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Effectiveness of the Services Delivered by Special Schools for Children with Intellectual Disability
Special schools are the most widespread in the country among the various models for the education of children with intellectual disabilities. In India, there are large number of special schools for children with intellectual disabilities, implementing special education programme using various methods and materials. The present research attempts to determine the effectiveness of special schools rendering services for children with intellectual disability. A comprehensive understanding of the practices followed by different special schools would provide more insight into the functioning of special schools that serve children with intellectual disability. This study explores the various practices in special schools and the progress of children in self-care, behaviour and communication after receiving special education. The study also focused on understanding the progress of children with mild, moderate, and severe intellectual disability. The study used mixed research method. A causal design was used to assess special schools' effectiveness with a focus on self-care, behaviour, and communication of children. Both quantitative and qualitative method of data collection and interpretation were done to conclude the study. The self-structured interview schedule was used for qualitative research and collected information from 12 special schools. Cases were developed based on the qualitative data. Within-case and cross-case analysis with thematic analysis were used for analyzing the data. Quantitative data was collected from caretakers of 98 children, using a standardized tool Behavioural Assessment scale for Indian Children with Mental Retardation (BASIC- MR). The impact of special education on the self-care, communication and behaviour of Children with Intellectual Disabilities were analyzed with Wilcoxon Signed Rank test using the baseline data and their progress of the children after five years in special school. The result shows that there are changes in behaviour, self-care and communication of children with ID after they joined special school. The results also highlighted that there is a difference in children's progress based on the level of intellectual disability (mild, moderate and severe). The qualitative analysis explained the best practices exhibited by special schools for children with ID. -
Effectivrness of family centered psychosocial intervention programme for primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is one of the multiple disabilities affecting 2 to 2.5 per thousand new born babies in India. It usually affects both individual and families. Though care giving is a normal part of being the parent of a child, caring a child with special needs takes on an entirely different life perspective when a child with disabilities, and especially one with multiple disabilities like cerebral palsy which have an effect on long-term dependence. The task of rearing and caring for a child with complex disabilities like cerebral palsy at home might be a great challenge for parents. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of family centered psychosocial intervention programe for the primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Objectives are to assess anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support, and to determine the newlineeffectiveness of family centered psycho social intervention programme on primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. The study followed before and after research experimental research design without control group. The sample of this study consisted of thirty five mothers of the children with cerebral palsy. The heterogeneous socio demographic background was drawn for the present study. The results revealed that extent of psycho social problem was present in the domains of anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support among mothers. It also revealed newlinethat the extent of psycho social problems was significantly reduced in the domains of newlineanxiety, stress and family burden and increased perceived social support after family centered psycho social intervention programme. It is indicated that the family centered viji psychosocial intervention is effective in psychosocial domains of the primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. -
Effects of central bank intervention through quasi fiscal policies evidence from reserve bank of zimbabwe
This was a research exercise which was conducted to establish the impact of newlineZimbabwe s Central Bank s interventions on the economy. As Zimbabwe s economic newlinecondition went through a nose-dive, the government found itself unable to respond to newlinethe numerous needs with no resources. The country was achieving negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate every year since the turn of the new millennium. The country could not borrow from the Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) because of the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union following the country s land reform program which acquired farms from the majority of the 4,000 white farmers who owned about 80 percent of the country s arable area. The Zimbabwe Economic and Democracy newlineRecovery Act of 2001 (ZEDERA), enacted in the USA prevented American companies from doing business in Zimbabwe. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe stepped in to assist. The research was aimed at establishing the effect the central bank intervention on the economy. Was the effect of the intervention good, or bad? Did the central bank s intervention really make things worse or did it ameliorate the effects of the downturn in the economy? For newlineinstance, did it contribute to the increase in inflation? What would have been the newlinesituation had the Bank not intervened? This study sought to answer the basic question: newline What was the overall impact of the RBZ s quasi-fiscal activities on the Zimbabwean newlineeconomy? Hypotheses were formulated on the basis of the above objectives and were tested newlinevia a variety of statistical techniques. The research instruments for data collection newlinewere a questionnaire and interviews guides. The questionnaire was the main research newlineinstrument followed by interviews. The questionnaire had a fusion of open ended and newlineclosed questions. The research showed that the RBZ s quasi-fiscal operations helped newlinethe country most in containing emergency situations and improved access to financial newlineresources by the productive sectors. -
Efficacy of Art Based Interventions for Emotional Problems among Children Affected by Earthquake in Nepal
The earthquake of April 2015 left Nepal in a vulnerable state. Children represent an estimated 3.2 million of the 8 million people affected by the earthquake. The aim of the study was to examine the role of art in dealing with the long-term impact of earthquake on emotional problems in children in Nepal. A purposive sampling was adopted to select 454 children studying in 4th and 5th standard from four schools in Kathmandu Metropolitan City. Children completed the Level of Exposure Scale while the parents provided information about the emotional and behavioural difficulties of children using the Nepali version of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ/ 4-17). The influence of gender, severity of exposure, socio-economic status and type of family in relation to emotional problems were also examined in the selected group. The results of Phase 1 show that conduct, hyperactivity-inattention and peer problems were higher in boys while girls had higher pro-social behaviour. Children belonging to lower socio-economic status were found to be at risk for emotional problems. Gender and exposure were also identified as predictors of emotional problems in children. For the second phase of the study, those children with high emotional problems (N=60) were selected for an art-based intervention consisting of nine sessions. Both the treatment (N=30) and control group (N=30) completed the pre- and post- treatment measure of SDQ. The results show that the children in the treatment group reported lower levels of emotional problems, hyperactivity-inattention and peer problems compared to the control group (Cohen's d: 0.50-0.80). In the final phase of the study, 12 children from the treatment group were interviewed to identify the elements of art that contributed to a change in the emotional problems. A thematic vii analysis revealed six global themes: a new schema, an expression space, drawing the trauma, reappraisal of trauma narrative, protective factors and future benefits. The responses of the children show that the inherent properties such as regulation and social connection promoted by an engagement in arts needs to be adopted as an effective mode of trauma care. The findings also point to the possibility of using art-based therapy to overcome stigma which hinder the mental health professionals when implementing evidence-based treatments in the country. -
Efficacy of Canine - Assisted Therapy on Social Competence among INdividuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), because of their deficits in social newlinecompetence, often suffer a great deal in the community. Canine-assisted therapy (CAT) seems to be a useful approach to improve social functioning. This study aimed to investigate whether CAT can assist in improving the social competence of adults newlinewith ASD. The study employed an ABAB single case experimental design with four newlineparticipants. The social performance and social interactions with the therapy dog and newlinetherapist were the target measures of the study, and they were assessed using the newlineVellore Assessment of Social Performance and Animal-assisted Therapy Flowsheet. The baseline measures for the study were taken four times for 4 weeks for two newlinebaseline/reversal phases of the study. CAT was delivered by a trained dog along with newlinea certified animal-assisted practitioner twice a week for 4 weeks for 45-60 minutes newlineduring two intervention phases. The results were interpreted using descriptive, newlinegraphical, and numerical analysis. The mean scores indicated improvement in social newlineperformance and social interaction scores in the intervention phases. The visual newlineinspection showed similar results as indicated by the increasing trend line in newlineintervention phases. The results of the non-overlap of all pairs showed a medium to newlinestrong effect of CAT on improving social performance. The results validated the use newlineof CAT in the enhancement of social competence among adults with ASD. The study newlinesignificantly contributed to the field of CAT as well as has implications for aiding the newlineintegration of adults with ASD into mainstream society by enhancing their social newlinefunctioning. -
