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A mobile based remote user authentication scheme without verifier table for cloud based services
The emerging Cloud computing technology, offering computing resources as a service is gaining increasing attention of both the public and private sector. For the whole hearted adoption of Cloud, the service providers need to ensure that only valid users gain access to the services and data residing within the provider's premises. Ensuring secure access to sensitive resources within the Cloud requires a strong user authentication mechanism using multiple authentication factors. The mechanisms should also consider the increasing needs of Internet access through smart phones and other mobile devices and facilitate access through a variety of devices. Traditionally, a user needs to maintain separate user accounts for each Service Provider whose service he/she desires to use and this may cause inconvenience to users. Single Sign on (SSO) addresses this issue by permitting users to create one login credential and access multiple services hosted in different domains. In this scenario, a compromise of the single credential can result in account take over at many other sites. This points out to the requirement of strengthening the authentication mechanism by using more than one factor. This paper proposes a SSO based remote user authentication scheme for a Cloud environment. The proposed protocol uses password and mobile token and does not require the server to maintain a verifier table. The protocol is verified using automated security Protocol verification tool, Scyther and the results prove that the protocol provides protection against man-in-the-middle attack, replay attack and secrecy of the user's credentials. 2015 ACM. -
Comparing keyframe extraction for video summarization in CPU and GPU
Most of the information is captured through multimedia techniques. Videos contain many frames which might be redundant. Since processing of many frames is involved, these redundant frames must be removed for better and efficient results. Summarizing these frames by removing similar frames can speed up processing. In this paper video summarization is achieved by generating key frames. Key frames are generated using discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) technique and we subtract background from the keyframes to get region of interest. A video of 920&Times;720 resolution and length 120 second was used as test video and the run-time was 111 second in CPU and 60 second in GPU. The speed up is nearly 100%. A HD video which took 23 minutes in serial implementation to extract foreground object from key frames generated was reduced to 7 minutes using GPU acceleration. 2015 IEEE. -
STREE: A Secured Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications are today not only limited to the research stage rather it has been adopted practically in many defense as well as general civilians applications. It has been witness that extensive research have been conducted towards energy efficient routing and communication protocols and it has been reached to an acceptable stages, but without having a secure communications wide acceptance of the application is not likely. Due to unique characteristics of WSN, the security schemes suggested for other wireless networks are not applicable to WSN. This paper introduces an novel tree based technique called as Secure Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency or STREE using clustering approximation along with lightweight key broadcasting mechanism in hierarchical routing protocol. The outcome of the study was compared with standard SecLEACH to find that proposed system ensure better energy efficiency and security. 2015 IEEE. -
A comprehensive survey on features and methods for speech emotion detection
Human computer interaction will be natural and effective when the interfaces are sensitive to human emotion or stress. Previous studies were mainly focused on facial emotion recognition but speech emotion detection is gaining importance due its wide range of applications. Speech emotion recognition still remains a challenging task in the field of affective computing as no defined standards exist for emotion classification. Speech signal carries large information related to the emotions conveyed by a person. Speech recognition system fails miserably if robust techniques are not implemented to address the variations in speech due to emotion. Emotion detection from speech has two main steps. They are feature extraction and classification. The goal of this paper is to give an overview on the types of corpus, features and classification techniques that are associated with speech emotion recognition. 2015 IEEE. -
A secure image-based authentication scheme employing DNA crypto and steganography
