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The Mindful Self: Exploring Mindfulness in Relation with Self-esteem and Self-efficacy in Indian Population
The aim of the current study was to evaluate and compare the relationship of mindfulness with self-efficacy and self-esteem. The study has also investigated the difference in mindfulness levels across five dimensions: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experiences and non-reactivity to inner experience between males and females and between young adults and middle-aged adults who belong to the Indian population. There was a total of 146 participants (F = 80, M = 66), 84 in the young adult group (2040years) and 62 participants in the middle adult group (4165years). Pearson correlation showed statistically significant (p < 0.01) moderate positive correlation between all the five dimensions of mindfulness and self-esteem; while self-efficacy had significant (p < 0.01) moderate positive correlation with all the dimensions of mindfulness except for non-judging of inner experiences. Multiple linear regression (MLR) with self-esteem as outcome variable showed model fitness of 51% (p < 0.01) with acting with awareness, non-reactivity to inner experience, non-judging of inner experiences and describing as predictive variables. With self-efficacy as outcome variable, MLR showed model fitness of 40% (p < 0.01) with non-reactivity to inner experiences, acting with awareness, observing and describing as predicting variables. Females were found to be significantly higher in acting with awareness and observing dimensions of mindfulness compared to males. Middle adults were found to be significantly higher only in the non-judging of inner experiences dimension as compared to early adults. Importance of mindfulness in improving self-concept has been established in western world. The present study, by exploring the relationship between mindfulness and self-variables in Indian population, highlights the probable positive outcomes of mindfulness enhancing techniques on self-esteem and self-efficacy of individuals, and therefore on the quality of life. 2022, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India. -
The Metamorphic Influence of Cause-Related Marketing: Empowering Consumers as Catalysts for Societal Transformation
Purpose: In a market where prices and quality are fiercely competitive, companies have overflowed the market with a number of suitable brands. In the competitive business world of today, marketing tactics must always evolve to meet changing times and circumstances. Researchers have been motivated to discover the underlying aspects driving cause-related marketing strategy due to its global acceptability. This research elucidated the concept of cause-related marketing and emphasized the elements that motivate consumers to engage in such initiatives and influence their choice of products. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted with the help of a questionnaire sent to 480 respondents, out of which 432 questionnaires were found to be complete. Furthermore, the study examined the significance of each factor and its impact on decision-making using the confirmatory factor SEM model to analyze the data. Findings: The study revealed that Commitment was the utmost preferred attribute for the preference of cause-related marketing products. Practical Implications: A competitive edge may be obtained through cause-related marketing. Companies may provide financial support, increased awareness, and motivated actions for significant causes by making the most of their resources and efforts. This collaborative effort between companies and consumers has the potential to improve society significantly. Originality: The confirmatory factor SEM model has been used in this work to address urgent problems, new trends, or important information gaps. 2024, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
The merging odyssey of trade, investment and partnership: a linkage model of India and Korea interactions
With the rising presence of India as a global power and Korea as an advanced economy, the collaborative alliance between two nations is of growing research interest. India and Korea are vastly different in terms of demographics, cultural traditions and historical experiences. However, they are unusually compatible for their shared vision and amazingly comparable in their unique positions in the dynamic world that involves strong coordinating linkage mechanisms and constructive influences. This paper aims to examine how India and Korea come to forge strategic alliance both in business relationships and national interests. We briefly review the history of interactions between India and Korea and define a unique model of linkage roles. After discussing network theory of interactions in liberal international order, propositions explain step by step how India and Korea merge to create better future for countless people through trade, investment, and partnerships. Growth stages of global firms for domestic advantage and global competitiveness are presented as well. Managerial implications and future research issues are discussed. Copyright 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
The mental health climate crisis: Unveiling the hidden consequences of global warming
Today, the issue of climate change is a matter of great urgency on a global scale, with vast-reaching implications. While the environmental and physical health effects of climate changes are well-documented, its impact on mental health is an emerging area of concern. The issue of climate change necessitates a rigorous and systematic approach to comprehending, evaluating, and addressing climatic anxiety. This approach must underscore the differentiation between adaptive and maladaptive forms of anxiety, and the importance of considering the societal-level response necessary to effectively combat climate change. Studies have documented the impact of natural calamities like Hurricane Katrina on low-income people residing in those areas. The present study rests on the objectives of examining the psychological impact of climate change on individuals, communities, and vulnerable populations with the help of literature. Further, investigation is continued on the role of climate-related stressors, such as natural disasters, heatwaves, and environmental degradation on mental health outcomes. The study also identified the potential interventions and strategies for mitigating the adverse impact on mental health due to climate change. 2025 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved including those for text and data mining AI training and similar technologies. -
