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A Study on Graph Colouring with Distance Constraints
In this dissertation, we have studied the variations of graph colouring based on distance constraints. For a given set T of non-negative integers including zero and a positive integer k, the L(T,1)-colouring of a graph G = (V,E) is a function c : V(G) and#8594; newline{0,1,2,...,k} such that |c(u)and#8722;c(v)| and#8712;/ T if the distance between u and v is 1 and |c(u)and#8722; newlinec(v)| and#8805; 1 whenever u and v are at distance 2. The L(T,1)-span, and#955;T,1(G) is the smallest positive integer k such that G admits an L(T,1)-Colouring. We have determined the newlineL(T,1)-span for some classes of graphs for set T whose elements are arranged in arithmetic progression. Further, for any general set T , we have found the bound for L(T,1)- span of a few classes of graphs. We use Python programming to colour certain classes of graphs concerning L(T,1)-colouring and fnd the value of L(T,1)-span. Next, we have explored equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring, which is an extension of a specifc variation of L(h,k)-Colouring for h = 0 and k = 1. For a newlinepositive integer p, equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring of a graph G is an newlineassignment of positive integers to the vertices of G such that for each vertex v and#8712;V(G), vertices of N(v) receives at least l1p|N(v)|m distinct colours and N(v) can be partitioned into k-classes V1,V2,...Vk such that ||Vi|and#8722; |Vj|| and#8804; 1 for every i and#824;= j and 1 and#8804; k and#8804; n. The minimum number of colours required to colour G such that it admits equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring for a fxed p is called the equitable fractional open neighbourhood chromatic number, and#967;eq onc newlinep (G). We have studied some properties of equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring and explored some classes of graphs which admit equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring with land#8710;(pG)m colours. Further, we have introduced and examined a variation of perfect graphs, and#967;onc-perfect graphs, with respect to equitable fractional open neighbourhood colouring for the special case of p = 1. -
A study on graph topology
The concept of topology defined on a set can be extended to the field of graph theory by defining the notion of graph topologies on graphs where we consider a collection of subgraphs of a graph G in such a way that this collection satisfies the three conditions stated similarly to that of the three axioms of point-set topology. This paper discusses an introduction and basic concepts to the graph topology. A subgraph of G is said to be open if it is in the graph topology TG. The paper also introduces the concept of the closed graph and the closure of graph topology in graph topological space using the ideas of decomposition-complement and neighborhood-complement. 2023 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. -
A study on heat transfer in three-dimensional nonlinear convective boundary layer flow of nanomaterial considering the aggregation of nanoparticles
Thermal systems of solar collectors, electronic cooling, nuclear reactors, and combustion operate at high thermal conditions, and in such circumstances, the density relation of the working fluids with the thermal field may not be linear. The working fluid features are significantly affected by nonlinear density temperature fluctuations. Therefore, a theoretical study of the quadratic Boussinesq approximation (with quadratic density temperature [QDT] variation) and quadratic Rosseland radiation on the three-dimensional boundary layer dynamics and heat transport of ethylene glycol-based titania nanomaterial is carried out. The phenomenon of the kinematics of nanoparticle aggregation is also analyzed by considering modified models proposed by MaxwellBruggeman and KriegerDougherty for thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity. The flow is induced by the elongation of a flexible flat plate in two directions. A comparison of heat transfer features of linear elongation of the plate and nonlinear elongation of the plate is conducted. The Rosseland radiative heat flux is studied in three different forms. The governing nonlinear equations are treated using apt nondimensionalization, stretching transformation, and then by using the Richardson extrapolation method. The results are presented via plots to analyze the impact of key parameters involved in the model. The magnitude of the nanomaterial temperature is enhanced due to the kinematics of nanoparticle aggregation. Among linear, quadratic, and nonlinear forms of Rosseland radiative heat flux, the quadratic radiative heat is more suitable when QDT is considered. A positive relationship is found between heat transfer and volume fraction and a positive relationship is observed between heat transfer and the QDT factor. The magnitude of the velocities and thermal field is higher for flow driven due to the linear elongation of the plate than the nonlinear case. 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC -
A Study on Identifying Causes for Non Institutional Deliveries among Beneficiaries of National Rural Health Mission
With the aim of ??Health for all and Health everywhere??, several health programs have been launched in the country and worldwide. National Rural Health Mission has been started in the country as well as Karnataka in order to improve our health care delivery system with a strong focus on improving health outcomes especially among women, children and vulnerable population. Bringing healthcare to the door steps of the poor rural population is one of the criticisms under National Rural Health Mission. The main goal of National Rural Health Mission is to bring down maternal mortality and infant mortality by promoting 100% institutional deliveries, this is also above goals of millennium development goal 2015. To reach this goals holistic approach is necessary. In Karnataka under National Rural Health Mission, many programs implemented in order to improve the health status of women and children. The programmes are Janani Suraksha Yojana, Prasuthi Arike, Thayibagya, 108 ambulance services, asha workers for every 1000 population and 24/7 Primary Health Centers have been initiated to promote institutional deliveries and to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Apart from the above programmes mother and child tracking system has been introduced in National Rural Health Mission in order to ensure 100% registration of pregnant women and status to ensure institutional deliveries of pregnant. Taking this as a background the study on ??Identifying Causes for Non- Institutional Deliveries??, was taken of by the researcher for identifying the researcher for identifying the reasons for Non-utilization of benefits provided by Government. There is increase of health services in terms of infrastructure, man power, drugs and equipment increase of health institution and other resources. Even though all health facilities are provided, the community is yet to encash the same due to several socio-cultural factors.This study encompass on religious, cultural, economical, infrastructural, medical causes/reasons for non-acceptance of Institutional deliveries which is critical for safe motherhood and child survival. Keywords: Non-institutional delivery, National Rural Health Mission, Pregnancy. -
