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Facebook post analysis for a celebrity page
Social Media is a subject that is large and extremely talked about in the present day. The expanding accessibility of the web and the development of social media brought in a necessity for the analysis of data based on a Facebook page. The number of information generated by social media platforms are expanding exponentially. The best approach to understand data of this magnitude lies in mining and analysis of such big data. The present focus is on the analysis of a Facebook Fan Page. This research work concentrates on the examination of the number of likes, post shares and correlation of posts and comments on various topics, fields or areas of a Facebook page. 'Like' is not the only way of rating a post nowadays. There are also recently added features like emoticons which display emotions such as 'love', 'wow', 'angry', 'sad', etc., to rate a post. The objective of this paper is to extract the data available and to perform analysis on a cricket fan page. Python is used to extract and analyse the information. IAEME Publication. -
Developing authentic thought leaders through the DREAMS model of social action
DREAMS is a three-year curriculum-based after-school intervention program for enhancing leadership qualities among the underprivileged and college/university youngsters. It is an innovative model providing a platform for the mentors and the mentees to share their thoughts and knowledge and create a future generation with a growth mindset. The current world is expecting authentic thought leadership among its workforces. This leadership would help the constantly changing world to guide and lead the followers effectively for a better outcome. This study explores the impact of the DREAMS intervention program by Christ University in entrenching authentic thought leadership among its undergraduates. The study employs a qualitative approach to explore the perceptions among Christ University undergraduates about the contributions the DREAMS has made to their leadership development. The study finds evidence that DREAMS initiatives at Christ University have transformed undergraduates into authentic thought leaders. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -
On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review
Technological advancements have made communication on-the-go seamless. Spectrum mobility is a networking concept that involves access technologies that allow highly mobile nodes to communicate with each other. Ad-hoc networks are formed between mobile nodes where fixed infrastructure is not used. Due to the lack of such fixed access points for connectivity, the nodes involved make use of the best network available to transmit data. Due to heterogeneous networks involvement, the mobile nodes may face trouble finding the most optimal network for transmission. Existing technologies allow the nodes to select available networks, but the selection process is not optimized, leading to frequent switching. This leads to packet loss, low data rates, high delay, etc. Many researchers have proposed optimal strategies for performing handoff in wireless networks. This paper reviews combinatorial strategies that make use of multiple techniques to perform a handoff. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Survey on Various Handoff Methods in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment
Communication has never been the same since the advent of cellular phones and numerous applications with different functionalities seem to crop up on a daily basis. Various applications seem to crop up on a daily basis. Ad hoc networks were developed with the intent of creating networks made up of interconnected nodes, on-the-go. Ad hoc networks have numerous applications, the most popular being vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In VANETs, moving vehicles are considered to be the mobile nodes and mobile vehicular nodes move at high speeds. Mobility of the nodes makes it difficult to maintain stable communication links between the nodes and the access points. A process known as handoff is used to bridge this gap and is considered to be one of the solutions for unstable communication links over larger distances. Handoff can usually be seen when the nodes are mobile and start to move away from the access points. This paper discusses and compares various handoff methods that were proposed by various researchers with an intent to increase positive attributes while negating the rest of the components that do not support in increasing the efficiency of the handoff process. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Handoff schemes in mobile environments a comparative study
Vehicular ad-hoc networks are one of the most popular applications of Ad-hoc networks, where networks are formed without any sort of physical connecting medium and can be formed whenever required. It is an area in networks that has enjoyed a considerable amount of attention for quite some time. Due to the highly mobile environment where these networks find their usability, it can be understood that there are a lot of problems with respect to maintaining the communication links between the moving vehicular nodes and the static infrastructures which act as the access points (AP) for these moving vehicular mobile nodes (MN). The coverage area of each AP is limited and as such, the connections need to be re-established time and again between the MNs and the closest accessible AP. Handoff is the process involved here, which deals with selecting the optimal APs as well as the best network available for data transmission. In this article, the authors compare various handoff methods and categorize them based on the different approaches they follow. Copyright 2020 IGI Global. -
