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A Study on Labeling Problems in Signed Graphs
A signed graph can be considered as a weighted graph G; that is, edges of G have been given the weights + and and#8722;. We discuss two ways to assign signs to the vertices of a line signed graph of a signed graph, namely S-marking and Canonical marking (C-marking) of L(S). We characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are S-cordial or total S-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through S-marking. Also, we characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are C-cordial or total C-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through C-marking. Signed graphs can be eand#64256;ectively used to model relationships and individual preferences toward one another. To represent this scenario we defne a signed graph from a given graph. The colors of the vertices can be used to represent individuals or sets, and the signs on the edges of the graph represent the relationship between them. So, we defne two labelings of a properly colored graph, namely parity labeling of a properly colored graph and product labeling of a properly colored graph. newlineThe parity labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the colors on the adjacent vertices of that edge are both even or both odd, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as parity colored signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit parity coloring. We also characterized signed graphs whose line signed graphs admit parity coloring. We initiate the study on parity labeling of a properly colored graph and the chromatic rna number of a graph. Also, we defne product labeling of a properly colored graph. The product labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the color of one of the incident vertex of that edge is even, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as color product signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit color product coloring. -
A Study on Near Proper Coloring of Graphs
An equitable coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring in which the number of vertices in any two color classes are equal or almost equal. In this graph coloring, there is a partition of tasks into subsets which perform at the same time. Equitable coloring play an important role when there is a requirement of dividing a system with binary conand#64258;ict free subsystems with equal or newlinenearly equal elements. The non-availability of sufcient number of colors leads to diand#64256;erent defective coloring problems. An equitable near proper coloring of a graph G is an improper coloring in which the vertex set can be partitioned into k color classes V1, V2, . . . , Vk ; (1 lt k lt and#967;e(G)) such that the number of vertices in any two color classes diand#64256;er by at most one and the resulting monochromatic edges are minimised by restricting the number of color classes that can have adjacency among their own elements. The minimum number of monochromatic newlineedges obtained from an equitable near proper coloring of G is called equitable defective number. This study introduces the notion of equitable near proper coloring of a graph G and investigates the equitable defective number for a few graph classes. In this study, the equitable near proper coloring of various graph classes and derived graphs are discussed, and the corresponding equitable newlinedefective number for any k where 2 and#8804; k and#8804; and#967;e(G) and#8722; 1 is obtained. -
A Study on Nutritional, Biochemical and Pharmacological Property of Punica grantum L.
Biologically active components present in different medicinal plants which protects the human from diseases and allow health benefits. In the present study, the nutritional, biochemical and newlinepharmacological analysis of the different parts of Punica granatum var Bhagwa was done. In the nutritional profiling, dry moisture content was found high in the flower (9.63%) followed by leaf, peel, root, stem and fruit. Ash content was recorded higher in the stem (30%/gm) followed by root, leaf, flower, fruit and peel. Also, the macro and microelements present in different parts of newlineP. granatum var Bhagwa were analyzed. The fruit recorded the highest amount of nitrogen and phosphorus whereas the peel was recorded with more potassium. The phytochemical newlinequantification showed the major content of carbohydrates in the flower (317.96 mg/g) and leaf (315.62 mg/g). The protein in fruit (69 mg/g) and proline in root (19.54 mg/g) were recorded. P. granatum peel was recorded with maximum phenolic and flavonoid content. It showed a high antioxidative response in comparison to other plant parts. This study also aims to explore the use of P. granatum seed oil as a reducing agent for the synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles. These cobalt particles showed a and#955;max at 279.88 nm for UV-visible spectrometry analysis. Furthermore, X-ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and Dynamic Light Scattering were performed to confirm the nature of these nanoparticles. The pharmacological potential of these cobalt oxide nanoparticles was tested against microbial pathogens. The results suggest that these nanoparticles exhibited significant newlineactivity against various human bacterial and fungal pathogens. Additionally, in vitro cytotoxicity analysis of CoONPs had targeted MCF-7 cancer cells with a significant IC50 value compared to non-cancerous cells (L929). This study concluded that Bhagwa variety of P. -
