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Mapping location and identity in the works of indian english novelists:
This thesis examines the context of location in relation to constructs of identity in Salman Rushdie s MC, Vikram Seth s ASB and Amitav Ghosh s TSL. It is contended that articulation of selfhood is achieved through its interaction with narrative constructions of space and these depictions serve to map representations of nation. Writers migrant experiences are shown to have a bearing on the aesthetics and geopolitics of these representations. Even though these texts challenge the reductive processes of homogenization at work in the formation of nationalcultural identities, it is contended that they foreground transnational lifestyles and identities.Some of the questions that the thesis asks are: Does the cultural-geographical location of the writer shape the aesthetics of the work? If so, to what extent? In what ways does the diasporic newlineexperience influence the (re)presentation of mediated and inter-connected spaces? How is a newlinecharacter, who does not share the author s diasporic location and experience, depicted? Do the works cater to a Western readership by presenting a palatable version that is only purportedly transnational? Or, are the writers lapsing into a master narrative of universalism? newlineThe creative paradigm allows for the unfolding of the enigma of identity by the interplay of the questions surrounding place - Where am I and what is my place in the world, which reveals who I am. There are real geographies of social action, as well as metaphorical spaces and sites of power that have to be understood in their own right and in the context of shared loci that come together to construct identity. Thus, a comparative study of the novels is conducted on various registers such as dynamics of space, negotiation of borders and boundaries, delineation of multiple identities and representation of nation via language and history. The thesis argues for newlineaesthetic negotiation of borders across locations that maybe geographic and psychic; in order to grapple with and empower subjectivities. -
Mathematical models in waste management
Waste management is a major issue faced by municipalities all over the world. The major problem associated with the waste managements newlineis its high cost and main part of the cost comes from its collection and transportation. This problem can be effectively overcome by the application of mathematical models. newlineAn important aspect of waste management is locating facilities like truck locations, transfer stations, compost units etc. The location of facilities when collection of waste happens at multiple time periods is newlineconsidered for cost minimization. The rapid increase in the population of cities as a result of vast urbanization and the corresponding shrinking of land has given rise to increase in apartment complexes in newlineall the cities. The waste management practices here have to be planned carefully as they are sources of large quantities of waste. They are also potential sites for recycling and composting as waste management newlinepractices can be introduced at apartment level itself, so that transportation burden is less. Components like fixed cost /maintenance cost and operational costs are considered for the study in cities as well newlineas in apartments. Testing the mathematical model is done using different scenarios and the results are used to draw conclusions. These results showed that the model works best when processing facilities are nearer to the transfer stations so that there is no additional cost incurred at that point for transportation. In addition, it was clear that the cost of the transportation is brought down using the model, as the newlineamount transported to landfills decreases. newlineScheduling a set of resources to a set of jobs can be done using resource calendar, which shows the availability of resources and the various time periods at which it a particular resource is available. There are different types of jobs and various types of resources. -
Mechanisms Linking Gratitude to Life Satisfaction among Adults : A Mixed - Methods Study
The study examined the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction in educated adults in an Indian context and the mediation of affect, schema and coping. The sample comprised 711 males and females (18-45 yrs). The research utilised a sequential explanatory mixed methods design, incorporating a follow-up explanation model (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The initial quantitative phase addressed research questions concerning how the selected variables mediate the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction. Mediation analysis revealed that positive affect and positive self/others partially mediated the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction. There is no influence of gender in the role of gratitude in life satisfaction. The quantitative data held significance as it served as the foundation for subsequent qualitative analysis. The two-phased data collection facilitated a comprehensive exploration of the research questions, and integrating quantitative and qualitative data provided a better understanding of the relationships under investigation. A semi-structured interview was designed in the qualitative phase, incorporating insights from the survey results. The interview questions explored participants' perceptions and experiences regarding how various factors contribute to connecting gratitude with life satisfaction. A thematic analysis was performed to recognise the themes