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Actualizing The Inner Self : Impact of An Online Signature Strengths Intervention On Well-Being
The PERMA Theory of Well-being states that exercising signature strengths one s most newlineprominent character strengths enhances five distinct dimensions of well-being, namely, newlinepositive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. The present study tests this theory by examining the impact of an online signature strengths intervention on each of the aforementioned dimensions of well-being and overall well-being using an explanatory sequential mixed method experimental research design. The quantitative phase of the study implemented a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the intervention with a wait-list control newlinegroup. A total of 82 participants recorded their levels of well-being and its dimensions at pretest and post-test using a standardized tool. Out of the 82 participants, 42 participants were in the experimental group and 40 participants in the wait-list control group. A one-month followup measure of well-being was also taken among participants in the experimental group to determine the long-term effectiveness of the intervention. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted in the qualitative phase of the study among participants in the experimental group to explore the subjective experiences and mental processes underlying the identification and utilization of signature strengths. Results demonstrated medium to large increases in all the dimensions of well-being except for the dimension of engagement which did not show a newlinesignificant increase at either time points. Qualitative findings validated the quantitative findings and revealed important mental and emotional mechanisms underlying the experience of utilizing signature strengths, thereby providing a deeper insight into the nature and working of the intervention. Findings of the study carry far-reaching implications for organizations as well as educational and healthcare institutions to empower individuals to function optimally by utilizing their inner potential and experience the peak of well-being in all domains of life. -
Actulization of the educational vision of kuriakose elias chavara through providing higher educational of facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th newlinecentury, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his newlinevaluable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense newlineneed for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the newlineformation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two newlineindigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables. A newlineconvergent parallel mix method study was employed with a sample consisting of 190 religious faculty members of CMI and CMC higher education institutions from different parts of India. The findings of the study reveal a close positive correlation of actualization of the educational vision of Chavara with the independent variables. Educational facilities are seen to be essential in the development of quality education. Formation of Human Capital acts as significant predictor in the vision actualization. The study is based on the higher education system and religious faculty members in CMI and CMC. It is also expected that providing educational facilities and Formation of Human Capital are the newlinecombination of the vision actualization in the education field. -
Acute Leukemia Subtype Recognition in Blood Smear Images with Machine Learning
Acute leukemia is a swiftly progressing blood cancer affecting white blood cells which poses a significant threat to the immune system and often leads to fatal outcomes if not detected and treated promptly. The current manual diagnostic method, being time-consuming and prone to errors, necessitates an urgent shift toward a comprehensive automated system. This paper presents an innovative approach to automatically identify acute leukemia cells and their subtypes by analyzing microscopic blood smear images. The proposed methodology involves the segmentation of clustered lymphocytes, isolation of nuclei, and extraction of diverse features from each nucleus. A random forest classifier is then trained to categorize nuclei into healthy or cancerous, with further precision in classifying cancerous nuclei into specific subtypes. The method achieves an impressive 97% accuracy across all evaluations, holding profound implications for pathologists and medical practitioners in their decision-making processes. 2024, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology. All rights reserved. -
Acute Toxicity of Leaf Extracts of Enydra fluctuans Lour in Zebrafish (Danio rerio Hamilton)
