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Graph theory in security, utility, aesthetics and affordability
The theory of Domination in graphs is used in security systems. Landscaping uses planarity and crossing number. In layout designs, hamiltoincity is regulalry used. Edge-weighted graphs and Max-Flow Min-Cut models are also discussed in this paper. 2023 Author(s). -
Impact of green bonds issuance on stock prices - Evidence from India
Today, with the increasing global warming, many companies are trying to adopt sustainable ways of producing the product and preserve the atmosphere. A green bond is one such financial tool that helps companies to raise the funds for social and eco-friendly projects. Keeping this in view and the Indian market emerging as the second-largest bond market in terms of green bond issuance; this paper aims to identify the impact on stock prices due to the issuance of green bonds by the companies. We conduct an event study to understand how the stock prices are subject to volatility due to green bond issuance during the period 2018-2021. The data is collected from secondary sources like Economic Times, Business Standard, Climate Bond Initiative, and the BSE website. The event window is assumed to be [-30,30], [-15, 15] and [-7, 7] days. Using Cumulative Average Abnormal returns and t-tests we understand the volatility of stock prices due to green bond issuance. The empirical results show that green bonds have a short-term impact on stock prices. Overall, the study can be a great input for the investors to understand the behavior of stocks due to the issuance of green bonds. 2023 Author(s). -
Addressing challenges and opportunities in enhancing water quality for irrigation
The rapidly changing quality of irrigation water is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed in order to understand and predict the long-term effects on soils and crops in a world that is facing increasing water stress. The use of irrigation in agriculture is becoming increasingly reliant on sources of water that are poorly understood and largely unmonitored. This trend has led to a decline in water and soil quality in many areas. While soil salinization and reduced crop productivity have traditionally been the main concerns when it comes to the quality of irrigation water, there is now evidence that geogenic contaminants, such as trace elements and an increase in the use of wastewater, are also affecting irrigation water quality. The ability to measure extremely small concentrations of biologically-active organic contaminants, including plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and steroid hormones, in various irrigation water sources allows us to evaluate their uptake and occurrence in crops. However, it does not address questions related to food safety or the potential health effects on humans. Additionally, natural and synthetic nanoparticles are now known to be present in many water sources, which may alter plant growth and impact food standards. 2023 Author(s). -
Identification of the Functional Limitation of Marine Loading or Unloading Arm; A Case Study
Marine loading or unloading arms are used to transfer product from tanker vessels that often carries products like petroleum or chemicals from or to the tankers. Cochin Port has dedicated Tanker jetties for handling petroleum with Marine Loading Arms installed for safe handling of cargo. However, my studies in Cochin Port Trust have shown that it has a potential threat to tackle while it is taken for the maintenance process. The case study aids in understanding of the working of marine unloading arm installed in the port and to identify the functional or safety limitations of the existing model installed. This case study also proves that a small change in the design can bring about a big change in the safety of the people working with the equipment. The identified parameters have been studied for providing the necessary alterations of the design which could be implemented on the upcoming project of constructing the marine unloading arm in Cochin Port Trust. To support faster and safety loading/unloading requirement these hydraulically operated marine loading arms are fitted with emergency release couplings and emergency release system. Marine Loading Arms are operated by using the hydraulic system. During maintenance procedure while checking the Emergency Release System (ERS) functionality, accidental release of Emergency release coupling can cause fatality. Hence a fool proof design is suggested with an extra locking arrangement. The studies conducted till now and the reviews conducted contributed in the analysis of the development and validation of the design. A design of a locking machanism for preventing the fatality is created and analysed for suggesting it to the industry so that it could be incorperated in the upcoming project of constructing the marine loading and unloading arm. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Experimental investigation of boundary shear stress in meandering channels
Laboratory experimentation for bed shear stress distribution has been carried out in two sets of meandering channels. The channels have cross-over angles of 110 and 60 constructed by 'sine-generated' curves over a flume of 4?m width. Variations in bed roughness were studied for the meandering main channel. Bed shear stress distribution across a meandering length for the 110 and 60 channels was examined for different sinuosities and roughnesses. The boundary shear stress study illustrated the position of maximum shear along the apex section and across the meandering path. These variations were observed for different flow depths. A comparison of the bed shear among the three experimental channels was conducted, and the results were analyzed. 2023 Author(s). -
Structural analysis of log periodic and monopole antennas considering cyclonic, interference effects
