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Divorce prevention programme an intervention based on qualitatively derived psychological themes from newlywed distressed and divorced couples
This study has aimed to develop a competent intervention program as a preventive measure to tackle the increasing divorce rate in the current Indian scenario. Towards this end, the study has been arranged in three phases, with specific objectives guided by specific research questions in each phase. Holding pragmatic philosophical stance, a mixed method framework has directed the entire study, precisely, exploratory mixed design. newlineThe first phase of the study has focused on investigating the in-depth psychological components or etiology of marital distress and divorce in the problem context. Using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) design, the lived marital experiences of 14 separated and 36 divorced (n=50) newlywed participants has been rigorously explored. Five superordinate themes along with 23 subordinate and 35 emergent themes have been derived in the data analysis, as reasons for marital distress and divorce in newlywed couples. newlineThe challenge of the second phase was to spin a proficient intervention program that is competent to address the identified reasons for marital distress, during the phase-one of the study. Towards this target, the theoretical framework developed by Hughes (1994, 2012 and 2014), Framework for Developing Family Life Education Programme is the model utilized. Following the five steps in the Hughes s framework, the intervention program has been designed and titled Divorce Prevention Programme (DPP). Finally, the phase three task of the study includes experimentation over the immediate and short-term (two-month) effect of the DPP as to what extent marital satisfaction and consummate love would improve to prevent divorce. The pretest, posttest experimental, and waitlist control group design was utilized with a two months follow-up with the experimental group. -
Efficacy study of readiness for smoking cessation programme among male adolescents in bengaluru
Among the remarkably challenging preventable cause for death all over the world is cigarette smoking behavior.Smoking among adolescents in cities has proved unusually challenging in spite of determined efforts in developed and developing countries.Dearth of governmental will and source to implement wide-ranging anti-smoking policies to reverse the trends in youth smoking (StantonandMcGee,2009) makes the need to develop an attitude change towards smoking cessation very crucial in controlling the smoking behavior. newlineA novel approach to smoking cessation is considered in this study, here the emphasis newlineis laid on the importance of acquiring skills to quit rather than quitting itself. The newlineobjectives of the study were achieved through several phases, where in the relevant newlineliterature was reviewed and an apt theoretical framework was built, based on which the program content was developed and finalized under the guidance of experts in the field. The final step was the creation of a manual for the RSCP. The outcome measures were selected considering the study sample characteristics. The study was carried out by randomly assigning the study participants in the two groups with respective interventions. Outcome measures were determined before and after the training. The results indicate that the two groups significantly differed in the variable Readiness to change , Defensiveness and behavioral components of change. newlineSpecifically, the experimental group was ready to change their behavior when compared to the controlled group, suggesting that the developed RSCP facilitates adolescent s to realize a more realistic aspect of themselves relating to smoking behavior and are very much willing to make lifestyle changes which would eventually result in behavioral change among adolescents when compared to providing a general awareness on smoking behavior. -
Design an efficient protocol for secured energy efficient routing in large scale wireless sensor networks
Wireless Sensor Network has played a significant role in enabling communication and connectivity to human unreachable area since more than a last decade. Apart from its newlinebeneficial features, it also suffers from various problems that have yet not been solved till date in spite of massive research work in this area. The proposed work jointly addresses the problems of energy efficiency and secure routing in wireless sensor network. The existing literatures are found to provide a less scope of an effective solution to address such issues jointly. Hence, the prime goal of the proposed work is to introduce a mechanism that uses lightweight cryptosystem as a part of new hierarchical routing protocol. The mechanism of the proposed work is discussed in three different modules. Where each module is enhanced version of the previous module. The first module is named as Secured Tree Based Routing with Energy Efficiency (STREE), which newlineintroduces a new energy efficient selection of cluster head along with a very simple and newlinelightweight encryption mechanism for routing message using keccak, a newly launched newlinecryptographic hash function. The second module is named as Secured Authentication Based Routing (SABR) introduces node-to-node authentication along with identification newlineand compensation of network related delay owing to incorporated cryptography. The newlinethird module is named as Secured Anonymous Routing with Digital Signature (SARDS) newlinewhich introduces a distinct mechanism of using enhanced elliptical curve cryptography newlineand a new usage of digital signature. The modelling of proposed study is done using newlineanalytical research methodology and the outcome of the study has been compared with newlineexisting standard routing protocol SecLeach to find that proposed system presents a newlinesuperior mechanism of balancing security, energy efficiency, and communication newlineperformance in wireless sensor network. -
