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Thinking Beyond Empowerment : Understanding Autonomy in the Context of Kudumbashree
The concepts empowerment, agency and autonomy have gained a wider range of attention in newlinethe developmental research regimes. Amidst the conceptual drift these concepts are used newlineinterchangeably leading to uncertainty and proliferated meanings. The process of newlineempowerment may not always lead to autonomy. Through an ethnography of Kudumbashree, newlinean SHG in the South Indian state of Kerala, the current research focuses on how these women exercise agency to trouble the conventional boundaries between empowerment and autonomy. The transition of agency from the economic to the political domain is a subtle enterprise and is mediated by a number of factors including economic independence, decision making capability, mobility and political participation. Social - economic - political and cultural implications of women empowerment could be the first step in challenging and overcoming the relations of oppression in any society. The stereotypical assumptions can be negotiated by solely apportioning responsibilities and re-engaging with the system through everyday practices. The nuances of empowered women s re-engagement with local power regimes lead newlineto changes at the conceptual level that cuts beyond the individual and group level material transformations. The study figures how autonomy is a mediated process that is both agentic and subversive to the local patriarchal structures. -
Topological Indices Based on Distance Labeling
This thesis explores the prospect of combining two prime branches of graph theory, newlineviz., topological indices and graph labeling, specifcally radio labeling. The majority newlineof the work includes the topological radio indices of graphs and their properties. Topological indices are numerical values associated with graphs and invariant with graph isomorphisms. Apart from Topological Radio Indices, it provides some additions to the eccentricity-based topological indices. newlineRadio labeling or radio coloring, c, is assigned to a graph G such that the label difference between any two vertices must be greater than diam(G)+ 1 and#8722; d(u,v). Optimum radio labeling is the foundation for defning Topological radio indices. Labeling whose span is the radio number of the graph and which leads to the minimum value of the index newlineis considered the optimum radio labeling. The topological radio indices and coindices newlineare defned and are found out for some special classes of graphs, including gear graphs, newlinewheel graphs, and star graphs. The bounds for the frst, second and third Zagreb radio indices have been established and characterized for the classes of graphs for which the bound is sharp. Furthermore, newlinespecifc relationships between Zagreb radio indices and coindices are established concerning different parameters of the graph. newlineThe idea of consecutive radio labeling is explicitly studied. We have characterized the newlinegraphs with diameter 2 admitting consecutive radio labeling. We have studied the properties of graphs admitting consecutive radio labeling and stated the necessary and suffcient conditions for a graph to follow consecutive radio labeling. The study extended to eccentricity-based topological indices, viz., the forgotten eccentricity indices. The maximum d(u,v) for all v in V(G) is the eccentricity of the vertex u in G. This work also investigates eccentricity-based coindices and some of their properties. newlineApart from this, some uniquely radio colorable graphs are examined and characterized. -
Topologies Emanating From Graphs
A topology on a set is a collection of its subsets, including the set itself and the empty set, which is closed under union and fnite intersections. This dissertation introduces the notions such as graph topology, spanning graph topology, generalised graph topology, and generalised spanning graph topology by considering subgraphs and spanning subgraphs of a graph. Analogous to the set-theoretic notion, a graph topology is a collection of subgraphs of a given graph, including the null graph K0 and the graph itself, that is closed under newlineany union and any intersection. At the same time, a spanning graph topology of a graph is a collection of spanning subgraphs, including the spanning empty graph Nn, where n is the order of the graph and the graph G, which is closed under any union and any intersection. The topological concepts such as open sets, closed sets, base, subbase, neighbourhood, interior, subspace, and connectedness of spaces are extended to graph topology and spanning graph topology. In order to study the closed graphs in the above-mentioned graph topologies, two new graph complements are introduced in these graph topologies, such as decomposition and neighbourhood complements, to defne decomposition closed newlineand neighbourhood closed graphs. The decomposition complement is defned with respect to the edge set and the neighbourhood complement with respect to the vertex set. Since all the members of a spanning graph topology have the same vertex set, the neighbourhood closed graphs are described in terms of the edge set. The notion and characteristics of subspaces of both these graph topologies are defned, and the properties of closed graphs in these subspaces are also studied. Connectedness in topology holds a prominent role and applications in various felds of mathematics. The idea of connectedness is extended newlineto these graph topologies, and the same is characterised in the context of graph newlinetopology. -
