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Simultaneous first order derivative spectrophotometric determination of vanadium and zirconium in alloy steels and minerals
A simple, selective and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the individual and simultaneous determination of trace amounts of vanadium(V) and zirconium(IV) in acetic acid medium using a newly synthesised reagent diacetylmonoxime salicyloylhydrazone (DMSH), without any prior separation. The molar absorptivity and Sandell's sensitivity of the coloured species are 1.30 x 10 4 and 1.82 x 10 4 Lmol -1cm -1 and 3.9 and 2.5 ng cm -2 for V(V) and Zr(IV), respectively. Beer's law is obeyed between 0.26-2.80 and 0.30-3.20 ?g mL -1 concentration of vanadium (V) and zirconium (IV) at 405 and 380 nm respectively. The stoichiometry of the complex was found to be 1:1 (metal:ligand) for V(V) and 1:2 for Zr(IV) complexes. These metal ions interfere with the determination of each other in zero order spectrophotometry. The first derivative spectra of these complexes permitted a simultaneous determination of V(V) and Zr(IV) at zero crossing wavelengths of 445 nm and 405 nm, respectively. The optimum conditions for maximum colour development and other analytical parameters were evaluated. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of zirconium and vanadium in standard alloy steel samples, mineral and soil samples. 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -
Simultaneous first order derivative spectrophotometric determination of Vanadium and Zirchonium in alloy steels and minerals
Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Bio molecular Spectroscopy, Vol.95,pp.46-52, ISSN No. 1386-1425 -
Simulations of electric vehicle model for insights into pre-planned trajectory profiles
Electric vehicles are slowly gaining its significance in the automobile sector due to stringent emission norms. This research article highlights the fundamental modeling steps required for an electric vehicle designing following a simulation approach using MATLAB/Simulink software. It gives a clear and concise way to interpret vehicle model from a simple to complex modelling approach. Unlike other research works, this paper helps to thoroughly perceive the fundamentals involved in modeling an electric vehicle with different trajectory profiles. The vehicles behavior when subjected to different external forces, steering characteristics under different path profiles are analyzed in a systematic way. This research work highlights the significance of identifying and solving issues faced in the safety sub-system of an EV. 2020 SERSC. -
Simulations of electric vehicle model for insights into pre-planned trajectory profiles
Electric vehicles are slowly gaining its significance in the automobile sector due to stringent emission norms. This research article highlights the fundamental modeling steps required for an electric vehicle designing following a simulation approach using MATLAB/Simulink software. It gives a clear and concise way to interpret vehicle model from a simple to complex modelling approach. Unlike other research works, this paper helps to thoroughly perceive the fundamentals involved in modeling an electric vehicle with different trajectory profiles. The vehicles behavior when subjected to different external forces, steering characteristics under different path profiles are analyzed in a systematic way. This research work highlights the significance of identifying and solving issues faced in the safety sub-system of an EV. 2020 SERSC. -
Simulation, optimisation and analysis of energy saving in crude oil distillation unit
Physical distillation is the major process in crude oil refineries as of now. To ensure quality control in the final products, it is essential to ascertain the true boiling point of the crude oil and the products. The work is mainly concentrated to an industrial crude oil distillation unit. The objective of the paper is to present the simulation and optimisation of crude distillation unit (CDU) along with the analysis of energy saving, using Aspen HYSYS V8.8.2. Different crudes are taken into account, their properties and amount of distillate are analysed. The process optimisation is done in an easier manner using Aspen HYSYS rather than the conventional mathematical method, together with the advanced process control tools; make it profitable in the operation in real-time. The simulation results are validated with the actual plant results. Copyright 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Simulation study of droplet formation in inkjet printing using ANSYS FLUENT
Flow simulations of jetting of inkjet drops are presented for water and ethylene glycol. In the inkjet printing process, droplet jetting behaviour is the deciding parameter for print quality. The multiphase volume of fluid (VOF) method is used because the interaction between two phases (air and liquid) is involved in the drop formation process. The commercial inkjet printer has a nozzle diameter of ~73.2?m. In this work, a simulation model of inkjet printer nozzles with different diameters 40?m, 60?m, and 80?m are developed using ANSYS FLUENT software. It is observed that when water is taken as solvent then the stable droplets are generated at 60?m nozzle diameter till 9?s because of its low viscosity. For higher diameter, the stamen formation is observed. Ethylene glycol stable droplets are achieved at 80?m nozzle diameter till 9?s because of their high viscosity (~10 times that of water). Along with the droplet formation, the sustainability of the droplet in the air before reaching the substrate is also important. The simulation model is an inexpensive, fast, and flexible alternative to study the ink characteristics of the real-world system without wasting resources. 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Simulation of the Electrical Control Unit (ECU) in Automated Electric Vehicles for Reliability and Safety Using On-Board Sensors and Internet of Things
