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Enhanced Process Model and Analysis of Risk Integration in Software effort estimation
The development of software within the estimated effort is remaining as a challenging task. The process of effort estimation is a critical activity in a software project, where effort estimates are utilized to arrive at the schedule, resources, and cost. Though many software effort estimation techniques exist, effort overrun occurs in a project. Identification of risks and their consideration in software lifecycle activities play a significant role in the successful execution of a software project. It would be required to account for uncertainty and the key factors that contribute to it. This study focuses on the need to include project risk score in the software effort estimation process to arrive at better effort estimates. This paper depicts the standard and enhanced process frameworks for estimation of software development efforts. A multi-layer perceptron model was built and the results indicated the relevance of considering project risk score in the effort estimation process. The usage of an enhanced gradient boosting technique for predictive modelling revealed a decrease in standard deviation of the residuals, thus indicating a better fit for the effort estimation model through integration of risks. 2019 IEEE. -
Real-World Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
The world today is running on the latest computer technologies and one of those is machine learning. The real life example that most of us know is speech recognition. Google Assistant is the common example for this Speech recognition. This google assistant is not only limited till 'Ok Google', but it responds to all your questions in a smart way. It can manage all your calls or can book appointments. Imagine you fell down while de-boarding a bus. So, Next time you take care so that you don't fall that is something that your brain has interpreted from your past experience. This is what exactly deep learning is, it imitates human brain works. Deep learning is sub-branch of machine learning. It is able to build all new things based on its previous experiences. Many of us have heard about driverless cars and medical diagnosis. Recently google has developed a new technology where all your cardiovascular events can be predicted by eye scan so, that doctors can get a clear view of what is inside the body of a patient. These all are developed using machine learning. It has a capability to change the human world into a complete robotic world. Anyways, it also has its own disadvantages. This article discusses about those, Scope of machine learning, its Market potential, financial growth and Current applications of machine learning. 2019 IEEE. -
Analyzing the Performance of Canny Edge Detection on Interpolated Images
Surveillance cameras are extensively used nowadays in many commercial and domestic places to monitor theft, intrusion and other illegal activities. Typically, the cameras are placed at a high position to monitor a large area. Therefore, the captured images include background area in addition to the target objects. Under such situation, the image can be zoomed to focus on the target objects using various interpolation techniques. For further processing of the image, many techniques like edge detection, image sampling and image thresholding etc. are available. Considering edge detection to be a basic step for many application such as Object detection, Object recognition etc, in this work, we analyze the performance of the Canny Edge Detection algorithm on images interpolated using Nearest Neighbour, Bilinear and Bicubic interpolation methods. Canny Edge Detection is applied to the input image and the resultant image is saved for later comparison. The same image is upscaled using interpolation and the Canny Edge Detection algorithm is used on this upscaled image. This image is then resized to the original image size. Both the images are compared to check for their similarity using the Structural Similarity Index Method (SSIM). 2019 IEEE. -
Assessment of thermal barrier effects across 8%Y2O3-ZrO2 coatings on Al-Si substrates via electrical heating source
Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) provide protection to metals from degradation at high temperature. A major factor deciding the effectiveness of the coating in service is the temperature drop across the thickness of the coating. Common practice to determine the temperature drop is to subject the coating with a high heat providing flame with preset velocity by using combustible gases focused towards the coated surface, that keep the surface at desired stabilization temperature and the temperature is measured at the back side of the coating, i.e. at the metal side. The challenge is to heat the complete specimen surface using the flame and to reach an accurate stabilization temperature by using the flame as the heating source. In the present work, this challenge was overcome by using a uniform source of heat i.e. an electric heater on the entire coating surface. This paper presents the results obtained by studying the thermal barrier effects across TBCs by using the electrical heating source that provided the heat on the ceramic surface in a controlled and uniform manner, thereby