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A Study towards constructing a reproductive health account as sub-account of health at sub-district level of india
Reproductive health is a state where everyone of the reproductive age cohort can make newlineinformed choices based on their reproductive health needs and reach a state of bliss and newlinewell-being. Informed choices are a possibility only if there is awareness regarding options of healthcare available. Awareness further indicates capacity to measure the worth of the options available in hand. One major aspect of measuring this worth is dominated by the financial aspect of awareness. In other words, expenditures incurred on reproductive health should be an information for all stakeholders to understand, analyse and arrive at informed newlinechoices. It has been unanimously felt that this domain of health needs more sustained efforts in terms of research into the specific components of expenditures. One such instrument which has been suggested is to construct a system of reproductive health accounts which TOVCI can track the fund movements among the different actors operating in the sector of reproductive health. Reproductive health accounts at local and contextual levels, has to conform to the existing national framework of health accounting so as to lend itself to inter and intra-regional comparisons. It consists of a group of matrices which capture origin of funds from financial sources to the destination where funds will ultimately be used on health functions, based on accounting boundaries of space, activity and time. This study attempted to construct a reproductive health account at sub-district levels in the district of Ramanagara in the state of Karnataka, India. Two sub-districts, Ramanagara and Channapatna were chosen for this purpose based on their health and reproductive health indicators. Primary data was collected from a household survey based on probability proportional to size sampling method. Questionnaires for data collection were borrowed from World Health Organization Guide to producing Reproductive Health Account. -
A Theoretical Study of Rayleigh-Benard Convection Problem with Realistic and Artificial Boundary Conditions
In this thesis we present linear and weakly non-linear study of Rayleigh Bard newlineconvection subject to general boundary condition, which includes both physically newlinerealistic and artifcial boundaries. A horizontal confguration is adopted, wherein newlinethe horizontal surfaces are attached to porous blocks, which allows for the inclusion newlineof rough boundaries modelled by the Robin boundary condition on velocity. The Robin boundary condition is utilised to model boundary condition on temperature as well. Adding nanoparticles to a base and#64258;uid results in an increased thermal conductivity of the base and#64258;uid. The objective of this research is to present a conducive understanding of the eand#64256;ect of nanoparticles and its enhanced thermophysical properties eand#64256;ects on the onset of convection. Eand#64256;ects of Rough Boundaries on Rayleigh-Bard Convection in Nanoand#64258;uids A linear and weakly non-linear stability analysis of Rayleigh-Bard convection in a Newtonian nanoand#64258;uid between two rough boundaries is carried out. A newlinesingle-phase description of nanoand#64258;uids is adopted in the study. Water-alumina and newlinewater-copper are nanoand#64258;uids in consideration for the study. The values of thermophysical quantities of nanoand#64258;uids are obtained using either the mixture theory or phenomenological laws. The boundary eigenvalue problem arising in the study is solved using the Maclaurin series. Also, a single-term Galerkin technique is adopted to obtain the guess value of the Rayleigh number and the wave number. Further, improved values of the Rayleigh number and the wave number are obtained using the Newton-Raphson method. The minimal Fourier series representation is used to arrive at the generalised Lorenz model. A detailed discussion is made on the eand#64256;ect newlineof rough boundaries on the onset of convection in nanoand#64258;uids. The study aims to newlinepresent a theoretical comparison between the results of the two nanoand#64258;uids considered and the destabilizing eand#64256;ect showcased by each of the nanoparticles on the onset of convection. -
Academic leader behaviour influence tactics in relation to organizational commitment and work engagement of faculty in higher educational institutions
The importance of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics needs to be overemphasized, as these are the most essential components of practically every newlineeducational institution. A clear understanding of educational institution requires a thorough analysis of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics as main features. Academic leaders regularly acquire and use power. They do so newlinedeliberately and consciously as well as intuitively and unconsciously. Leadership newlineand power do differ in goal compatibility, direction of influence on one s newlinesubordinates and research emphasis. This study attempts to reduce drastically these newlinedifferences and focus on the positives of influence tactics and leadership processes newlineto be exercised by higher authorities for enhancing institutional effectiveness. newlineThe present investigation focused on understanding the leader s behaviour and influence tactics adopted by individuals when they hold power positions, how it hinders the growth of individuals and institutions goals. Faculty Organisational Commitment, Work Engagement and the intention of stay/leave the institution of both academic leaders and faculty members working for higher educational institutions (Engineering, MBA and MCA colleges) were involved in thorough newlineinvestigation. The dependent variables were work engagement and Organisational newlinecommitment. Five tools were adopted to collect data. Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire (1962) developed by staff members of Fisher College of Business, Ohio State Leadership Studies, Influence Behaviour Questionnaire (2002) developed by Gary Yukl, Organizational Commitment Questionnaire newline(1991) developed by Meyer and Allen, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (2003) developed by Schaufeli et al., and Intention to stay/leave tool developed by Dilyis Robinson. The Cronbach Alpha reliability for Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was 0.907; Influence Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) was 0.677 for academic leaders. -