Efficacy of priniciple based accounting on internal governance and financial performance
The introduction of IFRS has fuelled the expectation of users of financial newlinestatements on the potential benefits of adoption. Studies have indicated the newlinebenefits of IFRS adoption such as higher comparability of financial statements among companies operating in different jurisdictions, reduces transaction costs, and access to international capital through cross border listings and greater foreign investment (Aharony, Barniv and Falk, 2010 and newlineDunne, et al. 2008). Several studies have been done to analyze the consequences of IFRS adoption on financial statement items (Lantto and Sahlstrom, 2009; Dunne et al. 2008). Most of these studies were restricted to European countries and some Australian and Canadian countries as they were the early adopters. India has planned to converge with IFRS and not adopt. Adoption means applying IFRS as issued by IASB. Convergence means India would newlineharmonize its national accounting standards in compliance with IFRS as this provides freedom to protect the local business environment. These harmonized accounting standards are notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and are called Ind AS. As on date 39Indian accounting standards newlineharmonized with IFRS has been notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs newline(ICAI,2015a). A road map for convergence with IFRS was notified by Ministry of newlineCorporate Affairs in a phased manner effective April 2011 (MCA, 2010). newlineAs the deadline was not met due to various reasons, a revised notification newlineand implementation roadmap has been issued by MCA in Feb, 2015 recommending Indian Companies with a net worth of over Rs. 500 Crore to converge with IFRS with effect from 1st April 2016 (ICAI, 2014; MCA,2015). newlineThe Finance Minister had also in his budget speech of 2014-15, indicated that Indian companies have to report IFRS voluntarily from 2015-16 and mandatorily from 2016-17 to make financial statement of Indian Companies newlinecomparable to 120 countries which are already reporting and also to fulfill the commitment made to G20 nations. -
Efficacy study of readiness for smoking cessation programme among male adolescents in bengaluru
Among the remarkably challenging preventable cause for death all over the world is cigarette smoking behavior.Smoking among adolescents in cities has proved unusually challenging in spite of determined efforts in developed and developing countries.Dearth of governmental will and source to implement wide-ranging anti-smoking policies to reverse the trends in youth smoking (StantonandMcGee,2009) makes the need to develop an attitude change towards smoking cessation very crucial in controlling the smoking behavior. newlineA novel approach to smoking cessation is considered in this study, here the emphasis newlineis laid on the importance of acquiring skills to quit rather than quitting itself. The newlineobjectives of the study were achieved through several phases, where in the relevant newlineliterature was reviewed and an apt theoretical framework was built, based on which the program content was developed and finalized under the guidance of experts in the field. The final step was the creation of a manual for the RSCP. The outcome measures were selected considering the study sample characteristics. The study was carried out by randomly assigning the study participants in the two groups with respective interventions. Outcome measures were determined before and after the training. The results indicate that the two groups significantly differed in the variable Readiness to change , Defensiveness and behavioral components of change. newlineSpecifically, the experimental group was ready to change their behavior when compared to the controlled group, suggesting that the developed RSCP facilitates adolescent s to realize a more realistic aspect of themselves relating to smoking behavior and are very much willing to make lifestyle changes which would eventually result in behavioral change among adolescents when compared to providing a general awareness on smoking behavior. -
Efficient data mining techniques for medical data
Healthy decision making for the well being is a challenge in the current era with abundant information everywhere. Data mining, machine newlinelearning and computational statistics are the leading fields of study that are supporting the empowered individual to take valuable decisions to optimize the outcome of any working domain. High demand for data newlinehandling exists in healthcare, as the rate of increase in patients is proportional to the rate of population growth and life style changes. Techniques for early diagnosis and prognosis prediction of diseases are the need of the hour to provide better treatment for the human community. Data mining techniques are a boon for building a quality and newlineefficient model for health prediction applications. As cancer explodes everywhere in recent years, the data sets from cancer newlineregistries have been focused as the medical data in this research. The main aim of thesis is to build a constructive and efficient classifier model for cancer prognosis prediction. Most of the existing system develops a diagnosis prediction models from the screening or survey data, as the data newlineset is widely available and are easy to collect due the insensitive nature of newlinethe factors involved in such research. Whereas the prognosis prediction requires a sensitive details of the patients those who are under treatment for a diagnosed disease. Hospitals and the community registries newlinemaintained by the government are the main source for data collection. Well maintained electronic hospital records with histopathology information is not public in India for the researchers. Hence cancer data newlinefrom a US based open access data center has been used in this research for all experimentation. This research work is a progressive model that gradually improves the newlineprediction accuracy by selecting appropriate data mining techniques in each phase. -
