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Impact of Machine Learning Algorithms in Intrusion Detection Systems for Internet of Things
The importance of security aspects is increased recently due to the enormous usage of IoT devices. Securing the system from all sorts of vulnerabilities is inevitable to use IoT applications. Intrusion detection systems are power mechanism which provides this service. The introduction of artificial intelligence into intrusion detection systems can further enhance its power. This paper is an attempt to understand the impact of machine learning algorithms in attack detection. Using the UNSW-NB 15 dataset, the impact of different machine learning algorithms is assessed. 2021 IEEE. -
A Two-Pass Hybrid Mean and Median Framework for Eliminating Impulse Noise From a Grayscale Image
In a digital era, Image recuperation plays a vital role in the area of digital image processing. Image instauration offers more visualization on the quality of the image thereby eliminating noise. Elimination of Gaussian and impulse noise is a challenging problem in the area of image restoration. Rigorous research is pursued to restore salt-and-pepper (SAP) noise utilizing spatial filters. Mean and Median are two contributing spatial filters for eliminating impulse noise. This paper applies a two-pass hybrid mean and median framework on a corrupted grayscale image to replace salt and pepper noise. The hybrid framework is effectively restoring the image by abstracting the low, medium, and high-density impulse noise. The efficacy of the recommended strategy is evaluated by quantifying the peak signal to noise ratio and structural similarity index metric. The result obtained when compared with recent recuperation strategies outperforms to remove noise from grayscale images. 2021 IEEE -
Oppositional Glowworm Swarm based Vector Quantization Technique for Image Compression in Fiber Optic Communication
In recent times, fiber optic communication networks have become commonly applied for commercial as well as military applications. Fiber optic networks have gained popularity owing to the high data rate. At the same time, the generation of huge quantity of data at a faster rate poses a major challenge in the storing and transmission process. To resolve this issue, data compression approaches have been presented to reduce the quantity of transmitted data and thereby minimizes bandwidth utilization and memory. Vector quantization (VQ) is a commonly employed image compression technique and Linde Buzo Gray (LBG) is used to construct an optimum codebook to compress images. With this motivation, this paper presents a new oppositional glowworm swarm optimization based LBG (OGSO-LBG) technique for image compression in fiber optic communication. The OGSO algorithm involves the integration of oppositional based learning (OBL) concept into the GSO algorithm to boost its convergence rate. The OGSO-LBG algorithm produces the codebook at a faster rate with minimal computation complexity. In order to highlight the enhanced compression performance of the OGSO-LBG technique, a series of experiments were carried out and the results are examined under different dimensions. 2021 IEEE -
Enhanced Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Network Using Extended Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems (E-PEGASIS) Protocol
Recent technological advancement in wireless communication and sensors made Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as one of the demanding platforms in the current scenario. In WSN, tiny sensor nodes are collecting and monitoring the biological data or physical data or environmental data and transmitted to the base station (BS) through gateway routers. These data can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Usually sensor nodes have restrained battery power which creates the rigorous lifetime duration issues in WSN. Sensor nodes can communicate with each other using various routing protocols. Data transmission devours more amounts of energy and power. So, energy preservation is an important factor in WSN. There are plenty of researches going on in designing less energy consuming protocols for data transmission which helps to increase the lifetime of WSN. In this paper we have proposed Extended Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems (E-PEGASIS) protocol for enhanced energy efficient data transmission based on PEGASIS protocol. In this proposed method average distance between the sensor nodes are considered as the criterion for chaining and fix the outermost node's radio range value the base station. Later it chains the related nodes available in the radio range. Consequently, the chained node checks their distance with the next nearest end node to go on with the chaining procedure which will enhance the performance of data transmission between the sensor node and the base station. The simulation of the proposed work shows that lifetime of the network is increased when comparing to the LEACH and PEGASIS protocol. 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. -
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based Vehicle's License Plate Recognition System Using Python and OpenCV
License Platform Detection is a computer technology that enables us to identify digital images on the platform automatically. Different operations are covered in this system, such as imaging, number pad locations, alphanumeric character truncation and OCR. The final objective of the system is to construct and create efficient image processing procedures and techniques to position a licensing platter on the Open Computer View Library picture. It was used and implemented the K-NN algorithm and python programming language. The technology can be used in different industries such as security, highway speed detection, lighting violations, manuscript documents, automatic charging system, etc. Auto plate recognition is an integrated technology which identifies the auto licence plate. Auto plate auto recognition. Multiple applications include complex safety systems, public spaces, parking and urban traffic control. Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition (AVLPR) has undesirable aspects because of many effects, such as light and speed. This work presents an alternative technique to leverage free software for the implementation of AVLPR systems including Python and the Open Computer Vision (openCV). 2021 IEEE. -
