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Isolation of Fungal Endophytes From Hulimavu Lake Flora and Characterization and Optimization of Fungal Enzymes
The present work was aimed at isolating fungal endophytes from Hulimavu Lake, newlineextracting their secondary metabolites and fungal enzymes to subsequently probe the newlinebiological properties of these fungal endophytic bioactive compounds and enzymes. newlineHulimavu Lake, known for its notoriously high levels of pollution contributed by newlineanthropogenic factors, was chosen for this study with the literature-evidence backed newlinehypothesis that plant habitat stress also positively favors the type and quanta of bioactive compounds with novel features produced by its endophytes. Literature survey was performed to identify the probable types of plants found in this lake that could be used for the study and these were subsequently collected, identified and processed under laboratory conditions. These plants were authenticated by a certified botanist and were identified as Alternanthera philoxeroides, Ricinus communis and Persicaria glabra. Fungal endophytes were then isolated from different plant parts collected and were screened using preliminary LCB staining followed by DNA sequencing analysis. Based on ITS region sequencing, nucleotide homology and phylogenetic tree mapping, these fungal endophytic cultures were identified as Aspergillus niger, Talaromyces amestolkiae, Cladosporium phaseolorum and Diaporthe phaseolorum. Crude extracts obtained from these fungal endophytes displayed bacterial growth inhibition and significant free radical scavenging/ reduction potential that was comparable to standard ascorbic acid, hence depicting antioxidant activity of these extracts. Owing to their biological properties these crude extracts were further tested for cytotoxic properties on newlinedifferent models like that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker s yeast), Artemia salina newline(Brine shrimp) and MCF-7 cell line. The presence of fungal endophytic enzymes like newlineprotease, amylase, laccase and lipase was detected qualitatively and estimated newlinequantitatively. -
Rate Adaptation Mechanism for Multirate WLAN with Background Traffic Awareness
In recent times wireless communication has become more popular with its commercial usage. WLAN has evolved over the years to facilitate wireless communications for commercial usage. IEEE 802.11 working group focuses on developing global standards that can support the WLAN evolution. There are many features that IEEE 802.11 working group emphases on to provide the best experience for the Wi-Fi user. The popularity of Wi-Fi among commercial users has demanded more importance in terms of traffic and congestion. IEEE 802.11 have come with many updates enhancing with additional spectrum space, method of spectrum utilization, and so on. There are a few aspects of Wi-Fi adoption that have been kept outside the scope of the 802.11 standards, which are open for research. Wi-Fi rate adaptation is one of newlinethe important aspects of research. Many researchers have contributed with effective newlinemethodologies to improve user experiences. The literature review proves the importance of rate adaptation in the performance of wireless communication. The different version of the IEEE 802.11 standard provides a set of transmission rates to choose from for single-stream transmission. It is important to switch the transmission rate dynamically for more efficient utilization of the physical medium in a fluctuating environment. Dynamically identifying the optimal transmission rate from a list of single-stream transmission rates is a tedious task. There are different causes for the change in channel conditions and packet loss in the network. Identifying the best data transfer rate for the next transmission is a tedious task in such a network. It requires identification of the exact cause of loss. Improper channel estimation may lead to the channel may be underutilized or overused. Both situations will degrade the newlineperformance of the network. Evaluating and identifying the latest channel condition is newlineimportant. -
Identifying 'Self' Through Society : A Socio-Psychological Perspective of A Song of Ice and Fire
The Socio-Psychological Character Analysis Model (SPCAM) is developed to analyse complex literary characters. It helps readers of Literature understand the characters psyche and behaviour by keeping in mind their social background and influences. To develop the literary model, SPCAM, concepts from two theories are synthesised, which are Symbolic Interactionism (SI) and Cognitive newlineBehavioural Theory (CBT). The common threads between the two theories weave them together, and the complementary threads strengthen the developed model. SPCAM studies how characters make meaning while interacting with themselves and others in the society, while also identifying and evaluating their thoughts and beliefs. Using SPCAM helps the user to systematically extract necessary data newlinefrom the text, tabulate it according to the parameters set by the model, and examine the character s internal and external factors, as provided in the text, leading to a comprehensive review of the character and a character conceptualisation. SPCAM helps the users to substantiate their claims about a newlinecomplex character by helping them be more methodical and thorough. The introductory chapter establishes the need and scope of the research. It reviews the benefits of collaborating with Social Psychology for a literary analysis. After which, it defines the theories merged to build the model. The newlinedeveloped model, SPCAM is then explained in detail. This is followed by the rationale for using fantasy fiction, a brief about the author, George R.R. -