A Study of fractal properties of turbulent functions
The studies have been mainly done in the discrete dynamical systems in topological spaces, we study the various types of relationships between chaotic functions and turbulent functions, a study of turbulent newlinefunctions in metric spaces, and the fractal nature of turbulent functions. In connection with this we study the relationship between turbulent function and chaos, also the relation between fractals and chaos. First newlinepart of the work gives a holistic outlook over the concepts like Turbulent Functions, Chaos and Fractals.Viewing the relevance of studying the irregular sets in the present and future scenario, we started our work newlinefocusing on the fractal nature of turbulent functions. The study incorporates the concepts like turbulent function, chaos and fractals along with rapid fluctuations. According to Robert Devaney, the three ingredients of chaos are sensitivity, density and transitivity. Rapid fluctuations newlineare very much connected with sensitive functions and turbulent functions. We could not and any implied relation between turbulence and sensitive functions. So we study the other two ingredients of chaos, newlinetransitivity and density. We answer a series of questions like whether the iterated function system can be chaotic. Will the contractions are Devaney chaotic. If we can find such a chaotic contraction, will it generate a self similar set? If there is such a self similar set, will it be a fractal? In order to answer the question, we have gone for generalization with continuous maps and homeomorphisms. Hence we study the fractal properties of turbulent function in a topological view point.The question that we have faced during the discussion and study of fractal properties of turbulent function is that whether a given turbulent function newlinef in a compact metric space provides an attractor and if there is an attractor, will it be a fractal. -
A Study on certain chromatic parameters and polynomials of graphs
In graph theory, graph colouring pertains to the assignment of colours to the elements of a graph such as vertices, edges and faces. Because of the theoretical and practical implications of graph colourings in real-life situations, it is an adequate mathematical model for a wide range of applications such as network analysis, genomic, routing, newlineoptimisation techniques, digital networks and so forth.Motivated by various problems in chemical graph theory and information networks, chromatic topological indices were introduced in recent literature [81], opening ample and vibrant research area in graph theory.In the research reported in this thesis,the vertices of a graph are assigned with colours subject to certain conditions and manipulating their colour codes, a rich research area on chromatic topological indices and different chromatic polynomials are established. newlineAfter mentioning some fundamental terminologies, the study handles the notions of chromatic topological indices and chromatic irregularity indices. A detailed discussion of their upper and lower bounds concerning certain colouring conditions is carried out in this thesis. Chromatic topological indices of a wide variety of graph classes such as wheels, double wheels, helm graphs, closed helm graphs, flower graphs, sunflower graphs and blossom graphs are considered and investigated. The chromatic topological indices of certain derived graphs such as Mycielskian of paths and cycles are also included. Equitable chromatic topological and irregularity indices and injective chromatic topological and irregularity indices are defined and their values are determined for a handful of graph classes. As an indirect analogue to chromatic polynomials in the literature, the notion of chromatic Zagreb polynomials and chromatic irregularity polynomials are being introduced and the same is determined and discussed for paths, cycles and certain cycle related graph classes. -
Effect of social performance on sustainability of microfinance institutions