The Men and the Media
This chapter examines the significant transformations of the representations of lead male characters in Bollywood cinema post-2000 from the perspective of contemporary gender and cultural theories. The objective of the study is to gain an insight into the relationship between capitalism and masculinities; sports and masculinities; patriarchy and masculinities; the reversal of the male gaze into the female gaze, and how all these have contributed ultimately to the emergence of a new order of masculinity at the turn of the new millennium. Towards the end, the reader is invited to understand the entanglement of capitalism, sports and patriarchy in forming a kind of homosocial male bonding and how media has played a significant role in constructing it through a study of selected films. Masculinities and their consumerist connotations, which vary according to post-liberal economic and cultural contexts, have also been investigated in this study. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Francis Philip Barclay and Kaifia Ancer Laskar; individual chapters, the contributors. -
The mediating role of self-efficacy and networks in entrepreneurial intentions: Entrepreneurial education, university support, and user innovation in rural India
This research examines the complex relationships between entrepreneurial education, university support, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, network connections, and entrepreneurial intentions in Indian university students. The study uses a quantitative approach and structural equation modeling on a sample of 422 students enrolled in entrepreneurship-related programs to elucidate the mediating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and network connections. Despite the insignificant direct links betweenentrepreneurialeducation/university support and intentions,entrepreneurial self-efficacy and network connections emerge as important mediators. The findings provide theoretical insights into the multifaceted nature ofentrepreneurial intentions and have practical implications for improving entrepreneurship support programs. By understanding these mechanisms, stakeholders can create an environment that fosters entrepreneurial aspirations among university students. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The mediating role of positive perceptions on coping strategies and psychological well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities
Purpose: Research on caregiving has been considering the positive effects experienced by the mothers of children with disabilities. This paper aims to examine whether positive perceptions mediate the relationships between coping strategies used and psychological well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. Design/methodology/approach: The study opted for a quantitative approach that includes a correlation research design to examine the relationships between the variables of coping, positive perceptions and well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities attending special schools in the metropolitan city Bengaluru, India. The four-factor structure of Brief COPE examined were active avoidance coping, problem-focussed coping, positive coping and religious-denial coping. Positive perceptions refer to the positive contributions for the mother from the experiences of raising a child with intellectual disability. Mediation analysis explored the relationship between the variables. Findings: Problem-focussed coping was the most commonly reported coping factor and was associated with higher levels of well-being. Active-avoidance coping was the least commonly reported coping strategy. Positive perceptions partially mediated the relationship between the four coping factors and maternal well-being. These findings indicate that positive maternal perceptions have important implications for the employment of effective coping strategies that are associated with enhancement of psychological well-being. Originality/value: The focus on positive perceptions would help in understanding the use of coping strategies and planning of support services or interventions. The positive mental health of mothers paves the way for positive developments in the childs physical and psychological health. 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress in the Relationship Between Gratitude and Well-Being among Information Technology Professionals
The information technology (IT) industry in India is an integral part of the nation s economy. Yet, IT professionals encounter a profusion of mental health challenges and well-being issues. This study explored, how can optimal experiences of well-being be determined among IT professionals? It adopted a narrative style of literature review as the principal objective of this review was to comprehend the well-being issues among IT professionals and to develop a conceptual framework. From the perspective of positive psychology, the study addressed the research lacuna by investigating the effect of gratitude on the professionals newlineperception of stress and well-being. It comprehended the professionals self-reflected aspects of stress and coping methods. The principal objective of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of perceived stress in the relationship between gratitude and well-being. The newlineinfluence of socio-demographic factors on perceived stress and the well-being differences based on self-reflected stress severity were also examined. Data from 421 participants were included for analysis in this mixed method research study. The data collection tools included: emotion subscale in the multi-component gratitude measure, perceived stress scale, subjective newlinehappiness scale, psychological capital questionnaire, anxiety and depression subscales in the mental health inventory, and fatigue assessment scale. Findings indicated that perceived stress fully mediated the gratitude well-being relationship. Furthermore, the results showed that certain socio-demographic variables influenced perceived stress. In addition, it was found that the professionals who conveyed that they encountered high stress, experienced lower well-being. This study contributes to the human-machine system by extending research on the emotions in software professionals. -
The mediating role of parental playfulness on parentchild relationship and competence among parents of children with ASD