A study on impact of celebrity endorsement on customer attitude towards the brand and purchase intention
Today celebrity endorsement has become a trend and been used as a winning formula and celebrities in India are the role models; people in the country are so influenced that they are attracted & follow the trends, styles also, consume the product they endorse and they associate the brand with the celebrity therefore the companies and the marketers believe that celebrity changes the purchase intention of the buyer. So this has been conducted to find out the impact of celebrity endorsement on customer attitude towards the brand and intention to purchase. To achieve the objective a questionnaire has been formed to collect the primary data of minimum of 200 respondents that will help to come to a conclusion about the impact if celebrity endorsement. The study also tries out to find out the various factors that affect a buyer purchase intention. For this study attributes of a celebrity and the brand have been studied also the attitude towards the brand. To acquire the required results the questionnaire was distributed to the target group aged 15-50 and the data collected was studied , analyzed to come to the conclusion whether celebrity influence the target group of consumers. -
A study on impact of Green human resource management practice on its sector - Chennai
The implementation of important plans and choices is a crucial part of the function that Human Resource Management plays in the operation of an organisation throughout its life. This makes it possible for the organisation to continue to cultivate and sustain its culture of supportability. In order to bring about sustainable success via Human Resource Management, the fundamental thinking process behind Green Human Resource Management is to motivate it. Green HRM (Green Human Resource Management) initiatives are currently in progress and are gaining traction among workers and representatives. These initiatives are embracing new work methodologies such as energy conservation, the implementation of E-HRM, telecommuting, and, most importantly, avoiding potential risks to protect the mother climate. Over the course of the last several years, the rate of worry on a worldwide scale has begun to quicken. 2024 Author(s). -
A Study on Impact of Team Work, Work Culture, Leadership and Compensation on Engegement Level of Employees in MSMES in India
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol-2 (8), pp. 175-184. ISSN-2278-6236 -
A Study on Index Futures and Index Options in India with Special Reference to NSE S&P CNX NIFTY
The surfacing and growth of derivative market in India is a recent observable fact. Since the introduction, the derivative market has been showing a dramatic growth in terms of both trading volume and number of contracts. This market helps different participants or economic agents to hedge themselves alongside uncertainties arise out of highly volatile market conditions. It is evident that the growth of trading on indices is massive for the last 5 years i.e, from 2008 to till date. This study tries to make an in-depth revise on Index Derivatives -Index Futures and Index Options, market in India and the reason behind the growing popularity of trading on indices with special reference to NSE S&P CNX Nifty. Since volatility is a part of derivative market and has a major effect in derivative market fluctuations, this paper attempts to study the volatility of Index derivatives over a period of time in NSE India. This study also aims to understand the historical background and growth of Index derivative market in India. The study covers the period of eleven years spread over from 2000 to 2011. Lastly, for the better understanding of the trend, future prospects and latest innovations in this market, different participants of Indian index derivative market are interviewed. In chapter one, the study presents an overview of Indian derivative market, the history of Index derivative market, various participants of derivative market, types and application of derivative products and theories and principles associated with these financial instruments. It also talks about the economic benefits of derivatives to the nation. Chapter two consists of literature related to the current study. It talks about various views about derivative market, the impact of derivative products especially index futures and index options to the market and economy. It also points out the volatility aspect of the derivative market, suggestions to improve the market etc Chapter three discusses about the research methodology for the study. It consists of statement of the problem, objectives of the study, data collection analysis and interpretation and limitations of the study. Chapter four discusses the research problem with different statistical analysis and measurement. It also talks about the findings of the study. Various statistical tools were used for the study like One Sample t-test, GARCH, EGARCH etc this chapter also does a historical and trend analysis of the derivative market in India for period ranging from 2000 to 2012. Chapter five is about the findings, suggestions and conclusion of this study. Keywords: Index Futures, Index Options, Volatility, Trading Volume, Open Interest -
A Study on Indian Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
