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A Framework for Integrating Nested Queries in Natural Language Interfaces to Databases
To translate Natural Language (NL) statements into Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, different methods and systems were proposed in the past. This work presents a framework for automating the translation of Data Requirement Specifications (DRS) given by enterprise Business Users in NL into SQL queries, focusing on requirements that result in the generation of nested SQLs. The framework takes the business user s DRS given in English as input and generates an initial query sketch by employing semantic parsing. This initial sketch is further refined and newlinecompleted into a well-formed SQL by consulting the Database Schema. It performs newlinethe translation by combining NL processing techniques with Query Sketch generation newlinemethods and refines it by employing Repair techniques or extends it further. The newlineframework suggests using Lambda expressions for intermediate representation and newlineemploys standard operations of Lambda Calculus for performing the required newlinetransformations needed for translation. Lambda Context Calculus (LCC) provides the newlineoperational semantics and the relevant methods needed in transforming NL statements newlineinto SQL, preserving the integrity and compositionality24 of expressions in every step of the translation. Though Lambda Calculus is found to be effective in representing the intermediate expressions and assists in performing the transformations that are needed for translating specific predicates into SQL, its inflexibility in combining parallel computations is a constraint. To represent clauses that are in parallel or are in pipeline, and to perform the required transformations on the intermediate expressions involving these, more advanced programming constructs are needed. It also adopts functional programming techniques to deal with complex scenarios involving nested queries. -
The Culinary Space : Reading Food and Identity Intersections in Select Narratives
This study focuses on select fictional narratives with food mentions at the peripheries to enquire into the textualisation of food that exhibits the existence of an enunciative culinary newlinespace wherein the nuances of individual and collective identities are negotiated. The culinary space is conceptualised by considering the defined and built physical space wherein activities associated with the culinary realm occur and the imaginative space created through the presence and absence of food. This culinary space interacts with mobility, which serves as the newlinelinking idea that ties together Anita Nair s Ladies Coup(2001), Bharti Kirchner s newlineDarjeeling (2002), Monica Ali s Brick Lane (2003), Kunzang Choden s The Circle of Karma newline(2005), and Manjushree Thapa s Seasons of Flight (2010), and informs these specific newlinetextualisations of food and prompts the need to focus on the representations of everyday lived experiences. This study reads the chosen narratives to enable a reading that is distinct from the conventional one of culinary narratives centred on food and establishes that the textualisation of food in narratives with food at the peripheries is an important site of investigation. This close reading through an approach directed by concepts from food studies and select notions from space and mobility looks into how the culinary space serves as the site of defining and re-imagining of individual and cultural identities of the characters through memories of food and relations to and through food. These insights add to the existing discourses on identity by looking into the textualisation of food shaped by notions of newlinespace and mobility to show that the transformative quality of food is reflected in the dynamism of the culinary space that endorses the same in the negotiation of identities that are explored, perceived, and projected within. -
A search for a grounding source in interpersonal relationships through metaxology in the select novels of bernard malmud
This research examines interpersonal relationships in the select novels of newlineBernard Malamud from a metaxological perspective. By examining the formation of newlinethe community through individuals where there are agapeic service and transformation newlineof individuals, it attempts to bring out the relevance of metaxological relationships that newlinegive importance to dialogue, ethical relationships and love. It is essential to understand the space between interpersonal relationships to lead a meaningful life in the contemporary world. It explores to ascertain whether human beings attain fulfilment in the community through transformation. This thesis addresses the issues that are relevant to the novelist in the context of Jewish identity and assumes that this study is essential since the study informs us about the interpersonal relationships which are very relevant newlinein today s context. This study claims that the interpersonal relationships portrayed in newlinethe novels of Malamud are metaxological because it affirms the self and transcends newlinetowards the other and forms a community where there is agapeic love and service. This newlineresearch claims that interpersonal relationships attain its fulfilment through newlinemetaxological relationships. This mode of interpersonal relationships is relevant since newlineit enables us to understand many existing problems between people, culture and nations, newlineand to find a solution to it. The question of how to maintain a proper relationship with newlineother human beings by giving equal importance to the individuals who are involved in the relationship is prominent today. The analysis of the novels based on metaxology newlinechanges our existing understanding of the interpersonal relationships and gives a new newlinedimension to it. -
Growth and physical properties of sb2 te3 and related thermoelectric materials