The Broadband High Frequency (HF) Transmit and Receive Antenna System are used as Surface Waveover the Horizon Radars (SWOTHR) for surveillance application. HF Transmit & Receive antenna systemconsists of transmit antenna and receive antenna array operating in HF band 2 to 30?MHz, which have tobe installed near sea shore. The antennas are of Monopole and Log periodic Dipole wire mesh antenna (LPDA). The height of Monopole and LPDA depends on wavelength ? of antenna. For HF band, the height range of receive is from 5 to 25m and transmit is from 10m to 100m. In this study, 10m high monopole for receive and 55m high 60m long Log periodic antenna for transmit are considered. Structural analysis and design of these antennas is critical due to installation at sea coasts. Based on the application, receive antennas are designed as array type consisting of 64 numbers monopoles as 32 doublet's and transmit antennas are 2 numbers of LPDA. If the same height structures installed side by side as an array, wind interference is caused by the obstruction caused by a structure in the path of wind. The antennas are installing on sea coast subjected to cyclonic storms. Dynamic effect of cyclonic and interference of wind is studied. Wind loads are calculated as per IS: 875 part 3:2015. Antennas are analyzed using FEM software STAAD Pro Advanced Connect Edition. Both antennas are analyzedfor self-weight, wind loads considering cyclonic and interference factors. Natural frequency of structure is determined using modal analysis to examine the problems of wind induced oscillations and dynamic effects of wind. 2023 Author(s). -
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms to Predict Crop Production
Agriculture is a field that plays an essential part in strengthening a country's economy, especially in agrarian countries like India, where agriculture and crop productivity play a large role in the economy. The research focuses on comparing machine learning and Deep learning algorithms in predicting total crop yield production. The parameters considered for the study are State name, District name, Year, Season, Crop, Area and Production. The dataset is resourced from the website. Random forest from Machine Learning and Sequential model from Deep learning are compared, and the performance metric considered for the study is R2 score. The objective is to assess how well the independent variable predicts the variance in the dependent variable. Random Forest algorithm achieved an R2 score of 0.89, whereas Deep Learning Sequential algorithm gave an R2 score of 0.29. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Bubble or Future in the World of Block Chain Technology
The introduction of blockchain technology entering into human existence, which is a reinforcement of the cryptocurrency space, is both a concern and an opportunity. The main motivation underlying such an invention is conditional transparency and the unmatched ability to protect people against data destruction. The collecting drive of NFTs is profitable and also has sparked curiosity, with everyone vying for the first piece of the package, increasing the future Value of an NFT, as it is a very new topic about NFT using block-chain technology. It is something quite about a flurry of blockchain technological stories that leave us wondering. In this research paper, we explained the new emerging Non-Fungible Token (NFT), its uses, and implications. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Leveraging Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Business Operations and its Future Perspective
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is used to automate the business process operations including its capabilities to mimic the routine tasks, which requires less human intervention. RPA has seen crucial take-up practically throughout the last few years because of its capacity to reduce expenses and quickly associate heritage applications. Fundamentally RPA would perform automated tasks much like as an individual to accomplish objectives productively and adequately. This article analyses the features in current business conditions to comprehend the movement of RPA and automated interaction has carried to substitute the businesses with automated tasks. RPA is an innovative technology which utilizes software programming to execute enormous capacity assignments that are routine and time-consuming in the business cycle. RPA streamlines by playing out those undertakings proficiently as it reduces cost and saves assets of an association as programming works till the finishing of the assignment. This study aligns with the descriptive approach and leveraging Robotic Process Automation into business operations. This article also addresses the different players in the RPA Technological segment. This study also discussed and suggested selecting RPA Vendors in a future perspective. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
FOPID controller tuning: A comparative study of optimization techniques for an automatic voltage regulator
This study evaluated a fractional order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID) controller optimization with a fractional filter for an automated voltage regulator (AVR) system. For the suggested controller, a variety of different parameters can be changed. For the purpose of creating the optimum PID controller for an automated voltage regulator system, comparative analysis using multiple optimization methodologies is carried out. The Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA), Ant Lion Optimization (ALO), and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) are the techniques that are being examined in this study. The settling time, rising time, and overshoot performance indices is being used. The transient responsiveness of the AVR system was increased by each of the recommended optimization techniques in a different way, and early results were optimistic. The comparison with the most ideally tuned FOPID controllers for the AVR system also serves to support the superiority of the suggested controller. 2023 Author(s). -
Artificial Intelligence & Automation: Opportunities and Challenges
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation innovation are growing at a steady rate that are changing organizations and bringing efficiency and adding to the economic development. The utilization of AI and robotization will likewise help improve different areas from wellbeing to horticulture. Furthermore, utilizing Automation and Artificial Intelligence would, follow the schedule, transform the idea of work and the working environment itself. For sure, machines will actually do large numbers of the undertakings typically done by people, just as supplement manual work and play out certain errands that an individual wouldn't have the option to do. Consequently, AI and mechanization have a great deal to bring to organizations and enterprises worldwide. This research paper comes up with a rundown through the blooming of Artificial Intelligence and Automation. We explored the existing potentiality of cognitive emerging technologies. This paper outlines the discussion about artificial intelligence and automation technologies and an overview of the applications. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
