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The peculiar radio-loud narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342
We present a multiwavelength study of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLSy1) 1H 0323+342, detected by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. Multiband light curves show many orphan X-ray and optical flares having no corresponding ?-ray counterparts. Such anomalous variability behavior can be due to different locations of the emission region from the central source. During a large flare, a ?-ray flux doubling timescale as small as ?3 hr is noticed. We built spectral energy distributions (SEDs) during different activity states and modeled them using a one-zone leptonic model. The shape of the optical/UV component of the SEDs is dominated by accretion disk emission in all the activity states. In the X-ray band, significant thermal emission from the hot corona is inferred during quiescent and first flaring states; however, during subsequent flares, the nonthermal jet component dominates. The ?-ray emission in all the states can be well explained by inverse-Compton scattering of accretion disk photons reprocessed by the broad-line region. The source showed violent intra-night optical variability, coinciding with one of the high ?-ray activity states. An analysis of the overall X-ray spectrum fitted with an absorbed power-law plus relativistic reflection component hints at the presence of an Fe K? line and returns a high black hole spin value of a = 0.96 0.14. We argue that 1H 0323+342 possesses dual characteristics, akin to both flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and radio-quiet NLSy1 galaxies, though at a low jet power regime compared to powerful FSRQs. 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. -
The path to resilience: Exploring household financial vulnerability
Household financial vulnerability represents a significant financial challenge, predominantly impacting low and middle-income households when faced with sudden changes in income or expenses. At the household level, this vulnerability might arise as short-term liquidity issues or long-term solvency concerns. While household debt is a primary factor contributing to this vulnerability, elements like financial capability and the use of digital payments also play roles. The repercussions of household financial vulnerability encompass financial stress and potential bankruptcy, underscoring the critical need to comprehend its dynamics. Thus, this chapter aims to extensively explore household financial vulnerability, including its determinants, theoretical frameworks, assessment methodologies, and strategies for mitigation. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The paradox of workplace flexibility: navigating through the case of Career Pandit
Learning outcomes: The learning objectives are intended to stimulate the students comprehension of the various challenges faced by Indian startups in the digital ecosystem. With the changing working dynamics in organizations around the globe, managers are expected to explore unconventional business models to facilitate operational growth. The case study is a valuable resource for graduate students to enhance and evolve their critical thinking and solution-oriented skills as forthcoming managers of digital businesses. Students should be able to analyze the case, respond to the questions and evaluate the consequences of workplace flexibility, moonlighting and its applicability in an organizational context. With the Indian Government introducing schemes such as the Digital India initiative and Startup India, it is predicted that numerous startups will opt for digital business standards and a remote work approach. The case bridges classroom theories and a real-life digital company to help students connect with emerging market scenarios. Case overview/synopsis: During the digital era, India witnessed a shift in companies work culture, which amplified when COVID-19 hit the country. Organizations started to work remotely and experienced the numerous benefits it brought. The comfort of working from home was greater for digital businesses whose significant operations could be performed online. However, is it really that productive for digital companies to telecommute? The case illustrates how a digital company, Career Pandit, formed in 2018, unfurls and expands its business and further highlights the challenges the pandemic raised concerning people management. In addition to the discussion, the purpose of the case is to determine the implication of workplace flexibility and moonlighting and how Indian startups cope with the uncertain future challenges it brings. Complexity academic level: Under graduate and postgraduate students. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 6: Human Resource Management. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Paradox of Messiah States
[No abstract available] -
The organizational pedestal of quality of care climate in health care excellence; [Grundpfeiler einer qualitsorientierten Versorgungskultur: Gesundheitsversorgung in Indien]
Background: Health care in private healthcare organizations is a balancing act between business excellence and quality outcomes in practice. This complex activity establishes the existence of quality of care climate so as the pedestal of quality of care decisions bring health care excellence. In healthcare, Quality of care is not linear but multi-dimensional, with myriad challenges. Purpose: The aim of the study was to establish the organizational pedestal for quality of care and predominant quality of care dimension. Method: This study was approved by the IRB of our Institution. This study empirically tested the quality of care climate types in NABH accredited and non-accredited hospitals using quantitative method with a sample of 410 healthcare managers from accredited and non-accredited hospitals in South India. Results: The results indicate that among the dimensions of quality of care climate, competitive advantage was perceived the lowest with a mean rating of 73.14 among the rest. Value-Stream was perceived as the highest quality of care climate with a mean of 83.12. The results indicate that patient centered value-stream is the predominant dimension of quality of care climate as perceived by the managers and value stream is the predominated determinant of patient centered decisions. Conclusions: The results designate a promising support for patient centered quality of care approach for health care excellence with a balance on value stream mapping. 2021 -
The Optimization of Output of Wind Turbine with the Ongoing Grid System through BP Method Using ANN