The present study was focused on the concentration-dependent changes in oral acute toxicity of leaf extracts of E. fluctuans in zebrafish. The study was also aimed at the details of histopathological changes in the gill, liver, brain, and intestine of zebrafish exposed to the leaf extracts of the plant E. fluctuans. Enydra fluctuans Lour is an edible semiaquatic herbaceous plant used widely for the alleviation of the different diseases. Since there were no toxicity studies conducted on this plant, the present study was an attempt to look into the elements of toxicity of the plants. Two types of experiments are conducted in the present study. First, the acute oral toxicity study was conducted as per the OECD guidelines 203. Second, histopathological changes were observed in the fishes exposed to the lethal concentrations of plant extract. The oral acute toxicity studies conducted on Zebrafish have revealed that the leave extracts of E. fluctuans were toxic to the tested fish at the concentration of 200 mg/kg body weight. The histopathological studies conducted on the intestine of treated fishes showed that treatment has induced rupturing of the villi structure and fusion of villi the membrane and detachment of the villi structure from the basal membrane of the intestine. The histology of the liver also showed severe vacuolization in the cells while it is not affected in control. The studies on gills showed the detachment of the basal epithelial membrane in the gills compared to control which might have led to death of the fish. The histopathological observations of brain tissues treated with test samples also revealed the marked impingement in the brain parenchyma while the control is normal without impingement of the brain. 2020 Jobi Xavier and Kshetrimayum Kripasana. -
Adapting Case Study Pedagogy for Non-Residential Business Schools: Strategies for Implementation
Case study pedagogy is widely recognized as a powerful teaching approach in business education programs. However, its implementation in non-residential business schools poses distinct challenges. Optimizing case study pedagogy to the unique needs and circumstances of non-residential students necessitates a specific strategy. This chapter delves into various strategies essential for the effective implementation of case study pedagogy in non-residential business schools. First, an overview of 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Adapting Employee Engagement Strategies Amid Crisis: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Crises are unpredictable events that have the potential to strike at any moment, causing significant disruptions to work, daily routines, and the normal course of life. The COVID-19 Pandemic served as a facilitator for transformative changes in the way we work, shifting to an era of remote and flexible work arrangements across industries. This crisis underlined the importance of employee engagement and organizational culture-building in navigating unforeseen situations. As organizations prepare for the future, it becomes crucial to anticipate and adapt to potential crises that may arise. The effect of the pandemic varied from industry to industry. When the technology industry worked towards creating a virtual workspace, the production industry strived to continue production without disruption. However, irrespective of the industry, HR teams across the board were dedicated to identifying and addressing the challenges posed by the crisis. They have worked tirelessly to ensure employee engagement remains a priority. This qualitative study explores the challenges encountered by HR teams during the pandemic and explores the strategies and policies they adopted to foster employee engagement. The data was collected through an in-depth interview with 39 HR Practitioners from different industries. The significant challenges included the need to cultivate a sense of community, navigate muddled up HR processes, sustain productivity amid disruptions, and prioritize employee wellness. To provide a comprehensive analysis, this study examined industry-specific approaches, employing within-case analysis to understand key strategies in communication, rewards and recognition, employee benefits, wellness initiatives, and fostering an enjoyable virtual workplace. This study offers a forward-looking perspective and serves as a guide for organizations aiming to thrive in times of uncertainty, ensuring that employee engagement remains a strategic priority regardless of the crisis at hand. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Adapting palates: A mapping of food neophobia and neophilia in the shift towards sustainable food consumption
This research explores how two different personality traits-neophilia and neophobia-affect people's eating habits and preferences in the context of sustainable gastronomy tourism. Neophilia, which indicates an openness to trying new culinary experiences, contrasts with neophobia, which is defined as a fear of new foods. Data was collected from 234 gastronomy tourists in Bangalore to examine these dynamics. Smart PLS-SEM 4 was utilized for data analysis. The survey investigated the attitudes and behaviours of participants regarding sustainable food practices that they encountered while engaging in gastronomy tourism. The results show that food neophobia significantly improves people's perceptions of food quality, which further had a statistically significant favourable influence on sustainable consumption; it had no significant effect on post-consumption behaviour. The study highlights how vital gastronomy is to improving experiences, preserving local identity, and drawing tourists-particularly in the rapidly growing category of culinary tourism. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Adaptive algorithms in smart antenna beamformation for wireless communication
The challenges for today's wireless communication technology are increased data rates, channel capacity and spectrum efficiency with reduced interference. The adaptive antenna array is capable of adapting to the varying signal environments automatically and forms beams in the directions of the desired signals by steering nulls in the directions of interfering signals. Therefore smart antenna is the best solution to overcome the above mentioned challenges. Smart antennas uses advanced digital signal processing algorithms to enhance the detection of desired users in an interfering environment through spatial filtering. In this paper we will discuss the influence of Least Mean Squares (LMS), Recursive Least Squares (RLS) and Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) algorithms in adaptive beamforming. The simulations used for the study are carried out using MATLAB R2013a. 2016 IEEE. -