establishing a newer assessment method. The TBCs were prepared by plasma spray coating commercial 8%Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (8YSZ) as the top ceramic coat on flat plates of Aluminium 11% Silicon alloy removed from diesel engine pistons. TBC thicknesses varied between 100?m and 600?m. Air Plasma Spray coating was employed to coat the substrates which initially were spray coated with 50-75 ?m thick bond coat of Nickel Aluminide. Thermal barrier test was conducted by heating the entire coated surface uniformly and by keeping the ceramic surface temperature constant till the stabilization in the range of 300C to 500C. The temperature drop achieved was in the range of 46C to 127C depending upon the coating thickness. Details of the tests conducted and results obtained are presented. 2019 Author(s). -
Zirconia based pyrochlore thermal barrier coatings
Improvements in thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) technology, further than what is already in service to enable adequate protection to metallic components from higher (>1100C) operating temperatures requires newer developments in materials. Many research activities have been undertaken by scientists to seek alternatives after discovering the threshold of Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBCs on standard aero-space materials at elevated temperatures. To increase the thermal performance of gas turbine engines, alternate TBC materials with better sintering resistance and lower thermal conductivity are required. One of the promising candidates for the TBCs is Pyrochlore-type rare earth zirconium oxides (Re2Zr2O7, Re = rare earth). Re2Zr2O7 TBCs have higher phase stability, lower thermal conductivity, lower sintering rate, no phase transformation, and lower coefficient of thermal expansion at elevated temperatures when compared with YSZ. In this work, plasma spray powders of Lanthanum Zirconate (La2Zr2O7) and Lanthanum Ceria Zirconate (La2 (Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7) were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method with the goal to develop pyrochlore oxide-based coatings with desired properties at high temperatures (>1200C), better than the YSZ TBCs: Currently the most popular choice for TBCs. These TBCs are expected to increase gas turbine efficiencies while protecting the underlying metallic substrate at high operation temperatures. The evaluation of the synthesised TBCs has been carrying out by studying their performances at 1200C. Results of evaluation for phase composition by employing X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD), microstructure via Scanning electron Microscope (SEM) and chemical composition via Energy Dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) also have been included. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Gain and bandwidth enhancement by optimizing four elements corporate-fed microstrip array for 2.4GHz applications
This paper presents the performance analysis of an optimized corporate-fed Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array of four elements and Rectangular Microstrip Antenna array with Semi-Circular Tabs on the nonradiating edges of each element of the array to operate at 2.4 GHz, with detailed steps of the design process. The proposed antenna structures have been designed using FR4 dielectric substrate having a permittivity ?r of 4.4 with a thickness of 1.6 mm. The simulations have been carried out by using Antenna simulator HFSS version 15.0.0 and performance was analyzed for gain, bandwidth, VSWR, return loss and radiation pattern. The gain of these simulated antenna arrays is 2.4381 dB, 8.2684 dB and 8.5621 dB with a return loss of ?22.4123 dB, ?14.1095 dB and ?15.7621 dB for Single-Element patch, conventional Rectangular Microstrip array and Rectangular Microstrip Antenna array with semicircular tabs respectively at 2.4 GHz. Bandwidths exhibited by Single-Element patch, RMSACT and RMSA are 59.8 MHz, 83.9 MHz, and 212.7 MHz, respectively. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Plasma sprayed nano refractory coatings
Nano powders may be reconstituted into micron sized plasma sprayable powders either by using a spray drier or a manual process by employing organic binders to agglomerate them. This paper deals with the synthesis of nano sized alumino-silicate plasma sprayable powders and plasma sprayed coatings prepared from them. Nano sized raw materials involving kyanite and andalusite refractory powders were converted into plasma sprayable powders by using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) binders. The preparation methodology involved obtaining free flowing, micron sized agglomerated nano-alumino-silicates particles which could be plasma spray coated by using an Atmospheric Spray Coating Facility. About 220 microns thick nano-alumino silicate coatings were deposited on 75 microns thick commercial NiCrAlY bond coat on stainless steel substrates. The challenges involved in plasma spray coating the nano material with low density was in obtaining good deposition efficiency, retaining the nano micro structures and the structural phase composition of the coating. The coatings were evaluated for materials characteristics such as crystal structural phase via XRD, microstructure via SEM and chemical composition via EDS. The microstructure depicted fine grained nano-sized surface morphologies, kyanite and andalusite phase structure, with high potential for application as refractory coatings. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Network Security Tools and Applications in Research Perspective