Authentication is considered as one of the critical aspects of Information security to ensure identity. Authentication is generally carried out using conventional authentication methods such as text based passwords, but considering the increased usage of electronic services a user has to remember many id-password pairs which often leads to memorability issues. This inspire users to reuse passwords across e-services, but this practice is vulnerable to security attacks. To improve security strength, various authentication techniques have been proposed including two factor schemes based on smart card, tokens etc. and advanced biometric techniques. Graphical Image based authentication systems has received relevant diligence as it provides better usability by way of memorable image passwords. But the tradeoff between usability and security is a major concern while strengthening authentication. This paper proposes a novel twoway secure authentication scheme using DNA cryptography and steganography considering both security and usability. The protocol uses text and image password of which text password is converted into cipher text using DNA cryptography and embedded into image password by applying steganography. Hash value of the generated stego image is calculated using SHA-256 and the same will be used for verification to authenticate legitimate user. 2015 ACM. -
Ceria doped titania nano particles: Synthesis and photocatalytic activity
Ceria (0.5, 1 and 2 mol%) doped titania nano catalysts were prepared by combustion synthesis method, using titanium isopropoxide as the starting material. The prepared catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Infra red spectroscopy (FTIR). Total acidity of the prepared catalysts were determined by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia (TPD - NH3). XRD pattern of 1% ceria doped titania obtained by calcinations at 873 K indicated that the samples were crystalline with a mixture of anatase and rutile phase. No peaks corresponding to cerium oxide were observed XRD patterns indicating that the amount of cerium is negligible on the surface of titania catalyst. The photo catalytic activity was evaluated for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under visible light irradiation. The degradation rates of MB on cerium doped TiO2 samples were higher than that of pure TiO2. The introduction of structural defects (cationic ceria dopant) into the titania crystal lattice leads to the change of band gap energy. As a result, the excitation energy is expanded from UV light of anatase TiO2 to visible light for ceria doped titania. 2016 Elsevier Ltd. -
Performance analysis of training algorithms of multilayer perceptrons in diabetes prediction
Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in developing machines or software that can create intelligence. Artificial Neural Networks is a field of neuroscience which contributes tremendous developments in Artificial Intelligence. This paper focuses on the study of performance of various training algorithms of Multilayer Perceptrons in Diabetes Prediction. In this study, we have used Pima Indian Diabetes data set from UCI Machine Learning Repository as input dataset. The system is implemented in MatlabR2013. The Pima Indian Diabetes dataset consists of about 768 instances. The input data is the patient history and the target output is the prediction result as tested positive or tested negative. From the performance analysis, it was observed that out of all the training algorithms, Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm has given optimal training results. 2015 IEEE. -
Partial load shedding using ant colony algorithm in smart grid environment
Effective power distribution methodology is one of the basic necessities to meet the increasing power demand in any power system. Load shedding is done when power demand is more than power generation, to sustain the power system stability. Load shedding methods followed today shed a particular load completely, neglecting the critical consumers within the system. Controlling the loads at individual utility level in smart grid system enables us to put a maximum power limit on utility. Hence by partially shedding the load, demand can be reduced. The technique used here utilizes ant colony algorithm to choose a maximum power limit for each load dynamically based on the importance and priority of load. This method forces the consumer to manage his load internally based on criticality. It also effectively makes use of availability based tariff schemes. 2015 IEEE. -
Friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 1100 and titanium-al alloy
A intercalating joint between Al and Ti alloy is friction stir welded using a high speed steel tool. The material mixing occurs mainly in the shoulder region while the pin region shows nominal mixing. Microscopy and hardness experiments indicate sporadic formation of intermetallic compounds. The joint region near the shoulder and to some extent below it shows increase in hardness compared to the base Ti alloy. Copyright 2016 by ASME. -
An approach to improvise recognition rate from occluded and pose variant faces
Face recognition is increasingly gaining popularity in today's field mainly because one of the major applications of face recognition, surveillance cameras are being used in real world applications. At the same time, researchers are trying to increase the accuracy of recognition as recognizing face from an unconstrained faces is naturally difficult. In the case of real world application, during image capture there are high chances of faces appearing with different poses, face subjected to illumination and occlusion. In this paper we propose a model that can increase the recognition rate with faces of different pose and faces subjected to occlusion. We introduce the technique of in-painting to restore the occluded face in a frame of video. A dictionary set is created with restored occluded face and faces with varying inclination. In our proposed model, Discrete Curvelet Transform is used to extract features. Comparison with traditional method shows a better recognition rate. 2015 IEEE. -