Purpose: The difficulties of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can lead to behaviours that are quite challenging for parents to understand and address. Most of the parental studies of ASD focus on the challenges faced by the parents. This study aims to adopt a strength-based model that investigates the mediating role of parental playfulness in the association between parentchild relationship and parental competence. Design/methodology/approach: This study is a quantitative study that adopts a correlational research design. The mediation analysis explores the role of parental playfulness as a mediator in the association between parentchild relationship and parental competence. The sample consisted of 120 parents of children diagnosed with ASD from India, selected using a purposive sampling technique. Findings: The mediation analysis results indicate that playfulness among parents of children with ASD was found to function as a partial mediator in the relationship between parentchild relationship and parental competence. This could suggest that more playful parents have better parentchild relationships and are competent in parenting. Research limitations/implications: These findings have importance in understanding the role of playful interaction on parentchild relationships and parenting competence, having implications for further research. Enabling playfulness in parenting will enhance children and parents to promote their relationship and thus feel competent to bring positive light in their lives. Practical implications: Most often, the clinicians are concerned with addressing only the autistic symptoms; it is also essential to look into parental well-being. Practical playful interaction training should help parents establish a rapport, understand, adjust and adapt with their child. Social implications: Practical intervention and training plans can be suggested to all family members to improve the condition of the child and the familys general well-being. As the study focused on the clinical population, the findings could provide useful inputs for mental health professionals and counsellors. Originality/value: There are some theoretical and empirical evidence that support positive outcomes of playfulness on personal well-being (Atzaba Poria, in press; Yue et al., 2016; Proyer, 2014). Although there has been some interest in the impact of childrens playfulness on their development (Bundy, 1997), little is known about the influence of parental playfulness on parents and children. Therefore, addressing these gaps, this empirical study focusses on investigating the role of parental playfulness in parentchild relationship and parental competence, rather than considering external challenges of parents based on the ASD childs behavioural challenges and autistic features. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The mediating influence of leadership behaviour on the relationship between organizational health and work engagement
Efficient leadership and a healthy teaching environment are the two factors that determine how school teachers conduct themselves professionally. Work engagement not only reflects the teachers' performance but also implies the performance of the pupils and the school and it depends on how congenial their working conditions are. The present study intended to assess the extent to which the leadership behaviour of principals mediated the effect of organizational health on the work engagement of 516 secondary school teachers working in Bengaluru, India. The organizational health inventory was employed to quantify the organizational health of schools at institutional, managerial and technical levels, the Utrecht tool was used to measure teachers' work engagement through their vigor, dedication and absorption, and the leadership behaviour of principals was measured in terms of consideration and initiating behaviour. The findings implied a positive relationship between organizational health and teachers' work engagement. Further, while leadership behaviour indeed mediated the impact of organizational health on work engagement, the mediating effect was only partial. The results imply that the teachers' work engagement cannot be entirely attributed to the school management and working conditions, which implies scope for further research on the factors affecting work engagement among the teachers. 2020 by authors. -
Objective: The objective of this study is to empirically examine the mediating effect of heedful interrelating on the direct effect of self-determination and thriving at work among university faculty members. Theoretical Framework: The organismic human integration philosophy forms the theoretical underpinning for the study. The conceptual model is built by integrating self-determination theory (SDT) with the theory of heedful interrelating. Method: Following an explanatory research design, data from 396 university faculty members PAN India was used to test the conceptual model with the PLS-SEM bootstrapping technique. Results and Discussion: The findings validate a significant direct influence of self-determination on thriving at work. Furthermore, there exists a significant mediation effect of heedful interrelating between self-determination and thriving at work. Through causal mediation, it is interpreted that self-determined and autonomously motivated behaviors, stemming from the satisfaction of universal basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, play a pivotal role in fostering heed-based behavior within an individual. Research Implications: This empirical study validated the organismic integration theory of human nature in the academic sector through the positive direct effect. Implications for the sample of university faculty members suggest the use of heedful interrelating during group tasks through the dimensions of contributing, representing, and sub-ordinating. Originality/Value: This study makes significant original theoretical contributions to the SDT literature and to the SDT puzzle, firstly, by adding heed as a novel indicator to self-determination theorys relatedness dimension and secondly, by validating the role of heedful interrelating in bridging the dialectic gap within the self-determination theory. 2024 ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved. -
The Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement: How Employee Psychological Empowerment Impacts the Employee Satisfaction? A Study of Maldivian Tourism Sector
