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The correlation between work locus of control and occupational stress among team leaders working in it companies in Bangalore
Job related stress is one of the highest health risks influencing employees, regardless of the size of the organization or the work sector. Most of the researchers view stress as an interaction between the person and some environmental event or stressor. Job stressors are defined as job demands, constraints, and or opportunities and job related events or situations that might affect the individuals feelings of stress. The fact that employee stress is an increasing problem in almost all organizations has indeed been the driving force for a variety of researches on occupational stress. The literature on occupational stress recognizes its inevitability in many jobs where pressures of work begin to build up and cause adverse strain on the emotion of employees, their thought process and their physical condition. Stress vulnerability has also been major focus to determine how stress effects differently across similar jobs. During the 1980s, personality[Type A/ Type B, locus of control] was found to be related to job stressors[ work load, role conflict, lack of autonomy], job strains[ job dissatisfaction, anxiety, health complaints]. The research aims to investigate the relationship between Work locus of control and occupational stress of team leaders working in IT companies in Bangalore. The purpose of research is to study whether the team leaders have an internal or external locus of control, which in turn determines how they perceive situations and life events, and how stressed they are due to this. It was hypothesized that the higher the internal locus of control of the team leader, the lower level of occupational stress they experience and the higher the external locus of control of the team leader, the higher the level of occupational stress. A sample of 100 team leaders working in three different IT companies were examined by administering the Occupational stress index by AP Singh and AK Srivastava and Work locus of control scale by Paul E Spector. The extent of work stress was examined on its twelve sub-scales, i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons, under participation, powerlessness, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability of Occupational stress index. A structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile of the respondents. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS. The level of significance was fixed at 0.005(p<0.005). Correlational analysis reveals that team leaders with external locus of control score high on all twelve sub scales of occupational stress and team leaders with internal locus of control have low scores on all twelve sub scales of occupational stress i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons, under participation, powerlessness, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability. There is a significant difference with regard to occupational stress between team leaders with external locus of control and team leaders with internal locus of control. The correlation between occupational stress and external control was found to be positive and significant as predicted (p=<0.001). The correlation between occupational stress and internal control was found to be positive and significant as predicted (p=<0.001). -
The current status of celebrity endorsements in advertising /
In advertisements celebrity endorsements are considered a time tested successful tool. It increases recall value and positively reinforces the product in the minds of the consumer. The attributes attached to the celebrity automatically gets transferred to the product and the consumer starts to view in the product in a positive light. Casting a celebrity in advertisements does not guarantee high sales. Completely banking on a celebrity to boost sales is not a viable plan of action. -
The Effect of Logotherapy on Meaning and Quality of Life of the Elderly in Old Age Homes.
Today the elderly in India is faced with a changing life situation where the traditional joint family system, according to which the elders were recognized and respected have given way to nuclear families where the elderly try to fit in. The number of old age homes in India is on increase especially in the state of Kerala. The existing literature shows that the elderly in old age homes in India undergo the problems like, relational issues, poverty, health issues, rejection from children, death of the partner, death anxiety etc, which lead to meaninglessness and poor quality of life. The current research is aimed at studying the effectiveness of a logotherapy intervention called Meaning in Life Programme on the meaning and quality of life of the elderly in old age homes. For the purpose of the study three old age homes with similar administration were selected from the districts of Kottayam, Kannur and Ernakulam district of Kerala where the highest number of old age homes of India are situated. 60 of them who met the inclusion criteria were randomely put into two groups, namely control group and experimental group. At par with the existing literature the study proves that the elderly in old age homes have a low meaning and quality of life. The average mean score of meaning in the pre-test was 14.23 in MiLS and the average mean score of quality of life in the pre-test is 51.83 in WHOQOL. The experimental group was given an intensive Logotherapy- meaning in life programme for five days and the control group had normal life. After a period of one month both groups were tested with MiLS and WHOQOL and there was significant difference between the control group and the experimental group. The Experimental group scored 22.06 in MiLS at the significant level of p < .001 and 59.73 in WHOQOL at the significant level of p < .001. The study revealed that logotherapy is effective in enhancing meaning and quality of life of the elderly in old age homes. Key words: meaning, quality, elderly, logotherapy -
