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The inherent risk of climate change becoming a hindrance in a business supply chain
Purpose: A sophisticated network of interconnected supply chains serves as the central organising principle for most of the manufacturing serving the global economy. Right from computers and vehicles to life-saving pharmaceuticals and food is made possible by the supply web. The final goods part of a supply chain may include thousands of components from various global regions. These supply chains have been refined to achieve the highest speed and efficiency. Methodology: This study includes a sample of 127 firms that have been in business for at least 15 years and are familiar with business dynamics. The authors anticipate how climate risks, common in global supply networks, will evolve over the next several decades. This study examines the vulnerability of nine commercial value chains to climatic disasters. Also, it explores company and value chain vulnerabilities, financial losses, and adaptation or strategic methods to increase resilience. Findings: Companies must plan forward in terms of locations by retaining operational facilities while running new operations in less risky places. Without change, supply networks will become unstable and dangerous shortly. Using their climate objectives, businesses must decarbonise their supply chains. Businesses should connect with suppliers longer-term. The quality and dependability of a company's suppliers affect its success and safety. Future-focussed corporations are already engaging their suppliers on health, safety, and environmental issues. Significance: The typology may be helpful to executives as they make decisions about the strategic option(s) they wish to pick to address climate change. These decisions can also be influenced by the insights provided by the research about the present status of operations of other firms from different sectors all over the globe. 2023 by Chabi Gupta and Swati Bhatia. -
Organizing data using lists: A sequential data structure
Computer programming aims to organize and process data to get the desired result. Software developer chooses a programming language for application development based on the data processing capabilities of the language. The list is one of the sequential data structures in Python. A list is limited to a particular data type, such as numbers or strings. Occasionally, a list may include data of mixed types, including numbers and strings. Elements in the list can be accessed by using the index. Usually, a list's elements are enclosed within square brackets and divided using commas. The list may be referred to as a dynamic-sized array, which denotes that its size increases as additional data is added and that its size is not predefined. List data structure allows repetition; hence, a single data item may appear several times in a list. The list assists us in solving several real-world problems. This chapter deals with the list's creation and manipulation, the complexity of processing the list, sorting, stack, and queue operations. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Optimizing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks using python libraries
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely utilized in various fields, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, and industrial automation. Optimizing energy consumption is one of the most challenging aspects of WSNs due to the limited capacity of the batteries that power the sensors. This chapter explores using Python libraries to optimize the energy consumption of WSNs. In WSNs, various nodes, including sensor, relay, and sink nodes, are introduced. How Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib can be used to optimize energy consumption is discussed. Techniques for optimizing energy consumption, such as data aggregation, duty cycling, and power management, are also presented. By employing these techniques and Python libraries, the energy consumption of WSNs can be drastically decreased, thereby extending battery life and boosting performance. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Language and identity formations of second-generation migrants in Deepak Unnikrishnan's temporary people
Decades of migration to the Gulf nations have led to the existence of second-generation migrants who were born and raised in migrant lands. The chapter uses the novel Temporary People (2017) by Deepak Unnikrishnan as a primary text to explore the role language plays in second-generation migrant identity formations and the assimilation process. The national language, Arabic, is situated in the specific socio-political context, a site where ideologies and power relations are reproduced. By identifying a gap in the language education policy, it reveals how migrant's inability to communicate in the Arabic language has complex implications on their identities and notions of belongingness. The chapter explores language's power to naturalize norms and hierarchical structures within society that can hinder the assimilation process and highlights the migrant-citizen divide. It shows how notions of temporariness and Othering in migrants are inherent within the language politics of the land. The chapter reaffirms language-identity relations and points to revaluating migrant language policies. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Python's role in predicting type 2 diabetes using insulin DNA sequence
This chapter examines how Python can assist in predicting type 2 diabetes using insulin DNA sequences, given the substantial problem that biologists face in objectively evaluating diverse biological characteristics of DNA sequences. The chapter highlights Python's various libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit- learn, for data handling, analysis, and machine learning, as well as visualization tools, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, to help researchers understand the relationship between different DNA sequences and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, Python's ease of integration with other bioinformatics tools, like BLAST, EMBOSS, and ClustalW, can help identify DNA markers that could aid in predicting type 2 diabetes. In addition, the initiative tries to identify unique gene variants of insulin protein that contribute to diabetes prognosis and investigates the risk factors connected with the discovered gene variants. In conclusion, Python's versatility and functionality make it a valuable tool for researchers studying insulin DNA sequences and type 2 diabetes prediction. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Indian women and empowerment: A Kleinian approach
The idea of women empowerment is often understood through the varied social contexts of individuals. There have been many attempts in understanding this notion among Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) women. A similar exploratory trajectory is seldom found in non-WEIRD samples of women especially those from South East Asian collectivistic cultures. The present study attempts to explore the concept of empowerment among middle-aged women from collectivistic cultures, who are often subjected to benevolent sexism from a social constructivist position. The paper would emphasize notions about the empowerment of ordinary women, particularly with regard to their occupational status. The discussion would be positioned in the cultural context of the Indian subcontinent where gender roles, norms and expectations define the concept of empowerment among women. A psychodynamic Kleinian approach involving object relations is adopted to elaborate on the occupational position of the participants where their interpersonal dynamics are explored. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
