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A Study on the Emergence of Subaltern Counterpublics in Select Malayalam Dalit Christian Narratives
The research A Study on the Emergence of Subaltern Counterpublics in Select Malayalam Dalit Christian Narratives attempts to put Kerala's vernacular Dalit Christian narratives into the scholarly canvas. As statistics do not provide solid data on the quotidian resistance, the narratives reveal the overt and covert struggles of the Dalit Christians. The study problematises the dominant narrative of the State and the Church and provides a way to articulate their voices and the transition from one religion to another. The primary texts for the study include Paul Chirakkarodes Pulayathara, Nostalgia and Eli Eli, Lama Sabach Thani, T.K.C. Vaduthalas Achante Venthinga Inna! and C Ayyapans Ghost Speech. The current study uses the combined frameworks of narratology, Lacanian psychoanalysis and subaltern counterpublics through the method of narrative analysis. Narrative analysis involves analysing stories or narratives to understand their meanings, experiences and values. The research argues that the Dalit Christian narratives become a testimony of subaltern counterpublics, narratology, and resistance tactics, suggesting a counter- narrative effect. They become treasure houses that carry group memory of community life and history. They are enclaved spaces where unfiltered articulations of marginalisation, abandonment, exploitation, rejection, resistance and empowerment occur. They function as proactive spaces that challenge dominant stereotypes and create an ideologically sound public sphere. Alternative discourse arenas become places of empowerment where subaltern counterpublics emerge, thus transforming the narratives into counter-narratives. The study acknowledges the agency of the Dalit Christian narratives to reform, rethink and reinterpret the form and content of Dalit Christian literature from a subaltern perspective. From an epistemological perspective, the Dalit Christian narratives produce knowledge garnered through analysing and interpreting the primary texts as representative of fusing personal and political resources to create a narrative of resistance and survival. -
Electrochemical Synthesis of Heterocyclic Carbonyls Using Carbon Based Electrocatalysts
Electro-organic synthesis (EOS) is emerging as a powerful and sustainable technique newlinefor synthesizing organic compounds. EOS offers a compelling alternative to newlineconventional synthetic methods, driven by the need for cleaner and more efficient newlineprocesses and a growing focus on environmental impact. This approach minimizes newlineenvironmental impact by reducing dependence on hazardous chemicals and solvents. newlineAdditionally, EOS enables precise control over reaction parameters, leading to selective newlineproduct formation and potentially novel reaction pathways. newlineThis work presents the development of electrocatalysts for the electro-oxidation of newlineselected heterocyclic alcohols, namely piperonyl alcohol (PA), thiophene-2-ylmethanol newline(TM), furfuryl alcohol (FA) and indole-3-carbinol (IC) to their corresponding newlinealdehydes. A Toray carbon fiber paper (TCFP) substrate modified with 2D materials, newlineconducting polymers, metal oxides, and metal oxide nanoparticles are employed in newlinethefabrication of the electrodes. newlineThe efficiency of the developed electrode was studied employing different newlineelectrochemical and physicochemical studies. X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (XPS), newlineField Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray newlineSpectrometry (EDS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Optical newlineProfilometry (OP) techniques were utilized for the physicochemical studies of the newlinefabricated electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), Electrochemical Impedance newlineSpectroscopy (EIS), Chronoamperometry (CA) and Bulk Electrolysis (BE) techniques newlinewere employed for the electrochemical studies, including optimization and synthesis of newlineheterocyclic aldehydes. The fabricated electrocatalysts demonstrated remarkable newlinestability, higher electrocatalytic activity, and good conductivity. The electro-oxidation newlinereactions were carried out in a three-electrode system via BE using 4-acetamido- newline2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl (4-ACT) mediator. The products obtained were newlinecharacterized by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. -
Design an efficient protocol for secured energy efficient routing in large scale wireless sensor networks
Wireless Sensor Network has played a significant role in enabling communication and connectivity to human unreachable area since more than a last decade. Apart from its newlinebeneficial features, it also suffers from various problems that have yet not been solved till date in spite of massive research work in this area. The proposed work jointly addresses the problems of energy efficiency and secure routing in wireless sensor network. The existing literatures are found to provide a less scope of an effective solution to address such issues jointly. Hence, the prime goal of the proposed work is to introduce a mechanism that uses lightweight cryptosystem as a part of new hierarchical routing protocol. The mechanism of the proposed work is discussed in three different modules. Where each module is enhanced version of the previous module. The first module is named as Secured Tree Based Routing with Energy Efficiency (STREE), which newlineintroduces a new energy efficient selection of cluster head along with a very simple and newlinelightweight