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A study of customers expectation towards depository participants of Bangalore city /
The exponential growth of the capital market witnessed in recent years had resulted in a near complete breakdown of the paper based transaction system. The amount of capital raised has shot up, the number of issues had increased substantially, trading volumes on the stock exchanges had grown several fold and the markets had become institutionalised with the entry of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and private mutual funds. As a result, there had been an increase in paper work causing a gridlock at every stage. This delays the clearance and settlement of trades, registration of securities and increases back office paper work for intermediaries. The outdated systems had increased settlement risks and have rendered the implementation of a Delivery versus Payment (DP) system impossible. The systemic risks face further threat by theft, forgery, bad delivery, issue of fake share certificates and loss of certificates. This had eroded investor confidence. -
A study of Darcy-Bard regular and chaotic convection using a new local thermal non-equilibrium formulation
The onset of Darcy-Bard regular and chaotic convection in a porous medium is studied by considering phase-lag effects that naturally arise in the thermal non-equilibrium heat transfer problem between the fluid and solid phases. A new type of heat equation is derived for both the phases. Using a double Fourier series and a novel decomposition, an extended Vadasz-Lorenz model with three phase-lag effects is derived. New parameters arise due to the phase-lag effects between local acceleration, convective acceleration, and thermal diffusion. The principle of exchange of stabilities is found to be valid and the subcritical instability is discounted. The new perspective supports the finding of an analytical expression for the critical Darcy-Rayleigh numbers representing, respectively, the onset of regular and chaotic convection. The understanding of the transition from the local thermal non-equilibrium situation to the local thermal equilibrium one is also best explained through the new perspective. In its present elegant form, the extended Vadasz-Lorenz system with three phase-lag effects is analyzed using the largest Lyapunov exponent and the bifurcation diagram. It is found that the lag effects not only give rise to a quantitative difference in the above two metrics concerning chaos, but also present a qualitative difference as well in the form of the very nature of chaos. 2021 Author(s). -
A study of diesel and Pongamia Pinnata biodiesel combustion in compression ignition engines using zero-dimensional modelling and experimental methods
The present study develops a single-zone zero-dimensional progressive combustion simulation model using Python programming language for compression ignition engines. The model is capable of predicting in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate, engine performance, and emissions characteristics. The numerical model is experimentally validated using resuts from engine testing for diesel, Pongamia Pinnata biodiesel and diesel-biodiesel blends. The chemical composition of fuel is identified using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The values of power output, mean effective pressure and exhaust oxygen concentration are independently obtained from the numerical model and from the experiments. The engine performance is not significantly affected for biodiesel to diesel blending ratio of up to 30%. A higher oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas is observed with increase in blending ratio. The developed numerical model would be useful in studying the performance and emission characteristics for any alternative fuel with known calorific value and chemical composition. 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
A Study of Emotion Classification of Music Lyrics using LSTM Networks
Emotion Recognition is a vital component of human-computer interaction and plays a pivotal role in applications such as sentiment analysis, virtual assistants, and affective computing. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models are a subset of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). It has gained significant popularity for their effectiveness in sequence modeling tasks, including emotion recognition. The study presents a review on the application of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks for emotion classification using music lyrics. It offers a thorough review of relevant literature and outlines the methodology for implementing LSTM models for emotion recognition. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the significance of hyperparameter tuning in building effective machine-learning models, particularly LSTM-based models. 2024 IEEE. -
A study of entrepreneurial choices and challenges encountered by young graduates
India, one of the most populous countries is growing phenomenally, though the challenges of unemployment is compounding. An unique method of overcoming this issue is through motivation of college students in becoming entrepreneurs, which will not only create employment but will also reduce the pressure of gaining employment on the students. However, flexible government policies in favor of entrepreneurs will facilitate the economic development of the country. In this study, a quantitative method is used to collect the data on entrepreneurship and the changing preferences of college students. A survey (N= 209) among college students of Bengaluru, India is conducted to identify the impact of entrepreneurship on work life choices of young graduates, evaluate the emergence of entrepreneurs in influencing decisions and analyzing the differing choices of males and females in terms of entrepreneurial selections. Analysis of the collected data indicates that Indian Government policy, unskilled labor, entrepreneurial education, family background and caste are factors affecting the entrepreneurial growth rate in Bangalore. Entrepreneurship education in Bangalore is still in the early stages, thus, depriving the college students from acquiring gainful practical knowledge. The structure of a conventional learning system and lack of social experiences also affects the learning process. 2019, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. All rights reserved. -