The modern world technology is civilized, globalized and modernized. The technological development of social networks and e-commerce applications produce larger data. This data communication is major task, because device to device communication need network terminal. This data transmission is not safe because of different types of tools and software available to destroy the existing network. In the field of network security during data transfer from one particular node to other node some security vulnerability is happened this is the one of the critical issue in this sector. The reason for this network security is different types of data attacks are happen in day to day life. It is easy to establish a new network but protecting the entire network is a big issue. This network security is generally two parameter first one is communication and second one is data automation. The network security field is directly or indirectly linked with the concept of data encryption. The development in this network security has taken us to a level that from signature again we came back to thumb print. For example maintain the data secure we use the lock system which is a finger print type. This technology helps us to protect the physical data theft, but logical data theft is still problem for data transmission. This article will brief about the network security it also presents the various network security types. Those types are wired and wireless network security. Apart from the network security the following topics is also discussed in this article. Those are network security protocols and simulation tools in network security. The research problems in network security are privacy and vulnerability of data. 2019 IEEE. -
Cloud Enabled Smart Firefighting Drone Using Internet of Things
Internet of Things is fasted booming sector. This technology is evolved in various fields. The frequent updates in concerning the progress of Skyscraper fire or high-rise fire it is essential for us to ensure effective and safe firefighting. Since high-rise fire is typically inaccessible by ground vehicles due to some constraints or parameters. Due to less advancement in technology most skyscrapers are not furnished with proper fire monitoring and prevention system. To solve this issue this article is propose Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) are making an appearance and making promises to prevent such kind of incidents. In this system, UAV can be launched from the Fire Control Unit (FCU). The proposed methodology is implemented with the help of Internet of Things (IoT). Sensors which are installed at the skyscraper detects the presence of fire and immediately send stress signals to the command and control unit from where further possible action can be taken. The pilot at the fire control unit continuously monitors the flight path and receives the video and fire scan information from the UAV. Upon detection of a stress signal or fire signal the Skyscraper position is determined with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) and permission is requested from the applicable security agency to launch the extinguisher vehicle. The permission is granted, the coordinates of the location are filled in the system and the nearest station sends the UAV to the location. The fire suppressant are deployed it comes back to the nearest landing location and re-loaded with another fire suppressant to be carried to the fire location. The proposed methodology should improve the Quality of Service. 2019 IEEE. -
Classification of Hypothyroid Disorder using Optimized SVM Method
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder where the thyroid organ doesn't provide the enough amount of thyroid hormones. It is one of the common diseases found in women. Detection of hypothyroidism needs suitable diagnostic tests to encourage prompt analysis and medication. Accurate and early detection of a disease is more important and compulsory in healthcare domain to facilitate correct and prompt diagnosis and timely treatment. The information generated in healthcare domain is on large scale, crucial and complex with multiple parameters. To interpret and understand such a huge data and retrieve the accurate and relevant information from it is a tedious as well as challenging task. However, there is a need and importance to facilitate the patients with better medical solutions. This will help to reduce the cost, time and give more relief to users by applying advanced and upgraded knowledge. It will also assist to prevent the further complications. The proposed study gains the knowledge from the hypothyroid dataset to predict the level of disease. To identify the level of hypothyroid disorder, we used four classification machine learning techniques, namely KNN (K-Nearest Neighbour), SVM (Support Vector Machines), LR (Logistic Regression) and NN (Artificial Neural Network). The Experimental results compared the classification accuracy of four methods. Logistic Regression method achieved 96.08% accuracy among other three classifiers. But, SVM is found the best classifier after standardizing the data and parameter tuning with accuracy of 99.08%. 2019 IEEE. -
