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Enterpreneurial orientation and the management grid: A roadmap for the enterpreneurial journey /
Asian Journal Of Management, Vol.7, Issue 4, ISSN: 0976-495X (Print), 2321-5763 (Online). -
Role of online visual merchandising and personality attributes on purchase intention of customers in the apparel industry
The visual merchandising sector on the online platform has considerably impacted the sales as online visual merchandising (OVM) strategies have become a relatively new concept. The tremendous growth of electronic retailing has led to the adoption of new visual merchandising concepts which are digital. A web space which is visible and aesthetically not appealing distracts the customers across all the generations, which makes them switch to other websites. Online retailing is a competitive and dynamic area, which is created based on the artificial brick and motor concept. This artificial brick and motor concept has to be created on an online shopping platform in terms of attracting the end consumers. Moreover, to do this there needs to be a trigger, or in other words a stimulus which causes an action which leads to a response (reaction). Based on the past theories by psychologists the stimulus and response is not the only factor that serves as a basis for decision making, there is a third essential and integral dimension, organism. Organism simply means a system consisting of interdependent parts which are interlinked. Therefore, personality attributes considered the organism is said to be vital in attracting prospective customers. Current research aims at analysing such prospects on an equal sample size of 400 newlineeach from generation X, Y, Z who have engaged in the online purchase of apparel. Responses newlinewere obtained equally from male and female respondents based on a web survey. Structural newlineequation modelling (SEM) was used for analyses of data. The study proposes a research framework of Stimulus-Organism-Response(SOR) model. Results of the study suggest different personality characteristics of generations considered as organisms mediate the relationship between online visual merchandising cues and play a vital role in purchase intention. Therefore, it is imperative to distinguish between ages and generations to cater to the needs of generation X, Y and Z segmented as customers. -
Influence of Perceived autonomy Support and Personality Traits on Accountability of Higher Secondary School Teachers
The term Accountability, has its origin in ethics. It deals with proper behaviour, newlinebeing responsible for one s actions towards other people and agencies. It has synonyms such as transparency, liability, answerability, and expectations of account newlinegiving (Levitt et al., 2008). Every teacher must respect each student, despite of their newlinebackground, race, gender and provide ample support to achieve excellence. The teacher must teach with highest standards without bias, teacher s primary concern must be students academic excellence, and finally teacher is expected to keep up the highest level of professionalism by being respectful to parents, colleagues, and students (College, 2011). Perceived autonomy support refers to the belief of teachers that administrators or principals consider them as competent, to have freedom of choice and the experience of belongingness and supporting environment. Perceived Autonomy Support has its root in Self-determination theory founded on three core psychological needs such as competence, autonomy, and relatedness (Deci et al.,1985). Personality trait refers to a combination of characteristics that are innate as well as characteristics that are developed due to specific life experiences. John et al., (2010) have summarized all the human personality traits under the umbrella term, the Big Five (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness). This study examines the relationship among the three major variables such as Accountability of Teachers, Perceived Autonomy Support and Personality Traits. newlineFurther it explores whether Perceived Autonomy Support and Personality Traits have newlineany significant impact on Accountability of Higher Secondary School Teachers. Thirdly it identifies significance of Accountability, Perceived Autonomy Support and Personality Traits and its components across Type of schools, Gender, Age, Marital Status, Teaching Experience, Educational Qualifications and Subjects. -
Rayleigh bernard convection in couple stress fluid with maxwell cattaneo law
The onset of thermal instability in horizontal layers of fluid heated from below illustrates many physical and mathematical features of the general theory of hydrodynamic stability. The effect of non-Fourier heat transfer in couple stress in a Rayleigh Benard configuration is analyzed theoretically in this thesis. Broad range of applications of couple stress fluid and the need for its characterization at a relatively small scale of time and length act as a motivation for the study of buoyancy driven convection in such fluids under the influence of magnetic field and under various modulations such as temperature, gravity, rotation and magnetic field by employing Maxwell Cattaneo law. newlineLinear and non linear magneto convection in couple stress fluid with Maxwell Cattaneo law newlineThe interesting facets brought about by the interactions between convection and magnetic fields in a Rayleigh Benard configuration for free free boundaries are analyzed in this chapter. Linear and weakly non linear stability analysis are carried out to study the system. It is proved that the oscillatory mode is not the preferred mode of instability. The couple stresses in the fluid and magnetic field are found to enhance the stability of the system whereas non-Fourier effects destabilized the system. newlineEffect of temperature modulation on the onset of Rayleigh Benard convection in a couple stress fluid with Maxwell Cattaneo law newlineThe effect of externally imposed time-periodic boundary temperature on the setting in of convection is examined using linear stability analysis. The Venezian approach is applied to deduce the critical Rayleigh number and critical wave number. The stability of the system is characterized by a correction Rayleigh number and is obtained as a function of the Cattaneo number couple stress parameter Prandtl number and the frequency of modulation. The study analyzes three types of temperature modulations viz. in phase, out of phase and only lower wall modulation. -
News coverage on Pope Francis by Indian media /
Media serves role of an ombudsman, creating a bridge between the public and the government. This paper deals with the news coverage on Pope Francis by Indian media. Not every person has the means to go to Vatican and meet the Pope. In such an instance, it is through the various channels of media that the followers get an opportunity to see the Pope, listen to his preaching and follow his activities. -