Microfinance is one of the sustainable business models with a double bottom line of financial and social relevance in the turf of development. Microfinance was recognized as a development tool that enhanced income and the standard of living of the marginalized through a sustainable business model. newlineThe concept of social performance,financial performance in microfinance institutions, and the trend of commercialization resulted in understanding the effect of social performance on the sustainability of microfinance institutions. newlineThe effect of social performance on the sustainability of microfinance institutions was quantified using CERISE (Committee of Exchanges of Reflection and Information on Systems of Savings Credit) and Social Performance Indicator (SPI) tool. Financial performance of the microfinance institutions were analyzed from 6 years audited financials of the microfinance institutions (Financial years 2009 2010 to 2014 2015),and various ratios were calculated from the audited financials and gathered information. newlineRBI-NBFC-MFIs directions resulted in reductions in the portfolio yield, portfolio risk, personal expenses, administration and other expenses. Portfolio yield was 31.12% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 22.45% in the financial year 2013 2014. Portfolio risk was 2.11% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 0.24% in the financial year 2014 2015. Personal expense was 10.46% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 5.46% in the financial year 2014 2015. Administration and other expense was 2.95 in the year 2014 15. Even though there was reduction in the portfolio yield, after implementing RBI-NBFC-MFI directions all the NBFC-MFIs of the study were sustainable. newlineThe scores of social performance of NBFC-MFIs depict that NBFC-MFIs adopted social performance initiatives in the business operations and that there are areas for improvement. -
Critical analysis of national and international laws in relations to intimate partner violence :
The term violence refers to varied perceptions of unacceptable behaviour. The newlinenature of the act suggests that it is inflicted by the superior over the inferior. newlineThus gender constitutes a significant factor of the study. The research identifies that women are subjected to gender based inequalities in different areas of life newlineand domestic environment is not an exception. Domestic Violence , a manifestation of gender inequality, is prevalent in many forms. The most newlinecommon form of domestic violence is identified as Intimate Partner Violence newline(IPV) by the national and international statistics. newlineThe research is drawn upon the objective to understand the different factors that newlinecontribute to IPV and to critically examine the legal framework for the protection of women against IPV in India. Research adopts a human rights based approach to understand the inferior status of women drawn upon gender newlineinequality and thus to critically examine the legal framework in India for protection of women against IPV. newlineThe study is divided into five chapters which specifically analyses the status of women in the Indian society and the role of law to protect women in intimate relationships. Comparative study of UK and US laws with special reference to international instruments is conducted. Identifying the major drawback of law, the study proves that the existing legal framework is inadequate to protect women from intimate partner violence . newline newline newline -
Experiences of raising children with autism :
The purpose of the study was to address the gap in the literature related to fathers role and experiences in raising boys with autism in the Indian context. Though the study has tried to homogenise the sample to the best possible extent it does not aim to generalise the results; rather it seeks newlineto get an insight into some facets of the fathers experiences. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used for this study which addressed the three research questions: 1) What are the experiences of fathers before and after the diagnosis of autism? 2) What are the challenges that fathers experience as they raise their child with autism? 3) What are the personal changes that fathers go through as they raise their child with autism? Tied together these research questions sketches the journey travelled by the fathers and gave a sweeping picture of their overall newlineexperiences as fathers of children with autism. The study has mapped and constructed the passage of thirteen fathers of children with autism aged between six to 11 through a one on one interview. All the ethical newlineconsiderations have been followed. The participants were able to provide a rich and detailed account of their experiences of bringing up a child with autism. The analysis was done using Interpretative Phenomenologic alAnalysis. newlineSix major themes emerged from the study. They are 1) Making sense of early warning signs 2) The impact of diagnosis 3) Negotiating the social world 4) Accepting and accommodating autism 5) Personal transformations 6) Bonding with the child. One of the earliest behaviours noticed by all the fathers was a delay in speech. None of the fathers resisted going for a diagnosis. In fact, once they found that something was different in their child, they relentlessly pursued the reason for it. -
Investigating structure and spectral energy distribution of galaxies using uvit and multi-wavelength archival data