Mind-Set In Mathematics Learning : Role of Teacher-Student Interaction on Student Engagement, Wellbeing and Achievemrent
Mathematics learning is an integral part of the school curriculum. Children learn basic concepts in mathematics and then gradually reach the abstract level. Challenges in mathematics learning are largely observed after grade seven. Students may show disinterest towards the subject due to several reasons including past learning experiences, teacher-student interaction (TSI), anxiety and self-efficacy levels. If the students cannot connect what they learn, it impacts their interaction in the classroom, and it acts as a reason for losing interest. The literature review reveals the importance of mathematics anxiety, self-efficacy, and utility value and contribute to the construct of mind-set. Student engagement is influenced by mind-set in mathematics learning and TSI, and predicts achievement and wellbeing. The study adopts a mixed-method design with the qualitative study aiming to support the quantitative study and strengthen the validity of the results. The quantitative study sample consists of 774 eighth graders from various English medium schools in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The qualitative phase seeks to determine the students' perception of mathematics learning through their classroom experiences among 17 students using semi-structured interviews. The tested conceptual model shows an excellent fit. It shows mind-set in mathematics affects TSI, influences student engagement and leads to student-wellbeing. There was no indirect effect for the achievement and other variables. The findings related to the open-ended questions indicate the importance of teachers and content. There is a lack of understanding among students about the practical application of the learning content. The thematic analysis results provided five main themes: student attributes, teacher attributes, classroom environment, content-related and utility value. Integration of the findings leads to the importance of TSI and student engagement in the mathematics classroom. Also, the connection between variables related to mathematics learning and student wellbeing. The results of the study have important implications for developing engaging pedagogies. -
Community Consciousness and The Construction of Social Honour : A Study Among The Kurds in Finland
Research on honour has recently been overshadowed by discussions surrounding honour-related violence (HRV), particularly honour killings. Typically, inquiries into how the concept of honour, often associated with violent acts, is formed, and expressed on personal or communal levels remain unanswered or are only superficially explored. This study aims to uncover the social structures underlying the concept of honour, demonstrate its manifestation through social interactions, and elucidate how individuals respond to threats against their honour. Because of the many tragic instances of HRV within Kurdish diaspora communities, Kurds and Kurdish culture frequently feature in discussions concerning this phenomenon. Therefore, data for current research has been collected from Kurds living in the diaspora, specifically in Finland. The data were elicited through a combination of methods to be as comprehensive as possible. This included 24 semi-structured interviews with individual participants and four Focus Group Discussions involving 16 participants. A closer look at the data shows that the construction of Kurdish honour is based on a complex interaction of social structures. These structures can be broken down into three key elements: institutional, relational, and embodied factors. In this regard, the research has identified six structural components. The study demonstrates that the intensity of honour-related conflicts stems from an intricate interplay of structural factors. However, the relative weight of these factors determines the flashpoints of tension. Through the lens of structuration theory, the study demonstrates the role of everyday practices and dynamic social factors in shaping individuals' discursive consciousness around honour. Individuals' conceptualization of honour may sometimes diverge from its practical application, leading to a space for social negotiation where honour undergoes continuous reshaping into a dynamic equilibrium that impacts daily life. It's essential to recognize that this equilibrium varies among individuals. However, a threat to honour can prompt varying facework procedures, contingent upon individual characteristics and community expectations. Current Inquiry uncovers six distinct behavioural patterns individuals exhibit during a crisis of honour. The investigation of the participants' narratives reveals a diverse Kurdish culture, as evidenced by their different perceptions about the tolerable thresholds of honour violations and contradictory discourses concerning honour. The final significant finding is that the fear of dishonour typically outweighs the desire for honour among the Kurds, as indicated by both daily language use and chronological analysis of conflict cases. This observation holds significant implications, not only for reevaluating normative terminology but also for informing social and political preventive measures. -