encryption mechanism for routing message using keccak, a newly launched newlinecryptographic hash function. The second module is named as Secured Authentication Based Routing (SABR) introduces node-to-node authentication along with identification newlineand compensation of network related delay owing to incorporated cryptography. The newlinethird module is named as Secured Anonymous Routing with Digital Signature (SARDS) newlinewhich introduces a distinct mechanism of using enhanced elliptical curve cryptography newlineand a new usage of digital signature. The modelling of proposed study is done using newlineanalytical research methodology and the outcome of the study has been compared with newlineexisting standard routing protocol SecLeach to find that proposed system presents a newlinesuperior mechanism of balancing security, energy efficiency, and communication newlineperformance in wireless sensor network. -
A Study on certain chromatic parameters and polynomials of graphs
In graph theory, graph colouring pertains to the assignment of colours to the elements of a graph such as vertices, edges and faces. Because of the theoretical and practical implications of graph colourings in real-life situations, it is an adequate mathematical model for a wide range of applications such as network analysis, genomic, routing, newlineoptimisation techniques, digital networks and so forth.Motivated by various problems in chemical graph theory and information networks, chromatic topological indices were introduced in recent literature [81], opening ample and vibrant research area in graph theory.In the research reported in this thesis,the vertices of a graph are assigned with colours subject to certain conditions and manipulating their colour codes, a rich research area on chromatic topological indices and different chromatic polynomials are established. newlineAfter mentioning some fundamental terminologies, the study handles the notions of chromatic topological indices and chromatic irregularity indices. A detailed discussion of their upper and lower bounds concerning certain colouring conditions is carried out in this thesis. Chromatic topological indices of a wide variety of graph classes such as wheels, double wheels, helm graphs, closed helm graphs, flower graphs, sunflower graphs and blossom graphs are considered and investigated. The chromatic topological indices of certain derived graphs such as Mycielskian of paths and cycles are also included. Equitable chromatic topological and irregularity indices and injective chromatic topological and irregularity indices are defined and their values are determined for a handful of graph classes. As an indirect analogue to chromatic polynomials in the literature, the notion of chromatic Zagreb polynomials and chromatic irregularity polynomials are being introduced and the same is determined and discussed for paths, cycles and certain cycle related graph classes. -
An Investigative approach to hard machining of inconel 718 with coated carbide tool
Super alloys sustain good strength at high temperature and pressure conditions. Such newlinematerials have high demand in Aerospace industry, Marine industry, and Nuclear power plants. They have a great demand in Nuclear and Aerospace applications because of it retain its properties at temperature over 700 C. Machinability of nickel based super - alloys is extremely poor, mainly due to their low thermal conductivity, build up edge and self-hardening, which leads to high dynamic cutting forces. They are difficult to machine because of its high shear strength, work hardening and precipitation hardening. High abrasive particles in its microstructure and tendency forming chip to weld to tool and form Built Up Edge (BUE) make it more difficult to machine. Friction between tool and material and its low thermal conductivity newlineresults in high temperature generation. They have Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Ferrous (Fe) or Cobalt (Co) as base contains. Small amount of Al, Ti, Nb, Ta, W, Mo added to these alloys to sustain at high temperature. Chromium is important alloying element in order to obtain the hot corrosion resistance property. Due to these factors the tool wear is extremely high and increasing the tool life by minutes is an enormous success. To overcome this situation, various newlinematerials have been developed for Inconel 718 machining. Though Ceramic tools, Silicon newlineCarbide whiskers, reinforced alumina tools, carbide tools have been used to machine Inconel 718 but they have failed to produce good surface, better accuracy and minimum tool wear. The present study is to improvise the surface roughness, reduce tool wear and create better machining parameters for extensive use of the material. Taguchi methodology, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) have been used to analyze the cutting parameters and determine better response parameters for the machining characteristics of Inconel 718. -
Analysis of some important fulid flow problems using differential geometry based methods
