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Prognosis of kidney disease on ultrasound images using machine learning
Kidney diseases can affect the ability to clean the blood, filter extra water out of your blood. The kidneys failure will affect the control over blood pressure and sugar level. It can also affect red blood cell production and vitamin D metabolism which is very important for bone health. When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in the body. This is harmful to the health. This damages the kidney function, can get worse over time, and when the kidneys stop working completely, this is called kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. Not all patients with kidney disease progress to kidney failure. This disease has emerged as one of the most prominent reasons of death and suffering in this century. Recent studies states that, kidney disease affects most of the population and over two million people require kidney replacement. To help prevent Chronic Kidney Diseases and lower the risk for kidney failure, control risk factors for CKD, get tested yearly, make lifestyle changes, take medicine as needed. The detection of kidney abnormalities at their early stages helps to avoid the impairment of newlinekidney. The US imaging is considered as preliminary diagnostic tool in finding various kidney diseases in the clinical imaging field. This is one of the commonly used imaging modalities due to the inexpensiveness and non-ionization nature. The presence of noise in US images, degrade newlinethe quality and clarity of the images. Also, the heterogeneous structure of kidney, makes it very difficult to detect and measure the size of stones and cysts. Hence, an automatic kidney disease detection system is highly in demand. The proposed model can assist the radiologist in accurate abnormality detection. The proposed model includes different phases such as, pre-processing, features extraction, classification and newlinesegmentation. The pre-processing phase include cropping and noise removal. Further, the GLCM and intensity-based features are extracted for the classification of abnormal kidney images.
Subjectivity analysis using social opinion mining on stress and strain during covid 19 pandemic
The psychological health of several people across the globe has been under great risk newlineas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the entire world. The ubiquitous newlinepandemic had created a tectonic shift in everyone s life. The lives of people have newlineundergone a severe transition with strict measures like lockdown and social distancing newlineimposed by governments of several countries to stop the spread of the viral infections. newlineCoping through the adverse situation has been quite onerous causing stress among the people. The transition from normal life to a life filled with several restrictions has newlinebeen stressful and strenuous. A state of emotionally or physically being tensed can be newlineconsidered as stress. Stress can cause frustration, depression, nervousness and other mental health issues. Stress also leads to strain. Social media networking sites like newlineX(Earlier Twitter) and Facebook have emerged to become popular. During the times of lockdown and social distancing the social media networking sites have been a great newlineplatform for expressing opinions, exchange of ideas and thoughts. People have expressed their stressful situations and coping mechanisms through tweets , Facebook newlineposts and several other social media sites during the pandemic. The underlying stress newlineand strain of a person can be analyzed through the posts shared by the person through the social media sites. Early detection of the prevalence of the stress and strain is important, as medical help can be sought quickly and the person affected can be back to normalcy. Subjectivity analysis is the study that deals with analyzing the emotions, feelings, attitudes and polarity of opinions considering any subject matter. newlineThe present research focuses on subjectivity analysis through social opinion mining newlineduring the COVID-19 pandemic. Social opinion mining incorporates Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics that identifies the subjectivity across the posts of social media.
Optimal benchmarking of quality of service and quality of experience metrics for telecom service providers using a slack based measure in data envelopment analysis
With new devices and new network technologies coming up, it has become an inevitable task to provide services of a minimum quality. Setting feasible Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is the need of the hour. This, being a part of network provisioning and providing the best possible Quality of Service (QoS) is very vital and helps improve user perceived quality or the Quality of Experience (QoE). QoE evaluation helps Internet Service Providers (ISPs) understand their user satisfaction better and this goes hand in hand with providing adequate network QoS. Moreover, in this era of competition, the ISPs themselves will have to be evaluated based on their QoE and QoS metrics to know their true position in the market in terms of performance against their peers/competitors. This evaluation is usually done on a per-metric basis. However, we see from current performance data that all the ISPs fare well on some metrics and need improvement in the others. It is a fact that no ISP fares bad on all given metrics and leads to an understanding that per-metric based evaluation may be a biased form of newlineevaluating performance. Hence, this research has attempted to use an intelligent, robust newlinemathematical technique called the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with its Slack newlineBased Measure (SBM) approach. DEA is a proven, tested and tried technique that is in newlineuse in major industries even today. Being a multiple criterion evaluation methodology newlinebased on linear programming, it works well on multiple outputs and multiple inputs. DEA gives the overall, relative efficiency of the ISPs which gives us the true position of the provider against its peers. The Slack Based Measure provides the Output Slacks that show the potential improvement that the lagging ISPs can make to be in par with their peers/competitors. The Output targets that are provided by the technique can be used as benchmarks for SLAs.
