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Lung Cancer Diagnosis from CT Images Based on Local Energy Based Shape Histogram (LESH) Feature Extration and Pre-processing
Lung cancer as of now is one of the dreaded diseases and it is destroying humanity never before. The mechanism of detecting the lung cancer will bring the level down of mortality and increase the life expectancy accuracy 13% from the detected cancer diagnosis from 24% of all cancer deaths. Although various methods are adopted to find the cancer, still there is a scope for improvement and the CT images are still preferred to find if there is any cancer in the body. The medical images are always a better one to find with the cancer in the human body. The proposed idea is, how we can improve the quality of the diagnosis form using pre-processing methods and Local energy shape histogram to improve the quality of the images. The deep learning methods are imported to find the varied results from the training process and finally to analyse the result. Medical examination is always part of our research and this result is always verified by the technicians. Major pre-processing techniques are used in this research work and they are discussed in this paper. The LESH technique is used to get better result in this research work and we will discuss how the image manipulation can be done to achieve better results from the CT images through various image processing methods. The construction of the proposed method will include smoothing of the images with median filters, enhancement of the image and finally segmentation of the images with LESH techniques. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Capacity Aware Active Monitoring Load Balancing Principle for Private Cloud
Virtual machines (VMs) are the basic compute elements in cloud computing. There are load balancing principles associated with a job scheduler assigns the requests to these computing elements. Deploying an effective load balancing principle enhances better performance that ultimately achieves users satisfaction at the high level. Assigning an equal requests load appropriate to the capacity of the VMs will be a fair principle that can be the objective of any load balancing principle. Active monitoring load balancing principle assigns the requests to a server based on the pre-computed threshold limit. This paper presents a technique for assessing the capacity of the VMs based on a common attribute. This work measures each VMs processing ability as a percentage using the statistical method called Z-score. A threshold is quantified and the requests are proportioned based on this threshold value. Each server is then assigned with the proportioned requests. Suitable experiments were conducted Requests Assignment Simulator (RAS), a customized cloud simulator. The results prove that the performance of the proposed principle is comparatively better than a few load balancing principles. Areas of future extension of this work were also identified. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Data Augmentation for Handwritten Character Recognition of MODI Script Using Deep Learning Method
Deep learning-based methods such as convolutional neural networks are extensively used for various pattern recognition tasks. To successfully carry out these tasks, a large amount of training data is required. The scarcity of a large number of handwritten images is a major problem in handwritten character recognition; this problem can be tackled using data augmentation techniques. In this paper, we have proposed a convolutional neural network-based character recognition method for MODI script in which the data set is subjected to augmentation. The MODI script was an official script used to write Marathi, until 1950, the script is no more used as an official script. The preparation of a large number of handwritten characters is a tedious and time-consuming task. Data augmentation is very useful in such situations. Our study uses different types of augmentation techniques, such as on-the-fly (real-time) augmentation and off-line method (data set expansion method or traditional method). A performance comparison between these methods is also performed. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Chemical Reaction-Driven Ferroconvection in a Porous Medium
The effect of chemical reaction on the outset of convection of a ferromagnetic fluid in a horizontal porous layer which is heated from below is studied using small perturbation method. Assuming an exothermic zero-order chemical reaction, the eigenvalues are found by employing the Galerkin method. The effect of magnetic parameters and Frank-Kamenetskii number is discussed. It is established that both magnetic forces and chemical reaction accelerate the threshold of ferroconvection. Further, the fluid layer is destabilized marginally when the nonlinearity of magnetization is strong enough. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Human activity recognition using wearable sensors