Research Competence of University Teachers in Relation to Organisational Ethos and Research Culture
The standards of research depend on the maintenance and coordination of research activities that are conducted by the universities. The flexibility in ordinance and statutes empowers the universities to frame the guidelines that empower the research competence of the teachers. However, newlinethe existing framework is not adjusted to modern approaches to research competence which creates issues in developing a framework for evaluation for research competence. The objective of the present newlinestudy is to develop and validate a framework for research competence for university teachers. The study measures the relationship between research competence, organisational ethos, and research culture of university teachers. The study used the existing measuring instruments to evaluate newlineorganisational ethos and research culture. Researcher has developed the measurement scale for research competence. The validity and reliability have been done for all the measuring instruments research competence, organisational ethos and research culture. The factor analysis has conducted for newlinethe measuring instrument of research competence. The quantitative data for the study has been taken from the self-reported experience of 451 university teachers. The study found that there was a significant difference in demographic variables such as gender, age, work experience, educational newlinequalification, and subject background with organisational ethos, research culture, and research competence of university teachers. The structural equation model showed the relationship between the components of research competence, organisational ethos, and research culture. The present study can newlineassist policymakers to evaluate the research competence, organisational ethos, and research culture of the university teachers. The study indicates the practical and academic importance of university newlineteachers to enhance research performance. -
Environmental Reporting Practices : Evidence From Indian Commercials Banks
The last decade has witnessed increasing concern towards the environment due to the ravages inflicted on them by mankind. With the concept of sustainable development perpetually growing over the years, global institutions have been acknowledging their other duties towards the society, and have been integrating environmental practices into their strategic framework to significantly contribute to the sustainable bandwagon. However, since the financial crisis of newline2008, it has been found that banking institutions have become active participants in fostering environmental sustainability. Also, due to the increased awareness and pressure from the stakeholders, these institutions have been reporting their environmental initiatives and practices in their bank reports and websites. The extensive review of the literature reveals that there are hardly any studies that have been carried out in the Indian context, pertinently in the banking sector. Therefore, considering this as a major research gap, the present study aims to comprehensively evaluate the environmental reporting practices of selected commercial banks in India for the period from 2011 to 2022. newlineThis study follows an explorative and descriptive research design, with a deductive research approach. However, this research is based on secondary data, and adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Following the judgmental sampling technique, the sample of the study consists of thirty public and private commercial banks in India. The content analysis technique has been adopted to extract environmental information from bank reports and websites using the developed environmental reporting index. The independent sample t-test is newlineused to compare the environmental reporting performance of public and private-sector newlinecommercial banks. This study analyses the relationship between environmental reporting and bank-specific characteristics using the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. -
Improved Deep Learning Model for Detection and Classification of Pneumonia from X-Ray Images