Research on crystal growth and characterization is inevitable to meet the requirements of the technological world, as there is a great demand for good quality samples free from flaws for application in newlinevarious fields which cannot be met by natural resources. The synthesis of newlinebulk crystals of Sb2Te3 compounds has intrigued the attention of the researchers in the present work, due to their diverse properties which provide boundless scope to develop innovative approaches towards the newlinedevelopment of devices with improved thermoelectric (TE) efficiency. The green technology of conversion of waste heat to electric current by the TE phenomena offers a noise-free alternative with low mechanical newlineand conduction losses for small scale refrigeration and power generation modules. Though, thermoelectric devices offer better reliability and durability, one of the major challenges is to develop a material system newlinewith high figure of merit (ZT) in the variable temperature ranges. From the research reports it is evident that, generally for scientific studies, conventional melt methods were used to grow bulk Sb2Te3 crystals, where nonstoichiometry, polycrystallinity and multi-phase formation raise problems. Furthermore, large fluctuations in TE properties have been exhibited by single crystals synthesized from the melt, which preclude their uses in devices. The ability to control as well as engineer various newlineproperties of Sb2Te3 depends on the choice of growth method, experimental tools and processes. Even though substantial work has been published on the studies of cleaved samples of crystals grown from the melt, the growth mechanism and TE investigations on vapor deposited platelet structures of Sb2Te3-xSx and Sb2-xInxTe3 have not been investigated so far. With the prime focus on vapor deposition as an alternative to melt methods to produce defect free, good quality stoichiometric and mechanically stable crystals with improved ZT, the research was aimed at growth and characterization of Sb2Te3 and related newlinethermoelectric materials. -
A Study on Coloring Parameters and Topological Indices of Graphs
Graph coloring/labeling is a fundamental concept in graph theory that involves the assignment of weights, integers, or colors to the vertices/edges or both of a graph while adhering to specifc constraints. Graph colorings serve as a powerful mathematical model with broad applications in real-world scenarios, including network analysis, genomics, routing, optimization techniques, and digital networks. A research domain is established in which vertices of a graph are colored based on specifc conditions, and color degrees are taken into consideration leading to the exploration of chromatic topological indices and various chromatic polynomials. The introduction of chromatic topological indices in response to challenges in chemical graph theory has sparked signifcant research interest, creating a dynamic and expansive feld within graph theory. Motivated by this our study presents a comprehensive exploration of topological indices in the context of graph theory, specifcally focusing on the Zagreb index and its chromatic variants. The study calculates the frst and second rainbow chromatic Zagreb indices, rainbow chromatic irregularity indices, and rainbow chromatic total irregularity indices for well-known graph classes. Later, introduced the concept of b-chromatic Zagreb indices and b-chromatic irregularity indices and calculated the exact values for some standard graphs. Further, the rainbow chromatic topological indices and b-chromatic topological indices for various newlinederived graphs such as line, middle, total, and central graphs of some graph classes are determined. Novel graph polynomials, namely the b-chromatic Zagreb polynomials and b-chromatic irregularity polynomials, are introduced for some classes of graphs and the derived graphs such as degree splitting graph, mycielski graph. This comprehensive approach not only enhances our theoretical understanding of graph coloring but also oand#64256;ers practical insights into the predictive power of chromatic topological indices in diverse chemical contexts. -
Comparative Study of Product Liability and Data Confidentiality in Case of Intermediaries with Special Reference to India and The European Union
Technology has played a major role in human development. The advent and invention of wheel and fire changed the coverage of human society. On a similar note in 90 s a technology called internet was developed and it changed all rules of the game. This technology removed all hindrances of place and time. It created faceless market place wherein; consumer not only have huge choices and varieties but also, they can create goods and services on their own. This was the origin of Electronic Business and it gave birth to new breed of middleman / intermediaries to facilitate it. These intermediaries are application provider, ISP, network service provider etc. The mantras of success were wide choices and data. But this mantra created a new legal challenge of data handling and liability for defects in goods and services. Researcher has studied and analysed all dimensions of intermediaries newlineand how they handled the two new legal challenge of data confidentiality and newlineproduct liability. In addition, researcher has examined the legal framework of India and compared it with legal framework of European Union and finally concluded on the coverage and effectiveness of Indian legal structure and what India learn and implement from European Union. This thesis mainly focusing on generic business model used by intermediaries. Issues like IPR, industry specific domain like financial systems and medical domain are excluded. Researcher followed the doctrinal research methodology to understand the evolution of intermediaries, product liability, data confidentiality in India by various primary resources like the Indian Laws i.e., Consumer newlineProtection Act, 2019, Indian Contract Act, 1872, Information Technology Act, 2000 and other various statutes. This thesis compares Indian legal framework with European Union and test the hypothesis of coverage and effectiveness of Indian legal structure with European Union. -
