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Moderation of Income and Age on Customer Purchase Intention of Green Cosmetics in Bangalore
Cracking the code of customer purchase behaviour is a challenge for market researchers as myriad factors interfere. Marketers are puzzled as competitors position a new product category in the market to create demand. Indian public perceived cosmetics composition as blend of healthy chemical extracts. Television commercials portrayed the presence of chemicals in cosmetics as a product performance booster. People attributed chemical presence to superior product performance. Saturated markets witnessed competitors aiming at increased sales with similar commercials. Under pressure to differentiate, the idea of organic cosmetics started. Companies invested heavily on product development, marketing and branding. Expected success was not achieved as buyers measured performance of cosmetics weighing the absence of chemicals. Scepticism on organic level of the products emerged as various brand commercials claimed their respective compositions a true organic product. Fewer studies explained purchase intention of green cosmetics without focus on health consciousness and consumer innovativeness. Product diffusions were strategized on the basis of consumer innovativeness. Health consciousness captured individuals weightage on health and well-being while purchasing a product. This paper explores relationship of health consciousness and consumer innovativeness with purchase intention development conducting exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis and interaction analysis on selected independent variables using dependent variables. The study found both consumer innovativeness and health consciousness leading to development of purchase intention of green cosmetics. Age and income moderated the relationship of consumer innovativeness and purchase intention. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Approach for Credit Card Churn Prediction Using Gradient Descent
A very important asset for any company in the business sectors such as banking, marketing, etc. are its customers. For them to stay in the game, they have to satisfy their customers. Customer retention plays an important role in attracting and retaining the customers. Customer retention means to keep the customer satisfied so that they do not stop using their service/product in the domain of banking; the banks provide various kinds of services to the customers especially in the electronic banking sector. For this study, we have selected the service of credit card. For a bank to give a loan or amount on credit basis, the e-bank should make sure if its customers are eligible and can repay their money. The purpose of this project is to implement a neural network model to classify the churners and non-churners. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Various Personal Cloud Storage Services for Healthcare Images
In recent times, usage of personal cloud storage services for storing e-health records in on a rise. This is due to the constant accessibility, easy sharing, and safe storage of the data at a nominal cost. In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of four personal cloud storage services: Google Drive, Dropbox,, and Icedrive using medical image data files of various sizes. The parameters checked were number of packets transmitted during file upload and duration of time to upload, download, and delete the files. The results show us a comparative analysis of the personal cloud storage services based on the parameters and also help us identify certain gaps for the future. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Demography-Based Hybrid Recommender System for Movie Recommendations
Recommender systems have been explored with different research techniques including content-based filtering and collaborative filtering. The main issue is with the cold start problem of how recommendations have to be suggested to a new user in the platform. There is a need for a system which has the ability to recommend items similar to the users demographic category by considering the collaborative interactions of similar categories of users. The proposed hybrid model solves the cold start problem using collaborative, demography, and content-based approaches. The base algorithm for the hybrid model SVDpp produced a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.92 on the test data. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Envisaging an Intelligent Blockchain Network by Intelligence Sharing
Blockchain Technology is gaining popularity throughout various industry verticals due to its data decentralization and tamper-evident nature. Machine Learning (ML) is all about embedding a learning capability to computing machines so that the machine can learn based on historical data in a way how human beings learn things. An important part of ML is the process of learning which needs humongous processing capability and hence it is time-consuming. Significant benefits have been predicted from the integration of these two technologies. Making a complete blockchain network intelligent in a simple and efficient way is a major challenge. In this work, a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) model is implanted in every node of the blockchain network. An efficient technique is proposed to make an intelligent blockchain network in minimum possible time and using minimum processing power. During the network formation, every node of the network has knowledge of the model architecture. At some point in time, the model of the randomly selected node gets trained. After completion of the training of that node, the intelligence is replicated to the entire network. 2022 IEEE. -
Behavioural Intention towards adoption of Robotic Accounting for a profitable leading digital transformation
Leading digital transformation accelerates impactful changes in business environments and work places and helps them thrive in this age dominated by physical, emotional, and financial disruptions. This is very much evident during the pandemic-induced current economic climate; the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) industry has been found to grow at an exponentially increasing rate throughout 2020, and based on the response towards it, it can be logically predicted that this trend will continue to be in vogue for several years into the future. The use of RPA technology enables auditing firms to not only automate business processes but also significantly improve the way the company currently completes tasks. In view of the above, the present study focuses on the nature of digital automation of business processes in auditing firms using RPA and its impact on revenue management and client engagement. The study proposes to make use of qualitative research methods and also aims to theorize the role of various antecedents that develop a strong intention among the auditing firms to adopt RPA for the purposes of accounting and auditing. 2022 IEEE. -
