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Analytics in e-learning
Predictive analytics play an important role in the evolving dynamics of higher education. There has been a steady up rise in use of technology in the field of education. e-learning is seen as a futuristic approach of learning. Hence, the study of factors influencing success in e-learning courses is relevant to the current scenario. Use of predictive analytics in virtual learning environment would provide insight on learning patterns of students. The learning data available in the traditional teaching environment is different from the one, which is available from virtual learning. This paper tries to identify various attributes associated with e learning which can help in making the learning process effectual. International Research Publication House. -
Local community involvement in wildlife resorts: Issues and Challenges
The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism Article 5 states that tourism should be a beneficial activity for host countries and communities (UNWTO). The code also emphasises on equitable distribution (between host countries and communities) of the economic and sociocultural benefits generated by tourism activities. The tourism resorts and accommodation sector have to involve local communities in socio-economic activities and priority should be given to local manpower. A wildlife resort has vast opportunities to involve local communities in their day to day operation by purchasing local products, promoting local festivals, providing employment opportunities to locals, and involving local communities in decision-making. Wildlife resorts can also promote local culture, create environment awareness among local people, provide educational support to the local children, and support development of infrastructure and medical facilities for the locals. Though local communities can be involved in various activities of wildlife resorts, it is essential to address the issues and challenges that hinder wildlife resorts from doing so. This paper attempts to determine the issues and challenges faced by wildlife resorts in involving local communities in their day to day operations and suggests ways and means to overcome those challenges. The scope of the study covered selected wildlife resorts in Karnataka. The targeted respondents of the research survey were resort managers and data were collected using open-ended questions to understand real-time issues and challenges involving local communities in resort activities. The data were then analysed using thematic text analysis. The findings from the study will help explore means of providing a better framework which will help wildlife resorts overcome issues and challenges involving local communities. The Author(s) 2017. -
A comparative study of magnetite and MnZn ferrite nanoliquids flow inspired by nonlinear thermal radiation
The characteristics of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stagnation point flow of ferrofluids are investigated. The effects of nonlinear thermal radiation, heat generation and viscous dissipation are considered. Two different nanoparticles (Fe3O4 and MnZnFe2O4) are comprised in the base fluid (water). The ordinary differential equations are formed using suitable similarity transformations from the governing partial differential equations. The subsequent nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved numerically using RKF-45 method. The influence of governing parameters on the results are analysed. It is found that the thermal boundary layer thickens due to the influence of nonlinear radiation and heat generation for both the fluids. The rate of heat transfer is higher for MnZn ferrite-nanofluid in comparison with magnetite nanofluid. 2017 by American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved. -
Some graphs with super vertex sum number 2
In this paper we give optimal super vertex sum labeling scheme for super subdivision of bi-star, path union of spider and algorithm to construct super vertex sum labeling of super subdivision of Caterpillar. 2018 Academic Publications. -
An ordered ideal intuitionistic fuzzy software quality model
Software is one of the major factors in the development of computer - based systems and products. Measurement of the software quality is thus the key factor that has to be taken into account while developing a software system. Many software quality models with numerous quality parameters are under use to measure the performance of a software system, on the basis of which the software is valued. This study intends to make available a fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (FMCDM) approach to measure software quality and to propose new similarity measures between ordered ideal intuitionistic fuzzy sets (OIIFSs). The proposed model is applied to five live software projects so as to quantify the software quality of each project under fuzzy environment. IAEME Publication. -
Molecular detection of Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in sea water and marine invertebrates