A study of entrepreneurial choices and challenges encountered by young graduates /
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol.8, Issue 11, pp.3960-3966, ISSN No: 2277-8616. -
A study of factors affecting consumer behavioural intentions towards adoption of gamification
Advanced technology with a high degree of accessibility of the Internet across countries has led to the emergence of e-commerce and m-commerce. The global brands and the start-ups are equally attracted to this change in the way the goods and services can be marketed, making market access through the Internet a core part of the strategy for marketers. The same has led to various digital promotional techniques for customer engagement. Among various digital promotional techniques, gamification is one technique where customers are expected to play online games to win the reward points for getting discounts for their purchases. An attempt was made to identify various factors influencing the consumer behavioural intentions towards adoption of gamification as one of the means to get products at discounted prices. In this study, factor analysis was used to find the major factors that influence the consumer behavioural intentions to adopt gamification as one of the digital promotional techniques. The study found eight major factors that influence the adoption of gamification, they are Personal Perspective, Usefulness, Easy to Use, Price Consciousness, Perceived Critical Mass, Flow Experience, Awareness, and Personal Innovativeness. This study brought in a different perspective by exploring the role of possible factors influencing gamification adoption in the Indian market, helping marketers, the major factors, and their influence on the consumer's behavioural intentions of adoption of gamification as one of the digital promotion techniques. -
A Study of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Digital Currencies
Digital currency has taken into the world slowly but steadily, rising in the leads of trades and commercialization, which can create a huge impact on the economic wellbeing. Digital currencies can be further classified into Cryptocurrencies, Virtual currencies and Central bank digital currencies. In this research we study thefactors of adopting digital currencies. Primary data has been collected using structured questionnaire. A total of 140 responses are used for the purpose of analysis. We have used correlation and heatmap foranalysing the impact of the identified factors such as Technological, Economical and Social. 2024 IEEE. -
A Study of Factors of Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Online Compulsive Buying Behaviour: Indian Millennial Perspective
Compulsive Buying occurs when a person indulges in excessive purchasing overcome by social pressures and negative emotions. The main objective in this study is to garner insights into this issue from a marketing perspective and also to understand whether the millennials preference to avoid social contact physically but to crave for it in a virtual space has an impact. Conducted over a seven-month period with data collected and analyzed from 202 respondents in Bangalore, the study revealed that emotions like loneliness, depression, low self-esteem and anxiety encourage the respondents to go ahead and maintain relationships in a virtual space rather than engage in face-to-face interactions. Furthermore, it was realized that the growing Internet Addiction can also be positively related to online Compulsive Buying. This study is of high significance as it allows marketers to reach out and capture that segment of elusive customers who are always online and are guaranteed to make a purchase. Therefore, allowing companies can align their marketing strategies accordingly develop products and services, resulting in better sales revenues and repeat purchases. 2019 International Management Institute, New Delhi. -
A study of factors of internet addiction and its impact on online compulsive buying behaviour: Indian millennial perspective /
Global Business Review, Vol.21, Issue 6, pp.1-18 -
A Study of Financialization of Commodity Markets in India
For numerous financial institutions, Commodity Futures (CF) has emerged as a widespread asset class since the 2000s. From 2000 to 2010, the estimation of the number of commodity index traders quadrupled, also, the number of hedge funds tripled. Recently, it has been noticed that in India, there occurs a vast inflow of investment toward the CF. Simultaneously, there occurs a problem of extremely higher prices along with volatility in commodity prices in India. However, studies on the financialization of the Commodity Market (CM) in India are not sufficient. This study was presented for analyzing the role of the financialization of CMs in India. Analyzing the association betweenCMs and equities markets in India is the major intention behind this study. Here, the Indian- MCX of India, the NSE of India, and the S&P500 Index are the sources from where the data has been gleaned. The outcome has been evaluated by utilizing a vector autoregression. The output demonstrated that no positive interdependence was exhibited by the correlation betwixt MCX Comdex returns and CNX Nifty. Consequently, a higher percentage of the mean value was attained by the commodity of daily returns of metal of commodity of agriculture. 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
A Study of fractal properties of turbulent functions