Encryption of motion vector based compressed video data
Enormous size of video data for natural scene and objects is a burden, threat for practical applications and thus there is a strong requirement of compression and encryption of video data. The proposed encryption technique considers motion vector components of the compressed video data and conceals them for their protection. Since the motion vectors exhibit redundancies, further reduction of these redundancies are removed through run-length coding prior to the application of encryption operation. For this, the motion vectors are represented in terms of ordered pair (val, run) corresponding to the motion components along the row and column dimensions, where val represents value of the motion vector while run represents the length of repetition of val. However, an adjustment for having maximal run is made by merging the smaller run value. Eventually we encrypted the val components using knapsack algorithm before sending them to the receiver. The method has been formulated, implemented and executed on real video data. The proposed method has also been evaluated on the basis of some performance measures namely PSNR, MSE, SSIM and the results are found to be satisfactory. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. -
Micromachining process-current situation and challenges
The rapid progress in the scientific innovations and the hunt for the renewable energy increases the urge for producing the bio electronic products, solar cells, bio batteries, nano robots, MEMS, blood less surgical tools which can be possible with the aid of the micromachining. This article helps us to understand the evolution and the challenges faced by the micromachining process. Micro machining is an enabling technology that facilitates component miniaturization and improved performance characteristics. Growing demand for less weight, high accuracy, high precision, meagre lead time, reduced batch size, less human interference are the key drivers for the micromachining than the conventional machining process. Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015. -
An analysis of load balancing algorithms in the cloud environment
The emerging area in an IT environment is Cloud Computing. There are many advantages of the computing but unfortunately, allocation of the job request effectively is a trouble. It requires lots of infra structural commitments and the quality inputs of the resources. Also, in the cloud computing environment, Load Balancing is an important aspect. Efficient load balancing algorithm helps the resource to have optimized utilization with the proper dissemination of the resources to the cloud user in pay-as-you-say-manner. It also supports ranking the job request based on the priority with the help of scheduling technique. We present the various types of Load Balancing Techniques in the different platform of Cloud Environment specified in SLA (Service level Agreement). 2016 IEEE. -
Segmentation of ancient and historical gilgit manuscripts
The Gilgit manuscripts belong to fifth century A.D. and are oeuvre of texts which deal with Buddhist work. It is one of the oldest manuscripts in the world and is considered to be a milestone in the history of Buddhist works in India. It is a collection of both official and unofficial Buddhist works which are believed to have helped in the evolution of many literatures including Chinese, Japanese, and Sanskrit. Since this manuscript is almost seventeen centuries old it has not been able to fully decipher the text yet. It has been laminated by the National Archives of India which proves it is one of the most important literatures concerning India. In this paper, we perform character- based image segmentation on Gilgit manuscript in order to simplify and to better identify character in the image of the manuscript. The employed method gives an accuracy of nearly 87%. Springer India 2016. -
Rectangular microstrip antenna for WLAN application
This paper deals with the design of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for Wireless applications. In this paper a modified slotted microstrip antenna design for 2.5GHz operation is proposed. This provides improved performance in terms of lower return loss and higher gain. This is possible by inclusion of slots appropriately on the patch shape. The substrate material used in this design is Duroid5880 with permittivity 2.2 and size 47.43mm 39.65mm 1.6mm. ANSOFT HFSS EM simulator has been used for design and simulation of the microstrip antenna. The various antenna parameters such as frequency, VSWR, gain and directivity are analyzed to characterize the proposed antenna. 2015 IEEE. -
A modified approach for extraction and association of triplets
In this paper we present an enhanced algorithm with modified approach to extricate various Triplets i.e. subject-predicate-object from Natural language sentences. The Treebank Structure and the Typed Dependencies obtained from Stanford Parser are used to elicit multiple triplets from English Sentences. Typed Dependencies represents grammatical connections among the words of any sentence and represents how triplets are associated. The intended interpretation behind the extraction of Triplets is that the subject is acting on the object in a way described by the predicate. In graphical form it can be considered that subject and object will be acting as nodes i.e. entities and predicate as edges i.e. relationship. The resulting triplets and relations can be useful for building and analysis of a social network graph and for generating communication pattern and Information retrieval. 2015 IEEE. -
