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Secure Through Development: Evaluation of Indias Border Area Development Programme
The Border Area Development Programme was initiated in the year 198687, to strengthen Indias security by ensuring developed and secure borders. Initially, the programme was implemented in the western border states to facilitate deployment of the Border Security Force. Later, the geographical and functional scope of the programme was widened to include eastern and northern sectors of Indias borders and as well as socio-economic aspects such as education, health, agriculture and other allied sectors. But, it is difficult to say that the implementation has been uniform in all the sectors. While the programme on the Western front along the IndiaPakistan border has been fairly successful, it is yet to achieve its stated objectives on the Eastern front. Using an analytical framework, the article examines three aspects of BADP: Its context and concept; identifying challenges that hinder the Programmes effectiveness; and certain policy prescriptions. 2019, 2019 Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. -
Secure provenance-based communication using visual encryption
Explicit specification of the historical record of an instance or a data item is called data provenance. It has many applications in various fields with regards to its importance on capturing data flow mechanisms. However, on the other hand, there are good number of security mechanisms in place to withstand the cyber-attacks. Almost all of these algorithms uses complex mathematical calculations in providing security for the systems. Visual cryptography is a peculiar approach which uses concept of secret sharing by dividing the message into transparencies as encryption process. Upon superimposing transparencies one obtains the original message. In this paper, we propose secret sharing as a notion of security onto data provenance. Main inference of this writing is to throw a model combining above two mentioned aspects which gives away an indigenous solution in the area of information security. This proposed model is implemented with specific use case scenarios for substantiation and related analysis. Simulated results and discussion of the same is presented in the paper. 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Secure multi-party computation protocol using asymmetric encryption
Privacy preservation is very essential in various real life applications such as medical science and financial analysis. This paper focuses on implementation of an asymmetric secure multi-party computation protocol using anonymization and public-key encryption where all parties have access to trusted third party (TTP) who (1) doesn't add any contribution to computation (2) doesn't know who is the owner of the input received (3) has large number of resources (4) decryption key is known to trusted third party (TTP) to get the actual input for computation of final result. In this environment, concern is to design a protocol which deploys TTP for computation. It is proposed that the protocol is very proficient (in terms of secure computation and individual privacy) for the parties than the other available protocols. The solution incorporates protocol using asymmetric encryption scheme where any party can encrypt a message with the public key but decryption can be done by only the possessor of the decryption key (private key). As the protocol works on asymmetric encryption and packetization it ensures following: (1) Confidentiality (Anonymity) (2) Security (3) Privacy (Data). 2014 IEEE. -
Secure medical sensor monitoring framework using novel optimal encryption algorithm driven by Internet of Things
Recently, healthcare monitoring systems have emerged as significant tolls for constant monitoring of patient's physiological characteristics. These systems use implanted sensors. IoT (Internet of Things) have revolutionized healthcare systems where health care equipment's are equipped with many sensors that actively collect data from patients and pass it on to cloud based storages using gateway sensors. Securing data have been significant barriers in many applications as false information get injected, or important information are modified or stolen at different phases of health care systems dependent on IoT. The attacks can also result in fatalities making it imperative to secure IoT based health care systems. A Hybrid technique combining MOAES (Modified Optimal Advanced Encryption Standard) with CM (Chaotic Map) Encryptions called HMOAES-CM technique is proposed. This technique can be helpful in securely accessing the patient data over online mode, and in addition, the data sharing can be performed in an encrypted form for the necessary targets of stakeholders. The proposed authentication approach is aimed at IoT, which is resilient to all kinds of network attacks and its implementation is also simpler. Comparing the suggested work to similar works, the level of evaluation is much improved. 2023 The Authors -
Secure magnetic resonance image transmission and tumor detection techniques
The transmission of important medical diagnostic, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) images are vulnerable to third party hackers who does spoofing and they are able to introduce faulty and noisy data that damage the transmission data, which hinders the proper medical diagnostics, research and credibility of labs and doctors, there is a clear lack of awareness and lack of proper security measures taken in transmission of MRI images in the present labs, hospitals and research centers. This project is helpful to reduce the problem of secure transmission of medical images. There are many algorithms which can be applied to these medical images. This project is helpful to provide good security to medical images during transmission. Tumor detection or prediction in medical science is a very complex and expensive job, which is not yet been addressed properly and no proper graphical user interface exists in an open source environment. This project is dedicated to analyze the best tumor detection from an MRI brain image after several segmentation methods such as K-means Clustering and Watershed segmentation. Security is realized considering various techniques for encryption and decryption of the image. The encryption technique finally selected after the survey was based on Rivest, Shamir & Adleman [RSA] algorithm. 2016 IEEE. -
Secure key exchange scheme: A DNA computing-based approach to resist MITM in DHKE