Acculturation and adaptation experiences of third generation adolescent migrants of andaman and nicobar islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands saw movement from 1857 amid the reformatory settlement design of the British Government followed by Independent relocation after 1947. The relocation makes a heritage of acculturation and adaptation experiences of the migrants and their descendants. The administration stretched out certain facilities to the migrants like job reservation, simple access to government jobs in the Islands, reservation for higher education and so forth amid the 50's, 60's and 70's. The number of inhabitants in the Islands has now come to a disturbing level and the facilities and opportunities have contracted down, yet individuals have not changed their outlook rather and for them, everything stays in and around the Islands. This study aims to understand the acculturation and adaptation experiences of the third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The study proposes to follow the methodology based on grounded theory. Using Theoretical sampling method, third generation adolescent migrants of the Islands were recruited for the study. The average age of the participants recruited for this study is 18.6 years with 83% of them are male and the remaining 17% are female. Individual interview sessions, lasting approximately 45 to 90 minutes were conducted with the participants to know how their acculturation and adaptation experiences. The transcripts of the interviews were thematically analyzed with the help of Nvivo 10. The transcripts were dissected and 1950 codes from 7903 text segments which became the main foundation for the analysis of data. The codes were further reduced into 54 basic themes, again into 21 organizing themes and finally into 05 global themes. The process of acculturation, psychological adaptation, socio-cultural adaptation, influencing factors and academic aspiration were the global themes which became the building block for five thematic networks addressing the main and specific objectives of the study. The findings showed that the adolescent migrants of the islands settled in the islands by adopting the integration or assimilation technique. The migrants who initially opted for the integration strategy later moved to the assimilation strategy in the adaptation process. The migrants through social incorporation look for a social identity in the islands and furthermore mirrors a feeling of confidence in the islands setting making them all the more psychologically adjusted contrasted with sociocultural adjustment. Parental impact and the acquisition of the dialect Hindustani encourage their expectation to remain in the islands itself for higher education and job. The findings on the relationship between acculturation and adaptation, academic aspiration and career self-efficacy reveal that lack of educational facilities and the incompetence in the existing educational facilities takes the migrants in a state of confusion. The expectations of the migrants are seen to be in conflict, which makes them hesitant to leave the islands for higher education or employment. The interconnectedness between all these leads the adolescent migrants to assert their identity in relation with their attachment to the islands and prefers to be confined to the islands. Findings highlight the pattern and influencing factors of acculturation and adaptation experiences of the third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and its impact on their academic aspiration and career self-efficacy. The findings have implications for professionals and scholars who work with migrant adolescents, stakeholders of the islands for framing policies benefitting the adolescent migrants, especially in higher education policy. Suggestions for future research are also included. -
Activity recognition using machine learning techniques for smart home assisted living
The statistical survey by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division says, quotglobally the number of persons aged 60 and above is expected to be more than double by 2050 newlineand more than triple by 2100quot. Especially in India, 9.5 percent of the population comprises of elders above 60 years. This may reach 22.2 percent in 2050 and 44.4 percent in 2100. On one side, the population of newlineelders are gradually increasing and on the other side there is a challenge to take care of the wellbeing of the elders when they are living alone. Smart home assisted living system can address these problems. Smart newlineHome Assisted living System is one among the growing research areas in smart computing. Advances in sensing, communication and ambientintelligence technologies created tremendous change in smart living newlineenvironment. The development in technology made smart home to support elders, disabled persons and the needy person. newlineActivity recognition is a growing technology in recent research and it plays a vital role in smart home assisted living system. Activity Recognition is a more dynamic, interesting, and challenging research newlinetopic in different areas like Ubiquitous Computing, Smart Home Assisted Living, Human Computer Interaction (HIC) etc. It provides solution to various real-time, human-oriented problems like elder care and health newlinecare. newlineIn order to address the issue on providing support on elder care this research proposes a machine learning based activity recognition model and an enhanced communication protocol for a smart home system, which are collaborated for designing the architecture of a smart home assisted living system. This system consists of three sub phases viz., data acquisition, monitoring system, and tracking system. -
