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Unlocking Credit Default Swaps to the Retail Investors to Boost Liquidity and Risk Diversification
Credit Default Swaps, is one of the significant contributors to the 2008 financial crash due to raise of illiquidity and its limited space to mitigate the risk, the market is dictated by few institutions across the globe. Hence the research investigates realistically by probing the credit default swaps role and contribution in the financial crash, existing gaps and current mechanism of the credit default swaps, as a result we anticipate the outcome might force us restructure the existing mechanism or possible innovative alternate models in order to boost the liquidity and to establish robust platform which helps to minimize the counterparty risk. Financial tsunami in the year 2008, alarmed researchers, regulators, economists, sovereigns and financial institutions across the globe to emphasize on the need of strong liquidity and risk mitigation or diversification model(s) for credit default swaps market reformation and the development along with creating superior confidence levels in the market. The literature review of the research acknowledged that the existing financial institutions and researchers analyzed and articulated the need of the retail investors participation in the credit default swaps market to create a strong liquidity and to mitigate counterparty risk. The anticipated restructuring or possible innovative alternate models may help to reform and to maintain the development of the credit default swaps market and also provoke superior confidence levels to boost strong liquidity and options to diversify the associated risk. The outcome of this research may also motivate the investments in the debt market which helps to enhance the debt capital markets and economies around the globe. Finally we verify the liquidity strength and degree of risk with the help of research proxies; the proxies are width of the bid and ask spread of the research outcome, as we strongly believe bid and ask spread have self illustrative power to explain the degree of liquidity and risk mathematically and statistically, the research assume multiple regression model to establish relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. Keywords: Unlocking, Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Retail Investors, Liquidity and Risk Diversification. JEL Classification: L810, G320 -
Assessing Opportunities and Constraints of Community Engagement in Tourism Development at Hampi
Community Based Tourism will create a momentous milestone in improving the participation level of local communities in the arena of Heritage tourism as well as all the various branches of the travel and expedition industry. Whose heritage is being preserved, by whom, and for what purposes? (Shepherd 2006). This study particularly gives due emphasis on evaluating the level of participation from the resident???s part by assessing various development strategies offered by the respective authorities. The study also tries to address all the possible streams where the community can easily thrive and it also addresses the major obstacles which restricts their entry, indicating an inclusive approach towards community participation through community based tourism (CBT). Lack of cooperation among stakeholders was identified as challenges of CBT, (Tamir 2015). Tourism market of Hampi is developing year by year but the standard of living of the underprivileged community is always remains the same without any improvement and this is the core problem mentioned in the study. Quantitative research technique was used for the study with the help of a structured questionnaire which was used for collecting data. The collected data was analyzed with the help of quantitative data analysis software, SPSS. This research tries to bring out the various reasons behind the low level of community involvement in tourism industry with relevant evidence from the analyzed data. The study indicates the hopelessness of the community towards the major development strategies forwarded by the authorities especially Hampi Master Plan. It also addresses the poor level of education and lack of information about the potential of tourism employability and its scope in the field of community development. A unique relic of medieval commerce and religious faith into a lifeless ruin, (John and Michell2012) this study pinpoints the inefficiency of the tourism boards and poor functioning of other responsible authorities too. It VII also invokes the possibilities of promoting Agro-Tourism along with the existing Heritage tourism. There is enough scope for further study in the light of execution of CBT model as well as assessing the scope of Agro tourism in Hampi. This suggestion is propounded mainly because of the structural phase of the economy that is more than 70% of the working population is involved in agriculture and its allied sectors. There is a noticeable gap between the expectations of the local residents and what they are actually receiving from the authorities moreover, these entire gaps may hamper the idea of inclusive approach. If effective training and regular awareness creation program is initiated by the responsible authorities, it will create a better platform for inclusive approach. -
Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children in Conflict with Law: An Exploratory Study of Karnataka and Telangana
The current study analyses the effect that rehabilitation and reintegration of children in conflict with law has on the life of the children. It traces the history of deviant behavior of the child and the causes that lead to deviancy. For the purpose of this study, two institutions were selected from Karnataka and Telangana, because of geographical and social-economic similarities. A sample of 10 (5 from each state) children who had undergone rehabilitation and reintegration process were selected between the age of 12-18 years and interview was conducted. The interview shed light on the rehabilitation and reintegration process that exists in the two states and their institutions from the perspective of the participants and their struggles and challenges was also recorded. Thematic analysis by Braun was loosely followed. The analysis brought out major themes in the experience of the participants and their changes that they had undergone. The research concludes by listing out the characteristics of the respective institutions in the state of Karnataka and Telangana and their impact on the participant in the aspect of rehabilitation and reintegration. -