Adaptive artificial bee colony (aabc)-based malignancy pre-diagnosis
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death. The survival rate of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer depends on the stage of the detection and the timely prognosis. Hence, early detection of anomalous malignant cells is needed for pre-diagnosis of lung cancer as it plays a major role in the prognosis and treatment. In this work, an innovative pre-diagnosis approach is suggested, wherein the size of the dataset comprising risk factors and symptoms is considerably decreased and optimized by means of an Adaptive Artificial Bee Colony (AABC) algorithm. Subsequently, the optimized dataset is fed to the Feed-Forward Back-Propagation Neural Network (FFBNN) to perform the training task. For the testing, supplementary data is furnished to well-guided FFBNN-AABC to authenticate whether the supplied investigational data is competent to effectively forecast the lung disorder or not. The results obtained show a considerable improvement in the classification performance compared to other approaches like Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant System and Optimal Power Allocation for Smart Vehicles in Smart Cities Using Controller Area Network
Nowadays, the power consumption and dependable repeated data collection are causing the main issue for fault or collision in controller area network (CAN), which has a great impact for designing autonomous vehicle in smart cities. Whenever a smart vehicle is designed with several sensor nodes, Internet of Things (IoT) modules are linked through CAN for reliable transmission of a message for avoiding collision, but it is failed in communication due to delay and collision in communication of message frame from a source node to the destination. Generally, the emerging role of IoT and vehicles has undoubtedly brought a new path for tomorrow's cities. The method proposed in this paper is used to gain fault-tolerant capability through Probabilistic Automatic Repeat Request (PARQ) and also Probabilistic Automatic Repeat Request (PARQ) with Fault Impact (PARQ-FI), in addition to providing optimal power allocation in CAN sensor nodes for enhancing the performance of the process and also significantly acting a role for making future smart cities. Several message frames are needed to be retransmitted on PARQ and fault impact (PARQ-FI) calculates the message with a response probability of each node. 2021 Anil Kumar Biswal et al. -
Adaptive Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Dynamic Optimal Power Flow in Renewable Energy Integrated Microgrid
Global warming has prompted several governments to adopt more sustainable policies in all areas. Incorporating renewable energy sources (RES) and adopting electric vehicles (EVs) are examples of such practises. Today's electrical distribution networks (EDNs) are becoming more reliable microgrids (MG) that can operate grid-connected or self-healing. As a result, the fluctuating nature of RES and EVs has raised numerous technical and economic concerns. This research proposes a novel multi-objective dynamic optimum power flow (OPF) addressing total load dispatch cost minimization and network security margin maximisation for various load profiles. A composite load model is proposed considering residential, industrial, commercial, EVs, agricultural loads. The proposed optimization issue is tackled using an adaptive grasshopper optimization algorithm (AGOA), a metaheuristic grasshopper optimization technique with adaptive control parameter (AGOA). A modified IEEE 33-bus benchmark test system with PV units and reactive power compensation devices is used for simulation over 24-hour horizon. The suggested AGOA's computing efficiency is compared for two scenarios. By combining good exploration and exploitation features with adaptive regulating variables, the AGOA outperformed in terms of global optima. Also, the techno-economics of MG operation and control are improved significantly. In scenario 1, the network is configured in a radial topology, with average operational costs, distribution losses, voltage variation, and transmission loadability of 1117.72 $/h, 82.4803 kW, 0.0058 p.u., and 0.7910 p.u., respectively, over a 24-hour period. In scenario 2, the network is run as a meshed network, with network performance of 1113.36 $/h, 43.15 kW, 0.0019 p.u., and 0.8524 p.u., respectively. This suggests that switching from radial to meshed configuration can result in lower losses, a better voltage profile, and increased loadability, as well as the applicability of the suggested methodology for managing uncertainty in modern EDNs. 2022. All Rights Reserved. -
Adaptive uplink scheduling model for WiMAX network using evolutionary computing model