Kho Kho Model: A Novel Technique for Efficient Handoff in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
The highly mobile nature of VANET implies that the nodes involved are constantly disconnecting and reconnecting as they switch between access points or move out of the range of their access points. In such scenarios, seamless connectivity is essential, especially when emergency services are involved. Handoff is a process in wireless communication that takes care of the switching process that happens between access points whenever a mobile device moves from one point to another. In a dynamic scenario involving vehicular nodes, this switching needs to take place between a mobile node or a fixed access point (known as RSUs), as quickly as possible. To this end, this research work proposes a novel handoff method known as the Kho Kho Model - which is loosely based on the traditional Indian sport of the same name. The model groups together nodes that are moving in the same direction, thereby effectively reducing the amount of processing required to perform handoff for a set of nodes. The use of ANN have helped to improve handoff since it can help in making decisions quickly by making use of multiple parameters including signal strength, noise, direction, and others. To improve the efficiency of the proposed handoff model, RBFNN has been used in this research. The proposed model was implemented using NS-3 simulator. The results have shown that the proposed method has a slightly better improvement in the overall NRO, a reduced average delay and reduced jitter compared to the existing handoff method employed by the IEEE 802.11p standard. 2023 IEEE. -
DREAMS After-School Programme for the Holistic Development of Children Amid Covid-19
After-school programmes (ASPs) help to facilitate students learning. DREAMS ASP facilitates schoolchildren with holistic development interventions at different locations. Due to the pandemic, DREAMS conducted their ASP in the online mode. The present study aims to narrate the case of ASP in the virtual mode and discuss participants experiences on holistic development at one of its locations. The study employed qualitative study designs. The sample of the study included participants from DREAMS ASP site at Kerala, India. The study interviewed four mentors, seven participants, and their parents to understand participants holistic development. However, the study excluded physical and spiritual aspects of holistic development. It found that the virtual DREAMS ASP was joyful, and there was a significant, positive change in all the selected dimensions of holistic development as reported by mentors, children, and parents. The study encourages future researchers to provide opportunities and frameworks to conduct more ASPs in India. 2022 IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Waste Management: Learning and Challenges from a Case Study of a University Model in India
Christ University (CU) has implemented an integral and sustainable waste-management system for better environmental impacts on its five campuses in India. The university has well established zero-waste campaigns. The waste-management model is introduced at CU campuses with multiple purposes: 1) for a cleaner environment on the campus, 2) to create an educational impact on students on waste management, 3) to initiate a movement towards a zero-waste society in India and 4) to employ people living around its campuses. The Christ University waste-management model is done through three different segments/wings: 1) solid waste management, 2) wet waste management and 3) wastewater management. The amount of waste recycled for each year is measured, and the processes are documented. The model is a replicable, sustainable and socially impactful model for managing waste on university campuses for more significant societal impacts. 2024 CRC Press. -
This case study applies Rudolph et al.s social entrepreneurship model to describe the migration of Let Us Dreams (LUD) face-to-face social entrepreneurial conference to a virtual platform during the COVID-19 pandemic. LUD Triennial International Conference focused on community service initiatives in the areas of education, health, and social services for the purpose of impacting local and international communities in a transformative way. Organizers experienced many positive outcomes (e.g., high attendance and participant satisfaction), human capital, and leadership development of its collaborative volunteer planning teams, and the empowerment of local and global communities. The discussion section elaborates on the social entrepreneurship model findings, and other lessons learned, and provides recommendations for others planning to deliver a virtual or hybrid conference in multicultural contexts. 2024 Cognizant, LLC. -
University-Community Collaboration for A Sustainable School-Based Program for The Holistic Education and Wellness of Adolescents