Pneumonia is a severe respiratory disease that can lead to inflammation, fluid accumulation in lungs and breathing difficulties, which needs immediate and accurate diagnosis. Chest X-Ray images are a necessary tool to diagnose pneumonia because manual interpretation poses challenges, particularly for radiologists with less expertise. Artificial intelligence (AI), specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), has become a significant in the field of pneumonia detection within chest X-Ray images in recent years. This research presents SarNet, a neural network model developed for the identification of pneumonia in chest X-Ray images. The study involved the compilation of dataset containing chest X-Ray images categorized as normal, pneumonia, and COVID-19 pneumonia cases, each accompanied by appropriate annotations. This dataset was employed as the basis for training and assessing SarNet's performance, underscoring its promise in transforming the diagnosis of pneumonia. SarNet proved highly effective, achieving good accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity compared to traditional diagnostic methods. The model's simplicity, with 41 layers, strikes a balance between depth and computational complexity, enhancing efficiency and ensuring accurate pneumonia detection. Furthermore, the study expanded its scope to include COVID-19 pneumonia detection. SarNet achieved an accuracy of 99.15% in binary classification and 94.9% in multiclass classification, including healthy, pneumonia, and COVID-19 pneumonia cases. -
Cultural Memory In The Captivity Novels of NA D'Souza Alan Machado
Captivity novels are stories of men and women who were abducted and forcibly taken as captives and subjugated to slavery, usually for religious or political reasons. The research critically engages the captivity novels of Na DSouza and Alan Machado, which vividly evoke the harrowing captivity experience of Mangalore Konkani Catholic community during Tipu Sultans regime. It is alleged that Tipu, after the Second Anglo-Mysore war, wreaked vengeance on Konkani Catholic Christians on suspicion for betraying him and supporting the British. After two hundred years of great silence, the struggle for identity and the quest for history led the post-conflicting community to articulate the contents of the archives into the fabric of a literary composition. The literary works of DSouza and Machado are an essential bridge between generations problematizing history and memory illustrating the events of Great Captivity. The captivity narratives are cultural artefacts of memory that present alternative history of the Mysore Kingdom and revive the memories of the captivity experience of Mangalore Konkani Catholic Christians. The memories of the miseries revived in the writings of DSouza and Machado at the beginning of the twenty first century from the victims point of view expose the gaps in the official records of the Mysore Kingdom and emphasise the community's resilience and cultural significance. These narratives constitute the melancholic representation of the traumatic experience of the community and enable the community of the sufferers to re-live the torments which in turn act as a therapeutic agent. Thus, the imaginative recount of the Great Captivity by DSouza and Machado in the form of novels using memory as a tool challenge the historical construct and call for a legitimate space for the vanquished version in the construction of history. -
Synthesize of Indigenous Natural Ester Based Liquid Dielectrics and its Performance Evaluation in Transformers
Transformer is generally considered to be the heart of the power system. Transformers are the main equipment in the transmission and distribution network to be monitored for uninterrupted flow of power. The liquid newlinedielectrics play an important role in functioning of transformer. It serves as an effective coolant and also it determines the life of transformer. Thus, the reliability of a power transformer is largely determined by the condition of insulation. The transformer oil is the bi product of petroleum. However, the usage of petroleum oil is running out of demand and there may be a severe shortage of oil exists in future. Also during its newlineuse and disposition, transformer oil is highly dangerous to aquatic and human life due to its non-biodegradability and hence it is not environment eco-friendly. This has given scope for new alternative biodegradable dielectric fluids such as natural esters, replacing the traditional mineral oil. These vegetable-oil-based liquids are non-toxic newlineand meet all the requirements for a high temperature insulating liquid. The Partial discharge pulses present in the liquid dielectric leads to breakdown of streamer development and formation of sludge. Hence it is important to analyze the Partial Discharge properties of oils. The aim of newlinethe present work is to investigate suitability of Indigenous Natural Ester newlinebased liquid dielectrics as a liquid dielectric coolant and also to analyze newlinethe partial discharge phenomena, particularly in transformers. The results obtained are well within the IEC 62770 standards. Results shows that developed indigenous natural ester oil that has better viscosity, breakdown voltage, flash point and partial discharge properties. As a result, developed indigenous oil will be an alternate for mineral oil in newlinehigh-voltage applications. -
Impact of Behavioural Biases, Emotional Intelligence and Financial Literacy on Financial Behaviour