An Investigation to the Hardness of the Cutting Tool During Machining Inconel 718 due to the Cryogenic Effect
The machining of superalloy Inconel 718 has seen a rapid demand in industries due to the superiority factor of its composition which makes it corrosion resistant, wear resistant and abrasive resistant. Due to these advanced features of this alloy, the cutting tool to be used to machine becomes a challenging one. There have been several cutting tools being used in the machine but wear of the tool and high surface roughness has been observed. Two cutting tools Tungsten Carbide RYMX 1004-ML TT3540 and Ceramic AS20 has been identified but the hardness on it is failed due to the machining conditions. The cryogenic treatment of these tools can see a remarkable change in machining and bring low surface roughness and reduce tool wear. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Can Artificial Intelligence Accelerate and Improve New Product Development
Today, AI have successfully set up a good foundation in a broad scope of business processes. Associations including AI for product headway processes have uncovered more huge yields on hypotheses, better viability in their cycles, and effective utilization of resources. A sensible headway framework is paramount for capable product development, especially for complex endeavours. AI thinking is in like manner improving new product development. AI is probably going to experience clients in numerous areas. New yield evolution as in collaboration utilizes its capital and capacities to make another item or work on a current one. Product development is viewed as one among the fundamental cycles for progress, endurance, and recharging of associations, especially for firms in, by the same token, quick-moving or cutthroat business sectors. AI assists people's lives by expanding connections creating and multiplying items that can work with individuals' daily exercises in quite a large number of areas. Consequently, the impact of involving Artificial Intelligence for new developments is to induce things simpler. This paper attempts to outline the acceleration of new product development with the help of artificial intelligence technology. This study addressed the tailored AI in product improvement and product development transformation. Lastly, this article points out how AI accelerates product development and future outlook. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
An Novel Cutting Edge ANN Machine Learning Algorithm for Sepsis Early Prediction and Diagnosis
Early detection and diagnosis of sepsis can significantly improve patient outcomes, but current diagnostic methods are limited. The problem addressed in this paper is the early detection and diagnosis of sepsis using machine learning algorithms. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can rapidly progress and cause organ failure, leading to increased mortality rates. Early detection and treatment of sepsis are critical for improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. However, sepsis can be challenging to diagnose, and existing methods have limitations in terms of accuracy and timeliness This research proposes a new cutting-edge Optimized Artificial Neural Network machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis. The proposed algorithm combines different data sources, including patient vital signs, laboratory results, and clinical notes, to predict the likelihood of sepsis development. The algorithm was evaluated on a large dataset of patient records and achieved promising results in terms of accuracy, Precision and Recall. The proposed algorithm can potentially serve as a valuable tool for clinicians in the early detection and diagnosis of sepsis, leading to better patient outcomes. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
A Review on Recent Scheduling Algorithms in the Cloud Environment
Cloud users and service providers are the leading players in the cloud computing environment. This environment comprises data centers, hosts, agents and virtual machines. The cloud users application of varied loads is leased on the providers resources. Scientific applications are large-scale complex workflow problems that demand more computing power. The cloud fulfills the workflow requirements of huge availability and increased computational power. One of the most crucial issues of cloud computing is scheduling tasks for the systems effective functioning. This paper reviews several existing task-scheduling techniques based on diverse metrics. This work will help the investigators to gain a better understanding of task scheduling techniques. In order to boost an algorithms performance, a few strategies are offered. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
An Interrogation of Android Application-Based Privilege Escalation Attacks
Android is among the most widely used operating systems among consumers. The standard security model must address several dangers while still being usable by non-security users due to the wide range of use cases, including access to cameras and microphones and use cases for sharing information, entertainment, business, and health. The Android operating system has taken smartphone technology to peoples front doors. Thanks to recent technological developments, people from all walks of life can now access it. However, the popularity of the Android platform has exacerbated the growth of cybercrime via mobile devices. The open-source nature of its operating system has made it a target for hackers. This research paper examines the comparative study of the Android Security domain in-depth, classifying the attacks on the Android device. The study covers various threats and security measures linked to these kinds and thoroughly examines the fundamental problems in the Android security field. This work compares and contrasts several malware detection techniques regarding their methods and constraints. Researchers will utilize the information to comprehensively understand Android security from various perspectives, enabling them to develop a more complete, trustworthy, and beneficial response to Androids vulnerabilities. