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The effectiveness of ethics education in developing ethically sensitive corporate leaders is a much debated subject. In the absence of much documented research on this topic in the Indian context, this study explores the question can business schools make any impact in enhancing the ethical sensitivity of the budding management graduates. Along with this primary hypothesis, the impact of variables such as type of schooling, academic achievement and gender is also analysed. The study is conducted on 259 graduate students from 5 business schools in Bangalore. A 20 scenario questionnaire is used to measure the ethical sensitivity score. Statistical tools like ANOVA, t-test and Pearsons coefficient of correlation are used to analyse the data. To the question how effective business ethics education in enhancing ethical sensitivity, the study found that the impact is limited. The outcome of business ethics is limited to improvement in the awareness of certain ethical issues. It does not influence the personal value orientations or inclinations to compromise ethics for self- interests and monetary benefits. This finding goes along with some of the similar researches done in other countries. The research also found that the personal values of students were developed at a young age and had been influenced by the type of school of their primary education. Students who have studied in religious affiliated schools have expressed greater ethical sensitivity compared to students studied in private or government schools for their early education. Another finding of this research challenges some of the earlier observations that academically achieving students exhibit higher sensitivity to ethical issues. The present study revealed no correlation between students academic achievements and ethical sensitivity. It reiterates the importance of providing holistic education than single-minded pursuit of academic excellence. The question whether one gender is superior to the other in ethical orientations is a well-researched topic, though most of such studies are done in the west. The current study in Indian context reinforces the outcome of the majority of researches which state that women tend to be more ethical than men. This study challenges the business schools to rethink the content and process of teaching business ethics to make it effective in developing the ethical quotient of future business leaders. Pedagogy that integrates critical reflection of personal values and ethical choices is recommended to make a difference. A greater sense of responsibility from the part of primary education providers and a holistic approach to education than mere pursuit of academic excellence are some of the other suggestions for introspection emerging from this research. -
Celebrity endorsement in India is a big market and has been growing continuously. Brands often use celebrities to make an impact on people but today even the non-governmental organizations have been taking help of celebrities to endorse their cause and the NGO. Moreover, this has become an inevitable part of their public relations strategy. This paper analysis the public relations strategies of three NGOs and tries to find out why there is a requirement of celebrities in the non-profit sector and also how the celebrities have contributed to its development. -
Jewellery being mainly a womans product is largely being sold by celebrity men now in Malayalam advertisements, indicating a shift in pattern from using female models. Mohanlal, Dileep, Suresh Gopi, Vikram and Vijay are some of the celebrities who have been endorsing jewellery. The objectives of this study were to analyse the different elements of the jewellery advertisements using celebrity men, study the reasons for the changing trends (from female models to celebrity men) ?? audience perspective and study any patterns across the advertisements. A content analysis of some of the advertisements were done based on the following parameters: the celebrity, attire of the celebrity, dialogues, main message in the advertisements, advertising appeal, background setting and objects, use of text, kind of background score or music, and jewellery presentation. A survey was conducted on a sample size of 50 to help answer the research questions from an audience perspective. It was found that all the celebrities were those who have had long standing careers. It was also found that all the advertisements were in accordance with the Match Up theory. It was found that in terms of dialogue delivery there was a mix of both the spokesperson and presenter styles that were adopted in the advertisements. The format of the advertisement and the way in which content is presented seems to be chosen based on the celebrity who is endorsing. It was found that both emotional messages as well as messages that require more logical or rational thinking are dealt with almost in equal numbers by the celebrities, hence breaking this stereotypical notion. From the survey analysis it was found that the on-film personalities of all the celebrities are kept intact in the ads as well; glittering generality is the most frequently used persuasion technique in the ads. -
Changing and unchanging domination parameters /
Graph Theory is a delightful playground for the exploration of proof techniques in discrete mathematics, and its results have applications in many areas of computing, social, and natural sciences. How can we lay cable at minimum cost to make every telephone reachable from every other? What is the fastest route from the national capital to each state capital? How can n jobs be filled by n people with maximum total utility? What is the maximum flow per unit time from source to sink in a network of pipes? How many layers does a computer chip need so that wires in the same layer don’t cross? How can the season of a sports league be scheduled into the minimum number of weeks? -
Changing trends in the Promotional Strategies of Indian Television Soap Operas