An experimental study on improving speaking skills through the integration of existential intelligence for post graduate learners of business studies
"Within the field of ESP, the constrained access to discipline-specific materials has intensified the demand, emphasizing an acute necessity for refining speaking skills,
particularly in conversational contexts. This reflects an evolving paradigm, emphasizing the critical need for refined and specialized speaking competencies within their
scholarly domain. The dissertation examines the use of a learning module created for Postgraduate students of Business studies to improve their speaking skills. The study
uses Task based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach and excerpts from Literature for pedagogical instruction, employing Dialogic Inquiry Model (DIM) as a framework and
using Existential Intelligence as a guiding lens. Language and Intelligence are closely intertwined. Educational Psychologist Howard Gardner posed a challenge to the conventional notion of Intelligence which supported higher IQ based tests by introducing the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner's Intelligence framework initially comprised of seven types. In 1999, he introduced Existential Intelligence (EI), expanding the model to include EI as a half intelligence, but due to its abstract nature and lack of clear brain localization, it has posed challenges for precise quantification. Furthermore, Howard Gardner’s Intelligence Reframed (1999) was used as the primary text for the study. By contextualizing the study within Higher Education's Business studies domain, it examines how existential principles influence the development of speaking skills. Additionally, it explores how these principles contribute in shaping aspiring business entrepreneurs, providing added motivation to instill a sense of purpose which will enhance their managerial attributes. The research argues that infusing unexplored existential elements into the curriculum can stimulate critical thinking among Business Studies students, resulting in notable improvements in specific speaking dimensions like Fluency, Turn-Taking, Presentation and Negotiation skills (FTPN). Moreover, it highlights the pivotal role of this integration in reshaping ESP curricula to better cater to the unique needs of learners in this discipline. The research comprised of two cohorts of students. The first cohort consisted of first- year postgraduate students pursuing Business Studies at Sinhagad Institute of Management (SIOM), Pune while the second cohort included students from CHRIST Deemed to be University) Pune Lavasa Campus, resulting in a cumulative total of approximately 68 participants. The study extended over a 15-day duration to facilitate the completion of a comprehensive 30-hour module for both the phases separately. The study employs a mixed-method approach by combining qualitative and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative study, the analysis involved researcher’s observations and an examination of Achievement tests questionnaires employing the Likert scale. For quantitative analysis, a series of six Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) activities
were conducted, encompassing pre and post achievement tests, each of which was assessed based on the study's objectives. The assessment tool utilized is the Communicative Skills Rating Scale (CSRS) by Spitzberg and Cupach (2002), featuring a four-tier evaluation system: self, partner, observer, and external evaluations. Data was collected via Audio-Visual methods for documentation purposes and to cross-reference any overlooked data during the concurrent evaluation process. The collected data underwent a systematic analysis to investigate how applying EI principles can improve conversational speaking skills. The efficacy of the learning module was evaluated based on the proficiency demonstrated in TBLT activities concerning FTPN skills. TBLT activities were administered both prior to and subsequent to the completion of each unit. The assessment of the effectiveness of classroom pedagogy (independent variable) was gauged through the researcher's observations and achievement test questionnaires. Simultaneously, the evaluation of participants' specific conversational skills (dependent variable) was evaluated and analyzed through the course of experimental study using CSRS evaluation scale. Data was analysed using Descriptive statistics through Excel and it was verified using R programming. The research delineates apparent improvements in FTPN within the DIM framework upon the integration of this intervention. Noteworthy enhancements also included a heightened motivation levels across the sample population. Both fast and slow learners exhibited advancements, with a more pronounced improvement observed among the latter group. Additionally, significant strides were observed in non-verbal proficiencies, notably in body posture, and refined listening and responsive non-verbal skills, which was a byproduct of the intervention. Also, a Gender-based analysis revealed an overall positive trend in both male and female students, yet a comparatively greater enhancement was evident among male students in assimilating and applying these interventions. The analysis of data obtained from the CSRS tool shows statistically significant influence on overall English anguage production of the participants in terms of FTPN variables. Moreover. progress tests provided statistically significant evidence for the efficacy of the researcher- developed learning module based on TBLT and DIM approach integrated using EI subsets. Each phase of participants underwent separate experimentation and assessment of their proficiency both before and after the intervention. The pre-achievement test revealed inadequate speaking skills and a lack of basic conversational understanding in both cohorts. Phase 1 (SIOM) showcased noticeable improvement, with a growth in Fluency (39.7%), Presentation (32.1%), Negotiation (37.3%), and Turn-Taking (38.5%) using the CSRS tool. Fast learners improved by an average of 24.1%, while slow learners showed a significant average increase of 51% from their pretest scores. Moreover, there was a 15.7% increase in motivation levels during the intervention. Group 2 (CUL) exhibited improvements in Fluency (36.35%), Presentation (35.8%), Negotiation
(43.7%), and Turn-taking (40.5%). Fast learners increased by an average of 26.9%, and slow learners saw an average increase of 49.6% from their pretest scores. Additionally,
there was an 18.2% spike in motivation levels during the intervention. Overall, the analysis of CSRS data and progress tests strongly supports the effectiveness of the
researcher-developed learning module based on existential principles. It significantly enhanced oral participation and achievement of learning outcomes across both groups.