Behavioural finance is the integration of finance and psychology. Finance pertains to the administration of finances by an individual, while psychology involves the examination of the mind and human conduct. Behavioural finance provides a reasonable explanation for the abnormalities observed in financial markets and the irrational decisions made by investors. The foundation of behavioural finance lies in the irrational choices made by individuals, which elucidates the reasons for investors frequently encountering different biases, emotional filters, and a lack of knowledge when making financial decisions. The primary challenges stem from three critical deficiencies: the investors' inability to express their cognitive and emotional biases, insufficient financial knowledge, and an inability to regulate emotions during financial decision-making. This study investigates the influence of investors' financial literacy, emotional intelligence, and behavioural bias on their financial conduct. Studies have shown that behavioural biases negatively impact financial behaviour. Financial literacy and emotional intelligence have been recognised as critical elements that significantly impact the financial behaviour of salaried class investors. -
Implications of Goods and Services Tax on Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
This research explores the impact and provides implications of Goods and newlineServices Tax , a comprehensive indirect tax reform on the growth of Indian newlineMSMEs, the fundamental drivers of economic progress and employment in India. newlineThe purpose is to assess the relationships and impact of the knowledge of GST, newlineInput tax credit (ITC), Revenue neutral rate (RNR), and GST compliance on the newlinegrowth of Indian MSMEs. Also, the research focuses on the interceding role of GST newlinecompliance in the relationship between GST knowledge, ITC, RNR and MSMEs newlinegrowth, as well as to discover facets that impede the implementation of effective newlinetax policies, particularly in the context of MSMEs. This study is based on a Crosssectional Survey with 531 MSME participants who are registered under Regular newlinescheme. Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) in newlineSmart PLS4 was utilized to examine the relationships amongst the variables, assess newlinethe impact of each variable on the outcome variable, either directly or indirectly and newlineto test the research hypotheses. The results show, GST knowledge, ITC, and RNR newlinehave significant positive effects on GST compliance and on perceived growth of newlineMSMEs. Also, the study found, GST compliance has a complementary partial newlinemediating role in the relation between these factors and perceived growth of newlineMSMEs. Furthermore, GST knowledge, ITC, and RNR have positive effect on newlineperceived MSMEs satisfaction with the GST system. But, the effect of GST newlineknowledge and ITC on perceived satisfaction of MSMEs through GST Compliance newlinewas not significant. This hints that, while knowledge of GST and ITC are important, newlinecomplications in claiming ITC and burdensome compliance requisites can newlineunpleasantly impact compliance and satisfaction with GST. The study also newlineobserved significant variations in perceptions of GST knowledge, ITC, RNR, GST newlineCompliance, MSMEs satisfaction, and MSMEs growth across different newlinedemographic variables. -
Synergetic Effect of Metal Nanoparticle Embedded Graphene Membrane : A Novel Approach for Antimicrobial Filtration
Water, the elixir of life, holds a profound significance that extends far beyond its essential utility. It's not just a resource; it pulsates as the life force of our existence, intricately woven into the very fabric of our daily lives. Water is the silent force that shapes our world, from nurturing our health and sustaining social structures to fueling economic development and fostering the environment. However, the adequacy of potable water quality confronts adverse impacts stemming from inadequate wastewater treatment, escalating domestic and industrial waste, and the microbial contamination of surface water sources. Furthermore, climate change emerges as a pivotal factor intensifying the depletion of water levels in natural resources due to diminished rainfall. Reports project that, by 2025, two-thirds of global population might contend with water scarcity. Given the persistence of current scenario, there exists a notable potential for significant conflicts among nations stemming from water scarcity. However, such a predicament can be mitigated through proactive measures, including the preservation of natural resources and the implementation of advanced technologies to recover fresh water from contaminated sources. Advanced technologies for the purification of contaminated water encompass sedimentation, precipitation, filtration, and ion exchange, which can effectively extract clean water from diverse impurities. Notably, membrane-based purification has gained prominence in recent years, owing to its cost- effectiveness and energy-saving attributes. Carbon-based nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes,fullerenes and graphene have garnered considerable attention in recent research studies, particularly in the realm of membrane applications. Within this, membranes fabricated by carbon nanotubes (CNT) stand out, showcasing exceptional filtering properties attributed to their tubular carbon structure. However, the cost-effectiveness and ease of synthesis impediments pose significant challenges, acting as bottlenecks for their widespread application in water purification. Consequently, graphene-based membranes emerge as a promising alternative to CNT membranes, demonstrating selective