expressed by the participants, as outlined by Braun and Clarke in 2013. Three broader themes were derived, incorporating the 14 categories identified through coding. The three identified themes from the qualitative analysis are: 1. Life satisfaction through positive emotions; 2. Self-oriented schema promotes a sense of satisfaction, and 3. Positive connections with others enhance happiness. The qualitative data enrich our understanding by illustrating how participants who prioritise others' well-being and maintain meaningful social connections experience enhanced happiness. The quantitative findings are reinforced by the qualitative insights, which highlight that positive emotions serve as an emotional bridge that connects the feelings of gratitude to an overall sense of happiness, enhancing life satisfaction. This integrated approach enhances our understanding of how gratitude influences emotional well-being, ultimately contributing to overall life satisfaction. The identified themes of life satisfaction through positive emotions, self-oriented schema, and positive connections with others yield valuable implications. Implementing gratitude-focused interventions offers actionable steps for individuals, educators, and mental health practitioners to enhance overall well-being. -
Migration to bangalore : A study of return migration of IT professionals
Bengaluru, Karnataka, is widely known as India s Silicon Valley and an important centre for Information Technology (IT). It is also one of the fastest growing cities in India. Migration to the city has contributed to its growth and this study has focussed on the phenomenon of return migration with specific reference to the return migration of IT professionals to Bengaluru. The main newlineobjectives of the study were to explore some of the factors underlying return migration in general and return migration to Bengaluru in particular, to examine the reasons underlying the decision to migrate, to examine the process of return migration, to describe transnationalism in the context of this return migration and to observe the experience of being back home This study used mixed methods and adopted concurrent triangulation to analyse and interpret the data in the study of the research problem. The framework adopted by Lee was also used to understand the factors that influence the decision to migrate within a broader theoretical framework to study return migration. The researcher explored the factors that influenced the decision to return which were an outcome of the push factors operating from the place of origin and the pull factors operating in the place of destination, India and Bengaluru in this case, both sets of which relate to the socio-cultural, economic and political realms. The newlineresearcher examined the factors that operated as push factors in the host country as well as those that operated as pull factors upon professionals working in the IT sector in the context of return migration to Bengaluru.According to the study, the pull factors being exercised from the city of newlineBengaluru were more relevant in terms of the forces underlying the decision to move. Bengaluru s reputation as a technopole or a high tech cluster has contributed largely to the way in which the migrants have been drawn to the city. -
Mind-Set In Mathematics Learning : Role of Teacher-Student Interaction on Student Engagement, Wellbeing and Achievemrent
Mathematics learning is an integral part of the school curriculum. Children learn basic concepts in mathematics and then gradually reach the abstract level. Challenges in mathematics learning are largely observed after grade seven. Students may show disinterest towards the subject due to several reasons including past learning experiences, teacher-student interaction (TSI), anxiety and self-efficacy levels. If the students cannot connect what they learn, it impacts their interaction in the classroom, and it acts as a reason for losing interest. The literature review reveals the importance of mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and utility value and contribute to the construct of mind-set. Student engagement is influenced by mind-set in mathematics learning and TSI, and predicts achievement and wellbeing. The study adopts a mixed-method design with the qualitative study aiming to support the quantitative study and strengthen the validity of the results. The quantitative study sample consists of 774 eighth graders from various English medium schools in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The qualitative phase seeks to determine the students' perception of mathematics learning through their classroom experiences among 17 students using semi-structured interviews. The tested conceptual model shows an excellent fit. It shows mind-set in mathematics affects TSI, influences student engagement and leads to student-wellbeing. There was no indirect effect for the achievement and other variables. The findings related to the open-ended questions indicate the importance of teachers and content. There is a lack of understanding among students about the practical application of the learning content. The thematic analysis results provided five main themes: student attributes, teacher attributes, classroom environment, content-related and utility value. Integration of the findings leads to the importance of TSI and student engagement in the mathematics classroom. Also, the connection between variables related to mathematics learning and student wellbeing. The results of the study have important implications for developing engaging pedagogies. -
Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence : Impact on Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers
Psychological well-being of school teachers is vital for healthy student engagement and a conducive classroom environment. This study sought to understand the role of mindfulness and emotional intelligence in the newlinepsychological well-being of school teachers. It was conducted in two phases. The first phase, through the survey method, sought to establish the relationship between mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and newlinepsychological well-being of school teachers. 125 female school teachers from Bangalore, India, drawn through convenience sampling, were surveyed. The tools used were the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire, Assessing Emotions Scale, Scales of Psychological WellBeing, and demographic details sheet. Results revealed positive and newlinemoderate to strong associations between the variables (r = 0.38 to 0.65). Moreover, mindfulness and emotional intelligence explained 45% of the variance in psychological well-being, as opposed to 42% by mindfulness alone. The second phase was a pre and post-experimental study. After random assignment to study (N = 19) and comparison (N = 29) groups, the study group underwent a seven-session mindfulness-based emotional newlineintelligence intervention through an online platform. The participants were assessed on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and psychological well-being before and after the intervention. Results revealed that emotional intelligence showed a significantly increased post-intervention, but mindfulness and psychological well-being did not. -
Models for load forecasting and demand response
Increasing pressure on the utilities to accommodate energy efficiency, load management and progress in advanced technology has led to transformations of existing grids into smarter grids. With the development of Smart Grid Technology and the integration of smart meters it is possible to control the equipment installed at the consumer site. Creating awareness among the end- users to participate in load management programs instead of capacity addition is the best solution for maintaining the stability in the grid. Utilities can also encourage consumer participation in load control activities. They can ensure that power is given to a consumer during his priority time. For this, loads have to be categorized, prioritized and then considered for load shedding so that revenue loss and social impacts of load shedding are minimized. It would be beneficial if a consumer's load is not completely shed during load shedding. Amount of power that is shed from a consumer can be limited and consumers can be allowed to adjust their loads based on the availability of power and get incentives from the utilities for their change in load pattern. Consumers are also benefited with the reduced energy charges on the consumed energy during these periods. Review of the recent research work shows that demand response and load forecasting play an important role to relieve the power system from economic and environmental constraints. Various approaches have been used in the past for developing different demand response and forecasting methodologies including neural networks, fuzzy logic and statistical techniques. These methodologies fluctuate in complication, suppleness, and information necessity. In addition, statistical methods such as time series, regression, and state space methods have large numerical deviation in the predicted load series. In general, for accurate modeling of nonlinear and undecided type of load behavior, artificial intelligence-based techniques are employed. Also, these methods concentrate mainly on ordinary system conditions. However, proposing the possible Demand Response strategies to maintain power system security constraints in unpredicted turbulences pose a serious challenge. In the undertaken research, a novel load forecasting method using hybrid Genetic Algorithm Support Vector Regression model has been proposed. The forecast error is around 1-2%. The second part of the work focuses on formulation of demand response strategies based on time of the day and load prioritization. A Unique grading method has been proposed to prioritize the loads and load management during power deficiency by controlling the loads individually using different optimization techniques. The performance of three well recognized population based meta-heuristic algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization, to solve load management at the consumer level in the Smart Grid environment were examined in terms of their efficiency, effectiveness and consistency in obtaining the optimal solution. In the last part of the work the Demand Response model for residential load is proposed to minimize the energy cost of the electricity usage by shifting the loads from peak period to off-peak period with the help of intelligent techniques such as Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. -
Modification of Carbon Based Electrodes as Robust Scaffolds for Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamins and Hormones