The Effect of Lyrical Music on Hopelessness in College Students
Hopelessness is a product of negative future expectations, negative feelings toward the future and feeling a lack of control over future improvements. One of the major factors that play a role in hopelessness are Negative Life Events (NLE) along with the interaction of negative inferential styles. College students are seen to experience both NLE and engage in negative inferential styles which is seen in their portrayal of hopelessness. The aim of the study was to reduce levels of hopelessness in college students through an intervention that involved listening to songs having hopeful lyrics. The study strived to answer the following question: Can hopeful lyrics in songs can have an effect on hopelessness? The sample consisted of college students (N=66), who were randomly assigned to three groups, namely the lyrical music group (hopeful lyrics and music), music group (only music) and the control group (no intervention). The Beck???s hopelessness scale was used to measure their levels of hopelessness before the intervention and at the end of 4 weeks. The lyrical music group and the music group participants were exposed to songs and instrumental tracks twice a week, for a duration of 4 weeks. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for related samples was used to analyse the effect of the intervention or lack of, on levels of hopelessness. The Kruskal-Wallis was used to analyse the difference score between the three groups. Results indicated that the lyrical music group (p = .001) had a significant difference in levels of hopelessness after the intervention, however the music group (p = .072) and the control group (p = .402) showed no significant difference. There was a significant difference between the three groups with regard to the difference obtained from their pre-test and post-test scores (p = .03). Pairwise comparisons have helped to see where that difference lies. Thus it can be concluded that hopeful lyrical music does have an effect on hopelessness and can be seen as differing from the functions of music alone. -
The Experience of Divorce: The Emotional conflict and coping among divorced young adults
Divorce is the termination of marriage to a legally wedded marriage between a man and a woman. Divorce is fast becoming a common factor among young couples these days. Even though divorce is a way out for the struggling marriage, it is traumatic for most of the individuals who separate from their partners. This study is to capture the experience that every spouse goes through during and after divorce. The first two chapters explain divorce from the previous study undertaken to put into a perspective about the study on divorce. And the subsequent studies on coping and the consequences of coping by the divorcees. This study aims to focus on how they manage to cope and face their marital breakdown. Thereafter how they pick their lives and proceed with their new life after separation. The divorce experience of 12 males and females were recorded and explored through thematic analysis. The findings have indicated that the experience of divorce is traumatic and painful. It takes time for them to get over that bitter experience of divorce. The study highlights various coping strategies enabling the divorced to adapt to life after separation. Keywords: Emotional conflicts, Coping and consequences of coping -
The Experience of Flow among Kathak Dancers
Flow is a state of optimal experience proposed by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1975). Flow is the holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement and is characterized by intense engagement and enjoyment. The flow state has been explored diverse contexts such as art, music, theater, education and sports. The main contribution of flow studies to positive psychology involves adding value, purpose and enjoyment to subjective experience, thereby leading to a richer and intentional life existence. Dance is one such activity that increases enjoyment by integrating ones awareness with oneself and the surroundings. Kathak is a form of North Indian Classical dancing that lays emphasis on speed and rhythm. The present study aims to analyze the experience of flow in the context of Kathak performance. It also seeks to describe the experience of flow by linking challenge in the performance and skill of the dancer, the importance of feedback in performance and the unique competencies that enable a person to enter and maintain the state of flow. Seven Kathak dancers from Bangalore were interviewed in order to analyze how they experience flow. The research paradigm employed was phenomenology and in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Thematic analysis was the technique used in the study to generate themes. The findings of the study state that the dancers perceive Kathak as a challenging dance. The dancers perception of their skills influences their flow experience during performance. The Guru was seen to be an influential person whose feedback was considered valuable. The response from the audience and the dancers own self reflection were also important sources of feedback. The dancers had identified different purposes for performing Kathak. They were all motivated by their inner drives. The dancers also experienced a transformation from their personal selves when they were immersed in the dance. Self-confidence was seen to be an important facilitator of flow whereas anxiety was seen to be a major inhibitor. The results will be able to help dancers understand the importance of optimal experiences during dancing. An awareness of the what facilitates and inhibits flow can lead dancers to intentionally work on having clearer goals, better concentration, less self consciousness and raising the challenge level for themselves. The findings can be applied to dance therapy and also contributes to both research of dance and the relationship between dance and psychology in India. Keywords: Flow, experience, Kathak, challenge, feedback. -