Adolescents have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of schools that are already struggling to carry out their mission of quality education and holistic well-being of students. Research suggests that community-collaborative schools are improving students' academic engagement and reducing learning barriers. When communities and universities are involved in holistic education, it benefits all the stakeholders by enhancing mutual learning and strengthening both. Community members' involvement for student development encourages students and their families to be more involved in community-service initiatives. The paper reports DREAMS, a multi-stakeholder partnership (schools, universities and communities) after-school mentoring model's sustainability. The study identifies and delineates how the model has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calling for Good Health and Well-being (SDG-3), Quality Education (SDG-4), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG-11) through Partnerships to Achieve its Goals (SDG-17) and proposes it as a sustainable afterschool plan for the post COVID scenario. The Electrochemical Society -
A Pilot Study of the DREAMS Program: A Community Collaborative Intervention for the Psychosocial Development of Middle School Students
The purpose of this study was to pilot the DREAMS (Desire, Readiness, Empowerment, Action, and Mastery for Success) program, a community-collaborative, after-school intervention program designed specifically to address the holistic developmental needs of students at school. The author originally developed and implemented the program in Kerala, India, and later redesigned it for American school students. Combining the theories of Vygotsky and Erikson, the DREAMS model emphasizes the impact of the community on the development of children. This study evaluates the effects of a summer camp, the primary intervention of a three-year program, on the self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept of 20 middle school students in Northeast Louisiana. After students attended the week-long program, the most significant improvements were observed in self-esteem and self-worth. Further longitudinal or comparative experimental research on the complete design would provide stronger evidence to draw more substantive conclusions. (2024), (California State University). All rights reserved. -
Deep Learning-based Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Texture Features from Gait Silhouettes
The gait of a person is the manner in which he or she walks. The human gait can be considered as a useful behavioral type of biometric that could be utilized for identifying people. Gait can also be used to identify a persons gender and age group. Recent breakthroughs in image processing and artificial intelligence have made it feasible to extract data from photographs and videos for various classifying purposes. Gender can be regarded as soft biometric that could be useful in video captured using surveillance cameras, particularly in uncontrolled environments with erratic placements. Gender recognition in security, particularly in surveillance systems, is becoming increasingly popular. Popularly used deep learning algorithms for images, convolutional neural networks, have proven to be a good mechanism for gender recognition. Still, there are drawbacks to convolutional neural network approaches, like a very complex network model, comparatively larger training time and highly expensive in computational resources, meager convergence quickness, overfitting of the network, and accuracy that may need improvement. As a result, this paper proposes a texture-based deep learning-based gender recognition system. The gait energy image, that is created by adding silhouettes received from a portion of the video which portrays an entire gait cycle, can be the most often utilized feature in gait-based categorization. More texture features, such as histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) and entropy for gender identification, have been examined in the proposed work. The accuracy of gender classification using whole body image, upper body image, and lower body image is compared in this research. Combining texture features is more accurate than looking at each texture feature separately, according to studies. Furthermore, full body gait images are more precise than partial body gait images. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Impact of 3D printed components and ventilators on COVID-19
The disease caused by a virus known as the novel Coronavirus, also known as "COVID-19" by the public, was classified as a major epidemic by the World Health Organisation in 2019. Each country across the globe is affected by COVID-19. While writing this, over 150 million people were affected by the fast-spreading deadly pandemic, and over 3.5 million deaths due to COVID-19 were reported worldwide as per WHO's official COVID-19 dash panel- and social life of no territory on earth was left unaffected by the COVID-19. Now vaccines are ready, it may take a reasonable amount of time to complete the vaccination process. One major challenge was the need for more support equipment like Beds, Oxygen Cylinders, and Ventilators. Improvisation in the mass production of many critical components, especially those supporting 3D printing technology, has shown some well-managed results in handling the shortage of many critical components. This chapter examines and describes how 3D printing technologies were used during the dangerous pandemic. It aims to describe many 3D-printed devices like face masks, face shields, various valves, etc. It also makes an effort to point out the dominant drawbacks of additive manufacturing technology in this area and examines the options for a future pandemic. 2023 Bentham Science Publishers. All rights reserved. -