The results through the post-achievement test showed that the researcher-developed learning module had a statistically significant influence on overall English language
production in the participants. In educational psychology, Multiple Intelligence has garnered substantial research attention for its application in ESL/EFL and broader school curricula, particularly in teaching English and various subjects. However, the integration of Existential Intelligence within the context of ESP remains unexplored. Its potential significance and
applicability within higher education for business students could be substantial. This intelligence category, rooted in philosophy, mysticism, aesthetics, and related domains,
aligns closely with the fundamental realms of interest for MBA students. Its introduction could offer profound implications for their learning experience and academic endeavors.
The research attempts to contribute to the growing field of English for Specific Field ix for Business students by situating the study within the Pune district of Maharashtra by
analysing only FTPN which further offers scope for exploration. "
Smart beta investing in India portfolio construction implementation and evaluation
The smart beta strategies, having marked their footprint in the developed markets in the last decades on the backdrop of the failure of active investing, are capturing emerging markets such as India recently. In this regard, the study attempts to examine the performance of smart beta strategies in long-only, multifactor, and alternative indexing frameworks in India. The study builds alternatively weighted (AW) univariate portfolios. Firstly, the cap-weighted (CW) single-factor portfolios are built. Subsequently, the portfolios are alternatively weighted and compared to the CW portfolio. Next, the CW multifactor portfolios are built and compared with singlefactor portfolios. Finally, the AW multifactor portfolios are built and newlinecompared with CW multifactor portfolios. All the portfolios are tested for their significant performance relative to the risk-free rate, market, and alpha under factor models. The portfolios were constructed from the constituents of NIFTY 500, adjusting for survivorship bias. The sample period spanned over 21 years from 01/10/2000 to 31/09/2021. The hypotheses were tested using the One-Sample T-test or Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for the difference in return, based on return distribution, and the Wald test for the difference in alpha and exposure using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression framework. The portfolios were constructed and analyzed using Python. We find mixed evidence of factor presence; the factor portfolios built on market data such as Illiquid, Winner, Stable, and Size offered better performance than those built on fundamental data such as Value, Strong, and Conservative. The Integrated portfolio does not differ from Mixed and single-factor portfolios, except for underperformance against the Illiquid portfolio. The alternative weighting offered mixed performance at single and multifactor levels. -
A study on dominating functions in signed graphs
In this thesis, a study on Roman dominating functions in the realm of signed graphs is carried out. Unlike graphs, not all signed graphs admit a Roman dominating function, which leads to the primary problem of exploring signed graphs admitting a Roman dominating function. Further, variants of dominating function such as Roman {2}-dominating function, Minus dominating function and Signed dominating function in signed graphs are also studied. A dominating set of a signed graph S is dened as a set D and#8838; V such that each vertex v and#8712; V \ D has at least one neighbour u and#8712; D with and#963;(uv) = 1. The domination number and#947;(S) is the minimum cardinality among all the dominating sets newlineof S. A characterisation for minimal dominating sets of a signed graph along with newlinecharacterisations of signed graphs with domination number k, where 1 and#8804; k and#8804; 4 and newlinen and#8722; 2 and#8804; k and#8804; n are obtained. A Roman dominating function(RDF) on a signed graph S = (G, and#963;) is a function f : V (S) and#8594; {0, 1, 2} having the properties that (i) for every vertex u and#8712; V (G), f(N[u]) = f(u) + Pvand#8712;N (u) and#963;(uv)f(v) and#8805; 1 and (ii) for each vertex u and#8712; V (G) with f(u) = 0, there exists a vertex v and#8712; N +(u) having f(v) = 2. The signed graphs newlineadmitting an RDF are explored and certain classes of signed graphs such as paths, newlinecycles, stars admitting an RDF are characterised. Further, structural properties of signed graphs with 3-regular underlying graphs that admit an RDF are presented newlineand a characterisation of net-regular signed graphs with 3-regular underlying graphs, newlineadmitting an RDF is obtained. The signed graphs with Roman domination number equal to 2, 3, 4 and n are characterised. Further, criticality concepts have been examined by studying and#947;R-edge critical signed graphs S for which and#947;R(S +e) lt and#947;R(S), where the signature of the edge e is 1. A characterisation of and#947;R-edge critical signed trees with a single negative edge is presented, apart from some general results on and#947;R-edge critical signed graphs.