The increased usage of smart phones has led to increase usage an internet based application services. These application requires different quality of service (QoS) and bandwidth requirement. WiMAX is an efficient network to provision high bandwidth connectivity and coverage to end user. To meet QoS requirement the exiting model used adaptive model selection scheme. However, these model induce bandwidth wastage as it does not considers any feedback information for scheduling. This work present an Adaptive Uplink Scheduling (AUS) by optimizing MAC layer using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). The MAC scheduler use feedback information from both physical layer and application layer. Further, to meet QoS requirement of application and utilize bandwidth efficiently this paper presented an adaptive modulation selection scheme based on user application requirement using MOGA. Our model provides application level based QoS provisioning for WiMAX network. Experiment are conducted to evaluate performance of AUS over exiting model. The overall result attained shows AUS model attain good performance in term of throughput, successful packet transmission and packet collision. 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Addiction treatment in India: Legal, ethical and professional concerns reported in the media
As per the Magnitude of Substance Use in India 2019 survey report, over 57 million of the Indian population is in need of professional help for alcohol use disorders and around 7.7 million for opioid use disorders. The increasing demand for addiction treatment services in India calls for professionalising every aspect of the field. Frequent human rights violations and various unethical practices in Indian addiction treatment facilities have been reported in the mass media. This study is a content analysis of newspaper reports from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019 looking into legal, ethical and professional concerns regarding the treatment of substance use disorders in India. The content analysis revealed various human rights violations, the use of improper treatment modalities, the lack of basic facilities at treatment settings, and the presence of unqualified professionals in practice. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2021. -
Additively Composite Model Objective Function for Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network Protocol
The Internet of Things (IoT) networks always operate within the context of diverse and constrained characteristics of the devices. Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) constitute a network architecture commonly utilized in IoT application deployments, facilitating networking and the establishment of paths for data transmission. The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) demonstrates promising capabilities for LLN network operations, supporting IPv4 and IPv6-enabled services. The RPL protocol constructs a Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) logical routing topology based on defined Objective Function (OF) metrics. Routing operations within the DODAG utilize these metrics and constraints to select parent nodes and calculate optimal routes between two nodes. Standardized OFs have traditionally focused on either parent node selection or routing objectives within the DODAG, often treating load balancing and bottleneck optimization separately. However, their combined impact on RPL's effectiveness has been overlooked. This paper introduces an Adaptively Composite Objective Function (AC-OF) approach that considers the combined objectives of DODAG load balancing and optimized routing operations. Through simulation evidence, the paper presents improved network parameters. The AC-OF implementation brings out significant results in the form of a balanced DODAG topology and it has good impacts on data transmission, control overhead messages, parent switching, delay, energy consumption, and node lifetime. 2024 Totem Publisher, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Addressing challenges and opportunities in enhancing water quality for irrigation
The rapidly changing quality of irrigation water is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed in order to understand and predict the long-term effects on soils and crops in a world that is facing increasing water stress. The use of irrigation in agriculture is becoming increasingly reliant on sources of water that are poorly understood and largely unmonitored. This trend has led to a decline in water and soil quality in many areas. While soil salinization and reduced crop productivity have traditionally been the main concerns when it comes to the quality of irrigation water, there is now evidence that geogenic contaminants, such as trace elements and an increase in the use of wastewater, are also affecting irrigation water quality. The ability to measure extremely small concentrations of biologically-active organic contaminants, including plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and steroid hormones, in various irrigation water sources allows us to evaluate their uptake and occurrence in crops. However, it does not address questions related to food safety or the potential health effects on humans. Additionally, natural and synthetic nanoparticles are now known to be present in many water sources, which may alter plant growth and impact food standards. 2023 Author(s). -
Addressing harassment against men through the lens of gender equality in India: A critical analysis /