A proof of concept implementation of a mobile based authentication scheme without password table for cloud environment
Cloud computing is a fast growing technology offering a wide range of software and infrastructure services on a pay-per-use basis. Many small and medium businesses (SMB's) have adopted this utility based Computing Model as it contributes to reduced operational and capital expenditure. Though the resource sharing feature adopted by Cloud service providers (CSP's) enables the organizations to invest less on infrastructure, it also raises concerns about the security of data stored at CSP's premises. The fact that data is prone to get accessed by the insiders or by other customers sharing the storage space is a matter of concern. Regulating access to protected resources requires reliable and secure authentication mechanism, which assures that only authorized users are provided access to the services and resources offered by CSP. This paper proposes a strong two-factor authentication mechanism using password and mobile token. The proposed model provides Single Sign-on (SSO) functionality and does not require a password table. Besides introducing the authentication scheme, the proof of concept implementation is also provided. 2015 IEEE. -
Design and simulation of CPW fed circular spike antenna for wireless applications
The aim of the paper is to design, and simulate circular spike Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) fed antenna for wireless applications. The size of the antenna is very small occupying a space of 36mm 36mm including the substrate board. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate of thickness 1.6mm with dielectric permittivity of 4.4. The Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) fed system is used, so we can avoid double side printed board. This proposed antenna covers the bandwidth frequency range from 2.85GHz to 3.31GHZ and 5.09GHz to 5.65GHz for various wireless applications. The antenna design and performance are analyzed by using High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) electromagnetic software for wireless applications according to frequency bands. The results of proposed antenna simulation on return loss, VSWR, gain and directivity are calculated. 2015 IEEE. -
Accessing Accurate Documents by Mining Auxiliary Document Information
Earlier techniques of text mining included algorithms like k-means, Nae Bayes, SVM which classify and cluster the text document for mining relevant information about the documents. The need for improving the mining techniques has us searching for techniques using the available algorithms. This paper proposes one technique which uses the auxiliary information that is present inside the text documents to improve the mining. This auxiliary information can be a description to the content. This information can be either useful or completely useless for mining. The user should assess the worth of the auxiliary information before considering this technique for text mining. In this paper, a combination of classical clustering algorithms is used to mine the datasets. The algorithm runs in two stages which carry out mining at different levels of abstraction. The clustered documents would then be classified based on the necessary groups. The proposed technique is aimed at improved results of document clustering. 2015 IEEE. -
Enabling context-awareness: A service oriented architecture implementation for a hospital use case
The medical field is continuously flooded with newer technologies and tools for automating all kinds of medical care processes. There are a variety of software solutions and platforms for enabling smart healthcare and for assisting care providers such as doctors, nurses, surgeons and specialists with all kinds of timely insights to diagnose and decide the correct course of actions. There are patient monitoring and expert systems to simplify and streamline healthcare service design, development, and delivery. However there are concerns and challenges with the multiplicity and heterogeneity of technologies and solutions. The dense heterogeneous medical devices available in the intensive therapy units pose a challenge of medical device integration. Needless to say, lot of research work has gone in devising techniques in integrating these systems for exchange of data. However mere device integration does not exploit the modern technologies until meaningful and critical information is presented to doctors and patient care personals adapting to the changes in the patient condition. The goal of this research is to apply context aware computing using service oriented architecture in acquiring, analysing and assisting doctors and nurses with necessary information for easy and critical time saving decision making. This paper presents an implementation of the identified web services which can be consumed during a treatment at the Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU). 2015 IEEE.