Neuro-Systemic applications in learning
Neuroscience research deals with the physiology, biochemistry, anatomy and molecular biology of neurons and neural circuits and especially their association with behavior and learning. Of late, neuroscience research is playing a pivotal role in industry, science writing, government program management, science advocacy, and education. In the process of learning as experiencing knowledge, the human brain plays a vital role as the central governing system to map the images of learning in the human brain which may be called educational neuroscience. It provides means to develop a common language and bridge the gulf between educators, psychologists and neuroscientists. The emerging field of educational neuroscience presents opportunities as well as challenges for education, especially when it comes to assess the learning disorders and learning intentions of the students. The most effective learning involves recruiting multiple regions of the brain for the learning task. These regions are associated with such functions as memory, the various senses, volitional control, and higher levels of cognitive functioning. By considering biological factors, research has advanced the understanding of specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia and dyscalculia. Likewise, neuroscience is uncovering why certain types of learning are more rewarding than others. Of late, a lot of research has gone in the field of neural networks and deep learning. It is worthwhile to consider these research areas in investigating the interplay between the human brain and human formal/natural learning. This book is intended to bring together the recent advances in neuroscience research and their influence on the evolving learning systems with special emphasis on the evolution of a learner-centric framework in outcome based education by taking into cognizance the learning abilities and intentions of the learners. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved. -
On Degree Sequence of Total Graphs and the Order of the Graphs
In this dissertation we discuss about the degree sequence of total graphs of some general graphs. A total graph of G, denoted by T(G) has vertex set as the union of vertices and edges in G and vertices are adjacent in T(G) if they are adjacent or incident in G. We try to obtain the degree sequence of total graphs of particular graphs like complete graph, path, cycle, wheel and star, from the number of vertices of the given graph (without directly drawing the total graph). We also explain the decomposition of T(G) into G and K_(d_i )s where dis are degrees of each of the vertices in G, moreover discuss about the degree sequence of T(G)??T(Ge). -
Redefining Organizational Sustainability Through Revamping Digital Capital
[No abstract available] -
EdTech tools for sustainable practices: A green revolution in education
The rapid advancement of Education Technology (EdTech) offers promising opportunities for educational institutions to integrate sustainable business practices into their operations and curriculum. The integration of EdTech into sustainability education has emerged as a powerful tool to promote environmental awareness, foster sustainable behavior, and address the pressing challenges of climate change and resource depletion. This chapter explores the growing significance of EdTech in sustainability education, analyzing its potential to cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious and responsible global citizens. It also aims at identifying and examining the most prominent emerging EdTech tools specifically designed to promote sustainability in educational settings. Furthermore, it aims to comprehend the institutional elements that have successfully incorporated and expanded the utilization of EdTech tools to promote enduring business practices. Additionally, the chapter addresses the challenges and obstacles faced by educational institutions in adopting and implementing these technologies and propose strategies to overcome these barriers. 2024 Allam Hamdan. All rights reserved. -
The Women Leadership: A Catalytic Role of Digital Divide Through Digital Ecosystem
The digitalization of the macro environment of an organization and digital upskilling and digital capital formation in the micro level of human capital paves women an opportunity to ladder up in the organization in various job roles leading to women leadership. The sociodemographic, psychological, socioeconomic, and cultural factors to the digital divide predominantly determine digital capital formation. Every attempt of women to surpass the digital divide obstacle to digital capital formation enables women capital to leadership characteristics. The study proposes a conceptual framework by extricating the past scholarly works on digital divide, digital capital, technology leadership, and women leadership. The preferences and choices of women leading to leadership skills through technology by encapsulating digital capital formation are meritorious in the research inquiry. The individual factors and organization factors are taken to the moderating variables in the association of digital capital to the women leadership. The study finds the need of ICT and digital upskilling among the women professionals in industry and catalytic role of digital capital formation by surpassing the digital divide. The empirical study on the concept formulation is highly recommendable for the future study. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.