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Beyond the basics: mapping the inflation response to fiscal deficit in India with smooth transition autoregressive model
Purpose: Indias historical fiscal performance has featured elevated deficit levels. Driven by the imperative need for fiscal stimulus measures in response to the crisis, efforts toward fiscal consolidation from 2003 to 2008 were reversed in 20082009 due to the financial crisis. These stimulus actions are believed to have wielded a notable influence on inflation dynamics. Presumably, a high inflation rate hinders growth and inflicts severe welfare costs. Accordingly, the principal objective of this paper is to scrutinise the threshold effects of fiscal deficit on inflation within the context of the Indian economy. Design/methodology/approach: We employed the Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) Model, a robust tool for capturing non-linear relationships, to discern the specific threshold level of fiscal deficit. Our analysis encompasses annual data spanning from 1971 to 2020. Additionally, we have leveraged the Toda-Yamamoto causality test to establish the existence and direction of a causal connection between fiscal deficit and inflation in the Indian economy. Findings: Our analysis pinpointed a critical threshold level of 3.40% for fiscal deficit, a value beyond which inflation dynamics in India undergo a marked transition, signifying the presence of significant non-linear effects. Moreover, the results derived from the Toda-Yamamoto causality test offer substantiating evidence of a causal relationship originating from the fiscal deficit and leading to inflation within the Indian economic framework. Research limitations/implications: The findings of our study carry significant implications, particularly for the formulation and execution of both fiscal and monetary policies. Understanding the threshold effects of fiscal deficit on inflation in India provides policymakers with valuable insights into achieving a harmonious balance between these two critical economic variables. Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first of its kind to empirically investigate threshold effects of fiscal deficit on inflation in India from a non-linear perspective using the Smooth Transition Autoregression (STAR) model. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Deciphering the non-linear nexus between government size and inflation in MENA countries: an application of dynamic-panel threshold model
Contradictory to conventional economic theory, which foresees any increase in the size of government as inflationary, this article provides evidence that the reaction of price levels to changes in the size of government is nonlinear. The price levels do not necessarily increase in response to a rise in the size of the government but only up to a certain threshold or optimal level. Accordingly, this paper utilizes the dynamic panel threshold model to examine the threshold effects of government size (measured as government final consumption expenditure as a proportion of GDP) on inflation using a sample of 10 selected MENA countries from 1980 to 2019. The findings of this study stand out in several ways. First, the results support the nonlinear relationship between government size and inflation in the study area. Second, the government sizes estimated threshold level is equivalent to 12.46%. Third, government size negatively impacts inflation in the regime of small governments up to the threshold level. The impact turns positive once the government size goes beyond the threshold level in a regime of large size of government. These findings have ramifications for the conduct of fiscal policy. Policymakers in the MENA region can increase the size of government till it reaches the threshold level without exerting any upward pressure on price levels. The Author(s) 2024. -
Need for an Evolved Groundwater Justice in Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh, India
As groundwater is the primary element of life, countries all over the world are experimenting with legal reforms. The degree to which law reforms combine justice and sustainability is a crucial question. In response to this question, the present article focuses on a case study of Uttar Pradesh, India. Our response is based on a content analysis of the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater (Management and Regulation) Act, 2019, and the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater (Management and Regulation) Rules, 2020. Three conclusions emerged from our investigation. First, the 2019 Groundwater Act and the 2020 Draft Groundwater Rules are primarily motivated by concerns about resource sustainability, particularly in areas where the water table is steadily declining. Still, neither the 2019 Groundwater Act nor the 2020 Draft Groundwater Rules propose any proactive groundwater justice measures. Second, we suggest that some locally defined basic elements are critical in supporting sustainability and to a lesser extent groundwater justice. These characteristics include a communitys ability to (1) recognize a crisis and show a willingness to address it; (2) establish a rule-bound community groundwater resource; (3) demonstrate leadership and a sense of community; and (4) make use of awareness, information, and knowledge. Our third conclusion is that there is a need for community practices and state-led groundwater law to co-evolve; this co-evolution has the potential to create groundwater arrangements that support both groundwater justice and sustainability. 2024 Technoscience Publications. All rights reserved. -
Study of triple diffusive convection in non newtonian liquids