separation of ions and molecules. Specifically, membranes derived from graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) exhibit superior filtering capabilities compared to ceramic and polymeric counterparts, owing to their layered structure featuring tunable nanochannels, hydrophilic or hydrophobic nature, and commendable mechanical resilience. Graphene oxide solution synthesis has been done using Hummer's method, followed by fabrication of high-quality membranes through vacuum filtration techniques. Current work emphasis on recognizing the pivotal influence of membrane thickness on both water flux and dye rejection, meticulous optimization of filtration properties by producing graphene oxide (GO) membranes at various concentrations. Furthermore, reduction of graphene oxide through the hydrothermal method, enabling a comprehensive comparative analysis of water flux and rejection between graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) membranes was carried out. In our investigation, the results unequivocally validate that the GO 500 sample exhibits optimized filtration properties. Furthermore, the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) variant surpasses graphene oxide (GO) in terms of filtration efficacy, demonstrating superior filtering properties. It is noteworthy to highlight that reduced graphene oxide (rGO) exhibits less antibacterial properties compared to graphene oxide (GO). The disinfection capability of the membrane is pivotal in ensuring the recovery of pure water. To bolster the antibacterial features of GO, we have undertaken an enhancement strategy by incorporating silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticle, showcases multifaceted properties including surface plasmon resonance and unique morphologies, which contribute significantly to the inactivation of bacteria. The conducted studies reveal that membranes incorporating graphene oxide with silver (GO-Ag) exhibit remarkable antibacterial properties against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, these membranes demonstrate appreciable filtration capabilities and exhibit effective antifouling properties, further emphasizing their potential for advanced applications in water purification systems. Fouling is a significant challenge in membrane technology, as the continuous passage of contaminants results in the formation of layers on membrane surface, thereby diminishing its filtration efficiency. Despite the antifouling properties exhibited by GO- Ag membranes, there exists further improvement in enhancing performance and extending the membrane's lifespan. To address this, we have undertaken a reduction of graphene oxide and incorporated silver nanoparticles, aiming to augment the antifouling properties and overall efficacy of membrane. The conclusive findings indicate that fine-tuned membrane exhibits remarkable antibacterial properties, superior filtration capabilities, and a minimal irreversible fouling ratio. These outcomes provide confirmation that the fabricated membranes stand as potential materials for water purification applications, showcasing a well-rounded set of properties essential for effective and sustainable water treatment. -
Towards An 'Alternate' Mythical Reality : A Postmodern Reading of the Graphic Narratives of Appupen and Amruta Patil
The graphic novel landscape in India has witnessed a significant change with newlineinnovative and revolutionary ideas. The new age writers of the gra -
Impact of Station Rotation Model in Enhancing Writing Skills and Academic Performance of Primary School Children
The core pursuit of the research is to evaluate the efficacy of technology-integrated English language instruction using one of the blended learning approaches. The intrusion of technology in education has increased rapidly ever since COVID-19, which altered the spheres of learning and teaching. The cross-section of education and technology has become higher and more robust than before because of the pandemic, which led to the exploration of varied dimensions in technologyintegrated teaching. The field of English language teaching has also undergone a significant transformation due to the advent of technology. The introduction of interactive multimedia tools, online platforms, and language learning applications has enabled educators to engage students newlinein more effective ways. Virtual classrooms have brought about a global connection, breaking geographical barriers and fostering cross-cultural communication. The use of adaptive learning systems and AI-driven newlinelanguage applications has personalised learning experiences, catering to individual needs and pace. Furthermore, technology has provided immersive experiences through virtual and augmented reality, which enhance language acquisition by providing real-life contexts for practice. Thus, technology has diversified teaching approaches and made English language learning more accessible, interactive, and tailored to the needs newlineof diverse learners. However, learners from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds are deprived of these advantages that could newlinehelp in improving their English language proficiency. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of technologybased English language instruction that integrates one of the blended learning approaches for improving the writing skills of primary school students from socio-economically deprived backgrounds who have little newlineor no exposure to English language learning outside of their classrooms. -
