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A Study on Index Futures and Index Options in India with Special Reference to NSE S&P CNX NIFTY
The surfacing and growth of derivative market in India is a recent observable fact. Since the introduction, the derivative market has been showing a dramatic growth in terms of both trading volume and number of contracts. This market helps different participants or economic agents to hedge themselves alongside uncertainties arise out of highly volatile market conditions. It is evident that the growth of trading on indices is massive for the last 5 years i.e, from 2008 to till date. This study tries to make an in-depth revise on Index Derivatives -Index Futures and Index Options, market in India and the reason behind the growing popularity of trading on indices with special reference to NSE S&P CNX Nifty. Since volatility is a part of derivative market and has a major effect in derivative market fluctuations, this paper attempts to study the volatility of Index derivatives over a period of time in NSE India. This study also aims to understand the historical background and growth of Index derivative market in India. The study covers the period of eleven years spread over from 2000 to 2011. Lastly, for the better understanding of the trend, future prospects and latest innovations in this market, different participants of Indian index derivative market are interviewed. In chapter one, the study presents an overview of Indian derivative market, the history of Index derivative market, various participants of derivative market, types and application of derivative products and theories and principles associated with these financial instruments. It also talks about the economic benefits of derivatives to the nation. Chapter two consists of literature related to the current study. It talks about various views about derivative market, the impact of derivative products especially index futures and index options to the market and economy. It also points out the volatility aspect of the derivative market, suggestions to improve the market etc Chapter three discusses about the research methodology for the study. It consists of statement of the problem, objectives of the study, data collection analysis and interpretation and limitations of the study. Chapter four discusses the research problem with different statistical analysis and measurement. It also talks about the findings of the study. Various statistical tools were used for the study like One Sample t-test, GARCH, EGARCH etc this chapter also does a historical and trend analysis of the derivative market in India for period ranging from 2000 to 2012. Chapter five is about the findings, suggestions and conclusion of this study. Keywords: Index Futures, Index Options, Volatility, Trading Volume, Open Interest -
A Study on Indian Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
Information has always been a constant force for change and improvisation and this particular aspect of the information was study with reference to the stock markets by Prof. Eugene Fama at the university of Chicago booth school of business as part of his Ph.D. thesis work. Now as per his work the financial markets are "informationally efficient". And the resultant effect of this is that, one cannot consistently achieve returns in excess of average market returns on a risk-adjusted basis, given the information available at the time the investment is made. There are three major versions of the hypothesis: "weak", "semi-strong", and "strong". The weak-form EMH claims that prices on traded assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, or property) already reflect all past publicly available information. The semi-strong-form EMH claims both that prices reflect all publicly available information and that prices instantly change to reflect new public information. The strong-form EMH additionally claims that prices instantly reflect even hidden or "insider" information This main purpose behind this research study is to test for the weak form efficiency of the Indian foreign exchange market and for this purpose daily exchange rate of four nominal exchange rates which are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling from April 2004 to December 2011 are analyzed using unit root tests of Augmented Dickey Fuller Test and Phillip Perron test. As per the results all the exchange rate currencies such as US dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling are found to be stationary in 1st difference. This implies that all exchange rate currencies support the hypothesis of weak form inefficiency and information of any nature that can have a impact on the market will take more time to reflect or create an impact on the prices or rates existing in the market, so this time gap and the constant movement of change between the data points can be used to create a pattern of movement or before the market could adjust, investors by assuming the future change will also be constant as it has been in the past can take advantage of the available information and therefore it becomes easy for the investors to forecast or predict the future exchange rates of respective currencies with the use of past data and thereby leading to super normal profits. -
A Study on Measures of Central Tendency of Some Distance Parameters of Connected Graphs
This dissertation sets out to examine the implications of various mea- sures of central tendencies of graphs by introducing the unique concept of ?graphs. A ?graph is defined as a simple, finite, connected and undirected graph in which the basic centrality measures: mean, median and mode of eccentricities are equal. It takes a formal approach to the exploration of ?graphs by applying the principles of Graph Theory. Various graphs are looked into to compare the centrality measures, and the possibility of those being ?graphs. Earlier graph theoretical research in notions of centrality, distance and eccentricity are reviewed. It describes the development of a new elicitation tool that examines the effect of measures of central tenden- cies in graphs, by analyzing their eccentricity sequences. Using this new ap- proach the central values of certain graphs are obtained. The concept found would be helpful to develop a more complex interpretation of the notion of centrality measures in graph theory. Keywords: Eccentricity; Eccentricity sequence; Distance; Degree; Cen- trality; Mean; Mode; Median; ?graph; Central value -