A Self-Reflective and Empathy Based Environmental Education Intervention to Enhance Environmental Values and Knowledge of Preadolescents
Environmental degradation and climate change have become common phenomena and they are attributable to human actions focusing solely on economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to fetch drastic changes in the lifestyles of majority of the public and to acquire the collective capacity of ecological intelligence. The accumulation of ecological intelligence results in environmental knowledge, values, and skills to deal effectively with the environment. The present study is an attempt to develop and apply a self-reflection and empathy-based Environmental Education module for 11-12 years old children to enhance their environmental values and knowledge. The study utilized a pre-test post-test quasi experimental design for which two existing sixth grade classes (intervention group and control group) from different schools, selected through purposive sampling formed the sample. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted on the participants environmental values, attitude, knowledge for the intervention and control groups. Additionally, environmental behaviour, self-reflection and insight were assessed before and after the intervention and the student workbooks were undergone content analysis for the intervention group. The self- reflective and empathy-based Environmental Education intervention was administered for the class selected as the intervention group in between the pre and post-tests. The researcher observed the interventions effectiveness on environmental values with the help of the attitude scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS), through the content analysis of student workbooks, and through session feedback form. The positive impact of the intervention on environmental knowledge was understood from the analysis of the knowledge scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS) and from the session feedback form. Additionally, there is an improvement in the intervention groups reflective thinking ability and environmental behaviour when assessed through Self-Reflection and Insight Scale for Youth and parent observation checklist. The study has implications concerning the implementation of Environmental Education. -
Performance Investigation of the High Strength Concrete Using Natural Zeolite with Industrial Waste Materials
Concrete is used in the construction of various structural elements. High Strength newlineConcrete (HSC) production for huge infrastructure projects is challenging. The newlinemanufacture of cement significantly causes global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. newlineModifications have been made to cement concrete problems to minimize CO2 emissions and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) consumption. This research focuses on developing HSC blended with Natural Zeolite (NZ) and industrial by-products like newlineSilica Fume (SF), Fly Ash (FA), and Metakaolin (MK) to enhance concrete quality, newlinesustainability, and performance. Partial replacement of OPC with 5% NZ and industrial waste materials in 5%, 10%, and 15% amounts to produce M60 grade HSC mixes. In the laboratory, 1,200 concrete specimens were tested for mechanical properties for 3, 7, 28, 60, and 90 days, as well as durability tests such as the Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT) for 28 days and the acid attack test for 60 days. Mix M3 (85% OPC + 5% NZ + 10% MK) exhibited the highest compressive strength at 72 MPa, split tensile strength at 5.3 MPa, and flexural strength at 9.4 MPa for 90 days curing period, attributed to its low porosity. The reactive silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) in the mix transformed calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) into calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and aluminate compounds. This process improved the newlinemicrostructure of the hardened concrete, resulting in increased imperviousness. The newlinestudy also includes the effect of these industrial waste materials on Zeolite concrete by microstructure analysis. The mathematical models were developed using SPSS software to predict the durability and mechanical properties of all the concrete mixes based on the laboratory data, considering parameters like mix proportions and curing days. -
Intelligent Information Retrieval Model for Digital Documents in Title Insurance
Documents have been pivotal in shaping human history by preserving knowledge and newlineenabling the transmission of ideas across generations and cultures. They have facilitated the establishment of legal systems, institutions, and governance, fostering societal order and progress. Additionally, documents serve as a collective memory, chronicling the achievements and lessons learned, enriching the human experience. Transforming documents from physical to digital format has revolutionized how we access, store, and share information in the digital age. This transition, enabled by technological advances, began with the invention of the scanner, which allowed for newlinethe digital capture of images and text. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology that can convert scanned documents into searchable, editable digital texts further streamlined this process. As the storage capacity and internet speeds have increased, digitization has become more accessible and widespread. Cloud-based storage solutions, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, now allow users to store, access, and share digital documents from anywhere with an internet connection. This has improved collaboration and communication and reduced the need for physical storage space. The digitization of documents has also significantly impacted the environment, with paper consumption decreasing and many industries carbon footprint reducing. Libraries and archives have transformed digitally, making vast information more easily accessible and preserving vital historical records for future generations. This digital shift has democratized knowledge, granting people worldwide access to resources that were once limited newlineto those with physical proximity to the material. -