Vanet Framework for Optimal Target Selection in Handoff using machine Learning
The impact of mobile networking has been far-reaching and has transformed many technologies for the better. Among the more pioneering technologies of recent times, autonomous vehicles (AV) are being touted as the future of transportation. AVs are featured prominently due to their ability to provide services across the implementations concerning smart-city applications. Since the newlinenodes (AV) involved are highly mobile, it is important to keep the device connected and adapt the dynamic topology change. The network should be capable of switching AV between access points (AP s) dynamic and must take place without much delay. Handoff is the process where a node switches between APs depending on the changes in the network topology. Various studies have claims that the use of Machine Learning or Deep Learning improves the efficiency of decision making in mobile networks. In this research work a dynamic handoff framework, inspired by the traditional Indian game of Kho-Kho is proposed. It selects the most optimal AP for newlinecommunication in a mobile environment. Initially the nodes within an AP are newlinecategorized as sticking and steering nodes. Identifying the nodes list for executing newlinethe Kho-Kho based handoff for the steering nodes. The framework makes use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to perform the operation of handoff and selects the most optimal AP once the handoff trigger occurs. ANN is designed for multiple parameters, including signal strength, noise, and direction to make its decisions regarding handoff. The proposed Kho-Kho model has been newlineimplemented and analyzed using the NS3 simulator. Simulation results have indicated a higher performance of the proposed Kho-Kho approach when compared to the existing standard implemented for vehicular ad hoc newlinecommunications in IEEE -
Non-contact oximeter cum thermometer /
Patent Number: 202241009488, Applicant: Jyothi Thomas.
The invention pertains to the field of Covid-19 Equipment. The invention uses non-contact sensors to measure Sp02 level and human body temperature. The Invention can be classified under the Covid-19 as it includes sensors to identify an infected person. The objective of the invention was to tackle the problem of the detection of an infected Person in crowded places without having contact with devices. The basic idea behind the invention was to check the oxygen level as well as the temperature of a person without having contact with the devices used. -
Semi automated silkworm cocoon cutting machine /
Patent Number: 202141027195, Applicant: Dr. Jyothi Thomas.
Our Invention Semi Automated Silkworm Cocoon Cutting Machine is a cocoon cutting machine with 10 cutting blades is used to separate cocoon from the pupa without killing it. The inventive device includes a main frame with vibrating hopper and a vibrating table and in between there are 10 numbers of bobbin to carry the cocoon and 10 nos. of cutting disc blades mounted on a motor at 45° to cut the cocoon. -
Effect of social performance on sustainability of microfinance institutions
Microfinance is one of the sustainable business models with a double bottom line of financial and social relevance in the turf of development. Microfinance was recognized as a development tool that enhanced income and the standard of living of the marginalized through a sustainable business model. newlineThe concept of social performance,financial performance in microfinance institutions, and the trend of commercialization resulted in understanding the effect of social performance on the sustainability of microfinance institutions. newlineThe effect of social performance on the sustainability of microfinance institutions was quantified using CERISE (Committee of Exchanges of Reflection and Information on Systems of Savings Credit) and Social Performance Indicator (SPI) tool. Financial performance of the microfinance institutions were analyzed from 6 years audited financials of the microfinance institutions (Financial years 2009 2010 to 2014 2015),and various ratios were calculated from the audited financials and gathered information. newlineRBI-NBFC-MFIs directions resulted in reductions in the portfolio yield, portfolio risk, personal expenses, administration and other expenses. Portfolio yield was 31.12% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 22.45% in the financial year 2013 2014. Portfolio risk was 2.11% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 0.24% in the financial year 2014 2015. Personal expense was 10.46% in the financial year 2010 2011, which reduced to 5.46% in the financial year 2014 2015. Administration and other expense was 2.95 in the year 2014 15. Even though there was reduction in the portfolio yield, after implementing RBI-NBFC-MFI directions all the NBFC-MFIs of the study were sustainable. newlineThe scores of social performance of NBFC-MFIs depict that NBFC-MFIs adopted social performance initiatives in the business operations and that there are areas for improvement. -
Role of media in social issues: Media coverage of Vidarbha mass suicide by print media /
Media has always been an influential medium. It also has the biggest power to make aware of the people and the government. Thus it makes the government aware about the common people‟s problems and needs and making them act accordingly. In fact, it‟s actually the duty of the media. It‟s better to say that its function is nothing but to be a „watchdog‟. There are 4 theories of press/media and three other theories which are called „Development or Alternate Theories‟. -
A study on defective colouring of graphs
If different technology represent distinct colours that are to be located on some geographical region which can be represented as vertices of a graph, then the proper colouring is obtained when no two technology of same type share a common edge between the vertices they are placed on. The minimum technology required for such a colouring of a graph is the chromatic number of the graph. However, if the available technology are less than that of the minimum required, then the question arises on how to place the technology on the vertices of a graph in such a way that there is a minimum adjacency between the technology of same type. The solution for this problem can be attained by defining certain rules for the properness of colouring in which a few thresholds are tolerated. We know that, in a proper colouring every colour class is an independent set. If the available colours to colour a graph is less than that of the chromatic number of graphs, then a threshold that can be tolerated is permitting few colour classes to be non-independent set. An edge uv is said to be a monochromatic edge or bad edge if the colours assigned to both u and v are the same. -
Evaluation of personal development components in counselor education programs in India /