Reading behind the tweets: A sentiment Clustering Approach
Market sentiment influence crude oil future prices in direct or indirect way. In order to measure the polarity of market sentiment various techniques has been deployed by industry and academia alike. This pilot study successfully introduced two instruments, namely topic modeling and Sentiment clustering, to unearth the prevailing sentiments behind crude oil future pricesThree main conclusions that can be drawn from empirical results are. First, the K-Means clustering algorithm is an effective technique for sentiment clustering compared to Louveian and MDS clustering techniques. Second sentiment polarity-related positive sentiments have shown more variations in comparison to neutral and negative sentiments. Third It is possible to extract the keywords related to essential factors influencing crude oil prices using the LDA technique under topic modeling 2022 IEEE. -
Controlling Node Failure Localization in Data Networks Using Probing Mechanisms
In this paper, we prospect the potency of node failure localization in network communication from dual states (normal/fizzle) of the source to destination paths. To localize the failure nodes individually in the scheduled nodes, dissimilar path states must connect with various events of failure nodes. But, this situation is inapplicable or not easier to investigate or apply on enormous networks due to the obligation of any viable failure nodes. This objective is to deploy the set of adequate conditions for recognizing a set of failures in a set of arbitrary nodes which can be verified in a stipulated time. To avoid the above situation, probing mechanisms are assimilated additionally as a combination for network topology and locations of scrutinizes. Three probing mechanisms are considering which vary depending on measurement paths. Both the procedures can be transformed into single-node possessions by which they can be calculated effectively based on the given conditions. The exceeding measures are proposed for measuring the potency of failure localization which can be utilized for assessing the effect of different factors, which comprises topology, total monitors, and probing mechanisms. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Clinical Text Classification of Medical Transcriptions Based on Different Diseases
Clinical text classification is the process of extracting the information from clinical narratives. Clinical narratives are the voice files, notes taken during a lecture, or other spoken material given by physicians. Because of the rapid rise in data in the healthcare sector, text mining and information extraction (IE) have acquired a few applications in the previous few years. This research attempts to use machine learning algorithms to diagnose diseases from the given medical transcriptions. Proposed clinical text classification models could decrease human efforts of labeled training data creation and feature engineering and for designing for applying machine learning models to clinical text classification by leveraging weak supervision. The main aim of this paper is to compare the multiclass logistic regression model and support vector classifier model which is implemented for performing clinical text classification on medical transcriptions. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Novel Approach for Implementing Conventional LBIST by High Execution Microprocessors
The major VLS I circuits like sequential circuits, linear chips and op amps are very important elements to provide many logic functions. Today's competitive devices like cell phone, tabs and note pads are most prominent and those are used to get function the 5G related operations. In this work lower built-in self-test (LBIS T) mechanism is used to designing a microprocessor. The proposed methodology is giving performance measure like power efficiency 97.5%, improvement of delay is 2.5% and 32% development of area had been attained. This methodology attains more out performance and compete with present technology. The proposed equipment and execution for our approach requiring a constrained range overhead (lower than 3% power) over conventional LBIS T. 2022 IEEE -
Pre and Post Operative Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification for Prolonged Survival
The aim of this research was to provide a detailed overview of the techniques in detecting and segmenting meningioma brain tumor in pre- and post-operative MRI images and classify for presence of meningioma thereby giving an early diagnosis to decrease the death rate. This study examines trending techniques for brain tumour segmentation and classification in Magnetic Resonance (MR) images of pre and post-surgery. For the segmentation and anomalies in the brain categorization, several approaches such as regular machine learning techniques (K-mean bunching, Fuzzy C mean grouping etc.), Deep Learning-based approaches (CNN, ResNET, Dense Net, VGG etc.), classical algorithms (Snake contour, watershed method etc.), and hybridization approaches were applied, according to the analysis. Information base, for example, BRATS, Fig-Share, EPISURG or TCIA can be taken to gather clinical pictures which principally contains of 2 classifications, pre and post pictures of Brain tumor. The multiple processes of brain tumour segmentation methodologies, such as preprocessing, feature extraction, segmentation, and classification, are also explained in this work. The task of segmenting residual and recurrent tumors differs greatly from that of segmenting tumors on baseline scans before surgery. This study shows that each approach has its own set of pros and limitations, as well as notable findings in terms of precision, sensitivity, and specificity, according to the comparison research. The use of segmentation approaches to determine success and reliability has been discovered. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Utilization of industrial and agricultural waste materials for the development of geopolymer concrete- A review