Influence of emotional intelligence as mediator between workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour
Spirituality at work has developed as a research discipline over the last decade. There have been a few theoretical studies emphasizing on the significance of the construct. The external and internal factors affecting the relationship of this construct need to be analysed for enabling its newlineimplementation in the business world. The construct needs further empirical studies to establish itself as an implementable HR practice, contributing significantly to the bottom line. Organisational citizenship behaviour is critical for performance amidst uncertainty. Emotional intelligence has newlinebecome more critical in overcoming the challenges faced by the Information Technology (IT) sector in India. This study fills the gap in the current literature studying the influence of emotional intelligence in the relationship between workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour in the Indian IT sector context. The challenges faced by the Indian IT sector are unique and needs alternative solution to avoid a downfall in the sector contributing majorly to the national GDP. The sample is 800 IT sector employees selected through judgmental sampling. The data is collected by using online survey newlineinstruments. SEM modelling has been used to analyse the data and use the same for development of an implementable model relating the dependent and the independent variables. The findings state that there is a direct and positive relationship between newlineworkplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour. In addition, newlineemotional intelligence mediates the relationship between workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour. Longitudinal testing of the relationships has been left as the scope for further studies. -
Mechanisms Linking Gratitude to Life Satisfaction among Adults : A Mixed - Methods Study
The study examined the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction in educated adults in an Indian context and the mediation of affect, schema and coping. The sample comprised 711 males and females (18-45 yrs). The research utilised a sequential explanatory mixed methods design, incorporating a follow-up explanation model (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The initial quantitative phase addressed research questions concerning how the selected variables mediate the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction. Mediation analysis revealed that positive affect and positive self/others partially mediated the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction. There is no influence of gender in the role of gratitude in life satisfaction. The quantitative data held significance as it served as the foundation for subsequent qualitative analysis. The two-phased data collection facilitated a comprehensive exploration of the research questions, and integrating quantitative and qualitative data provided a better understanding of the relationships under investigation. A semi-structured interview was designed in the qualitative phase, incorporating insights from the survey results. The interview questions explored participants' perceptions and experiences regarding how various factors contribute to connecting gratitude with life satisfaction. A thematic analysis was performed to recognise the themes expressed by the participants, as outlined by Braun and Clarke in 2013. Three broader themes were derived, incorporating the 14 categories identified through coding. The three identified themes from the qualitative analysis are: 1. Life satisfaction through positive emotions; 2. Self-oriented schema promotes a sense of satisfaction, and 3. Positive connections with others enhance happiness. The qualitative data enrich our understanding by illustrating how participants who prioritise others' well-being and maintain meaningful social connections experience enhanced happiness. The quantitative findings are reinforced by the qualitative insights, which highlight that positive emotions serve as an emotional bridge that connects the feelings of gratitude to an overall sense of happiness, enhancing life satisfaction. This integrated approach enhances our understanding of how gratitude influences emotional well-being, ultimately contributing to overall life satisfaction. The identified themes of life satisfaction through positive emotions, self-oriented schema, and positive connections with others yield valuable implications. Implementing gratitude-focused interventions offers actionable steps for individuals, educators, and mental health practitioners to enhance overall well-being. -
Software bug in identification and prediction through software are metrics in object oriented protects :
In the software engineering, quality assurance plays an important role. newlineThe quality assurance as an activity, observes the execution of software project to ensure that the behavior of product is in accordance with the expectations. The testing is associated with quality assurance activities. The testing takes a lot of time and an effort of the tester to test the test newlinecases. Even after enough manual or automatic testing, bugs remain uncovered because of lack of time. So, a need arises to focus on this area to save the time and cost of the organizations. The software developer or newlinetester should be aware about the main reasons of software bugs so that they can focus on the right part of the code at the right time. Need of introducing product, process and project metrics is also very essential for newlinethe identification of major causes of bugs. Predictions will always be best if the