A study on Organizational Commitment in relation to Job Involvement in the Information Technology Industry
The research is entitled A Study on Organizational Commitment in relation to Job Involvement in the Information Technology Industry. Both Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment are areas of much interest to academicians, researchers, HR practitioners and the industry in its entirety. The last few decades has seen an increased interest in the study of both Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement by academicians and practitioners in a variety of work settings in the hope that it improves job performance and organizational effectiveness, and reduces tardiness, absenteeism and turnover. Organizations are realizing that it is critical to not just attract the right kind of talent but also ensure the retention of their key talent by addressing the problem of retention. Hence the increased focus on areas such as Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment, Human Resource Development, Psychological Contract, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour or OCB, Organizational Development or OD initiatives, Retention strategies, Employee Engagement, etc. Each of these HR activities play a key role in achieving an organization??s strategy, goals, vision and mission. Both Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment have been studied because they are believed to affect and impact organizational performance and effectiveness in addition to clearly predicting other important variables such as absenteeism, turnover, organizational citizenship behaviour, etc. Several studies have indicated organizational commitment to be a better predictor of turnover than job satisfaction. This study, however, is intended to examine the impact of Job Involvement on Organizational Commitment specifically in the IT industry, and also understand the influence of several personal, situational, and organizational characteristics pertaining to Job Involvement on Commitment. The sample considered was 250 IT workers across various levels (right from industry freshers with no work experience whatsoever to Senior Managers with 12 to 15 years of IT experience) and functions in various IT organizations in Bangalore, India. It involved all employees working in IT organizations, including employees in functions such as HR & Training, Administration, Quality, Marketing/Sales and Finance in these organizations. The tools used for the study were (a) Organizational Commitment Questionnaire or OCQ developed by Meyer, Allen and Smith (1993); the internal reliability coefficient (Cronbach??s alpha) was found to be 0.95; and (b) the Lodahl and Kejner Job Involvement Scale (1965); Cronbach??s alpha for the 20-item Job Involvement scale was 0.79. Some of the key findings of this study were: 1. There is a significant relation between Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment of employees in the Indian IT industry 2. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Organizational Commitment of employees in the IT industry 3. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Affective Commitment of employees in the IT Industry. 4. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Normative Commitment of employees in the IT industry. 5. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Continuance Commitment of employees in the Indian IT industry 6. There is a significant difference between Organizational Commitment across demographics in the Indian IT industry. The researcher has also discussed the limitations and future research areas on the variables of this study. -
A Study on Organizational Performance related to Employee Attitude and Behavior in the Information Technology Industry, in Bangalore City
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well managed organization sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity. Attitude is a mental position consisting of a feeling, emotion, or opinion evolved in response to an external situation. It can be momentary or can develop into a habitual position that has a long- term influence on an individual's behavior. Employee attitude is the behavior pattern, manners, body language of an employee towards his/her co-workers, colleagues, sub-ordinates, boss etc. It is very much important to keep a good relation between an employee and his/her boss as well as his/her sub-ordinates and co-workers. A good relationship enables an employee to succeed in his/her work field and helps the company to reach up to its goals and maximizes its benefit. In order to be an ideal employee, he/she should be attentive to his/her work. The nature of IT employees job is very time bound, client oriented and technology intensive. The studies have revealed that poor employee attitude and behavior results in poor organizational performance and low outcome also. The study explores the meaning and relationship between employee attitude & behavior and organizational performance of IT employees. The study was carried out with survey instrument, consists of 27 items and completed by 310 employees in the IT industry. The data was gathered and analyzed using Descriptive, Karl Pearsons correlation and ANOVA which revealed interesting factors with organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior of IT employees across the variables. The review on the related literature in the area of organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior of IT employees studied has provided many insights for the study. It also provided direction in designing the present study. A number of researchers have established the relationship between organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior across various professions mainly in developed countries. Since Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, the attitude and behavior was a major concern among IT employees. Though there were various studies undertaken in the field of employee attitude and behavior, very few researchers have attempted to focus in detail the variables such as job satisfaction, HRM policies, organizational change, and organizational commitment and also with productivity, well being, and absenteeism etc., Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 310 IT employees from various IT companies in Bangalore respectively. The sample was given representation to both male and female IT employees. Judgment Sampling has been adopted in this study. The purpose of choosing judgment sampling is to exercise judgment or expertise, in choosing the elements to be included in sample because researchers believed that they are representative of the population of interest. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study. The survey questions were drawn from employee attitude and behavior, including Gallie, D, White, M, Cheng, Y and Tomlinson, M (1998); Appelbaum, E., Bailey T., Berg P., and Kalleberg A. 2000 and Wright P.M., and Gardner, T. (2003).and suganya sengupta and her colleagues, 2006. The overall reliability of employee attitude survey was satisfactory. These results suggested that the employee attitude survey is a handy tool for the goal the organization wants to use it for its performance. The major findings of the study were: 1. There is a significant relationship between employee attitude and behavior and organizational performance of IT industry. 2. The employee attitudes are positively related with discretion effort and loyalty negatively related with intention to quit job and job stress. 3. There is a significant difference between gender and the employee attitudes and behavior. The implications of the study will help the organizations to understand the impact of organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior and its outcome. A famous statement is that a happy worker is a productive worker. This assumes a relation between employees attitude & behavior and organizational performance. -
A Study on Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Adolescents are the future of the country. It is this period that they face several problems as it is a stage of exposure and experimentation. They get exposed to several practices like consumption of alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and unsafe Sexual practice. These behaviours are often triggered by faulty parenting and bad peer influence. Hence this study is an attempt to know the proneness among adolescents to follow such health risk behaviours and how these behaviours are influenced by parent and peers. The study reveals that about 59% of the adolescents are into one or multiple health risk behaviours and it is parental monitoring and peer modelling which are significantly associated with the overall health risk behaviour.(p value <0.05). When it comes to specific health risk behaviour, we can see a significant association between peer modelling and health risk behaviour. Peer modelling is an influence proved to be there on all the health risk behaviours namely consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and practice of unsafe sex. However it is evident from the study that it is boys who are significantly higher in number than girls with regard to the practice of health risk behaviours. Key Words: Adolescents, Health Risk Behaviour, Parental Influence, Peer Influence -
A Study on Popular Naga Cuisine and Its Representation on Instagram
Food is a very sensitive topic as it is the representation of culture that shapes identity such that any flaw in representation could result in identity confusion or identity clashes. Food culture and its meaning varies from one culture to another. Also, very often one will notice that a cuisine which is a delicacy for a community could be a taboo or unacceptable for the other. India is known for its rich diverse culture, which includes geography, lifestyle, food habits, biodiversity and more. It is commonly seen that dominant food are often presented as the national cuisine while relegating others to the margins or erasing them altogether. A society is dynamic in nature, which goes through constant social issues too. But while the society strives to solve or seek for a solution to the conventionally defined social problem it fails to count in the misrepresentation of food culture as an issue that results in identity crisis. The dependency on media has increased tremendously such that a personal opinion and views about a subject are shaped by the sources that are readily available at their convenience in the form of social media. Today the concept of food gram that is the combination of Food and Instagram is a very popular trend among netizen. Instagram is an online photo-video sharing application where popularly in these context users post food images of what they eat, with whom and where. Whereas for professional based account it is seen as a marketing forum. The representation of food culture on social media is seen as an advantage and a challenge. The food culture of the Naga Tribes of Nagaland, Northeast, is the core of the study. It aims to understand the dominant tribal representation of Naga food and seek to understand how these representations on Instagram shape perceptions about the Naga population. The researcher has adopted a theoretical framework of Representation and Semiotics. A triangulation method approach has been applied for the study in analyzing Instagram post that is hash tagged, #nagacuisine from the month of July and August 2018. How Instagram as a medium represent Naga food and how it shapes an identity for the Naga population is what this study will seek to understand. -