A study on operational efficiency of scheduled commercial banks in India
Banking institutions play an important role in the economic development of the entire nation. Financial services industry is dominated by banking sector. Performance of any economy largely depends on the efficiency of commercial banks. Efficiency of banks depends upon diversified banking system that attracts savings and channelizes them into productive investments to generate income. The strength of the bank depends on newlineefficiency of these operations. Banks need to convert its deposits into loans, advances and investments efficiently. Efficiency in operations results in productivity. Productivity brings in faster economic growth. The cost of these operations should be kept to the minimum in order that they are efficient. With stiff competition that characterises banking industry, the competitive advantage that one bank has over the other depends on various efficiencies. This research attempts to measure the various efficiencies of scheduled commercial banks in India and investigate the factors that influence the same. Review of related newlineLiterature has been carried out to identify the research gap. Scheduled commercial banks in India include public sector banks, private newlinesector banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks. Regional rural banks are excluded from the study. As per the RBI report, currently (as on 31 March 2014) there are 26 public sector banks, 22 private sector newlinebanks and 43 foreign banks. However, this study considers the banks which have existed before, during and after the study period in order to measure the technical and cost efficiency of each bank and compare those efficiencies within the group as well as across the group. Accordingly 25 PSBs, 18 PvSBs and 25 FBs have been considered for the present study. Operational efficiency in this study includes the banks with technical and newlinecost efficiency. Technical efficiency is measured using the primary operating variables like fixed assets, loanable funds, employees, loans and advances and investments. -
A Study on Partial Domination in Graphs
The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parame- ter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V, E) and for a p and#8712; (0, 1], a subset S of V (G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| and#8805; p|V (G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by and#947;p(G). In scenarios wherein domination con-cepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added ad-vantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some prop- erties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the con-text of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal and#947;p-fixers and universal and#947;p-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal and#947;1 2 - fixers and universal and#947;1 2 - dou- blers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial domination, which we call as partial domination chain . For this, we defined indepen-dent partial domination number (IPD-number), found exact values of IPD-numbers for some classes of graphs, found bounds for IPD-numbers in terms of independent domi-nation number and some relations between the independent partial dominating sets and the independent dominating sets. -
A Study on psycho-social problems of persons with chronic renal failure with specific reference to bangalore cosmopolitan city
The present research is an attempt to describe the psychosocial problems faced by individuals with chronic renal failure in Bangalore cosmopolitan city. The aim of the study was to describe the level of psycho social problems experienced by them and to develop a psychosocial intervention programme to address this issue. The researcher adopted newlinedescriptive research design. The sample of 200 individual with chronic renal failure was newlineselected with consecutive sampling technique from St. John s Hospital and Medical College, newlineJayanagar Government Hospital and Manipal Hospital. The researcher used structured newlineinterview schedule to collect the data; to study the psychosocial problems, Psychosocial newlineAssessment Tool (PAT-5)-A measure of psychosocial problems in Haemodialysis Patients (Kansal, 2010) was adopted. newlineThe results of the study depict that, in the health awareness domain more than half (52%) of the patients were having moderate level of problems and 13.5% reported severe level of newlineproblems. In the occupational domain, three fourth (75.5%) of the patients reported severe level of problems; in family and social domain, nearly half of the patients (46%) reported severe level of problems. In the financial domain, two third (66%) reported severe problems. In the psychological domain it is seen that near about half (41%) reported severe level of newlinepsychological distress. The overall psychosocial score of the patients reveal that nearly half (47.5%) of patients felt severe level of psychosocial problems. Based on the finding of the study, needs assessment and discussion with the experts in the field a psychosocial intervention programme has evolved. It is suggested that effective use of this intervention programme can reduce the psychosocial problems faced by the patients and lead to better clinical outcomes. -