In this thesis we have studied MHD and EMFD flow of viscous and inviscid fluid for different cases when magnetic field and velocity are variably or constantly inclined. In particular magnetic and velocity vector are orthogonal. The pattern of streamlines and magnetic lines are derived in every problem and the effect of density and magnetic permeability on the variation of pressure is studied. The problems studied in this thesis give further investigation on the analytical solution of magnetohydrodynamic and electromagnetic fluid dynamic flow. The problems that studied analytically in this thesis have possible application in theoretical analysis of fluid dynamics and the analytical findings in this thesis can be applied in engineering fields such as aeronautics, plasmas, liquid metals and salt water or electrolytes. We have studied five problems here in this thesis. These problems are to find analytical solution of different types of fluid flows in the presence of magnetic field. Here we give a brief summary about the problems discussed in detail in this research work. (i) GEOMETRY OF CONSTANTLY INCLINED VISCOUS MHD FLOWS newlineProblems on incompressible MHD flow of viscous and inviscid fluids having newlinefinite or infinite electrical conductivity have been investigated by many researchers newlineusing different transformation methods. Transformation method is applied from newlineone plane to another plane for studying the flows by reducing the order of the equation. In this problem we have studied a viscous MHD flow having infinite electrical conductivity when the magnetic field is inclined to the velocity vector in a constant angle. Hodograph transformation is applied to shift variables from the physical plane to the hodograph plane. Streamlines and magnetic lines are analyzed along with determining the solutions to the flow problems. Finally the newlinepressure variation is analyzed graphically. Flow pattern along with pressure variation, also studied in this problem for an orthogonal MHD flow. -
Optical and Infrared studies of herbig Ae Be stars
The work makes use of the unprecedented capability of the Gaia mission to study various properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars. We placed the Herbig Ae/Be stars in the Gaia color-magnitude diagram and accurately estimated their age and mass. The mass accretion rate is calculated from Hand#945; line newlineflux measurements of 106 HAeBe stars. The mass accretion rate is found to decay exponentially with the age of Herbig Ae/Be stars. Further, the immediate neighborhood of two Herbig Ae/Be stars, V1787 Ori and IL newlineCep, are studied using the astrometric and photometric data from the Gaia mission. We discovered a low mass binary companion to V1787 Ori using the analysis of distance and proper motion values from Gaia DR2. The newlinemass ratio of the coeval binary system is found to be 0.23. Such a skewed mass ratio system is rarely identified in Herbig Ae/Be binary systems. The method of identification and characterization of the V1787 Ori wide binary system opens up the possibility of identifying more such systems. The HBe newlinestar IL Cep tells a much more complex story. The star is identified with a cluster of low mass stars associated with it. We identified 79 co-moving stars that are coeval to IL Cep, within 2 pc radius, from the analysis of newlineGaia EDR3 astrometry. The triggered star formation process called the quotRocket effectquot caused by a massive star HD 216658 is identified to be the cause of the clustered star formation near IL Cep. The effect of this process is demonstrated for the first time using the proper motion data from Gaia. newlineThe immediate neighborhood of Herbig Ae/Be stars is identified as the formation region of long-chain carbon molecules such as Fullerenes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. -
A Study towards constructing a reproductive health account as sub-account of health at sub-district level of india
Reproductive health is a state where everyone of the reproductive age cohort can make newlineinformed choices based on their reproductive health needs and reach a state of bliss and newlinewell-being. Informed choices are a possibility only if there is awareness regarding options of healthcare available. Awareness further indicates capacity to measure the worth of the options available in hand. One major aspect of measuring this worth is dominated by the financial aspect of awareness. In other words, expenditures incurred on reproductive health should be an information for all stakeholders to understand, analyse and arrive at informed newlinechoices. It has been unanimously felt that this domain of health needs more sustained efforts in terms of research into the specific components of expenditures. One such instrument which has been suggested is to construct a system of reproductive health accounts which TOVCI can track the fund movements among the different actors operating in the sector of reproductive health. Reproductive health accounts at local and contextual levels, has to conform to the existing national framework of health accounting so as to lend itself to inter and intra-regional comparisons. It consists of a group of matrices which capture origin of funds from financial sources to the destination where funds will ultimately be used on health functions, based on accounting boundaries of space, activity and time. This study attempted to construct a reproductive health account at sub-district levels in the district of Ramanagara in the state of Karnataka, India. Two sub-districts, Ramanagara and Channapatna were chosen for this purpose based on their health and reproductive health indicators. Primary data was collected from a household survey based on probability proportional to size sampling method. Questionnaires for data collection were borrowed from World Health Organization Guide to producing Reproductive Health Account. -
Effectiveness of adjuvant psychological therapy on alexithymia fatigue and affective dimensions among women with breast cancer