Actualization of educational vision of chavara by principals of congregation of mother of carmel (CMC) school as perceived by teachers inrelation to transformational leadership organizational socialization and organizational learning
Education is one of the most powerful instruments of desirable social changes and transformation. It plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. a transformational leader of the 19th Century strived to transform the society through education. This educational vision immensely contributed in the development of the archaic society of Kerala. The education envisaged by Chavara was a flawless blend of intellectual, practical and spiritual formation. He aimed at the growth of the individual from the narrow boundary of self and doing service for the society. The religious Congregations (CMI and CMC) which were established by Chavara play a vital role in the field of education. These Congregations made its mark in the Indian educational system by their systematic and excellent performance through their educational institutions. In this study, the author explores the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Chavara by the principals in CMC schools. Descriptive survey method was used in the study. The population consisted of all the teaching faculty members of CMC schools and the sample size was 844. The study includes the independent variables such as Transformational Leadership, Organizational Socialization and Organizational Learning and its influence in actualizing Chavara vision by the principals. The finding of the study reveals that, the independent variables channelize the actualization of Chavara vision in CMC schools. The study throws light on the educational field of the CMC Congregation and inspires to renovate the present educational system on the basis of Chavara vision. -
Actualizing The Inner Self : Impact of An Online Signature Strengths Intervention On Well-Being
The PERMA Theory of Well-being states that exercising signature strengths one s most newlineprominent character strengths enhances five distinct dimensions of well-being, namely, newlinepositive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. The present study tests this theory by examining the impact of an online signature strengths intervention on each of the aforementioned dimensions of well-being and overall well-being using an explanatory sequential mixed method experimental research design. The quantitative phase of the study implemented a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the intervention with a wait-list control newlinegroup. A total of 82 participants recorded their levels of well-being and its dimensions at pretest and post-test using a standardized tool. Out of the 82 participants, 42 participants were in the experimental group and 40 participants in the wait-list control group. A one-month followup measure of well-being was also taken among participants in the experimental group to determine the long-term effectiveness of the intervention. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted in the qualitative phase of the study among participants in the experimental group to explore the subjective experiences and mental processes underlying the identification and utilization of signature strengths. Results demonstrated medium to large increases in all the dimensions of well-being except for the dimension of engagement which did not show a newlinesignificant increase at either time points. Qualitative findings validated the quantitative findings and revealed important mental and emotional mechanisms underlying the experience of utilizing signature strengths, thereby providing a deeper insight into the nature and working of the intervention. Findings of the study carry far-reaching implications for organizations as well as educational and healthcare institutions to empower individuals to function optimally by utilizing their inner potential and experience the peak of well-being in all domains of life. -
Actulization of the educational vision of kuriakose elias chavara through providing higher educational of facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th newlinecentury, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his newlinevaluable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense newlineneed for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the newlineformation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two newlineindigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables. A newlineconvergent parallel mix method study was employed with a sample consisting of 190 religious faculty members of CMI and CMC higher education institutions from different parts of India. The findings of the study reveal a close positive correlation of actualization of the educational vision of Chavara with the independent variables. Educational facilities are seen to be essential in the development of quality education. Formation of Human Capital acts as significant predictor in the vision actualization. The study is based on the higher education system and religious faculty members in CMI and CMC. It is also expected that providing educational facilities and Formation of Human Capital are the newlinecombination of the vision actualization in the education field. -
Admissibility of DNA Profiling Evidence in Criminal Trials in In India : A Comparative Study with Specific Reference to Legal Systems of United States of America and England