The exportation of cultured olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in Korea has been recently decreasing due to the infections with a myxozoan parasite Kudoa septempunctata, and there is a strong demand for strict food safety management because the food poisoning associated with consumption of raw olive flounder harbouring K. septempunctata has been frequently reported in Japan. The life cycle and infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in aquatic environment are currently unknown, which hamper establishment of effective control methods. We investigated sea water and marine invertebrates collected from olive flounder farms for detecting K. septempunctata by DNA-based analysis, to elucidate infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in aquaculture farms. In addition, live marine polychaetes were collected and maintained in well plates to find any possible actinosporean state of K. septempunctata. The level of K. septempunctata DNA in rearing water fluctuated during the sampling period but the DNA was not detected in summer (June-July in farm A and August in farm B). K. septempunctata DNA was also detected in the polychaetes Naineris laevigata intestinal samples, showing decreased pattern of 40 to 0%. No actinosporean stage of K. septempunctata was observed in the polychaetes by microscopy. The absence of K. septempunctata DNA in rearing water of fish farm and the polychaetes N. laevigata intestinal samples during late spring and early summer indicate that the infection may not occur during this period. N. laevigata was suspected as the possible alternate invertebrate host of K. septempunctata, but the actinosporean stage was not found by well plate method and further studies will be necessary. This research provides important baseline information for understanding the infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in olive flounder farms and further establishment of control strategies. 2017 The Author(s). -
Celebration of christmas as a symphony of interfaith in ?tm?nut?pam of St Chavara
This article is an attempt to reflect on the interfaith consciousness of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, by making an Indian reading of his classical work ?tm?nut?pam, specifically focusing on how the incarnation of Christ is presented and celebrated with an open and inclusive approach. In ?tm?nut?pam, while explaining the episode of the Infancy Narrative, St Chavara addresses Child Jesus with the significant Indian name, Brahman?than, and Jesus is being worshipped by Brahmac?rinis with unique Indian offerings. The addition of an Indian character called S?nti as an aged shepherdess making conversation with Mother Mary makes the narrative Indian. Because of his deep and affective knowledge of Indian culture and religion, and having a moving openness and a dialogical approach to them, St. Chavara could develop a relevant cultural modification of his faith, which will have its unique stamp in the Indian Christian Theology. 2017 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies. -
Chemical Reaction Effects on Nano Carreau Liquid Flow Past a Cone and a Wedge with Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux Model
Chemical reaction aspect is utilized for heat mass transfer analysis of nano non-Newtonian liquid flow past a cone and a wedge. Flow is steady, laminar and two dimensional created due to a cone and a wedge. The Carreau liquid and Cattaneo-Christov heat flux models are utilized. The magneto-nano Carreau liquid material occupies the porous space. The relevant PDEs are rendered into coupled non-linear ODEs via appropriate transformations before treated them numerically through Runge-Kutta and Newton's method. The computed results are plotted for employing the various values of physical constraints on the profiles of velocity, temperature and nanoparticle volume fraction. Moreover, vitiation of the friction factor, Nusselt number and Sherwood number against physical parameters are presented numerically. It is figured out that convective heating and Brownian motion effects are constructive for thermal boundary layer growth. Aspect of chemical reaction is significant to control the solute layer growth and mass transfer rate. 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. -
Evaluation of mechanical properties of e-glass and coconut fiber reinforced with polyester and epoxy resin matrices
Composite manufacturing is the novel branch of science, which finds its immense applications in various industries such as sporting, automotive, aerospace and marine industries. The superior properties of composites such as stiffness, better mechanical properties, low density and light weight make it a candidate in engineering applications. The need for seeking alternate materials with increased performance in the field of composites revived this research, to prepare fiber reinforced composites by hand layup method using E-glass and coconut fibers with length 5-6 mm. The resin used in the preparation of composites was epoxy and polyester. Fiber reinforced composites were synthesized at 18:82 fiber-resin weight percentages. Samples prepared were tested to evaluate its mechanical and physical properties, such as tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, hardness and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed the morphological features. E-glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite exhibited better mechanical properties than other composite samples. The cross linking density of monomers of the epoxy resin and addition of the short chopped E-glass fibers enhanced the properties of E-glass epoxy fiber reinforced composite. TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. -
Poly(aniline) decorated with nanocactus platinum on carbon fiber paper and its electrocatalytic behavior toward toluene oxidation