Wind turbines are intricate devices that need careful planning, evaluation, and installation to guarantee peak performance under a range of environmental circumstances. Comprehensive load calculations, performance evaluations, and iterative optimisation processes are all part of the design process. However, complex simulation techniques are required to adequately depict the non-linear behaviour of wind turbine systems because of their complicated structure. Automation of optimisation processes and simulation executions is crucial to optimise the design process and manage the large number of simulations that are needed. This work provides a thorough framework using back propagation (BP) and artificial neural networks (ANN) for simulation and optimization that will make it easier to manage and automate the execution of iterative simulations during the design and development of wind turbines. The framework's main goals are to make design load case simulations easier and optimise activities more automatically. The framework makes it possible to optimise wind turbine systems and explore design options more effectively by automating these procedures. Three example optimisation jobs illustrate the framework's versatility and functionality. 2024 IEEE. -
The ontological causation
[No abstract available] -
The onset of RayleighBard convection and heat transfer under two-frequency rotation modulation
The impact of 16 combinations of sinusoidal (sine) and nonsinusoidal (square, triangular, and sawtooth) time-periodic Coriolis force (rotation modulation) on RayleighBard convection in a Newtonian liquid is studied in this paper. This consideration is made to capture the possible effects of two-frequency rotation modulation on stability, that is, the onset of convection and the simultaneous amount of heat transfer in the system. The Venezian approach has been asserted on the linearized Lorenz model to derive the correction Rayleigh number as a function of the two frequencies. The Lorenz model with nonlinearities is evaluated numerically to assess the quantity of heat transfer in the system. The present study states that in comparison with existing studies of no-modulation and single-frequency rotation modulation, two-frequency rotation modulation yields higher stability bounds and thus diminishes the heat transfer. Heat transfer is found to be enhanced by a pair of coprime integers associated with the harmonics in the system. 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC -
The odd one is Out: Voices from virtual classrooms
This article is a response to the online classrooms initiated from April 2020 onwards in schools across the country after the declaration of the lockdown. As classes went live in some parts of the country and several schools prepped towards the new medium, voices and experiences emerged from the field to throw light on the odds. The article collects the voices of students, educators and parents largely from the cities of Delhi and Bengaluru. The narratives are to be seen against the background of the critique of auto-modernism and emergent technology-intensive social institutions in the wake of COVID-19. This perspective pieces together the issues of infrastructure inadequacy in technology and the exclusiveness of pedagogy, and charts the inability of the marginalised sections in exercising the fundamental right to education. This article also highlights that internet classrooms are temporary make-shift arrangements. 2021 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
The nutraceutical properties and health benefits of pseudocereals: a comprehensive treatise
This review article depicts the possible replacement of staple cereal sources with some pseudocereals like Chia, Quinoa, Buckwheat, and Amaranth, which not only provide recommended daily allowance of all nutrients but also help to reduce the chances of many non-communicable infections owing to the presence of several bioactive compounds. These pseudocereals are neglected plant seeds and should be added in our routine diet. Besides, they can serve as nutraceuticals in combating various diseases by improving the health status of the consumers. The bioactive compounds like rutin, quercetin, peptide chains, angiotensin I, and many other antioxidants present in these plant seeds help to reduce the oxidative stress in the body which leads toward better health of the consumers. All these pseudocereals have high quantity of soluble fiber which helps to regulate bowel movement, control hypercholesterolemia (presence of high plasma cholesterol levels), hypertension (high blood pressure), and cardiovascular diseases. The ultimate result of consumption of pseudocereals either as a whole or in combination with true cereals as staple food may help to retain the integrity of the human body which increases the life expectancy by slowing down the aging process. 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The NGO research culture in zimbabwe: Its anatomy, architecture and typology /
International Journal of Science and Research, Vol-2 (12), pp. 50-61. ISSN 2319-7064. -
The nexus between demogaphics and investment behaviour /
Asian Journal Management, Vol.8, Issue 2, pp.361-369, ISSN: 2321-5763 (Online) 0976-495X (Print). -
The neuropsychology of leadership
In today's rapidly evolving workplace, understanding leadership and management from cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience perspectives contributes greatly to organizational success. This proposed chapter will delve into the specific relevance of the neuropsychology of leadership, highlighting executive control, decision-making, problem-solving, inhibitory control, emotional regulation, and stress management as crucial components of effective leadership. The chapter will also highlight the importance of cognitive profiling, mental health assessments, neuroplasticity, cognitive enhancement, and neurofeedback in the context of leadership and management. This proposed chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the interplay between neuropsychology and leadership, emphasizing its potential to enhance individual and collective success in the modern workplace. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Need for Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education for the Specially-AbledAn Essay