The paper research??s about the potential of an advertisement strategy on a lower scale, where number of promotional activities and the use of certain strategies like; direct marketing, social networking sites, internet, word-of-mouth, guerrilla marketing are used as a channel for promoting and creating brand awareness unconventionally. The research paper is primarily incorporating few aspects which relate to market study. The paper is in context of the upcoming trend of advertising. Not every client has a big business, not every client is a opulent person, and such people need to spend money carefully as they do not have sufficient investment. One of the major reasons why this research is conducted is to plan clients a lucrative marketing scenario within the budget, as well provide them a good promotion scale. The communication is indirect to the mass audience but direct to the niche audience. The research is on how low cost advertisement i.e. strategies like below the line advertising, guerrilla marketing which is capturing the target market. The paper also researches about how various new mediums can club together and make it possible to advertise on a low cost channel, meant for clients with low budget as well as high budget and create more awareness in a way of unconventional media when compare to the conventional media. It is also becoming a cut throat marketing strategy for all the products. The researcher also believes that there is allot of potential in conducting this research, as it extracts allot of information and opinions of different people in today??s scenario based on daily observation. Also helps the research gather relevant information about the use of medium??s and their potential. -
The aim of present study is to assess the Quality of Life (QOL) of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environmental dimensions with orientation to Indian context. The objectives of the study was to describe the Socio demographic and clinical profile of respondents, to measure the Quality of life of persons Spinal Cord Injury and to evaluate the relationship between socio demographic data, clinical data and Quality of Life dimensions among persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Universe of the study was individuals with spinal cord injury from different states of India. Sample Unit was Patients with spinal cord injury admitted as inpatient under the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St Johns National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. A total of 40 subjects were participated in the study. It has been considered the Descriptive research design for the study. Purposive sampling design was selected. Tools administered were Socio Demographic Data Sheet, Clinical Data Sheet and WHOQOL - BREF Scale (26 Item Questionnaire). Results confirmed that mean score on Quality of life of the respondents with regard to their Physical health, Psychological health and social relationship domain was at moderate level, whereas mean score on Quality of life of respondents in relation to their environmental domain was found at lower level. Majorly findings of present study also demonstrated that there was no significant difference in quality of life between different Age groups, Marital status, different Education levels, duration of Rehabilitation, Type of treatment (Surgical/ Non surgical) and between people with Paraplegia, Tetraplegia and Non Traumatic Paraplegia (p >0.05), while there was significant difference in quality of life between Male & Female, Duration since injury, Post injury Occupation status & Post injury monthly income status (p < 0.05). The study finding suggest that comprehensive rehabilitation program team professionals need to incorporate some more appropriate interventions & remedial procedures which can enhance the quality of life of persons with spinal cord injury in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental dimensions. In addition government has to modify policy and develop new projects/ programs in the interest of enhancing quality of life in relation to environmental dimensions of persons with spinal cord injury. -
A Study on Retirement Preparedness of Information Technology and Education Sector Employees in relation to Attitude and Knowledge
Retirement planning is a process of analysing the current financial situation, identifying the future financial need of the person upon retirement, investing on a disciplined basis through appropriate instruments and deriving benefits out of it when the need arises. With changing socio-economic factors, there is a great interest among academicians and practitioners alike, to find answers for inevitable post retirement survival crisis. This study is primarily based on a problem How well prepared are IT and Education sector employees to take up the post retirement financial survival? The objectives of the study are - to know the association between attitude, knowledge and retirement preparedness and whether attitude and knowledge has any relationship with the retirement preparedness. This study is based on primary data collected from 400 respondents (200 IT sector employees and 200 Education sector employees) using questionnaire. This study takes Attitude and Knowledge as independent variables and Retirement preparedness as dependent variable. With the help of statistical tools like Chi-square tests, ANOVA and Canonical Correlation, the association and relationship were tested. This study reveals that Attitude and Knowledge has relationship with retirement preparedness. The result is of great significance for government in policy making, for media and personal financial planners in pro actively influencing investment decisions of investors. -
A study on Savings and Investment Patterns of Women in Bangalore
