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Gender Differences: Perception of Teasing and Body Image among Young Adults
The main focus of the current research is to determine whether perception of teasing has an influence on an individuals body image. Teasing related to weight may occur more often than many other types of teasing during childhood and adolescence. The study was conducted with a sample 100 under graduate students. The participants were in the age group of 18 to 21 years. The data was collected using teasing questionnaire-revised by Storch et al. (2004) and body image questionnaire by Cash (1994). 10 participants who scored high on teasing questionnaire were interviewed to further explore their teasing experiences and its relation to their body image. The results showed that there are no gender differences between teasing and body image among adults. Teasing seemed to be related to some of the domains of body image. Data from interviews show that peers and family were the major group of people involved in teasing. Teasing seemed to be having many consequences for the individuals results also indicate that teasing on ones appearance influences their body image. Key Words: Gender Difference, Teasing, Body Image and young adults. -
A Study on Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Adolescents are the future of the country. It is this period that they face several problems as it is a stage of exposure and experimentation. They get exposed to several practices like consumption of alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and unsafe Sexual practice. These behaviours are often triggered by faulty parenting and bad peer influence. Hence this study is an attempt to know the proneness among adolescents to follow such health risk behaviours and how these behaviours are influenced by parent and peers. The study reveals that about 59% of the adolescents are into one or multiple health risk behaviours and it is parental monitoring and peer modelling which are significantly associated with the overall health risk behaviour.(p value <0.05). When it comes to specific health risk behaviour, we can see a significant association between peer modelling and health risk behaviour. Peer modelling is an influence proved to be there on all the health risk behaviours namely consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and practice of unsafe sex. However it is evident from the study that it is boys who are significantly higher in number than girls with regard to the practice of health risk behaviours. Key Words: Adolescents, Health Risk Behaviour, Parental Influence, Peer Influence -
An Empirical Analysis of Consumer's Environmental Attitude and Purchasing Behavior of Green Product with Special Reference to Bangalore City
This study examines the consumers attitude and purchasing behavior of green product of Indian consumers. To meet this objective, a structured questionnaire has been used to collect the data samples of 300 respondents. The survey results obtained from Bangalore City provide reasonable support for the validity of the proposed model. The collected data has been filtered and found 261 valid data to carry out the data analysis to find the result and conclusion of this research study. The result of this study, consumers who have positive attitude about the environment are giving more importance to buy eco-friendly product (Green Product) and it is clearly observed that there is a positive relationship between the consumers environmental attitude and purchasing behavior of the green product. This study also outlines the green product categories and examines which category is more preference by the consumers with regards to their gender, age, occupation and income. The green product categories are Grocery Items, Health and Beauty, Apparel, Produce, Cleaning and Households, Pet Products, Meat/Fish and Poultry, Paper Products and Electronics and Appliances. Despite the age, gender, occupation and income differences, it is found that majority of the consumer preference to buy Electronics and Appliances and Health and Beauty products out of those green product categories. Even though they also buy other category of the green product but the counts are minimal as compare to Electronics and Appliances and Health and Beauty Products. Furthermore, this study also discusses the different factors that impact on buying decision taken by the consumers. This study specifically studied with three main factors that influence the purchasing decision of the consumer regarding the eco- friendly product. These are constant factor such as Price and Quality; Brand and Environmental Factors. -
A Study on the Impact of Microfinance on the Members of the Self Help Groups in Karnataka State, India
The present study focuses on assessing the extent to which the Microfinance programs have been effective in bringing about the change it is supposed to in the state of Karnataka, India. Therefore, an impact assessment is suited to know the ground reality of these programs. The study takes into consideration the socio-economic variables in order to assess the over-all effect of the programs. Apart from interventions and influences coming from the Microfinance programs, there are also other factors that influence the effect. These other factors are largely associated with the location where these programs are conducted. Locations or Regions bring with it difference in culture, social, occupational and demographical aspects which are also taken into account the study. The study shows that there is a significant change in the socio-economic lives of the poor of the different regions of Karnataka. However, the results are not as impressive as they should have been. All in all, the impact of the microfinance programs exhibits a dull, or rather, yet-to-explore field, urging efforts to reach out more effectively to the rural poor. Keywords: Impact Assessment, Microfinance, Karnataka, Self Help Groups, Savings Accumulation, Consumption Pattern, Accessibility to Credit -
Pedagogic Use of Commercial Feature Film in Christ University Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences
This thesis discusses the use of commercial feature film as a pedagogical tool in the classrooms within the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences of Christ University. It investigates the purpose of using films as pedagogy in higher education and the reasons behind its popularity among both teachers and students. Triangulation method was used for gathering data combining qualitative and quantitative methods such as pretesting posttesting, survey and in depth interviews. Information was gathered by using interview schedule and online questionnaires from teachers and students of the Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences to analyze the plausible impact of feature films as pedagogy in subjects taught. The findings suggest that films are popular pedagogical tool and are effective if used along with discussions post screening. -
The Experience of Divorce: The Emotional conflict and coping among divorced young adults