Electrochemical sensors are for vitamins and hormones are constructed on employing various newlinemodifications (molecular imprinting technology, coating of 2D sheet like materials and also modifying using supramolecular complexing material) on the transducer host, carbon fiber paper electrode (CFP). From our observation, the electrochemical oxidation/reduction current newlineof the analytes studied, intensified significantly on the surface modifications employed over the CFP substrate. Surface morphology was characterized using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Electron Diffraction X-ray (EDX), X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical Profilometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Nyquist plots revealed the least charge transfer resistance at the finally modified working electrodes compared to other control electrodes. Optimization of experimental conditions such as effect of pH, investigating the reaction mechanism via effect of scan rate, number of cycles for the electrodeposition of the film in order to achieve maximum current response and potential window were studied in detail by using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Quantification of the analytes was performed using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV). newlineAnalytical corroboration for real samples were carried out using the finally modified newlineelectrode. Therefore, all the works carried out have established simplicity and selectivity in the principle of the novel approach in the development of an ultrasensitive voltammetric sensor for vitamins and hormones studied. -
Modified carbon based electrodes for electrochemical sensing of biomolecules
Now-a-days a large variety of biological analytes are detected by highly sensitive newlineelectrochemical sensors which are inexpensive and simple as compared to conventional methods such as UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorometry, HPLC and gas chromatography. Electrochemical analysis is exceptional owing to its economical, low energy consuming and unique approach in the method design, and high sensitivity for the analyte determination. Carbon based electrochemical sensors are commonly used because of their low cost, good electron newlinetransfer kinetics, good chemical stability, and biocompatibility. Recently electrochemical properties of pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs) have been explored in the analysis of various organic compounds. High electrochemical reactivity, easy modification, commercial accessibility, fine rigidity, disposability and low-cost of PGE make it ideal to be used as an effective working electrode. The thesis presented explains different modified PGEs have been employed in the electrocatalytic determination biomolecules such as cholesterol, cortisol, Vitamin B6 and morin. newlineThe modified electrodes are effectively used for the ultra-level sensing of these biomolecules in real samples. The electroactive surface area and the conduvtivity of bare PGE is enhanced newlinedifferent electrode modifiers such as and#946;-CD, graphene, conducting polymer, metal oxides and metal nanoparticles. The modified electrodes are found to exhibit good electrocatalytic behavior towards the target biomolecules. Cyclic voltammetric (CV) studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) technique were used to investigate the electrochemical properties of the modified sensing platform. The newlinemorphology and step wise fabrication process of the modified electrodes were characterized byvii Ramana spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). -
Modified Carbon Based Electrodes for Electrochemical Sensing of Biomolecules
Now-a-days a large variety of biological analytes are detected by highly sensitive newlineelectrochemical sensors which are inexpensive and simple as compared to conventional methods such as UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorometry, HPLC and gas chromatography. Electrochemical analysis is exceptional owing to its economical, low energy consuming and unique approach in the method design, and high sensitivity for the analyte determination. Carbon based electrochemical sensors are commonly used because of their low cost, good electron newlinetransfer kinetics, good chemical stability, and biocompatibility. Recently electrochemical properties of pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs) have been explored in the analysis of various organic compounds. High electrochemical reactivity, easy modification, commercial accessibility, fine rigidity, disposability and low-cost of PGE make it ideal to be used as an effective working electrode. The thesis presented explains different modified PGEs have been employed in the electrocatalytic determination biomolecules such as cholesterol, cortisol, Vitamin B6 and morin. newlineThe modified electrodes are effectively used for the ultra-level sensing of these biomolecules in real samples. The electroactive surface area and the conduvtivity of bare PGE is enhanced newlinedifferent electrode modifiers such as and#946;-CD, graphene, conducting polymer, metal oxides and metal nanoparticles. The modified electrodes are found to exhibit good electrocatalytic behavior towards the target biomolecules. Cyclic voltammetric (CV) studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) technique were used to investigate the electrochemical properties of the modified sensing platform. The newlinemorphology and step wise fabrication process of the modified electrodes were characterized byvii Ramana spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). -
Modified carbon substrates for electrocatalytic oxidation of selected heterocyclic carbinols
