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An efficient 2-Step DNA symmetric cryptography algorithm based on dynamic data structures
The security of text has become highly demanding in today's fast growing networking world. DNA computing is one of the emerging technologies in the arena of huge data storage and parallel computation. A single gram of DNA holds 5.5 petabytes of data. This leads to the increased risk in data communication. DNA in computers is mapped to human genome. Thus, the sequence of nucleotide base constructs the foundation of uniqueness. In this paper, a new scheme acronymed as -'Cryptography on DNA Storage'-CDS is provided. It performs the DNA data encryption in just two-step by using random private key for each letter in the plaintext and parallel swapping of the resultant text in small clusters. It is discussed keeping the time and space complexity of the algorithm in concern. 2018 Authors. -
NIR properties of Be stars in star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
Magellanic Clouds are the nearby galaxies which are ideal to study the properties of metal poor stellar population. In this study, we explore the near-IR properties of optically identified classical Be stars in 19 star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. From an optically identified sample of 835 Be stars we obtained the J, H, K magnitudes of 389 stars from the IRSF MCPS catalog. Among these, 247 stars (36.4%) are found in 9 clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud and 142 stars (55.5%) in 10 clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. After correcting for reddening, we studied their NIR properties in the (HK)0 vs (JH)0 diagram. We identified 14 stars with abnormally large near IR excesses, which were removed from the analysis, there by restricting our study to 355 classical Be stars. We propose an extended area in the near-IR (H-K)0 vs (J-H)0 diagram as the diagnostic location of Classical Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds. We identified 14 stars to have near-IR excess, higher than those seen in classical Be stars. From the analysis based on spectral energy distribution and luminosity estimate, we found that 8 candidate Be stars may be Herbig Ae/Be stars. We identified a new sample of 6 sgB[e] stars, which when added to the sparse existing sample of 15 sgB[e] stars in the Magellanic Clouds can provide insight to understand the evolutionary link between sgB[e] stars and Luminous Blue variables. 2017 Elsevier B.V. -
Linear and non-linear analyses of electrothermo convection in a micropolar fluid
The linear and weakly non-linear stability analyses of electrothermo convention in a micropolar fluid layer heated from below are studied. The linear and non-linear analyses are, respectively, based on normal mode technique and truncated representation of Fourier series. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed in the linear case. The resulting autonomous Lorenz model obtained in non-linear analysis is solved numerically to quantify the heat transfer through Nusselt number. It is observed that the increase in concentration of suspended particles stabilizes the system and decreases the heat transfer and increase in electric Rayleigh number destabilizes the system and increases the heat transfer. 2017 Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India. -
Paramagnetic mononuclear oxovanadium(IV) complex as oxidation catalyst
2-Thiophenecarbanicotinic hydrazone is added with equimolar mixture of vanadyl acetyl acetonate in methanol to obtain oxovanadium(IV) complex of 2-thiophenecarbanicotinic hydrazone. Oxovanadium(IV) complex of 2-thiophenecarbanicotinic hydrazone is acted as an effective catalyst in the process. The catalytic reactions were carried under room temperature. The products generated were benzil and furil. The influence of solvent, oxidant and quantity of catalyst has been investigated. Oxovanadium(IV) complex of 2-thiophenecarba-nicotinic hydrazone proves significantly higher catalytic activity towards oxidation of secondary alcohols to ketones. The catalyst was proved to be very effective due to its recovery by simple filteration after completion of the reaction. It was reused several times which suggests that there is no change in the catalytic efficiency. Oxovanadium(IV) complex of 2-thiophenecarbanicotinic hydrazone did not show any leaching during the reaction, confirmed the heterogeneous nature. 2018 Chemical Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. -
Predictability and herding of bourse volatility: An econophysics analogue
Financial Reynolds number works as a proxy for volatility in stock markets. This piece of work helps to identify the predictability and herd behavior embedded in the financial Reynolds number (time series) series for both CNX Nifty Regular and CNX Nifty High Frequency Trading domains. Hurst exponent and fractal dimension have been used to carry out this work. Results confirm conclusive evidence of predictability and herd behavior for both the indices. However, it has been observed that CNX Nifty High Frequency Trading domain (represented by its corresponding financial Reynolds number) is more predictable and has traces of significant herd behavior. The pattern of the predictability has been found to follow a quadratic equation. Bikramaditya Ghosh, Krishna M.C., Shrikanth Rao, Emira Kozarevi?, Rahul Kumar Pandey, 2018. -
K-Shell X-Ray Fluorescence Parameters of a Few Low Z Elements
K-shell X-ray fluorescence parameters of low Z elements cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc have been measured employing a simple method. These elemental targets were excited by using 32.86 keV barium K X-ray photons from a weak 137Cs ?-ray source, and the emitted K-shell X-rays from these targets were detected using a low-energy high-purity germanium X-ray detector spectrometer. The results are compared with the standard theoretical, semi-empirical, fitted values and with the others experimental values. 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. -