Development of computational techniques for preserving privacy using secure multi-party computation protocols
Data related to individual wealth, financial status and health is sensitive and to ensure confidentiality of these data special mechanism is required. For betterment of research and development, requirement is right input from authorized users. Due to personal confidentiality concerns, it is very difficult to get individuals sensitive information even if it is for mutual benefits. To get the real time data from actual users is critical to achieve extraordinary quality research outcomes. In collaborative computation participants are unwilling to provide straight answers when the questions involve personal information. The service providers who collect s data need to establish substantial trust with the parties. The confidentiality and integrity guarantees of the proposed protocols can simplify this issue. newlinePrivacy preservation is a big challenge for the data generated from various sources such as social networking sites, online transactions, weather forecast to name a few. The socialization of the internet and cloud computing generates pica bytes of unstructured data online with intrinsic values. The inflow of big data and the requirement to move this information throughout an organization has become a new target for hackers. The collaborative computation data is subject to confidentiality laws and should be protected. newlinePeople are more interested toward outsourcing work to a third party rather than maintaining their own resources, in this circumstance there is a requirement of insuring security from the service provider as it may lead to security breaches and party may not be interested in such service providers. newlineSecure multi-party computations deals with collection of challenges in which the requirement is the collaborative computation result. This computation needs input from multiple parties, but all the parties are concerned about their individual input. -
East west interfaces in 20th century india:
In the twenty-first century, the Western world is seeking a greater understanding of the people and nations of Asia, India in particular. The thesis, East West Interface in 20th century India: Analysis of Western women s responses is an attempt to illuminate at least an aspect of that interface during a given period of the past, so as to help shed some light on the newlinepresent day Western approach to India. Throughout the colonial period, Western women got attracted to India. However, during the 20th century, arrival of four eminent Western women from diverse backgrounds, with different intentions had far-reaching impact for India. Katherine Mayo, Margaret Elizabeth Noble, Annie Besant and Madeline Slade, not only got actively involved with the Indian society but in their own ways contributed towards newlinetransforming the Indian society. newlineThey left an overwhelming impact on the Indian political fabric. The thesis aims to analyze the contribution of these four outstanding Western women and attempts to understand how Indian socio-political and cultural structure got influenced by and drew inspirations from them. This work also attempts to add to the process of evolution newlineof understanding the East by the West. newline -
The Effect of short format body-scan mindfulness meditation on cognitive function and affect
Studies of mindfulness are consistent in their finding indicating that mindfulness can serve as a therapy model to deal with many psychological and physical problems, and improve wellbeing. Further, mindfulness is also found to enhance the moment to moment experience of individuals with better clarity of phenomenon. Interestingly, most of these studies have been conducted among seasoned practitioners or as long-format courses. Although long-format can be an ideal practice, it often proves to be expensive for many. Also, some people may not be able to practice in long-format due to several reasons. Thereby, it is imperative to investigate the benefits of short-format mindfulness exploring its utility and scalability. This experimental study examined the effect of short format mindfulness especially on affect and cognitive function. Participants (N=72; F=40, M=32) were randomly divided into an experimental group (N=35; M=15, F=20) and an active control group (N=37; M=17, F=20). The average age of participants in the experimental group and the active control group was 21.79 and 21.59 respectively. The experimental group practiced body-scan mindfulness, one session per day for six days, each session lasting for 25 minutes. Participants in the active control group spent an equal amount of time while reading fiction of their choice and listening to soothing music. Variables that were considered include positive and negative affects, and five cognitive functions namely psychomotor function, attention, learning, working memory-simple, and social-emotional cognition. Results showed an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect, and an increase in performance in all five cognitive functions in the experimental group with an effect size ranging from mild to moderate, in comparison to active control. The study concluded that short format mindfulness practice, although may not be ideal, might be an alternative for individuals who due to various reasons cannot practice long format courses.