Electrochemically modified carbon electrodes are used as a substrate for electrocatalytic oxidation of different heterocyclic carbinols. Carbon fiber paper (CFP) is newlineused as the electrode substrate on which various modifications are employed. Modified newlineelectrodes were prepared by using different surface modification strategies such as newlineelectrodeposition of Pd nanoparticles or Pd-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles on a conducting newlinepolymer, polyaniline which is electropolymerized on to CFP. Biomass derived porous carbon nanoparticle coated CFP was also used for electrodeposition of Pd nanoparticles or MnO2-Pi nanoparticles. These modified electrodes were physicochemically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Optical profilometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemically characterized using Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). This modification methods have attracted a lot of attention due to their exceptional stability, high electronic conductivity, mechanical strength, and good adhesive property to the substrate and to the modified electrode. The modified electrodes show excellent electrochemical and newlinephysicochemical properties which are demonstrated using various analytical techniques. The organocatalytic reagent, TEMPO is used as a mediator throughout the studies which helps to carry out the oxidation of organic molecules in an aqueous acidic medium. The developed electrodes have been successfully applied for the oxidation of different heterocyclic alcohol such as 4-pyridinemethanol, 2-thiophene methanol, and 2-Furfuryl alcohol to corresponding 4-pyridinemethanal, 2-thiophene methanol and 2-Furfural. -
Modified Carbon-Based Composites and Their Electrochemical Studies
Energy storage has emerged as the world's most important issue, attracting the focus of researchers and commercial developers due to the economy's rapid growth and the rise in the usage of portable electronics and electronic vehicles. These devices make it possible to efficiently capture and store the excess energy produced during times of high generation, so that it can be used when there is little or no generation. Devices for storing renewable energy contribute to grid stability and lessen the reliance on fossil fuel-based power plants. Moreover, they contribute to the decarbonization of the energy industry, mitigating climate change, and promoting a sustainable future. This thesis explores the potential of modified carbon-based composites as advanced materials for energy storage applications particularly supercapacitors and solar thermal fuels. The research focuses on the careful design and synthesis of ternary composites, incorporating carbonaceous materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, and graphitic carbon nitrides, metal sulphides, nitrogen rich moieties, and conductive additives like polyaniline and polypyrrole. A wide variety of methodologies were used to describe the structural and morphological characteristics of the composite materials. Thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and other techniques were used. These methods gave important information about the composite materials' chemical structure, type of bonding and arrangements, surface morphology, and thermal stability. Electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, have been extensively employed to investigate the performance and behaviour of supercapacitor electrodes and devices. The results demonstrate significant improvements in electrochemical performance, including enhanced specific capacitance, excellent cycling stability, and remarkable rate capability. These findings indicate that the modified carbon-based ternary composites hold promise for high-performance energy storage devices. Ultimately, this research contributes to the development of next-generation energy storage technologies, offering more efficient and sustainable solutions for storing energy. -
Modified Metal Organic Frameworks for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting and Energy Storage Applications
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of crystalline material formed by the newlinecombination of metal ions/clusters along with organic linkers. This work is mainly based on newlinesynthesizing MOFs and their application in electrocatalytic water splitting and newlinesupercapacitors. The MOFs synthesized in the present work are Ni-Cu, {Mn-NiNH2(h2fipbb)}, Mn-MOF/rGO, and Sm-MOF/rGO/PANI using different ditopic and tritopic linkers. Using various characterization techniques, the formation of the synthesized MOFs is confirmed. The increasing use of fossil fuels now contributes to a number of environmental problems, including climate change and global warming. High-performance electrochemical energy storage devices are essential for portable electronics, electric cars, newlineand renewable energy storage medium, driving demand. MOFs are emerged as a promising newlinecontender for energy storage applications owing to their novel microstructures, atomically dispersed metal centers, and earth-abundant metal components. Electrochemical water splitting is a crucial approach in the pursuit of producing environmentally friendly fuels such newlineas H2 and O2, reducing our dependence on traditional fossil fuels while promoting newlinesustainable and clean energy sources. In order to produce hydrogen with the best efficiency and lowest cost, these MOFs are used. Electrochemical studies like cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reveal that the prepared MOFs can be used as supercapacitors. Linear sweep voltammetry and Tafel plot determine the performance of these MOFs towards water splitting studies. Supercapacitors, which are electrochemical capacitors, are popular energy storage devices with quick charge rate, high power density, excellent rate capability, and outstanding life expectancy. -
Modulated rayleigh-benard ferroconvection in couple stress fluid
Ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress confined between two stress-free, isothermal horizontal plates is considered in this study. The effect of different types of modulation on Rayleigh-Bard convection in a ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress is examined by considering sinusoidal (sine) and non-sinusoidal (square, triangular, and sawtooth) wave types of modulation. Rayleigh- Bard convection in a ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress subjected to gravity, rotation, temperature, and internal heat modulation is discussed by performing linear and non-linear analyses. The expression for the critical Rayleigh number and the correction Rayleigh number are deduced using the Venezian approach. The effect of gravity, rotation, temperature and internal heat modulation on heat transport is studied using the generalized Lorenz model. The effect of various parameters on the onset of convection and heat transport is studied. The ferromagnetic parameters hasten the convection onset and enhance the heat transfer under various modulations. The results of a Newtonian fluid, ferromagnetic fluid, and couple stress fluid is obtained as the limiting cases of this study. -
Molecularly Imprinted Nanomaterials for the Electrochemical Sensing of Environmental Pollutants
ntegrating molecularly imprinted nanoparticles, environmental contaminants are detected electrochemically on a glassy carbon electrode that caters as the transducer host. The modification of electrodes using different noble nanoparticles resulted in enhanced electrooxidation of analytes. The allocation of chitosan as a reducing and stabilizing agent in the green synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles enhances the sensor's efficiency. Different characterizations like UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Dynamic Light Scattering analysis further confirm the synthesized nanoparticles' morphology, stability, and size. The different experimental conditions needed for effective detection, like electrolytes, potential window, scan rate, and pH, were optimized with utmost careful examination. The morphological characterization of the electrodes were executed utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy and Optical profilometry, whereas the electrochemical characterization was performed using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The Nyquist plot showcased the low resistance and high charge transfer of modified imprinted electrodes with enhanced surface area. Using Differential Pulse Voltammetry, the sensor was validated with nano to femto-level detection limits and a wide linear range with good sensitivity. The imprinting factor displays the superior electroactivity of imprinted sensors compared to non-imprinted sensors. The molecularly imprinted electrode effectively detected environmental pollutants in different water samples. Hence, all the works point to the exceptional approach of imprinted nanomaterials in electrochemical detection with its simplicity and facile preparation. It may be used to develop a susceptible voltammetric sensor for researching environmental pollutants. -
Moral Identity, Moral Emotions and Maladaptive Personality Traits Among Adolescents in South Korea by Doo Jong Kim
The rule of survival of the fittest often thwarted the leap towards holistic development. How does morality associate with personality in adolescent development? Drawing on the theories of Augusto Blasi and Gordon Allport, the present study took a morality-personality integrative approach to adolescent development and viewed moral identity centrality as an agentic drive for their holistic growth. It aimed to determine whether moral identity centrality, other-praising moral emotion, and personality dysfunction of maladaptive personality traits are coherent in predicting antisocial behaviour in a sample of 436 Korean adolescents (M = 15.71 years, SD = .70; female 48.4%). The present study set up three hypotheses in the structural relationship of research variables (i.e., moral identity centrality, other-praising moral emotion, personality dysfunction of maladaptive personality traits and antisocial behaviour). Hypothesis 1: Personality dysfunction of multiple maladaptive personality traits predicts antisocial behaviour. Hypothesis 2: Other-praising moral emotion and personality dysfunction mediate moral identity centrality and antisocial behaviour. Hypothesis 3: Sex does not make notable differences in the structural relationship of research variables. The study analyzed the data mainly through structural equation modelling (SEM). As a result, all hypotheses were accepted. First, four multiple maladaptive traits, i.e., negative affectivity, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism, significantly predicted adolescents antisocial behaviour (and#946; = .791, p lt .001) (Hypothesis 1). Second, the modified structural model showed a serial multiple mediation effect of other-praising moral emotion and personality dysfunction between moral identity centrality and antisocial behaviour (Hypothesis 2). Third, multi-group analyses showed apparent coherence among research variables regardless of sex (Hypothesis 3). -
Morphology of interstellar medium using multi-wavelength obervations