The adaptation of the energy storage system (ESS) with high power and energy density remains a difficulty for electric vehicles (EVs), despite the increasing demand they are experiencing around the world. A lightweight, compact ESS is necessary to deliver the responsive performance and driving range that modern vehicles need. When planning for widespread use of EVs, it's important to give careful attention to the factors of ESS selection, sizing, and administration. One of the most promising future mobility alternatives is the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which offers improved fuel economy and lower pollution levels. As a result, one of the most pressing needs is for automakers to develop new technologies for vehicle design that might help lessen emissions and boost economy. The environmental impact of emissions from light-duty cars is growing in tandem with the annual increase in the number of such vehicles on the road. The usage of other modes of transportation, such as ships and planes, is on the rise, but road transportation will always be the most common. Electronic Control Units, or ECUs, have been increasingly commonplace in cars during the past few decades. Vehicle network multicore CPU scheduling is notoriously difficult. This study's findings consist of a straightforward power-sharing control approach for the HESS based on battery and UC, with the goal of extending the battery's useful life in a city environment. 2023 IEEE. -
Simulation of IoT-based Smart City of Darwin: Leading Cyber Attacks and Prevention Techniques
The Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology made the world smarter as it has embedded deeply in several application areas such as manufacturing, homes, cities, and health etc. In the developed cities, millions of IoT devices are deployed to enhance the lifestyle of citizens. IoT devices increases the efficiency and productivity with time and cost efficiency in smart cities, on the other hand, also set an attractive often easy targets for cybercriminals by exposing a wide variety of vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity risks, if ignored can results as very high cost to the citizens and management as well. In this research, simulated IoT network of Darwin CBD has been used with different IoT simulation tools. The treacherous effects of vulnerable IoT environment are demonstrated in this research followed by implementation of security measures to avoid the illustrated threats. 2023 IEEE. -
Simulation modeling for heart attack patient by mapping cholesterol level
Cholesterol is a complex structural material made up of four-fused hydrocarbon rings. There is a hydrocarbon tail linked at one end of the structure, while the hydroxyl group linked to each other on the other end. To one end of the structure, a hydrocarbon tail linked and to the other end, a hydroxyl group linked to each other. High cholesterol level is one among the major risk factors of a heart attack. It is feasible to compute and control the cholesterol level of a cardiovascular patient by making use of intended Mathematical modeling in System Dynamics (S.D.). Moreover, by simulating proposed set of equations for a heart attack patient, recovery accomplished at a faster pace. Because of S.D., a substantial amount of reduction in the patient's Cardiovascular Disease achieved by control over the sterol level of the heart patient. This simulation modeling is an attempt made in translational research domain and is useful in the healthcare industry health care industry. It will minimize the risk of heart stroke and maintain a healthy life. Copyright 2020 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Simulation and fabrication of tungsten oxide thin films for electrochromic applications
Electrochromics is the emerging technology that is used in sunlight control window glazing for buildings, automobiles and it can also control indoor climate through smart windows. Electrochromism is the mutable change in optical properties of an electrochromic material caused by redox reactions due to the application of voltage. Easy intercalating the H + ions on a dense electrochromic material (WO3) is the most important parameter as far as the reaction kinetics is concerned. The goal of our work is to improve the electrochemical response of electrochromic material by constructing nano-pillars rather than using dense electrochromic materials. Electrochemical performance of both the dense (planar) and porus (nano pillars) structures were simulated and experimentally proved with a systematic discussion in the present work. It is proven and shown here the increase in the electrochemical kinetics through easy diffusion of ions into the nanostructured electrochromic material. 2022 Elsevier B.V. -