The television has been a primary source of entertainment for masses across the globe. In India itself, people within households are often glued to their television sets in order to be informed or entertained. Drama is a source of life for most people and hence the end up tuning into a variety of daily soap makes that area available to them. Television soap operas have grown tremendously over the past decades and different methods have been adopted and developed to promote these soap operas. The research aims to see how promotions of television soap operas in India have changed between 2008 and 2012 with an analysis of the different kind of strategies adopted by television networks to promote and advertise their different shows. -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated densely packed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Darcy-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter and the Frank-Kamenetskii number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
Chemical reaction induced Rayleigh-Benard convection in a densely packed porous medium saturated with a couple-stress fluid
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated densely packed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Darcy-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter and the Frank-Kamenetskii number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated sparsely distributed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy-Brinkman law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the Frank-Kamenetskii number, the porous parameter and the Brinkman number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
Chemically driven Rayleigh-Benard convection in a sparsely distributed porous medium saturated with a couple-stress fluid
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated sparsely distributed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy-Brinkman law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the Frank-Kamenetskii number, the porous parameter and the Brinkman number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
There are various aspects of the children influence on family purchase decision and it depends on a lot of parameters and situations. The children exercise various methods to influence parent??s decision. The children influence varies from products to products. It also depends on parent??s education, profession, income, single parent working or both parent working, number of working hours per week and type of family. The pocket money also contributes in the children??s influence. This research considers the children in the age group of 8-12. The Descriptive statistics is used to summarize variables in terms of central tendency and measure of dispersion. The Reliability test has been done using Cronbach??s alpha. Pearson??s Product correlation, one way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA has been done using SPSS for Windows (version 18.0). The Linear regression is used to prove the causality between Independent variables on Dependent variable. The strategy adopted by children is mostly persuasive. The children??s influence is maximum for products bicycle, Ice Creams/chocolates/Juice and CDs/DVDs. There are few products like CDs/DVDs, video games and hobby activities which are used by the whole family and still children influence is higher than their parents on family purchase decision. It is the unanimous opinion from both parents and children that the children influence depend on profession as well as on the products. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s income impacts the children??s influence. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s working hour impacts the children??s influence. The relation between children influence and How many hours a week do you work average, Total Family Income and Amount you get from your parent on spending is linear. The pocket money, children get, is having highest impact on children influence. The second most influential parameter is the number of hours the parents work per week. -
Children's Well-Being in Traditional Vs. Montessori Schools. A test of Self-Determination Theory
The present study is a test of Self -Determination theory, which is well established in the field of education with a huge body of empirical evidence to support its assumptions that when the three universal psychological needs (Autonomy, Competence & Relatedness) of a child are met they will grow and function optimally leading to enhanced well-being. It is evident that Montessori philosophy is overlapping with the components of SDT. This study was conducted to examine the extent to which the three psychological needs are satisfied in Montessori schools in comparison to the Traditional schools. A purposive sample size of 80 children in elementary grades was selected from both Montessori and Traditional schools. Perceived support experienced by the children and their Well-Being was determined to establish the assumption of the SDT. The results showed that children in Montessori schools experienced greater satisfaction of needs when compared to traditional school children. However, the well-being of children from both school types didn???t vary much and the causes can be attributed to factors outside classroom. These findings have some strong implications for policy makers, educators and parents. -
Classification and Retrieval of Research Classification and Retrieval of Research Papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach
"Classification and Retrieval of Research papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach" demonstrates an effective and efficient technique for classification of Research documents pertaining to Computer Science. The explosion in the number of documents and research publications in electronic form and the need to perform a semantic search for their retrieval has been the incentive for this research. The popularity and the widespread use of electronic documents and publications, has necessitated the development of an efficient document archival and retrieval mechanism. Categorizing journal papers by assigning them relevant and meaningful classes, predicting the latent concept or the topic of research, based on the relevant terms and assigning the appropriate Classification labels is the objective of this thesis. This thesis takes a semantic approach and applies the text mining techniques in a hierarchical manner in order to classify the documents. The use of a lexicon containing domain specific terms (DSL) adds a semantic dimension to classification and document retrieval. The Concept Prediction based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique demonstrates a semantic model for assigning concepts or topics to papers. This Thesis proposes a conceptual framework for organizing and classifying the research papers pertaining to Computer Science. The efficacy of the proposed concepts is demonstrated with the help of Classification experiments. Classification experiments reveal that the DSL technique of training works efficiently when categorization is based on keywords. The CPTR technique, on the other hand, shows very high accuracy; when the classification is based on the contents of the document. Both these techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Narrowing down the scope of search at each level of hierarchy enables time efficient retrieval and access of the goal documents. The hierarchical interface for Document Retrieval enables retrieval of the target documents by gradually restricting the scope of search at each level of hierarchy This work comprises of two main components. 1. The Framework for Hierarchical Classification. 2. The Hierarchical Interface for Document Retrieval. Two distinct techniques for classification are proposed in this thesis. These include 1. The use of Domain Specific Lexicon (DSL) which is comparable to a Domain Specific Ontology. 2. The Concept Prediction Based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique These techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Keywords: Text Mining, Classification, Document Retrieval, Hierarchical, Domain specific lexicon (DSL), Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) , Concept Prediction based on Term frequency (CPTR) -
Cognitive Style and Academic Achievement among School Students
The aim of the present study was to explore cognitive style and academic achievement among school students using a quantitative approach. The study involved a total of 423 students from grade VIth and VIIth. Students from both private and government schools participated in the study. The study used group embedded figures test by Witkin et al. (1971) and classroom achievement test by Singh & Gupta (2007) to determine the participants field independent and dependent cognitive styles and academic achievement. T test was used to compare the academic achievement of field independent ?? field dependent cognitive style students. Whereas, two-way Anova test was done to analysis the interaction effect of grades, gender, and type of school along with cognitive style on academic achievement of students. The findings of the present research showed that there was a significant difference between field independent and dependent students' on academic achievement. It also revealed that students with field independent cognitive style performed significantly better than field dependent students. However grades had a significant main effect on academic achievement of students. There was no interaction effect found between grades and cognitive style on academic achievement of students. In addition, it was also found that there was no interaction effect of type of school and cognitive style on academic achievement of students. The findings of the study benefits teachers by indicating significant classroom implications which will help them to develop effective learning materials and strategies which are suitable for their student in order to utilize their cognitive style strength effectively. It helps students in making effective decisions regarding ones enrolment in higher education courses and career choices. Key Words: Field Independent-Dependent Cognitive Style, Academic Achievement, Grades, Gender and Type of School. -
The remake is a phenomenon both well-known and immediately recognizable but in India it is not theoretically analyzed. However, by analyzing these remakes, we can understand how these films reflect some specific cultural differences between one state and other State in India. Here researcher has taken four original and its remake films to understand the phenomena of remake. The highly intensed watching the films has helped researcher to understand the difference of films original and remakes. Researcher took one Tamil Movie and its remake in Hindi and also a Malayalam Movie and its remake in Tamil. Films are Tamil Singam to Hindi Singam and Malayalam Manichithrathazhu to Tamil Chandramukhi. All the changes made in movies are on the basis of the cultural differences between the regions where the film is introduced. As researcher have done two Tamil movies he came to know that Tamil Industry possess one culture even though it is a remade they try to change it according to their culture. The basic element of films are the audience, a film is made according to them. So that film Industry sticks to the culture of the audiences. -
Cartoons are the most popular form of entertainment for children. There are very few children who do not watch cartoons. Cartoons are animated figures which carry a story along with it. Every child is exposed to cartoons in some way or the other and whether we except it or not cartoons do have an impact on the minds of the viewers. That??s why most of the cartoons for children are sweet and innocent. But there are a few cartoons that have violence in them. This violence at times can affect the minds and the thinking process of the child. Over the past two decades violence in cartoons has increased. So this study compares the cartoons in the two decades and the increase and the effect it has on the minds. The study to a certain extent proved that the sample population believes that the violence that they view affects them in some way or the other.