The interstellar medium (ISM) is the matter that exists between the stars in a galactic system. The structure and composition of a galaxy can be understood by a study of the ISM. Our Galaxy is the only place where the observations of the ISM can be resolved and studied in great detail. There are various archived observations from space-based and ground based telescopes spanning a large region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Combining these different observations with one another will help to study the ISM on a large scale. We have compiled some such observations and analyzed the column density data, to study the ISM and make the database available to the scientific community for further investigations. The data was taken from papers published over a span of 60 years (1951 to 2010). The column densities in these papers were derived using different methods and observations from various telescopes operating in different wavelengths. We compiled these diverse data into a single catalogue and analysed the data. We studied the correlations between the line of sight gas and dust and reported new correlations not published before (APJS, 119(1), 8, 2012). We also studied the spatial distribution of the interstellar gas and dust and have estimated the corresponding exponential vertical scale heights. There also exists a wide range of photometric data from various telescopes which can be combined to cover a large range of wavelengths. We have made use of Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) photometric data in conjunction with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data to obtain the point sources observed by both missions. GALEX observed in two bands simultaneously, the far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1350 1750 and the near-ultraviolet (NUV: 1750 - 2750 , while SDSS observed in five bands u, g, r, i and z, with effective wavelengths ranging from 3551 to 8931 GALEX and SDSS together provide photometric data ranging from the far-ultraviolet to the near-infrared. -
Motivational Behaviour of Tourism Employees in Relation to Organisational Culture and Career Orientations
The productivity and effectiveness of any organisation depends mainly on the performance level of the employees in the organisation. Human behaviour scientists over the years have conducted various studies and have concluded that, the performance of employees in any organisation depends largely on their motivational behaviour. Reviews of related literature confirm the role of various factors in the motivational behaviour of employees including organisational culture and career orientation of employees. The title of the present study is Motivational Behaviour of Tourism Employees in Relation to Organisational Culture and Career Orientations. The major objectives included ascertaining the relationship between motivational behaviour and organisational culture and career orientations of tourism employees and finding out whether differences in demographic variables would account for significant differences in motivational behaviour. The population of the study consisted of 323 employees of public sector, private sector and multinational companies working in travel agencies, tour operations, airlines and hotels and resorts in Bangalore. The sampling technique employed was judgment sampling. For the present study three tools namely: Motivational Analysis of Organisations- Behaviour (MAO-B) by Pareek (2003), Organisational Culture Survey by Pareek (2003) and Career orientations Inventory by Schein (1990) were used to collect data. The findings of the study show that while two aspects of organisational culture namely internal and future oriented influence the motivational behaviour of employees working in the private sector, no aspect of organisational culture has any influence on the motivational behaviour of employees working in the public sector. Further, only ambiguity tolerant aspect of organisational culture influence the motivational behaviour of employees working in multinational companies. -
Multi Parameterized Modified Local Binary Pattern for Lung Cancer Detection by Deep Learning Methods
The research work is focusing on developing a classification model for Lung Cancer detection by integrating the image features with Modified Local Binary Pattern (MLBP), Modified Principal Component Analysis (MPCA), newlinesymptoms and Risk factors using Deep Learning methods and converting the image features into three dimensional (3D) images. The aim of this research is to identify the malignant and normal tumours from the Computer newlineTomography (CT) images with improved accuracy. The 2D CT images of Lung Cancer patients have been preprocessed with Median and Gabor filtering methods and watershed segmentation. The CT images are also newlineprocessed with the Zero Component Analysis (ZCA) whitening and Modified Local Binary Pattern. The processed image is used in the research for classification. The Lung Cancer dataset in the research are collected from newlinevarious medical colleges. The dataset contain CT images with Lung Cancer and without Lung Cancer. The research is conducted by integrating the selected Image features, Risk factor and symptoms of Lung Cancer of the newlinesame patients. The Integration using feature selections is carried out with Modified Principal Component Analysis. The Modified Principal Component Analysis is used in the research to reduce the time complexity. The results are evaluated with Gini coefficient, Confusion Matrix parameters and ROC newlinecurve. Two Dimensional (2D) CT images are converted into a Three Dimensional (3D) image for the clarity and the visibility of Lung Cancer nodules. The conversion from 2D to 3D has been using combining two methods, the orthogonality and visualization of 4D rotation. This enabled to find the location of the Lung Cancer from different angle and with different viewpoints. The 3D image shows the location of the Lung Cancer by Four Dimensional (4D) visualization and 3D rotation, thus giving clarity to the newlineexisting 2D images.