A Study on Regular Perfect Graphs
A graph (V, E) is said to be a perfect graph if the independence number of every induced subgraph in G is equal to the clique covering number of the subgraph in G. The independence number of a graph G is denoted by and#945;(G), and it is the maximum number of vertices in G such that no two of them belong to the same clique in G. The clique covering number of a graph G is denoted by and#952;(G), and is the minimum number of cliques required to cover the vertex set of G. F- perfect graph is a special type of perfect graph, where F can be any graph, like, complete graph (Km), the complement of a complete graph (Km), star, cycle, and so on. A graph G is said to be F-perfect if F-independence number for every newlineinduced subgraph H of G is equal to its F-covering number. The F-independence number of a graph G is the maximum number of vertices in G such that no two of them belong to the same F-subgraph in G. F-covering number is the minimum number of F-subgraphs in G that is required to cover the vertex set of G. newlineThe present study introduces the concept of regular perfect graphs, and induced regular perfect graphs which are denoted by R-perfect graphs, and R-perfect graphs respectively. These graph classes are obtained by considering F as the set of all regular subgraphs in a graph, R, and the set of all induced regular subgraphs, R, in a graph respectively. We conceptualise the graph parameters, R-independence number, and R-covering number for R-perfect graphs and R-independence number, and R-covering number for R-perfect graphs, and characterise both these classes of graphs. We initially study a subclass of regular perfect graphs, namely, cycle perfect graphs (C-perfect graphs) and induced cycle perfect graphs (C-perfect graphs). Further we extend the study to analyse various product graphs under C-perfection, and characterise them. -
A Study on Restrained Geodetic Domination in Graphs
In a graph G = (V, E), the shortest path between any two vertices u and v in G is u and#8722; v geodesic. This distance concept leads to the introduction of geodetic set and geodetic number which has wide applications in location theory and convexity theory. A vertex subset S of a graph G is said to be a geodetic set, if all vertex in G is in u and#8722; v geodesic for some pair of vertices u and v in S. The minimum cardinality of such a set is the geodetic number and is denoted as g(G). A vertex subset M of a graph G is said to be a dominating set of G if for all vertex v and#8712; V (G), either v and#8712; M or v is adjacent to a vertex in M. The minimum cardinality of such a set is the domination number and is denoted by and#947;(G). In general, the geodetic set and newlinethe dominating set of a graph need not be the same. This led to the study of the geodetic dominating set. If a geodetic set S is a dominating set of a graph G, then S is called a geodetic dominating set. The minimum cardinality of such a set is the geodetic domination number, which is represented by and#947;g(G). There are several studies done on the geodetic and domination concepts so far. In the present study, we have explored the concept of restrained geodetic domination and its structural properties in graphs particularly in product graphs and derived graphs. A vertex subset S of a graph G = (V, E) is called a restrained geodetic dominating set if S is a geodetic dominating set of G and lt V and#8722; S gt has no isolated vertex. The minimum cardinality of such a set is called restrained geodetic domination number, which is denoted by and#947;gr(G). We have studied this concept for diand#64256;erent classes of graphs and concerning the graph operations such as Cartesian product, corona product, and join of graphs. Further, the study is extended to restrained geodetic domination in derived graphs such as edge subdivision graph, line graph and power of a graph. Also, investigated the properties of graphs with the restrained geodetic domination number equal to the order of the graph. -
A study on sexual harassment of women garment workers
Sexual harassment at work place is a manifestation of deep rooted patriarchy prevailing in the larger society encouraging power based discriminatory practices and in turn creating hostile work environments where women workers are vulnerable to experience harassment and abuse. In Karnataka, majority of the garment factories are located in Bangalore and they employ around five lakh women . Economic dependence on the job for their livelihood, social perception of obeying the superiors, job insecurity and spilt over patriarchal biases into the work environment make the women garment workers more vulnerable to become victims of sexual harassment. There is a lack of empirical studies which measures the working conditions and how it is related to the concept of sexual harassment and coping behaviours of the victims in the garment factories in India. The aim of the current research study is to analyze the nature and frequency of sexual harassment experienced by the victim, organizational mechanisms to deal with sexual harassment, and consequences of sexual harassment on the victim-vocational, psychological, interpersonal and physical strain, the strategies (whether external or internal coping strategies) used by the victim to cope with sexual harassment and develop a training manual based on the findings of the study to help victims effectively deal with sexual harassment at workplace. The research study has adopted a descriptive and quantitative research design. Data has been collected from a sample of 312 victims of sexual harassment (women garment workers) who have approached two unions for support through structured interview method using structured, close ended, standardized interview schedules. -