An Automated Deep Learning Model for Detecting Sarcastic Comments
The concept of Natural Language Processing is immensely vast with a wide range of fields in which ideas can be explored and innovations can be developed. An algorithm based on deep learning is used to detect sarcasm in text in this paper. It is usually only possible to detect sarcasm through speech and very rarely through text. 1.3 million comments from Reddit were analyzed, of which half were sarcastic and half were not, and then various deep learning models were applied, such as standard neural networks, CNNs, and LSTM RNNs. The best performing model was LSTM-RNNs, followed by CNNs, and standard neural networks came last. With textual data, it is much harder to understand whether the other person is being sarcastic or not, it can only be understood by listening to their tone of voice or looking at their behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to detect sarcasm in textual data using deep learning models. 2021 IEEE. -
An AI Approach to Pose-based Sports Activity Classification
Artificial intelligence systems have permeated into all spheres of our life-impacting everything from our food habits to our sleep patterns. One untouched area where such intelligent systems are still in their infancy is sports. There has not been enough indulgence of AI techniques in sports, and most of the works are carried on manually by coaching staff and human appointees. We believe that intelligent systems can make coaching staff's work easier and produce findings that the human eye can often overlook. Here, we have proposed an intelligent system to analyze the beautiful game of tennis. With the use of computer vision architecture Detectron2 and activity-based pose estimation and subsequent classification, it can identify an action from a tennis shot (activity). It can produce a performance score for the player based on pose and movement like forehand and backhand. It can also be used to understand and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the player. The proposed approach provides a piece of valuable information for a player's performance and activity detection to be used for better coaching. The study achieves a classification accuracy of 98.60% and outperforms other SOTA CNN models. 2021 IEEE -
A Comparative Study on Indian Sign Language Representation
Communication among people can happen with the help of verbal or nonverbal language. Nonverbal communication is shared only among the hearing and speech impaired and is not common among others. Non-verbal communication is also different for different countries around the world. A solution to remove the gap between verbal and non-verbal communicators is to create an automated language translation model that can effortlessly convert sign language to text or audio. This area has been under research for a long time, but an economical and robust system that can efficiently convert signs into speech still does not exist. This paper focuses on different approaches that were put forward to turn Indian sign language into audio signals. The Sign Language Recognition (SLR) system is classified as isolated and continuous sign language models based on its input. 2021 IEEE. -
Machine Learning-based Currency Information Retrieval for Aiding the Visually Impaired People
Paper currency is one of the most in-demand and long-established payment modes across the globe. People suffering from visual disabilities often face difficulties while handling paper currencies. Over the years, assisting technology has been rekindling itself to serve the aged and disabled person more aptly. Image processing methods and other sophisticated technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, etc., can be employed to identify banknotes and fetch other valuable pieces of information from them. This paper proposes a framework that focuses on an integrated approach to retrieving data from the paper currency's uploaded image. The current version of the framework focuses on identifying the authenticity of the paper currency and classifying it according to its value. This work is an initiative to help visually impaired people to use paper currencies without assistance from other individuals and support them in living independently. 2021 IEEE. -
Cloudsim exploration: A knowledge framework for cloud computing researchers
This paper aims to help find solutions for questions an early researcher may have to set up experiments in their development environment. Simultaneously, while identifying the steps required for experimenting, the authors narrowed on an experimenting toolkit for Cloud Computing as an area of their study. Because of such simulators, the cloud computing environment itself is available easily at the comfort of ones desktop resources instead of visiting an actual physical data center to collect trace and log files as data sets for real workloads. This paper acts as an experience sharing to naive researchers who are interested in how to go about to start cloud computing setups. A new framework called Cloud Computing Simulation Environment (CCSE) is presented with inspiration from Procure Apply Consider and Transform (PACT) model to ease the learning process. The literature survey in this paper shares the path taken by researchers for understanding the architecture, technology, and tools required to set up a resilient test environment. This path also depicts the introduced framework CCSE. The parameters found out of the experiments were Virtual Machines (VMs), Cloudlets, Host, and Cores. The appropriate combination of the values of the parameters would be horizontal scaling of VMs. Increasing VMs does not influence the average execution time after a specific limit on the number of VMs allocated. Nevertheless, in vertical scaling, appropriate combinations of the cores and hosts yield better execution times. Thereby maintaining the optimal number of hosts is an ultimate saving of resources in case of VM allocations. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. -