Electrochemical Synthesis of Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Motifs
Programmability has left its mark on every facet of business, with technology playing newlinean integral role. Social networking industry trends underscore technology s ubiquity in newlinenearly every business transaction. Traditional networks grapple with numerous challenges, rendering them ill-equipped to process and handle the demands of the modern newlinelandscape effectively. The lack of programming in these networks leads to stagnation, newlineinhibiting their ability to evolve or enhance performance. The advent of Software Defined Networks (SDN) has introduced increased flexibility into conventional networks, newlineopening avenues for creating innovative services. newlineSDN technology addresses challenges in large-scale networks, offering solutions for newlinehigh throughput, virtualization, fault detection, and load balancing, providing effective network management. The rapid expansion of network services and applications newlinein SDN environments demands sophisticated load-balancing solutions that adapt to newlinedynamic traffic patterns and varying service requirements. This study presents a pioneering algorithm, the Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm (DLBA), which utilizes the newlineProgramming Protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4) language. The algorithm is newlinespecifically crafted to tackle the issues associated with optimizing traffic distribution in newlinethe data plane of SDN. newlineP4 programming language, recognized as one of the most robust languages, addresses newlinethe limitations of traditional networking, enhancing programmability and agility by newlinedistributing the load across the network. The research implements a novel quotDynamic newlineLoad Balancing Algorithmquot using the P4 language to instill dynamism and achieve load newlinebalance in large-scale networks. The P4-based implementation showcases dynamicity, scalability, flexibility, and adaptability. This research commences with thoroughly newlineexamining existing load-balancing algorithms implemented using the P4 language, followed by a comparative analysis between these algorithms and DLBA. -
Electrochemical Synthesis of Heterocyclic Carbonyls Using Carbon Based Electrocatalysts
Electro-organic synthesis (EOS) is emerging as a powerful and sustainable technique newlinefor synthesizing organic compounds. EOS offers a compelling alternative to newlineconventional synthetic methods, driven by the need for cleaner and more efficient newlineprocesses and a growing focus on environmental impact. This approach minimizes newlineenvironmental impact by reducing dependence on hazardous chemicals and solvents. newlineAdditionally, EOS enables precise control over reaction parameters, leading to selective newlineproduct formation and potentially novel reaction pathways. newlineThis work presents the development of electrocatalysts for the electro-oxidation of newlineselected heterocyclic alcohols, namely piperonyl alcohol (PA), thiophene-2-ylmethanol newline(TM), furfuryl alcohol (FA) and indole-3-carbinol (IC) to their corresponding newlinealdehydes. A Toray carbon fiber paper (TCFP) substrate modified with 2D materials, newlineconducting polymers, metal oxides, and metal oxide nanoparticles are employed in newlinethefabrication of the electrodes. newlineThe efficiency of the developed electrode was studied employing different newlineelectrochemical and physicochemical studies. X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (XPS), newlineField Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray newlineSpectrometry (EDS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Optical newlineProfilometry (OP) techniques were utilized for the physicochemical studies of the newlinefabricated electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), Electrochemical Impedance newlineSpectroscopy (EIS), Chronoamperometry (CA) and Bulk Electrolysis (BE) techniques newlinewere employed for the electrochemical studies, including optimization and synthesis of newlineheterocyclic aldehydes. The fabricated electrocatalysts demonstrated remarkable newlinestability, higher electrocatalytic activity, and good conductivity. The electro-oxidation newlinereactions were carried out in a three-electrode system via BE using 4-acetamido- newline2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl (4-ACT) mediator. The products obtained were newlinecharacterized by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. -
Elemental Abundances in the Interstellar Medium