Diffie-Hellman key exchange (DHKE) protocol was a pioneering work and considered as a new direction in the field of cryptography though it is not an encryption protocol. DHKE is a method to exchange the keys securely, based on the discrete logarithm problem. It has applications in internet security protocols including SSL, IP Sec and SSH. The major issue with DHKE is its vulnerability to man in the middle attack (MITM). Various techniques have been proposed to resist the MITM including digital signatures. This paper proposes DNA computing-based encryption techniques to resist MITM in DHKE. DNA cryptography builds on the concepts of biomolecular computations which are considered as one of the emerging directions in the cryptography. The proposed methodology also includes an encryption technique based on DNA-based codebook, secret sharing and DNA cryptography to exchange parameters securely. The security analysis of the proposed scheme is evaluated by theoretical analysis. Formal analysis of the proposed protocol is done using Scyther and all the modelled claims are validated and positive results are obtained. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Secure Image Transmission Scheme based on DNA Sequences
Cryptography and steganography are the most widely utilized and adopted fields of secure data communication. Data transfer can be secured using a combination of these methods. The data is transmitted from sender to receiver using cryptography, the most secure method. At the same time, steganography performs the information hiding in the form of video, image, or text within a cover image. The sensitive data is hidden, so it is not visible to the human eye. The data is stored and transferred more securely by adding DNA technology to the cryptography. It provides additional data security level and is most commonly employed to implement computation. This research developed a new method for combining cryptography with steganography. There are two phases to the proposed method: image encryption and hide phases and image extraction phases. Encryption is done by using the Signcryption algorithm. Four standard images were utilized as test material for the evaluation. Four factors are used to determine the performance of the proposed method as Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error, Entropy, and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) for hiding and extracting the messages. The implementation is done in python. The proposed method achieves better performance when compared to the previously published works. 2022 Seventh Sense Research Group -
Secure image retrieval and classification framework for IOT based healthcares systems using deep neural networks /
Patent Number: 202241035066, Applicant: Dr.S.Balamurugan.
Deep Learning has shown promising results in the domain of Medical Image Analysis and Image Processing. Proposed is a secure image retrieval and classification framework for IoT based healthcare systems using Deep Neural Networks. The problem of solving the error introduced by adversarial noise is considered. Back Propagation Algorithm is employed for Segmentation (localization) as well as error prediction and detection. -
Secure image retrieval and classification framework for IOT based healthcares systems using deep neural networks /
Patent Number: 202241035066, Applicant: Dr.S.Balamurugan.
Deep Learning has shown promising results in the domain of Medical Image Analysis and Image Processing. Proposed is a secure image retrieval and classification framework for IoT based healthcare systems using Deep Neural Networks. The problem of solving the error introduced by adversarial noise is considered. Back Propagation Algorithm is employed for Segmentation (localization) as well as error prediction and detection. -
Secure Identity Based Authentication for Emergency Communications
The Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) offers secure data transmission between vehicles with the support of reliable authorities and RSUs. RSUs are fully damaged in emergency scenarios like natural catastrophes and are unable to provide the needed services. Vehicles in this scenario must communicate safely without RSUs. Hence, this study suggests a secure and reliable identity-based authentication technique for emergency scenarios. To provide secure vehicle-to-vehicle communication without RSUs, ECC-based IBS is utilized. Additionally, it offers security features like message integrity, privacy protection, and authentication. It is also resistant to attacks depending on authentication and privacy. The proposed technique performs efficiently with less communication and computing cost when its performance is compared with recent schemes. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Secure IBS Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) havedrastically grown in recent years since they provide a better and more secure driving experience. Due to its characteristics, it is vulnerable to many security attacks. Even though many authentication schemes are proposed, their overheads are high. Hence, this study proposes a new Identity-Based Signature (IBS) for authentication with privacy-preservation. It supports secure communications with additional security features. It requires less overhead since it uses XOR operations and one-way hash functions for the signing and verification process. When the proposed schemes performance is compared to the recent schemes, it is observed that the proposed approach is more efficient in computation and communication. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Secure framework of authentication mechanism over cloud environment
Cloud computing offers a cost effective virtual infrastructure management along with storage and application-oriented services to its customers. This innovation quickly turns into a generally very widely accepted worldview for conveying administrations through web. In this way, this administration expert provider must be offer the trust and information security, on the grounds that there is a most vital and profitable and most delicate information in extremely secure using cryptographic techniques to secure the data in cloud. So for ensure the privacy of essential information, it must be secured utilizing encryptions algorithms and afterward transferring to cloud. This paper presents a novel technique for electronic distributed computing administrations utilizing two-variable validation (2FA) access control framework. The prime target of the projected framework is to guarantee a optimal security for all the actors involved in the component design of proposed authentication system. Furthermore, property based control in the framework likewise authorize cloud servers to maximum the access to those clients with the same arrangement of properties while saving client privacy. At long last, we additionally do a reproduction to show the practicability of our proposed framework. The assessment work is done by utilizing expense of communication, data transfer capacity and proficiency of the framework as an execution metric. Springer International Publishing AG 2017. -