Information has always been a constant force for change and improvisation and this particular aspect of the information was study with reference to the stock markets by Prof. Eugene Fama at the university of Chicago booth school of business as part of his Ph.D. thesis work. Now as per his work the financial markets are "informationally efficient". And the resultant effect of this is that, one cannot consistently achieve returns in excess of average market returns on a risk-adjusted basis, given the information available at the time the investment is made. There are three major versions of the hypothesis: "weak", "semi-strong", and "strong". The weak-form EMH claims that prices on traded assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, or property) already reflect all past publicly available information. The semi-strong-form EMH claims both that prices reflect all publicly available information and that prices instantly change to reflect new public information. The strong-form EMH additionally claims that prices instantly reflect even hidden or "insider" information This main purpose behind this research study is to test for the weak form efficiency of the Indian foreign exchange market and for this purpose daily exchange rate of four nominal exchange rates which are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling from April 2004 to December 2011 are analyzed using unit root tests of Augmented Dickey Fuller Test and Phillip Perron test. As per the results all the exchange rate currencies such as US dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling are found to be stationary in 1st difference. This implies that all exchange rate currencies support the hypothesis of weak form inefficiency and information of any nature that can have a impact on the market will take more time to reflect or create an impact on the prices or rates existing in the market, so this time gap and the constant movement of change between the data points can be used to create a pattern of movement or before the market could adjust, investors by assuming the future change will also be constant as it has been in the past can take advantage of the available information and therefore it becomes easy for the investors to forecast or predict the future exchange rates of respective currencies with the use of past data and thereby leading to super normal profits. -
A Study on Indian Foriegn Exchange Market Efficiency - Application of Random Walk Hypothesis
International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management Vol. 2, Issue 10, pp. 138-142, ISSN No. 2231-1009 -
A study on induced path decompositions of graphs
A graph is a discrete structure consisting of a set of objectscalled vertices and another set of objects called edges depicting the relationship between pairs of vertices. Therefore, graphs serve as effective models to study networks of all types such as computer networks, telecommunication networks and social networks. The concept of a graph possesses the unique combination of features like simplicity, visibility, beauty, clarity, elegance and effectiveness
in studying problems dealing with network structures. It might be a simple structure like that of an organizational structure in a college, a complex structure like the world wide web (www) or just an abstract structure consisting of objects that are inter-connected according to some rule. -
A study on IT enabled crowd sourcing /
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Special Issue, pp.12-14, ISSN: 2394-9333. -
A study on key determinants of economic growth during pre and post reform periods in india
Schumpeter says that economic life is a process of growth and change, meaning newlinedevelopment . The process involves interplay of forces or factors of production, viz. land, labour and capital. The understanding of economic growth has improved enormously in recent years. There has been a much greater understanding of the interrelated laws governing the growth of population, the pace of capital accumulation, the rate of technological innovation in an environment characterised by relative scarcity of natural newlineresources. The major determinants of Indian economic growth, identified in this study in terms of their influence on productivity of different sectors are physical capital formation, technological progress, human capital formation, increase in labour force, foreign investment and trade openness. newlineThere are some notable features associated with economic growth in India. One, it is found that the structural adjustments leading to foreign capital inflow and trade openness have fuelled the economic growth in India after economic reforms in 1991. Two, it is observed that exports and imports play a significant role in determining economic growth in India in the post reform period. Three, despite the new growth there are issues like imbalances with regard to employment, manufacturing base, social newlineindicators etc., even as India strives to enhance competitiveness, competence and global relevance. newlineIt is in this context that the present study looks into the major issues and challenges related to the changes in the sectoral composition of economic growth in India over time. It also attempts to identify and discuss the influence of key determinants of economic growth in the pre and post reform periods in India. In this context, it is very crucial to study how different sectors influence the overall growth of a country at various points of its growth trajectory. newlineInterestingly, the analysis shows that the services sector growth has become the highlight of India s changing growth pattern in the post reform era. -
A Study on Labeling Problems in Signed Graphs
A signed graph can be considered as a weighted graph G; that is, edges of G have been given the weights + and and#8722;. We discuss two ways to assign signs to the vertices of a line signed graph of a signed graph, namely S-marking and Canonical marking (C-marking) of L(S). We characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are S-cordial or total S-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through S-marking. Also, we characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are C-cordial or total C-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through C-marking. Signed graphs can be eand#64256;ectively used to model relationships and individual preferences toward one another. To represent this scenario we defne a signed graph from a given graph. The colors of the vertices can be used to represent individuals or sets, and the signs on the edges of the graph represent the relationship between them. So, we defne two labelings of a properly colored graph, namely parity labeling of a properly colored graph and product labeling of a properly colored graph. newlineThe parity labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the colors on the adjacent vertices of that edge are both even or both odd, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as parity colored signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit parity coloring. We also characterized signed graphs whose line signed graphs admit parity coloring. We initiate the study on parity labeling of a properly colored graph and the chromatic rna number of a graph. Also, we defne product labeling of a properly colored graph. The product labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the color of one of the incident vertex of that edge is even, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as color product signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit color product coloring. -
A Study on Laptop Brand Preferences in B-Schools
Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160