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On the k-Forcing Number of Some DS-Graphs
Amos et al. introduced the notion of k-forcing number as a generalization of Zero forcing number and is denoted by Fk(G) where k> 0 is any positive integer, the k -forcing number of a graph is the minimum cardinality among all k -forcing sets of a graph G. In this paper, many bounds for k -forcing number of degree splitting graph DS(G) for different graph classes are found. We evaluate the value of k -forcing number of degree splitting graph of some of the Cartesian product graph for different values of k. Also we observed that for Tur graph Tn , t, upper and lower bound is given by, Fk(Tn , t) ? Fk(DS(Tn , t) ) ? Fk(Tn , t) + 1. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
User Authentication with Graphical Passwords using Hybrid Images and Hash Function
As per human psychology, people remember visual objects more than texts. Although many user authentication mechanisms are based on text passwords, biometric characteristics, tokens, etc., image passwords have proven to be a substitute due to its ease of use and reliability. The technological advancements and evolutions in authentication mechanisms brought greater convenience but increased the probability of exposing passwords through various attacks like shoulder-surfing, dictionary, key-logger, and social engineering attacks. The proposed methodology addresses these vulnerabilities and ensures to keep up the usability of graphical passwords. The system displays hybrid images that users need to recognize and type the randomly generated alphanumeric or special character values associated with each of them. A mechanism to generate One Time Password (OTP) is included for additional security. As a result, it is difficult for an attacker to capture and misuse the password. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Ear Recognition Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks
Ear biometrics, which involves the identification of a person from an ear image, is challenging under unconstrained image capturing scenarios. Studies in Ear biometrics reported that the Convolutional Neural Network is a better alternative to classical machine learning with handcrafted features. Two major concerns in CNN are the requirement of enormous computing resources and large datasets for training. The pretrained network concept helps to use CNN with smaller datasets and is less demanding on hardware. In this paper, three pre-trained CNN models, AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet50 are used for ear recognition. The fully connected classification layers of the nets are trained with AWE, an unconstrained ear dataset. Alternatively, the CNN layers output (the CNN features) are extracted, and an SVM classification model is built. To improve the classification accuracy, the training dataset size is increased through data augmentation. Data augmentation improved the classification accuracy drastically. The results show that ResNet50, with the fully connected classification layer, results in higher accuracy. 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Variable parametric test to improve the machinability of Inconel-718 using Tungsten Carbide tool
The Inconel-718 is a nickel based super alloy containing an old age hardening alloy of nickel-chromium as addition which provides increased strength without its decrease in ductility. It is known as a difficult to cut material due to certain properties like high thermal resistance, high creep, corrosion resistance having the capability of retaining toughness and strength at high temperatures. Inconel-718 has a large number of applications in the world of manufacturing such as aircraft gas turbines, steam turbine power plants, reheaters and reciprocating engines. Due to such superior quality functions, its machining becomes more challenging for which Tungsten Carbide is one of the tools to improve the machinability to 2.64%. In this paper, parametric tests has been carried out in CNC machining to determine the tool performance and improve the machining conditions. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Physical Unclonable Function and OAuth 2.0 Based Secure Authentication Scheme for Internet of Medical Things
With ubiquitous computing and penetration of high-speed data networks, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has found widespread application. Digital healthcare helps medical professionals monitor patients and provide services remotely. With the increased adoption of IoMT comes an increased risk profile. Private and confidential medical data is gathered across various IoMT devices and transmitted to medical servers. Privacy breach or unauthorized access to personal medical data has far-reaching consequences. However, heterogeneity, limited computational resources, and lack of standardization in authentication schemes prevent a robust IoMT security framework. This paper introduces a secure lightweight authentication and authorization scheme. The use of the Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) reduces pressure on computational resources and establishes the authenticity of the IoMT. The use of OAuth 2.0 open standard for authorization allows interoperability between different vendors. The resilience of the model to impersonation and replay attacks is analyzed. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Content-Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Diet Recommendation
Nowadays, society is leading towards an unhealthy and inactive and lifestyle. Recent studies show the rapid growth of people suffering from diseases caused due to unhealthy lifestyles and diet. Considering this, recognizing the right type and amount of food to eat with a suitable exercise set is essential to obtain good health. The proposed work develops a framework to recommend the proper diet plans for thyroid patients, and medical experts validate results. The experiments results illustrate that the proposed Content-Restricted Boltzmann Machines (Content-RBM) produces more relevant recommendations with content-based information. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Experimental study of response parameters during machining of Inconel 718 with cryogenically treated ceramic round tool using cutting fluid
Highly advanced superalloys are being rapidly spreading throughout the globe. It's in need of the hour to produce similar materials which are being used in several industries similar as petrochemical, biomechanical, aerospace and marine industries. Inconel 718 is one similar superalloy which is being used due to its better characteristic features like high attrition resistance, high temperature burden conditions, thermal fatigue resistance, and cryogenic temperatures. Owing to the hardness conditions, tools indicate the low tool life and high wear characteristics. Ceramic insert is one such tool that is being used to machine Inconel 718 which is cryogenically treated to improve tool life. The use of emulsified cutting fluid reduces tool wear and improve durability of the tool, thereby improving the efficiency of the machining of Inconel 718. In this paper, experimental investigation has been carried to find the use of emulsified cutting fluid that improves the machinability of Inconel 718 based on parameters such as surface roughness and tool wear under the effect of cutting parameters which are cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