Smart Tracker Device for Women Safety
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies assists by which machines, circuits, and many types of devices and interfaces communicate with one another. This IoT technology is useful for several purposes, especially in the field of Networking and Run-time data storage. Considering Women safety as our primary objective, we have used this technology and some other hardwares, including Raspberry Pi, to help the user in case of any emergency. Here also, with the help of IoT we are trying to make a device which can track the runtime location and the live, exact and efficient coordinates of the system which is in track. In the above context, in case of emergencies, it is very important to know the right place for the person to perform several important and critical actions whatsoever present at the right time.The GPS coordinates can be used to solve and analyse this problem. Additionally, we intend to add a voice recorder in case the women want to record any suspicious activity or information that can be helpful in the future for evidence purposes. In this paper, IoT is acting directly by receiving a person's GPS links from his server. Furthermore, we are combining the web interface with Google Maps on a single server so that the user's location can be tracked immediately using real-time coordinates.Our application can be used for wildlife, school-aged children, parent safety, and transportation services where location is a key factor. Although there are several direct and indirect usages of this project, the main use to which the project is concentrated is the use of this device to help our loved ones in the time of need. 2021 IEEE. -
Online Health Information Behavior: A study based on PLS-SEM
In this digital era, internet provides a speedy, economical and convenient platform for seeking information on health. Moreover, the presence of audio visual resources for health and option to get expert opinion directly makes online health information seeking behaviour more adaptable among the health consumers. The major purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between online health information seeking behaviour and the consequences of post-search. For doing the analysis, Smart PLS2 is used to execute structural equation modelling technique to understand the relationship between variables under study. The results of the study recommend that one's intention to search health information online is a significant predictor of post-search behavior in terms of altering health condition, visiting physician or sharing the same information with others. The present study gives a strong indication to the health care practitioners to understand the mechanism of desires and intentions of a healthcare consumer towards online health information seeking behavior. 2021 IEEE. -
Concept Drift Detection for Social Media: A Survey
The research over information retrieval from social media data has progressed for streaming data since the last decade. Recently, academic researchers have witnessed users' changing topics, trends, and intent on social media. This change of information with time takes into account the temporal attribute for real-time data, and thus, advances in this domain are exponentially growing. Although concept drift is still not explored due to a shortage of available datasets, concept drift for social media is minimally explored. This manuscript makes attempts to identify the types of concept drift for social media data, discuss the historical perspective of concept drift on social media, and enlist the possible research directions. 2021 IEEE. -
Classification Algorithms Used in the Study of EEG-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection
Epilepsy is a neurological illness that has become more frequent around the world. Nearly 80% of epileptic seizure sufferers live in low- and middle-income nations. In persons with encephalopathy, the risk of dying prematurely is three times higher than in the general population. Three-quarters of people with brain illnesses in low-income countries do not receive the treatment they require. Recurrent seizures are a symptom of epilepsy, characterized by strange bursts of excess energy in mind. Experts agree that most people diagnosed with epilepsy may be managed successfully, provided the episodes are discovered early on. As a result, machine learning plays an essential role in seizure detection and diagnosis. Support Vector Machine(SVM), Extreme Gradient Boosting(Xgboost), Decision Tree Classifier, Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA), Perceptron, Naive Bayes Classifier, k-Nearest Neighbor(k-NN), and Logistic Regression are eight of the most widely used machine learning classification algorithms used to classify EEG based mostly Epileptic Seizures. Almost all classifiers, according to the study, give an efficient process. Despite this, the results show that SVM is the most effective method for detecting epileptic seizures, with a 96.84% accuracy rate. For diagnosing Epileptic Seizures using EEG signals, the perceptron model has a lower accuracy of 76.21% percent. 2021 IEEE. -
An Intelligent System to Forecast COVID-19 Pandemic using Hybrid Neural Network