The advancement of the internet coined a new era for inventions. Internet of Things (IoT) is one such example. IoT is being applied in all sectors such as healthcare, automobile, retail industry etc. Out of these, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has taken much attention in IoT applications. The prediction of human activity efficiently adds multiple advantages in many fields. This research paper proposes a HAR system using the wearable sensor. The performance of this system is analyzed using four publicly available datasets that are collected in a real-time environment. Five machine learning algorithms namely Decision tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Logistics Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are compared in terms of recognition of human activities. Out of this SVM responded well on all four datasets with the accuracy of 77%, 99%, 98%, and 99% respectively. With the support of four datasets, the obtained results proved that the performance of the proposed method is better for human activity recognition. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Impact of e-commerce on India's exports and investment
E-commerce has become an important mode of trade, both domestically and internationally. E-commerce provides a platform for exchange of goods and services and thus directly alters the cost of trade and profits of firms, while simultaneously, generates a demand for a different set of skilled managers and creates opportunities for increasing investment and thereby affects the volume of domestic and international trade and in-turn affects the overall level of output and employment in an economy. There are empirical evidences on how certain developed countries like UK, USA, earlier, and lately developing countries like China, have leveraged e-commerce to enhance international trade. This paper attempts to contribute to the literature by studying the impact of e-commerce on India's international trade, especially exports, and investment which in-turn impact the level of output/gross domestic product (GDP) and employment in the country. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
E-Commerce in Indian Retail Industry: Its Proliferation and Performance
The growth of the e-commerce industry in India has seen a multitude of growth since the growth of netizens in India has reached its peak post the demonetization in Indian economy. Research in e-commerce acts as a catalyst for studies in the field of digital innovation. The developments made by India in the field of e-commerce are notable by the world. India has made extensive use of the advancement in the field of technology. Recent years have seen a transformation in the way Indian shops and exchanges grew from cash mode payments to digital mode of service delivery and payments. This research is focused on studying the parameters that have acted as impetus in the expansion of e-commerce in the Indian retail sector. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
COVID-19 outbreak prediction using quantum neural networks
Artificial intelligence has become an important tool in fight against COVID-19. Machine learning models for COVID-19 global pandemic predictions have shown a higher accuracy than the previously used statistical models used by epidemiologists. With the advent of quantum machine learning, we present a comparative analysis of continuous variable quantum neural networks (variational circuits) and quantum backpropagation multilayer perceptron (QBMLP). We analyze the convoluted and sporadic data of two affected countries, and hope that our study will help in effective modeling of outbreak while throwing a light on bright future of quantum machine learning. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. -
Context Driven Software Development
The Context-Driven Software Development (CDSD) is a novel software development approach with an ability to thrive upon challenges of 21st century digital and disruptive technologies by using its innovative practices and implementation prowess. CDSD is a coherent set of multidisciplinary innovative and best practices like context-aware and self-adaptive system modelling, human-computer interaction, quality engineering, software development-testing-and continuous deployment frameworks, open-source tools-technology-and end-to-end automation, software governance, engaging stakeholders, adaptive solutioning, design thinking, and group creativity. Implementation prowess of CDSD approach stems from its three unique characteristics, namely, its principles, Contextualize-Build-Validate-Evolve (CBVE) product development element, and iterative and lean CDSD life cycle with Profiling, Contextualizing, Modelling, Transforming, and Deploying phases with in-process and phase-end Governance and Compliances. CDSD approach helps to address issues like complexity, software ageing, risks related to internal and external ecosystem, user diversity, and process-related issues including cost, documentation, and delay. 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Online Voting System Using Blockchain
One of the major areas in technical development is blockchain and bitcoin. These technologies have enabled many simulations in in-hostile applications that have major issues with security and integrity of data. To provide more relevance to the available cyberphysical systems in the dimension of security, the blockchain technology offers a major help. If the present scenario is considered, we have multiple day-to-day applications that have been simulated and require more security enhancement. For example, the E-voting systems are a trend and their security features have to be upgraded to authenticate both systems and processes. The present research paper focuses on the same application and aims to provide security upgradation by proposing a working model of e-voting systems. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Comparative Study on Gasoline and Methanol in a Twin Spark IC Engine
