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Scalability of software defined network on floodlight controller using OFNet
Software Defined Network is the thriving area of research in the realm of networking. With growing number of devices connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the competence and applicability to hold up the fault tolerance of the solution offered in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of the accessible multiple controllers with enabled the SDN functionalities to the network infrastructure, one of the best choice in controllers is Floodlight Controller. This research article is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Floodlight Controller by implementing dual scenarios implemented, experimented and analyzed on the emulation tool of OFNet. Floodlight Controller is tested in the emulation environment by observing eight different parameters of the controller and checked its performance in scalable networking conditions over linear topology by gradually increasing the number of nodes. 2017 IEEE. -
Saving and investment behaviour of information technology professionals - An empirical analysis /
Asian Journal Of Research In Business Economics And Management, Vol.7, Issue 6, pp.71-91, ISSN: 2249-7307. -
Satyajit Ray
Satyajit Ray stamp was originally issued on 11 January, 1994. It is complete set of 2 commemorative postage stamps on Satyajit Ray, a Bengali artist, filmmaker, script writer, music composer, graphic artist, lyricist and author, regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of 20th century. The Department of Posts salutes this master of the art of cinema, through a setenant of stamps- one depicting his portrait with the Oscar and the other showing a scene from his first film Pather Panchali. -
Sartrean Insights on Understanding the Repercussions of Rape Trauma in the Gripping Narratives of Roxanne Gay and Neesha Arter
Women have been subjugated to violence from time immemorial. One of the most horrific forms of violence is sexual violence and rape. Their voice was not heard until the rise of second wave feminism which began around 1970. Women started to write about their experiences in the form of memoirs to bring to light the atrocities of rape and the implications of trauma and its impact. Sexual assault inflicts profound psychological and emotional wounds that give rise to a condition referred to as Rape Trauma. Rape Trauma Syndrome includes of a wide range of physical and psychological signs such as insomnia, nightmare, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression and so on and they last for a long period of time in one?s life. The research uses two memoirs written by American women, Roxanne Gay?s Hunger: A Memoir of my Body (2017) and Neesha Arter?s Controlled: The worst Night of my Life and its Aftermath (2015). The research uses Sartre?s perspective on embodiment, freedom, self to analyse rape trauma. The research uses Jean Paul Sartre?s concept to analyse the immense effects of rape trauma on the lives of the two women as documented in their memoirs. Using the framework provided by Constance L. Mui, the research delineates how rape trauma destroys the fundamental project of the protagonists and how rape trauma annihilates an individual from her own body and isolates her from the world. 2024 Sciedu Press. All rights reserved. -
SARS-CoV-2 Footprints in the Placenta: What We Know after Three Years of the Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into its third year, there is accumulating evidence on the consequences of maternal infection. Emerging data indicate increased obstetrics risks, including maternal complications, preterm births, impaired intrauterine fetal growth, hypertensive disorders, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, and a risk of developmental defects in neonates. Overall, controversial concerns still exist regarding the potential for vertical transmission. Histopathological examination of the placenta can represent a useful instrument for investigation and can contribute significant information regarding the possible immunohistopathological mechanisms involved in developing unfavorable perinatal outcomes. Based on current evidence, SARS-CoV-2 infection can affect placental tissue by inducing several specific changes. The level of placental involvement is considered one of the determining factors for unfavorable outcomes during pregnancy due to inflammation and vascular injuries contributing to complex cascade immunological and biological events; however, available evidence does not indicate a strong and absolute correlation between maternal infection, placental lesions, and obstetric outcomes. As existing studies are still limited, we further explore the placenta at three different levels, using histology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular genetics to understand the epidemiological and virological changes observed in the ongoing pandemic. 2023 by the authors. -
SarNet-1 -A Novel Architecture for Diagnosing Covid-19 Pneumonia and Pneumonia through Chest X-Ray Images
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a contagious disease which begins with flu-like symptoms. COVID-19 arose in China and it rapidly spread throughout the globe, leading to a pandemic. For many, it was noticed that the infection started with fever, cough and finally leading to pneumonia. It is very necessary to differentiate between covid pneumonia and general pneumonia for appropriate treatment. Chest X-ray readings are useful for radiologists to identify the severity of infection. While computerising this mechanism, deep learning techniques are found to be very useful in extracting relevant features from medical images. This can help in differentiating pneumonia, COVID19 pneumonia and x-rays of a healthy person. Computer aided methods for identifying the presence of pneumonia can help health providers to a great extent for quick diagnosis. The X-rays gathered from freely available datasets are used in this work to propose an architecture for categorising X-rays into pneumonia and covid pneumonia. 2022 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. All rights reserved. -