Economic growth of a nation is driven by savings and its transformation into investment. In the last three decades, Indian economy has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Households are the biggest contributors to Indias savings rate; their savings equal 23 percent of Indias GDP. Though the percentage of savings by household sector in financial assets is increasing year on year, what is worrying is that only around half of the household savings in India are invested in financial instruments. Knowledge about saving and investment preferences, gender-wise, will help to design effective investment instruments. Another area that requires further examination is the role that a woman plays in influencing aggregate savings and investment. Till the last decade, considering the low earning potential of women to earn, save and invest, not much research has been conducted on this subject. The coming decade, is going to see more and more women getting higher education and aiming for heavy pay cheque jobs. There is an urgent need to understand the savings and investment pattern of women, so as to frame policies and develop financial products exclusively for women. Another reason for understanding the savings and investment pattern of women is that, though they are good savers, they are unable to convert all their savings into investments. They do not invest as much as the men do. According to Barber (2001) though women are not active investors, they make more profits than men when they trade because by trading more, men hurt their performance more than women. Preda (2001) comments that women are always excluded from financial discussions, on the explicit ground that they cannot understand investments. According to Chachoria (2000) women are the next generation financial decision makers and they should be targeted from a financial perspective. She suggests that marketing for financial products should be done differently for women. Through this study an attempt is made to understand the savings and investment pattern of women. The factors which influence their investment decision making are identified. As 60 percent of women in India are house wives , they have been included in this study . The vi variations in the investment pattern between working and non-working with respect to socio-demographic attributes have been analyzed. The sample size consisted of 225 women, who regularly save and invest. The study was conducted in the city of Bangalore. Convenience sampling was used for the purpose of data collection. Data was collected through questionnaires and was subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis. The major findings of the research are: ?The most important reason why a woman saves is because of a Precautionary motive. Saving money in Bank and in the house kitty (saving at home) are the most preferred saving avenues. ?Even though non-working women dont have direct income of their own, they are able to save a minimum of 5 to 10 percent from their household savings. ?Safety of the principal is regarded as a very important criterion before investing, as opposed to instruments with low initial investment. ?The main motive behind investing is to fulfill their personal and financial goals. They also recognize the importance of multiplying savings through investment. ?Gold is the most preferred investment instrument, followed by real estate, insurance products, bank deposits, chit funds, mutual funds, bonds, post office deposits, shares and SIP. ?The highest constraint in investing is found to be lack of awareness and advice. This bursts a common myth: In India women are not able to invest as they are not able to take decisions on their own. -
This study is concentrated on Irula women population in Chengalpet of Tamil Nadu. The social life of Irula women was studied for the better understanding and to acquire knowledge on Irula tribal community and the social life of women. These Chengalpet Irulas are located in the plain areas near the forestry boundaries. Their social life was mainly concentrated in the present study because their lives are surrounded with non tribal population in the plain areas and also they are the indigenous tribal population of TamilNadu. Their life style, culture, education, economy and social life was included for research purpose in this study. This is a descriptive and comparative component study. The two types of villages were selected, one is developed village and the other one is undeveloped village. These villages were chosen based on the infrastructural facilities. The developed village was with the basic facilities like water, electricity, transport, roads, schools and hospitals. The undeveloped village was without the water, transport, proper roads, and electricity for all the houses, schools and hospitals. The Irula women population from both the village, particularly the age group between 18 and above was considered as a universe of this study. The stratified random sampling method was adopted to select the samples. The sample size was 100, and there were more than 60 Irula families living in respective villages and the samples were collected randomly 50 from each village. The primary data was collected using different techniques. It had framed totally 50 questions based on the hypothesis and objectives. Most of the questions are focused on social and cultural life of Irula women. The other technique was used by the researcher was case study method which focused on the social life of Irula women. It also enables the researcher to get a better in to a polygamy marriage and other cultural aspects. Interview schedule administrated on Irula women were codified and tabulated. Data processing was carried out with the help of computer. Numerical symbols were assigned to the responses in the interview schedule yielding a total of 40 variables. Computer was also used for statistical analyses of data. In the first instance sorting was done to generate frequency tables for the variables. The report that follows incorporates the data, analysis, the interpretation and the inferences draw there from. The major findings were expressed and determined the social life Irula women. In developed village 28 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28 and in undeveloped village 40 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28.Both in developed and undeveloped village 72 and 52 percent of the respondents were illiterates. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 86 and 82 percent of the respondents were married. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 60 and 68 percent of the respondents were working as coolies. In developed village 37.21 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.2000-3000 and in undeveloped village 47.83 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.1000-2000.Both in developed and in undeveloped villages 74 and 50 percent of the respondents were not getting equal wages in their work sector. The major findings were described under 6 main headings as socio-demographic life, educational background, economic conditions, health and awareness and social life. These findings incorporate the social life Irula women in Chengalpet of TamilNadu. -