A study on socio-economic impact of remittances on forward migrants household of tibetan refugees in india
Migration and Development is an agenda of every country s economic policy in recent time. Migration has been linked to the flow of remittances influencing socio-economic development particularly of developing countries. Studies on remittances have also reflected its positive side having potential effect at all levels including micro (households), macro (country) and meso newline(community) levels.The existing literature on remittance manifested the prominent role of remittance in enhancing livelihood of receiving households. Empirical study conducted on developing economies concluded that households receiving remittances are better off than those of non-receiving newlinehouseholds. International remittance has a direct role on household s economy by raising newlinehousehold s standard of living. Remittances were used for household consumption activities including education, health, housing, accumulating assets leading to human capital development. Likewise, literature pointed out the potential role of remittance inducing investment in business and entrepreneurship development by employing households in becoming self-reliant. Further, remittance improves trust and network within households and community which indirectly helps poor in the community. Thus, it is evident from the previous literature that newlineremittances have enhanced human and financial and social capital development. However, the existing literature lacks information on remittance affecting livelihood in Tibetan newlinecontext. Hence, there is a need of in-depth study in this area of research which is latent and unexplored. In this study, it has made an attempt to understand the role of remittance on Tibetan refugee communities in India who rely on remittance as one of the major sources of income. The study focuses on the impact of remittances from forward migrants who migrated from India towards newlinewestern and European countries. They send remittances back home leading to socio-economic development in the country of origin. -
A Study on Some Eccentricity Related Problems in Graphs
The concepts related to eccentricity in graphs are explored in this research work. newlineThe eccentric graph Ge of a graph G has the same vertex set as that of G and two newlinevertices in Ge are adjacent if one is the eccentric vertex of the other. The eccentric newlinegraphs of some graph operations are explored, and the iterated eccentric graphs Gek newlineare introduced. The process of inding eccentric graphs, known as eccentrication, is newlinestudied in detail. Graphs that result in a complete graph Kn upon iterative eccentrication are characterized, and the cyclic property of eccentrication is established for various cycle-related graphs. The eccentrication of tree graphs is studied in detail, and a general result on the cyclic property of trees is obtained. A conjecture on the cyclic property of eccentrication for any graph G is made. The ei-signed graph of a graph G, where the edge between vertices u and v receives a sign and#963; = (and#8722;1)|ecc(u)and#8722;ecc(v)|, where ecc(u) is the eccentricity of vertex u, is investigated. General properties of ei-signed graphs, such as homogeneity, consistency, switching, and sign compatibility, are discussed. Properties that behave diferently across various classes of graphs are explored. Finally, the scope of this study is presented, and some open problems in the area are provided. -
A Study on the Emergence of Subaltern Counterpublics in Select Malayalam Dalit Christian Narratives
The research A Study on the Emergence of Subaltern Counterpublics in Select Malayalam Dalit Christian Narratives attempts to put Kerala's vernacular Dalit Christian narratives into the scholarly canvas. As statistics do not provide solid data on the quotidian resistance, the narratives reveal the overt and covert struggles of the Dalit Christians. The study problematises the dominant narrative of the State and the Church and provides a way to articulate their voices and the transition from one religion to another. The primary texts for the study include Paul Chirakkarodes Pulayathara, Nostalgia and Eli Eli, Lama Sabach Thani, T.K.C. Vaduthalas Achante Venthinga Inna! and C Ayyapans Ghost Speech. The current study uses the combined frameworks of narratology, Lacanian psychoanalysis and subaltern counterpublics through the method of narrative analysis. Narrative analysis involves analysing stories or narratives to understand their meanings, experiences and values. The research argues that the Dalit Christian narratives become a testimony of subaltern counterpublics, narratology, and resistance tactics, suggesting a counter- narrative effect. They become treasure houses that carry group memory of community life and history. They are enclaved spaces where unfiltered articulations of marginalisation, abandonment, exploitation, rejection, resistance and empowerment occur. They function as proactive spaces that challenge dominant stereotypes and create an ideologically sound public sphere. Alternative discourse arenas become places of empowerment where subaltern counterpublics emerge, thus transforming the narratives into counter-narratives. The study acknowledges the agency of the Dalit Christian narratives to reform, rethink and reinterpret the form and content of Dalit Christian literature from a subaltern perspective. From an epistemological perspective, the Dalit Christian narratives produce knowledge garnered through analysing and interpreting the primary texts as representative of fusing personal and political resources to create a narrative of resistance and survival. -
