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Growth of online social networking and artificial intelligence in digital domain
In this millennium years of technology, machinery is evolving daily. There is plethora of things being affected by this evolution. One of which is our practices of social networking which is largely veering to the internet. Internet social networking has become one of the biggest buzzwords. From a child to an old person, everyone is on these social networking sites and applications. Within the span of 5 to 10 years these so-called Internet social networking sites and applications have taken over the real social gathering or meetings. Now with single click you can buy or sell goods and services at any place and any time. People can connect to one another even when far from home. The pandemic times and demonetization are the two instances that made everyone switch to and accustomed to the aspects of social networking. In the particular research paper, the researcher will put forth how data privacy and security is one of the biggest concerns in this social networking. Secondly, the researcher will understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in Online Social networking and whether it is helpful or not. 2023 Author(s). -
Parametric analysis of control parameters for investigating the machinability of inconel 718 using ceramic inserts of round type
Inconel 718 is a nickel-chromium based super alloy and has high corrosion and thermal resistance, high hardness, and high thermal strength at elevated temperatures which makes it difficult to cut. Due to these mechanical properties, it is being used in toughest conditions and hence the tool life is extremely short. This hard to cut metallic alloy has a wide scope in the field of bio medical industry, aerospace industry, bearing industry, steam turbine and nuclear applications and the demand has rapidly been increased in the recent years. Ceramic insert is one such cutting tool being used in the machining of this metal and study is still being conducted to increase the machinability. This paper investigates the machinability characteristics for determining the machinability of Inconel 718 using ceramic insert based on Grey Relation Analysis (GRA) and signal to noise (S/N) ratio. The input parameters such as feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut are taken into consideration to obtain the suitable response parameters such as minimal surface roughness and low tool wear rate to improvise the machining characteristics of this superalloy. Ceramic inserts had even been cryogenic treated to provide better machining conditions on the Inconel 718. 2023 Author(s). -
Blockchain Technology: Applications and Challenges in Computer Science
In the growth of computer science blockchain technology has emerged as a disruptive force that is enhancing various area of software and the way data is managed, stored, and safeguarded. This essay offers a thorough examination of the uses and difficulties of blockchain technology in computer science. In this essay, blockchain technology has shown itself to be a game-changing innovation with numerous computer science applications. It has the enormous potential to completely transform sectors including finance, supply chain management, healthcare, voting systems, and IoT devices. The software technology is completely achieved with blockchain technology and the main security issue is solved with energy use and scalability. The new opportunities are examined and addressed with this innovation sector for creating effective solutions. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
A Study of Financialization of Commodity Markets in India
For numerous financial institutions, Commodity Futures (CF) has emerged as a widespread asset class since the 2000s. From 2000 to 2010, the estimation of the number of commodity index traders quadrupled, also, the number of hedge funds tripled. Recently, it has been noticed that in India, there occurs a vast inflow of investment toward the CF. Simultaneously, there occurs a problem of extremely higher prices along with volatility in commodity prices in India. However, studies on the financialization of the Commodity Market (CM) in India are not sufficient. This study was presented for analyzing the role of the financialization of CMs in India. Analyzing the association betweenCMs and equities markets in India is the major intention behind this study. Here, the Indian- MCX of India, the NSE of India, and the S&P500 Index are the sources from where the data has been gleaned. The outcome has been evaluated by utilizing a vector autoregression. The output demonstrated that no positive interdependence was exhibited by the correlation betwixt MCX Comdex returns and CNX Nifty. Consequently, a higher percentage of the mean value was attained by the commodity of daily returns of metal of commodity of agriculture. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Cryptography: Advances in Secure Communication and Data Protection
In the innovative work secure communication and data protection are being main field, which are emerged by cryptography as a fundamental pillar. Strong cryptographic methods are now essential given the rising reliance on digital technologies and the threats posed by bad actors. This abstract examines the evolution of secure communication protocols and data protection techniques as it relates to the advancements in cryptography. The development of post-quantum cryptography is the most notable development in cryptography discussed in this study. As quantum computers become more powerful, they pose a serious threat to traditional cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and ECC. Designing algorithms that are immune to attacks from quantum computers is the goal of post-quantum cryptography. Lattice-based, code-based, and multivariate-based cryptography are only a few of the methods that have been investigated in this context. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Bronchop Neumonia Detection Using Novel Multilevel Deep Neural Network Schema