An overview of nanomaterial technologies in the management of wastewater treatment
Nanomaterials are the foundation stone of nanotechnology. It is a broad and trans disciplinary section of exploration. Its developmental commotion has been rising intensively across the world in the last few years. Applications of nanotechnology are abundant in various fields like medicines, electronics, machines, and so on. This paper describes one such application that is nanotechnology in wastewater treatment viz nanosorption, nanophotocatalysis and Nano membrane technology. The Nano compounds engaged in such treatments have been discussed here. As of now the world is in distress from the non-Availability of drinking water and even the very existence of drinking water in nature are becoming toxic due to the addition of chemicals and heavy metals by man-made and by natural happenings as well. The distinctive properties of nanomaterial such as surface area, competent to toil at required and even at low concentration and their potential have prodigious prospects to reform wastewater treatment. Carbon based nanomaterial, metal oxide nanomaterials and nanomebranes have been discussed at this juncture. There are several disputes in treating wastewater with nanomaterials such as insufficient information about the nanomaterial. Still researchers have a lack of knowledge about how these materials are travelling and the effect of nanomaterial on human health. Though the nanostructured catalytic membranes, Nano sorbents and nanophotocatalyst are the established methods to eliminate water pollutants from wastewater, they need more energy and additional investment. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Convolutional Autoencoder Based Feature Extraction and KNN Classifier for Handwritten MODI Script Character Recognition
Character recognition is the process of identifying and classifying the images of printed or handwritten text and the conversion of that into machine-coded text. Deep learning techniques are efficiently used in the character recognition process. A Convolutional Autoencoder based technique for the character recognition of handwritten MODI script is proposed in this paper. MODI script was used for writing Marathi until the twentieth century. Though at present, Devnagari is taken over as the official script of Marathi, the historical importance of MODI script cannot be overlooked. MODI character recognition will not be an easy feat because of the various complexities of the script. Character recognition-related research of MODI script is in its initial stages. The proposed method is aimed to explore the use of a deep learning-based method for feature extraction and thereby building an efficient character recognition system for isolated handwritten MODI script. At the classification stage, the features extracted from the autoencoder are categorized using KNN classifier. Performance comparison of two different classifiers, such as KNN and SVM, is also carried out in this work. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Broad-spectrum of sustainable living management using green building materials-an insights
Owing to the recurrent modifications in the lifestyle and demands of humans the regular life of buildings is decreasing whereas the demolition or renovation of the buildings increases. Building materials and their components ingest just about 40 percent of world-wide vigour per annum in their life segments such as fabrication and procurement of building materials, construction and demolition. The development of the construction industry completely relies on the deployable resources. To abate the consumption of construction materials in current years, the construction industry has established an environmental track, which wishes to use naturally available materials. Reviving such technology, further developing this technology green building materials are paramount for constructing green buildings. Such a green-building constructional model does not require energy contributions frequently for production. The advantage of reducing the energy used in manufacturing, increases strength. Green Building material is one which utilizes less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste, produces less carbon dioxide emissions and provides improved space for inhabitants as compared to conventional buildings. It includes environmental, economic, and social benefits as well. This paper aims to provide knowledge about some of the green building materials that help for sustainable living. These elucidations can obligate a significant influence in contemporary construction owed to the escalation in the charges of traditional construction materials. 2021 by the Authors. -
Data Encryption and Decryption Techniques Using Line Graphs
Secure data transfer has become a critical aspect of research in cryptography. Highly effective encryption techniques can be designed using graphs in order to ensure secure transmission of data. The proposed algorithm in this paper uses line graphs along with adjacency matrix and matrix properties to encrypt and decrypt data securely in order to arrive at a ciphertext using a shared-key. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A comprehensive investigation of the effect of mineral additives to bituminous concrete
Research efforts to employ sustainable materials for road construction have been on the rise in recent years. In particular, the use of polymers as additives in asphalt mix has been actively explored by several researchers. Bituminous pavementsnormally constructed in India, have increasing number of premature failures, due to increase in traffic density and noteworthy variations in road temperatures. The modified binders have proven to improve numerous properties of bituminous surfaces such as temperature susceptibility, fatigue life, creep, resistance to permanent deformation and rutting. The present study has focussed on the experimental investigations conducted to evaluate the influence of mineral additives, such as wollostonite and Rice Husk Ash (RHA) on Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of bituminous concrete (BC)maintaining uniformity of aggregate properties.The results establish that the bituminous concrete blends modified using rice husk ash at 20% and wollostonite at 8%, with hydrated lime are most suitable for practical applications. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Consecutive Radio Labelling of Graphs