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Nano Structures from Kerosene Soot and its Impedance Analysis
Graphene oxide was synthesized from kerosene soot, by adapting three different treatments. The properties of each sample were studied using X-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectroscopy, FTIR and impedance measurements. The XRD results showed that the structural parameters (layer spacing, number of layers) were in agreement with expected values, indicating the reliability of kerosene soot as a precursor for graphene. The grain size was found to be small (1 to 2 nm) confirming the nanostructure of kerosene soot. The UV-visible spectra revealed high band gap even while conductivity was appreciably high. Other characteristic measurements showed frequency-independent conductivity, low resistance and low capacitance. FTIR spectra of all the treated samples and the precursor show the differences brought about in functionalization, due to the different methods of treatment. These differences, however, does not appreciably affect parameters such as band gap, conductivity and dielectric loss in any drastic way. 2018 Chemical Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. -
Insights on research techniques towards cost estimation in software design
Software cost estimation is of the most challenging task in project management in order to ensuring smoother development operation and target achievement. There has been evolution of various standards tools and techniques for cost estimation practiced in the industry at present times. However, it was never investigated about the overall picturization of effectiveness of such techniques till date. This paper initiates its contribution by presenting taxonomies of conventional cost-estimation techniques and then investigates the research trends towards frequently addressed problems in it. The paper also reviews the existing techniques in well-structured manner in order to highlight the problems addressed, techniques used, advantages associated and limitation explored from literatures. Finally, we also brief the explored open research issues as an added contribution to this manuscript. 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Identification of ambulance in traffic videos using image processing techniques
Traffic congestion is one of the commonly faced problems in the Urban areas. To eliminate these problems, there is a need for an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) that proposes an efficient method to reduce the traffic problems and introduces the priority system for the Emergency vehicles. This paper proposes two frameworks that identify ambulance in traffic videos based on features such as color, siren and text. Frames are extracted from videos to employ methods like multilevel thresholding and region matching. Multilevel thresholding is used for segmenting the ambulance from the other occurring vehicles based on the white color. Region matching for text detection method is employed in the segmented vehicle. Color space thresholding is used for the detection of siren based on red or blue color feature. Optical character recognition (OCR) is employed to extract the text in the frame. Word comparison and Matching detects the ambulance text based on the outcome of OCR. The performance of Framework 1 and Framework 2 are evaluated based on Word accuracy and from the experimental results it is observed that Framework 2 is better from 75% word accuracy. 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All Rights reserved. -
Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara a Christian humanist in dialogue with society
The concepts of humanism, secular and particularly Christian humanism, were very active in the debates of academic circles and related areas for a long time. The application and understanding of Christian humanism in Indian context was felt necessary in the context of the life and contributions of many Christian humanists. St Kuriakose Elias Chavara was a socioreligious reformer of nineteenth century Kerala. His life and that of others were made closer to God and it resulted in getting more meaningful life patterns in the society. His efforts at providing a platform for God experience, education for all, women empowerment, uplift of dalits and the poor and extending concern for the sick and the dying were the fruits of his dialogue with the society. It has got rare parallels in the history of nineteenth century Kerala. 2017 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies. -
Hybrid scheme image compression using DWT and SVD
Image compression is process of reducing data size to represent an image by removing redundant data. Hybrid scheme image compression is combination of methods performed in order or as an amalgam to form a new technique. In this paper, we proposed a new approach to compress the image by collaborating Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Image is decomposed into wavelets using DWT and approximate wavelet is subsequently transformed into four bands. Different wavelet filters are implemented for transformation namely Haar, Daubechies, Biorthogonal and Coiflets. Apart from approximate image, SVD is applied on remaining wavelets (Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Details) at each decomposition level. On reconstruction, various singular values are selected depending on the level transformation. The performance of the proposed method is compared and evaluated with SVD, DCT-SVD and DWT-DCT-SVD. Evaluation is carried out based on Compression Ratio (CR), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM) index. From the experimental results, it is observed that proposed method yields better MSE, PSNR and SSIM compared to state-of-the-art methods. 2017, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of La3+ doped bicrystalline titania prepared via combustion method for the degradation of cationic dye under solar illumination
