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JRHDLSI: An Approach Towards Job Recommendation Hybridizing Deep Learning and Semantic Intelligence
The requirement of the job for people and employees for employers are al-ways in demand. This is due to the lack of proper infrastructure to reduce the unmatching job application for employers and inappropriate job recommendations for people. This chapter proposes a strategic framework with machine learning and knowledge integration to increase accuracy in the provided recommendations and increase the chance of getting a job offer. The usage of'user's search data intends job recommended more in liking of the users, and the machine learning helps in finding the accurate job recommendation. The machine learning technique used here is Radial Basis Function Neural Net-work for the classification and Knowledge Integrated using Analysis of Variance - Web Point Wise Mutual Information and Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence. All the job providers ads are retrieved from the top websites using beautiful soup. The proposed JRHDLSI architecture achieved an accuracy of 94.99% which outperformed the baseline models and was much superior. 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) -
A hybrid semantic algorithm for web image retrieval incorporating ontology classification and user-driven query expansion
There is always a need to increase the overall relevance of results in Web search systems. Most existing web search systems are query-driven and give the least preferences to the users needs. Specifically, mining images from the Web are a highly cumbersome task as there are so many homonyms and canonically synonymous terms. An ideal Web image recommendation system must understand the needs of the user. A system that facilitates modeling of homonymous and synonymous ontologies that understands the users need for images is proposed. A Hybrid Semantic Algorithm that computes the semantic similarity using APMI is proposed. The system also classifies the ontologies using SVM and facilitates a homonym lookup directory for classifying the semantically related homonymous ontologies. The users intentions are dynamically captured by presenting images based on the initial OntoPath and recording the user click. Strategic expansion of OntoPath based on the users choice increases the recommendation relevance. An overall accuracy of 95.09% is achieved by the proposed system. 2018, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A hybridized semantic trust-based framework for personalized web page recommendation
The World Wide Web is constantly evolving and is the most dynamic information repository in the world that has ever existed. Since the information on the web is changing continuously and owing to the presence of a large number of similar web pages, it is very challenging to retrieve the most relevant information. With a large number of malicious and fake web pages, it is required to retrieve Web Pages that are trustworthy. Personalization of the recommendation of web pages is certainly necessary to estimate the user interests for suggesting web pages as per their choices. Moreover, the Web is tending towards a more organized Semantic Web which primarily requires semantic techniques for recommending the Web Pages. In this paper, a framework for personalized web page recommendation based on a hybridized strategy is proposed. Web Pages are recommended based on the user query by analyzing the Web Usage Data of the users. An array of strategies is intelligently integrated together to achieve an efficient Web Page Recommendation system. Latent Semantic Analysis is applied to the User-Term Matrix and the Term-Frequency Matrix that are built from the Web Usage Information to form a Term Prioritization Vector. Further, techniques like Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic-based Segregation of the URLs and Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information strategies are used for recommending web pages based on users queries. The Personalization is achieved by prioritizing the Web pages based on the Prioritization Vector. Also, a unique methodology is incorporated into the system to retrieve trustworthy websites. An overall Accuracy of 0.84 is achieved which is better than the existing strategies. 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Longitudinal study on noncommunicable diseases using machine learning
This longitudinal case study thoroughly explores the intricate connection between body mass index (BMI) and four key factors: physical health, psychological well-being, lifestyle choices, and the impact of diet on health. Through the analysis of longitudinal data, notable trends emerge, revealing an increase in risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and unhealthy behaviors over time. This highlights the combined impact of these interconnected factors on health outcomes and the risk of developing NCDs like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Leveraging machine learning, the study effectively identifies individuals at elevated risk for NCDs and dispels common health misconceptions, underscoring the significance of holistic wellness approaches. Serving as a beacon for the next generation, this study provides insights that contribute to shaping a healthier future. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Arun Kumar Rana, Vishnu Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Rana, and Vijay Shanker Chaudhary; individual chapters, the contributors. All rights reserved. -