Simulation and Experimental Analysis of L-Section in Reinforced Cement Concrete: Uncertainties in Performance and Strength
The design and construction of reinforced cement concrete (RCC) flooring play a crucial role in the overall stability of a structure, particularly in regions prone to tectonic activity. RCC floors comprise various beams, including intermediate T-sections and specific L-sections at critical points such as corners and around staircases or lift openings. This paper identifies a key challenge in building frameworks to resist tectonic loads. It further explores the components of the structure that provide potential for interruption, capability, and the safe transfer of tectonic loading to the array connection, all while maintaining sufficient strength. The L-sections were experimented on using various grades of concrete and sizes to reinforce connections under diverse loading conditions. L-sections contribute to reducing floor height, solving economic and technical problems, and creating advanced composite connections that integrate the proposed structural system. The analysis was conducted both analytically and experimentally to assess methods to resist earthquake forces based on stiffness, building strength, and elasticity capacity. These approaches have been identified to safeguard buildings during substantial seismic events. The development of the L-section is detailed, highlighting the loading process and the capacity to overcome various structural challenges. 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Simple and Efficient Amberlite 15-catalyzed Synthesis of Dihydroquinazolinones
Abstract: The Amberlite 15 catalyzed synthesis of substituted 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones was reported. The reaction conditions were optimized by screening in different solvents and catalysts. The substrate scope of the reaction was also studied, and a plausible mechanism for the reaction was proposed. 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. -
Similarity analysis of court judgements using association rule mining on case citation data-a case study
Information Retrieval System (IRS) is an automated mechanism of retrieving required information from a collection of unstructured or semi-structured data. IRS reduces the efforts of identifying the required information from an enormous database. Legal domain is one of the major producers of complex information which consist of semi-structured and unstructured data. Knowledge based legal information systems are revolutionizing all processes involved in this domain and hence need for more effective legal knowledge management approaches are increasing. This paper proposes association rule mining as knowledge extraction technique that can be used effectively for analyzing relatedness of documents in legal domain. Through this work, authors present their efforts in analyzing similarity in legal documents from the citations done in court judgement by applying Association rule mining. International Research Publication House. -
Similarity Analysis for Citation Recommendation System using Binary Encoded Data
Citations are a crucial part of an academic dissertation, project or scientific work. The most time-consuming task for any scholar is to find suitable citations for any work. Thus, a convenient citation recommendation system provides completeness and fulfillment for citing the giants' works. Moreover, attaining high quality for any citation recommendation system is challenging as it should not only recommend relevant papers but also should match the context of the paper. An advanced algorithm SABED (Similarity Analysis using Binary Encoded Data) has been proposed that converts text metadata of the article like author name, doi of the paper, keywords, abstract and content of the paper into the binary format and is fired into the database. The binary formatted query fired fetches the accurate matches thereby increasing the accuracy of search probability and similarity analysis. This similarity analysis can be further used to provide recommendations to the users. The proposed system concentrates on the similarity of the content and hence the context of the papers is not taken into consideration. 2020 IEEE. -
Silicon photonic modulators for high-speed applications-a review
[No abstract available] -
We report interstellar silicon (Si) depletion and dust-phase column densities of Si along 131 Galactic sight lines using archival observations. The data were corrected for differences in the assumed oscillator strength. This is a much larger sample than previous studies but confirms the majority of results, which state that the depletion of Si is correlated with the average density of hydrogen along the line of sight ( (H) as well as the fraction of hydrogen in molecular form ( f(H2)). We also find that the linear part of the extinction curve is independent of Si depletion. Si depletion is correlated with the bump strength (c3/RV) and the FUV curvature (c4/RV) suggesting that silicon plays a significant role in both the 2175 bump and the FUV rise. 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. -
Silenced, Scarred & Shattered: Unmasking the Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse in Select American Memoirs