A Theoretical Study of Rayleigh-Benard Convection Problem with Realistic and Artificial Boundary Conditions
In this thesis we present linear and weakly non-linear study of Rayleigh Bard newlineconvection subject to general boundary condition, which includes both physically newlinerealistic and artifcial boundaries. A horizontal confguration is adopted, wherein newlinethe horizontal surfaces are attached to porous blocks, which allows for the inclusion newlineof rough boundaries modelled by the Robin boundary condition on velocity. The Robin boundary condition is utilised to model boundary condition on temperature as well. Adding nanoparticles to a base and#64258;uid results in an increased thermal conductivity of the base and#64258;uid. The objective of this research is to present a conducive understanding of the eand#64256;ect of nanoparticles and its enhanced thermophysical properties eand#64256;ects on the onset of convection. Eand#64256;ects of Rough Boundaries on Rayleigh-Bard Convection in Nanoand#64258;uids A linear and weakly non-linear stability analysis of Rayleigh-Bard convection in a Newtonian nanoand#64258;uid between two rough boundaries is carried out. A newlinesingle-phase description of nanoand#64258;uids is adopted in the study. Water-alumina and newlinewater-copper are nanoand#64258;uids in consideration for the study. The values of thermophysical quantities of nanoand#64258;uids are obtained using either the mixture theory or phenomenological laws. The boundary eigenvalue problem arising in the study is solved using the Maclaurin series. Also, a single-term Galerkin technique is adopted to obtain the guess value of the Rayleigh number and the wave number. Further, improved values of the Rayleigh number and the wave number are obtained using the Newton-Raphson method. The minimal Fourier series representation is used to arrive at the generalised Lorenz model. A detailed discussion is made on the eand#64256;ect newlineof rough boundaries on the onset of convection in nanoand#64258;uids. The study aims to newlinepresent a theoretical comparison between the results of the two nanoand#64258;uids considered and the destabilizing eand#64256;ect showcased by each of the nanoparticles on the onset of convection. -
QSRP Studies of Chemical Compunds Using Topological Indices
In this study, we explore the intersection of graph theory and chemistry, focusing on how graph theory s principles can model molecular structures and predict their physiochemical properties. Specifcally, it applies topological indices (mathematical descriptors) derived from the graph-theoretic representation of molecules to establish quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) for octane isomers and polychlorobiphenyls. The investigation encompasses 30 topological indices, including the Harary, Wiener, Zagreb, and connectivity indices, and assesses their correlation with key physiochemical properties. Through rigorous analysis, the study successfully develops QSPR models capable of predicting properties like BP, HVAP, DHVAP, HFORM, AcenFac, TSA, and RRT signifcantly advancing newlinethe predictive accuracy of chemical properties. The study of inverse problems about topological indices and QSPR is a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientifc research, bridging gaps between mathematics, chemistry, and computer science. Inverse problems in graph theory newlinehold a special place due to their capacity to address fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of graphs based on given properties. They are often more complex and challenging than direct problems. The study of inverse problems in our research contributes to the theoretical foundations of chemical graph theory by characterizing trees and unicyclic graphs with specifc topological indices and oand#64256;ering novel insights into the inverse problem for Zagreb indices. The newlineinclusion of Python programs for calculating various topological indices further bridges theoretical chemistry with practical application, highlighting the thesis s newlineaim to enhance both the efciency and accuracy of predicting chemical compound properties. This work not only demonstrates the profound impact of graph theory on chemical informatics but also opens new avenues for research in the feld. -
A Study on Coloring Parameters and Topological Indices of Graphs