A conceptual study on searching techniques used in ontology based search engines /
Search engines play a vital role in finding the relevant information across the web and make it available on the finger tips. But they seemed to be less efficient to understand the relationship between the keywords which had an adverse effect on the results it produced. Semantic search engines ?? only solution to this; is still an unrealized dream due to various underlying issues. Reducing the time taken to search the semantic annotated documents is a highly demanded solution for semantic search engines. This research focuses on a study and improvisation of searching techniques used in semantic search engines keeping time complexity as the major factor. Developing semantic search engines is considered to be a time consuming and tedious process. The reasons attributed to that are ?? It is a mightier task to semantically annotate each and every resource (text and multimedia files) available on the net as the number keeps on increasing in an exponential order per day. -
Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic activity of Zirconia-Ceria catalysts
The development of catalysts is critical for the economical and environmentally efficient generation of chemical compounds that underlie every aspect of our society. Catalysts are key players in research involving the discovery of pharmaceuticals, materials, and polymers. In addition, catalysis is especially powerful in bulk synthesis, allowing the production of compounds, polymers and commodity chemicals via routes that would otherwise be impossible. Ceria is the unique rare earth for which dioxide is the normal stable phase contrary to the others for which Ln2O3 is the normal stoichiometry. The applications of ceria based materials are related to a potential redox chemistry involving Ce(III) and Ce(IV), high affinity of the element for oxygen and sulphur and absorption/excitation energy bands associated with its electronic structure. Zirconium is one of the more abundant elements, and is widely distributed in the Earth's crust. Being very reactive chemically, it is found only in the combined state or as part of a complex of oxides as in zircon, elpidite, and eudialyte. Doping ceria with zirconia may improve the oxygen storage properties of ceria at three different levels. At the level of the microstructure, it inhibits surface diffusion and in turn the loss of surface area at high temperatures. At the microscopic level, substantial doping may result in the formation of an interface structure that facilitates the oxygen transport from bulk to the surface. At the atomic-level, it stabilizes the oxygen defective structure. The texture, structure and thermal stability of ceria-zirconia doped oxides are closely related to the ratio of cerium to zirconium in the solid solution. Chapter 1 comprises of the general introduction of catalysis, importance of solid acid catalysis, sulphated metal oxides, pure ceria, pure zirconia, modified ceria and zirconia. It gives a brief introduction about the nitration of toluene. The aim and objectives of the present investigation are also described at the end of this chapter. Chapter 2 comprises of a thorough literature survey on the significance of solid acid and super acid catalysts in various domains of chemical industry and importance of anion promoted zirconia and ceria catalysts. The definition of ??super acid and their classification vii on the basis of origin of the active sites are also outlined. Importance of modified metal oxides is also outlined. Chapter 3 deals with the experimental procedures and techniques employed in this investigation. Scientific aspects of the precipitation and impregnation methods were outlined. The experimental details of surface area measurements by BET method, application of X-ray powder diffraction studies for crystalline phase and size determination, elemental detection by EDAX, spectral details from FTIR and thermal stability by TGA have been described. Chapter 4 deals with the various characterization results and discussion of pure, doped and sulphated Zirconia-ceria solid acid catalysts. The bulk and surface properties of the catalyst was discussed by XRD, BET surface area, TGA and FTIR. All characterization results revealed that the incorporated sulphate ions has a significant influence on the surface and bulk properties of the ZrO2-CeO2 catalyst. The prepared catalysts are investigated for the liquid phase nitration of toluene under various reaction conditions. Chapter 5 gives with the summary and conclusion of the present study. It also gives the future scope of the present study. On the whole, zirconia-ceria solid acid catalysts were successfully synthesized by simple route. Physicochemical characterization of all these catalysts revealed that the loaded sulphated and doped metal oxides show a significant influence on the surface and bulk properties of the ZrO2 - CeO2. These catalysts are found to be active for the liquid phase nitration of toluene. Key words: Solid acid catalysis, Zirconia-Ceria, Sulphated zirconia-ceria, Nitration of toluene -