history of project is taken into consideration. We can come up with accurate predictors with the help of root causes of the software bugs. Several bug prediction models can use bug indicators as the input of model to predict the number of bugs. newlinePrediction attempts to provide quantitative measures to help the software testers and developers. With more number of bug indicators, a step can be taken towards wider horizon of bug prediction thus enabling higher devotion to improve quality of software products. Therefore, identification of several reasons of software bugs and implementation of effective bug prediction models are needed to widen the scope of bug newlineprediction approaches and to improve the software quality. After estimating the future bugs using prediction models, awareness of bug severity is also required to avoid the expected harms to software products. newlineIntroduction of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was needed to improve the prediction potential. In this work an attempt has been made to associate different levels and types of inheritance through neural network newlineby establishing a correlation framework with diverse types of bug severitie. -
Characterization and Strength Assessment of Alkali-Activated Iron Ore Tailing Composite Bricks
The current study outlines a process for producing environmentally friendly bricks that can also compete successfully in today's highly competitive market. The use of iron ore tailings (IOT), which are typically disposed of as waste by the mining industry, is the subject of ongoing research for brick production. Bricks were made using IOT, which was obtained from iron ore mines in India's southern region. The study is based on the alkali-activation method of producing IOT bricks, which has been shown to be the most energy-efficient method of production. This is because, in contrast to the traditional method of producing bricks, the alkali-activation method emits fewer greenhouse gases. India has an abundance of iron ore deposits, which has resulted in extensive mining activities, which has resulted in an increase in waste generation, The waste is typically disposed of by being dumped in one of the dumping sites or dams near the mining area. These tailings pose a significant threat to the environment in their immediate vicinity. As a result, the use of IOT in brick manufacturing will reduce the mining industry's waste disposal burden. Furthermore, the use of IOT in the production of bricks will reduce the use of natural raw materials in the production of conventional bricks. Several types of brick composites were developed in this study by combining Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Flyash, and IOT with a sodium silicate solution. Each raw material is analysed using particle size analysis (PSA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The newly developed IOT bricks were put through a series of tests to determine their strength and durability in accordance with Indian standards. The developed IOT bricks had a maximum compressive strength of up to 18.45N/mm2 while water absorption was not more that 12.6%. Furthermore, the bricks were subjected to a series of wetting and drying tests to determine their long-term durability in accordance with Brazilian regulations. Each of the results obtained was validated using microstructure analysis of the product that was developed. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the compression strength of alkali-activated IOT brick prisms when combined with mortar of varying strengths. Finally, it was determined that more than 50 percent of the IOT can be used in combination with GGBS, flyash, and sodium silicate solution as an alkali activator to produce high-quality bricks under ambient temperature curing conditions. -
Evaluation of Bending Stiffness of Transmission Line Conductors
Cables are made of helically wound wires and have a wide range of engineering applications. This thesis considers the use of such cables in overhead electrical power transmission lines. The loading on such cables is generally axial pull or tension and torsion. The oscillation of the overhead power transmission lines due to the wind or static bending in any applications, newlineintroduce an additional bending load on such cable assemblies and are subjected to varying newlinebending curvatures and results in reduction in bending stiffness. The effective stiffness of the cable assembly in its bent state varies widely between two extreme newlinebehaviours a monolithic infinite friction state offering the maximum stiffness and a newlinecompletely loose wire zero friction state offering the minimum thickness. Due to the wide variation of this extreme values, the estimation of the cable stiffness at any intermittent stage of bending has been quite challenging and is under continuous refinement. Though many mathematical models are stipulated in the last seven decades in cables, seldom they consider the influence of wire forces and moments about its normal, bi-normal, and axial directions together, in any analysis and evaluated the cable response. newlineThe dominant wire force and moments about the axial directions were never missed by many newlineauthors. Though the global behavior of the cable apparently seems to be all right even with the omission of some forces/moments, the mechanism of its constituent wires needs a fully proven scientific explanation that predicts the local behavior also correctly. The ultimate response of the cable will be complete when accurate theories are attributed for the global and local newlinebehaviours. Hence, this research work addresses the complete mechanics of the helically wound cables and considers the influence of wire forces and moments, in all the three directions, together in the newlineanalysis and evaluates the cable response. -
A Theoretical Study of Rayleigh-Benard Convection Problem with Realistic and Artificial Boundary Conditions