The studies have been mainly done in the discrete dynamical systems in topological spaces, we study the various types of relationships between chaotic functions and turbulent functions, a study of turbulent newlinefunctions in metric spaces, and the fractal nature of turbulent functions. In connection with this we study the relationship between turbulent function and chaos, also the relation between fractals and chaos. First newlinepart of the work gives a holistic outlook over the concepts like Turbulent Functions, Chaos and Fractals.Viewing the relevance of studying the irregular sets in the present and future scenario, we started our work newlinefocusing on the fractal nature of turbulent functions. The study incorporates the concepts like turbulent function, chaos and fractals along with rapid fluctuations. According to Robert Devaney, the three ingredients of chaos are sensitivity, density and transitivity. Rapid fluctuations newlineare very much connected with sensitive functions and turbulent functions. We could not and any implied relation between turbulence and sensitive functions. So we study the other two ingredients of chaos, newlinetransitivity and density. We answer a series of questions like whether the iterated function system can be chaotic. Will the contractions are Devaney chaotic. If we can find such a chaotic contraction, will it generate a self similar set? If there is such a self similar set, will it be a fractal? In order to answer the question, we have gone for generalization with continuous maps and homeomorphisms. Hence we study the fractal properties of turbulent function in a topological view point.The question that we have faced during the discussion and study of fractal properties of turbulent function is that whether a given turbulent function newlinef in a compact metric space provides an attractor and if there is an attractor, will it be a fractal. -
A Study of In-store Factors Affecting Impulse Buying of Apparels amongst College Students and Young Professionals in Bangalore
Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 1-15, ISSN No. 2249-7307. -
A Study of Investment Behavior Of Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Investors
While investing, it is most important for an investor that he/she understand and follows the basic principles of investing to gain maximum advantages out of it. The present study analyzes the investment behavior of 190 economically weaker section (EWS) investors and rank their preferences and reasons using Garret ranking. The study observes that investors prefer to invest in traditional investment avenue over modern avenue due to lack of awareness and ease of investing across demographics. Results of ANOVA inform a small shift to mutual funds and change in perceived risk and return behavior in selected age, income and education category. The study recommends for opening of dedicated small financial planning centers/branches/kiosks etc to increase their awareness level and participation so that they can gain maximum advantages from their investment. The Electrochemical Society -
A study of investment behaviour based on demographics /
Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.23-32, ISSN No: 2277-2146. -
A Study of Learning Organization in Relation to Organizational Culture and Motivators in Medical Transcription Industry
In a world driven by knowledge, skilled human resources constitute a key success factor for the growth and development of any country. The concept of the learning organization has gained increasing currency in the management literature. Medical Transcription Industry being a major sector which not only demands knowledgeable workers but also applicability of knowledge, this concept has not received much attention in Medical Transcription Industry. Since Medical Transcription Industry is one of the entities designed to create, utilize, retain and disseminate knowledge, the concept of learning organization has to be explored in the context. This research firstly examines which dimension of learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization. Secondly, this study examines the relationship between learning organization and organizational culture as well as between learning organization and motivators. Finally, study examines the influence of each dimension of organizational culture as well as motivators on learning organization This study was conducted in the Medical Transcription Industry with 200 respondents using convenient sampling. A reliable and valid instrument was used to collect data. Results of Pearson Correlation and linear regression showed that shared vision dimension of the learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization followed by information flow. Study also shows that there is significant relationship between learning organization as well as organizational culture and also between learning organization and motivators. Research also shows that there is more influence of entrepreneurial culture on learning organization than any other cultures. It also signifies that intrinsic motivators have more influence on learning organization as compared with extrinsic motivators. KEY WORDS: Learning Organization, Organizational culture, Autocratic culture, Bureaucratic culture, Technocratic culture, Entrepreneurial culture, Intrinsic Motivators, Extrinsic Motivators, Medical Transcription Industry. -
A study of Malayalam amateur music videos on YouTube
The research is a study on the amateur music video trend that has created a buzz among the Malayalee audience. The researcher intends to find the reason behind such a success despite of receiving negative criticisms. The topic is given importance as such amateur videos have been becoming very famous among Malayalee audience. The Malayalam amateur video trend on YouTube has paved its way and a lot of people have started noticing this. Though these videos lack in a lot of aspects they are a huge success. The researcher is keen on finding reasons as to how and why these videos gain so much attention. The researcher also wishes to find the audience perspective towards such videos and their opinion about the same. The levels unto which people gain publicity through such videos are remarkable. It also creates an impact on the minds of the viewers. The creators of such videos have a lot of expectations in mind when they create such videos which may or may not be fulfilled. Two songs are taken up by the researcher and a detailed study is done on the same. Quantitative data collection method is followed. The study is supported by a questionnaire which is distributed to 80 respondents. The creators of such amateur videos have gained so much popularity. This raises a lot of questions whether such videos will be still appreciated and encouraged in the future even after so much of criticisms. The researcher wishes to unveil the answers to such questions.