Enhancement of Reflected Faces on Semi-reflecting Surfaces
Face recognition is interesting research area in computer vision. This paper proposes to enhance faces reflected on semi reflecting surfaces such as glass window, glass screens or any other mirror like surfaces. Visibility or clarity of reflected image is depending on the reflecting ability of material surface on which reflection occurs. Other than mirror surfaces, majority of reflected images are less visibility. So recognition of reflected face is a challenge in the proposed method. This paper addresses enhancement of reflected face image. Estimating atmospheric light and medium transmission map, recover haze free image. Apply CLAHE i.e., adaptive histogram equalization by limiting contrast to obtain enhanced reflected face image. 2019 IEEE. -
Utilization of aluminum dross: Refractories from industrial waste
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and Magnesium-Aluminum oxides (MgAl2O4) are well known refractory materials used in engineering industries. They are built to withstand high temperatures and possess low thermal conductivities for greater energy efficiency. Dross, a product/byproduct of slag generated in aluminum metal production process is normally comprised of these two oxides in addition to aluminum nitride (AlN). Worldwide, thousands of tons of aluminum dross are generated as industrial wastes and are disposed of in landfills causing serious environmental hazard. This paper explores the potential to synergize the characteristics of the favourable contents of aluminum dross and its availability (in tons) via synthesis of refractories and thereby develop a value added product useful for the modern industries. In this work, Al-dross as-received from an aluminum industry which comprised of predominantly Al2O3, MgAl2O4 and AlN, was used to develop the refractories. AlN possesses high thermal conductivity values and therefore was leached out of the dross to protect the performance of the developed refractory. The washed dross was calcined at 700 and 1000C to facilitate gradual elimination of the undesired phases and finally sintered at 1500C. The dross refractory pellets were subjected to thermo-physical and structural properties analysis: XRD (structural phase), SEM (Microstructure), EDS (chemical constituents) and thermal shock cycling test by dipping in molten aluminum and exposing to ambient (laboratory). The findings include the favourable prospects of using aluminum dross as refractories in metal casting industries. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
GUI-Based Percentage Analysis forCuring Breast Cancer Survivors
The modeling approach is increasing the intensity of research in all the domains. The present paper deals with predictive modeling and probabilities. Data analysis is a technique used to transform, reconstruct, and revise some information that is an essential step to achieve the goal or the end result. The present study involves the usage of logistic regression technique for data analysis. Various domain-specific methods pertaining to science, business, etc., are available for data analysis which plays a key role in decision-making and model building. The significance of this analysis is to get the percentage of the survival of patients with advanced breast cancer. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Enhancements to Content Caching Using Weighted Greedy Caching Algorithm in Information Centric Networking
Information-Centric Networks (ICN) or Future Internet is the revolutionary concept for the existing infrastructure of the internet that changes the paradigm from host-centric networks to data-centric networks. Caching in Information-Centric Networks (ICN) has become one of the most critical research areas in today's world, especially for the leading in content delivery over Internet companies like Netflix, Facebook, Google, etc. This paper is intended to propose a novel Caching strategy called Weighted Greedy Dual Size Frequency for caching in Information-Centric networks. In this paper, the WGDSF considers multiple critical factors for maintaining the Web Content efficiently in ICN Caching Router. Simulation is done for the various performance metrics like Cache Hit ratio, Link load, Path Stretch, and Latency for WGDSF cache replacement algorithm, and results shown that WGDSF outperforms well compared with LRU, LFU, and RAND Caching Strategies. 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. -
Ecc-based secure group communication in energy-efficient unequal clustered wsn (Eeuc-ecc)
With an advent of the Internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are gaining popularity in application areas like smart cities, body area sensor networks, industrial process control, and habitat and environment monitoring. Since these networks are exposed to various attacks like node compromise attack, DoS attacks, etc., the need for secured communication is evident. We present an updated survey on various secure group communication (SGC) schemes and evaluate their performance in terms of space and computational complexity. We also propose a novel technique for secure and scalable group communication that performs better compared with existing approaches. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. -