Comic Memes and Sexist Humor in India: Tools for Reinforcement of Female Body-Image Stereotypes
Memes have been described as communicative and aesthetic practices that serve cultural, social, political purpose on a digital platform. Several studies, in the last decade, have attempted to study this digital aesthetic knowledge production as a powerful tool for political, racial, and gender-related discourses. Most often this knowledge is produced through comic multi-media texts. Many theorists believe that, digital media reinforces inequality, marginalization and such other social issues through the audio-visual-textual medium as much as it establishes the counter-discourses for equality, body activism, racial activism and the like. Speed and lack of censorship can be the cardinal reasons for the popularity of these memes. Among the mass-influencing gender-related memes are those encouraging fat-talk and body-image stereotypes. In the Indian context, 'Tag a Friend' memes is one such widely circulated meme which communicates body-shaming messages through sexist humor. It mainly targets the fat/colored/transgender women. The current study examines these memes using multimodal discourse analysis methodology. The paper attempts to investigate the revival/reproduction potential of color-shaming and body-shaming stereotypes via comic memes through Shiffman's memetic dimensions. The analysis establishes that memes can be a prominent site for the re-production of the problematic ideology of body/color shaming even in the 21st century. AesthetixMS 2021 -
Parametrical variation and its effects on characteristics of microstrip rectangular patch antenna
This paper represents a brief description about design of rectangular microstrip patch antenna and its parameter effects in size, efficiency and compactness and parametric analysis in terms of return loss, bandwidth, directivity and gain by using same and different dielectric substrate materials with same and different thickness of rectangular microstrip patch antenna. The important parameters of patch such as L, W, r and h has its own impact in antenna characteristics. This parametrical impact is studied and verified. As thickness of dielectric substrate increases, the gain & directivity of rectangular microstrip patch antenna decreases and bandwidth increases. As r increases, the size of the antenna decreases but when height of dielectric substrate increase antenna size also increases. There will be always a compromise between miniaturization and other antenna characteristics. This antenna is designed for microstrip feed line technique and with center frequency (f0) at 4GHz. The parametric analysis is obtained by comparing the simulated results of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for different cases. The proposed antenna is simulated using HFSS tool at resonance frequency of 4 GHz. 2017 IEEE. -
Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: The alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India
The study examines the microfinance and microenterprise model of Kudumbashree, the state poverty eradication mission of Kerala, and its impact on poverty alleviation in the state of Kerala in India. Kudumbashree's method of identification of the poor is seen to be superior to the conventional head count ratio as it captures the multidimensional characteristics of poverty leading to lesser chances of exclusion of vulnerable families. The microenterprise-linked microfinance model of Kudumbashree has established itself as an effective model linking the state, community, and financial organizations, differentiating itself from other NABARD-led self-help group (SHG) programmes or the Grameena model of microfinance institutions in the country. The fundamental idea of local economic development on which the microenterprise business is built is, however, not free from limitations. Heavy reliance on local markets for procuring inputs and selling outputs makes the products less competitive, questioning the sustainability of a business-led model in the absence of state subsidy in the longer run. Copyright 2014 Practical Action Publishing. -
A computational approach for the generalised GenesioTesi systems using a novel fractional operator
This article presents the novel fractional-order GenesioTesi system, along with discussions of its boundedness, stability of the equilibrium points, Lyapunov stability, uniqueness of the solution and bifurcation. The efficient predictorcorrector approach is employed to quantitatively analyse the GenesioTesi system in fractional order. The findings enable conceptualisation and visualisation of the presented novel fractional-order GenesioTesi systems. The modified systems are proposed for future study on chaos control and applying the same for secure communication. Bifurcation analysis is carried out to see the variation in the systems behaviour from stability to chaos. The results of the bifurcation analysis support the results obtained for the stability of the equilibrium points. The system behaves chaotically since all the equilibrium points are unstable. The