Divorce is the termination of marriage to a legally wedded marriage between a man and a woman. Divorce is fast becoming a common factor among young couples these days. Even though divorce is a way out for the struggling marriage, it is traumatic for most of the individuals who separate from their partners. This study is to capture the experience that every spouse goes through during and after divorce. The first two chapters explain divorce from the previous study undertaken to put into a perspective about the study on divorce. And the subsequent studies on coping and the consequences of coping by the divorcees. This study aims to focus on how they manage to cope and face their marital breakdown. Thereafter how they pick their lives and proceed with their new life after separation. The divorce experience of 12 males and females were recorded and explored through thematic analysis. The findings have indicated that the experience of divorce is traumatic and painful. It takes time for them to get over that bitter experience of divorce. The study highlights various coping strategies enabling the divorced to adapt to life after separation. Keywords: Emotional conflicts, Coping and consequences of coping -
A Comparative Study on Customer??s Expectations and Perceptions on Credit Card Services in Old and New Generation Banks
Card usages have been drastically increasing in India due to the convenience and safety provided by the issuers. At the same time, these issuers are finding it very hard to maintain and gain the market share for this particular service product. In the present scenario credit cards are playing a vital role in every one??s life. Thus, the study has attempted to find out the customer??s expectations and perceptions on credit card services in old and new generation banks. A sample of 225 respondents, who were the users of credit cards in the Bangalore city, was concentrated upon for the study. This was analyzed and tested using Factor analysis, ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regressions. The paper has found the factor the people are expecting more on card services and as well the factor where the users have perceived more. The gap was also analyzed between the expectations and perceptions of the users. The results from the study pointed out the factors the banks have to concentrate upon in order to delight its users and maintain its market share. Hence, businesses should focus on the factors analyzed so as to improve the quality of services provided on cards and to retain the customer base. Keywords: Credit Cards, Customer Expectations, Customer Perceptions,New Generation Banks and Old Generation Bank. -
Gender Differences In Health Habits And Psychological Well- Being Among Early Adults
The concept of health is both complex and important. Health and its importance is one of the universally recognized concepts. The aim of the study was to explore the gender differences among early adults with regard to their health habits and their psychological well-being. Total sample consisted of 100 participants of whom 50 were men and 50 were women. The sampling technique used was random sampling. The age range was 18 -25 years. Health promoting lifestyle profile (HPLP), developed by Walker, Sechrist & Pender (1982). It includes both health-protecting (preventive) behaviors that decrease risk for illness and health-promoting behaviors that sustain or increase well-being, self-actualization and personal fulfillment. Health Behavior checklist was developed by the researcher to understand the patterns of health behavior on the dimensions of nutrition, physical activity, medical care, alcohol consumption, smoking and dieting and PGI General well Being Measure (PGI GWBM) Psychological well-being- PGI GWBM (English Version) by S.K Verma and A.Verma was used to assess the psychological wellbeing of early adults. This is a twenty item simplified test to measure positive mental health. Results showed that there are no gender differences in health habits among early adults. There were gender differences in psychological well-being among early adults. Correlation between health habits and psychological well-being was not observed. The results from the analysis of the checklist indicate some differences between men and women; more men were involved in external physical activity than women and women seemed to be not worried about their health and not visiting hospitals for checkups than men. Key words: gender differences, health habits, psychological well-being. -
Second Language Learners problems in acquiring Reading and Writing skills in English: A Study at the Higher Secondary Level
This dissertation is the result of a study that aimed at identifying problems in Reading and Writing skills in English faced by students studying at the higher secondary level. The study, by way of a series of tests administered to students from three schools in Bangalore, and questionnaires administered to the teachers, along with interviews of the faculty, found that students faced problems in acquiring language skills, and the teachers certain challenges in imparting these skills to students. The sample consisted of 110 participants. It included three schools. The survey employed three research instruments for data collection: four tests, questionnaire and interview. By listening to the teachers through the interviews, and the evaluation of their caliber as teachers through the questionnaire, and through the results of the tests conducted for the students, the researcher was able to garner information that helped to make the dissertation more comprehensive by identifying the specific area that students face problems in and the reasons behind these problems. Based on the above-mentioned information, the researcher was able to propose a few suggestions for the learners, teachers and the management. The objective of the study was to motivate students and to develop an interest in English language learning so that they will be better-equipped to cope with the challenges of society in future. The results impelled the researcher to conclude that one cannot generalize that students from English medium schools would perform better. Students from the regional medium marginally out performed those of the English medium, and this was a surprising element of the study. This helped the researcher to understand that the role of the teacher in imparting skills is very important. It was noticed that if provided with better learning facilities, and adequate motivation, appreciation and encouragement, students from regional medium schools can do well on English language tests. -
Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Women Consumers Purchase Decision of Lifestyle Product - A Study with Reference to the City of Bangalore