Radio labelling or radio colouring is an assignment of positive integers to the vertices of a graph such that the difference between labels of any two vertices must be at least one more than the difference between the diameter of the graph and the distance between the vertices themselves. A graph G admits consecutive radio labelling when the radio number of the graph equals the order of the graph. In this paper, we study certain graphs admitting consecutive radio labelling and identify certain properties of such graphs. Moreover, we characterize the graphs with diameter two admitting consecutive radio labelling and examine certain properties of the labelling under some graph operations. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Role of Data Science in the Field of Genomics and Basic Analysis of Raw Genomic Data Using Python
The application of genomics in identifying the nature and cause of diseases has predominantly increased in this decade. This field of study in life sciences combined with new technologies, revealed an outbreak of certain large amounts of genomic sequences. Analysis of such huge data in an appropriate way will ensure accurate prediction of disease which helps to adopt preventive mechanisms which can ultimately improve the human quality of life. In order to achieve this, efficient comprehensive analysis tools and storage mechanisms for handling the enormous genomic data is essential. This research work gives an insight into the application of data science in genomics with a demonstration using Python. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Asynchronous Method of Oracle: A Cost-Effective and Reliable Model for Cloud Migration Using Incremental Backups
Cloud Computing has reached a new level in flexibility to provide infrastructure. The proper migration method should be chosen for better cost management and to avoid overpayments to unused resources. So, the migrations from On-Premises to cloud infrastructure is a challenge. The migration can be done in synchronous or asynchronous modes. The synchronous method is mostly used to minimize downtime while doing the cloud migrations. The asynchronous methods can do the migrations in offline mode and very consistently. This paper addresses various issues related to the synchronous mode of Oracle while doing highly transactional database migrations. The proposed methodology provides a solution with a combination of asynchronous and incremental backups for highly transactional databases. This proposed method will be a more cost-effective and reliable model without compromising consistency and integrity. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A literature review on friction stir welding of dissimilar materials
Friction stir welding (FSW) employs a tool that does not require any filler materials; frictional heat is produced and performs a solid-state joining method. Severe plastic deformation causes to join similar and dissimilar materials without melting the workpiece at the welding line. Friction stir welding is the most recent friction welded joining processes with the most surprising features when welding various metal alloys, including magnesium, aluminium, copper, and steel. FSW is victorious of all the other conventional welding methods implied in many industrial applications like automobile, aerospace, fabrication, shipping, marines and robotics. It gives high-quality welds, energy input, and distortion are lower, better retention of mechanical properties; it is eco-friendly and can be performed less operating cost. This research work aims at the FSW process in Al-Cu alloys, highlighting:(a) Optimizing the welding process parameters, welding feed rate, tool rotation speed, (b) Evaluation of Electrical Conductance properties of joints, (c) Mechanical properties and metallography characteristics of joints. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Some New Results on Non-zero Component Graphs of Vector Spaces Over Finite Fields
The non-zero component graph of a vector space with finite dimension over a finite field F is the graph G=(V,E), where vertices of G are the non-zero vectors in V, two of which are adjacent if they have at least one basis vector with non-zero coefficient common in their basic representation. In this paper, we discuss certain properties of the non-zero component graphs of vector spaces with finite dimension over finite fields and their graph invariants. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
On Equitable Near Proper Coloring of Mycielski Graph of Graphs
When the available number of colors are less than that of the equitable chromatic number, there may be some edges whose end vertices receive the same color. These edges are called as bad edges. An equitable near-proper coloring of a graph G is a defective coloring in which the number of vertices in any two color classes differ by at most one and the resulting bad edges is minimized by restricting the number of color classes that can have adjacency among their own elements. In this paper, we investigate the equitable near-proper coloring of Mycielski graph of graphs and determine the equitable defective number of those graphs. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Non-linear Convection in Couple Stress Fluid with Non-classical Heat Conduction Under Magnetic Field Modulation
A theoretical examination of thermal convection for a couple stress fluid which is electrically conducting and possessing significant thermal relaxation time is explored under time dependent magnetic field. Fouriers law fails for a diverse area of applications such as fluids subjected to rapid heating, strongly confined fluid and nano-devices and hence a non-classical heat conduction law is employed. The heat transport in the system is examined and quantified employing the Lorenz model. The Nusselt number is deduced to quantitate the transfer of heat. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Unraveling the Potential of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Blockchain Technology in Environment Management
Blockchain as an emerging technology provides a ray of hope to the most intensive environmental issues facing the planet. Blockchain with its decentralized business model has great relevance not only in the field of finance but also in environmental sustainability. The World Economic Forum has identified blockchain as a repair mechanism to the most challenging global environmental issues. It is a highly promising technology gaining traction in diverse fields. Blockchain through this technology unveils its capabilities as a decentralized ledger of all dealings across peer-to-peer networks, where participants can ratify transactions without any central authority. Blockchain technology is an indestructible electronic ledger of transactions designed to record and store everything of value in addition to financial transactions. Blockchain can ensure a shift to cleaner and more resource conserving decentralized solutions, unravel natural capital and to empower communities. This chapter attempts to study the applicability of blockchain in protecting and sustaining the global environment at various levels including life on land, life below the earth and climate changes. Deployment of blockchain technology is needed in areas like climate change, biodiversity conservation and healthy water bodies to overcome the threats they face. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.