Major issues and challenges in work life balance is the impact of work life balance (WLB) on quality of life (QOL). Work-life balance has always been a concern of those interested in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life. Some other issues and challenges are work-family conflict, impact of work and family stressors and conflicts on the mental health, stress and work life balance etc. Quality of life refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a total environment for people. QOL programs are another way in which organisations recognise their responsibility to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for economic health of the organisation. Work ?? Life Balance is a challenging issue for IT leaders, managers and has also attracted the attention of researchers. Work/life balance, in its broadest sense, is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or ??fit between the multiple roles in a persons life. In this climate managing the boundary between home and work is becoming more challenging. This study is an attempt to contribute afresh with a new perspective to the field of human resources with special reference to QOL in relation of employees work ?? life balance in IT organizations. It is also an earnest attempt to bridge the gap especially in this area by highlighting the relevance and importance of work ?? life balance and QOL to leadership, senior management, individual and organizations and hoping this study will initiate a series of serious and productive discussion on the subject. The findings and outcome of this research will be beneficial to the IT organizations in India, which is a flourishing industry and contributes significantly to the GDP of the country and the talent pool of the world The sample consisted of 350 IT employees from Bangalore city. The sample consisted both male and female married IT employees. The major findings of the study were: i.Work life balance is having positive correlation with quality of life. ii.It was found that the PLIW has a significant influence on the overall stress of the employees. The other variable does not seem to significantly influence the overall stress of the employees. iii.It was found that there was no significant influence of the work life balance on the life enjoyment of the employees. iv.It was found that there was a significant influence of WIPL and WPLE on the overall quality of life. v.There is no significant influence of work life balance on the overall impression of the employees. vi.There is no significant difference of the dimensions of work life balance and quality of life across age groups. vii.It was found that there was significant difference across age groups for the work/personal life enhancement dimensions. viii.It was found that there was no significant difference across gender for the overall quality of life dimensions. ix.Work life balance is having positive correlation with quality of life. CONCLUSION IT organizations should come up with effective and efficient work ?? life balance policies and programs, this will help reduce the work ?? life conflict for IT employees. Further IT leaders should take initiative to improve the quality of life of their employees as it plays a significant role in the organization to improve individual and organizational performance. -
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour is defined as the voluntary behaviour in which employees go beyond what is formally expected of them to contribute to the well being of the organisation and people involved in it. The present study investigated whether Big five Personality Traits and Psychological Contract have significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of employees in Business Process Outsourcing Sector. Convenience sampling was adopted to administer the questionnaire (questionnaires were administered to the target sample from the business process outsourcing companies that gave permission, and through the online). Judgmental sampling method was adopted for deciding whom to administer the questionnaire. Employees must have worked for minimum 2 years in the present company to complete the questionnaire. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 381 fully completed questionnaires were compiled for analysis (76.2% response rate). In the present study the dimensions of Big Five Personality Traits ?? Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Change, the Psychological Contract Variables - Relational Contract, Transactional Contract, Employer Commitment, and Employee Commitment, and the dimensions of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour- Altruism, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, Civic Virtue and Sportsmanship were measured on 381 employees of top 10 BPO companies listed by NASSCOM . The result of the present study indicated that extraversion dimension of Big Five Personality Traits had a significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. Psychological Contract variables Relational Contract, Transactional Contract and Employer Commitment had a significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. In this study we have analyzed the implications based on the results found. Some of the implications of the study were the BPO employees high on extraversion, may display more citizenship behaviours towards the organisation. The employees who scored high on the psychological contract measures may result in exhibiting voluntary behaviour towards the organisation. It is suggested for the future researchers to replicate the study to determine how the findings reported here correspond to the results of studies conducted in other work environments to ensure proper generalization. Future researches also need to consider the moderating influences of person and situation-based factors on the relationship between Big Five personality Traits, Psychological Contract and OCB. Additionally, researcher may consider the respondents position in future studies as findings. A dyadic response from both the managers and employees can be a better study to avoid bias and self rating. Key words: Organisational Behaviour, Big Five, Psychological Contract, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, Human Resource Management. -
Soft computing techniques for hub sequence analysis /