In this thesis we present linear and weakly non-linear study of Rayleigh Bard newlineconvection subject to general boundary condition, which includes both physically newlinerealistic and artifcial boundaries. A horizontal confguration is adopted, wherein newlinethe horizontal surfaces are attached to porous blocks, which allows for the inclusion newlineof rough boundaries modelled by the Robin boundary condition on velocity. The Robin boundary condition is utilised to model boundary condition on temperature as well. Adding nanoparticles to a base and#64258;uid results in an increased thermal conductivity of the base and#64258;uid. The objective of this research is to present a conducive understanding of the eand#64256;ect of nanoparticles and its enhanced thermophysical properties eand#64256;ects on the onset of convection. Eand#64256;ects of Rough Boundaries on Rayleigh-Bard Convection in Nanoand#64258;uids A linear and weakly non-linear stability analysis of Rayleigh-Bard convection in a Newtonian nanoand#64258;uid between two rough boundaries is carried out. A newlinesingle-phase description of nanoand#64258;uids is adopted in the study. Water-alumina and newlinewater-copper are nanoand#64258;uids in consideration for the study. The values of thermophysical quantities of nanoand#64258;uids are obtained using either the mixture theory or phenomenological laws. The boundary eigenvalue problem arising in the study is solved using the Maclaurin series. Also, a single-term Galerkin technique is adopted to obtain the guess value of the Rayleigh number and the wave number. Further, improved values of the Rayleigh number and the wave number are obtained using the Newton-Raphson method. The minimal Fourier series representation is used to arrive at the generalised Lorenz model. A detailed discussion is made on the eand#64256;ect newlineof rough boundaries on the onset of convection in nanoand#64258;uids. The study aims to newlinepresent a theoretical comparison between the results of the two nanoand#64258;uids considered and the destabilizing eand#64256;ect showcased by each of the nanoparticles on the onset of convection. -
Studies On Single Crystals and Thin Films of Tin Sulfide(SnS) For Photovoltaic Applications
The thesis is concerned with linear and nonlinear Rayleigh-Bard electroconvection in a horizontal porous layer. Modified Darcy law is employed to describe the fluid motion. The effect of non-classical heat conduction, chemical reaction, thermal radiation and finite amplitudes on the onset of Darcy electroconvection is considered. The findings of the problems investigated in the thesis may prove useful in heat transfer application situations with dielectric fluids as working medium. The summary of the problems addressed in the thesis is given below.Effect of non-classical heat conduction on Rayleigh-Bard newlineconvection in a horizontal layer of porous medium saturated with a dielectric fluid The method of small perturbations is used to examine the effect of non-classical heat conduction on the onset of Darcy electroconvection. Exact solutions for both stationary and oscillatory instability are obtained and known results have been deduced as limiting cases of the present study. It is shown that electroconvective instability in a Darcy porous layer is hastened by increasing the strengths of second sound and electric newlineforces and that the presence of second sound and dielectrophoretic force leads to shorter wavelength electroconvection. Further, it is found that the effect of Vadasz number is to advance the onset of oscillatory Darcy newlineelectroconvection and oscillatory instability sets in before stationary convection provided that the Vadasz number and the Cattaneo number are sufficiently large. Rayleigh-Bard convection in a horizontal layer of porous medium saturated with a chemically reacting dielectric fluid The problem of the effect of chemical reaction on the onset of Darcy electroconvection in a horizontal porous layer heated from below is newlineinvestigated. It is assumed that the fluid experiences a zero-order exothermic chemical reaction and that there exists a local thermal equilibrium between the fluid and the solid phases. -
Broken Romantic Relationships: Self-Forgiveness and Attitude Towards Marriage among Emerging Adults
he main aim of the study is to understand the relation between self- forgiveness and attitudes towards marriage, among emerging adults (18-25year olds) who have had a broken romantic relationship using the mixed method explanatory sequential research design. In Phase 1 of the study, 385 College students, (males and females) who had a romantic relationship breakup, were administered the tools for the quantitative part, using google survey, after receiving their consent. The data was subjected to statistical analysis. In Phase 2, an in-depth interview of five males and five females who volunteered, were interviewed in depth using a semi structured interview schedule, for a deeper understanding of the information obtained in Phase 1. The session that was of 60- 90 minutes duration was audio recorded and the data was subjected to Thematic Network Analysis. Findings of Phase 1 study indicates that there is a significant positive correlation between self- forgiveness and attitude towards marriage, except the financial aspect of marriage. Attitude towards marriage and forgiveness varied, based on certain aspects of the romantic relationship. Gender differences are present in certain aspects of attitude towards marriage. There is a positive and significant moderating role of gender in the relationship between dimensions of forgiveness with attitudes towards marriage. The relationship between self-forgiveness and intent to marry is positive and significant, especially for females. In Phase 2 of the study, finding suggests that the romantic breakup which follows a systematic pattern, can be traumatic. Individuals are languishing post breakup as they are unable to forget or forgive the unresolved issues related to the breakup which affects attitude towards marriage. Difficulty forgiving oneself, one s ex-partner and the experience is indicated.