How close are you to your end consumer? Data-driven insights to awesome customer experience
The delivery of a tailored customer experience is being widely recognised by executives in the technology industry as the key to unlocking revenue, minimising attrition, and providing growth. It is not simple to satisfy a consumer in today's market. Delivering reliable and efficient experiences across channels is more challenging than it has ever been because of the context of disparate privacy regulations, quick updates to browser technology, and an ever-evolving technological landscape. This research suggests that to do it right, the business needs to have the right people, processes, and technologies working in sync. This study highlights that many companies continue to invest in instruments and technology solutions before they have effectively accomplished the organisational transformation required to perform the role in a data-driven mode. Investments do not always yield the promised results since the basic pieces of mindset, vision, and people are not always in congruence. Consumers are no longer going to be 'just satisfied,' or 'even happy.' 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable IoT for smart environmental control
The network of physical items/things/objects, that are implanted with sensors, software, and other networking technologies to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems through the internet, is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). Environmental control in the context of IoT systems refers to the use of connected devices and sensors to manage and regulate various aspects of the environment, such as temperature, lighting, air quality, water quality, and more. The goal is to create an intelligent environment that is more efficient, comfortable, and sustainable. 2023, IGI Global. -
Acculturative stress: Psychological health and coping strategies
There is an increasing shift in focus from the causes of immigration to the consequences of immigration, a major aspect being the stress triggered by the myriad changes and challenges experienced during the process of moving into a different culture and settling in. The main aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the concept of acculturative stress in detail. The author has gathered the content by doing a keyword search of relevant terms on Google Scholar and choosing articles that provide insight into acculturation, acculturative stress, and psychological health. The chapter will delve into how the different strategies of acculturation are associated with the level of acculturative stress experienced and consequent mental health problems as well as strategies to manage or reduce acculturative stress. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Transformational innovation technologies for regenerative bioeconomy: Case study on green initiatives for tourism logistics service providers
The tourism industry has negative environmental consequences, overshadowing the regenerative bioeconomy. Climate change, land degradation, and resource depletion are significant challenges. Excessive use of non-biodegradable resources threatens the planet, requiring bio-based resources. It is critical to transition to and reuse bio-based resources. In this chapter, the regenerative bioeconomy has a wide- reaching impact on accomplishing SDG 6, 8, 11, and 12, with a focus on the circular economy's involvement in tourism logistics. Investments in talent development, digital technologies, and partnerships are needed to realise bioeconomy potential. Engaging local communities and implementing sustainable business practices can reduce energy use and environmental impact. Digital transformation requires technological advancements, foreign investment, and active participation from all stakeholders. This chapter tries to explain the complicated interplay between the regenerative bioeconomy, tourism logistics, and sustainable practises intertwining. 2023, IGI Global. -
Artificial intelligence towards smart green transportation: A path towards sustainability
Emerging technological advancements and sustainability concerns have initiated the integration of smart technologies into the transportation infrastructure at major cities and tourist hubs. The rising environmental concerns have called for a shift in focus from conventional methods to innovative green transport initiatives being formulated by DMOs and destination planners. The use of data analytics and artificial intelligence in transportation has been proven to be a reasonable method for sustainable transportation. This study focuses on assessing the value propositions of smart transportation systems in enriching the tourist experience by providing convenient travel solutions. The chapter focuses on understanding the value proposition of smart transport designs at destinations and the long-term prospects of installing such sustainable infrastructure at major tourist hubs. The study also aims to evaluate the tourist experience in using smart transportation services and the potential benefits and challenges involved in the practical implementation of such systems. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Hermeneutic keys and pedagogic tips: Enrich case research
Pedagogy sharpens and complements hermeneutics to form the prolegomena statement for this chapter. The chapter undertakes two approaches: It deals with closer understanding of the text in depth and also explains the findings of the text for pedagogical applications. The science of interpretations will provide a proliferation of meanings and interpretations. The lessons from pedagogy will facilitate a lot of assistance for academic and teaching purposes. Radhakrishnan Nair's hermeneutic keys and Justin Joy's pedagogic tips form the crux of the matter in the research paper. Here, research in case studies culminate in some useful findings related to comprehension and conception of case as text. However, quite legitimately the research demands a specialist partner in complementary pedagogical research, which compels to find a research association from the management faculty, at once competent in pedagogy. Justin Joy shares and resolves the problems Nair has confronted with. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Taming the HiPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion) with agile metrics and value management