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Supply Chain Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a buzzword everywhere in every domain, as it is an emerging technology in all business sectors. It is essential for achieving productivity, business benefits, less human efforts in the required business sectors instead of a large workforce and many more artificial intelligence applications that are scaling up with large scale business sectors. AI capacity to identify the trade patterns, the study's business occurrence, and analyze the information. AI is necessary for today's life and as well as for upcoming generations. Artificial intelligence helps to resolve the most complex problems and difficult situations where humans have not achieved so far, as it is the artificial brainpower of humans. We have seen technological changes happening faster and progressively by AI. The supply chain vastly gained from interest and investments in AI. The digital supply chain initiation, a shift in manufacturing is up and running. Advantageous supply chain management is essential in business sectors, customers, and governments. A combination of Artificial intelligence and supply chain management is put together in making decisions. This article will discuss the overview of AI advancements in supply chain management end-to-end processes. We also reviewed the supply chain operations using AI. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Artificial Intelligence in Fostering Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is vital to mankind. The world is finding a growing effort of Artificial Intelligence (AI) towards sustainability, and we made an attempt to address the development in sustainability using AI systems. Sustainable development has three pillars of sustainability (i.e. social, economic, environment), and as such, the pillars of sustainable AI. The entire Life cycle of AI products can foster change in the movement of sustainability from which greater integrity and social justice can be achieved. Sustainable AI helps us to address the whole socio-technical system more than AI applications. This paper tried to address the positive impacts of AI on sustainable indicators in terms of Environmental, Societal and Economy factors. This paper is prepared to make readers, policymakers, AI ethicists and AI developers to inspire and connect with the environment for the current and future generations as there are few AI costs to be made compatible with the environment. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
The Interplay Between Artificial Intelligence and Operations Management
Artificial intelligence incorporated into machines utilizes capacities to work and replaces people. Knowledge is the method of assembling empowered machines that can mirror human tasks as unique. With digitalization, organizations are remodifying their enterprises and making new business possibilities. Because of AI innovation, organizations change their dynamic cycles and systems and everyday tasks to accomplish the upper hand. An impressive development in the utilization of AI for activities, the board, is fully intent on observing answers for issues that are expanding in intricacy and scale. With the turn of growth and advancement of data innovation, competitiveness has become increasingly more in-depth worldwide. The AI has its own explanations behind examining and settling the sorts of issues that prompted a critical measure of exploration along with the conventional operational research discipline. Many organizations have estimated the fate of operations management. This paper lines with a descriptive research study highlighting the importance of process operations. This paper gives insights about AI technology into operations management and suggests selecting process technology and deploying AI into operations management. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Anonymization Based Deep Privacy Preserving Convolutional Autoencoder Learning Technique for High Dimensional Data Clustering in Big Data Cloud
Data Clustering is a primary research focus in large data-driven application domains in the big data cloud as performance of the clustering dynamic data with high dimensionality is highly challenging due to major concern in the effectiveness and efficiency on data representation. Machine learning is a conventional approach to distribute the data into soft partition still it leads to increasing sparsity of data and increasing difficulties in distinguishing distance between data points. In addition, securing the personnel and confidential information of the user is also becoming vital. In order to tackle those issues, a new anonymization based deep privacy preserving learning paradigm has been presented in this paper. The proposed model is represented as deep privacy preserving convolutional auto encoder learning architecture for secure high dimensional data clustering on inferring the distribution of the data over time. Initially dimensionality reduction and feature extraction is carried out and those extracted feature has been taken for clustering on generation of objective function to produce maximum margin cluster. Those clusters are further fine tuned to feature refinement on the hyper parameter of various layers of deep learning model network to establish the minimum reconstruction error by feature refinement. Softmax layer minimizes the intra cluster similarity and inter cluster variation in the feature space for cluster assignment. Hyper parameter tuning using stochastic gradient descent has been enabled in the output layer to make the data instance in the cluster to be close to each other by determining the affinity of the data on new representation. It results significant increase in the clustering performance on the discriminative informations. Detailed experimental analysis has been performed on benchmarks datasets to compute the proposed model performance with conventional approaches. The performance outcome represents that anonymization based deep privacy preserving clustering learning architecture can produce good scalability and effectiveness on high dimensional data. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.