Psychological aspects in women with breast cancer are many. Among them are those related to what patients go through at different phases of treatment such as newlinediagnosis, pre and post-surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Women with breast cancer experience psychological repercussions which are specific to them. Some of them are poor body image, self-depreciation, weight changes and hair loss can be distressing to women with breast cancer. newlineThe underlying cause could be a deficit in emotional processing and affect regulation. This could lead to an inability in verbalising and identifying feelings newlinewhich is known as alexithymia. Closely related is the concept of fatigue which is newlinesubjective and tiredness which could last beyond treatments related to cancer. An newlineoverriding concept which could explain and understand these concepts is affect and newlinemood. Towards this end the objective of the study was to examine the efficacy of adjuvant psychological therapy in breast cancer in terms of alexithymia, fatigue, newlinedepression, anxiety, stress and positive and negative affect. newlineThe study also explored if there was an association among alexithymia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress and negative affect. The study consisted of 20 patients in the intervention and control groups each. newlineThey were administered the following scales namely, Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), Checklist of Individual Strength, Positive and Negative Affect Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Towards the end of the sessions, they were administered Revised Sessions Reactions Scale. Adjuvant Psychological Therapy is a therapy tailor made for those with cancer which includes both cognitive and behavioral techniques. The results indicated that among the subscales and total alexithymia scores, newlinethere were statistically significant differences across three time-frames in the newlineintervention group. -
A Study on Regular Perfect Graphs
A graph (V, E) is said to be a perfect graph if the independence number of every induced subgraph in G is equal to the clique covering number of the subgraph in G. The independence number of a graph G is denoted by and#945;(G), and it is the maximum number of vertices in G such that no two of them belong to the same clique in G. The clique covering number of a graph G is denoted by and#952;(G), and is the minimum number of cliques required to cover the vertex set of G. F- perfect graph is a special type of perfect graph, where F can be any graph, like, complete graph (Km), the complement of a complete graph (Km), star, cycle, and so on. A graph G is said to be F-perfect if F-independence number for every newlineinduced subgraph H of G is equal to its F-covering number. The F-independence number of a graph G is the maximum number of vertices in G such that no two of them belong to the same F-subgraph in G. F-covering number is the minimum number of F-subgraphs in G that is required to cover the vertex set of G. newlineThe present study introduces the concept of regular perfect graphs, and induced regular perfect graphs which are denoted by R-perfect graphs, and R-perfect graphs respectively. These graph classes are obtained by considering F as the set of all regular subgraphs in a graph, R, and the set of all induced regular subgraphs, R, in a graph respectively. We conceptualise the graph parameters, R-independence number, and R-covering number for R-perfect graphs and R-independence number, and R-covering number for R-perfect graphs, and characterise both these classes of graphs. We initially study a subclass of regular perfect graphs, namely, cycle perfect graphs (C-perfect graphs) and induced cycle perfect graphs (C-perfect graphs). Further we extend the study to analyse various product graphs under C-perfection, and characterise them. -
Financial Literacy and Financial Capability among the Urban Street Vendors
Employment in the informal sector has grown rapidly over the years as it requires a limited skill set, limited educational background, and least initial investment. One such vulnerable sector which forms the major portion of the informal workforce is the street vendors. They lack basic facilities to newlinehave a good standard of living. It is observed that they are usually denied newlinevarious opportunities though their contribution to the economic growth and newlinedevelopment is immense. Their unstable income has left them vulnerable to many financial situations and led them into a financial debt trap. This research is carried out entirely from the view of the street vendors. newlineFinancial literacy has gained importance over the years as it enhances and empowers one s financial ability. Financial literacy is promoted through financial inclusion where all the sections of the society come under one roof to avail finance at ease. Basic financial literacy is will aid the users to newlinemake better utilization of financial schemes under financial inclusion. This in turn leads to better financial capability for individuals. It is observed that there is a gap that needs to be bridged between the street vendors and financial accessibility as they lack basic financial knowledge as are from a low educational background in this study. Better financial knowledge will newlinelead to better usage and accessibility of financial inclusion schemes which will result in better financial capability; this concept is being examined in the current study. The identified relationship impact of financial inclusion on financial literacy and financial capability forms an integral part of the study. It is useful in bringing out the gap between the street vendors and their financial distress. The research was designed to develop an instrument. A research instrument to measure variables was built based on previous studies and the expert s newlineconsultation. -
Unveiling The Effects of Heavy Metals : A Comprehensive Study On Physiological, Phytochemical, and Anatomical Responses in Jacobaea Maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden
Modernization and industrialization have been of great importance in the recent past, yet newlinethere are a few disadvantages including the release of harmful effluents into the environment. The medicinal plants that are found in these heavy metal polluted soils can have positive and negative effects as well. In this study the plant Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden an important medicinal plant in the field of homeopathy was subjected to three different heavy metalscadmium, chromium and lead at a concentration range of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250ppm.The morphological parameters, shoot length and root length reduced more than 50% and 25% incase of shoot and root respectively. Phytochemical analysis shows significant variation inchlorophyll. newlineThe highest of protein was found in Cr 100ppm (7.47mg) and the least was found inCd 250ppm newline(0.38mg). Proline was found to be high in Pb 200ppm (1.242mg/ml) and least in Cr50ppm newline(0.368mg/ml). The Total Phenolic Content (TPC) was found to be highest in Cr 250ppm newline(3.229mg/g) and least in control (0.57mg/g) and Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) was found to be highest in Cd 100 ppm and least in Control (0.04mg/g) plant which include root, shoot and leaf. The growth of the plant was observed along with a few parameters like net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (E), leaf stomatal conductance (C), and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). It has been found that the chlorophyll values in the Cr 150 (5.470.4) concentration are high. The chlorophyll values in Pb100 (9.40.35) and Pb250 (9.80.26) are in close proximity to newlineeach other. The highest chlorophyll was found in Cd100 concentration. The net photosynthetic rate was less affected in Pb150 (30.980.75), and most in Cr100 (4.050.09). The Cr 50 (0.190.02) showed the least. The Leaf stomatal conductance was drastically reduced in all the treated plants only Cr 100 (2298.251.85) showed minimal variation. In morphology shoot length newlineand root length were reduced more than 50% and 25% in case of shoot and root respectively. -
Optimal Benchmarking of Quality of Service and Quality of Experience Metrics for Telecom Service Providers Using A Slack Based, Measure in Data Envelopment Analysis
With new devices and new network technologies coming up, it has become an inevitable task to provide services of a minimum quality. Setting feasible Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is the need of the hour. This, being a part of network provisioning and providing the best possible Quality of Service (QoS) is very vital and helps improve user perceived quality or the Quality of Experience (QoE). QoE evaluation helps Internet Service Providers (ISPs) understand their user satisfaction better and this goes hand in hand with providing adequate network QoS. Moreover, in this era of competition, the ISPs themselves will have to be evaluated based on their QoE and QoS metrics to know their true position in the market in terms of performance against their peers/competitors. This evaluation is usually done on a per-metric basis. However, we see from current performance data that all the ISPs fare well on some metrics and need improvement in the others. It is a fact that no ISP fares bad on all given metrics and leads to an understanding that per-metric based evaluation may be a biased form of newlineevaluating performance. Hence, this research has attempted to use an intelligent, robust newlinemathematical technique called the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with its Slack newlineBased Measure (SBM) approach. DEA is a proven, tested and tried technique that is in newlineuse in major industries even today. Being a multiple criterion evaluation methodology newlinebased on linear programming, it works well on multiple outputs and multiple inputs. DEA gives the overall, relative efficiency of the ISPs which gives us the true position of the provider against its peers. The Slack Based Measure provides the Output Slacks that show the potential improvement that the lagging ISPs can make to be in par with their peers/competitors. The Output targets that are provided by the technique can be used as benchmarks for SLAs. -
Effectivrness of family centered psychosocial intervention programme for primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is one of the multiple disabilities affecting 2 to 2.5 per thousand new born babies in India. It usually affects both individual and families. Though care giving is a normal part of being the parent of a child, caring a child with special needs takes on an entirely different life perspective when a child with disabilities, and especially one with multiple disabilities like cerebral palsy which have an effect on long-term dependence. The task of rearing and caring for a child with complex disabilities like cerebral palsy at home might be a great challenge for parents. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of family centered psychosocial intervention programe for the primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Objectives are to assess anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support, and to determine the newlineeffectiveness of family centered psycho social intervention programme on primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. The study followed before and after research experimental research design without control group. The sample of this study consisted of thirty five mothers of the children with cerebral palsy. The heterogeneous socio demographic background was drawn for the present study. The results revealed that extent of psycho social problem was present in the domains of anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support among mothers. It also revealed newlinethat the extent of psycho social problems was significantly reduced in the domains of newlineanxiety, stress and family burden and increased perceived social support after family centered psycho social intervention programme. It is indicated that the family centered viji psychosocial intervention is effective in psychosocial domains of the primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. -