Harassment refers to harassment derives from the English verb harass plus the suffixment. The verb harass, in turn, is a loan word from the French, which was already attested in meaning torment, annoyance, bother, trouble.1 It refers to when an individual continually performs undesirable behaviour against a victim. This may include offensive language, rude and cruel remarks, but it must continue over time in order then it is considered as harassment. Harassment has many types like sexual harassment, mental harassment; workplace harassment, domestic harassment and many more it cover wide range of offence Harassment. Harassment against men is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in India, just as harassment against women does. It is important to approach this issue through the lens of gender equality, as both men and women should have the right to live free from harassment and violence. To start with, it is important to acknowledge that men can be victims of harassment and violence, and that this issue is not limited to women alone. -
Addressing psychosocial problems associated with the COVID-19 lockdown
The lockdown imposed by the governments of various countries to contain the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is associated with various psychosocial problems. The complications within the family and time management issues that can occur during this time period are explored. The stigma and anxiety associated with the coronavirus disease are also addressed. It is noted that the problems faced by vulnerable communities including individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) tend to be ignored. These crucial areas that psychologists and mental health professionals should consider before providing intervention are discussed. 2020 Elsevier B.V. -
Addressing the complexities of postoperative brain MRI cavity segmentationa comprehensive review
Postoperative brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) is pivotal for evaluating tumor resection and monitoring post-surgical changes. The segmentation of surgical cavities in these images poses challenges due to artifacts, tissue reorganization, and heterogeneous appearances. This study explores challenges and advancements in postoperative brain MRI segmentation, examining publicly accessible datasets and the efficacy of various deep learning models. The analysis focuses on different U-Net models (U-Net, V-Net, ResU-Net, attention U-Net, dense U-Net, and dilated U-Net) using the EPISURG dataset. The training dice scores are as follows: U-Net 0.8150, attention U-Net 0.8534, V-Net 0.7602, ResU-Net 0.7945, dense U-Net 0.83, dilated U-Net 0.80. The study thoroughly assesses existing postoperative cavity segmentation models and proposes a fine-tuning approach to enhance the performance further, particularly for the best-performing model, attention U-Net. This fine-tuning involves introducing dilated convolutions and residual connections to the existing attention U-Net model, resulting in improved results. These improvements underscore the necessity for ongoing research to select and adapt efficient models, retrain specific layers with a comprehensive collection of postoperative images, and fine-tune model parameters to enhance feature extraction during the encoding phase. 2024, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Adhesion strength studies on zirconia based pyrochlore and functionally gradient thermal barrier coatings
Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) plays a major role in the improvement of gas turbine and engine components in terms of their service life and performance. Generally, all coatings must possess certain primary properties to perform in the intended applications. However, regardless of applications, suitable adhesion strength is one major characteristic they must have to adequately protect the basic components on which they are applied upon. In TBCs, adhesion (or Bond) strength is a parameter that helps to illustrate the resistance of the ceramic top coat against spallation either from the bond coat (and component) or within the TBC layers itself. The performance of TBCs are reliant upon the adhesion between the coating and the metal substrate and also adhesion (or cohesion) between the bond coat and the overlying ceramic top coat layer. The de-bonding of the top coat layer or the inter-metallic bond coat layers are the main reasons of the failure of the overall TBC system. Some of the prominent problems associated with coatings applications are residual stresses, micro-cracks and pores etc. These and many other factors influence the adhesion of the coatings in addition to service environment conditions and pre coating substrate preparations such as substrate cleaning, grit blasting and very importantly plasma spray parameters. In the present work, results obtained from adhesion strength measurements carried out by following the ASTM C 633 standard test method, on various types of TBCs are being shared. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were synthesized with NiCrAlY bond coat deposited on SS 304L substrate by using air plasma spray and different ceramic top coats (a) commercial 8%Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (8YSZ) (b) lab synthesized plasma spray powders of (i) Lanthanum Zirconate (La2Zr2O7) (ii) Lanthanum Ceria Zirconate (La2 (Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7) and (iii) Lanthanum cerate (La2Ce2O7). The coating depositions were carried out in different configurations i.e. two layers, three layers and gradient layers (Functionally gradient materials). The evaluation of properties includes the studies of morphology of the strength (adhesive/cohesive failure mode) tested specimen as well. General conclusions drawn from the studies on several specimen in various configurations are that cohesive failures (between the ceramic top coat layers) is the predominant mechanisms followed by few adhesive failures in bond coat coat/ceramic interface. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.