findings demonstrate a torus attractor for some of the suggested systems and a chaotic attractor for some of the novel fractional-order GenesioTesi systems. The systems torus attractor changes into a steady state when the order is reduced from integer to fractional. Changing the parameter values for one of the modified systems also shifts the systems behaviour, with the point attractor replacing the torus attractor. The point attractor of one of the systems changes into a steady character when the systems order is reduced from integer to fractional. The behaviour for one modified system is the same for fractional and integer orders. This discovery paves the way for the future study of the modified GenesioTesi system. This article gives a new direction to utilise these proposed GenesioTesi systems and study them extensively. The chaotic behaviour of the modified system can be used for secure communication. The synchronisation and chaos control of the modified system is recommended. 2024, Indian Academy of Sciences. -
Modified Genesio-Tesi systems with trigonometric functions and the Caputo fractional derivative
The new fractional-order Genesio-Tesi system is introduced, and its boundedness, stability of the equilibrium points, Lyapunov stability, uniqueness of the solution, and bifurcation are all discussed in this paper. Using the efficient predictor-corrector approach, we statistically analyze the Genesio-Tesi system in fractional order. The results effectively conceptualize and visualize the novel fractional order Genesio-Tesi systems that are suggested. When the systems order shifts from integer to fractional, the revolution around the fixed point increases. The chaotic character of the modified Genesio-Tesi system is comparable to that of the original Genesio system. The major changes were made to the Geensio-Tesi system by including the trigonometric functions, keeping the initial conditions and parameter values intact. The system is fractionalised with the help of Caputo fractional operator. In particular, the modified systems nature is more complex, which may aid in signal processing and secure communication. Future research on the modified Genesio-Tesi system can now proceed in light of this finding. This article offers a fresh approach to utilizing and thoroughly researching the Genesio-Tesi systems that have been provided. CSP - Cambridge, UK; I&S - Florida, USA, 2024 -
Dynamics of chaotic waterwheel model with the asymmetric flow within the frame of Caputo fractional operator
The chaotic waterwheel model is a mechanical model that exhibits chaos and is also a practical system that justifies the Lorenz system. The chaotic waterwheel model (or Malkus waterwheel model) is modified with the addition of asymmetric water inflow to the system. The hereditary property of the modified chaotic waterwheel model is analyzed to determine the system's stability and identify the parameter that contributes to the stability We also examine the factor that leads to the bifurcation. We determine the well-posed nature of the modified system. The modified chaotic waterwheel model is defined with the Caputo fractional operator. The existence and uniqueness, boundedness, stability, Lyapunov stability, and numerical simulation are studied for the modified fractional waterwheel model. The bifurcation parameter and Lyapunov exponent are examined to study the chaotic nature of the system with respect to the fractional order. The nature of the system is captured with the help of the efficient numerical approach AdamsBashforthMoulton Method. The numerical approach demonstrates that the chaotic nature of the modified chaotic waterwheel is changed into unstable nature, which could further reduce to the stable case with suitable values of the parameter. This analysis is justified with the help of Lyapunov exponent. We consider irrational order (?,e) in the present work to illustrate the reliability of fractional order. 2023 Elsevier Ltd -
MRSP-Multi Routing Systems and Parameter Explanations to Build the Path in Underwater Sensor Network
The underwater network is currently widely used to locate moving objects beneath the sea, monitor marine security, and detect changes in the sea water. A large number of sensors, as well as a precise methodology, are necessary to detect changes in sea depth. The protocol should be revised in response to environmental and chronological changes. The sensor should have been designed with multiple knowledge to route packets in order to optimise transmissions. Because the node will choose the best route based on the circumstances, especially in an underwater network, the paper MRSP - multi routing systems and parameter validations to create the path in an underwater sensor network is discussed in the multi routing knowledge sensor operations, energy saving systems, redundancy reduction, and so on. All of these measures, combined with secure transmission with trusted neighbour selection, result in safer transmissions and more accurate path selection. 2022 IEEE. -
Deposition and characterization of ZnO/CdSe/SnSe ternary thin film based photocatalyst for an enhanced visible light-driven photodegradation of model pollutants