This thesis deals with the multi-wavelength investigation of the different aspects of galaxy formation and evolution. The first part of this thesis deals with the studies on the characteristics of the in-orbit performance of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on-board AstroSat. We have written a UVIT pipeline (JUDE ) to convert the Level 1 data from the Indian Space Science Data Centre (ISSDC) into scientifically useful photon lists and images. We have also performed an independent calibration of the FUV and NUV channels of the UVIT using JUDE. We found that the photometric sensitivity is about 35% that of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX ) in the FUV broadband filter, and about the same as GALEX in the NUV broadband filter. The point spread function (PSF) of the instrument is of the order of 1.2 1.6and#8242;and#8242;. We found that the performance is close to that expected from the ground-based calibrations. We studied the recent star formation in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy NGC 2336 using the UVIT imaging. We have identified 78 bright star-forming complexes in the disk and derived their positions and estimated their properties such as luminosities, sizes, star formation rates (SFRs), colors, and ages. The FUV-NUV colors of the complexes are found to be redder in the inner region of the galaxy and become progressively bluer as the radius increases. The last part of this thesis is devoted to a model-based study of galaxies using physically motivated Code Investigating Galaxy Emission (CIGALE) package. We have studied 10,000 galaxies from GALEX SDSS merged catalog using CIGALE and estimated their properties such as stellar masses, SFRs, stellar populations, dust luminosities etc. We have classified this set of galaxies into the star-forming, intermediate and quiescent type of galaxies based on their specific SFR. We also studied the properties of dust-lane spheroidal galaxies (DLSGs) drawn from the multi-wavelength archival data in 18 bands from FUV to FIR using GALEX, SDSS, 2MASS, WISE, and AKARI surveys. -
Psychological capital in positive ageing :
Positive ageing is feeling good and maintaining a positive attitude, keeping healthy and being fully involved in life. Older adults add value to family and society by sharing of wisdom, gratitude,spirituality, resilience, optimism, hope and confidence (PsyCap). These are the mental resources that developed through their life experiences when things went well and when faced with challenges. The aim was to understand the process of development of psychological capital in positive ageing. The participants were chosen purposively, older adults 70-80 years, men and women, retired, tenth standard, middle socio-economic status, spouses have expired and living with family. They were interviewed with a validated semi structured interview schedule. Themes were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, substantiated by verbatim from participant interviews and connections with existing theories and literature. Three super ordinate themes emerged, Factors that promote the development of PsyCap varies , Personal trauma and inadequacies as learning opportunities and Spiritual and philosophical ways of adaptation . Results indicated that support from family and friends and their internal strength helped them face adversity and aided in the development of optimism, hope, gratitude, confidence and self-belief. Challenges, lack of adequate resources and retirement were opportunities for learning as they facilitated the growth of PsyCap. Participants were grateful for effectual social support in time of grief. Their resilient attitude kept them positive and helped to prioritize goals effectively. Religion and spirituality provided solace and meaning to their lives, reflection led to the evolving of a philosophy that left them feeling fulfilled as they reached out to those in need. The study has implications for promoting a positive and healthy attitude towards older adults and sensitising family, caregivers and policy makers. -
A framework for information security assurance using DNA cryptography
Molecular biology is a branch of life science which plays a pivot role in improving the quality of life whereas Information security is another aspect for social edification, which human beings will never compromise. Both are subjects of high relevance and inevitable for humanity. Thus, an amalgamation of these subjects turns up as an innovation which is beneficial for Information security and storage. The secure transfer of information was of significant concern from ancient civilizations. Various techniques have been proposed from time immemorial to maintain the security of data so that only intended recipient should be able to receive the message other than the sender. newlineThe Information security aspects became prominent with the introduction of the newlineInternet. Regardless of the type of information which varies from a single newlinecharacter to the much-discussed Big Data , it is necessary to ensure secure storage and protection which is a matter of concern.Cryptography is an art by newlineitself and the science of secrecy which protects information from unauthorized newlineaccess. Various techniques have evolved through years of information protection newlinewhich includes Ciphers, Cryptography, Steganography, Biometrics and the most newlinerecent Nano-Cryptography comprising of Quantum Cryptography and DNA Cryptography. newlineDNA cryptography is an emerging and promising field of Information security. Dr. Leonard Adleman s experiment to solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem, which is an NP-complete problem using computational properties of DNA, has newlineredefined the word computing. The emergence of DNA computing marked the beginning of DNA Cryptography.It was a leap forward in the field of security to use biomolecular concepts and the later research followed on DNA encryption gives us new hope of unbreakable algorithms. DNA based encryption schemes work on the principles of DNA computing techniques.Cryptosystems based on DNA got relevance due to bio-computational properties of DNA. -