Influence of Celebrity Source Credibility and Celebrity-Fan Relationship on Fan's Attitude Towards Social Cause
Celebrities hold a special place in popular imagination. Their power to inspire fashion, choice of vacation, dictate food preferences and a host of other services is an interesting field of study. Over the years, celebrity endorsement has appeared as a leading advertisement format in developing newlinesuccessful brand campaigns. Celebrity endorsements are grounded on a common belief that endorsers can increase advertisement credibility thereby increasing brand image, awareness, and purchase behaviour. newlineUnderstanding the nature of celebrities as sources in advertisements and promotions is a widely researched topic. There is an abundance of literature on the use of celebrities in commercial advertising with the end goal being sales and profits realised through intermediate outcomes such as brand newlineimage, attitude change, brand awareness and many others. Several celebrities across the world have endorsed social cause campaigns sponsored by governments and not-for-profit organizations. However, the impact of the newlinecelebrity in such campaigns is an under-studied topic. Furthermore, celebrity newlineendorsement studies in the past have largely focused on celebrity endorsement mechanisms related to celebrity s characteristics and the outcomes related to the brand. Not much is being mentioned about fans. This study introduces a new audience-related factor the celebrity-fan para social relationship newlinemeasured using celebrity attitude scale (CAS). Thus, this study extends its context beyond commercial products and positions in the backdrop of social marketing. To achieve the purpose of the study and answer the research questions, the National Anti-Tobacco Campaign endorsed by former cricketer, newlineRahul Dravid was considered for the study. The chosen campaign had high visibility with the social advertisement being aired in movie halls and television channels across several Indian languages. The study focused on newlineunderstanding the influence of source credibility factors on attitude towards newlinesocial cause. -
Fuzzy Rule-Based Multimodal Health Monitoring System Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques Using Eeg Datasets For Human Emotion And Psychological Disorders
In recent decades, machine learning and data analysis have become increasingly important in mental health for diagnosing and treating psychological disorders. One area of particular interest is the use of electroencephalography (EEG) brainwave data to classify emotional states and predict psychological disorders. This study proposed a data fusion to enhance the precision of emotion recognition. A feature selection strategy using data fusion techniques was implemented, along with a multi-layer Stacking Classifier combining various algorithms such as support vector classifier, Random Forest, multilayer perceptron, and Nu-support vector classifiers. Features were selected based on Linear Regression-based correlation coefficient scores, resulting in a dataset with 39% of the original 2548 features. This framework achieved a high precision of 98.75% in identifying emotions. The study also focused on negative emotional states for recognizing psychological disorders. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used for feature selection, and k-means clustering organized the data. The dataset included 707 trials and 2542 unlabeled features. Resampling techniques ensured a balanced representation of emotional states, and GASearchCV optimized Gradient Boosting classifier hyperparameters. The Elbow Method determined the optimal number of k-Means clusters, and resampling addressed class imbalance. GA parameters and gradient- boosting hyperparameters were empirically determined. ROC curves and classification reports evaluated performance, resulting in a high accuracy of 97.21% in predicting psychological disorders. The proposed system employed fuzzy logic to calculate a health score that combines the outputs of the emotional and psychological disorder monitoring models for a multimodal health monitoring system. This approach provides a more comprehensive assessment of an individual's overall mental health status. The findings suggest that the system achieved high efficiency in predicting emotions, showcasing comprehensive progress in EEG-based emotion analysis and disorder diagnosis. These advancements have potential implications for mental health monitoring and treatment, particularly with the integration of the PHQ-9 Scale and fuzzy logic. -
Dynamics of Newtonian Fluids and Nanofluids in Various Geometries