SARIMA Techniques for Predictive Resource Provisioning in Cloud Environments
Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) models for dynamic cloud resource provisioning are introduced and evaluated in this work. Various cloud-based apps provided historical data to train and evaluate SARIMA models. The SARIMA(1,1,1)(0,1,1)12 model has an MAE of 0.056 and an RMSE of 0.082, indicating excellent prediction ability. This model projected resource needs better than other SARIMA settings. Sample prediction vs. real study showed close congruence between projected and observed resource consumption. MAE improved with hyperparameter adjustment, according to sensitivity analysis. Moreover, SARIMA-based resource allocation improved CPU usage by 12.5%, RAM utilization by 20%, and storage utilization by 21.4%. These data demonstrate SARIMA's ability to forecast cloud resource needs. SARIMA-based resource management might change dynamic cloud resource management systems due to cost reductions and resource usage efficiency. This research helps industry practitioners improve cloud-based service performance and cost. 2023 IEEE. -
SARDS: Secured anonymous routing with digital signature in wireless sensor network
A Wireless Sensor Network has witnessed a massive research towards security as well as energy efficiency in past decades. However, there are few studies that have witnessed a cost effective secure routing technique with energy effectiveness till date. Objectives: Our objective is to use public key cryptography for ensuring energy-efficient routing technique in Wireless Sensor Network. Method/Analysis: The proposed paper presents a technique called as SARDS (Secured Anonymous Routing with Digital Signature) that performs verification of the routing information exchanged among the sensors in Wireless Sensor Network. SARDS uses elliptical curve cryptography as the backbone of security formulations and performs authentication of all the communicating nodes present in the network. Findings: The system also allows a dual layer of security by introducing a novel signature based scheme towards public key encryption policy. The outcome of the study shows SARDS to excel best in performance in comparison of existing security and energy efficient routing schemes. Application/Improvements: Proposed SARDS technique offers 1) A novel public key encryption, 2) A novel digital signature scheme, and 3) A novel privacy or anonymous scheme. The outcome of the proposed system is also found to be superior as compared to existing protocols e.g. SecLEACH, LEACH and PEGASIS. -
Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde, a sacred tree: its nutritional value, elemental composition and anti-nutritional content
The sacred Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde tree holds significant medicinal value and is utilized in ayurvedic preparations to treat various health conditions. This research investigated the nutritional, elemental and antinutritional properties of S. asoca leaves and flowers. The nutritional qualities of the tree parts were examined using the muffle furnace and micro-Kjeldahl techniques. Titration techniques were used to assess the antinutritional content of plants, whereas EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray) was used to determine the mineral content. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of tannins, phenols and flavonoids, along with antioxidant properties that could neutralize free radicals generated by metabolic processes in the body. Nutritional analysis indicated that the floral parts of S. asoca had higher moisture, carbohydrate and crude fat content than the leaves. Conversely, the leaves had elevated ash levels, crude fiber and protein. Leaf samples showed higher concentrations of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, iron and manganese compared to the floral samples. In contrast, flower samples exhibited higher potassium, copper, silicon and zinc levels. These findings highlight the rich nutritional profile, abundant phytochemicals and essential minerals in both tree parts, with low anti-nutrient content. This information could be instrumental in developing phytopharmaceuticals and nutritious food products. Additionally, utilizing these tree parts could offer a cost-effective way to enhance nutrient intake and address nutritional deficiencies in humans and animals. Copyright: The Author(s). -
Sandwich structured pedot-TiO2/GO/PEDOT-TiO2 electrodes for supercapacitor
In this study, we fabricated a divergent strategy to enhance the electrochemical capacitive properties of electrodes via the cost-effective multistep green and facile electrodeposition and brush coating technique of PEDOT-TiO2/GO/PEDOT-TiO2 composite. The synthesised composite showed both EDLCs and pseudocapacitive behaviour with a good specific capacitance of 501 Fg?1 for sandwiched structure at 1 Ag?1. From the results, synthesized composite has a better ion transportation mechanism which leads to a fast chargedischarge cycle as well as a very high value of power density (500 kW/ kg) suitable for supercapacitor applications. The substance demonstrated excellent electrochemical stability, retaining 94 % of capacitance after 2000 cycles. The obtained nanocomposites were examined by FTIR, XRD, Raman, SEM-EDX and electrochemical analyses such as CV, GCD and EIS analyses. We consider that the highly stable PEDOT-TiO2/GO/PEDOT-TiO2 nanocomposite with super-capacitive behaviours is a very promising material for high-performance electrochemical storage. 2023 The Authors -