The use of Forensic technique of DNA profiling now constitutes a standard element of the system of Law Enforcement, and the findings of DNA testing are often acceptable in the proceedings of Legal cases. Despite newlinethe fact that they first relied on Expert Testimony based on DNA Evidence, the Courts in India have come to acknowledge DNA Evidence as both a fact that is significant to the case as well as proof that is conclusive. On the other hand, the scope of guilt that is capable of being concluded from a seeming match between samples is a topic of on-going debate. In most cases, it will newlinemerely be capable to locate the position of a suspect in relation to the site of the Crime. The uncritical acceptance of this Forensic Evidence as the objective answer to the challenge of determining the identity of a criminal raises the potential for scientific appropriation of the Criminal Justice system. newlineIn the vast majority of contested Legal proceedings involving Criminal offenses, the issue at hand is not one of identification but rather one of Intent or Mens-Rea, and DNA Evidence is irrelevant in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to create a Regulatory framework which controls how the newlineForensic technique of DNA Profiling is used and applied with the objective to ensure its methodical and organized implementation. In light of this, it is very important to make rules about DNA Profiling that will only allow it to be used for Legal investigations. In an effort to regulate DNA profiling in the newlinecountry, the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 has been proposed. The emphasis of this study, is the particular difficulties experienced by the Indian Judicial system as a consequence of introducing this novel Forensic technique into the Criminal Proceedings, and the research aims to examine the evolution and use of DNA profiling in India. -
Adoption and Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Food Processing Industries
In recent years, technological changes and advancements have forced Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, especially food processing, to redesign their functionality. This includes the integration of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance performance. Future trends in the food processing industry will be shaped by sustainability, efficiency, traceability, wellness, safety, hygiene, health, and newlinetransparency. Food processing industries are compelled to embrace digitalization in the newlinecurrent era of globalization and digital transformation. AI encompasses programs, newlinealgorithms, robotics, drones, data mining, cloud computing, sensors, driver-less newlinevehicles, the internet of things, digital platforms, and machines, representing a new newlinelevel of intelligence. AI aims to replicate human reasoning and problem-solving newlinecapabilities, leading to task automation, increased efficiency, and reduced human newlineeffort. The growth of AI is reshaping the food processing industry, with potential newlineapplications spanning from cultivation, supply chain management, storage and safety, newlineHuman Resource Management (HRM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Integrating and adopting AI in food processing can address unique challenges and offer substantial benefits across these functions. While large-scale food processing newlineindustries have made significant progress in adopting AI systems, small and mediumscale food industries are also integrating AI technology. The current research study employs a quantitative research methodology and obtained data from 320 small and medium-scale food processing industries employees in the city of Bengaluru. The primary surveyed data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach through AMOS 26. The research used the UTAUT 2 model to measure the usage and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among the employees of small and medium-scale food processing industries. -
Adoption of cashless payment systems among consumers
The primary goal of any national payment system is to ensure smooth circulation of money. An efficient and secure payment system triggers economic activity and electronic payment systems in particular, benefit both the customer s and the country s economic growth. Diverse payment systems function ranging from paper-based ones where the instruments are physically exchanged and settlements worked out manually, to the sophisticated electronic fund transfer systems which are fully secured and transactions settled on a gross, real-time basis. Researchers have used various technology adoption models to predict their usage. The purpose of the study is to investigate the key driving factors responsible for the consumers adoption of cashless payment system. A descriptive study method using the paradigm of post - positivism was employed with a sample of 390 respondents from Bangalore who have used cashless payments. They were selected by purposive sampling using snowball sampling. The study is based on both primary and secondary sources of information. The current study extended the UTAUT with new constructs Habit, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Trust, Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Attitude Towards Using Cashless Payment System and Anxiety. The findings of the study reveal that the factors namely Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Habit, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Trust, Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Attitude Towards Using Cashless Payment System and Anxiety have significant influence on the consumers cashless payment usage. A close positive correlation of cashless payment systems usage with the independent variables was seen. The gender, age, income, occupation and educational qualification of the respondents has a significant role to play in their willingness to use cashless payments. The study gives an insight on what the considerations to look into while launching a new payment system are and the means to deal with consumers to adopt and use the same. -
Adoption of enterprise risk management erm practices in the zimbabwean banking sector