La3+ doped TiO2 photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by combustion method in the presence of urea and were characterized by various physico-chemical techniques. Further, the photocatalytic performance of the synthesized catalysts was monitored by photocatalytic degradation of synthetic cationic dye-Methylene Blue (MB) under solar illumination. The bicrystalline phase of anatase and rutile was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Moreover, the transformation from anatase to rutile phase proceeds at a slower rate in the La3+ doped TiO2 catalysts. Effective separation of charge carriers, a synergistic effect in the bicrystalline framework of anatase and rutile, smaller crystallite size, and higher concentration of surface adsorbed hydroxyl groups helped these catalysts to show improved activity for the dye degradation. Copyright 2018 BCREC Group. All rights reserved. -
Influence of acculturation on the ambition level of second and third generation migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands witnessed migration from 1857 during the penal settlement plan of the British Government followed by Independent migration after 1947. Government extended certain facilities to the migrants like job reservation, easy access to government jobs in the Islands, reservation for higher education etc during the 50's, 60's and 70's. Population of the Islands have now reached to an alarming level and the facilities and opportunities have shrunk down, yet people have not changed their mindset rather anything related to their ambition remain in and around the Islands only. This study aims to understand how acculturation has influenced the ambition level of the 2nd and 3rd generation migrants of the Islands. The study proposes to follow the methodology based on grounded theory. Using Theoretical sampling method, second and third generation migrants of the Islands were recruited. Individual interview sessions, lasting approximately 45 to 90 minutes were conducted with the participants to know how acculturation has impacted their ambition level. The transcripts of the interviews were thematically analysed with the help of NVivo 10. The attachment of the migrants to the Islands, their preference about education and ambition and cultural aspect were found to be the major aspects in shaping of ambition of the second and third generation migrants of the Islands. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. -
Marangoni convective MHD flow of SWCNT and MWCNT nanoliquids due to a disk with solar radiation and irregular heat source
Present study addresses the Marangoni transport of dissipating SWCNT and MWCNT nanofluids under the influence of magnetic force and radiation. A novel exponential space dependent heat source is considered. The flow is generated due to a disk with surface tension created by thermal gradient. The partial differential equations system governing the flow of carbon-water nanoliquids and heat transfer through Marangoni convection is established. Subsequent system is reduced to nonlinear ordinary boundary value problem via generalized Karman transformations. Numerical solutions are developed of the arising nonlinear problem via Runge-Kutta based shooting approach. Impacts of embedded parameters are focused on Nusselt number, velocity and heat transport distributions through graphical illustrations. Our simulations figured out that the heat transfer rate increased via Marangoni convection; however it is decayed by applied magnetic force. The temperature of SWCNT-H2O nanoliquid dominates MWCNT-H2O nanoliquid. 2017 Elsevier B.V. -
A comparison of recommendation algorithms based on use of linked data and cloud
Recommendation generation is a critical need in today's time. With the advent of big data and the increasing number of users, generation of most suitable recommendation is essential. There are many issues already associated with recommendations such as data acquisition, scalability, etc.. Moreover, the users today look to get best recommendations at the minimum effort on their side. Thus it becomes difficult to manage such huge amount of information, extract the needed data and present it to the user with least user involvemen t. In this research, we surveyed some recommendation algorithms and analyze their applications on an open cloud server which uses linked data to generate automated recommendations. 2018 Authors. -
Marangoni convection radiative flow of dusty nanoliquid with exponential space dependent heat source
The flow of liquids submerged with nanoparticles is of significance to industrial applications, specifically in nuclear reactors and the cooling of nuclear systems to improve energy efficiency. The application of nanofluids in water-cooled nuclear systems can result in a significant improvement of their economic performance and/or safety margins. Therefore, in this paper, Marangoni thermal convective boundary layer dusty nanoliquid flow across a flat surface in the presence of solar radiation is studied. A two phase dusty liquid model is considered. Unlike classical temperature-dependent heat source effects, an exponential space-dependent heat source aspect is considered. Stretching variables are utilized to transform the prevailing partial differential system into a nonlinear ordinary differential system, which is then solved numerically via the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg approach coupled with a shooting technique. The roles of physical parameters are focused in momentum and heat transport distributions. Graphical illustrations are also used to consider local and average Nusselt numbers. We examined the results under both linear and quadratic variation of the surface temperature. Our simulations established that the impact of Marangoni flow is useful for an enhancement of the heat transfer rate. 2017 -
Blowing Your Own Trumpet: How to Increase the Online Visibility of Your Publication?