This study aims to examine the mediation of employee engagement on the relationship between employee psychological empowerment and employee job satisfaction, which helps to retain more customers with better service. An empirical analysis was done on Maldivian resorts, and 243 employees were randomly selected from different resorts in the Maldives. The proposed model was tested using IBM SPSS AMOS 25. The results indicate that psychological empowerment had a significant effect on job satisfaction of the resort employees through employee engagement. The Maldivian economy is based on the tourism sector, and a significant amount of gross domestic product (GDP) depends on the tourism sector. Resorts and guesthouses are the power hubs for the economic development of the country, and employees are the primary source of service providers to tourists, which helps the resorts to retain their tourists. Hence, this study concludes that employees psychological empowerment and employees engagement are crucial to improve employee satisfaction. 2023 IMI. -
The mathematical model for heat transfer optimization of Carreau fluid conveying magnetized nanoparticles over a permeable surface with activation energy using response surface methodology
The sensitivity analysis and response surface methodology (RSM) is performed for the key parameters governed by the magneto-flow and heat transport of the Carreau nanofluids model toward a stretching/shrinking surface in the presences Arrhenius activation energy and chemical reaction. Nanofluid that displayed Brownian motion and thermophoresis was considered with the permeable condition. The effects of different physical parameters were analyzed by employing appropriate similarity transformations in nonlinear partial differential equations and converted to the dimensionless system of ordinary differential equations. The finite difference method in bvp4c code solves the equations numerically. Associated parameters are presented graphically and interpreted against local Nusselt number, Sherwood number, and skin friction coefficient. An increase in the activation energy factor leads to increased concentration in permeable flow. The higher the activation energy lower the temperature and causes the reaction rate constant to decrease. In addition, it slows down the chemical reaction and increases the concentration characteristics. The increase of radiation and Prandtl number leads to an increase in heat transfer for the permeable surface. Furthermore, the Schmidt number and the binary reaction rate parameter increase the mass transfer for suction/injection flow. As a result, the Nusselt number's highest sensitivity is the Eckert number and the lowest to the thermophoresis parameter. The Sherwood number's positive sensitivity is observed for the Eckert number and Brownian motion parameter, whereas negatively sensitive to thermophoresis. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
The mathematical and machine learning models to forecast the COVID-19 outbreaks in Bangladesh
The COVID-19 virus mutates in many different variants after its outbreak. Although several vaccines have been developed by many countries and implemented worldwide, it is difficult to prevent the outbreaks due to the pops out of different variants from its regular mutations. This study is an attempt to develop models which could precisely forecast the COVID-19 outbreaks in Bangladesh. In this study, we have developed a SEIRD based machine learning model to forecast the next possible one year outbreaks scenario in this country. We have tested the accuracy of this model by fitting the results with the considered historical data from March 08, 2020 to October 14, 2021. Also, we have validated this model by predicting the future inside the existing dataset, which is almost similar to the real dataset. It is observed that the final future forecasting results are very realistic compared to the current outbreak situation. Additionally, we have shown that the classical SEIRD model cannot predict the COVID-19 future outbreaks even it does not fit with the real datasets of outbreaks. Moreover, another machine learning time series forecasting model, FBProphet, has been implemented to forecast the future outbreaks of Bangladesh. Finally, we have analyzed and compared the forecasting results and hence identify the limitations of the proposed models which can improve future research in this field. 2022 Taru Publications. -
The machine learning algorithms for data science applications
It is going to be data-driven insights and insights-driven decisions and actions for the total humanity. Data is being recognized as the new fuel for any individual, innovator, and institution to envisage and deliver smart and sophisticated services to its clients and customers. Data is being touted as a strategic asset for any enterprise to insightfully plan ahead and provide next-generation offerings and premium services with clarity and confidence. Newer products and solutions can be unearthed and deployed to assist humans in their everyday decisions, deals, and deeds. However, for data to be overwhelmingly beneficial, data getting garnered from multiple places have to be transitioned into information and knowledge. The process for enacting this strategically sound transformation is being continuously updated and upgraded for achieving the required optimization. That is, process excellence is gaining the attention of professors and professionals. Further on, there are scores of automated tools and enabling platforms for empowering this transition activity. Data analytics is being touted as the prime method to extract actionable insights out of data heaps. In the recent past, with the flurry of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, frameworks, libraries, platforms, accelerators, specialized engines, and highperformance processing architectures, AI-enabled data analytics is seeing the reality. Data science is the fast-emerging and evolving domain of study and research for finding viable ways and means that can simplify and streamline the activity of emitting hidden and useful knowledge out of data volumes. In this chapter, we want to dig deeper to spell out the strategic implications of data science technologies, tools, platforms, and infrastructures. Especially how machine learning (ML) algorithms are influencing the futuristic field of data science. The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2022. -
The Living Conditions of Zeliangrong Tribe Residing in Tamenglong District