Bioinformatics, the combination of Biology and Information Technology has become a pioneer industry booming worldwide. One of the grand challenges in biology is to understand organizing principles of bimolecular networks. There seems to be a deliberate effort towards uncovering new laws of biological complexity. One of the most pressing needs in this area is the understanding of protein-protein interaction networks and their complexity. Hub proteins- network elements with high connectivity- literally ??hold the networks together. Though several experimental methods have been developed to identify hub proteins, it is important to supplement procedures for pattern recognition to classify/predict hub protein sequences. This research work aims at the classification and prediction of hub proteins of two model organisms- Homo sapiens and Escherichia coli using different computational approaches of pattern recognition such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis using (i) Class Dependent Approach (LDACD), (ii) Class Independent Approach (LDACIND), and (iii) Normal Bayes Classification (LDANB). -
A study of customers expectation towards depository participants of Bangalore city /
The exponential growth of the capital market witnessed in recent years had resulted in a near complete breakdown of the paper based transaction system. The amount of capital raised has shot up, the number of issues had increased substantially, trading volumes on the stock exchanges had grown several fold and the markets had become institutionalised with the entry of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and private mutual funds. As a result, there had been an increase in paper work causing a gridlock at every stage. This delays the clearance and settlement of trades, registration of securities and increases back office paper work for intermediaries. The outdated systems had increased settlement risks and have rendered the implementation of a Delivery versus Payment (DP) system impossible. The systemic risks face further threat by theft, forgery, bad delivery, issue of fake share certificates and loss of certificates. This had eroded investor confidence. -
The exponential growth of the capital market witnessed in recent years had resulted in a near complete breakdown of the paper based transaction system. The amount of capital raised has shot up, the number of issues had increased substantially, trading volumes on the stock exchanges had grown several fold and the markets had become institutionalised with the entry of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and private mutual funds. As a result, there had been an increase in paper work causing a gridlock at every stage. This delays the clearance and settlement of trades, registration of securities and increases back office paper work for intermediaries. The outdated systems had increased settlement risks and have rendered the implementation of a Delivery versus Payment (DP) system impossible. The systemic risks face further threat by theft, forgery, bad delivery, issue of fake share certificates and loss of certificates. This had eroded investor confidence. In this scenario, it was felt that the setting up of a Depository and introduction of scrip less trading would improve the efficiency of Indian Capital markets. Investors also face lot of problems in registering the certificates, and also lose money and time because of fake certificates and bad deliveries in traditional manual method of transaction system. These demerits are reduced in the on-line trading system. Most of investors go to the share brokers to for any of the services to be availed may be professional help or online trading system. The purpose of this study is find out what are the customers expectations from the depository and depository participants, what are the rules to be followed by the depository, depository participants and investors. There may be various factors which may affect the customer while choosing the depository participant. The study is undertaken to perform the comparison of various Depository Participants in Bangalore City and the customers perception about the Depository Participants. The Descriptive Research and Analytical method is selected for this study as the data will be collected from the sample containing a large number of customers. Convenience sampling is used for this research. This study includes the investors of Bangalore Stock Exchange in Bangalore city. The sample size will be 200 respondents. The study will take into account the following 5 different depository participants: Bangalore Stock Exchange Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI Bank) HDFC Bank The Vysya Bank Ltd. Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. The study also contains certain limitations such as this study will be restricted only to Bangalore City due to time constraint. The study may be limited to the extent of information and materials provided by the stock exchange and the customers. The major findings of the study are as follows: ?It was found that dematerialisation of the securities is the most favourable among respondents with 39% ?Almost all respondents have rated their DP services either good or average ?It was found that 78% of the respondents do not want to change their existing DP only few want to shift to the new DP ?Most of the respondents prefer convenience as the major parameter for selecting their DPs other factors have less criteria ?Most of the respondents feel that the price charged by the DPs are reasonable and their execution of orders are faster ?Online trading services provided by DP are good and the DPs are approachable in respect of any factors such as to resolve problems ?The access to professional assistance given by the DPs are rated to be good by the respondents ?The respondents have rated that probably they would recommend others to be a member in the particular DP ? There is no significant relationship between price charged by various DPs and choice of particular DP ?There is no significant relationship between time taken to open an account by various DPs and choice of a particular DP Conclusion: in todays technological world where technology keeps changing on day to day basis, online trading of securities market has a bright future where Bank DP as well as BSE should to bring awareness among the customers and as well as attract the customers to invest on securities.