If the organisation's ecosystem has an excess of HiPPOs, data, measured analytics, and other realtime information that minimises uncertainty can help them mitigate the consequences. They disregard the wisdom of the crowd, overlook the front-line staff's abilities, and risk disengaging the workforce. This research advocates agile metrics and value management to tame the HiPPO. The authors posit to reign in opinions with metrics. The corporate enlightenment brought about a revolutionary idea over three centuries ago: to elevate science and knowledge above magical thought and mysticism. When the authors convert this into modern terms, they are referring to data-driven management, analytics, and hypothesis validation. In fact, the idea of applying science in the form of true evidence, confirmed data, etc. to production processes underlies much of the industrial revolution. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Role of employee resource groups (ERGs) in fostering workforce diversity in information technology (IT) organizations after COVID-19
This chapter discovers how employee resource groups play an important role in fostering organizational diversity within information technology organizations. It examines the activities and practices to improve employee behaviour and also focuses on challenges faced by employees in spite of stress and mental health related issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data has been collected from secondary sources. The authors have used desk research and gray literature. The findings showcase increased employee engagement, improvements in diversity and inclusion, and an overall improvement in the inventive and creative skills of employees. It also helps the organization to brand itself better along with better recruitment strategies and practices. The key emphasis of the paper looks at the employees working within information technology organizations and how employee resource groups function to balance, motivate, and empower employees during COVID-19 Pandemic. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Smart cities: Redefining urban life through IoT
A smart city is designed using acceptable internet of things (IoT) technologies that solve urban life problems and provide quality of life to the residents. IoT refers to a network of physical devices that are capable of gathering and sharing data and expediting numerous functions without human assistance. IoT supports smart home builders and managers by providing an efficient ecosystem in terms of less operating cost and improvising residence services. In recent days, the initiative of smart homes/buildings/ cities is increasing gradually around the globe. The inclined population in an urban area also expects well-managed automated services in their everyday life. 2023, IGI Global. -
Evolutionized industry with the Internet of Things
Technological development has led us to various paths. Though each technological change has evolved in its own space and time, it resulted in amenities and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving. One such technology is the "Internet of Things" - IoT which was coined in the year 1999 by a computer scientist called Kevin Ashton. Despite its start in the late 90s, it has come a long way to achieve the status of 10 Billion active IoT devices by the end of 2021, with the IoT solutions costing an estimated economic value of 4-11 trillion by 2025. 2023, IGI Global. -
An exploratory study of Python's role in the advancement of cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystems
Blockchain is the foundation of cryptocurrency and enables decentralized transactions through its immutable ledger. The technology uses hashing to ensure secure transactions and is becoming increasingly popular due to its wide range of applications. Python is a performant, secure, scalable language well-suited for blockchain applications. It provides developers free tools for faster code writing and simplifies crypto analysis. Python allows developers to code blockchains quickly and efficiently as it is a completely scripted language that does not require compilation. Different models such as SVR, ARIMA, and LSTM can be used to predict cryptocurrency prices, and many Python packages are available for seamlessly pulling cryptocurrency data. Python can also create one's cryptocurrency version, as seen with Facebook's proposed cryptocurrency, Libra. Finally, a versatile and speedy language is needed for blockchain applications that enable chain addition without parallel processing, so Python is a suitable choice. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Clinical implications of chromosomal polymorphisms in congenital disorders
Alterations in the DNA sequence are generally seen in the general population at >1%, and these alterations can be deletions or insertions. Classically, chromosomal polymorphisms (CPMs) are alterations with no significant phenotypic distinctions. However, few studies have shown that the presence of CPM can lead to congenital disabilities, which can be fatal. These variants in the DNA can happen in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The human genome is considered full of SNPs, and they are responsible for causing pathological phenotypes and provide insight into pathogenesis, a therapeutic approach to the pathology. About 100 million SNPs are observed in humans for an average of 300 nucleotides. These polymorphisms are detected by using molecular techniques. These polymorphisms are not just restricted to the coding region. The CPMs are first recognized on the chromosomes through molecular techniques, followed by detection of the polymorphism. The CMPs are generally the SNPs, deletions/duplications, and presence of microsatellite DNAs. Here we have summarized the implications of CMPs in a few congenital disorders and the method of diagnosis. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Vocational training course preferences among Sikkimese youth
Unemployment is one of the major issues in modern times. High unemployment rates affect a country's economic growth, mental wellbeing of an individual and his/her family members, and create unrest in society. Vocational training is one of the most crucial elements in the competitive and developing world. Through the provision of real-world experience, vocational training aids in developing skills. This study aims to highlight the aspirations of the people of Sikkim concerning vocational training and find its challenges and hindrances. With the help of a structured questionnaire, responses were taken from the youth of Sikkim, India and their perception about opting for different vocational training courses were taken. Upon analyzing the data, it was found that males are more inclined towards cooking and baking classes, repair of mobiles, laptops and other electronic accessories, and repair of bikes and automobiles. Females, on the other hand, wanted to focus on makeup and beautician courses, jewelry design, floriculture, and towards repair of mobile and computers. 2023, IGI Global. -
IoVST: Internet of vehicles and smart traffic - Architecture, applications, and challenges
The internet of things (IoT) is the network of sensors, devices, processors, and software, enabling connection, communication, and data transfer between devices. IoT is able to collect and analyze large amounts of data which can then be used to automate daily tasks in various fields. IoT holds the potential to revolutionise and create many opportunities in multiple industries like smart cities, smart transport, etc. Autonomous vehicles are smart vehicles that are able to navigate and move around on their own on a well-planned road. 2023, IGI Global.