Corporate failures that occurred in the mid-1990s as well as the global financial crisis that unfolded in the US in 2007 and subsequent banking crises in many countries underscored the need for banking institutions to develop and implement robust risk management systems and controls to prevent the occurrences of such crises. Enterprise risk management (ERM) has emerged as the best practice approach that provided banks with means for mitigating and controlling risks giving rise to such financial crises. Attempts have been made to find out the factors driving the implementation of ERM and the majority of these studies had conflicting newlineconclusions on the effect of some of these factors. Further, weaknesses were noted in variables used by researchers as proxies for ERM adoption. It was noted that several studies used the appointment of a chief risk officer as a variable representing ERM adoption while a number of other researchers focused on surveys or renowned frameworks such as COSO to ascertain the extent of adoption of ERM. These approaches however, had shortcomings. This study therefore sought to address some of the above gaps in literature. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of adoption of ERM newlinepractices as well to examine factors (adequacy of risk governance structure, newlinequality of organizational culture, intensity of regulatory environment and size of the bank) influencing the adoption and implementation of ERM by banks in Zimbabwe. A mixed method approach was utilized in this study. The population of the study comprised of 18 commercial banks which have been operating in Zimbabwe since the adoption of the multi-currency system in 2009. Respondents for the study were selected using the purposive sampling approach. This was to ensure the respondents had the right experience and expertise to answer questions on enterprise risk management practices newlinewithin their respective banks. -
After-Sale Service Failures and Their Influence on Customer Behaviour with Reference to Home Appliances
There are continuous technological advancements, and home appliance manufacturers have developed innovative products that make customer's life effortless. The increase in the purchasing power of the customers made the industry more competitive and put an extra burden on the manufacturers to adopt new technologies that help customers solve their problems and fulfil their needs. Firms face problems and challenges in the form of after-sale service failures. After-sale services are an integral part of home appliance products, and the companies can not avoid these while serving the customers. Although the after-service structure is rich in empirical studies on different service sectors like information technology, after-sale service failure, and consumer behaviour modelling in the home appliance have not been adequately investigated in Indian services. Previous researches have relied on understanding the services and their relation to either satisfaction or loyalty. Thus, they have been unable to disentangle the phenomenon of unfavourable reactions after an after-sale service failure from satisfaction and dissatisfaction. After-sale service is an essential component of customer behavioural outcomes. Therefore, businesses need to understand how after-sale service failures influence customer behaviour. Despite service superiority's importance, the home appliance industry lacks industry-specific, widely recognized instruments for after-sale service assessment. The primary goal of this study is to find major after-sale service failures and look at how these after-sale service failures affect customers, leading to unfavourable behavioural reactions. The study used a quantitative approach to understand the issue comprehensively. This research incorporated various after-sale service failure areas discussed and analyzed by previous research. It also discussed service theories and models (Expectancy Disconfirmation Paradigm, Justice Theory, Attribution Theory) related to failures and behaviours. However, this research focuses mainly on how these service failure areas lead to customer behavioural outcomes. Firstly, to know the major after-sale service failure areas, this study prepared the questionnaire based on the literature available on after-sale service failures and customers' reviews and their experience with the after-sale service of the home appliance companies. Data is collected from customers who have experienced after- sale service failures and their subsequent behaviour. The study analyzed the reasons for after-sale service failures, the types of failures that customers encounter, and the impact of these failures on customer behaviour, including their negative word of mouth, switching behaviour, willingness to recommend the brand etc. The findings of this study provided valuable insights into how businesses can improve their after-sale service and retain their customers. The study found seven major after-sale service failures that significantly impact customer behaviours. Unreasonable charges and policy clarity issues are the most significant service failures affecting customers, leading to negative behaviours. These findings show that different types of service failure elicit different reactions. The present study is one of the few empirical studies examining the links between service failures and actual behaviours in consumer durable after-sale service failures. -
Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Trading Activity in the BSE Using Limit Order Book of Select Stocks
With the existence of a heterogeneous market compounded by asymmetric information, technology has become one of the major newlineenablers in stock market development. Introduction of algorithms for trading gave a fillip to many stock market participants and allowed them to trade rapidly and profitably. In the present day in Indian stock market, newlinewe have two types of market players; algorithmic traders and nonalgorithmic traders. The algorithmic traders are playing a dominant role in order placement, order modification and order execution while the newlinenon-algorithmic traders still continue to use their intuition. This study aims to understand the trading activity of both the market participants. The study uses the Limit Order Book data from Bombay Stock Exchange. newlineThe LOB data of selected nine stocks is considered for the study whose variables namely Order Added, Order Updated and Order Deleted data along with the Bid Ask Quotes are considered for measurement. Based on newlinethe Limit Orders it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference in the trading behavior of algorithmic and non-algorithmic traders based on stock market session timings and market capitalization. newlineThe market making ability of the algorithmic traders was examined using Order-to trade Ratio and it is observed that large number of orders are not executed indicating that there is no significant Market Making happening. newlineThe algorithmic traders possess an edge over the non-algorithmic traders in Order Modification resulting in dominance in the Stock market. The Mann Kendal Trend test indicates upward and downward trend in newlinevolume adjusted spread indicating that market making is happening especially in the stocks where algorithmic activity is high. This study enables regulatory authorities to monitor stock market activity especially during pre- open session. This study provides sufficient scope for further research on future of algorithmic trading activity and its ramifications on non-algorithmic trading activity in the future. -