Towards An 'Alternate' Mythical Reality : A Postmodern Reading of the Graphic Narratives of Appupen and Amruta Patil
The graphic novel landscape in India has witnessed a significant change with newlineinnovative and revolutionary ideas. The new age writers of the gra -
Towards reading song in performance as aural narrative : Reading a sense of spatiality in select albums of mark knopfler using henri lefebver's notions of space
One of the chief objectives of this study is to explore and offer a strategy to read song in performance as Aural Narratives. This was necessary because verbal texts can be read in multiple ways. Perhaps the chief claim of a text s possibility to be literary lies in its inherent potential to be discursive. Therefore sound texts require a way of understanding sound as an element of storytelling. Shifts in Humanities necessitate an expanding notion of textuality. One of the chief concerns and burdens of the writer of literature is the evocation of a sense of spatiality which can be perceived as an outcome of spatial practice. Spatial practice in turn is defined by social codes and practices. Spaces can be read therefore through the life experiences of the inhabitants of a space as spatial practices are dependent on particular spaces. This study explores the use of Sound in creating a sense of Spatiality. Singer, songwriter and guitarist, Mark Knopfler creates songs that are arranged around a central character s lived experience. Thus the perception and conception of a sense of space that is thus evoked can be negotiated using Henri Lefebvre s triadic notions of newlinespatiality as a reading strategy. -
Tribal population and skill development programme : A study of idukki district in kerala
India is a country which has people of different cultures, religions, traditions, newlinelanguages, castes and creed. In the democratic country of India, tribal people are one of the groups keeping their own culture and tradition that needs to be emphasized. The significant characteristics of the tribes are primitive traits, geographic isolation, distinct culture, shyness of contact and economically backwardness. By and large, tribes are living in different geo-climatic and ecological conditions covering from forest and plains to hills and the area lack accessibility. Though they are considered as the marginalized or most vulnerable population in India, their way of life and tradition, culture is to be preserved and they should be brought into the mainstream of society. In order to uplift the tribal community to be a part of the mainstream of society, the development of their skills is very essential. Skill development is the driving force for the transformation and development of an economy. The Government of India has taken several steps and launched many skill development newlineschemes along with other welfare schemes for the betterment of the mainstream as well as the tribal communities in India. .Keeping this objective in mind, in the 12thfive-year plan, the government of India gave the highest priority to skill development. The National Policy on Skill Development was announced by the cabinet of India (2009) to make a workforce with the strong skills knowledge and accepted qualification framework which will help to enhance the competitiveness of India and to get a decent job in the global market(IBEF, 2013). But many factors prevent the scheduled tribes from becoming beneficiaries of various skill development programs provided by the government. In the above context, this study is an attempt to know the nature and effectiveness of various skill development programs offered to the tribal community. -
Understanding Nonsense Verse : A Study of Select Works of Sukumar Ray
Among all the literary genres created and cultivated over the ages, Nonsense verse newlineperhaps emerges as one of the most challenging to comprehend. Nonsense verse often employs subversion (language, syntax, logic, etc.) as its tool and usually leaves the readers in a state of confusion. A look into the limericks of Edward Lear would bear newlinetestimony to this fact. For readers and researchers, the quest for meaning has newlineunravelled many literary and philosophical pursuits. One such possibility, therefore, newlinecould be the attempt to comprehend and critically analyse the unique literary genre newlinetermed Nonsense verse. From the multiple understandings and debatable definitions newlineof verse forms, one striking and rare genre evolves into nonsense poetry. Following newlinethe cue, this thesis purports to seek sense and meaning from what is labelled newline nonsense . It depicts that the functionality of existing, creative stylistics in language newlineand understanding and the text s contextual placement bring out the sense in nonsense. As Edward Lear mastered this art form in the West, Sukumar Ray crafted this genre in India, though he was not the only one. The thesis traces the evolution of nonsense verse in India, literary and folk, to understand the possible functionality of this genre as it exists in India. As the study shows, the writer who made the most contributions to this evolution was Sukumar Ray. Therefore, understanding the evolution and function of Indian nonsense verse become the object of the study, and an in-depth, contextual study of the select poems of Sukumar Ray, the national pioneering writer of nonsense, becomes the subject. This research attempts to unearth a fresh approach to re-evaluating the function of nonsense verse and possibly confer upon it a more considerable eminence. The thesis aims to provide comprehension and newlinecredibility to the genre through the study of select works of Sukumar Ray. -