This thesis presents the study of triple diffusive convection in two nonNewtonian liquids couple stress liquid and viscoelastic liquid of type Oldroyd-B in the presence of external constraints like rotation, gravity modulation and temperature modulation. Linear stability analysis provides the stability condition of stationary and oscillatory convection and the resultant eigen function describes the newlineconvective flow. However, linear analysis can neither help to examine the rate newlineof heat and mass transfer nor provides information on the convection newlineamplitudes. Therefore, it is also important to do nonlinear analysis. In view of newlinethis, all the problems considered in this thesis are studied for both linear and newlinenonlinear cases. The eigen value arising in the linear case for the problems newlinewithout modulation is solved by normal mode technique whereas for the problems with modulation is solved by perturbation method by adopting Venezian approach. The nonlinear study is done by using Ginzburg Landau newlinemodel for the problems with couple stress liquid whereas the nonlinear study is done by truncated representation of Fourier series by Lorenz model for the problems with viscoelastic Oldroyd-B liquid. The present study has wide range of applications in material processing, solidification of alloys, underground spreading of chemical pollutants, petroleum reservoirs, cooling of electronic devices, thermal insulation newlinematerial, crystal growth, transport of chemical substances, solar receivers, newlineinjection moulding, chemical industries, nuclear industries, bioengineering, newlineoceanography, meteorology, astrophysics, geophysics and so on. The extensive description of wide-ranging applications of triple diffusive convection in non-Newtonian liquids is accountable for the motivation of this thesis. The following four problems are carried out in this thesis: (i) EFFECT OF ROTATION ON TRIPLE DIFFUSIVE CONVECTION IN COUPLE STRESS LIQUID The effect of rotation on triple diffusive convection in couple newlinestress liquid is considered. -
Time-periodic heating in boussinesq-stokes suspension with three diffusing components
The effect of time-periodic heating in Boussinesq-Stokes suspension with three diffusing components has been carried out for the linear case. The correction Rayleigh number is obtained by applying the perturbation method to effectually control the convective flow by varying amplitude and frequency of modulation, and the eigenvalues are obtained by the Venezian approach. The time-periodic heating has been carried out for three cases: symmetric, asymmetric, and modulating only the lower boundary. It is found that the system is stable for smaller values whereas unstable for moderate values of frequency of modulation. 2021 by the authors. -
Heat and mass transfer of triple diffusive convection in boussinesq-stokes suspension using ginzburg-landau model
The nonlinear stability of triple diffusive convection in Boussinesq-Stokes suspension is analysed by using Ginzburg-Landau model. Using the Bernoulli equation obtained from Ginzburg-Landau model, Nusselt number and Sherwood numbers of different solutes are studied to quantify the heat and mass transfer. It is found that the effect of couple stress parameter is to stabilize the system. 2017 Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India. -
In silico molecular docking study of Andrographis paniculata phytochemicals against TNF-? as a potent anti-rheumatoid drug
Tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) is a proinflammatory cytokine which plays a crucial role in controlling inflammatory responses. The pathway of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) leading to TNF-alpha is activated by macrophages and quite often by natural killer cells and lymphocytes. In the inflammatory phase, it is believed to be the main mediator and to be anchored with the progression of different diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The major goal of this study is to use in silico docking studies to investigate the anti-inflammatory potential of a bioactive molecule from the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata. The three-dimensional structures of different phytochemicals of A. paniculata were obtained from PubChem database, and the receptor protein was derived from PDB database. Docking analysis was executed using AutoDock vina, and the binding energies were compared. Bisandrographolide A and Andrographidine C revealed the highest score of ?8.6 Kcal/mol, followed by, Neoandrographolide (?8.5 Kcal/mol). ADME and toxicity parameters were evaluated for these high scoring ligands and results showed that Andrographidine C could be a potent drug, whereas Neoandrographolide and Bisandrographolide A can be modified in invitro and can lead to a promising drug. Further, the top scorer (Andrographidine C) and control drug (Leflunomide) were subjected to 100 ns MD Simulation. The protein complex with Andrographidine C had more stable confirmation with lower RMSD (0.28 nm) and higher binding energy (?133.927 +/? 13.866 kJ/mol). In conclusion, Andrographidine C may be a potent surrogate to the disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) & Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that has fewer or minor adverse effects and can aid in RA management. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
A Reversible Hybrid Architecture forMultilayer Memory Cell inQuantum-Dot Cellular Automata withMinimized Area andLess Delay