In this paper, we initiate the study of a new domination parameter: the secure equitable subdivision number of graphs. Moreover, we define the secure equitable subdivision critical graphs and the secure equitable subdivision stable graphs. Furthermore, we investigate how to construct a secure equitable subdivision critical graph. 2024, Canadian University of Dubai. All rights reserved. -
In this paper, we characterize graphs for which the secure domination number of the transformation graph Gxy+ is 1 or 2. Also we prove that for any connected graph G with at least 4 pendant vertices, the secure domination number is greater than or equal to the secure domination number of the transformation graph G-++. We also find a bound for the secure domination number of G-+ when G is a tree. 2024 Jangjeon Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Physics. All rights reserved. -
Secure Decentralization: Examining the Role of Blockchain in Network Security
Blockchain generation has emerged as a novel answer for securing decentralized networks. This technology, which was first created for use in crypto currencies, has received enormous interest in recent years because of its capability for boosting protection in various industries and community protection. The essential precept at the back of block chain technology is the decentralization of statistics garage and control. In a decentralized network, no central authority may control the statistics. Rather, the facts are shipped amongst multiple nodes, making it immune to tampering and single factors of failure. One of the most important advantages of blockchain in community protection is its capacity to offer cozy and transparent communication amongst community customers. Through cryptographic techniques, block chain can affirm the identities of network participants and ensure the authenticity of records trade. This feature is extraordinarily valuable in preventing unauthorized access and facts manipulation. 2024 IEEE. -
Secure Data Processing System Using Decision Tree Architecture
[No abstract available] -
Secure Bitcoin Transaction and IoT Device usage in Decentralized Application
In the recent years, there has been a boom in the number of connected devices due to developments in the field of Internet of things. This has also increased the requirements of security specification. The proposed method is introducing a secure information transmission system by using Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a relatively new technology which was introduced by stoshi nakamoto, which was also the basis for developing crypto currency [bitcoin]. Crypto currencies are made transparent and secure using their network architecture, which is a combo of a decentralized and distributed network. In this paper is try to exploit the same methodology used in crypto currencies to develope an IOT network, where the devices can talk to their peers in a secure manner. They explored all the different networks and features of developing a Decentralized application that is named as Dapp. 2018 IEEE. -
Secure biometric authentication with de-duplication on distributed cloud storage
Cloud computing is one of the evolving fields of technology, which allows storage, access of data, programs, and their execution over the internet with offering a variety of information related services. With cloud information services, it is essential for information to be saved securely and to be distributed safely across numerous users. Cloud information storage has suffered from issues related to information integrity, data security, and information access by unauthenticated users. The distribution and storage of data among several users are highly scalable and cost-efficient but results in data redundancy and security issues. In this article, a biometric authentication scheme is proposed for the requested users to give access permission in a cloud-distributed environment and, at the same time, alleviate data redundancy. To achieve this, a cryptographic technique is used by service providers to generate the bio-key for authentication, which will be accessible only to authenticated users. A Gabor filter with distributed security and encryption using XOR operations is used to generate the proposed bio-key (biometric generated key) and avoid data deduplication in the cloud, ensuring avoidance of data redundancy and security. The proposed method is compared with existing algorithms, such as convergent encryption (CE), leakage resilient (LR), randomized convergent encryption (RCE), secure de-duplication scheme (SDS), to evaluate the de-duplication performance. Our comparative analysis shows that our proposed scheme results in smaller computation and communication costs than existing schemes. 2021 M et al. All Rights Reserved. -
Secure Authentication Schemes for Vehicular Adhoc Networks: A Survey
Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) is based on theprinciples of Mobile Adhoc NETwork (MANET) where vehicles are considered as nodes and secure communication is established to provide asafe driving experience. Due to its unique characteristics, it has various issues and challenges. These issues can be resolved by ensuring security requirements like authentication, privacy preservation, message integrity, non-repudiation, linkability, availability etc. Authentication plays a vital role since it is the first step to establish secure communication in the vehicular network. It also distinguishes malicious vehicles from legitimate vehicles. Different authentication schemes have been proposed to establish secure vehicular communications. A survey of the existing authentication schemes is given in this paper. At first, the existing authentication schemes are broadly classified based on message signing and verification methods. Then, each category is clearly explained with its sub-categories. At last, the existing schemes in each category are compared based on security requirements, security attacks and performance parameters. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.