Having awareness and knowledge on the basis of population is imperative and a crucial step in effective planning programme, implementing and delivering services for all areas. The attempt with this research is to shed more light on the conditions that these ethnic groups live in. Negligence and backwardness of the study population are stretched to the extent that even literatures are scarce. The aim of the present study is describe the living conditions of Zeme, Liangmai, and Rongmei of Zeliangrong tribe residing in Tamenglong District in relation to socio economic dimension with an objective to document the demography, objective and subjective living conditions to find association with the living condition in relation to Sub-Tribes. A total of 132 sample households were participated. Descriptive research design is adopted and purposive sampling was selected. Results confirmed that Road and transportation, Health care and Sanitation facilities, Quality education, Supply of electricity and water, Income and Recreation facilities are found to be an utmost necessary intervention among this community. Even a simple analysis of the tribal people and the district clearly shows that they are in great need of attention. It is found that even within same ethnic community, there is a variance in the needs of the people which is reflected in the living condition. Geographical location itself offered a major contributor variable to accessibility. It depicted the lopsided paradigm of development. In a nation which is built on the ideals of the democracy, leaving behind any tribe or community or people is unacceptable in more ways than one. It is only logical to suggest that who brings development should also make development accessible to the people the development is intended for. Accessibility is not a magic wand that could instantly make the problems disappear into thin air. Accessibility to quality services could only make development meaning and would serve its purpose. A decent standard of living adequate nutrition, healthcare, quality education, work and protection are not just developmental goals, they are also human rights. Human rights are essential for full human development (UNDP, Human Development Report, 2000). The present study is an appeal for an action on behalf of this community who has contributed in small or big way for the development of our country to obtain their rightful share of human rights. Key Words: Living Conditions, Tribal, Zeliangrong Tribe -
The Lives behind the Luxurious Threads: Beleaguered Sustainability of Kashmirs Pashmina Artisans
Kashmir pashmina, sometimes referred to as "cashmere, in the West, is one of the most valuable cultural artifacts Kashmir has offered for centuries, and continues to be sought after. The fine pure pashmina has maintained its luxury status for centuries and is still a symbol of elegance in the international markets. The pashmina shawl is not just popular for its fiber, but also for the elegant embroidery stitched in myriad colors by skilled artisans. Despite this international acclaim, the pashmina artisans dwell in impoverished conditions and face the ever-growing challenges of power looms. This research article is a study of the social and economic barriers that contribute to the dire living conditions of the active Kashmiri pashmina artisans. Along with examining the deteriorating work condition of the artisans, this paper also looks at how these circumstances have a long-lasting impact on the pashmina shawl industry, thus leading to the degradation of an art form altogether. Finally, this paper studies the declining living conditions of the pashmina artisans by analyzing the data collected through a qualitative study incorporating cultural mapping tools like interviews, personal narratives, and literature review. The sample for the study was collected from Kashmir Haat, Srinagar, Kashmir by the researcher through interviews and discussions. 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The little I receive is not enough: A qualitative study of food insecurity in the South Bronx
The objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences of food insecurity amongst Bronx residents. Applying a community-based participatory research approach, we conducted a qualitative study, entailing 38 interviews with food pantry recipients, 4 key informant interviews with social service administrators, and two focus groups with 12 food pantry staff and social service providers in New York City (NYC). Applying a precarity framework, we identified three themes: (1) unaffordability of living expenses in NYC; (2) financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (3) institutional and technological barriers to food access. We identified the following subthemes under theme one: rising food costs and high cost of living. Under theme two, we identified four subthemes: (a) large household size driving poverty for Bronx families; (b) vulnerabilities to food insecurity among older adults; (c) budgeting for reduced incomes during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (d) managing unstable employment. Under the third theme, we identified three subthemes: (a) lack of access to healthy, culturally appropriate foods; (b) need for wider service availability; (c) and not having smartphones for telehealth. Study findings demonstrate how precarity impacts the lived experiences of food insecurity and financial hardship for residents of the South Bronx during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2024 Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS). -
The linkage between green banking practices and green loyalty: A customer perspective
The aim of this study is to explore the bank customers perceptions towards green banking practices. This study uses a convenient sampling method. Pre-tested questionnaires were employed to collect data. The data were collected conveniently from 358 bank customers. However, the final sample includes 304 responses after ignoring null responses (n = 304). The Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied for the analyses. The significant results of the study indicate that green banking practices positively influence green image (p = 0.001) and green trust (p = 0.025), while it does not significantly affect green loyalty (p = 0.642). The mediation analysis reveals that green image mediates the relationship between green banking practices and green loyalty, while green trust does not mediate the relationship between the same. The results have practical implications for banking institutions in India to recognize the importance of environmental initiatives in influencing the decisions of bank customers. Deepthi S. Pawar, Jothi Munuswamy, 2022.