After seeing ones manuscript in the print form in a journal, the author feels a sense of elation which is indescribable. However, if one really want peers and other researchers to take note of the work, some more effort is needed. With the massive increase in the number of biomedical journals in print supplemented by another large chunk onlinequite a few published papers remain unread by majority of the readers. The availability of social sites, persistent identifiers, and manuscript-sharing sites has simplified the job of increasing the impact of an article. We herein share some of these tricks-of-the-trade. 2018, Indian Academy of Pediatrics. -
Di-cationic ionic liquid catalyzed synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepines
A simple and elegant method for the synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepines has been developed using di-cationic liquid as a solvent cum catalyst by the reaction of o-aminothiophenol with a variety of chalcones under mild reaction conditions. Furthermore the reusability of the catalyst has also been studied for three cycles. All the reactions are proposed to proceed through a 1,4-conjugate Michael addition followed by a cyclo-condensation reaction. 2018, Chemical Publishing Co. All rights reserved. -
Is gold price volatility in India leveraged?
This paper examined the presence of leverage effect on the gold price volatility in six major Indian cities using PGARCH model. This study also examined the impact of US gold price return on the volatility of gold price in India. For this study, daily time series data of gold price in six major Indian cities and gold price in the United States over a period of seven years (January 2011 to August 2017) were collected. The results suggest that conditional volatility of gold price in all the six cities in India carries volatility clustering feature. Leverage effect was also found in the gold price volatility of five out of six Indian cities studied. The United States gold returns had a significant influence on the gold price volatility of five out of six Indian cities studied. Hence, the gold price volatility in India is indeed leveraged. -
Travellers attitude towards online purchase of travel products: An empirical study of online travel portals
The exponential growth of the online purchases and a cyber war in the digital space among the service providers for grabbing the lions share in the online space requires an understanding of the effect of demographic features on the online purchase behaviour of the travellers. Such valuable information will help the service providers to understand and eventually segment their markets and implement effective marketing instruments. The empirical study was carried out amongst 450 travelers who booked their travel online through Online Travel Portals in Delhi National Capital Region out of which 400 questionnaires were found to be complete in all respects and can be used for data analysis. The data was collected from the departure lounge of Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. The study investigates the traveler`s attitude towards online purchase of travel products and investigates the factors influencing the online purchase of travel products by the travelers. The findings denote that income and age group influence the online purchase attitude of travellers. It also identifies whether a gap existed between expectation and satisfaction of online purchase of travel products using Online Travel Portals in Delhi National Capital Region. The largest positive gap (positive disconfirmation) came from reliability in financial transactions, pertinent information, flexible packages and location while completeness in terms of services, integration on social media, usefulness, accuracy, flexible payment, information quality had a negative gap (negative disconfirmation) between the higher level of importance and lower levels of satisfaction. No significant mean differences were observed between expectations and experiences of proficient Grievance redressal system and timeliness in refund. 2018 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All Rights Reserved.