A Study on the impact of e-service quality perceived customer value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in online travel agencies
As the markets have become more competitive in every business sector especially in online, many companies have recognized the importance of developing a strong loyal customer base. The benefits associated with newlinecustomer loyalty include lower costs of retaining existing customers as compare to acquiring new customers, repeat business, word of mouth marketing, cross selling opportunities and so on. However, in case of newlineonline business, customers could effortlessly cover the globe at the click of a mouse in search of the lowest price and that results in break in customer loyalty. Hence, it is necessary to conduct research on newlineidentifying the drivers of customer loyalty and their influence on customer loyalty. newlineThis research explored the impact of e-service quality, perceived customer value, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in online travel agencies. A conceptual model is proposed based on previous studies and newlinetested using structural equation modeling technique, bootstrapping estimates and multi group SEM (MSEM) analysis. The study employed newlinepurposeful sampling technique and was conducted on a sample size of 405 respondents working in information and communication technology organizations set up in Bengaluru. The study also tested the mediating effect of perceived customer value and customer satisfaction on the relationship between e-service quality and customer loyalty. The study also made an attempt to test the moderating effect of switching cost on newlinerelationship between e-service quality and customer loyalty, perceived customer value and customer loyalty as well as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Results indicated that e-service quality, perceived newlinecustomer value and customer satisfaction has a significant and positive impact on customer loyalty.Results of the study also indicated that perceived customer value and customer satisfaction partially mediate the newlinerelationship between the antecedent and outcome variables. -
A Study on the impact of foreign investment in infrastructure sector in india
The growth of an economy is determined by the amount of investment made or the capital created in the economy. Capital creation happens when the economy has excess of income over expenditure, in other words, savings. newlineForeign Investment is a good source of fund for developing economies whose savings is low. Hence, opening up the economy for inflow of foreign funds has almost become inevitable in the present situation of liberalization, privatization and globalization. Therefore, all developing economies, including India, are creating opportunities for foreign investments. Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in development of a country. However infrastructure projects require huge investment and the projects take a long time for the projects to be completed. This necessitates investment inflows to originate from the Government, PPP, FDI, etc. Foreign investment through foreign direct investment and Foreign Institutional Investment has newlinebecome a popular source of investment, particularly for financing the projects newlineof infrastructure sector. Foreign funds flow into the firms through investment in the equity of the firms Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in development of a country. newlineHowever infrastructure projects require huge investment and the projects take a long time for the projects to be completed. This necessitates investment inflows to originate from the Government, PPP, FDI, etc. Foreign investment through foreign direct investment and Foreign Institutional Investment has newlinebecome a popular source of investment, particularly for financing the projects newlineof infrastructure sector. Foreign funds flow into the firms through investment in the equiy of the firms Regression analysis is used to ascertain the functional relationship among FDI, Growth, Trade enness, Economic Stability and Energy position. The result of the regression analysis proves that there exists a functional relationship between FDI equity inflows and growth and trade openness. -