Concrete is a highly consumed construction material. Cement is the first and foremost ingredient in the manufacture of concrete. Manufacturing of cement results in emission of an equal amount of carbon dioxide. These greenhouse gases cause global warming. The utilization of environment-friendly construction materials has been identified to be most essential to overcome environmental issues. An ecofriendly concrete such as geopolymer concrete founds to be an alternative for cement concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is a sustainable construction material as it can reduce carbon dioxide emission by utilizing industrial and agricultural waste by-products. Hence in this context, to reduce global warming, usage of cement can be minimized by replacing it with other materials such as Fly ash, Silica fume, Red mud, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, Metakaolin, Rice husk ash, Corncob ash, Sugarcane bagasse ash etc. These materials have been utilized to prepare geopolymer concrete with good mechanical strength, durability and thermal resistivity. A lot of research has gone into the development of sustainable geopolymer concrete utilizing various industrial and agricultural waste. This review paper is on the research on the utilization of industrial and agricultural waste materials to produce sustainable geopolymer concrete. 2022 -
A Survey on Arrhythmia Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Methods
The Cardiovascular conditions are now one of the foremost common impacts on human health. Report from WHO, says that in India 45% of deaths are caused due to heart diseases. So, heart disease detection has more importance. Manual auscultation was used to diagnose cardiovascular problems just a few years ago. Nowadays computer-assisted technologies are used to identify diseases. Accurate detection of the disease can make recovery simpler, more effective, and less expensive. In this proposed work, 11years of research works on arrhythmia detection using deep learning are integrated. Moreover, here presents a comprehensive evaluation of recent deep learning-based approaches for detecting heart disease. There are a number of review papers accessible that focus on traditional methods for detecting cardiac disease. This article addresses some essential approaches for categorizing ECG signal images into desired classes, such as pre-processing, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification. However, the reviewed literatures consolidated details have been summarized. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sulfamic acid catalyzed grinding: A facile one-pot approach for the synthesis of polysubstituted pyrazoles under green conditions
A competent, rapid and simple grinding procedure for the synthesis of pharmacologically relevant polysubstituted pyrazoles catalyzed by sulfamic acid is reported via multicomponent reaction of substituted arylaldehydes, 4-nitrophenylacetonitrile, hydrazine hydrate, ethyl acetoacetate under solvent-free reaction conditions. In our reported protocol, four different reactants featuring diverse functional groups are assembled in one pot, enabling the synthesis of more diverse molecular structures in a facile manner. 2022 -
The Future Warfare with Multidomain Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Research Perspective
We live in a period when historical fiction has become current reality. With our future being automated, using AI on a daily basis will only get more convenient. Making military weapons to detect, monitor, and engage a human being with attacks may all be done in the privacy of one's own garden. There is a plethora of AI software out there that can be readily integrated into combat weapons. The automobile industry is already incorporating AI into vehicles to assess driving circumstances and give augmented reality to drivers via heads-up displays in order to assist avert accidents. Similarly, artificial intelligence will be utilized to study the battlefield and give soldiers with augmented reality information via heads-up displays and weapon control systems. Since AI is not a single technology, it has been argued that it might be used by the military in a variety of ways. Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) activities, as well as processing and interpreting sensor data and geographic imaging analysis, are all examples of AI. Artificial intelligence has the potential to reduce human involvement in conflict, whether it is employed for combat robots or data analysis. AI has the potential to profoundly alter the nature of war. The article mainly focussed on warfare technologies and applications. The main aim of this review is to understand the current applications being used in armed forces and proposed technologies of artificial intelligence. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Influence of nano ?-Al2O3 as sintering aid on the microstructure of spray dried and sintered ?-Al2O3 ceramics
Alpha Alumina (?-Al2O3) has traditionally been sintered to near theoretical density by employing variations in raw material properties, particle sizes, grinding methods, compaction pressures, sintering aids or minor quantities of additives and sintering temperatures. All these parameters directly influence the grain growth morphology and microstructure of the sintered alumina ceramic characteristics. Growth of large grained microstructure facilitated by fine grinding of raw material and coalescence of the grains enhanced by dopant additions are well researched. The maximum sintered density and strength of the fired body could be attained through large grained microstructure which include near spheroidal grains. Most of the final sintering is accomplished via additions of suitable aids which also may be promoted by liquid-phase sintering which is considered highly advantageous compared to solid-state sintering for products in many defense applications. In this paper the influence of nano ?-Al2O3 (<100 nm particle size) as sintering aid to obtain the desired microstructure in sintered micron sized (1 to 5 m) ?-Al2O3 is being reported. 1.0 and 1.5 wt% nano ?- Al2O3 powder were spray dried with 99.0 and 98.5% ?-Al2O3 powder respectively, with polyvinyl alcohol binder, compacted into 10 mm dia and 5 mm thick pellets and sintered at 1450 C with 3 h soak time. In addition to the two different sintering aid additive percentages, other variables included are spray dried powders removed from (i) chamber and (ii) cyclone. The sintered ceramics were characterized for bulk density and fracture surface microstructure via SEM analysis. Nano alumina as sintering aid exhibited significant influence that included generation of microstructure with porosity, precipitation or liquid phase sintering. The study was limited to establishing the definitive role played by nano alumina to influence the sintering of micron alumina. 2022 -