Software bug in identification and prediction through software are metrics in object oriented protects :
In the software engineering, quality assurance plays an important role. newlineThe quality assurance as an activity, observes the execution of software project to ensure that the behavior of product is in accordance with the expectations. The testing is associated with quality assurance activities. The testing takes a lot of time and an effort of the tester to test the test newlinecases. Even after enough manual or automatic testing, bugs remain uncovered because of lack of time. So, a need arises to focus on this area to save the time and cost of the organizations. The software developer or newlinetester should be aware about the main reasons of software bugs so that they can focus on the right part of the code at the right time. Need of introducing product, process and project metrics is also very essential for newlinethe identification of major causes of bugs. Predictions will always be best if the history of project is taken into consideration. We can come up with accurate predictors with the help of root causes of the software bugs. Several bug prediction models can use bug indicators as the input of model to predict the number of bugs. newlinePrediction attempts to provide quantitative measures to help the software testers and developers. With more number of bug indicators, a step can be taken towards wider horizon of bug prediction thus enabling higher devotion to improve quality of software products. Therefore, identification of several reasons of software bugs and implementation of effective bug prediction models are needed to widen the scope of bug newlineprediction approaches and to improve the software quality. After estimating the future bugs using prediction models, awareness of bug severity is also required to avoid the expected harms to software products. newlineIntroduction of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was needed to improve the prediction potential. In this work an attempt has been made to associate different levels and types of inheritance through neural network newlineby establishing a correlation framework with diverse types of bug severitie. -
Paired curves on riemannian manifolds
The thesis examines certain curves in Riemannian manifolds, which exist in one-one correspondence with other curves. This correspondence is described by means of a rigid link between the frame vectors allied newlineto these quotpairedquot curves. The Combescure transformation is made use of to exhibit that one of the paired curves can be obtained as an infinitesimal deformation of the other. The correspondence between the paired curves is exploited to formulate expressions relating the curvature and torsion functions of one with the other. newlineThe primary setting for this study is the Euclidean space R3, with brief considerations of 3-dimensional Riemannian space forms(i.e. Riemannian manifolds of constant sectional curvature). The exponential map is the desired tool of analysis in the latter case. The major classes of curves treated are the Mannheim class of curves in R3 and their partner curves. Further, with the help of the newlinenotion of the osculating helix, a new class of curves called constantpitch curves are defined, which are seen to naturally arise in motion analysis studies in theoretical kinematics. Constant-pitch curves are newlinealso shown to be inherent counterparts of Mannheim curves by means of a deformation. newlinePivotal properties of Mannheim and constant-pitch curves are established and a few examples are put forth. Integral characterizations of both curves are derived in terms of their spherical indicatrices. A newlineconsequence of this to geometric modeling problems involving energy functionals and also to the study of elastic curves is discussed. newlineCertain ruled surfaces generated by Mannheim and constant-pitch curves which occur as axodes associated to a rigid body motion are newlinedetailed and their applications to kinematics are studied. Further, the nature of paired curves in connection with tubular neighbourhoods/surfaces are investigated. newline -
Design and development of load balancing algorithm for enhance cloud computing performance