CMOS innovation shows limited features when diminishing the size and region of a circuit. The burden of such a technology incorporates higher force utilization and also shows some temperature issues. Quantum-Dot Cell Automata is another innovation which is useful to defeat any of its weaknesses. The reversible rationale is innovation used to diminish the force misfortune in QCA. QCAs are utilized to plan recollections requiring a high working rate. In the following research, construction of reversible memory is proposed in QCA. It is designed by using a 3-layer innovation that altogether has an effect on the decreased size of the circuit. The reversible memory proposed here has 61% increase in cell number, with a 74% enhancement in the territory inhabitance, and 59% decrease in delay contrasted with any previous optimal designs. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Secure Communication Gateway with Parity Generator Implementation in QCA Platform
Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) has arisen as a potential option in contrast to CMOS in the late time of nanotechnology. Some appealing highlights of QCA incorporate incredibly low force utilization and dissemination, high gadget pressing thickness, high velocity (arranged by THz). QCA based plans of normal advanced modules were concentrated broadly in the ongoing past. Equality generator and equality checker circuits assume a significant part in blunder discovery and subsequently, go about as fundamental segments in correspondence circuits. In any case, not very many endeavors were made for an efficient plan of QCA based equality generator as well as equality checker circuits up until now. In addition, these current plans need functional feasibility as they bargain a ton with normally acknowledged plan measurements like territory, postponement, intricacy, and manufacture cost. This article depicts new plans of equality generator and equality checker circuits in QCA which beat every one of the current plans as far as previously mentioned measurements. The proposed plans can likewise be effortlessly reached out to deal with an enormous number of contributions with a straight expansion in territory and inactivity. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Performance Analysis of Logical Structures Using Ternary Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (TQCA)-Based Nanotechnology
Ternary Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (TQCA) is a developing nanotechnology that guarantees lower power utilization and littler size, with quicker speed contrasted with innovative transistor. In this article, we are going to propose a novel architecture of level-sensitive scan design (LSSD) in TQCA. These circuits are helpful for the structure of numerous legitimate and useful circuits. Recreation consequences of proposed TQCA circuits are developed by utilizing such QCA designer tool. In realization to particular specification, we need to find the parameter values by using Schrodinger equation. Here, we have optimized the different parameter in the equation of Schrodinger. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A review on quantum utility for secure authentication protocol towards cryptographic standard in quantum dot cellular automata
QCA, which stands for Quantum Dot-Cellular Automata, is a nanotechnology model that offers an alternative solution to the widely used CMOS technology. Unlike CMOS, QCA is a semiconductor-less technology that transmits information based on the charge of electrons and the electrostatic repulsion between them. This technology provides several advantages over CMOS, including higher device density, faster switching speed, and lower power consumption. When it comes to cryptographic applications, QCA circuits can be extremely useful. Both encryption and decryption processes can be implemented using logic circuits based on QCA. The research paper describes a basic method for generating ciphertext in QCA, which is useful in secure nano communication based on QCA. The paper discusses how to achieve secure authentication in encrypted communication using QCA. To evaluate the performance and test the proposed method, the researchers used the QCA Designer-2.0.3 tool. This is a software tool specifically designed for designing and simulating QCA circuits. It enables researchers to model and analyze the behavior of QCA-based systems, allowing them to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of their proposed encryption technique. Overall, the research paper aims to present a secure encryption method using QCA and demonstrates its implementation and testing using the QCA Designer-2.0.3 tool. By leveraging the unique properties of QCA, such as high device density and low power consumption, the researchers aim to provide a novel approach for secure nano communication and cryptographic applications. Taru Publications. -
A survey of blockchain: concepts, applications and challenges
With the development of Bitcoin, organisations, be it businesses or institutions, are centring on leveraging Bitcoins blockchain technology to non-monetary based applications to improve efficiency of the activities. Having various benefits like anonymity, decentralised, audibility etc. Blockchain technology can be vastly implemented in various sectors other than financial too. This paper gives an overview the blockchain technology. It briefs about various technical concepts used in the blockchain, its types and where it can be used. It also discusses some proposed applications of the technology and tools or frameworks that can be used to develop such. It also presents the limitations of the technology. Copyright 2023 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Detection and Classification of Colorectal Polyp Using Deep Learning
Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the third most dangerous cancer in the world and also increasing day by day. So, timely and accurate diagnosis is required to save the life of patients. Cancer grows from polyps which can be either cancerous or noncancerous. So, if the cancerous polyps are detected accurately and removed on time, then the dangerous consequences of cancer can be reduced to a large extent. The colonoscopy is used to detect the presence of colorectal polyps. However, manual examinations performed by experts are prone to various errors. Therefore, some researchers have utilized machine and deep learning-based models to automate the diagnosis process. However, existing models suffer from overfitting and gradient vanishing problems. To overcome these problems, a convolutional neural network- (CNN-) based deep learning model is proposed. Initially, guided image filter and dynamic histogram equalization approaches are used to filter and enhance the colonoscopy images. Thereafter, Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) is used to efficiently detect and classify colorectal polyps from colonoscopy images. Finally, fully connected layers with dropouts are used to classify the polyp classes. Extensive experimental results on benchmark dataset show that the proposed model achieves significantly better results than the competitive models. The proposed model can detect and classify colorectal polyps from the colonoscopy images with 92% accuracy. 2022 Sushama Tanwar et al. -
Computer-based Intelligence and Security
There is a massive increase in the incidence of cyberattacks day by day in the modern enterprise environment. Although humans are behind this task due to the rapid growth in the incidence human intervention is unable to control this. Therefore, something more than human intervention is required to have a check over it. With cyberattacks evolving at a rapid pace and with the increase in the use of devices in todays world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help to have a check over cybercrime incidences, automate the process of detection of threat, and handle these in a better way as compared to the conventional methods used for controlling cybercrime and cyberattack. AI and ML has shown good results in data information security as these technologies are capable of analyzing a large and wide variety of data and can track threats related to cyberattacks that may cause phishing attacks. As these technologies are capable of learning and improving from past experiences, they can even predict and tell the new variety of attacks that may occur in the coming days. This chapter describes the use of AI in controlling cyberattacks and cybercrime and the expert views on this matter. 2024 selection and editorial matter, S. Vijayalakshmi, P. Durgadevi, Lija Jacob, Balamurugan Balusamy, and Parma Nand; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Detection of colorectal cancer using dilated convolutional network via Raman spectra
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in improving patient outcomes and reducing mortality rates. In recent years, Raman spectroscopy has emerged as a promising tool for non-invasive cancer detection. This research introduces a new method for identifying colorectal cancer (CRC). It combines Raman spectroscopy, a technique that analyzes the molecular fingerprint of tissues, with a powerful deep learning algorithm called a dilated convolutional network (DCN). By combining these two tools, the researchers aim to improve the accuracy and reliability of diagnosing CRC. Intraoperative diagnostics and pathology need to distinguish tumors from normal tissues. This proposal explores Raman spectroscopy as a new surgical tool for identifying colorectal cancer during surgery. Raman spectroscopy offers a way to directly analyze the makeup of tissue, potentially revealing the presence of cancer. However, surrounding tissue can create background interference, making it difficult to detect the key signal. The authors suggest that high-quality data from Raman spectroscopy combined with advanced deep learning algorithms could be a solution to overcome this challenge. We collect a large Raman spectroscopy dataset from 26 colorectal cancer patients with Raman shifts from 385 to 1545 cm-1. Second, dilated convolutional networks classify colorectal cancer tumour tissues. Following the deep learning model's output, we proceed by visualizing and analyzing the identified fingerprint peaks. Our deep learning algorithm exceeds previous colorectal cancer detection methods with 99.1% accuracy. Colorectal cancer detection using Raman spectra is unique. Our ensemble DCN could classify colorectal tumour and normal tissue Raman spectra. 2024 Author(s). -
Social media influencers: literature review, trends and research agenda
Purpose: This study aims to provide a holistic review of social media influencers (SMIs) research based on a unique approach of bibliometric analysis and content analysis between 2011 and 2020. The review examines the main influential aspects, themes and research streams to identify research directions for the future. Design/methodology/approach: The sample selection and data collection were done from the Scopus database. The sample dataset was refined based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria to determine the final dataset of 183 articles. The dataset was exported in the BibTeX format and then imported into the BiblioShiny app for bibliometric analysis. The content analysis was done following the theory-context-methodology framework. Findings: The several findings of this study include (1) Co-word analysis of most used keywords; (2) Longitudinal thematic evolution; (3) The focus of the research papers as per the theory-context-methodology review protocol are persuasion knowledge model, fashion and beauty industries, Instagram and content analysis, respectively; and (4) The network analysis of the research studies is known as the co-citation analysis and depicts the intellectual structure in the domain. This analysis resulted in four clusters of the research streams from the literature and two emergent themes (Chen etal., 2010) Originality/value: In general, the previous reviews in the area are either domain, method or theory-based. Thus, this study aims to complement and extend the existing literature by presenting the overall picture of the SMI research with the help of a unique combined approach and further highlighting the trends and future research directions based on the findings of this study. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Gaze and Queer Autonomy? Representations and Possibilities on New Visual Media Landscapes in the Indian Context
Representations of sexuality in Indian mainstream cinema tend to reinforce sexual differences, imbalances, and certain stereotypes that put queer identities in a disadvantageous position. The shift and transition from the monopoly of the state to an era of popular forms of entertainment enabled the centrality of debates on representations and sexuality. The study examines the representations of queerness that flourished on new visual media landscapes such as the OTT platforms Netflix and Amazon Prime Video that engaged in a new dialogue on queer representations and possibilities. The study attempts to analyze Super Deluxe (2019), Made in Heaven (2019) and Ajeeb Daastans (2021), as they become the representative form of cinema that marked the shift and engaged in a new dialogue on queer representations and possibilities. The study reads queer representation in light of the frameworks of gaze and homophyly to understand why they might offer different opportunities for representation and gaze. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Cultural Violence, Violent Gendering, and Abjection: Discourses on Sites of Violence through Trans Womens Narratives from India
The conventional cultural construct of gender and sexuality embedded in the dichotomous paradigm makes it challenging for people with queer and trans identities to fit into an assigned social role. Violent gendering takes place where women are seen as secondorder beings, disciplined and controlled by men, the first-order beings. The process of feminization and femininity is linked to women, which fixates on the idea that one is born a woman rather than one becomes a woman. This violent process of acculturation to these set norms comes with a lot of vulnerability for trans people in the form of abiding by the parameters of femininity and the threat of physical violence against their intersecting and transitioning bodies. Kristevas conception of abjection can be used to understand the discriminatory behavior against outcasts whose sexual or gender practices fall outside of the normative standards and conventions. At the same time, cultural violence, which Charlotte Bunch (2015) describes, is the culturally embedded practice and assumption of domination over women in virtually all societies. She also emphasizes that there is a need to understand that all violence against women is supported by cultural attitudes, which she argues is the real cultural challenge of violence. Keeping in perspective the idea put forth by Bunch, this article critically examines the violence reinforced by culture, and the process of gendering, with a central focus on the intersectional experiences of trans bodies as abject between gender, sex, and culture. This leads to the systematic violence enacted upon them by the invisible disciplinarians. The article considers 21st-century trans womens narratives, Laxmi Narayan Tripathis Me Hijra, Me Laxmi (2015) and Red Lipstick: The Men in my Life (2016). This article contextualizes and situates trans narratives, which provide insight into how trans womens bodies are seen as abject and have gone through the violent process of gendering and culturing 2022 Journal of International Womens Studies -
Female masculinities and women of third nature: Analyzing the gender and sexual politics of identity and visibility of alternative masculinities through indian mythologies and literary narratives
Alternative sexualities have been a part of the Indian past since time immemorial, and mention of them is often visible in Sanskrit mythological texts. As much as the presence of hijras and other gendered cultural identities is in Indian and Western public discourses, there is a narrow space occupied by women of the third kind with female masculinities, with scant attention leading to the higher invisibility of women of the third kind. Female masculinity is often considered a "rejected shred, " while male masculinity is seen as real and heroic. This chapter focuses on "masculinity without men" to explore alternative masculinities-the concept popularized by Judith Halberstam (Judith Halberstam, Female Masculinity. Zubaan Books, New Delhi, 1998). We delve into the politics of alternative modes of enactment and production where male masculinity is embedded. This chapter centers on female masculinity and alternative forms of masculinities performed, enacted, and embodied by female individuals as reflected in the Indian past and mythology. This chapter further delves into identifying histories and representations of female masculinities in Indian literature to bring female masculinities and women of the third kind into academic discourse. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. All rights reserved.