A heterogeneous photocatalytic pathway is a possible approach to global energy and environmental issues. Sol-gel spin coating and physical vapour deposition were used to create a new ternary ZnO/CdSe/SnSe nanocomposite thin film photocatalyst. X-ray diffractometry, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), field emission-scanning electron microscopy, UV-Vis, and photoluminescence (PL) spectrophotometers were used to characterize the deposited films. When exposed to solar light, the ternary photocatalyst exhibits high photocatalytic activity in photocatalytic dye degradation processes. it demonstrates excellent visible light absorption, enhanced charge carrier separation, and solar light simulation. It was proposed that the charge in the ternary ZnO/CdSe/SnSe photocatalyst moves in a double type-II and cascade manner between the various components. In this study, ternary thin film heterostructures are synthesized, exhibiting outstanding stability and solar light-induced photocatalytic activity.The thin film composed of ZnO/CdSe/SnSe exhibits a degradation efficiency of 96% when exposed to visible light, and a degradation efficiency of 90% for methylene blue under sunlight within a time period of 150 min. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.) The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023. -
The induced nK2 decomposition of infinite square grids and hexagonal grids are described here. We use the multi-level distance edge labeling as an effective technique in the decomposition of square grids. If the edges are adjacent, then their color difference is at least 2 and if they are separated by exactly a single edge, then their colors must be distinct. Only non-negative integers are used for labeling. The proposed partitioning technique per the edge labels to get the induced nK2 decomposition of the ladder graph is the square grid and the hexagonal grid. 2022, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved. -
On L? (2, 1)-Edge Coloring Number of Regular Grids
In this paper, we study multi-level distance edge labeling for infinite rectangular, hexagonal and triangular grids. We label the edges with non-negative integers. If the edges are adjacent, then their color difference is at least 2 and if they are separated by exactly a single edge, then their colors must be distinct. We find the edge coloring number of these grids to be 9, 7 and 16, respectively so that we could color the edges of a rectangular, hexagonal and triangular grid with at most 10, 8 and 17 colors, respectively using this coloring technique. Repeating the sequence pattern for different grids, we can color the edges of a grid of larger size. 2019 D. Deepthy et al. -
Education for All: How Schooling Is Creating Social Changes for Lowered-Caste Girls in Rural India
Arguments for the expansion of formal schooling have long focused on individual outcomes from schooling, including increasing income, reducing poverty, delaying marriage, and improving health, particularly for girls and women. For nearly three decades now, global education agendas have supported girls education in an effort to achieve these outcomes. A large body of research analyzes girls individual empowerment from schooling, but less attention is given to how schooling is creating change in families and communities, particularly for lowered-caste girls in India. This article places longitudinal data from a three-year qualitative interview study of schoolgirls in Rajasthan alongside qualitative life-history interviews of girls who completed secondary school in Uttarakhand to understand how schooling affects social changes for lower castes. The analysis, using an intersectional and relational approach, illustrates how girls schooling shifts kin and caste relations connected to marriage and work but in ways that do not transform the stickiness of caste and gender norms. We argue that educational policies and programs must attend to the ways in which caste is implicated in achieving outcomes of delayed marriage and formal employment for lowered-caste girls in Indian communities if schooling is to create positive social change. 2020 by The Author(s). -
A Narrative Synthesis on the Role of Affective Computing in Fostering Workplace Well-Being Using a Deep Learning Model
Emotional information is more valued in the modern workplaces with increased focus on the need for sensing, recognizing and responding to human emotions. Integrating human emotions as information for communication and decision-making is possible through the computer-based solution called as affective computing. Affective computing is a relatively less explored AI platform though the notion is more than two decades old. The cognitive algorithms employed in affective computing operates in three key areas, viz. context sensitivity, augmented reality, and proactiveness, with outcomes in the fields of emotion management, health, and productivity. Affective computing promises better management of organizational outcomes such as fostering workplace well-being, promoting happiness, productivity, engagement levels, and communication. Further, affective computing can play vital roles in an employees life cycle with applications in functional areas of HRM like employee selection, training and development, and performance management. Even as workplaces are increasingly adopting affective computing, an analysis of its positive effects can help practitioners take informed decisions about its implementation. This paper outlines the theoretical underpinnings of affective computing, discusses the relevance of ResNet50 in image analysis, and proposes a step-by-step methodology for implementing affective computing techniques in the workplace. The potential benefits and challenges of adopting affective computing in fostering workplace well-being are also discussed. Thus, this chapter investigates the role of affective computing in fostering well-being in the workplace usinga deep learning model. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Secure Authenticated Communication Via Digital Signature And Clear List In VANETs