Understanding The Pastoral Ethnobotany in Koppal and Vijayanagar Districts of Karnataka for Sustainability
The research aimed to comprehensively explore the ethnobotanical significance and nutritional value of wild plants utilized by pastoralists in Koppal and Vijayanagar districts. The study area selection involved meticulous consideration of the geographical and ecological relevance. Determining an appropriate sample size was crucial to ensure representative data collection, achieved through systematic methodologies. Informants were thoughtfully selected to gather newlineindigenous knowledge about the diverse uses of wild plants, emphasizing their fodder, newlineveterinary, edible, and medicinal applications. Employing ethnobotanical research methods, interviews were conducted to document plant usage, elucidate their taxonomical identities, and create an extensive inventory. The collection of plants referenced by pastoralists during interviews was a pivotal step. Detailed assessments of plant categories, habits, habitats, and newlinespecific plant parts used were documented. Herbarium preparation and authentication were newlineconducted meticulously to preserve and validate the collected plant specimens. newlineComparison with ethnobotanical studies from other subtropical regions worldwide was newlineconducted using the Jacquard index, revealing similarities and differences. The evaluation of sustainable utility focused on wild edible plants, analysing their viability for long-term utilization. Furthermore, investigating the forage quality of selected wild fodder and hay supplement plants was carried out. Analysing their proximate provided insights into their nutritional value. In summary, this comprehensive research delved into ethnobotanical practices, taxonomic identification, nutritional evaluation, and sustainable utilization of wild plants among pastoral communities. The findings not only contributed to ethnobotanical knowledge but also provided valuable insights into the potential economic and ecological significance of these plants for the communities involved. -
Unveiling The Effects of Heavy Metals : A Comprehensive Study On Physiological, Phytochemical, and Anatomical Responses in Jacobaea Maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden
Modernization and industrialization have been of great importance in the recent past, yet newlinethere are a few disadvantages including the release of harmful effluents into the environment. The medicinal plants that are found in these heavy metal polluted soils can have positive and negative effects as well. In this study the plant Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser and Meijden an important medicinal plant in the field of homeopathy was subjected to three different heavy metalscadmium, chromium and lead at a concentration range of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250ppm.The morphological parameters, shoot length and root length reduced more than 50% and 25% incase of shoot and root respectively. Phytochemical analysis shows significant variation inchlorophyll. newlineThe highest of protein was found in Cr 100ppm (7.47mg) and the least was found inCd 250ppm newline(0.38mg). Proline was found to be high in Pb 200ppm (1.242mg/ml) and least in Cr50ppm newline(0.368mg/ml). The Total Phenolic Content (TPC) was found to be highest in Cr 250ppm newline(3.229mg/g) and least in control (0.57mg/g) and Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) was found to be highest in Cd 100 ppm and least in Control (0.04mg/g) plant which include root, shoot and leaf. The growth of the plant was observed along with a few parameters like net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (E), leaf stomatal conductance (C), and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). It has been found that the chlorophyll values in the Cr 150 (5.470.4) concentration are high. The chlorophyll values in Pb100 (9.40.35) and Pb250 (9.80.26) are in close proximity to newlineeach other. The highest chlorophyll was found in Cd100 concentration. The net photosynthetic rate was less affected in Pb150 (30.980.75), and most in Cr100 (4.050.09). The Cr 50 (0.190.02) showed the least. The Leaf stomatal conductance was drastically reduced in all the treated plants only Cr 100 (2298.251.85) showed minimal variation. In morphology shoot length newlineand root length were reduced more than 50% and 25% in case of shoot and root respectively. -
Vanet Framework for Optimal Target Selection in Handoff using machine Learning
The impact of mobile networking has been far-reaching and has transformed many technologies for the better. Among the more pioneering technologies of recent times, autonomous vehicles (AV) are being touted as the future of transportation. AVs are featured prominently due to their ability to provide services across the implementations concerning smart-city applications. Since the newlinenodes (AV) involved are highly mobile, it is important to keep the device connected and adapt the dynamic topology change. The network should be capable of switching AV between access points (AP s) dynamic and must take place without much delay. Handoff is the process where a node switches between APs depending on the changes in the network topology. Various studies have claims that the use of Machine Learning or Deep Learning improves the efficiency of decision making in mobile networks. In this research work a dynamic handoff framework, inspired by the traditional Indian game of Kho-Kho is proposed. It selects the most optimal AP for newlinecommunication in a mobile environment. Initially the nodes within an AP are newlinecategorized as sticking and steering nodes. Identifying the nodes list for executing newlinethe Kho-Kho based handoff for the steering nodes. The framework makes use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to perform the operation of handoff and selects the most optimal AP once the handoff trigger occurs. ANN is designed for multiple parameters, including signal strength, noise, and direction to make its decisions regarding handoff. The proposed Kho-Kho model has been newlineimplemented and analyzed using the NS3 simulator. Simulation results have indicated a higher performance of the proposed Kho-Kho approach when compared to the existing standard implemented for vehicular ad hoc newlinecommunications in IEEE -