Pneumonia is a dangerous disease that can occur in one or both lungs and is usually caused by a virus, fungus or bacteria. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of pneumonia in children. With the development of pneumonia, it can be divided into four stages: congestion, red liver, gray liver and regression. In our work, we employ the most powerful tools and techniques such as VGG16, an object recognition and classification algorithm that can classify 1000 images in 1000 different groups with 92.7% accuracy. It is one of the popular algorithms designed for image classification and simple to use by means of transfer learning. Transfer learning (TL) is a technique in deep learning that spotlight on pre-learning the neural network and storing the knowledge gained while solving a problem and applying it to new and different information. In our work, the information gained by learning about 1000 different groups on Image Net can be used and strive to identify diseases. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Skewed Food Policies, Distorted Inter-crop Parity, and Nutri-cereal Farmers - An Empirical Analysis
Farmer profitability, cost of food production, and associated issues of nutri-cereals are analysed by leveraging a large database spanning a 35-year period. The skewed food policies being followed in India are highlighted here. An unacceptably high distortion in inter-crop parity was found, which led to loss of profitability, increased costs, and lower prices for the nutri-cereals. The policymakers must take corrective measures in several aspects, including technologies, prices, input provision, processing, storage, and distributional policies to promote the production and consumption of nutri-cereals in India. 2023 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
Some results on b-chromatic topological indices of some graphs
Graph coloring is assigning weights, integers, or colors to edges, vertices, or both in a graph subject to certain conditions. Proper coloring C of graph G refers to assigning weights, integers, or colors to the vertices, edges, or both so that adjacent vertices or adjacent edges get a different color. A b-coloring follows proper vertex coloring with subject to an additional property that each color class should have at least one vertex with a neighbor in all the other color classes. The notion of Chromatic Zagreb index and irregularity index was introduced recently. This paper introduces the concept of b-Chromatic Zagreb indices and b-Chromatic irregularity indices. Also, we compute these indices for certain standard classes of graphs. 2023 Author(s). -
Irreducible tensor approach to study ? + d ? d + ? 0
The study of photoproduction of mesons plays an important role in understanding the properties of strong interactions. Pion photoproduction on deuterons has been studied theoretically for several decades. At the VEPP - 3 storage rings, tensor analysing powers in ? + d ? d + ?0 have recently been measured. In light of these advances, we suggest adopting an irreducible tensor technique to explore the reaction ? + d ? d + ?0 at close to threshold energies. Our method, which is model-independent, works well for predictions regarding spin observables. By describing the differential cross section in terms of multipole amplitudes, the angular dependence of the cross section will be studied. 2023 Author(s). -
Distance based properties of the semi splitting block graph of graph
The bounds on the radius and diameter of the semi splitting block graph (SB(G)) of graphs are investigated. The diametral paths and self-centeredness of semi splitting block graph of any connected graph are analyzed. The graphs where the diameter of G and SB(G) are the same are characterized and the number of blocks in the diametral path of such graphs is analyzed. 2023 Author(s). -
Deep learning for intelligent transportation: A method to detect traffic violation
Smart transportation is being envisaged as an important parameter in building smart cities. Although conceptualized to have major advantages, lack of intelligent systems makes more vulnerable for disasters. The number of fatality due to road accident has increased up to 12% in 2022 as that of previous year says the WHO report. There are large number of new vehicles plying on roads which makes space constraint for the commuters. This makes a large number of traffic violations happening in urban areas. The smart cities insist and tries to adopt AI based methods for identifying traffic violations. Computer Vision are predominant solution in detecting traffic violation. This paper proposes a Deep learning method using famous YOLOV technique for object detection for effectively determining the traffic violation. The violations such as signal cross are concentrated in this research. The experimental results prove that the proposed technique has 95.1% of classification accuracy in detecting signal crosses. 2023 Author(s). -
Early strength of concrete amended with waste foundry sand - A potential for early open to traffic (EOT) pavements