One method to investigate the chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) and interstellar dust grains is to conduct interstellar elemental depletion studies, especially of highly abundant species. The role refractory element, silicon (Si) in extinction is not clearly understood and the distribution and evolution of moderately volatile sulfur (S) in the ISM is still an open problem. The key motivation of the work is to investigate the chemical composition of ISM of our Galaxy, and the formation, processing and distribution of interstellar dust in its different environments, mainly focusing on silicon and sulfur abundances, both in gas and dust. In the work outlined in this thesis, I will be describing the gas and dust phase abundances of Si and S in the interstellar medium using archival observations, and their probable role in the observed extinction. In this work, we also have measured the column density of S II along 9 Galactic sight lines using archival high-resolution observations from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and determined the abundances of S in both gas and dust phases. Using Archival spectral data towards 131 target stars in the Galaxy, interstellar Si abundances and depletion along those lines of sight has been surveyed. Oscillator strength correction has been performed to account for its improvements, using most recent values. This is an extensive survey done using a much larger data sample compared to previous investigations, but it substantiate the majority of the findings, which show that Si depletion is linked to both the average hydrogen density (n (H)) and the fraction of molecular hydrogen (f(H2)) along the lines of sight. Using this data, the distribution of Si and the variation of dust attributes with Si abundances also has been investigated and found that the linear component of the extinction curve is unrelated to depletion of silicon. -
Empirical Analysis of Antecedents and Mediators of Student Loyalty Among Undergraduate Business Students in Bangalore,India
The higher education sector has undergone major changes throughout India which has led to increase in competition for institutions in this sector. Thus, there is a need to find ways to attract and retain the potential and current students. Student loyalty is crucial to createsustainable competitive advantage. Student loyalty is widely accepted as a critical factor in the long term economic success of an educational institution that aims at positive recommendation (word of mouth) by students and attracting the students back to newlinethe institution for further studies. Review of literature reveals that service quality, price fairness, customer value, customer satisfaction and affective commitment are key newlineantecedents to customer loyalty. newlineObjectives - The objectives of this research study are based on theoretical underpinnings in the literature. The main objectives of the study are: 1. To empirically test the proposed structural model of relationships among six constructs: educational service quality, perceived fee fairness, perceived value, student satisfaction, affective commitment, and student loyalty in the undergraduate business programs. 2. To analyze the influence of educational service quality and perceived fairness on student loyalty (ultimate dependent variable). 3. To examine the mediating effect of perceived value, student satisfaction, and affective newlinecommitment on the relationship between educational service quality and student loyalty. 4. To find out the mediating effect of perceived value and student satisfaction on the relationship between perceived fee fairness and student loyalty. 5. To find out the perceptual dimensions of student assessments of educational service quality, fee fairness, value, satisfaction, commitment and student loyalty. Variables of the Study newline1. Educational Service Quality Independent Variable (Exogenous variable) 2. Perceived Fee Fairness Independent Variable (Exogenous variable) 3. Perceived Value Mediating variable (Endogenous Variable) -
Empirical evidence on usability of mobiles in health care
Healthcare industry today has seen a lot of innovation and transformation like any other industry. With technological advancements it is growing leaps and bounds. One of the major challenges before the world today is effective management of diseases. The healthcare industry has been benefitted with the usage of information and communication technology (ICT). When integrated properly this technology has the potential to provide solutions to increased demands in quality, efficiency and improved workflow to help streamline healthcare operations. newlineDeveloping countries today are facing an increasing incidence of non communicable and communicable disease. M-health has the potential to extend help in both the fronts. Peep into various scenarios reveal that majority of diseases that kill people in the rural areas are curable with little information and this information dissemination can happen through mobiles which have a deeper penetration than any other technology. Most of the innovations in mobile technologies have not been evaluated beyond the pilot stage. Thus there is a need newlineto evaluate these interventions for them to become acceptable and usable by the patients and healthcare professionals. Various researchers time and again have argued the need for usability studies in healthcare innovations. This study is unique as it caters to both the aspects: technology acceptance and health technology acceptance and the context of usability. There is a large pool of studies which are available for technology acceptance but for healthcare context there has to be a mix of technology acceptance behavior and health behavior newlineacceptance. Researchers like Nutbeam (1998) have highlighted the importance of health behavior which is defined as activities which individuals take up irrespective of their health status for the objective of health maintenance even if such behavior may not be effective in the end. -