Volatility Spillover Effects in Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies' growing use has increased investors and decision- makers interest. Cryptocurrencies' volatility and how it impacts others is most intriguing. Arguments include speculative pressures, valuation uncertainty, and lack of regulation. These traits cannot fully explain cryptocurrency volatility and volatility spillovers, suggesting other relevant factors. In this study, currency volatility and spillovers, as well as their relationship with the sentiment of global investors, were investigated. The study analysed 22 cryptocurrencies from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2022. The study used FIGARCH and FIEGARCH, a GARCH family model to analyse the long-memory and leverage effects on cryptocurrency volatility, the ADCC-GARCH framework, and the Diebold-Yilmaz spillover index to analyse cryptocurrency volatility spillovers. The long-memory and leverage impacts on bitcoin volatility were analysed using the FIGARCH and FIEGARCH models from the GARCH family. Both the Chow-test and the Pai-Berron Test found structural breaks in the cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies such as Adacordono, Aertinity, ARK, BAT, BCH, BNT, BTC, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Funtoken, ICON, KMD, KNC, NEO, PIVX, QTUM, SNT, TRX, ZCASH, have positive (difference) FIGARCH coefficient values. It indicates a long memory in currencies, and volatility shocks affect future volatility. On the other hand, the FIGARCH coefficient of BTG cryptocurrency (difference) is negative (-0.035), which suggests that the individual has a short memory. In this scenario, the effects of volatility shocks are only temporary. When extreme volatility is promptly followed by low volatility or vice versa, this indicates anti- persistence. The study also found that both positive and negative news has a significant impact on the volatility of specific cryptocurrencies such as BCH (0.015), BNT (0.0016), BTG (0.01972), DOGE (0.2296), EOS (0.0112), KNC (0.0366), PIVX (0.0021), TRX (0.0013), Adacordono (- 0.027), Aertinity (-0.0393), ARK (-0.0377), BAT (-0.028058), and BTC (-0.0665). Ethereum has the largest spillover (4.09), followed by QTUM (4.06), EOS (4.05), Adacordono (4.05), and Dogecoin (2.4). All cryptocurrencies show fundamental instabilities (P-values less than 0.05). Hence the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. The hill estimator tail index value is ? > 0, fat tail or heavy tail; high chance of catastrophic event which is observed in all the 22 cryptocurrencies. Both investors and speculators can use sentiment analysis to forecast market volatility and generate gains. Policymakers can also utilize this information to establish laws that reduce market volatility. As a result, the study contributes to the ongoing discussion on the factors that cause bitcoin's volatility.3 -
Web User Access Log Analytics Using Neural Learning, Regression and Logit Boost Clustering Techniques for Accurate User Behavioural Pattern Identification
Web Usage Mining (WUM), is the process of mining user behaviour patterns from huge log fles. Weblogs provide substantial input to learning the identity of an online user. Analysis of these patterns extracted from the weblog datasets is currently being explored by various researchers. Due to the recent advent of automation, mining patterns from weblogs are automated. These automated mining processes focus on browsing habits and usage patterns. To make this process of gathering better, there are many ways to look at how users act and put them into relevant groups.Identifying, detecting, and classifying features that demarcate specifc traits that are related is an important task. Conventional research is designed to discover web usage mining strategies through clustering and classifcation methods. However, there is a need to focus on and improve the accuracy of the prediction systems that classify acquired features to fgure out the patterns of web users. Deep learning methods are used to mine weblog data to improve accuracy and precision. To improve user behaviour pattern mining, a two-level clustering process is introduced as Ensemble Fuzzy K-Means with Logit Boost Clustering (EFK-LBC) technique to extract the weblog. In this technique, a preprocessing step is included to remove redundant data and choose reliable log fles. The Fuzzy-K means clustering technique is used to identify behavioural patterns exhibited by recurrent users. Finally, the Logit Boost Clustering method is introduced to the data,that help in generating a strong cluster. Clustering of web users frequent behavioural patterns using the Logit Boost ensemble technique helps the proposed EFK-LBC method to improve newlinethe accuracy up to 88% and reduce the clustering time by 20% compared with existing approaches. Though the proposed EFK-LBC technique performs better for user identifcation, the different initialization of clusters provides various fnal clustering results.