The Experience of Meditation among Long Term Sahaja Yoga Practitioners and its Role in Facilitating Well Being and Managing Stress
Meditation is increasingly becoming a popular practice and is used as a strategy for stress management, coping with illness and spiritual growth. It is estimated that meditation is being practiced by a hundreds of millions worldwide (Deurr, 2004). However, results of the published studies on meditation have often been interpreted to be inconsistent (Shear, 2007). This could be attributed to the modification and westernisation of the original ancient meditation practice (Manocha,2008). Also, it is not clearly understood how the experience of meditation leads to stress management and well being. Hence, Sahaja yoga which is based on the classical understanding of meditation and begins with Self realization or Kundalini awakening was chosen for investigation for the present study. The present study aims to understand the experience of meditation among long term meditators and understand its role in facilitating well-being and management of stress. To achieve this 6 long term meditators were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide and were also requested to make diary entries of their daily meditation experience. All the participants were full time working adults. Interpretative phenemonological analysis was used to analyse the interview transcripts. The results of the study indicate that Sahaja yoga meditation practice aids its practitioners to attain thoughtless awareness and experience ??Sahaja and ??witness states which is accompanied by experience of indescribable bliss and peace. These states were found to create a sense of well-being among the practitioners and also had a significant role in facilitating physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and helped in the management of stress as well. Since, participants found it easy to balance it with work and family responsibilities it can be recommended for working adults. Key words: meditation, Sahaja yoga, stress, well-being. -
The Experience of Transition From Being A Breast Cancer Patient to Survivor: Treatment Experience of Naturopathy/ Yoga
Women's experience of breast cancer and conventional treatment is challenging and demanding. The period after completion of first line of treatment for the removal of cancer, is known to be stressful. Women have to rebuild their life by accepting their illness and the limitations it brings on. They suffer from a wide range of psycho social issues such as low self esteem, body image concerns, difficulties in role functionality, added to which they must also deal with residual symptoms and a compromised state of health after undergoing invasive treatments such as surgery/ chemotherapy. The treatment plan does not adequately address these concerns which are critical for adjustment to life after treatment. Many women are increasingly looking for alternative treatments for support, which reflects their unmet needs. Naturopathy functions in a holistic domain that aims to help patients move towards a better state of health and treats every individual's experience as unique. Hence the present study aimed to understand the process of transition from being a patient to becoming a survivor, focussing on the treatment experience of Naturopathy. Six women participated in semi structured in-depth interviews and provided details about their life. Based on the phenomenological approach, data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that emerged have been organised into Life before diagnosis, Living with cancer and Surviving breast cancer, in order to understand the meaning participants' attached to their whole experience. Participants of the study found the treatment experience of Naturopathy to be helpful in enabling their transition towards becoming a survivor and regaining a sense of normalcy in their life. They associated positive feelings/ emotions during the process of therapy, and felt empowered through a greater sense of awareness and control over their body/mind Key words: Naturopathy, Breast cancer, Treatment experience, Cancer Survivorship -
The family strengths of the Lambhanis of Bellary district /
The study titled The Family Strengths of the Lambhanis of Bellary District aimed at identifying and exploring Family Strengths of the Lambhanis their perpetuation. The study was based on the Family Strengths Model using an Interpretivistic Research Philosophy and a Grounded Theory Research Paradigm within a Qualitative Framework. The sample of the study was taken through a key informant. The participants were from Dasarhalli Thanda, Bellary District, Karnataka. They were all adults both men and women. Three Focus Groups were conducted and the interviews were unstructured, data was collected until Data Saturation was reached. The data was recorded/taped, translated and transcripts written. The data gathered was then coded based on the Grounded Theory Method proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1998). -