An Analysis of the effectiveness of HIV and AIDS policy implementation in teacher training colleges in zimbabwe
The study analyzed the effectiveness of implementation of the HIV and AIDS Policy for teachers colleges. The policy was enacted by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in 2004 and implemented by teacher training colleges in Zimbabwe. Teacher training colleges were a ready captive audience for the young people with the potential to newlineinfluence behaviour change among student teachers, with a snowball effect to pupils in primary and secondary schools. Despite the newlinedevelopment of the policy, incidences of sexually transmitted infections continued to increase. The objectives of the study were to determine to what extent the HIV and AIDS Policy has been operationalized and its newlineeffects on the sexual and reproductive health of students. Literature reviewed explored the HIV and AIDS policy implementation and quality assurance practices in teaching of HIV and AIDS in the colleges. Effective implementation was discussed within the context of the reproductive health challenges faced by students and access to quality newlineservices. Pragmatism philosophical paradigm was used for the study, since it combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques, methods and approaches into a single study. The population, sample and sampling procedure for the study were defined. Selection of the colleges was newlinepurposive and stratified according to location (urban or rural); administrative authorities (government and church-related colleges). While research questions guided the collection of qualitative data from newlineinterviews and focus group discussions for college authorities and stakeholders, hypotheses guided quantitative data collected from questionnaires completed by male and female third year students and Lecturers. Key informants were selected based on their role in policy implementation at the colleges. Validity and reliability of both qualitative newlineand quantitative data collecting instruments was assured. -
An Anthropologically comprehensive model of education
The educational realm we find ourselves in owes much to the work of philosophers. Educational policy and practice have evolved and progressed across the centuries through their influence, some of which have been through great social travails. Humanity has sifted and accepted them through careful consideration. However, not all philosophies are entirely beneficial. Some are given to aberrations. This doctoral dissertation is a systematic look at some of these philosophies, which on critical evaluation, reveal fault lines in our educational enterprise. newlineThe contemporary educational scenario is dominated by idealism and consumerism and, as such, falls short of promoting the comprehensive welfare of the anthropos or the human person. We present a thesis newlinestatement and employ the historico-critical methodology to examine these issues and use logical, ethical and moral arguments, besides, supporting texts, aphorisms and thought experiments to argue for our position. Jean-Paul Sartre had stated that philosophical anthropology is the study of the essence of the human being and the human condition. With its roots planted there, we present a conceptual model of the anthropos that could serve as the starting point for educational policy. We put forward five dimensions to be catered to by any educational program and call it the newlineAnthropo-Centered Model of Education or ACME. That completes Part I of the dissertation. newlineIn Part II, we explore the five dimensions. The attempt has been to zero in on the underlying issues and elucidate them. At some places, we use analysis, at others, speculation and close synthetically as we integrate our model. The dissertation ends with the prospectus of a high school, newlineenvisioned on the basis of this research, to come up in the city of Bangalore. -
An efficient framework for scientific article recommendation system
Excess data makes it challenging to extract information that is relevant to a domain of study or research. Existing state-of-the-art systems focus majorly on the selection of highly connected, prestigious and cited articles, regardless of the relevance of papers. To improve quality of findings, recommender systems which are a subclass of information filtration systems are used. They filter out relevant information over prestigious data from an existing repository of information. There are various sub-domains under recommender systems. This study focuses on citation recommendation. Citations are an integral part of any scientific paper, academic dissertation or projects. Finding appropriate citations for any work is a scholar's most time-consuming task. Thus, a well-defined citation recommendation system provides fulfillment and completeness for citing the giants works. The thesis aims to study existing frameworks for citation recommendation systems and identify the best dataset to work on graph- based recommender systems. A framework that recommends the most similar and relevant article to the user rather than prestigious authors or papers is here by proposed. The study explores various machine learning and deep learning techniques and methods which can be used effectively in recommending loosely connected yet highly relevant articles.