Journal Of Asia Pacific Counseling, Vol: 6, Issue 1, pp.1-20, ISSN: 2233-6710(Print), 2384-2121(Online). -
Identification and standardization of counsellor competencies for masters level counsellor education programs in India
Counselling psychology programs in India have been criticized for being ‘poor replicas of concepts that have originated in western cultures’. The lack of Indian models has been quoted as a drawback indicating that trainees are not necessarily competent to provide effective counselling services. The present study aimed at identifying and standardizing competenciesfor post graduate counsellor training in India based on local needs.The study employed a mixed methods design with four phases. In the first phase, a list of key occupational tasks were drawn up through a systematic review of literature and interviews with three expert practitioners. The second phase was the development of a counsellor competency list which outlined the various competencies required to fulfil the key occupational tasks determined in the previous stage. Seventy one competencies were identified and the list was then given for expert validation. In the third phase, the competency list was given to 75 practicing counsellors across India who rated the competencies on a 5-point likert scale, based on its importance for post graduate counsellor trainees. In the final stage the prioritized competencies were analyzed using a concept development approach to identify core competencies required for master level counselling psychology trainees. The resulting core competencies were three foundational competency domains which included ethical practice, personal and professional development and cultural sensitivity. -
Actualization of the educational vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara through providing higher educational facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th century, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his valuable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense need for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the formation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two indigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables. -
Actulization of the educational vision of kuriakose elias chavara through providing higher educational of facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th newlinecentury, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his newlinevaluable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense newlineneed for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the newlineformation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two newlineindigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables. A newlineconvergent parallel mix method study was employed with a sample consisting of 190 religious faculty members of CMI and CMC higher education institutions from different parts of India. The findings of the study reveal a close positive correlation of actualization of the educational vision of Chavara with the independent variables. Educational facilities are seen to be essential in the development of quality education. Formation of Human Capital acts as significant predictor in the vision actualization. The study is based on the higher education system and religious faculty members in CMI and CMC. It is also expected that providing educational facilities and Formation of Human Capital are the newlinecombination of the vision actualization in the education field. -
Integrated intelligent framework for e-learning
E-learning is the primary method of learning for most learners after regular academics studies. Knowledge delivery through e-learning technologies increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. Knowledge delivery to some people would never have been possible without the e-learning technologies. Most of the working professionals do focused studies for carrier advancement, promotion, or for improving domain knowledge. These learners can find many E-learning is the primary method of learning for most learners after regular academics studies. Knowledge delivery through e-learning technologies increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. Knowledge delivery to some people would never have been possible without the e-learning technologies. Most of the working professionals do focused studies for carrier advancement, promotion, or for improving domain knowledge. These learners can find many free e-learning web sites from the internet easily in the domain of interest. However, it is quite difficult to find the best e-learning content suitable for their learning based on their domain knowledge level. Users spent most of the time figuring out the right content from a plethora of available content and end up learning nothing. A framework using machine learning algorithms with Random Forest Classifier is proposed to address the issue, which classifies the e-learning content based on its difficulty levels and provides the learner the best content suitable based on the knowledge level. The framework is trained with the data set collected from multiple popular e-learning web sites. The model is tested with real-time e-learning web site links and found that the e-contents in the web sites are recommended to the user based on its difficult levels as beginner level, intermediate level, and advanced level. -
A model to measure receptivity among teachers and to facilitate smooth transition of anademic trainers or teachers /
Patent Number: 202241032185, Applicant: Trixy Elizabeth John.
The invention provides a model for facilitating receptivity to change in teachers. The model provide a four-correlated factor structure. The model includes individual, organisational, bridging, and educational factors. The factors in the present invention created based on respective sub-factors provides the foundation for the model. The different sub factors comprise self-efficacy and self-regulation for individual factors; school climate, school support, principal support, professional training, communication, and participation for organisational factors. -
Model of ICT based blended education system: Productive implementation for sector skills development /
Patent Number: 202141055854, Applicant: Suplab Podder. -
Creativity and innovation in quality education and sustainability /
Patent Number: 202141034649, Applicant: Suplab Podder.
Quality education and sustainability is the interconnected aspiration for the modern society that can ensure the development of employability skills and create a sustainable society. The economists, scientists, management experts and research initiators are putting their efforts to develop a certain sustainable system in quality education through education 4.0. This is about digital equity, customised education, borderless classrooms, where the human mind is in synchronising with the technology to explore new possibilities of learning and accomplishment.