Advertising is a pervasive influence on children. Young people watch more than 40, 000 advertisements per year. Advertisements are basically to sell a product. Advertisements are everywhere, televisions, internet, newspapers and magazines etc??This study is about the impact of few selected advertisements on children. The target age groups are from 3 to 17 which would be divided into three groups. Five ages per group. Group 1: age 3 to 7, Group 2: age 8 to 12 and Group 3: age 13 to 17. Each of these age groups are affected in different ways. Some are effected mentally, and some physically. But these effects would not take effect immediately; it would take effect as the child grows. This is because no matter how the advertisements are made, most of the children never understand the effects on the advertisements and since they like the creativity in the advertisements they actually consume the product. No matter what the product is, let it be from a chocolate to an electronic product like an Air Conditioner. It is said that children from the ages of 3 to 7 are found to be more interested in toys and 8 to 12 are interested in food that no matter how the food is and how it tastes they would force their parents to buy them the product. And the children in the ages between 13 to 17 prefer shopping for themselves, this could be because they start to have a mindset that they have become ??teenagers??, they prefer buying clothes, cosmetics, electronic gadgets (mobile phones, iPods, and watches). -
The Impact of Changes in Monetary Variables on Stock Prices of Commercial Banks in India
Commercial banks in India, as agents of the reserve bank of India, are key players in the implementation of exchange rate and interest rates and have huge role to control the inflation in the country. The purpose of this study is to examine impact on banking stocks because of frequent changes in important monetary variables. The concern is whether or not current economic indicators, as reflected in interest rates exchange rates and inflation, can explain banking stock returns. This study considered NSE bank nifty index as banks stocks representative because this bank index consist of all major banks listed in the Indian capital market The explanatory variables in this study considered the three important monetary variables namely foreign exchange rates ,long-term interest rates and inflation rates. This paper tries to find the impact of changes in monetary variables on bank nifty. Also the relationship (long run and short run) between bank nifty and monetary variables has been analysed. Different econometric tools have been applied in the study to attain the objectives. The econometric tools like unit root test, ordinary least squares, Johansen-Juselius (1990) Multivariate Co integration test and Vector error correction model (VECM). Based on the unit root test, it is found that all the variables are used in the study are non stationary at level and become stationary at first differences. Johansen cointegration test prove that there is long run relationship between bank nifty and three monetary variables. Based on the result of Ordinary least squares on vector error correction equation this study find that monetary variables have significant impact on bank stock return, but major portion of the bank nifty movement is explains by its own innovations. And also this study find that changes in foreign exchange rates and long term interest rates are affecting the bank nifty movement negatively. But the whole sale price index or inflation rates does not affect the bank nifty or banks stock price movement significantly. Among the three monetary variables are used in this study foreign exchange rates have high influence on bank stock prices. -
The Influence of Geographical Separation on Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being among Married Couples
Married couples undergoing geographical separation in their married life due to reasons other than marital discord is becoming a very common phenomenon in the Indian scenario. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference in Marital Satisfaction (and Subjective Well Being) among married couples who are staying together and married couples who are staying geographically apart. It was hypothesized that there is a significant difference among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart in their Marital Satisfaction (H1), there is a significant difference among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart in their Subjective Well Being (H2), and that there is a significant positive relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being (H3). This study was conducted on 30 married couples who were staying together and 40 married couples who were staying geographically apart between the age ranges of 30-45 years. The participants were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The marital satisfaction and subjective well being of the participants were measured using the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS) and Subjective Well-being Inventory (SUBI) respectively. The data obtained for statistically analyzed. The Independent Samples t test was done to find the significance of difference between means of marital satisfaction among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart. The t value was found to be significant at 0.01 levels, thereby, accepting the first hypothesis (H1). In order to find the significance of difference between means of subjective well being among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart, the Independent Samples t test was done. And the t value was found to be significant at 0.01 levels, thereby, accepting the second hypothesis (H2). Pearsons product moment correlation was done in order to find the direction and strength of relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being. The correlation coefficient showed a strong positive relationship between both the variables thus accepting the third hypothesis (H3).