A Study on the Impact of Intervention Program for the Care Givers of People with Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancer patients experienced profound psychosocial and functional abilities because of the location of the disease and treatment. It hampers their activities of daily living making them dependant on the caregivers. Subsequently caregivers have different needs especially during the initial phase of hospitalization because they are unfamiliar to the whole process, unprepared for the new task and new role and lack the necessary knowledge and skills in care giving. Thus they face a number of problems. Hence this study aimed to understand their needs, develop psycho educational intervention program based on it and assess its feasibility. It was taken up because of limited number of Indian studies and increase in the number of incidences owing to the changing life style. Quasi experimental research design and sequential mixed research design was used. The variables taken for the study were Caregiver burden and distress. Zarit burden interview schedule and Caregiver Self Assessment Questionnaire was used to collect data from 30 caregivers of head and neck cancer patient before and after the Psycho educational intervention program was delivered. Paired sample t test and Cohen s d tests were used for data analysis. The effect size for burden and distress was 2.01 and 1.91 respectively. Findings showed that the intervention program significantly reduced the level of burden -
A study on the prospects of zimbabwe fertilizer industry for a sustainable market match
This paper is as a result of a process of seeking a solution to theperennial challenge of mismatch of fertilizer demand and supply in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the causes of the mismatch of fertilizer demand and supply in the post agrarian reform with a view to finding the factors that cause the mismatch. The study has been necessitated by the fact that Zimbabwe?s economy is agro-based and supportsmore than twelve million people. The study was informed by the following objectives: (i) To know and understand the existing demand and supply of fertilizer in Zimbabwe(ii) To find reasons for the gap in the market and its impact on Zimbabwe?s agricultural sector (iii) To examine the role of banks and financial institutions in leveraging farmer access to loans in Zimbabwe (iv) To understand the farmers' perceptions of the situation and make justifications of the mismatch and (v) To suggest and adopt suitable strategies which reinforce sustainable demand and supply of fertilizer in the country. In context and pursuit of the objectives, this study used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. A survey questionnaire was administered on the total of 380 respondents within the study returned questionnaires. The study was premised on 3 null hypotheses, one testing significance difference between product brand and market demand for fertilizer, another testing significance difference between availability and accessibility of fertilizer and yet another tested significance difference in the perception among farmers and stakeholders on the use of fertilizer. To do the hypothesis testing,data frequencies were run to note descriptive data patterns, cross-tabulations to establish a relationship between variable through various statistical tests: chi- square, correlations, ANOVA correlation coefficients, regression analysis and R-square value. Regression analysis was conducted to establish squared multiple correlation coefficient(R2) between Fertilizer Market,the unobserved dependent variable comprised of Demand (need for fertilizer, Supply/usage of fertilizer and availability of fertilizer) and independent composite variables of location/place of the fertilizer, fertilizer company brands, i.e. products, respondents in the study(people) and costs of financing fertilizer.This study accepted the first 2 null hypotheses and rejected the last hypothesis respectively.During the content thematic analysis salient themes and issues were; fertilizer availability at specific locations, high usage of ammonia brand, low application of fertilizer, inadequate fertilizer storage facilities, quality of fertilizer and accessibility to markets and specific fertilizers brands at specific periods. Upon triangulation, thequalitative responses were similar and complimentary to the quantitative responses.The composite or unobserved predictor variables; Place/Location of fertilizer, Type of fertilizer/Product brand, cost price and people accounted for the squared multiple correlation coefficient.573 or 57.3% (R2) adjusted R2 0.568 of the variance of Fertilizer Market dependent composite variable. This proportion in other words was the contribution of the independent variables. This suggests relationships that has the moderate effect (substantial) on Market the dependent variable based on the criterion that 0.573 is moderate. Regression analysis pointed to a strong Pearson correlations relation between fertilizer market and location (place where fertilizer was available) .004 and product 0.21. The unobserved predictor independent variable fertilizer type product or brand multiple correlation coefficient.517 or 51.3% (R2), fertilizer location or location could be found .542 or 54.2% (R2) with unobserved predictor dependent variable fertilizer market.Following onto this, the study highlights a model to help us better manage the mismatch. This model is developed from a collaborative ramework.The thesis ultimately makes conclusions and recommendations about crafting policies that will assist to match fertilizer demand and supply in Zimbabwe. -
A Study on The Utilization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermented Sea Weed As Aqua Feed For Growth and Disease Resistance in Oreochromis Niloticus