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) plays a vital role in the intelligent transportation system(ITS), When a vehicle receives a message through network, the CRL (certificate revocation list) checking process will operate before certificate and signature verification. After successful authentication,a CRL list is created based on authentication. This CRL is used to verify whether a vehicle node can be permitted for communication in the VANET network. But when using CRL, a huge amount of storage space and checking time is needed. So we proposed a method without CRL list, but mentions a key management list to overcome large storage space and checking time even it reduce the access delay too. For the access permission we can do an authentication system based digital novel signature authentication(DNSA) for each vehicles in the vanet with the RSU unit or with other participant node vehicles in the communication as per the Topology.So we can perform an efficient and secured communication in VANET. The Electrochemical Society -
Study on 5G Massive MIMO Technology Key Parameters for Spectral Efficiency Improvement Including SINR Mapping on Rural Area Test Case
Massive MIMO is one of the key disruptive technologies in 5G which offers significant change in the core network architecture and channel modeling compared to the previous wireless communication standards. There are many research works currently focusing on implementing Massive MIMO network in different channel propagation models. ITU, 3GPP and IMT consortium deliver timely 5G LTE releases and taken as benchmark documents by various telecom companies and universities to set up testing, trials and hardware deployments. However, without optimization on spectral efficiency parameter, the specifications proposed by 5G in terms of improvement in data rate or throughput could be difficult to achieve. This paper initially provides an in-depth study on spectral efficiency estimation and optimization in Massive MIMO by investigating different research papers. From these papers, list of parameters involved in spectral efficiency are identified, such as, fading characteristics, power or energy efficient parameters, standard deviation, angle of arrival factors in antennas installed in base stations and many others. The author however concludes with the best selection of constraint optimization parameters to improve the spectral efficiency taking into account of its simple design and major impact on the improvement in the result by taking downlink scenario of a simulation environment using 5G Massive MIMO network. SINR mapping of standard Rural Macro test scenario adopted from M 2314, LTE release 17 of 5G framework is simulated in this research paper. 2022 IEEE. -
A Survey on 5G Standards, Specifications and Massive MIMO Testbed Including Transceiver Design Models Using QAM Modulation Schemes
Massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)is the advanced technology in 5G architecture which improves mobile and data wireless system parameters in multiple folds. The basic idea of this technology is to include huge number of antennas in the base stations serving limited user equipment. This will enhance the parameters like spectral efficiency, data rate, wireless devices connectivity, energy or power efficiency and also, significant reduction in interference and error rates. The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)consortium, International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT)and various partner telecom companies are on the way to develop unified architecture to meet the proposed 5G standards by the year 2020. Initial test beds and field-trials are already in process at various universities and telecom companies considering Long Term Evolution (LTE)releases features in the 5G architecture framework. However, the research is still an open issue on improving the parameters. This research paper provides a detailed overview on 5G standards, specifications and Field trials and test beds implemented by various universities and telecom industry utilizing Massive MIMO technology. This literature survey paper aims to enlighten the researchers working in the area of Massive MIMO to understand the test bed and field trials designs existing till date. This paper also motivates to complete experiments on Bit error rate (BER)estimation in various modulation schemes for single transmitter-receiver as well as in MIMO configuration. The reduction in BER is observed when MIMO models are used for transceiver design. The hardware utilization and simulation work of the field trials and testbed provide different existing techniques to develop a transceiver system which meets 5G standard. 2019 IEEE.