Comparison of Various Types of Lubrication During Hard Turning of H13 Tool Steel by Analysing Flank Wear Using ANOVA
Hard machining of components has been a new attraction in the field of manufacturing, as it avoids the need for multiple cost inculcation processes for a single part. Hard machining attracts a wide attention to the researchers because of the usage of hard tools, tougher machinery and enormous quantities of cutting fluids. Optimized use of any of these functionaries can result in reduction of cost as well as safer and clean working environments. In this research new cutting fluid reduction processes were compared along with the use of hard metal inserts. These two methods suggest an enormous amount of cost reduction along with cleaner shop floor. Minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) and minimal cutting fluid application (MCFA) capacities in cutting fluid reduction as mentioned by various researchers in past two decades. These methods were compared in this research paper for finding out the best possible system. Flank wear is considered as a crucial parameter in hard machining as the wear rate affects other deserving product qualities such as surface finish and job profiles. In this research tungsten carbide coated hard metal inserts were used instead of conventional CBN or diamond tipped tools, which are of higher in price margin. The study comprised of Taguchis L9 orthogonal array, which was advised by previous researchers as good tool for optimisation. MQL and MCFA assisted experimentation were performed with same cutting conditions, which were then again compared with dry hard machining and wet machining. Influence of each input parameters where critically evaluated using ANOVA. The results revealed that a promising reduction in tool wear was noticed in MCFA assisted hard machining. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Investigation of detoxification nature of activated carbons developed from Manilkara zapota and de oiled soya
Heavy metals are poisonous and detrimental water contaminant. Their existence affects human beings, animals and vegetation as a outcome of their mobility in aqueous ecosystem, toxicity and nonbiodegradability. This work aimed at the development of new adsorbent in the detoxification of heavy metals using Manilkara zapota tree wood and de oiled soya. The study completely focused on the characterization of the developed activation in the view of using it as a adsorbent. The characterization of activated carbon was effected SEM analysis, FTIR, XRD analysis and surface area determination. Both the activation carbon have showed a tremendous characterization in their employability as adsorbent in adsorption of heavy metals in aqueous solution. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
RNA-seq DE genes on Glioblastoma using non linear SVM and pathway analysis of NOG and ASCL5
Differentially Expressed genes related to Glioblastoma Multiforme as an output of RNASeq studies were further studied to conclude new research insights. Glioma is a type of intracranial tumor (within the skull), which can grow rapidly in its malignant stages. Gene expression in Grade II, III and IV Gliomas is analysed using non linear SVM models. The enriched GO terms were identified GOrilla. Pathways related to NOG and ASCL5 gene were studied using Reactome. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Antecedent Factors in Adolescents Consumer Socialization Process Through Social Media
The research paper attempts to find the antecedent factors that influence in adolescents consumer socialization process through social media and its impact on family purchase. Consumer socialization of adolescents through social media has become a key indicator in the area of marketing because of predominant online interaction of consumer. Socialization process framework is adopted to investigate among 254 respondents. The results show there is positive influence of antecedent variables like age, social media and peer identification on Purchase Intention and the variable social media also influences Product Involvement in family decision making. The outcome of this research benefits the academicians and marketers to explore the impact of social media on adolescent in their family decision making. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Geometry of Variably Inclined Inviscid MHD Flows
A steady plane variably inclined magnetohydrodynamic flow of an inviscid incompressible fluid of infinite electrical conductivity studied. Introducing the vorticity, magnetic flux density, and energy functions along with the variable angle between magnetic field and velocity vector, governing equations are reformulated. The resulting equations are solved to analyze the geometry of the fluid flow. Considering streamlines to be parallel, stream function approach is applied to obtain the pattern for magnetic lines and the complete solution to the flow variables. Next considering parallel magnetic lines, magnetic flux function approach is applied to obtain streamlines and the complete solution of the flow. A graphical analysis of pressure variation is made in all the cases. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.