Software Applications have taken a leadership position in the field of Information Technology to reduce the human workload. In the case of distributed applications, the scalability of the application is a matter of newlineconcern in the present dynamic scenario. The fast developments in computing resources have reduced the cost of hardware and increased the processing capability of the system remarkably. Still, hosting a distributed newlineapplication in a higher end system is not recommended due to many reasons. Firstly, when there is a massive demand in the usage of the application which is beyond the limit of the system, there is no way to scale newlineit. The second reason is that when the system usage of the application is minimal, the entire infrastructure dedicated to the targeted application will remain idle. newlineDue to the wide acceptability of the industry on cloud computing, the variety of applications are designed to target the cloud platform which is one of the challenges for efficient load balancing in the cloud newlineenvironment. A fair distribution of workload among the available resources is mandatory to improve the efficiency of the cloud platform. To share the workload, a useful load balancing strategy, as well as a timely invocation of the plan, is essential. Invocation of the approach known as triggering policy can be different in centralised and distributed scenarios. Since cloud applications are running in a distributed situation, through this research newlinework, the researcher puts forward a complete framework for balancing load in different types of the request generated in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform. newlineAs a progressive model, this research work continuously focuses on improving the performance of the load balancer in the IaaS platform. Since the cloud data centres are spread across the globe, a centralised monitoring system to monitor and analyse the resource utilisation in different data newlinecentres is an essential requirement to see the load fluctuations in different clusters. -
Studey of different types of modulations on double diffusive convection in lodroyd-b liquids
The problem aims to find the effects of temperature modulation in viscoelastic newlinefluids namely Oldroyd B liquids subjected to double diffusive convection. Both linear as well as a non-linear study has been carried out. A regular perturbation technique has been employed to determine the correction Rayleigh number. The results show that the Lewis number and strain retardation parameter induces stability to the system whereas stress relaxation parameter destabilizes the system for synchronous modulation. Truncated Fourier series represents the non-linear newlineanalysis. Mean Nusselt number and mean Sherwood number are used to quantify the newlineheat and mass transfer respectively. Strain retardation parameter and the Lewis number decrease the heat and mass transfer for synchronous modulation while stress relaxation parameter increases them. The opposite results are obtained for newlineasynchronous and lower wall modulations. Modulation is shown mostly to give rise newlineto super critical motion. -
A novel framework for cloud-based analytic of massive and multi-structured healthcare images for real-time insights
The dependency of healthcare industry on the information and communication technology newline(ICT) domain is consistently on the rise in order to conceptualize and provide1537608 newlinesophisticated services to various newlinestakeholders including patients, newlinecaregivers, support service providers, medical practitioners, and experts. There are a variety of decisive advancements in the diagnosis, medication and surgical processes, medical electronics, instruments and equipment, healthcare-centric robots, a bevy of cloud-based healthcare software solutions, medical data hubs, etc. One direct offshoot of all these developments is that the amount of multi-structured data is exponentially growing. There is a litany of support and expert systems in order to lessen the doctors workloads. However the brewing challenges and new-generation requirements include the real-time processing of medical data to extract real-time insights and decision-enablement, the substantial enhancements in appropriate and accurate processing and understanding of various and overlapped symptoms towards correct and strategically sound decisions, the real-time analytics of medical data, the empowerment of medical devices to assist surgeons and specialists in performing their tasks in an assured manner, etc. newlineThe Problem Description - Medical imaging is one of the fundamental and most important areas of the healthcare system. This needs accuracy in processing and producing best results for further diagnosis and action. There are various factors impelling medical imaging like patient preparation, different scanning modalities, the scanner used to capture the image and various algorithms adopted for processing the captured images. -
Representation of moral crisis and social order across cultures An analysis of three texts goldings lord of the flies camus s the plague and U R Ananthamurthy s samskara
The growth of human civilization has always been accompanied by unexpected turns and twists caused by individuals and communities exhibiting inexplicable behavior. For every effort of greatness, there has been an equal amount of meanness and debauchery making the humankind more and more inscrutable. Human beings have defied all definitions about themselves and still go about with a perplexing image of both noble and brutal. They create a social order to ensure a newlinecohesive existence but end up breaking it, unable to face the moral crisis caused by the extreme turn of events. This study attempts to see the staging of human recovery from such situations through the fictional narratives of three writers belonging to three cultures and the crises faced by those societies, through a study of The Plague (1947 ) by the French