Electrochemically deposited polymeric film of polyaniline (PANI) is used as a substrate for electrochemical deposition of platinum by using cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical properties of multi-layered films were analyzed by cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance spectroscopy. The structural properties of multi-layered polymer films were analyzed by SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, Raman and FTIR. The modified electrode showed strong electrocatalytic activity toward oxidation of toluene in presence of NaNO 2 /H 2 SO 4 in actetonitrile medium. Toluene gave a sensitive anodic peak at 1.318 V (vs. SCE). Cyclic voltammetry studies suggest that the electrochemical activity of Pt-PANI/CFP electrode is higher than that of Pt/CFP electrode toward toluene oxidation. 2018 The Electrochemical Society. -
Impact of language-based diversity on affective, normative and continuance commitments level amid techs
Language-based diversity is a relatively understudied area within diversity research. The present paper examines the effects of language-based diversity among IT employees on levels of affective, normative and continuance commitments in Bengaluru, Cosmopolitan city. In primary data, responses are collected through well framed questionnaires and direct interaction with the employees to selected sample of 550 respondents of 10 Information Technology organisations in Bengaluru city. The independence of the two characteristics mother tongue and continuance commitment was tested using Cramers V statistic and the asymptotic significance value of 0.000 resulted into the conclusion that the two characteristics are not independent. 51.9% of the employees with mother tongue Tamil have high level continuance commitment. Cramers V statistic was used to test the independence of the two attributes namely, mother tongue and total commitment, and it was found that the asymptotic significance value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05. Hence it was found that the characteristics are not independent. IAEME Publication. -
Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on mesoporous TiO2 for suzuki coupling reaction
Generally bimetallic catalysts are more superior to monometallic catalysts and provide a better platform for the development of novel catalysts with enhanced activity, selectivity, and stability. In the current work we have prepared Cu/Pd bimetallic supported on mesoporous TiO2 by hydrothermal method. The prepared system was characterized by various physico-chemical techniques such as XRD, TG-DTG, SEM, EDAX, BJH isotherm, and XPS. Thermal stability and complete electronic structure were identified from TG and XPS measurements respectively. The bimetallic system was found to be very active in Suzuki cross-coupling reaction using different substrates. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, and FT-IR analysis. Copyright 2018 BCREC Group. All rights reserved. -
Mobile in learning: Enhancement of information and communication technologies
The technological advancement in the world has changed the people's life. The people view point towards the usage of technologies in different fields like business, tourism, communication, education etc. has changed. Mobile learning can give flexible learning environ-ment for the user. It can also increase the participant number in the online teaching learning process. This paper discusses about the ef-fectiveness of the current technologies used in higher education system. It profiles the advantages of using mobile in accessing the uni-versity central system for teaching and learning. It also discusses about mobile digital book with augmentation, which can be used to improve the teaching and learning process of the different departments in the university. 2018 Authors. -
Antecedents of employee readiness for change in the IT sector and the manufacturing sector: A comparative study
A sample of 305 employees comprising nearly equal numbers from the manufacturing sector and from the information technology (IT) sector in India was assessed in terms of: 1) attributes of the individual employees (practical intelligence and creative behaviour); 2) processes (participation in making decisions and the quality of communication); 3) contextual factors (trust in management and history of change), to predict the readiness of the employees for change. The predictors of employee readiness for change differed between the two sectors, and the factor most closely related to the readiness was prior experience of organisational changes. Copyright 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Role of charged impurities in thermoelectric transport in molybdenum disulfide monolayers
A theoretical study of the electronic properties, namely, electrical conductivity (EC), electronic thermal conductivity (ETC) and thermoelectric power (TEP) in 2D MoS2 monolayers (MLs), over a wide range of temperatures (10 < T < 300 K), is presented employing Boltzmann transport formalism. Considering the electrons to be scattered by screened charged impurities and the acoustic, optical and remote phonons, the transport equation is solved using Ritz iterative method. Numerical calculations of EC, ETC and TEP presented for supported and free-standing MLs with high electron concentrations, as a function of temperature, bring out the relative importance of the various scattering mechanisms operative. The role of CIs, with regard to both concentration and separation from the substrate-ML interface, in determining the properties of supported MLs is demonstrated for the first time. Validity of Wiedemann-Franz law and Mott formula are examined for supported and free standing MLs. Calculations are in consonance with recent experimental data on mobility and TEP of exfoliated SiO2-supported MoS2 ML samples. In the case of TEP it is found that though the diffusion contribution is dominant the inclusion of the drag component, incorporating contributions from all relevant phonon scattering mechanisms, is needed to obtain good agreement with the data. 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Multi-frame twin-channel descriptor for person re-identification in real-time surveillance videos
