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The study aims to understand the influence of hypnotic relaxation on stress among BSc. Nursing Students. It tries to find out whether hypnotic suggestions can be useful in dealing with stressful events in their hospital and study level experiences. Convenience sampling technique was employed. The GHQ -12 was administered as a screening tool to the 1st and 2nd year nursing students from NIMHANS. 60 BSc. nursing students were selected after GHQ screening. These 60 participants responded as having high perceived stress and divided into two groups. The experimental group had 30 participants and control group had 30 participants. Post assessment indicated that the experimental group who were provided with regular hypnotic relaxation had significantly reduced their perceived stress. Key Words: Hypnotic Relaxation, Stress, BSc. Nursing Students. -
The Living Conditions of Zeliangrong Tribe Residing in Tamenglong District
Having awareness and knowledge on the basis of population is imperative and a crucial step in effective planning programme, implementing and delivering services for all areas. The attempt with this research is to shed more light on the conditions that these ethnic groups live in. Negligence and backwardness of the study population are stretched to the extent that even literatures are scarce. The aim of the present study is describe the living conditions of Zeme, Liangmai, and Rongmei of Zeliangrong tribe residing in Tamenglong District in relation to socio economic dimension with an objective to document the demography, objective and subjective living conditions to find association with the living condition in relation to Sub-Tribes. A total of 132 sample households were participated. Descriptive research design is adopted and purposive sampling was selected. Results confirmed that Road and transportation, Health care and Sanitation facilities, Quality education, Supply of electricity and water, Income and Recreation facilities are found to be an utmost necessary intervention among this community. Even a simple analysis of the tribal people and the district clearly shows that they are in great need of attention. It is found that even within same ethnic community, there is a variance in the needs of the people which is reflected in the living condition. Geographical location itself offered a major contributor variable to accessibility. It depicted the lopsided paradigm of development. In a nation which is built on the ideals of the democracy, leaving behind any tribe or community or people is unacceptable in more ways than one. It is only logical to suggest that who brings development should also make development accessible to the people the development is intended for. Accessibility is not a magic wand that could instantly make the problems disappear into thin air. Accessibility to quality services could only make development meaning and would serve its purpose. A decent standard of living adequate nutrition, healthcare, quality education, work and protection are not just developmental goals, they are also human rights. Human rights are essential for full human development (UNDP, Human Development Report, 2000). The present study is an appeal for an action on behalf of this community who has contributed in small or big way for the development of our country to obtain their rightful share of human rights. Key Words: Living Conditions, Tribal, Zeliangrong Tribe -
Religious mythology has perpetuated a certain idea of feminity and what ??constitutes a woman; it ascribes a particular role to the female. Religious treatises with time are normalized. This makes it extremely difficult to challenge gender stereotypes. Our religious beliefs and the stories and representations associated with them, become an important part of the ??self. In most texts, a womans identity is constructed in terms of what the man is not. She is given the role of the companion; her ??self is realized in the service of a man. They are never accorded individuality. Sita is the ideal example of this kind of gendered role-affixing. She exists within the patriarchal structures of the nation, religion and family without ever existing as Sita. Indian mythological texts have often been criticized for their misogynistic content. Both the Indian epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata have sequences which can be interpreted as simultaneously contemporary and regressive. For example Draupadis swayamvar is conducted to find her a desirable husband. However, she is being offered as a prize to the best archer. The visual mediums of films and television borrow heavily from religious mythology. When this happens, pre existing notions about gender are perpetuated in a popular and palatable format. Popular representations have given us the contours of what constitutes a mother, daughter and wife. This dissertation will analyze Valmikis Ramayana, Ved Vyasas Mahabharata, Ramanand Sagars Ramayana, B.R. Chopras Mahabharata, Prakash Jhas Rajneeti and Nina Paleys Sita Sings the Blues and study representation of women in each of them. Sometimes adaptations transgress or reinterpret the original text. However, do these retellings question a polarized, gender based social order and the role of women in it. The dissertation is a descriptive study and will employ the methodology of qualitative content analysis and text analysis to study how these themes are appropriated and the ramifications that these manifestations have on existing ideas of ??feminine. -
The Relationship between Assertiveness and Decision Making Styles among Emerging Adults
Emerging adulthood, the prolonged years from late teens through twenties marked by change and exploration before arriving at enduring life choices is becoming a normative period for young people worldwide. Past researches have described the emerging adults to be optimistic, assertive, self confident and making independent and effective decisions at the same time as miserable and indecisive. Lack of coherence in the conception about this new and distinct period in human development, the likelihood that it is pervading Indian culture and significance of this stage make it an important area to be explored. Hence, the current study investigates the relationship between assertiveness and decision making styles of emerging adults and attempts to identify the gender differences in their assertiveness and decision making styles.The Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire that measures self-reported decision making coping patterns and Rathus Assertiveness schedule that assesses self reported assertiveness level were administered to 1209 (Male, N = 581; Female, N= 628) undergraduate and post graduate students who were in the age range of 18-25 from five colleges in the city of Bangalore. The results of one way analysis of variance shows that decision making styles do have an influence on assertiveness such that assertiveness is significantly different for vigilance and buck-passing; vigilance and procrastination; vigilance and hyper-vigilance; buck-passing and procrastination and buck-passing and hyper-vigilance. Assertiveness was not significantly different for procrastination and hyper-vigilance. The emerging adults with vigilant style found to be more assertive than those with other decision making styles. 