Consumption of fermented foods are known to provide various health benefits. Fermentative microbes present in traditional foods are reported to confer health benefits. The present study was aimed to isolate a novel potent probiotic strain from the homemade fermented Indian recipe Moor Kuzhambu and Pickle, and its characterization to elucidate the efficacy of isolate in cholesterol and heavy metal reduction. Cultures isolated from Pickle (CK2) and Moor Kuzhambu (CK3) were newlineidentified as different strains of Pediococcus pentosaceus using 16S rDNA newlinesequence based bacterial identification method. The isolated strains exhibited newlinetolerance to gastric juice and was able to exhibit a broad range of tolerance to newlinevarying temperatures, pH, NaCl, solvent, phenol, trypsin, and artificial gastric newlinejuice. Cell surface studies such as auto aggregation, co-aggregations, and cell newlinesurface hydrophobicity determined the ability of the strains to aggregate on to intestinal cell surface and manifest competitive pathogen displacement. Remarkable biofilm reduction of 48% to 80% was observed in the probioticsupplemented samples. Similarly, a reduction of 80% to 85% free cholesterol was newlinenoted in cholesterol assimilation assays, and heavy metal (Cu+, Pb+, Zn+ and Fe+) newlineassimilation ability was observed. Pediococcus pentosaceus MK459541 strain newlineCK2 and (MK459539) CK3 were assessed for EPS synthesis, structural characteristics, antioxidant properties and heavy metal assimilation abilities. Maximum yield of EPS was observed in carbon source Xylose for CK3 and fructose for CK2. Similarly, EPS production was found to maximum when bacteria newlinewere supplemented with meat extract (CK2) and yeast extract (CK3). FTIR results exhibited the presence of functional groups such as Imine/Oxime group, carboxylic group, Halo groups, Nitro compounds, etc. Further studies on EPS CK2 and EPS CK3 revealed a strong antioxidant capacity of 73.92% to 97.75%. Heavy metal assimilation ability of the EPS was found to be strong and in decreasing order as follows Cu+, Fe+ and Zn+. -
A Study on Upper Domatic Number and Its Variants in Graphs
For a graph G = (V, E), a vertex partition and#8673; = {V1, V2, . . . , Vk} is an upper domatic partition if Vi dominates Vj or Vj dominates Vi or both, for every Vi, Vj 2 and#8673;, whenever i 6= j. The upper domatic number D(G) is the maximum order of an upper domatic partition of G. This thesis consists of studies on upper domatic number and its variants in graphs. The bounds of D(G) in terms of order, size, !(G) and #(G) are established. The class of graphs with equal upper domatic newlinenumber and clique number is characterised. The relation between upper domatic number and minimum degree of the graph is explored. The case when the upper domatic number and domatic number are equal is investigated and the graphs for which D(G) and the domatic number d(G) coincide are characterised. Apart from the relation between the D(G) and other graph parameters, the upper domatic number of some special classes of graphs including unicyclic graphs, complement of cycles and powers of graphs is determined. Transitivity, Tr(G), a variant of upper domatic number is defined as the maximum number of sets in a vertex partition {V1, V2, . . . , Vk} such that Vi dominates Vj where 1 i lt j k. The results from the study on this concept include characterisation of graphs with transitivity at least k, exact values of transitivity of few classes of graphs, few upper bounds of transitivity of graphs, the transitivity of trees and an algorithm to determine the same. Along with this, the concept of total upper domatic number is introduced as a new variant of upper domatic number. The total upper domatic number is the maximum order of a total upper domatic partition of G which is an upper domatic partition such that the graph induced by each partite set does not contain any vertex of degree zero. Basic properties and bounds of upper domatic number in terms of order and maximum degree are discussed. Further, the total upper domatic number of some special classes of graphs is determined. -
A Study on work engagement of secondary school teachers in relation to their psychological well-being, leadership behaviour of principals and organizational health
Organizational success is determined by work engagement and psychological well-being of the workforce. Efficient leadership and a healthy teaching environment determine the professional conduct of school teachers. Work engagement not only reflects teachers performance but also implies the performance of pupils and the school. Work engagement depends on the congeniality of the working conditions. The present study explores work engagement of 516 secondary school teachers working in Bengaluru, India. The Work and Well-being survey (UWES) was used to measure teachers work engagement by assessing their vigour, dedication, and absorption. The scale of psychological well-being scale (developed by Ryff) was employed to evaluate in terms of self-acceptance, positive relation with others,autonomy,environmental mastery, purpose in life and personal growth.The leadership behaviour of principals questionnaire was used to measure in terms of consideration and initiating structure. The Organizational health Inventory was employed to quantify the Organizational health at the institutional, managerial, and technical levels. Results from the regression analysis suggest that work engagement of teachers was positively correlated and significantly influenced by psychological well-being, leadership behaviour of principals and organizational health.