A current outbreak known as COVID-19 has been discovered from the coronavirus was informed by WHO. COVID-19 is a universal pandemic that has brought out the best and the worst of humanity. Due to an increase in the cases daily, COVID-19 is creating a menace to public health and establishes a disruption of the social and economic development of the countries. The problem is the hospitals are not able to provide proper facilities and treatments on time due to the lack of facilities in India. The purpose of this project to build an efficient hybrid deep learning model for forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic with multiple features that are responsible for the spread of COVID-19 in the top five states in India. In particular, a hybrid model that incorporates Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average and Long-term Short Memory is been used to forecast confirmed cases. The linear and non-linear dependencies in the dataset is been dealt with by an ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model. As a result, when compared to the outcomes of ARIMA, LSTM models independently, the hybrid model was giving better results and was performing well in forecasting COVID-19 cases. Through this, the policymakers will get prior information on COVID-19 cases in states which will help the government and healthcare departments to take prominent measures to prevent it. 2021 IEEE. -
Zero Trust-Based Adaptive Authentication using Composite Attribute Set
Rapid evolution of internet-oriented applications has increased the threats to confidential data. Single-factor authentication approaches are no longer sufficient to ensure user credibility. Multi-factor authentication schemes are also not tamper-proof. A Zero Trust, adaptive authentication-based approach that uses the user's past behavior can offer protection in this scenario. This paper proposes a system that collects a composite attribute set that includes the user behavior, attributes of the application through which the user is requesting access, and the device used. The enhanced collection allows the creation of detailed context that allows granular variance calculation and risk score. 2021 IEEE. All Rights Reserved. -
HydroIoT: An IoT and Edge Computing based Multi-Level Hydroponics System
The depleting area of cultivable lands is increasing demands for implementing improved techniques that could use less space and produce more than traditional farming. This situation is common in all the developing and under developed countries. With a motivation to contribute towards providing solution to this growing problem of food scarcity, a Multi-Level Hydroponics System is proposed. The proposed system combines best of all trending technologies like IoT, Edge Computing and Computer Vision and applies it to Hydroponics. A cultivation estimation system based on image processing is implemented and accuracy of the same is tested with actual produce. The crop used for the proposed system is corn as it serves as best fodder for cattle. It was observed that with proposed system up to 95% accuracy in estimating fodder produce was achieved. 2021 IEEE. -
A Relative Analysis on the Spotting of Cardiovascular Disease Employing Machine Learning Techniques
Heart is one of the significant segments in the human body since it powers blood to the all the pieces of the body. Blood courses through the vein. Cardiovascular sickness is corresponded with the blockage of vein. The sign of heart sickness depends whereupon condition is impacting an individual. The term coronary illness is ordinarily utilized instead of cardiovascular infection. Dilated cardiomyopathy, Heart failure, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary stenosis, Mitral regurgitation, Coronary artery disease, Myocardial infraction, Mitral valve prolapse, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are the sorts of coronary illness. The several machine learning techniques are analyzed to spot heart disease. This paper gives relative investigation of coronary illness expectation utilizing machine learning. 2021 IEEE. -
Application of AI in video games to improve game building
Video Games Industry has been welcoming AI like any other industry for various tasks, AI in gaming helps to convey a much more realistic gaming experience, amplify player interaction and satisfaction over extensive periods. Additionally, the gaming industry is utilizing Artificial Intelligence to liberate its staff by making game development automated, quicker, and less expensive. In this work an experiment is described using Deep Neural Network and Statistical techniques for forecasting the location of an object in future frames of a video, it focuses on the engineering phase of the game, the proposed model combines future prediction of object location which helps to build the infinite universe in the videogame without any additional videos frames of the input video or hard coding any scenes to build the scenes further. 2021 IEEE. -
Green and Sustainable Software Model for IT Enterprises
The present study is based on developing a Green and Sustainable software because in the present-day computing devices are used for all kinds of purposes and they consume a lot of energy to perform these services. The ICT sector itself consumes a lot of energy so there is a need to think of alternatives that can reduce the level of energy consumption, thus, green ICT practice can be a good option. There is, however, a scarcity of researches that explains how the maintenance of green knowledge in ICT software development may be implemented. Since we recognize that software development process (SDL) plays an essential role in enabling the ICT community, uncontrolled green knowledge in developing software that would lead to the dilemma of failing to satisfy both the community's business and environmental requirements. Therefore, this research will concentrate on presenting a methodology applying an innovative model for managing the green software development and implementation. Keeping this concern in mind the present paper is going to provide a Green and Sustainable software model which can be used in green ICT practices and will be helpful in reducing the energy consumption used by computers. 2021 IEEE.