Educators at any grade level or subject area can apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is a set of principles for curriculum development that attempts to give all students an equal opportunity to learn. The provision of instructional alignment between objectives, instructional design, methods of delivery and assessment of learning outcomes, which could be individualized and which works for all is blueprinted in a UDL framework. The approaches and methods for instruction in UDL are adaptable and not the same for all the learners or it is not one size fits all approach according to the National Center for Universal Design for Learning (Harper, 2018). The guiding principles of UDL include acceptance and practice of various means of equivalent representation or acquiring information, various means of equivalent expression or demonstrating the learning and various means of equivalent engagement to enhance learning. Given the multiple potentials of specially-abled (SA) students, inclusive learning through UDL provides an environment of diversity and unison. The key attempt is to provide instructional delivery of the same topic to different learners with different learning abilities and approaches in the same course, resulting in comparable outcomes. This chapter highlights the various strategies of UDL that may be extended to assist SA students transition through the pandemic, some of which include customizing learning contents with assured accessibility, individualizing learning goals as per student potential, flexible/customized assessments, and qualitative grading. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023, corrected publication 2024. -
The Need for Food Security Under a Changing Climate Scenario
The global community has observed the escalating effects of climate change on several facets of human existence, with food security emerging as a particularly crucial issue. Climate change causes an alteration in the geographical distribution and population dynamics of pests and illnesses. Elevated temperatures and modified precipitation patterns are advantageous for developing pests and disseminating agricultural diseases, leading to diminished yields and heightened crop losses. This text examines the pressing necessity for ensuring food security in a changing climate scenario. This study comprehensively examines the difficulties and possibilities climate change poses in attaining sustainable food security, specifically in developing nations. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
The Nainital-Cape Survey: IV. A search for pulsational variability in 108 chemically peculiar stars
The Nainital-Cape Survey is a dedicated ongoing survey program to search for and study pulsational variability in chemically peculiar (CP) stars to understand their internal structure and evolution. Aims. The main aims of this survey are to find new pulsating Ap and Am stars in the northern and southern hemisphere and to perform asteroseismic studies of these new pulsators. Methods. The survey is conducted using high-speed photometry. The candidate stars were selected on the basis of having Stromgren photometric indices similar to those of known pulsating CP stars. Results. Over the last decade a total of 337 candidate pulsating CP stars were observed for the Nainital-Cape Survey, making it one of the longest ground-based surveys for pulsation in CP stars in terms of time span and sample size. The previous papers of this series presented seven new pulsating variables and 229 null results. In this paper we present the light curves, frequency spectra and various astrophysical parameters of the 108 additional CP stars observed since the last reported results. We also tabulated the basic physical parameters of the known roAp stars. As a part of establishing the detection limits in the Nainital-Cape Survey, we investigated the scintillation noise level at the two observing sites used in this survey, Sutherland and Nainital, by comparing the combined frequency spectra stars observed from each location. Our analysis shows that both the sites permit the detection of variations of the order of 0.6 milli-magnitude (mmag) in the frequency range 1-4 mHz, Sutherland is on average marginally better. 2016 ESO. -
Solo existential travel films of Hollywood enjoyed their heyday in the first two decades of the 21st century with most of them emerging as cult classics that have inspired millions to venture out on backpacking trips. The solo travel beyond the margins of a materialistic society that promises the traveller some existential clarity, in theory, is a truly existential endeavour that lets the individual exercise their Sartrean freedom and responsibility. But a quick survey of the films produced by Hollywood over the decades reveals a rather stealthy racism within. Solo existential travellers in Hollywood films of the 21st century have predominantly been white Americans. Despite being a powerful tool to create ones meaning and authentic identity in society, solo travel is still an instrument of self-redemption that is kept away from people of colour, especially the black American community. The paper will look into the significance, relevance and consequences of this seemingly invisible omission. From an embodiment perspective, the paper will attempt to analyze the absence of racial diversity in the genre to shed light on why the coloured body is to find its space in Hollywoods tapestry of solo existential travel. Copyright 2024 Namitha Nandan. -
The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space
The study, through the framework of mobility and space, explores the phenomenon of multiple shifts in learning spaces induced by COVID-19. The Interpretative Phenomenological Approach (IPA) is adopted to document the experiences and perceptions of learners caught within these spatial shiftsphysical, online, and hybrid. Online interviews were conducted with six first-year undergraduate and three first-year postgraduate students enrolled at the department of English and Cultural Studies in a Southern Indian University. Some of the dominant patterns emerging from the accounts of the participants are (1) the changing perception of conducive learning space, (2) the changing perceptions and roles of various classroom actors, and (3) the evolving nature of the learners and the learning process. The study utilizes the framework of mobility to locate the stage of embodied skill acquisition of the participants within the online learning space and illuminates the possibilities offered by this paradigm within the context of higher education. Some of the insights gained through the study include a changing perception of the conventional built classroom space, a notable preference towards a complete online or offline mode as opposed to the hybrid mode, and a transition towards self-directed learning. The study argues that these implications are highly pertinent and can significantly shape the way pedagogues and researchers engage with the various modes of learningphysical, online, and hybridand the future of higher education that is shaped by technology-enabled learning. 2021, The Author(s).