Graph coloring/labeling is a fundamental concept in graph theory that involves the assignment of weights, integers, or colors to the vertices/edges or both of a graph while adhering to specifc constraints. Graph colorings serve as a powerful mathematical model with broad applications in real-world scenarios, including network analysis, genomics, routing, optimization techniques, and digital networks. A research domain is established in which vertices of a graph are colored based on specifc conditions, and color degrees are taken into consideration leading to the exploration of chromatic topological indices and various chromatic polynomials. The introduction of chromatic topological indices in response to challenges in chemical graph theory has sparked signifcant research interest, creating a dynamic and expansive feld within graph theory. Motivated by this our study presents a comprehensive exploration of topological indices in the context of graph theory, specifcally focusing on the Zagreb index and its chromatic variants. The study calculates the frst and second rainbow chromatic Zagreb indices, rainbow chromatic irregularity indices, and rainbow chromatic total irregularity indices for well-known graph classes. Later, introduced the concept of b-chromatic Zagreb indices and b-chromatic irregularity indices and calculated the exact values for some standard graphs. Further, the rainbow chromatic topological indices and b-chromatic topological indices for various newlinederived graphs such as line, middle, total, and central graphs of some graph classes are determined. Novel graph polynomials, namely the b-chromatic Zagreb polynomials and b-chromatic irregularity polynomials, are introduced for some classes of graphs and the derived graphs such as degree splitting graph, mycielski graph. This comprehensive approach not only enhances our theoretical understanding of graph coloring but also oand#64256;ers practical insights into the predictive power of chromatic topological indices in diverse chemical contexts. -
Graphs Emerging from Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
A vector space over a field is defined as a collection closed under finite vector addition and scalar multiplication. Over the course of time, researchers have delved into exploring the intricate relationships between existing algebraic structures and graphs. This exploration led to the emergence of a distinctive class of graphs derived from vector spaces, following investigations into graphs originating from groups and rings. This thesis undertakes a thorough examination of a well-established algebraic structure known as the non-zero component graph of a finite-dimensional vector space over finite fields. Expanding on this, the thesis introduces the concept of orthogonal component graphs over finitedimensional vector spaces with a particular emphasis on the field Zp. The non-zero component graph of a finite-dimensional vector space over a newlinefinite field is a graph where vertices represent all possible non-zero vectors in newlinethe vector space. Vertices in the graph are made adjacent if they share a common basis vector in their linear combination. The thesis explores a variety of properties relating to distances, domination, and connectivity. Furthermore, it conducts in-depth study of coloring, color connections, topological indices, and centrality-based sensitivity specifically for non-zero component graphs. The concept of orthogonality among vectors in the vector space paves the way for a novel algebraic graph structure the orthogonal component graph. In this graph, vertices represent all possible non-zero vectors in the vector space, and adjacent vertices correspond to orthogonal vectors. The study extends to determining the properties of the orthogonal component graph, particularly in the newlinecontext of the field Z p. Additionally, it characterises the relationship between newlinenon-zero component graphs and orthogonal component graphs. In the latter chapters, the concept of non-zero component signed graphs is introduced and thoroughly discussed. -
A Study on Labeling Problems in Signed Graphs
A signed graph can be considered as a weighted graph G; that is, edges of G have been given the weights + and and#8722;. We discuss two ways to assign signs to the vertices of a line signed graph of a signed graph, namely S-marking and Canonical marking (C-marking) of L(S). We characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are S-cordial or total S-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through S-marking. Also, we characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are C-cordial or total C-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through C-marking. Signed graphs can be eand#64256;ectively used to model relationships and individual preferences toward one another. To represent this scenario we defne a signed graph from a given graph. The colors of the vertices can be used to represent individuals or sets, and the signs on the edges of the graph represent the relationship between them. So, we defne two labelings of a properly colored graph, namely parity labeling of a properly colored graph and product labeling of a properly colored graph. newlineThe parity labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the colors on the adjacent vertices of that edge are both even or both odd, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as parity colored signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit parity coloring. We also characterized signed graphs whose line signed graphs admit parity coloring. We initiate the study on parity labeling of a properly colored graph and the chromatic rna number of a graph. Also, we defne product labeling of a properly colored graph. The product labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the color of one of the incident vertex of that edge is even, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as color product signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit color product coloring.