Sampling and Categorization of Households for Research in Urban India
Conventional sampling methodologies for citizens/households in urban research in India are constrained due to the lack of readily available, reliable sampling frames. Voter lists, for example, are riddled with errors and, as such may not be able to provide a robust sampling frame from which a representative sample can be drawn. The JanaBrown Citizenship Index project consortium (Janaagraha, India; Brown University, USA) has conceptualized a unique research design that provides an alternative way on how to identify, categorize and sample households (and citizens within) in a city in a representative and meaningful way. The consortium consists of the Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy, based in India, and the Brown Center for Contemporary South Asia, part of Brown University, USA. The methodology was designed to enable systematic data collection from citizens and households on aspects of citizenship, infrastructure and service delivery across different demographic sections of society. The article describes how (a) data on communities that are in the minority, such as Muslims, scheduled castes (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST), were used to categorize Polling Parts to allow for stratified random sampling using these strata, (b) geospatial tools such as QGIS and Google Earth were used to create base maps aligning to the established Polling Part unit, (c) the resulting maps were used to create listings of buildings, (d) how housing type categorizations were created (based on the structure/construction material/amenities, etc.) and comprised part of the building listing process, and (e) how the listings were used for sampling and to create population weights where necessary. This article describes these methodological approaches in the context of the project while highlighting advantages and challenges in application to urban research in India more generally. 2022 Lokniti, Centre For The Study Of Developing Societies. -
The previous chapter discussed assessment in internship, while this chapter introduces various templates for such assessments and presentations in teaching internship. There are various tasks provided to preservice teachers, such as making reflections, observations, and lesson plans. These tasks are evaluated during the completion of the internship. A rubric for this evaluation is also provided in this chapter. The chapter also provides templates for a permission letter seeking leave and a template for successful completion of internship. The templates provided in this chapter can serve as a valuable resource for teacher educators, researchers and stakeholders in the field of teacher education for internship practices. 2023 selection and editorial matter G.S. Prakasha and Anthony Kenneth; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Salvia officinalis L. resilience under chromium stress: An integrated study of growth, physiology, biochemical changes and rosmarinic acid production
Medicinal plants are increasingly challenged by rising chromium (Cr) levels in agricultural soil and water bodies due to industrialization and human activities. This research examines the impact of various chromium concentrations on Salvia officinalis L., a medicinal herb, over 3 specific time periods: 30, 60 and 90 days. As the duration of Cr exposure increases, various growth parameters showed an upward trend at the lowest concentrations, with the most robust growth observed in the 20 ppm Cr treatment group after 90 days. However, higher chromium concentrations resulted in reduced plant growth compared to untreated plants. Chromium primarily accumulates in the roots, stems and leaves, with the highest accumulation observed at 100 ppm. However, chlorophyll content declined with prolonged Cr exposure, particularly at higher concentrations. Carbohydrate levels initially increased at lower Cr concentrations but decreased with greater exposure, while protein content consistently decreased with elevated Cr levels. Proline levels exhibited mixed responses, rising at lower concentrations and declining at higher ones. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased with higher Cr levels and extended exposure. The enzymatic antioxidant system showed an initial increase followed by a decline with prolonged exposure. Rosmarinic acid content increased with chromium (Cr) exposure upto 60 ppm but subsequently decreased beyond that threshold. In the first 30 days, plants treated with Cr demonstrated a 17 % increase in rosmarinic acid production compared to the control (48.9 mg/g DW). However, with continued Cr exposure, there was a decline in rosmarinic acid production ranging from 10 % to 20 % compared to the control level (67.02 mg/g DW) at 90 days post-treatment. These findings underscore the complex and contrasting responses of Salvia officinalis to Cr toxicity, highlighting the necessity for extended study into the core mechanisms governing these responses and the development of strategies to alleviate heavy metal stress in plants. The Author(s). -
Salutogenesis: A Paradigm for Organizational Health And Sustainability- A Metaphorical analysis.