The most predominant and widely practiced methods for waste disposal are Landfill, Incineration, and composting. There is a scarcity of land for waste disposal and because of increasing land cost, recycling and utilization of industrial by-products and waste materials has become an attractive proposition to waste disposal. There are several types of industrial by-products and waste materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not only decreases the overall cost of construction but also helps in reducing disposal concerns. One such industrial by-product is waste foundry sand (WFS). The annual production is about 3 million tons from different industries in India. In the metal casting process, foundry industries dispose of huge quantities of waste sand into landfills, causing a harmful impact on the environment. The silica-based spent foundry sands from iron, steel, and aluminum foundries are evaluated in the risk assessment. This paper mainly focuses on achieving concrete for EOT (Early Open to Traffic) rigid pavements with WFS along with the use of accelerator and super-plasticizer. Effects of WFS on concrete properties such as compressive strength and split tensile strength are presented. Two types of mix proportions were investigated in this study. FDOT (Florida Department of transportation) and IRC (Indian Road Congress) recommendations were adopted for mix proportions using 5% & 10% of WFS replaced partially for M-Sand. 1-day compressive strength for FDOT mix with 10% WFS was 30MPa & for IRC mix with 10%, WFS was 20?MPa. The 3-days strength for mixtures with 10% WFS was 45MPa & 47MPa for FDOT & IRC mix proportions, respectively. Though the strength decreased with the inclusion of WFS, the 1-day and 3-days strength achieved for mixtures with 10% WFS surpassed the minimum strength requirements as per the slab replacement guidelines. Normally the pavement will be open to traffic after three to four days of laying asphalt, this method of using foundry sand enables the pavements to be open to traffic inless than a day. 2023 Author(s). -
Environmental hazards and disasters - A response towards mitigating disaster management
In today's world, our entire planet is under tremendous strain from various natural catastrophic events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, drastic weather changes, hurricanes, global warming, diminishing of glaciers, occurrences of landslides, etc. Such a difficult situation is encountered due to the overhasty extraction of non-renewable natural resources of our planet and the growing rate of presence of humans in the world. It affects the environment to a great extent. Such ventures lead the entire globe towards disastrous events which are irreversible and prepare us to face the worst situation. Hence, the policymakers should develop sophisticated policies focused on advanced disaster management technologies and adopt new methodologies. Several integrated research on disaster prevention programs is already being conducted, even though continuous exploration in this field aligned with all possible consequences is very important. The conclusions and suggestions from research papers will be carefully analyzed to drive the most effective approach to handling such atrocious situations. 2023 Author(s). -
A LSTM based model for stock price analysis and prediction
The share market in India is exceedingly unpredictable and volatile, with an infinite range of factors regulating the share market's orientations and tendencies; hence, forecasting the upswing and downturn is a difficult procedure. Because of several essential aspects, the principles of share market have always been unclear for shareholders. This study aims to significantly reduce the likelihood of analysis and forecasting with Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) model approach that is both resilient yet easy is still suggested. LSTM is a complete Learning Model that is a Predictive Method. Conversely, advancements in technology have opened the way for more efficient and precise share market forecasting in current times. Using the provided historical data sets, the results showed that the LSTM model has considerable potential for forecasting. 2023 Author(s). -
Talent retention, job involvement satisfaction, and commitment towards the organization in the IT sector
Even if there is presently much need for improvement, the information technology (IT) sector plays a key role in the nation's financial development. With enormous growth potential, India's IT sector is up against fierce competition. Numerous participants are competing with one another for resources and jobs inside the company. The direction of events and the manageability of the IT industry depend on capable employees and their responsibilities and participation. Additionally, there is a grouping of the representatives who possess the capacity. Between duty and association and ability maintenance, work fulfilment plays a crucial guiding role. The goal of the current study is to comprehend the effects of talent retention, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in the IT industry. In this research, we looked at the variables factor analysis. In Bangalore, we chose to survey workers in the IT industry. To understand the results of Talent Retention, Job Involvement, and Commitment for IT Sector Employees, we collected the data using a questionnaire (Likert-scale), which we then analyzed using spss26. 2023 Author(s). -
Mapping of built-up area and change detection in bengaluru using semi-automatic classification
Built-up areas are ever-increasing in nature to cater to the growing population's needs due to the migration of people to urban areas. Indian cities are under stress due to unplanned developmental activities. Land use and the land cover pattern are critical to maintaining the balance of various resources. In this study, Spatio-temporal changes have been mapped from 1989 to 2022 for the Bengaluru urban region. Geospatial techniques have been adopted to map land use, land cover changes and urban growth. Passive remote sensing data sets, which are freely available, were used in this study. QGIS and ESRI's ArcGIS software packages analysed the satellite images. Vegetation indices such as the Normalised vegetation index (NDVI), Normalised Difference Water index (NDWI), and Normalised difference Built-up index (NDBI) have been used along with supervised and unsupervised classification techniques. Images were classified into water bodies, vegetation, built-up area and others. It has been observed that there is an increase in the built-up area decrease in vegetation and water bodies. As per this study, policymakers and society need to consider the conservation of natural resources and developmental activities for sustainable development. 2023 Author(s). -