An Efficient Fuzzy Logic Cluster Formation Protocol for Data Aggregation and Data Reporting in Cluster-Based Mobile Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is a procedure of outsourcing the data to an abundant range of individual workers rather than considering an exclusive entity or a company. It has made various types of chances for some difficult issues by utilizing human knowledge. To acquire a worldwide optimal task assignment scheme, the platform usually needs to collect location information of all workers. During this procedure, there is a major security concern; i.e., the platform may not be trustworthy, and so, it brings about a threat to workers location privacy. Recently, many distinguished research papers are published to address the security and privacy issues in mobile crowdsourcing. According to our knowledge, the security issues that occur in terms of data reporting were not addressed. Secure and efficient data aggregation and data reporting are the critical issue in Mobile Crowdsourcing (MCS). Cluster-based mobile crowdsourcing (CMCS) is the efficient way for data aggregation and data reporting. In this paper, we propose a novel procedure, the efficient fuzzy logic cluster formation protocol (EFLCFP) for cluster formation, and use cluster cranium (CC) for data aggregation and data reporting. We recommend a couple of secure and efficient data transmission (SET) protocols for CMCS, (i) SET-IBE uses additively homomorphic identity-based encryption system and (ii) SET-IBOOS uses the identity-based online/offline digital signature system, respectively. Then, we have widen the features of cluster cranium by increasing the propensity to achieve aggregation and reporting on the data yielded by the requesters without scarifying their privacy. Also, considering query optimization using cost and latency. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Fake News Detection: An Effective Content-Based Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques
Fake news is any information fabricated to mislead readers to spread an idea for certain gains (usually political or financial). In today's world, accessing and sharing information is very fast and almost free. Internet users are growing significantly than ever before. Therefore, online platforms are perfect grounds to spread information to a broader section of society. What could circulate between a relative few can now circulate globally overnight. This advantage also marked the increase in the number of fake news attacks by its users, which is unsuitable for a healthy society. Therefore, there is a need for good algorithms to identify and take down fake information as soon as they appear. This paper aims at solving the problem by automating the process of identifying fake news using its content. Evaluation metrics like the accuracy of correct classification, precision, recall and f1-score assess the performance of the approach. The machine learning approach achieved its best performance with 96.7 percentage accuracy, 96.2 percentage precision, 97.5 percentage recall and 96.9 percentage f1 score on the ISOT dataset. 2022 IEEE. -
Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage
India is facing the problem of the digital divide. Being developing countries and with low literacy rates, digital knowledge among the public is weak. Those who know a bit about digital operations on smartphones and computers are not having complete knowledge of data security and its peculiarities. Therefore, this study aimed to find determinants of data-privacy anxiety among Indians and to understand their stress and anxiety during the use of digital applications in their daily routines, especially amid the COVID-19 scenario. The current study adopted an inductive qualitative exploratory approach to delve into the above issues. This study employed a reflexive thematic analysis method to analyse interview data of 10 participants across young-adult to middle-adult age groups of male and female gender. Participants belonged to middle socio-economic status having urban background. The study found 6 themes and 26 subordinate themes as determinants of data-privacy anxiety. Emerging themes from the data indicated at the systemic determinants of data-security anxiety, the paradox of learned helplessness and convenience preference among participants. This paper employed the Foucauldian lens of bio-power to discuss the circumscribing function of ill-structured knowledge dissemination approaches. This paper argues in favor of a critical pedagogy approach in educating people about digital security, dealing with data-privacy anxiety, and promoting safe digital usage among all generations of Indians. It also suggests measures of modifications in policies and documentation processes of major online platforms and apps to curb uncertainty and sense of insecurity among users. 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. -
Improved Computer Vision-based Framework for Electronic Toll Collection
The world is moving towards artificial intelligence and automation because time is the most crucial asset in today's scenario. This paper proposes an automatic vehicle fingerprinting system that avoids long waiting times in toll plazas with the help of computer vision. The number plate recognition and vehicle re-identification focus on this research. Day/night IR cameras are used to get the images of the vehicle and its number plate. The VeRi776 datum, which contains real-world vehicle images, is used to facilitate the research of vehicle re-identification. The proposed framework employs Siamese model architecture to identify the attributes such as color, model, and type of vehicle. The Car License Plate Detection datum is used to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed license plate recognition system. An ensemble of image localization techniques using CNNs and application of the OCR model on the localized snapshot is used to recognize the vehicle's license plate. A combination of license plate recognition and vehicle re-identification techniques is used in the proposed framework to improve the efficiency of identifying vehicles in toll plazas 2022 IEEE.