The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words- Anonymous. For the news media, particularly the newspaper, the greatest weapon is the power of words. The success or failure of a newspaper depends largely on the way its headlines appear to the readers. A well thought out headline does half the job of conveying the message. And consequently, a poorly written one can lead to misinterpretation. This research is an effort to delve into a complete understanding of the structuring of headlines in English newspapers and analyzing it against the use of phrases and words that are misleading and ambiguous. Through a thorough analysis of the textual presentation in the headlines, the researcher intends to study how the interplay of words in headlines works in grabbing attention of the readers through creation of curiosity and ambiguity. Furthermore, this study tries to understand the strategies employed by juggling of words in the headlines and the meaning creation of the same in the readers. -
A Study on the Dual Role of Working Women in the Information Technology Sector in Bangalore
This study is conducted among married working women in the Information Technology sector in Bangalore. It is an effort to understand the marginalized position of married working women in terms of decision making power and pay scale parity at the workplace. It also tries to study the challenges married women face while dealing with both spheres of life i.e. domestic and place of work. This study is also an attempt to understand those factors that affect womens work participation in the Information Technology sector. In a patriarchal society, socialization differs for men and women. Women are socialized to be feminine, family and household work is considered their main priority; while men are always socialized to be the head of the family and are considered the primary breadwinners. The study looks at the aspect of dual roles of women and tries to explain how the dual roles affect their work. The topic of the study has been formulated after conducting informal conversations with married women in the Information Technology sector. The data revealed that despite having good educational degrees ?? equivalent to men ?? they face differential treatment while getting opportunities at the workplace such as onsite opportunities. They also do not enjoy the status of being the primary earner in their family and household work is still considered their primary work. The title clearly reflects the impact of dual roles of married women on work participation in the Information Technology sector. The Information Technology sector has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the position of women in this sector, to understand their level of work participation and how the dual role affects their work participation. Snowball sampling method has been used to select the samples. The total sample size was 120. Five companies were selected among the top 100 companies in the south area of Bangalore. The primary data has been collected using questionnaires and unstructured interviews. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the study which includes the Information Technology industry in India and Bangalore, and the dual role of women. It discusses how the Information Technology industry has boomed in India. It also describes the two roles i.e. domestic and professional roles in the lives of working women. The second chapter discusses review of literatures. It includes journal articles and books on the dual role of women and the Information Technology industry. The third chapter explains the methodology used for the study. This has offered guidance to the researcher in framing objectives and described the population and sampling technique for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the data have been discussed in chapter four. The data was analysed and graphic representation has been done using SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Sciences). Chapter five explains the summary and conclusion of the study. The findings of the study have been categorized on the basis of the research objectives. -
A Study on the Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics of Waste Pickers and Their Contributions to the Economy and Ecology
Solid waste is problem created by mankind due to thoughtless consumerism and actions. But for surprise, a group of people of the same mankind is working day and night without support, acceptance or even without the consideration that they are also human being, to reduce the same problem. They are called waste pickers. The study intends to describe the aspects/qualities possessed by waste pickers to carry out waste picking and recycling for their existence. A sample of hundred waste pickers (n=100) were involved in completing the interview schedule to identify their entrepreneurship qualities and their contributions to economy and ecology, for the study a schedule which contain demographic and occupational details along with entrepreneurship audit and entrepreneurial traits Center (Vasant Desai) was used.. The ANOVA test helped to know whether there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurial trait among different variables. T-test analysis was used to compare entrepreneurial trait score and entrepreneurship characteristics score with independent sample variations. All statistical computations were carried out using SPSS. Results revealed that majority of the waste pickers are with innate qualities of entrepreneurs and they are largely contributing to economy and ecology. It also reveals facts related to demographic details like gender, education types of residents and duration in this occupation etc. They reveal that they get lot of public abuse and not at all getting any support.