Volume .5, Issue - 2, P# 43-22 ISSN: 0974-908x -
Sales Promotion Practices In Apparel Retail Sector And Challenges Ahead
International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol-5 (1), pp. 25-28. ISSN-0976-2183 -
Sales Prediction Scheme Using RFM based Clustering and Regressor Model for Ecommerce Company
Machine learning models are being used for better insights and decision making across many industries today. It shows to be quite useful for businesses in the ecommerce industry as well due to the vast amount of data generated and its potential. This research aimed to find insights on future sales of an ecommerce company [1]. The vast number of variables including both categorical and continuous variables under product data, customer information, transaction information, led us to implement a prediction model using regressors rather than just time series forecasting techniques. First an RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary) based clustering algorithm was used to get customer related information and then integrate those results into a regressor to achieve the desired goal of prediction of sales. Two schemes were tested one being predictions on individual clusters and the other where the clusters were one hot encoded back into the main data. Results show quite high accuracy of prediction. The high R-squared also indicated that our hypothesis of including the variables contributed significantly to the predicted sales values was correct in this case. This research fulfills an identified need to understand how machine learning algorithms can be implemented by multiple algorithms being integrated in sequential and logical orders thus helping derive business specific strategies rather than making it a mere technical process by providing empirical results about how the predicted sales values along with given inputs can contribute in business decision making relating to marketing, inventory management, dynamic pricing or many more such strategies. 2022 ACM. -
Sale and transplantation of human organs in india critical evaluation of the legal framework
The demand for the organ transplantation far exceeds the availability of organs or donors. This leads to unfair trade and commerce in human organs. Though India has a legal framework to regulate various aspects of organ transplantation the same does not seemed to have addressed the issue either adequately or comprehensively. The supply of donated organs has been inadequate for years. Current methods of obtaining organs and tissues have not provided an adequate supply of organs for use in transplantation. Obviously, the problem of scarcity is acute newlinefor the individuals who require organ transplants.Organ Transplantation is a lifesaving method.But, still it is unclear whether existing law is adequate to curb the organ sale and regulate organ transplantation. Although the general field of transplantation is still in a state of change and growth, there have been recent developments in legislation, especially giving priority to the genuine consent of the donor. Although the majority of legislation has been written for cadaver organ donation, slowly, regulation is developing for living organ donation as well.The advantages of cadaver transplantation are obvious: the dead donor encounters no risk in the performance of the transplantation operation. At present this is the only way that a vital organ newlinecan be replaced. The donor, once pronounced dead, is not exposed to any of the hazards which face the live donor. The laws of different countries allow either the potential organ donor to consent or dissent to the donation during his life time, or his relatives to consent or dissent after newlinehis death. Due to these different legislative possibilities, the number of donations per million people varies substantially in different countries. In most countries with the dissent solutions, newlinethere is no waiting list for donations, or the list is short, while most countries with consent solutions have substantial organ shortages. -
Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara a Christian humanist in dialogue with society
The concepts of humanism, secular and particularly Christian humanism, were very active in the debates of academic circles and related areas for a long time. The application and understanding of Christian humanism in Indian context was felt necessary in the context of the life and contributions of many Christian humanists. St Kuriakose Elias Chavara was a socioreligious reformer of nineteenth century Kerala. His life and that of others were made closer to God and it resulted in getting more meaningful life patterns in the society. His efforts at providing a platform for God experience, education for all, women empowerment, uplift of dalits and the poor and extending concern for the sick and the dying were the fruits of his dialogue with the society. It has got rare parallels in the history of nineteenth century Kerala. 2017 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies. -
Safety system for collision avoidance in rural roads and highways /
Patent Number: 202041006860, Applicant: Nabil Hossincy.
This device is conceived and will be developed with a primary objective to avoid head on collisions on curved undivided rural highways. Till date, device-to device communication and device-to-human communication as a complete mechanism to avoid head-on-collisions has never been devised. Even though, there are studies and inventions related to highway safety and roadway accident
mitigations. -
Safety of Unmanned Systems
The safety risk management process describes the systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the activities of communicating, consulting, establishing the context, and assessing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and reviewing risk. This process is undertaken to provide assurances that the risks associated with the operation of unmanned aircraft systems have been managed to acceptable levels. Active efforts should be made to develop rules to ensure the safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles. For the safe integration of operations with unmanned aerial vehicles, it is important to take into account the influence of different levels of control and autonomous capabilities, as well as the source of movement monitoring in the system. This article discusses the security issues of unmanned systems, the main directions of ensuring the information security of unmanned systems, software and hardware vulnerabilities have been identified. The methods of information protection are given, the disadvantages are indicated. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.