Urban coastal resilience - An assessment
Increase in the urban area leads to the increase of impervious surfaces which is stressing urban watershed balance resulting in issues like urban flooding in cities around the world. Coastal urban areas experience the pressures of a higher water table which contributes to the rising urban flooding issues of the area. Urban resilience as a concept was developed in cities across the world which includes multiple strategies to cope with the impacts of climate change in cities by integrating engineering and ecological measures. Urban resilience for urban flooding aims to achieve the water balance of an area by balancing the increase of impervious surfaces using ample green and grey infrastructure. This paper aims to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of urban resilience measures implemented in coastal cities worldwide. 2023 Author(s). -
Prediction of Friction Stir Welding Parameters Using Response Surface Methodology
The Friction Stir Welding (FSW) technique results in mixing and densification of weld joint in a more accurate and localized manner. FSW has been used to create a more significant weld with more structural integrity. In this research work, to join AA 3103 and AA 7075 was carried out. These alloys were preferred due to their wide variety of applications varying from aluminium fabrication to the aerospace industry. AA 7075, being a costlier metal, can be partially replaced with AA 3103, which can be economically justifiable for this research. The study tries to reveal the regression model by considering the FSW parameters like speed feed and offset. Various mechanical tests, impact tests and hardness tests were used for determining the most suitable weld joint. After conducting the tests, the results were analyzed using Minitab 18 software. The mathematical equations were derived out of Response Surface Methodology, which proved to be efficient. The report thus discusses the details in the analysis and study of FSW. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Application of smart manufacturing in business
The application of machine learning to production is becoming a chief objective for businesses all around the world. Smart product-service systems enable digital business model innovation by merging digitized product and service components. The life cycle that comes with the realization of customer value is a critical component of these industrial solutions and manufacturing industry is undergoing significant changes as a result of digitalization and automation. As a result, smart services, or digital services that generate value from product data, are gaining popularity. Customers may now contribute in greater numbers in product design during the design process. Giving more people access, on the other hand, increases the security vulnerabilities associated with cloud manufacturing. Smart Manufacturing is one of the technology-driven approach to manufacturing that uses network-connected machines to monitor the process. Smart manufacturing has the ability to be used in a variety of ways, including putting sensors in manufacturing machines and collecting data on their operating state and performance. Thus, the main purpose here is to find ways to improve and automate production performance. This conceptual paper attempts to give a view of how a smart intelligence system may be used in business and how individuals and organizations can produce value. 2023 Author(s). -
The future of urban life: The technological and humanistic dimensions of cognitive cities
A smart city implies realising sustainable city growth enabled by technology-based intelligent solutions to give its citizens a good quality of life. Information and communication technologies play a crucial role as the nerve centre of the smart city for collecting and analysing data from various sources, like mobile, social media, and sensors. The Internet of things (IoT) and big data (BD) also play a critical role in smart city infrastructures, changing how we analyse patterns and trends in human behaviour. Smart cities generate massive amounts of data and therefore need many flexible ways to process data and implement solutions. Recently, cognitive analytics have attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners worldwide as a technology-based innovative solution. It is a novel approach to information discovery and decision-making which uses multiple intelligent technologies such as statistical machine learning, deep learning, distributed artificial intelligence, natural language processing and visual pattern recognition to understand data and generate insights. A cognitive smart city refers to the convergence of emerging IoT and smart city technologies to realise cyber-physical social systems, their generated big data from sensing to communication and computing, and artificial intelligence techniques for all aspects of collaborative computing in sensors, actuators and human-machine interfaces. The field of humanities typically approaches the concept of cognitive cities from a cultural, philosophical, and humanistic perspective. Humanities scholars examine how cities shape our thoughts, beliefs, values, and experiences and how they impact our collective memory and identity. They consider the role of cities as sites of cultural production and consumption and explore the social and political implications of urbanisation and technological advancement. This paper aims to highlight the connection between technology and the humanities in the context of cognitive cities. The paper will explore the technological aspects of cognitive cities and their cultural, humanistic, and philosophical implications. 2023 Author(s).