The research brings to light the marginalized voices of three American women who have written about their sexual abuse in their respective memoirs Roxane Gay, Hunger: A Memoir of my Body (2017), Nikki Dubose, Washed Away: From Darkness to Light (2016) and Neesha Arter Controlled: The worst Night of my Life and its Aftermath (2015). Using these memoirs as primary data and using thematic analysis the study identified three themes which were further classified into different subthemes. Firstly, the research discovered the challenges faced by the survivors in expressing and communicating about sexual abuse due to fear and shame, the survivors do not come forward because of threats, because of rape stereotypes that permeate the society and the fear of what parents and others might think. Secondly, the research explores the various impact of trauma that is caused by sexual abuse which include shame, guilt and self blame, unworthy self, uncontrollable rage, disruption of safety and trust, isolating themselves from everyone, hostility towards body, destructive behaviours which include eating disorder from Anorexia Nervosa to Binge eating disorder, it also includes self harm and substance abuse. Thirdly, the research focuses on the recovery aspect on how the survivors learn to live with the wounds caused by sexual abuse. It focuses on how the survivors came in terms with the abuse, the conflicting feelings of forgiveness and revenge and how they sought redemption through writing their journey. 2025 Sciedu Press. All rights reserved. -
The study of children, adolescents, and media (CAM) places a special emphasis on the welfare of young audiences and the media that socially, culturally, and historically constructs their identity, knowledge, and understanding of themselves and the world around them. CAM scholars form a legion of worriers and warriors focused on making the world a better place for children to live and learn (Jordan, 2021, p. 147). This legion spans the world, embodying the three traditional realms of media studies (audience, texts, and institutions) as a microcosm of media studies (Lemish, 2015, p. 1) and crosses disciplinary, theoretical, and empirical boundaries. As such, CAM scholarship can sometimes be difficult to find since it is often located in many different disciplinary journals and books as well as in proprietary industry reports. Lemish (2019) spoke of her journey in finding a home for her childrens media research and calls for the need for deeper internationalization of CAM that can account for the variance of childrens lives and the structural forces that shape the market and content of childrens media. This special issue contributes to this vision and highlights CAM research produced outside of a Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic (WEIRD) society (Jordan & Prendella, 2019). Moreover, it allows for a space to reflect on CAM scholarship as a whole and future directions for consideration. Lets explore some of the limitations in existing childrens media research and ways in which international collaboration can help to mediate some of these concerns. (2023). All Rights Reserved. -
Significance of variable fluid properties on hybrid nanoliquid flow in a micro-annulus with quadratic convection and quadratic thermal radiation: Response surface methodology
Many engineering and manufacturing processes such as heat storage systems, nuclear power plants, and heat exchangers operate at high temperatures. The temperature gradient in these systems is significantly large so that the transport properties of the fluid are significantly influenced. In such cases considering the constant thermophysical properties for ambient liquid and adopting linear Boussinesq approximation become insignificant. Therefore, in this study, the quadratic convective flow of water-based Ag-MgO hybrid nanoliquid in a micro-annulus with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity is investigated under the temperature jump and velocity slip auxiliary conditions. The effects of quadratic Boussinesq approximation and quadratic Rosseland radiative heat are also addressed. The correlation for effective viscosity and thermal conductivity are modeled by employing the experimental work of Esfe and his collaborators (so-called Esfe Model). The nonlinear dimensionless governing equations are solved numerically using the finite difference method. Further, the sensitivity analysis using response surface methodology (RSM) is performed to enhance the understanding of heat transport behavior. The significance of various flow parameters involving in the current problem is analyzed through 2D and 3D-surface plots. This study portrays that the consequence of quadratic convection, velocity slip, and variable viscosity aspects are positively related to the growth of the momentum layer structure. The heat transport rate is found to be more dominated by quadratic radiation compared to the addition of nanoparticles and temperature variation aspect. The variable viscosity, quadratic convection, and quadratic thermal radiation mechanisms lead to higher skin friction. The thermal layer structure augments with the temperature variation aspect. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the Nusselt number to the addition of nanoparticles and quadratic radiation is always positive. 2021 Elsevier Ltd