writer, Albert Camus (1913 -1960 ), Lord of the Flies (1954) by the English writer, William Golding (1911 1993) newlineand Samskara (1965) by the Indian writer, U. R. Ananthamurthy (1932 - newline2014). newlineNo society or culture has escaped the throes of crisis be it moral, social, political or otherwise. The crisis that may be surmountable in one culture may shake the foundation of another. Of all the crises prevalent in society, one of the major causes for concern in the eyes of the participants newlineof the New Dialogue is moral crisis . Studies undertaken across the globe have thrown up the alarming fact that this is a crisis which could jolt the social order with its amoral way of thinking. America s moral integrity has been eroded by an anything goes culture abetted by the moral permissiveness of contemporary liberalism. The concern that the waning of tradition is giving way to moral confusion and anarchy is shared the world over including China and India despite their strong traditions. The reasons could be aplenty-ranging from the outbreak of wars, outbreak of epidemics and even crumbling of societies under the burden of orthodoxy of religion and caste. -
Rayleigh bernard convection in couple stress fluid with maxwell cattaneo law
The onset of thermal instability in horizontal layers of fluid heated from below illustrates many physical and mathematical features of the general theory of hydrodynamic stability. The effect of non-Fourier heat transfer in couple stress in a Rayleigh Benard configuration is analyzed theoretically in this thesis. Broad range of applications of couple stress fluid and the need for its characterization at a relatively small scale of time and length act as a motivation for the study of buoyancy driven convection in such fluids under the influence of magnetic field and under various modulations such as temperature, gravity, rotation and magnetic field by employing Maxwell Cattaneo law. newlineLinear and non linear magneto convection in couple stress fluid with Maxwell Cattaneo law newlineThe interesting facets brought about by the interactions between convection and magnetic fields in a Rayleigh Benard configuration for free free boundaries are analyzed in this chapter. Linear and weakly non linear stability analysis are carried out to study the system. It is proved that the oscillatory mode is not the preferred mode of instability. The couple stresses in the fluid and magnetic field are found to enhance the stability of the system whereas non-Fourier effects destabilized the system. newlineEffect of temperature modulation on the onset of Rayleigh Benard convection in a couple stress fluid with Maxwell Cattaneo law newlineThe effect of externally imposed time-periodic boundary temperature on the setting in of convection is examined using linear stability analysis. The Venezian approach is applied to deduce the critical Rayleigh number and critical wave number. The stability of the system is characterized by a correction Rayleigh number and is obtained as a function of the Cattaneo number couple stress parameter Prandtl number and the frequency of modulation. The study analyzes three types of temperature modulations viz. in phase, out of phase and only lower wall modulation. -
Energy efficient routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained universal attention now a day s owing to the advancements made in the fields of information and communication technologies and the electronics field. This innovative sensing technology incorporate an immense number of sensor nodes or motes set up in newlinean area to perceive any continuously fluctuating physical phenomena. These newlinetiny sensor nodes sense and process the sensed data and transfer this information to a base station or sink via radio frequency (RF) channel. newlineThe small size of these sensors is an advantage as it can be easily embedded within any device or in any environment. This feature has attracted the use of WSNs in immense applications especially in monitoring and tracking; the most prominent being the surveillance applications. But this tiny size of sensor nodes restricts the resource capabilities. Usually the WSNs are installed in application areas where the human intervention is quite risky or difficult. The sensed information might be needed to take critical decisions in emergency applications. So maintaining the connectivity of the network is of utmost newlineimportance. The efficient use of the available resources to the maximum extend newlineis a necessity to prolong the network lifetime. If any node runs out of power, the newlineentire network connectivity collapses and intend of the deployment might become futile. Because of this reason most of the research in the area of WSNs has concentrated on energy efficiency where the design of energy efficient routing protocols plays a major role. newlineThis research work titled Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks proposes to develop energy efficient routing protocol strategies so as to enhance the lifetime of the WSNs. A thorough study of the existing literature serves as the back bone for attaining acquaintance concerning the pertinent scenario, the problems faced and the application of the WSNs. newlineThe use of clustering and sink mobility to enhance the energy utilisation is explored in this research.