69% of the total sample had vigilant decision making style which is considered to be the effective coping style while only 31% had maladaptive coping styles like buck-passing (10%), procrastination (10%) and Hyper-vigilance (11%). A multiple regression results indicates that decision making style and assertiveness are moderately correlated (R=0.661); decision making style can predict assertiveness with a 0.661 accuracy level and that this value is significant at the 0.01 level of significance and that decision making style explains 43.7% of the variance in assertiveness (R2=0.437). No statistically significant gender differences were found in assertiveness and decision making styles. The study reveals that emerging adults choice and the frequency of usage of decision making style indicate the individual differences like assertiveness. It is recommended that existing literature on the decision making style and assertiveness can be enhanced with additional research that further examines the relationships among these constructs with a sample of emerging adults from different social, economic, cultural and academic background, adopting both qualitative and quantitative methods to reduce the sampling error and weaknesses of self report measures. In line with the findings obtained from the research, a training programme for improving decision making styles like assertiveness skill training could be developed even in educational settings. The results have implications for professionals working with university-aged individuals, particularly in the area of career and guidance and making stressful personal decisions with regard to life. Key Words: Emerging adults, Decision-Making Styles, vigilance, buck-passing, procrastination, hyper-vigilance, Assertiveness -
The Role of Gender in the Experience of Intimacy: Narratives of Young Married Couples
Intimacy is a phenomenon in human relationships that usually develops in the context most love relationships. Gender refers to the social categories of men and women. The two are interwoven with each other and influence each other. Gender roles dictate how men and women should experience and express intimacy. This research study focuses on the gender differences in the experience of intimacy. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview and the narratives of were analysed to identify themes that indicated commonalities in the experience of intimacy for men and women. However, differences in the experience of intimacy for men and women were also identified. Another focus of the study on the experience of intimacy is the gender differences after the birth of children. Gender differences were identified in the experience of intimacy after the birth of children. The findings also indicated that with the progression of time, marital relationships change from an emphasis on physical experience and expression of intimacy during the initial stages to an emotional emphasis with increase in familiarity between them and the birth of children. Keywords: Intimacy, Parenthood, Gender -
Taking the road less travelled is one of the more interesting ways to travel as it allows a true glimpse into the truths of a culture. Fortunately for the travellers of today taking the road less travelled is a lot easier than strapping on a backpack and venturing, with only a prayer and hope, into the great unknown with all its variables and discomforts. Rural Tourism is a concept that has revolutionized the tourism industry and for the tourists it has opened a world of new possibilities. Rural Tourism is the cultural equivalent of ecotourism; while the latter is concerned with the preservation of the environment, the former is concerned with preserving and showcasing a ??slice of life- glimpse of a traditional way of life. A National Tourism Policy was introduced in 2002, with rural tourism identified as a focus area to generate employment and promote sustainable livelihoods in the rural areas. While in the initial two years of the scheme, only physical infrastructure (hardware) development activities were taken up under the scheme, from the year 2004-2005 capacity building (software) activities were also taken up. Kumbalangi, a small fishing hamlet based in Kerala was selected by the Government of India to launch its rural tourism project in the year 2003. As of today, there are 36 rural tourism destinations recognised by the Government of India. This study is an attempt to analyse the impacts and measure the perceptions of some of the principle stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project at Kumbalangi. This study focuses on the prime stakeholders namely the local community, local establishments and the Village Panchayat at Kumbalangi to understand the impacts of practising tourism alongside their traditional occupations and the benefits that rural tourism offers to them. It also studies the perception and attitude of tourists regarding the facilities and amenities available at the destination. Both primary as well as secondary tools for data collection were used. Four sets of questionnaires were used for the study. Two structured five point scale questionnaires were administered to the local community and owners of local establishments of Kumbalangi. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the tourists. The Panchayat officials were administered an unstructured questionnaire. The data obtained from the questionnaire was analysed by using various statistical tools such as correlation and ANOVA. The findings indicated that most of the stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project had a positive approach towards the project. -
The linear analysis of Rayleigh-Benard convection in dielectric couple stress fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. The effects of six basic non-uniform temperature gradients on the onset of convection are analsysied. The eigenvalue is obtained for free - free velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. Six different non-uniform temperature profiles are considered and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The problem suggests an elegant method of external control of internal convection. -
Transition and Negotiation of Gender-Role Identity: The Experience of the Indian Air Force Women Piilots
The masculine culture of military and the feminine attributes of women officers stand in total contrast to each other. The conundrum at the heart if this research is to analyse the experience of the Indian Air force women pilots in terms of transition of the gender-role identity and further how they negotiate their identity as a woman while performing highly masculine military role. Military provides an interesting ground to study gender identity and possibility for cultural change because it categorically rejects prevailing models of femininity.12 Indian Air Force pilots (serving and retired) were interviewed utilizing in-depth interview technique. Findings indicated transition of gender role identity as these women begin to give a new meaning to their identity. While these women move away from the traditional femininity, they do not cease to recognize and explore their feminine side when needed. Indeed the Indian Air Force women pilots exemplify and redefine the culturally recognized definition of femininity. They craft a place where they appear to be enjoying the privileges of both the worlds and rise above the gender debate or biases. Key words: Gender-role identity, femininity, transition, negotiation.