In search of a viable alternative to petrol and diesel, methanol, ethanol and biodiesel play an important role. Methanol and ethanol are traditional alternatives to petrol(gasoline) because of better engine performance and reduced emission of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), unburnt hydrocarbon (UBHC) and other harmful gases. This work represents the result of four sets of spark timings on engine performance and engine emissions when run on methanol and petrol. Exhaustive investigations are carried out on a variable compression ratio DTSi engine for both methanol and gasoline. Engine was run at full throttle and at a constant speed of 1600RPM. Theefficiency of the engine found to be enhanced with methanol fuel which has higher octane number and high laminar flame speed. Maximum efficiency was found to be ~25.45% and ~28.7% at compression ratio 10 for gasoline and methanol fuel, respectively. This is observed at 2624 BTDC (before top dead center) spark advance combination. Optimum compression ratio for gasoline and methanol is found to be 6.8 and 7.4, respectively, at this spark advance angle combination. Moreover, methanol fuel eventually emits lesser amount of CO, UBHC and NOx than gasoline under all experimental combinations. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Dampers to Suppress Vibrations in Hydro Turbine-Generator Shaft Due to Subsynchronous Resonance
There are numerous applications to evaluate the damage caused by subsynchronous resonance (SSR) to a turbine-generator shaft. Despite multiple applications, there are relatively few studies on shaft misalignment in the literature. In this paper, stresses in the existing turbine-generator shaft due to subsynchronous resonance were studied using finite element analysis (FEA). The 3D finite element model reveals that the most stressed part of the shaft is near the generator terminal. A new nonlinear damping scheme is modeled to reflect the torsional interaction and to suppress the mechanical vibration caused by subsynchronous resonance (SSR). Stresses developed due to the addition of capacitors in the system at high rotational speeds and deformation of the shaft during various modes of oscillations were evaluated. Experimental investigations are carried out in reaction turbine connected to a 3kVA generator. Simulation is carried out for the experimental setup using ANSYS. According to the simulation results, the damper installed near the generator terminal provides satisfactory damping performance and the subsynchronous oscillations are suppressed. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Comparative Analysis of Prediction Algorithms for Heart Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading source of demises universally: More individuals perish yearly from heart disease than due to any other reason. An estimated 17.9 million humans died from CVDs in 2016, constituting 31% of all global deaths. [1] Such high rates of death due to heart diseases have to cease. This idea can be accelerated by the prediction of risk of CVDs. If a person can be medicated much earlier, before they have any symptoms that can be far more beneficial in averting sickness. The paper strives to communicate this issue of heart diseases employing various prediction models and optimizing them for better outcomes. The accuracy of each algorithm guides to a relative enquiry of these prediction models, forming a solid base for further research, finer prognosis and detection of diabetes. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Sign Language Recognizer Using HMMs
In our day to day lives, we come across especially abled people who perform their daily chores with the aid of motivation that they get from self-confidence. There are many with hearing impairment. Sign language is the most expressed and natural way for them to communicate. Some chains of restaurants have, in fact, recruited deaf servers providing them with employment opportunities. Therefore, automatic Sign language recognition has become the crux of vision research. This paper is based on a project that builds a system that can recognize words communicated using the American Sign Language (ASL). Having been provided with a preprocessed dataset of tracked hand and nose positions extracted from the video, the set of Hidden Markov Models are trained. Using a part of this dataset, identification of individual words from test sequences is done. It provides them with the ability to communicate better, opening up a lot of opportunities. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Stock price prediction based on technical indicators with soft computing models
Stock market prediction is a very tough task in the finance world. Since stock prices are dynamic, noisy, non-scalable, non-linear, non-parametric and complicated. In recent years, soft computing techniques are used for developing stock prediction model. The main focus of this study is to develop and compare the efficiency of the three different soft computing techniques for predicting the intraday price of individual stocks. The proposed models are based on Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). The predictive models are developed using technical indicators. Sixteen technical indicators were calculated from the historical price and used as inputs of the developed models. Historical prices from 01/01/2018 to 28/02/2018, where the time interval between samples is one minute, are utilized for developing models. The performance of the proposed models is evaluated by measuring some metrics. Also, this study compares the results with other existing models. The experimental result revealed that the BPNN outperforms TDNN, RBFNN as well as other existing models considered for comparison. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. -