Empowering women living with HIV AIDS A study on organisational strategies and challenges
The acts of discrimination and exclusion meted out to the people living with HIV/AIDS, and the stigma attached to the condition deprives the afflicted, of their capacity to exercise their fundamental rights and to access basic necessities. Specifically, the suffering of the women stricken by this chronic, incurable malady, the majority of whom from newlineeconomically weaker sections of our society is very poignant. From the time this pandemic broke out in 1984, world organisations, national and local organisations, both government and non-government have come to newlinethe aid of the PLWHA. Some of them cater singularly to the needs of the WLWHA, who are as such more vulnerable ever since the plight of the women living with the deadly disease was brought to light. But as the years went by, there has been a decline in the help extended to the WLWHA. This study is undertaken to ascertain the current state of newlineservices and strategies used by the organisations to empower the WLWHA and the challenges faced by the organisations in their endeavours. Appropriate questionnaires were administered to analyse the situations and find the facts about the services, strategies and challenges from the perspective of the organisation WLWHA. A few case studies of the WLWHA were done to delve into the depths of their perceptions. From the study, it has been learned that the organisations have prioritized medical and rehabilitation services to empower the women. Medical care is given directly by the organisations and also through networking with government bodies and other services newlineproviders. Affected women and family members are counselled for acceptance of the condition and familial and societal integration. Occupational therapy and vocational training are other strategies for newlineempowerment.Organisations provide nutritious food for the women and arrange for them to get the necessary provisions through Public newlineDistribution System (PDS) or through donors. -
Energy and Environmental Applications of Polymer Based Mixed Metal Oxide Nanocomposites
The dependence of human lives on fossil fuels is very inevitably high for the development of society. This leads to the exploitation of these non-renewable sources, which brings forth society, which is another major issue that has to be tackled. In this study, we have focused on addressing the energy and environmental needs of society using different catalysts. The polymer based mixed metal oxide catalysts are used for the utility towards multiple applications. The energy issues can be mitigated through newlinesupercapacitance studies and water splitting studies. The water splitting studies can newlineproduce hydrogen, an efficient and eco-friendly fuel, and supercapacitors can store newlineenergy effectively. Water pollution is another problem faced by our society, which newlinereduces the availability of freshwater sources. This can be overcome by following newlineeffective and cost-efficient adsorption techniques. Another major threat that prevails in our society is corrosion. Corrosion inhibition studies are followed to tackle this issue and provide a corrosion-free environment. The various polymers used in this study are polyaniline, polypyrrole, poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), and chitosan. These polymers are mixed with different metal oxides, and the synergy between the polymers and metal oxides provides efficiency towards the mentioned applications. The successful formation of composites is confirmed using various characterization techniques. Several electrochemical studies like cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge studies, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, linear sweep voltammetry, and potentiodynamic techniques are employed to analyze the efficacy of the composites towards supercapacitance, water splitting, and corrosion inhibition studies. The batch adsorption studies are executed for water purification studies. The synthesized multifunctional composites can be used as potential candidates for addressing the energy and environmental needs of our society in a sustainable manner. -