In this thesis, the boundary-layer flows of Newtonian fluids in different geometries newlineprimarily, a horizontal surface and a vertical surface. To account for the imperfections arising in realistic scenarios, we have considered a horizontal surface with undulations and a vertical surface with a non-uniform temperature distribution. Additionally, it is wellknown that to meet the cooling rate requirements in the industry, the thermal performance of ordinary heat transfer fluids is not suitable. The concept of insertion of nanometresized metallic particles in the fluid leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the newlineordinary base liquids. Therefore, to fully comprehend the affect of these nanoparticles on the onset of convection and fluid motions and to assess how the enhanced thermophysical newlineproperties may affect the heat transfer is another key objective of this research. newlineA Comparative Study of Thermo-convective Flows of a Newtonian Fluid over Three newlineHorizontal Undulated Surfaces in a Porous Medium In the first problem of this thesis, elaborated in Chapter 5, a comparison has been presented between the results of three thermoconvective flows of a Newtonian fluid over uniformly heated, undulated horizontal surfaces in a porous medium against the background of the results of a flat plate. The undulations are assumed to have sinusoidal, sawtooth, and triangular waveforms. At large surface amplitudes, secondary flow is observed in the cases newlineof sinusoidal and triangular waveforms, but not in the cases of a sawtooth surface and a newlineflat plate. The variation of the mean Nusselt number and mean skin friction with surface newlineamplitude and the Rayleigh number indicate that heat transfer and viscous friction at the boundary increase with individual and collective increases in the values of the amplitude and the Rayleigh number. The heat transfer and skin friction by the flat surface are much less than that of all three undulated surfaces. -
Large Scale Transportation Data Analysis and Distributed Computational Pipeline for Optimal Metro Passenger Flow Prediction
Transportation has a signifcant impact on controlling traffc around a busy city. Among the transport system, metro rails became the backbone by operating above the traffc. For this reason, we have to take special consideration of the passenger and#64258;ow in the transport system and, by understanding the needs, take timely actions for smooth running. Every metro system stores information about the and#64258;ow of passengers in the form of transactions known as Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) data. For this research, AFC data is taken as the primary newlinesource of information to identify the passenger and#64258;ow within the metro rail platform. Each metro system generates massive data throughout its running period and stores data within the system and considering the size of data generated, the analytic platform has to process them in a distributed paradigm to handle quotBig Dataquot. Artifcial Intelligence (AI) algorithms can derives information, insights, and patterns from this data. The patterns in time series can be identifed from the passenger and#64258;ow data using exploratory analysis. The step is an essential step in data science for understanding the underlying properties of the raw data. The research uses a data platform with a distributed computing and storage mechanism called the JP-DAP. The research leverages the above mentioned platform to extract passenger and#64258;ow data from AFC Ticketing data. After the data engineering, the results of passenger and#64258;ow information underwent further visualization and trend analysis. Based on the facts or patterns identifed from the passenger and#64258;ow information, a decision is taken for forecasting. The initial study will reveal the characteristics of metro usage and practices within the system and fnally derive a solution with machine learning-based forecasting method. The passenger and#64258;ow newlineforecasts based on the above patterns depend on factors like seasonality, trends, cyclicity, location, events, and random effects. -
Risk Factor Based Stage Advancement Prediction of Cataract Using Deep Learning Techniques
In modern world, Cataract is the predominant causative of blindness. Treatment and detection at the early stage can reduce the number of cataract sufferers and prevent surgery. Two types of images are generally used for cataract related studies- Retinal Images an Slit lamp Images. The quality of Retinal images is selected by utilizing the hybrid naturalness image quality evaluator (hybrid NIQE-PIQE) approach. Here, the raw input image quality score is and Deep newlinelearning convolutional neural network (DCNN) categorizes the images based on quality newlinescore. Then the selected quality images are again pre-processed to remove the noise present in the images. The individual green channel (G-channel) is extracted for noise filtering. Moreover, hybrid modified histogram equalization and homomorphic filtering (Hybrid GMHE-HF) is utilized for enhanced noise filtering. The Slit lamp image quality selection is done using Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE) model. Further a new algorithm Normalization based Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (NCLAHE) is used for image enhancement. Images are pre-processed utilizing the wiener filtering (WF) with Convolutional neural network (CNN) with adaptive atom search optimization (CNN-AASO) for removing the noise. Further, the denoised image is enhanced by Gaussian mixture based contrast enhancement (GMCE) for contrast enhancement. The cataract detection and classification is performed using two phases. In phase I, the cataract is detected using Deep Optimized Convolutional Recurrent Network_Improved Aquila Optimization (Deep OCRN_IAO) model. Phase II uses slit lamp images and detects the type and grade of cataracts through proposed Batch Equivalence ResNet-101 (BE_ResNet101) model.This work also proposes the risk factors for cataracts and classify the cataracts risk using deep learning models. The dataset is pre-processed by missing values and the string values are converted into numeric values.