The constitution already gives the right for free education, up to 10th standard which can be utilized by them, which in turn can help in free and compulsory education for everyone. If the people are educated they can improve their standard of living and so be able to create an atmosphere altogether better than the slums. The study tries to look upon the role of social and economic situation of children in their education. It also seeks to understand the reasons for the attrition rate and will strive to find out if there is any discrimination the candidate faces while pursuing education. It also focusing the the relevance of the present Right to Education Act, (2010) on the light of data collected. It also tries to find out some solution to improve educational participation of children living in the slums of Bangalore. Education is the gateway to success in life. The importance of education is not realised by all. Education has been thought to bring about a qualitative difference in the life of individuals and groups. Significance is to bring about a social change through information about the provisions of education and the right of every individual to education, it is expected that the demand for education will grow. This consciousness can be brought about through the process of education itself. It is one of the most important responsibilities of the governments and people involved in human affairs to find means and ways to make it available to all on an equitable basis. With an analysis of various articles, books, journals and research findings, the paradigm of the study becomes clear. Review done in the initial stage of the study, equips the researcher in a better way to understand the various concepts, key variables, methods and the history of the topic being studied. Review of literature is a collective body of works done by scholars and published in the form of books or in the form of articles in journals or published as monograph etc. Every research starts with a Review of Literature. These materials are gathered by the researcher from many sources such as journals, books, documents etc. The Researcher feels that it is essential to understand the problems faced by slum dwellers in getting access to education in the selected slums of Bangalore. Researcher also felt it important to compare the slums as they are distinct in terms of their social and economic conditions. For the present study, the researcher has selected two slums in Bangalore urban purposefully which is Bommanahalli and Kannahalli. Each slum is distinct in terms of its character and population. From each slum, 50 households were identified randomly from households with children below the age of 15, either school going or dropouts. The researcher has used the descriptive design for the study. Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or conditions relating to the educational status of children living in slums. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. Researcher has used both primary and secondary data. Primary data which is provided by the researcher is an original one. Researcher has collected these data from the slums selected. For the collection of primary data, the researcher has used Focus Group Discussions, Interview schedule and Interview Guide as tools. From the study researcher has understood that these people are socially and financially backward. Their income is not enough to satiate their daily needs, which makes it further difficult for supporting education. Their backwardness and illiteracy does not give them a proper job. This results in other members of the family including housewives also to work for supporting themselves. Most of the families in order to reduce their expenses have limited themselves to nuclear family structure and also the number of children is a maximum of two. In some families the parents are not taking any initiative in educating their girl child. Most of them consider it is a waste of money. They prefer only the career for their male child. The dropout rates are very high in these two slums. In each year, 20% dropouts are registered. Financial instability or the poverty is the main cause of dropout. Most of the children are going out for work so they are not getting proper time to study. Some of them are facing discrimination from their friends and teachers .High levels of discriminations reported in private schools. Some of them are lacking support from their parents. There is no good school in their locality and the distance of the school is also a main cause for high dropout rate. The parents cannot afford the travelling cost of their children. Less attention by the teachers towards the children is also a reason. People did not know about the RTE Act and its provisions or privileges. Most of them did not get admission on the basis of RTE. Some schools have not properly implemented the RTE Act. The researcher has brought out the following suggestions for the study or the problem. These suggestions are collected from the population selected for the study. The Government should be able to implement the Right to education act. It should be effective in each and every school, rather than being only in papers. Every effort to open more and more schools for the backward section in the society should be taken into prior consideration by the Government in the centre and also within the states. More concentration on educating the slum children should also be initiated and the Government should be able to open schools in the surrounding areas of slum. Right to education act, should not only be an act in papers and something which is kept within protected walls. All efforts for publicity of the Act should be taken in by the government. It should be publicized in such a manner that all the doubts concerning the act be cleared. More and more advertisement or campaign regarding the right to education act and its facilities should be initiated. The privileges of the backward sections be made cleared to them, so that these sections of society are aware of their privileges and are able to use it. All effort should be taken by the Government to provide some more privileges to the backward sections and they should implement that in a proper way. -
A critical analysis of the contemporary popular malayalam motion pictures as compared to the malayalam movies of 1980s /
Malayalam new wave films prominently made by Adoor Gopalakrishnan and Aravindan bagged several national awards which helped to make a mark in the history of Indian cinema. But these movies were not reaching the wavelength of general audience who found it difficult to relate to it. Later the types of movies were produced which was a synthesis of art films and commercial films. It was called middle stream cinema because it contained the aspect of realistic portrayal of human life and social issues. It was also easy for the general audience to grasp the content of those movies. So the period of 1980s where the middle stream films flourished was a mile stone in Malayalam cinema. The movies which were produced after 2000 in Malayalam also showed a sense of social reality in it compared to the previous decade. With the kind of technical advancement filmmakers of current era are able to experiment in the narratives maintaining the realistic feel of movies. The analysis showcases changing trends of the movies from the Malayalam movie industry taking into consideration the technological advancements, socio-economic and cultural factors. -
Exploring the Professional Problems Faced by Beginning Counsellors
Counselling Education at a Post-graduate level is of recent origin in India. Every year a number of students who complete their Post-graduate studies (M.Sc.) in Counselling get employed in various settings. As trainees their issues related to practice of counseling get addressed in training sessions, in supervision and through other means like personal therapy. Nothing is conclusively known about their status as beginning counselors. The aim and objectives of the study were exploring the professional problems faced by beginning counselors and the ways in which they are coping with them and their suggestions to cope as individuals and the ways in which the training institutes could help them to cope. The study was done by conducting two focus group discussions (FGD) of six beginning counselors and personal in-depth interviews of three beginning counselors who were working in different settings like Clinical-rehab, School and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). While three school counsellors, two counsellors working in clinical-rehab settings and one EAP counsellor formed the participants of FGD, one counsellor from each of these settings who was not part of FGD was interviewed personally. While for the FGDs, the researcher used the self-constructed guide, for the interviews, the findings of FGD data which formed the Interview Schedule. Both the FGDs and the interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and analyzed with conventional content analysis. Data from both the FGDs and interviews were included to form the Results. The findings show the various professional problems faced by the beginning counselors and the coping strategies used by them and their suggestions for coping with their professional problems at an individual level and at an institutional level. Implications for professional development, training of counsellors and scope for future research are presented. Key Words: Beginning Counsellors, Professional Problems, Coping, Professional Development.