Energy efficient routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained universal attention now a day s owing to the advancements made in the fields of information and communication technologies and the electronics field. This innovative sensing technology incorporate an immense number of sensor nodes or motes set up in newlinean area to perceive any continuously fluctuating physical phenomena. These newlinetiny sensor nodes sense and process the sensed data and transfer this information to a base station or sink via radio frequency (RF) channel. newlineThe small size of these sensors is an advantage as it can be easily embedded within any device or in any environment. This feature has attracted the use of WSNs in immense applications especially in monitoring and tracking; the most prominent being the surveillance applications. But this tiny size of sensor nodes restricts the resource capabilities. Usually the WSNs are installed in application areas where the human intervention is quite risky or difficult. The sensed information might be needed to take critical decisions in emergency applications. So maintaining the connectivity of the network is of utmost newlineimportance. The efficient use of the available resources to the maximum extend newlineis a necessity to prolong the network lifetime. If any node runs out of power, the newlineentire network connectivity collapses and intend of the deployment might become futile. Because of this reason most of the research in the area of WSNs has concentrated on energy efficiency where the design of energy efficient routing protocols plays a major role. newlineThis research work titled Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks proposes to develop energy efficient routing protocol strategies so as to enhance the lifetime of the WSNs. A thorough study of the existing literature serves as the back bone for attaining acquaintance concerning the pertinent scenario, the problems faced and the application of the WSNs. newlineThe use of clustering and sink mobility to enhance the energy utilisation is explored in this research. -
English language traning for core course instruction in commerce courses :
Tracing the scope and growth of English in the globalised world, this research focusses on helping the learners to improve their English language proficiency through core course instruction. The research has identified the scope of study in the Commerce discipline of higher education setting. The study aims to locate the possibility of learning and improving general vocabulary for the purpose of communication. It traces the existing studies in integrating English language in core course content at various levels and establishes the gap in the study. The mileage that English Language Teaching has covered in the past few decades is far newlinefrom listing. However, areas of study that might seem familiar and established still newlineseem to provide more scope for research. English language, no doubt has become newlinethe medium of instruction in most of the higher education settings. Students get newlineexposed to different course content through English, and training teachers for various skills has become an important quarter in the education setting. With each passing generation, there is a need to create a training approach that suits the lifestyle, advancements in various forums and needs of the learners. This research attempts to create a training module for the purpose of equipping teachers with the ability to teach English, which is the medium of instruction, through core course instruction in the higher education scenario. The research provides a module that could serve as a model for teachers to use language effectively and equip their learners not just with the knowledge of the subject, but also the knowledge of the language through which the content is delivered. The purpose of this study is to highlight the need for a holistic understanding of the language used for content delivery and also to enable students to be able to use the language inputs received here, in daily life communication too. -
Enhancement of resilience an quality of life using strength based counselling and the mediating role of parental bonding in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
The current study was an attempt to understand the socio-demographic profile of newlineadolescents with type 1diabetes, the relationship between variables such as resilience, quality of life, parental bonding and the mediating role of parental bonding. It was also aimed to understand parent s perception of the adolescent s resilience and quality of life and their newlineexperiences. In phase 1, 100 adolescents/ newlinechildren (M=40, F=60, Age 10-18years) with an newlineexisting diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and their parents were enrolled from two hospitals and one clinic in Bangalore. The adolescents were administered Paediatric Quality Of Life for Diabetics (PedsQL) (Child and Adolescent Form), The Resilience Scale for Youth (CYRM), The Parental Bonding Instrument PBI (Father and Mother Form ). Parents were administered the consent form, demographic data sheet and parent version of resilience and quality of life.All scales were translated and back translated. In Phase 2 of the study, an intervention model based on the principles of strength newlinebased counselling to enhance resilience and quality of life (SBCTD1) was developed and newlineused. Qualitative interviews were conducted to understand the experiences of parents of newlinechildren/adolescents having type 1 diabetes. These interviews were tape recorded. 50 newlineadolescents from Phase1, were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=25) and the control group (n=25). For the intervention group after going through the sessions the Resilience Scales and The Paediatric Quality of Life scales were administered after one and three months respectively. HbA1c values were also collected again after three months of newlineintervention. Control group received regular care and treatment at the center and were not newlineexposed to the model developed for the study.