A Review on Utilization of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Toward Green and Circular Economy
Globally, policy makers have realized the significance of infrastructure development with respect to safety and environment-friendly approach. This has resulted in reuse and recycling initiatives in various industries including construction and building sector. Further, it is imperative to understand new techniques and methods to improve the effectiveness of recycling, keeping environment and carbon emissions in check. Recently, utilization of construction and demolition waste (CDW) as precursors in synthesizing alkali-activated and geopolymer binders have caught attention of researchers as green building material. This review paper discusses the findings of the latest research and promotes the use of CDW as a potential starting or precursor material in alkali-activated or geopolymer concrete toward green and circular economy. If processed appropriately, CDW can be used to produce environment-friendly binders that can reduce our dependence on conventional binders like Portland cement, thus promoting recycling in sustainable and eco-friendly manner. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Classification of Vehicle Type on Indian Road Scene Based on Deep Learning
In Recent days an intelligent traffic system [ITS] is implemented on indian traffic sytem. Different applications are widely used to improvies the performance of the system. To improve the intelligence of the system deep learning can used to classify the vehicles into three different classes. The combination of Faster RCNN classifier and RPN can used to detect the objects and classify those objects into different classes. Analysis of the experimental results shows the improved accuracy and efficiency in classifying the vehicles on indian roads into different categories. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Predicting the Stock Markets Using Neural Network with Auxiliary Input
Predicting the stock market has always been a challenging task and has always had a certain appeal for researchers all around the world. Stock markets are supposed to be quite random and people with experience in the market strongly agree to the fact. Thus, predicting the stock market accurately paves the way for endless money. To date, no such algorithm has been devised that could even predict the stock market with a 90% accuracy rate. The difficulty lies in the randomness of the markets, and the various complexities involved in modeling market dynamics. Nevertheless, there have been algorithms with a decent success rate and researchers around the world have been in a constant attempt to improve over them. Thus, through this paper we attempt at predicting the return of a stock over a period of 10days after a particular news was out regarding the stock using the headlines of the news and certain other features important in determining the direction of a stock. The model was implemented with a sigma score of 0.81. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Analysis of Unintelligible Speech for MLLR and MAP-Based Speaker Adaptation
Speech Recognition is the process of translating human voice into textual form, which in turn drives many applications including HCI (Human Computer Interaction). A recognizer uses the acoustic model to define rules for mapping sound signals to phonemes. This article brings out a combined method of applying Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) and Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) techniques to the acoustic model of a generic speech recognizer, so that it can accept data of people with speech impairments and transcribe the same. In the first phase, MLLR technique was applied to alter the acoustic model of a generic speech recognizer, with the feature vectors generated from the training data set. In the second phase, parameters of the updated model were used as informative priors to MAP adaptation. This combined algorithm produced better results than a Speaker Independent (SI) recognizer and was less effortful for training compared to a Speaker Dependent (SD) recognizer. Testing of the system was conducted with the UA-Speech Database and the combined algorithm produced improvements in recognition accuracy from 43% to 90% for medium to highly impaired speakers revealing its applicability for speakers with higher degrees of speech disorders. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Defluoridation of Drinking WaterFluoride Wars
Fluorine is also known as two-edged sword. At lower doses, it influences tooth by inhibiting tooth caries, while in high doses, it causes dental and skeletal fluorosis. It is known that some quantity of fluoride is important for the formation of tooth enamel and mineralization in tissues. The present work aims at providing safe and potable water to rural areas where this element has created a menace. This work also suggests the use of few adsorbents such as paddy husk and coir pith which are affordable and removes fluorine to greater extent. The study concludes that materials which are used as adsorbents and can be safely inculcated as fluorine removal adsorbents which help people to have safe potable water. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.