Automatic re-identification of people entering the camera network is an important and challenging task. Multiple frames of the same person will be easily available in surveillance videos for re-identification. Dealing with pose variations of the person in the image and partial occlusion issues is major challenge in single-frame re-identification process. The use of more frames from the surveillance videos can generate robust descriptor to tackle issues of pose variations and occlusion. In this paper, we have emphasized on using multiple frames from the same video to generate a multi-frame twin-channel descriptor. The work deals with building a spatial-temporal descriptor which takes advantage of the twin paths to extract features of the person image. Mahalanobis distance metric learning algorithms is used for matching and evaluation. Our descriptor is evaluated on two benchmark datasets and found to surpass the performance of the existing methods. 2017, Springer-Verlag London Ltd. -
Assessing the loyalty of shoppers of attire multi - Brand outlets: A research study
This study aimed to ascertain whether the loyal shoppers referred their loved ones, friends, relatives, peer groups, well wishers, etc. to their preferred MBOs for fulfilling their shopping requirements. The study was conducted with 400 respondents at Coimbatore city, India. The research is a descriptive one. The data was collected using the mall intercept survey method. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution, cross tabulation, reliability and validity test, chi-square test, correlation, and t - test. Majority of the respondents sustained with the same MBOs due to various reasons like wider designs, collections, and product quality. The study revealed that the shoppers of MBOs were loyal towards their stores because 38% of the respondents referred five to ten people and 38.5% brought two to four new customers to shop from their preferred MBOs. The above facts like customer referrals and frequent purchases were the components chosen for this study, which proved the loyalty of shoppers towards the multi-brand outlets. -
Adolescents considering approval from others as a contributor to self-worth
Adolescence is a period that starts from biological puberty till the individual is legally adult. This stage of life is filled with confusion, energy, and curiosity. As much as education is going to determine their future, the self-worth they have plays a critical role in choosing the future path. In India, the adolescents are dependent on their parents and guardians financially. They need approval from others to be acceptable. This study focuses on the effective support from others have on their self-worth. RJPT All right reserved. -
Interepisodic functioning in patients with bipolar disorder in remission
Background and Objectives: Patients with bipolar disorder (BD), despite recovering symptomatically, suffer from several functional impairments even in remission. The actual causes of impaired functioning are less known. Materials and Methods: The study aimed to examine the clinical and psychosocial determinants of functioning in patients with BD in remission. A cross-sectional single-group design was adopted (n = 150). Participants meeting the study criteria were screened with Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview Scale. The selected participants were administered various tools to assess the level of functioning and the clinical, psychosocial determinants of functioning. Results: The clinical characteristics of the sample included early age of onset of illness, presence of precipitating factors, fewer episodes, minimal comorbidities, history of psychotic episodes, family history of mental illness, good medication adherence, and low depression and mania scores. Psychosocial factors included higher stress and moderate social support and self-esteem in the sample. Poor functioning patients had a history of longer hospital stay and had greater scores on depression, mania, stress, and maladaptive coping styles than better functioning patients. Conclusion: Higher depression, mania, stress, and maladaptive coping strategies were related to poor functioning, while higher medication adherence, self-esteem, and social support were related to better functioning. 2018 Indian Psychiatric Society - South Zonal Branch Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. -
Comparison of TDD and PAIR programming for improving software quality
These days, programming improvement groups utilizing coordinated procedures have started widely adopting Test-driven development and Pair Programming. Test-driven development (TDD) is a transformative way to deal with improvement, which joins test-first improvement where you compose a test before you compose simple enough creation code to satisfy that test and refactoring. Pair Programming is a sort of communitarian programming where two individuals are working at the same time on a similar programming task. In this paper the TDD and Pair Programming is applied for a dataset, collected from a group of users and compared. For our research, we executed structured experiments with five set of pair programmers and ten individual programmers. Both groups developed programs in Java. The outcome acquired demonstrates the strategy helps in expanding the software quality. IAEME Publication.