Companies have been using celebrities to promote their product and entice the consumers to buy eventually. Since decades this strategy is used by the marketers extensively to attract the consumers to buy the products. Many studies have been done in this area of marketing and most of them talk about celebrity endorsement as a consumer attention seeker. This research talks about the consumer perception about the celebrity in the advertisement and how far do the huge amount of money pumped into celebrity endorsement can be justified? The questionnaires were given to 300 women falling in the age group of 20-40 years residing in the city of Bangalore. By analyzing the data, it strongly came out that celebrity endorsers do not have any effect on the women consumers purchase decision of lifestyle products in the city of Bangalore. It was found that even if the celebrity advertisements get the attention of the women consumer, it may not necessarily convert the attention into purchase decision which depends on many other factors like quality, quantity, experience, price etc. and also one of the most important variables, it depends on the type of product. As a whole the crores of money invested celebrity endorsements cannot be justified in terms of the returns i.e. it may or may not bring a positive impact on the buying behavior of the consumers. In chapter one, the study presents an overview of marketing and consumer behavior. It explains the marketing trends and it is in this century. Then the concept of marketing gave way to the concept advertising and celebrity endorsements. It also talks about celebrity and consumer perception. Chapter two discusses about the various literature reviews relating to the current study. Many studies are citied both by foreign and Indian researchers pertaining to the present study. However, all the possible studies relating to celebrity endorsements are cited. Journals, e-magazines and books were referred. Chapter three discusses about the Research design. The questionnaires were given to 300 women falling in the age group of 20-40 years residing in the city of Bangalore. The sampling technique used here is partially judgmental convenient sampling. Chapter four discusses the analysis and interpretation of the data collected for the research with the help of different statistical and analytical tool. Chi square, F-test and Anova are the statistical tools used for this study Chapter five talk about the findings, suggestions and conclusions for the study. Scope for further study is also given in this chapter. -
India is passing through the crucial phase of demographic transition wherein a majority of its population is in the working age, giving India a never before opportunity to cash in on a huge demographic dividend. This brings spotlight on the human capital benefits that can accrue as a result of this phase with 54% of Indias 1.2 billion population under the age of 25. It is highly imperative for India to cash in on this critical phase through the creation and capitalization of knowledge, competency and the skill base of its people or the Human Capital and pave the way for faster economic growth and development of its economy. The study takes in to consideration the Information Technology industry, wherein Indias prowess has been widely celebrated with Indian software engineers doing exceedingly well and there has been an apparent unstoppable outflow of jobs to India from U.S and Europe. India has become the undisputed global hub for outsourcing and technology mediated work. This has been possible primarily because of the rich pool of technically proficient English speaking workforce with superior logical and reasoning skills. One of the prime reasons for this has been the vast network of academic infrastructure in India churning out more than 500,000 technical graduates annually (NASSCOM, 2012). But multiple surveys by NASSCOM and CII have shown severe gap between employment and employability of technical graduates with only 25% of technical graduates suitable for employment, the rest lacking in skills which the industry wants. In order to solve this paradox, the study was initiated to examine the skill requirements of new recruits in the IT sector. It aims at bringing about the differences, if any between the perception of academia and the industry on the importance of specific skill sets for new IT recruits. The study also explores if there is any disconnect between what the industry perceives to be the available skill sets among the new IT recruits and what the academia perceives to have imparted in terms of those skill sets to their students. In order to capture the perception of the academia and the industry, the study takes in to account their responses on a five-point likert scale on the desired level and actual level of proficiency of new IT recruits on technical, business, interpersonal and management skills. The study found that there were significant differences in the perception of IT Managers and Academicians on the desired level of proficiency of new IT recruits in 4 out of 7 skill sets analyzed, which were Interpersonal and Management Skills, Emerging Technologies Skills, IT Infrastructure Skills and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills. IT Managers and Academicians differed in their views on the actual level of proficiency of new IT recruits too, as significant differences were found in their responses to 5 out of the 7 skill sets which were Interpersonal and Management Skills, Emerging Technologies Skills, Technical Management Skills, IT Infrastructure Skills and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills. It surely does call for an active and productive partnership between the industry and the academia through meaningful communication, coordination and rigorous steps to bridge the gap and eventually to sustain and strengthen the inherent advantage that India has in the field of Information Technology. -
Cloud computing and mobile computing has become a big revolutionary stage in computer science communities. Both has become intertwined and facilitating end users in various fields. Cloud system administrators begin to enhance the cloud system with additional servers to help mobile devices, example is C2DM launched by Google. It is a PaaS model of cloud. It has enhanced the Smartphones limited battery power and low bandwidth using push technology. In some situations server need to push some short messages to mobile client like notification regarding new app update or event. For these kinds of features, polling or push mechanism can be used. In polling mechanism, mobile app pings server periodically and checks if any new data is available for download. Polling can make data on device stale and polling frequently can create stress on server and network. This approach is not suitable for mobile devices as it uses precious network bandwidth more and so battery consumption will be more. To overcome these Google has been introduced push technology known as C2DM which is enhancing the short comings of smart phone using the powerful computational resources of cloud. The thesis mainly concentrating on the working of C2DM, its architectural overview, life cycle overflow, enabling C2DM, sending and receiving message. Push messaging provides the possibility for mobile devices to receive messages from a content publisher via a cloud application, which is a fair example of Smartphone and cloud integration efficiency. Keywords - Intent, server ADV, client AVD, SDK, APNS, GSM, C2DM, BPS, MPNS